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The Angela Montano Hour: Prayer on the Air

The Angela Montano Hour: Prayer on the Air

By Angela Montano

Prayer is an instinct to reach beyond the perceptions that cause us to suffer. In this podcast, Angela Montano invites listeners to allow prayer to renew the mind and open the heart.
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#103: Everything Works Without Fear

The Angela Montano Hour: Prayer on the AirDec 19, 2023

#121: Magnificence: Future Tendencies vs Past Tendencies

#121: Magnificence: Future Tendencies vs Past Tendencies

Step into a world where we explore how we often look forward to tomorrow or back to yesterday instead of savoring today. Join us as we explore the intricate interplay between our inclinations towards the future and our nostalgia for the past.

In this episode, we'll talk about how we tend to focus on what's coming or what's already passed, missing out on the amazing things happening right in front of us. We'll discuss the power of little things, like a single finger, and how they can hold so much wonder if we take the time to notice.

Through friendly chats, we'll challenge ourselves to let go of worries about what's next or what's already happened and instead embrace the magnificence of the present. So, join us as we shift our perspective and learn to enjoy the magic of now.

Jun 03, 202401:08:45
#120: Waking Up My Separate Self

#120: Waking Up My Separate Self

Waking Up My Separate Self

In this episode of "Prayer on the Air," host Angela Montano delves deep into the profound journey of spiritual awakening and self-awareness. Angela explores the concept of the "separate self," the part of us that feels isolated and disconnected from the divine and others. Through personal anecdotes and thoughtful reflections, she guides us in recognizing and embracing this aspect of ourselves.

Join Angela as she leads a powerful prayer session aimed at dissolving fear and awakening to the subtle, ever-present movement of divine love. This episode is an invitation to tune into the deeper currents of life, to trust in the omnipresent love that surrounds us, and to remember our inherent connection to all that is.

Whether you are new to this journey or have been on the path for a while, "Waking Up My Separate Self" offers insights and practices to help you live in a state of grace, trust, and oneness with the divine. Tune in and awaken to the profound truth that only love is real.

May 27, 202401:00:33
#119: From Ego to Gratitude: The Power of Prayer in Daily Life

#119: From Ego to Gratitude: The Power of Prayer in Daily Life

In this heartfelt episode, we welcome both newcomers and regular participants to a deep exploration of prayer's transformative power.

Starting with an opening prayer that guides us beyond the ego’s illusions, we align with divine love, seeking miracles and shifts in perception. Angela shares a personal anecdote, reflecting on how small, ego-driven dramas can transform into moments of gratitude through prayer.

We then open the floor to participants. One shares the emotional journey of a sister’s breast cancer diagnosis, receiving comfort and divine guidance in Angela's response. Another discusses a struggle with surrender, drawing wisdom from Angela’s empathetic counsel and a shared prayer for embracing love’s subtle, ever-present guidance.

Join us in this sacred space as we collectively align with our true nature, embracing the limitless good and divine grace always available to us. May our shared prayers bring forth healing, acceptance, and profound miracles. Amen.

May 20, 202401:05:52
#118: Invitation to Spiritual Introspection

#118: Invitation to Spiritual Introspection

Join Angela Montano on a soul-stirring episode of "Prayer on the Air," where she leads listeners through a profound exploration of faith, trust, and the omnipresence of love. Through heartfelt prayer and introspection, Angela invites us to recognize the perpetual movement of love in our lives, even amidst moments of fear and uncertainty. Drawing from personal revelations and spiritual insights, she encourages us to release judgment, embrace non-judgmental attitudes, and open ourselves to the transformative power of love. Delving into the essence of prayer beyond religious boundaries, Angela shares wisdom on trusting life's unfolding, finding peace in the midst of challenges, and surrendering to the divine with faith and grace. Journey with Angela as she unveils the beauty of embracing the unknown and living from a place of deep trust in the inherent perfection of existence.

May 13, 202401:03:56
#117: Prayer, Love, God´s Presence

#117: Prayer, Love, God´s Presence

Take a moment to initiate your week with purpose, incorporating prayers for today and embracing the journey to learn how to pray effectively. Start by seeking spiritual insights and prayers for daily guidance, understanding the transformative potential of prayer for help in navigating life's challenges. Cultivate a daily effective prayer life, unlocking its power to bring healing and transformation to your consciousness. Join us on this journey to learn how to pray and embrace a powerful prayer practice, where you can pray more and worry less, finding profound peace in the limitless love that surrounds us. Angela gently reminds us that it's often our thoughts about events, rather than the events themselves, that cause suffering. With each breath, she encourages us to align with the love that permeates every aspect of existence. As Angela guides listeners through a series of reflections, she invites them to embrace the unknown with humility and openness. She shares insights on the transformative potential of questioning our fear-based narratives and surrendering to the boundless mystery of life. With warmth and compassion, Angela creates a sacred space for listeners to explore their own inner landscape, inviting them to release resistance and welcome the unfolding journey of love and acceptance.

May 06, 202401:04:49
#116: "In The Love": Stories of Resilience and Unity in Community Prayer

#116: "In The Love": Stories of Resilience and Unity in Community Prayer

Step into a world of shared vulnerability and unwavering support in our latest live-call Podcast episode. Angela invites participants to open their hearts, share their struggles, and find solace in the power of collective prayer.
Listeners courageously lay bare their challenges and triumphs, weaving a tapestry of resilience and unity. It is amazing how they face health crises and seek inner clarity.
This episode illuminates the transformative power of empathy, active listening, and the healing balm of unity. Exploration of human connection is the key.

Apr 22, 202401:11:57
#115: Discovering Grace Beyond Fear

#115: Discovering Grace Beyond Fear

Join us in this profound episode as we embark on a journey of inner exploration and surrender. We start by closing our eyes, shutting out the external distractions, and turning within to embrace the inner light of awareness and love. Through the gentle rhythm of our breath, we soften the grip of fear and cultivate compassion and courage to face our inner struggles.

Our guests share their insights on the importance of relinquishing control and embracing life's experiences with humility and openness. They discuss the concept of survival on a spiritual level and the liberation that comes from letting go of egoic attachments.

Together, we engage in prayerful reflection on ego death and surrendering control, affirming the abundance of life and encouraging trust in the present moment.

Through heartfelt conversations with Zara and Valerie, we explore themes of financial worries, self-discovery, and the courage to embrace stillness and trust in divine guidance.

As we conclude with a closing prayer, we affirm that every single thing in our lives works together for good, inviting listeners to tap ever deeper into the grace that they are. Join us on this transformative journey of surrender and spiritual growth.

Apr 16, 202401:17:25
#114: Terror, Mystery, Transformation: Angela's Insights

#114: Terror, Mystery, Transformation: Angela's Insights

"Terror, Mystery, Transformation: Angela's Insights" delves into Angela's exploration of fear, mystery, and transformation within the prayer session. Throughout the episode, Angela emphasizes the importance of unity, surrendering fear to love, and tapping into the intelligence of the heart. She reflects on the power of prayer as a collective force for positive change and connects it to themes of unity and the pursuit of spiritual growth. Angela engages in dialogues with others to explore embracing mystery, letting go of control, and finding solace amidst uncertainty. The episode encapsulates Angela's profound insights and offers listeners a journey towards personal transformation and spiritual enlightenment.

Apr 08, 202401:08:28
#113: Deep Acceptance and Openness

#113: Deep Acceptance and Openness

In this emotional episode, Angela emphasizes the importance of deep acceptance and openness, encourages letting go of judgment and division, and discusses living in faith, which involves withholding conclusions and allowing what is to arise without judgment. Throughout the dialogue, Angela and the participants explore various aspects of acceptance, including embracing uncertainty, releasing judgment, and cultivating inner peace regardless of external circumstances. Overall, acceptance emerges as a central theme in the podcast episode.

Throughout the episode, Angela guides conversations on living in faith and transitioning from dualistic thinking to a more expansive perspective. Drawing from personal reflections, she shares insights on acceptance and the profound impact of love in our lives.

In poignant exchanges, Angela discusses the concept of unconditional love and the importance of releasing judgment with participants, fostering an atmosphere of trust and understanding.

As the episode progresses, participants share their challenges and seek guidance on navigating life's uncertainties. Themes of trust, acceptance, and divine support resonate deeply, offering valuable insights and inspiration.

Towards the end, Angela leads a heartfelt prayer for a participant facing a significant life event, offering reassurance and encouragement. Through her compassionate guidance, participants find solace in trusting the power of love and divine guidance.

Join us on "Embracing Faith and Love" as Angela leads a journey towards greater acceptance, trust, and love. Tune in for uplifting conversations and profound wisdom that nourish the soul and inspire spiritual growth.

🌳 Linktree:

💬 Your feedback is our inspiration! Share your thoughts, comments, or suggestions via email, and let's make every episode more enriching together. Join us on this journey, and let the conversations unfold!


Apr 01, 202401:11:00
#112: Heartbreaking Bliss

#112: Heartbreaking Bliss

Join us for an enlightening episode titled "Heartbreaking Bliss," where we delve into the intricacies of human experience and spiritual growth.

  • Surrendering to Faith: Explore the transformative power of surrendering to faith and embracing uncertainty.
  • The Wisdom of Stories: Uncover profound insights through the story of Byron Katie, offering lessons on acceptance and judgment.
  • Embracing Gratitude and Anger: Reflect on the significance of sincere gratitude and the hidden messages within anger.
  • Prioritizing Perspectives: Contemplate the shifting priorities amidst loss and adversity, and the unexpected lessons they bring.
  • Relationships and Judgment: Examine how judgment impacts our connections with others, inspired by the experiences shared.
  • Loving What Is: Explore the essence of embracing reality and finding peace in loving what arises, despite its challenges.

Tune in as we navigate Life's Depths: Insights on Faith, Gratitude, and Acceptance.

Mar 26, 202401:18:42
#111: Radiant Emptiness

#111: Radiant Emptiness

🌳 Linktree:

💬 Your feedback is our inspiration! Share your thoughts, comments, or suggestions via email, and let's make every episode more enriching together. Join us on this journey, and let the conversations unfold!


In this profound episode of "Radiant Emptiness," Angela guides listeners through faith, prayer, and profound self-discovery. The discussion begins with a poignant reflection on suffering, challenging the notion that some people suffer more than others, ultimately revealing that all suffering stems from resistance to reality.

Angela encourages listeners to let life unfold naturally, allowing themselves to be guided by the flow of existence rather than resisting it. Through prayer requests and heartfelt discussions, the episode explores themes of transformation, trauma, and the power of revelation to catalyze lasting change.

Listeners are invited to delve into the depths of their authenticity, embracing their emotions and experiences without judgment or resistance. Angela shares personal insights on the evolution of her relationship with prayer, highlighting its profound healing effects and the importance of shifting from fear to love.

As the episode progresses, participants share their own journeys of healing and growth, from grappling with trauma to finding inner peace and resilience. A space for profound transformation is created, encouraging listeners to release past traumas and embrace the infinite possibilities of the present moment.

With each prayer and reflection, the episode resonates with a sense of gratitude and hope, reminding listeners of the inherent wholeness and resilience within each of us.

"Radiant Emptiness" offers a beacon of light in the darkness, reminding us that through faith, prayer, and authentic connection, we can find healing, growth, and ultimately, inner radiance.

Mar 19, 202401:04:10
#110: Sincerity in Prayer: From Confusion to Clarity

#110: Sincerity in Prayer: From Confusion to Clarity

🌳 Linktree:

💬 Your feedback is our inspiration! Share your thoughts, comments, or suggestions via email, and let's make every episode more enriching together. Join us on this journey, and let the conversations unfold!


This episode explores the transformative power of sincerity in prayer and the journey from confusion to clarity.

We begin by discussing the concept of holding space and the importance of paying attention to the movement of love, which is always present and active. Through reflection and refocusing our minds, we can overcome resistance and embrace a new perspective, recognizing that every day is an opportunity for renewal.

One of the key themes explored is the question: "Who was I before I was born?" This inquiry prompts deep contemplation and invites us to explore our true essence beyond the constraints of ego-driven narratives.

Throughout the episode, we touch on various topics, including the significance of contemplation, the power of gratitude in prayer, and the law of grace. We also extend our prayers to those in need, wishing peace and well-being to all.

Ultimately, the message conveyed is that sincerity in prayer opens the door to profound transformation and alignment with divine grace. By letting go of confusion and embracing clarity, we can experience a deeper connection with ourselves, each other, and the divine presence within.

Mar 04, 202401:01:37
#109: Surrender, Love, and Faith: A Powerful Combination

#109: Surrender, Love, and Faith: A Powerful Combination

During this episode, Angela shares profound insights into the intricate dance of life, where moments of beauty intertwine with challenges, and fear often arises from the illusion of lack. Drawing inspiration from Michael Singer's "The Surrender Experiment," we explore the liberating journey of surrendering to life's flow without resistance.

This spiritually enriching discussion reflects on releasing control and trusting in the divine presence. Prayer requests are shared, touching on connection, healing, and guidance amidst life's twists and turns. We reframe perceived threats as opportunities for growth, navigating through adversities with grace and resilience.

Listeners are invited to immerse themselves in prayer's transformative power, acknowledging each being's inherent perfection. Through stories of caregiving, loss, and career transitions, we discover the profound wisdom of embracing the present moment and following our intuitive guidance.

Join us on this soulful journey as we explore the essence of surrender, love, and faith, and discover the profound peace that arises when we align with the divine flow of life. Tune in to gain insights, inspiration, and practical wisdom for navigating life's complexities with grace and courage.

🌳 Linktree:

💬 Your feedback is our inspiration! Share your thoughts, comments, or suggestions via email, and let's make every episode more enriching together. Join us on this journey, and let the conversations unfold! 🚀


Feb 27, 202401:05:49
#108: Trusting the Divine Plan: Reflections on Overcoming Adversity with Love

#108: Trusting the Divine Plan: Reflections on Overcoming Adversity with Love

In this podcast episode, a thoughtful exploration into self-awareness, prayer, and finding joy in the present moment is led by the host. The importance of rejecting fear and doubt is emphasized, alongside insights into the transformative power of meditation and mindfulness.

A heartfelt conversation unfolds with a guest grappling with job insecurity and recent life challenges. Through therapy and reflection, the guest explores concepts of divine living arrangements and finding gratitude amidst adversity, including a recent car accident. The potential for blessings in unexpected events is highlighted.

The episode concludes with a powerful prayer circle, offering support to participants facing various health and financial challenges. Through shared experiences, faith, gratitude, and mindfulness are underscored as essential tools for navigating life's uncertainties.

Listeners are provided with a compassionate space to reflect on their own journeys towards self-discovery, faith, and resilience in the face of adversity.

🌳 Linktree:

💬 Your feedback is our inspiration! Share your thoughts, comments, or suggestions via email, and let's make every episode more enriching together. Join us on this journey, and let the conversations unfold! 🚀


Feb 20, 202401:01:23
#107: Discover the Hidden Power of Humility to Enhance Your Prayer

#107: Discover the Hidden Power of Humility to Enhance Your Prayer

All is well. Embark on a transformative podcast journey as we navigate challenges, revealing the profound synergy of humility and trust in uncertain times. Led by Angela Montano, explore 'all is well' and the pivotal role humility plays in embracing life's uncertainties.

Joan shares her spiritual struggles, guided by Angela's encouragement to release self-judgment and trust in oneself.

Maggie is guided by Angela to embrace vulnerability as strength, fostering trust in the present moment.

Explore abundance with Angela emphasizing humility, presence, and an appreciative mindset. Mel reflects on personal challenges, embracing acceptance amidst life's terms.

The episode closes with a powerful prayer for Sherry, celebrating her knowingness, inner listening, and role as a mayor.

Join us on this enriching journey of humility, trust, and abundance.

🌳 Linktree:

💬 Your feedback is our inspiration! Share your thoughts, comments, or suggestions via email, and let's make every episode more enriching together. Join us on this journey, and let the conversations unfold! 🚀


Feb 06, 202401:04:31
#106: Soulful Journeys: Navigating Challenges, Embracing Calm

#106: Soulful Journeys: Navigating Challenges, Embracing Calm

Embark on a spiritual odyssey with Angela and her diverse group as they navigate technical hurdles, discuss profound insights, and share personal journeys.

🏠 Navigating Challenges: Struggles with Job Loss and Homelessness. In this episode, a guest opens up about experiences with job losses, homelessness, and seeks guidance on future plans, reflecting on past challenges.

🌬️ Mindfulness and Mistakes: A Journey to Liberation. Host encourages mindfulness, challenges perceptions of mistakes, and proposes a path to liberation through acceptance.

🌟 Living Vital Through Unconditional Love: Embracing Empathy. Later, the host and another guest explore a shift from binary thinking to empathy, promoting a vital way of living grounded in unconditional love.

🌳 Linktree:

💬 Your feedback is our inspiration! Share your thoughts, comments, or suggestions via email, and let's make every episode more enriching together. Join us on this journey, and let the conversations unfold! 🚀


Jan 29, 202431:20
#105: Fearless: With God for You, Nothing Can Be Against You

#105: Fearless: With God for You, Nothing Can Be Against You

In this enlightening journey, we delve into the transformative power of prayer, discovering the art of offering up all that stands against us in the prayer field. Embracing humility, we learn to release the burdens that hinder our path.

In the heart of our discussion, we unveil the true purpose of prayer—to alleviate suffering. It's not merely a transaction with the divine for wish fulfillment, but a profound means of seeking support and solace in times of need. Prayer becomes a conduit for personal growth, a process through which we strive to improve rather than a tool to manipulate outcomes.

As we navigate the intricacies of prayer, we challenge the notion that circumstances inherently cause suffering. Instead, we unravel the revelation that it is our interpretation of circumstances that hold the key to our well-being.

We carefully listen to prayer requests received via email, followed by an interactive segment addressing live prayer requests. We seek divine guidance, embrace humility, and understand the profound impact of interpreting life's circumstances through the lens of prayer.

We welcome you to join our community! Subscribe to our website at to receive the Zoom link for our live calls and stay updated on our latest episodes. We highly value your feedback and topic suggestions, whether on Spotify, Apple Podcasts or via email at We are dedicated to creating meaningful and resonant content and appreciate your engagement.

🙏 #PrayerPower #DivineGuidance #Episode105 #SpiritualJourney

Jan 23, 202401:11:26
#104: My Primary Goal for 2024: Love What Is

#104: My Primary Goal for 2024: Love What Is

In our exciting kickoff to the year, we extend a warm welcome as we dive into a crucial topic: self-love. Join us on this empowering journey, discovering the essence of true prayer—connecting with something greater while embracing your feelings.

We delve into two specific things people often ask for help with. First, there's the desire for more connection with friends; sometimes it feels like nobody is listening. Second, we talk about overcoming fear and how it's okay to be yourself, not pretending to be someone you're not. Fear can be like a sneaky thief stealing our time and stopping us from growing.

We welcome you to join our community! Subscribe to our website at to receive the Zoom link for our live calls and stay updated on our latest episodes. We highly value your feedback and topic suggestions, whether on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or via email at We are dedicated to creating meaningful and resonant content and appreciate your engagement

Jan 16, 202401:00:02
#103: Everything Works Without Fear

#103: Everything Works Without Fear

Meditation. Love or Judge, Love or Fear. Step into the heart of our final 2023 journey as we unravel the dichotomy of love and judgment, a dance often labeled as love or fear. Fear is unmasked, revealing its vulnerability in the face of love.

Shift your focus to the rhythm of your breath, unlocking a gateway to prayer that opens the senses to the richness of the present moment, where well-being is bestowed upon us.

For those seeking healing from sickness and depression, we offer a journey toward completeness.

Delve into the enigma of supporting a troubled friend who is also a mother. Acknowledge the depth of the unknown, recognizing that sometimes caring means not having all the answers.

Contemplate the profound notion that everyone meets their end in due time. No judgment doesn't equate to indifference; it's an admission of the complexity of life. Tranquility, it turns out, is more abundant than we ever imagined.

We invite you to become a part of our community: subscribe to our website at to receive your zoom link for the live call and to stay updated on our latest episodes. Your feedback and topic suggestions on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or via email at are highly valued, as we're dedicated to crafting meaningful and resonant content.

Dec 19, 202301:07:19
#102: The Essence of Non-Dual Prayer

#102: The Essence of Non-Dual Prayer

Embark on a journey of self-discovery in our latest episode, "Non-Dual Prayer." Explore the steps of this transformative practice, from Affirmative Prayer to the power of silence. Let go of blame, relax your body, and consider the profound possibility of health. Join us in unraveling the mystery of our spiritual nature and embracing the curiosity that leads to a deeper understanding of the self. Tune in and discover the transformative power of Non-Dual Prayer, where the essence of existence unfolds beyond boundaries.

We invite you to become a part of our community: subscribe to our website at to receive your zoom link for the live call and to stay updated on our latest episodes. Your feedback and topic suggestions on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or via email at are highly valued, as we're dedicated to crafting meaningful and resonant content.

Dec 11, 202325:26
#100: Transcend Reality To Dissolve Thought Bubbles

#100: Transcend Reality To Dissolve Thought Bubbles

I invite you to close your eyes as we delve into a moment of prayer, possibility, and expansion. Our thoughts shape our existence, like thought bubbles that accompany us everywhere. In the realm of prayer, these thought bubbles, our self-made worlds, hold the potential to dissolve. Beyond the confines of 'you' and 'I,' there exists a more expansive present. To become the true authors of our lives, we must embrace the necessity of letting go.

We invite you to become a part of our community: subscribe to our website at to receive your zoom link for the live call and to stay updated on our latest episodes. Your feedback and topic suggestions on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or via email at are highly valued, as we're dedicated to crafting meaningful and resonant content.

Dec 09, 202301:00:53
#101: The Deepest and Wordless Prayer is Silence

#101: The Deepest and Wordless Prayer is Silence

Welcome to this episode. Our contemplative opening prayer invites a higher power to guide us on this transformative journey. Immerse yourself in the experience of meditating alongside Angela and our listeners. Let's cultivate growth together in Non-Dual Prayer and embrace the 'I don't know mind' during our prayers. Affirmative Prayer is the key, and gratitude becomes our instant reaction.

We invite you to join our community: subscribe to our website at to receive your Zoom link for the live call and stay updated on our latest episodes. Your feedback and topic suggestions on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or via email at are highly valued, as we're dedicated to crafting meaningful and resonant content.

Dec 05, 202359:54
#99: The Eternal Now

#99: The Eternal Now

Join today's insightful podcast as we explore the profound concept of embracing the eternal now through prayer. Delve into the transformative shift in thinking and feeling that transcends the boundaries of past and future, fostering curiosity and rewriting opinions. Discover the art of embracing, akin to a warm hug, where everything - happiness, fear, doubt, and worries - is deeply welcomed on the path to healing. Uncover the essence of our true nature, which is love, and delve into the intriguing concept of spiritual adulthood.

Additionally, we touch upon Rupert Spira´s "The Heart of Prayer," dissecting its phrases for a richer understanding of this enlightening journey. Rupert Spira is a contemporary English non-dual teacher and author, known for his teachings on the nature of consciousness and non-duality.

We invite you to become a part of our community: subscribe to our website at to receive your zoom link for the live call and to stay updated on our latest episodes. Your feedback and topic suggestions on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or via email at are highly valued, as we're dedicated to crafting meaningful and resonant content.

Nov 21, 202301:01:52
#98: Stop Idealizing, Start Living: Embrace Faith.

#98: Stop Idealizing, Start Living: Embrace Faith.

Incredibly captivating episode for listening, contemplating, and self-analysis. Meditation is the key to immersing yourself in the experience that Angela will guide you through. Truly a remarkable journey to explore and understand oneself

Our host shares a deep love for prayer and delves into its definition, revealing it as a trigger word synonymous with communion and union. Tune in as we uncover the profound healing nature of all prayers, regardless of their intent.

We keep going into the Idealization concept, and a crucial insight emerges: never place anything before God. God signifies presence, an incredible power felt in the here and now. Learn to release attachments to what should or shouldn't be; a perpetual quest that often leaves us unsatisfied.

Avoid idealization by adopting a childlike perspective, opening the door to the kingdom of God. We come to understand that within love, there exists an order, a divine order. Our troubles and problems, in some inexplicable way, are perfectly orchestrated.

To fully embrace this divine order, we're encouraged to rest mentally and emotionally in God, interpreted as resting in faith. Faith, allows us to let what is naturally arise. Join us as we explore the art of resting in faith, surrendering to the divine presence, and immersing ourselves in the mysteries that unfold.

We invite you to become a part of our community: subscribe to our website at to receive your zoom link for the live call and to stay updated on our latest episodes. Your feedback and topic suggestions on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or via email at are highly valued, as we're dedicated to crafting meaningful and resonant content.

Nov 14, 202301:01:20
#97: The Energy of Prayer: Is it Grace or Fantasy?

#97: The Energy of Prayer: Is it Grace or Fantasy?

After some weeks of absence, we came back to have an amazing experience of collective prayer. We face the fear of repeating the past again. We also explore the mystical world of shared prayer, energy, and the intriguing concept of grace. Can our prayers truly impact others, or is it just a fantasy? Our journey ends by focusing on the challenges of caregiving for loved ones with Parkinson's, exploring the strength of unity in difficult times.

Rest assured, if your prayer request wasn't mentioned, it's included in our collective prayer.

We invite you to become a part of our community: subscribe to our website at to receive your zoom link for the live call and to stay updated on our latest episodes. Your feedback and topic suggestions on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or via email at are highly valued, as we're dedicated to crafting meaningful and resonant content.

Nov 07, 202356:48
#96: Weddings, Addiction, The Health of our Loved Ones...and Prayer

#96: Weddings, Addiction, The Health of our Loved Ones...and Prayer

We kick off with an opening prayer, reminding us that something magnificent is always unfolding, and "Amen" signifies our affirmation of it.

In our introduction, we highlight the importance of communal prayer, emphasizing that someone is always listening and praying alongside us. Fear may suggest something is missing, but love reassures us.

First, a listener eagerly approaching their wedding requests prayers for a fear-free, ego-free celebration while emphasizing the importance of letting go and embracing the spontaneity of God's love. In Prayer Request 2, a listener seeks safety for her mother, stressing that we are never truly alone and encouraging the embrace of the unknown with love. Prayer Request 3 touches on a listener's concern for their brother battling alcoholism. Lastly, Prayer Request 4 focuses on a daughter going through a separation, asking for emotional strength, emphasizing that love surpasses surface-level challenges and that prayer is about holding difficult situations with love, not fixing them with the mind. Join us in this episode as we delve into the power of family prayers and the strength they bring to various life situations.

Sep 19, 202301:05:02
#95: Can I Bow My Head to My Heart?

#95: Can I Bow My Head to My Heart?

In this soul-searching episode, we begin with an introspective prayer, inviting you to shift from critical thinking to a place of deep inner connection. Throughout the episode, we explore four poignant prayer requests, including the desire for attention, the contemplation of 'letting go and letting God,' a compassionate remembrance of 9/11, and the transformative power of collective prayer in bridging communication gaps.

As we conclude this episode, we gather our collective intentions and offer a heartfelt prayer for Carlos, who recently suffered a heart attack, and is recovering. Join us on this journey as we explore these themes and seek to bridge the gap between head and heart in the beautiful movie of life.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Sep 12, 202301:09:19
#94: You are Being Loved
Sep 04, 202301:02:18
#93: Elevate Your Life Through Prayer

#93: Elevate Your Life Through Prayer

Let this podcast episode be your guide. We explore, learn, and resonate together in 'Elevate Your Life Through Prayer'. Join us in an exploration that transcends the confines of 'good' and 'bad,' unveiling the transformative power of prayer. Discover a space where performing for a higher power gives way to being embraced as you are—wordy and imperfectly human. Also, we conclude that happiness isn't a possession.

Later we delve into the art of living, finding solace in the act of prayer. From deciphering life's intricacies to living it fully, learn how prayer awakens us to the vivid tapestry of the present moment.

In this episode, prayer takes the center stage. Through gratitude, explore the transformative essence of a new home—a realization of dreams, where 'om' resides within the walls. Contemplate the beauty of journeying through life, rather than focusing solely on the destination.

Feel the significance of our fathers' presence through a heartfelt prayer, acknowledging their miraculous role in our lives. Join the celebration of life through prayer, enveloping an assistant's birthday in warmth and joy.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Aug 29, 202301:06:40
#92: Journey of Compassion

#92: Journey of Compassion

Welcome to an episode where compassion and self-discovery intertwine through the force of prayer. Our contemplative opening prayer invites a greater power to guide us on this transformative journey.

Delving into our introduction, we explore the struggle of embracing our inner critic and finding compassion amidst feelings of being stuck and afraid. We challenge the constructs of 'right' and 'wrong' shaped by survival instincts and advocate for embracing life's occurrences with love and openness. Transitioning, we reflect on the beauty of praying for colleagues we may not personally know, traversing boundaries through prayer's transcendence. Our focus shifts to seeking immediate divine employment, unveiling the power of prayer to connect us with universal consciousness. Addressing climate change, we find strength in acknowledging a vast higher power amid fear and tragedy, nurturing unity and compassion. As we conclude with a closing prayer, gratitude fills the air, blessing the week ahead with joy. Join us in this episode's exploration of compassion, prayer, and a journey towards understanding, unity, and connection.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Aug 21, 202301:00:55
#91: Humility

#91: Humility

Welcome to a profound and transformative episode of our enlightening prayer podcast. Join us as we embark on a collective journey toward embracing humility, love, and self-discovery. Our introductory prayer sets a powerful intention, inviting us to transcend the limitations of "I know" and embrace the expansiveness of "I don't know." Together, we channel love and compassion to illuminate every facet of our lives.

In this episode, we delve into the dynamic interplay between love and fear. Explore the inherent wisdom that assures us of possessing all that we need within, countering the fear-driven impulse to seek externally. Reflect on the Universe's unwavering affirmation of "Yes" and the constriction of fear's resounding "No," inspiring us to plumb the depths of our hearts.

We then turn our focus to a heartfelt prayer request, delving into the profound concept of self-trust. Peel away the layers of uncertainty that shroud our ability to trust ourselves, and engage with four empowering statements designed to unlock our inner wisdom and intuition.

Continuing our journey, we address a pressing prayer request that resonates deeply with today's world—marked by political divides and disharmony. We yearn for compassion and a pervasive presence of love to mend these rifts, aspiring to serve as bridges of healing and unity. Discover the profound impact of being a unifying force in times of fragmentation, and grasp how each act of love and understanding contributes to the healing of our shared human experience.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Aug 07, 202356:25
#90: The Life of Possibilities Rather Than Probabilities

#90: The Life of Possibilities Rather Than Probabilities

Welcome to an extraordinary and enlightening journey of prayer and self-discovery. Join us as we delve deep into the mystical realm of non-dual prayer, unlocking the secrets of a life brimming with boundless possibilities instead of being bound by limiting probabilities.

At the heart of this episode lies a profoundly intriguing prayer work with a heartfelt request from a listener, seeking solace amidst the fear of loss and the longing for what's missing. Together, we embark on an insightful analysis, uncovering the silver linings and hidden blessings within challenging situations.

Drawing inspiration from the timeless wisdom of being like a child to enter the Kingdom of God, we unravel the enigma of limitless possibilities. Casting away the shackles of mere probabilities, we bask in the sheer potential of every moment, fostering a sense of wonder and awe in the face of life's mysteries.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Jul 31, 202357:45
#89: That Which Is Too Vast To Be Named

#89: That Which Is Too Vast To Be Named

Unveiling the Unnameable: An Immersive Quest into the Infinite Nature of God. Prepare to be captivated by an awe-inspiring episode as we embark on an immersive quest to explore the essence of the divine – "That Which Is Too Vast To Be Named." Together, we venture into the depths of the enigmatic nature of God, peering into the infinite and the boundless. Following an uplifting introductory prayer, we open the floor to all participants, warmly inviting them to share their prayer requests. United in spirit, we raise our collective intentions to the heavens, forming a powerful wave of devotion that resonates with the infinite.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Jul 25, 202301:03:17
#88: Letting Go of 'SHOULD: Embracing Freedom and Authenticity in Prayer

#88: Letting Go of 'SHOULD: Embracing Freedom and Authenticity in Prayer

In this captivating episode of our prayer podcast, we invite you to embark on a journey of letting go and embracing a life free from the burdensome weight of "should." Join us as we explore the profound impact of releasing societal expectations and rediscovering our authentic selves through the power of prayer.

Prayer Request 1: Unmasking the Mystery Within - Delve into the depths of introspection as we question the nature of our own inaction. Explore the fascinating concept that everything is perfect when we choose to perceive it as such. Discover the liberation that comes from shifting our focus from the assumption of how things should happen to embrace the beauty of the process. We also discuss the significance of taking time for self-care, including the rejuvenating power of vacations.

Prayer Request 2: Cultivating Inner Peace - Experience the transformative power of prayer as we seek peace within ourselves and radiate it to the world around us. Let us guide you in making peace your primary goal for today, exploring practical ways to nurture tranquility amidst the chaos of daily life.

Prayer Request 3: Compassion and Forgiveness - Open your heart to the transformative qualities of compassion and forgiveness. Learn the art of deep listening and the miraculous effects it can have on our relationships. Together, we explore the path of supporting others and offer prayers for strength and humility to extend forgiveness to those who have caused us pain.

Join us as we embark on this empowering journey of self-discovery, liberation, and connection through prayer. Experience the joy of freeing yourself from the constraints of "should" and embrace a life filled with authenticity and freedom. This episode is filled with insights, strategies, and heartfelt conversations to inspire personal growth and foster a deep spiritual connection.

Don't miss out on this enlightening Prayer Podcast Episode. Tune in now to discover the transformative power of prayer and learn how letting go of "should" can lead to a life filled with authenticity, freedom, and joy.

We invite you to join us for an upcoming podcast episode, every Monday at 10:00 AM PST, where we delve into the power of prayer and the beauty of faith.

Subscribe to my website to receive the link, or comment on the post and I will help you! We welcome you with open hearts and minds.

If you have any suggestions for topics you'd like us to cover in future episodes, please feel free to share your thoughts with us on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or by email at! We always welcome your feedback and ideas and want to ensure we're creating content that you find interesting and informative.

Jul 17, 202357:55
#87: Transforming Daily Struggles

#87: Transforming Daily Struggles

In this captivating episode of our prayer channel, we compassionately delve into the realm of everyday challenges that often burden our hearts. We explore the profound power of prayers and spiritual practices, designed to bring solace and transformation to common issues such navigating as difficult work dynamics, body image dissatisfaction, supporting loved ones through illness, and coping with complex/sensitive situations of our children. Join us as we unite in prayer to unlock the reservoir of hope, love, and resilience within us.

Introductory Prayer; 15:00 - Difficult Work Dynamics; 23:00 - Loving Our Bodies: A Journey to Self-Acceptance; 34:00 - Strength in Difficult Times: Embracing Life's Challenges; 48:00 - Complex/Sensitive Situations Of Our Children; Closing Prayer.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Jul 10, 202358:21
#86: Let Everything Be Okay

#86: Let Everything Be Okay

Welcome to our latest podcast episode! Today we delve into the realms of prayer, spirituality, and mindfulness. Join us as we embark on a transformative journey, exploring topics such as finding serenity amidst life's challenges, embracing the power of acceptance, and discovering the profound beauty of self-emptying and spirit-field prayer. Get ready to be inspired as we navigate the complexities of unrecognized efforts and find solace in the depths of hopelessness. Together, let us uncover the divine essence that resides within us all.

Introductory prayer; 10:00 Prayer 1: Embracing Inner Peace and Letting Go; Explore the transformative practice of letting everything be okay, even when the ego tries to convince us otherwise. Discover the power of embracing inner peace and finding serenity amidst life's challenges; 23:00 Prayer 2: Finding Strength and Healing Amidst Cancer Diagnosis. Witness the remarkable miracle of "okayness" and "all rightness" as we delve into the journey of supporting a friend diagnosed with cancer. Discover how to find strength, healing, and hope in the face of adversity; 26:00 Prayer 3: Self-Emptying and Spirit Field Prayer for Spiritual Growth. Delve into the captivating realm of self-emptying and spirit-field prayer. Explore the transformative potential of these practices for deepening your spiritual connection and personal growth; 32:00 Prayer 4: Embracing Resilience and Overcoming Rejection in Pursuit of Goals. Explore the challenges of unrecognized efforts and rejection while working towards your goals. Discover how to cultivate resilience, persevere, and find fulfillment despite setbacks; 46:00 Prayer 5: Navigating Hopelessness with Compassion and Supporting a Friend with Dementia. Explore the depths of emotions as we address feelings of hopelessness and learn to navigate them with compassion. Discover strategies for supporting a friend with dementia and managing difficult relationships; Beautifull closing prayer between all of us!

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Jul 03, 202301:01:48
#85: Let Prayer bring healing when your feelings are hurt

#85: Let Prayer bring healing when your feelings are hurt

We delve into the profound impact of prayer on healing when our feelings are hurt. Join us as we explore the importance of trees and our interconnectedness with nature through prayer. We also address the challenging dynamic of a strained relationship, discovering acceptance as the key to finding peace and utilizing compassion as a powerful tool. Additionally, we navigate the complexities of anger and frustration, offering guidance on releasing these emotions through prayer and forgiveness. Lastly, we conclude with a heartfelt blessing for today, understanding the transformative power of love. Tune in and let prayer be your guide to emotional healing and spiritual growth.

Introduction; 9:00 - Prayer 1: How important trees are, How much I need trees. We pray for deforestation; 23:00 - Prayer 2: I can't talk with my sister. She has no empathy. Firstly, We realize the need that we all have for others to be different. Acceptance is the key. Finally, compassion is a great tool to work with; 37:00 - Prayer 3: I have anger & frustration with my life situation. Lets work in release & forgiveness; 48:00 - Prayer 4: Blessing for today. This is how love works; Closing prayer.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Jun 27, 202354:45
#84: Let Continued Prayer Bless You

#84: Let Continued Prayer Bless You

"Continued Prayer" is a transformative episode podcast that explores the power of ongoing prayer. Join us as we delve into topics such as recovery, reflection, authenticity, and honoring wellness. With prayers dedicated to personal growth and a special prayer for Dolores, this episode offers a profound journey of connection and spiritual nourishment.

Introductory Prayer; 15:00 - Prayer 1: Continued prayer for my continued recovery; 27:00 - Prayer 2: Reflection: we define continued prayer; 41:00 - Prayer 3: Authenticity; 43:00 - Prayer 4: We´re honoring the illness, but in prayer were going deeper in wellness; 46:00 - Prayer 5: This prayer is for Dolores, my aunt; 56:00 - Closing Prayer

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Jun 20, 202301:02:29
#83: Allow yourself to be loved, even in the face of fear

#83: Allow yourself to be loved, even in the face of fear

In this episode, we explore a range of thought-provoking topics. From the power of acceptance and non-judgment to the struggles we face both physically and mentally, we delve into the depths of personal growth. Discover the transformative nature of patience, conquer fear, and learn to let yourself be loved. Join us on this soul-stirring journey of introspection and faith.

Introductory prayer; 12:00 - Let it be; 22:00 - Do not judge by appearances; 27:00 - How are you struggling physically? And mentally?; 40:00 - Have you ever prayed for patience?; 48:00 - Fear it´s been keeping me away... Let yourself be loved; Closing prayer.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Jun 12, 202359:55
#82: Advice: Lets Distribute Love

#82: Advice: Lets Distribute Love

Join us for a weekly podcast filled with hope and inspiration. From supporting high-risk pregnancies to navigating career challenges, we explore topics that touch the heart. Together, we'll reflect on the power of positivity, find strength amidst setbacks, and discuss important issues like gun violence. Begin and end each episode with uplifting prayers. Tune in and let's embark on a transformative journey together.

Introductory prayer; 07:00 - All the positive energy for a high-risk pregnancy; 12:00 - I feel exhausted even if new challenges are coming; 26:00 - An amazing thing is happening, even if I do not see it; 33:00 - I didn't get this promotion that I thought I would get; 46:00 - I feel overburdened in the office; 49:00 - My friend had a heart attack; 51:00 - Gun violence reflection; Closing prayer.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Jun 05, 202301:00:04
#81: Finding Inner Power: The Strength of Prayerfulness and Support

#81: Finding Inner Power: The Strength of Prayerfulness and Support

Through engaging conversations, heartfelt stories, and practical insights, we shed light on the profound connection between prayerfulness, the unwavering support of your community, and the ability to tap into your inner strength. Prepare to be inspired as we reveal the keys to nurturing your resilience and embark on a remarkable self-discovery journey. Also, get ready for an uplifting tale of triumph and perseverance that inspires and motivates you.

Introductory Prayer: Prayerfulness: the feeling we´re held and supported; 16:00 - Communicate with people that have passed on; 20:00 - Balance is the answer; 29:00 - Transitions are difficult; 34:00 - Drama: when we think many possibilities could happen. But only Love, only God is real; 39:00 - My heart is heavy; 49:00 - Love always finds a way.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

May 22, 202359:18
#80: Awakening Spirituality: Aligning with Our Honest 'Yes' and 'No'

#80: Awakening Spirituality: Aligning with Our Honest 'Yes' and 'No'

Explore the profound impact of collective spirituality and discover how this powerful prayer group is making a positive difference in their lives and the world around them. Get ready to be inspired and uplifted by this remarkable community's incredible strength and connection.

Introductory Prayer: Prayer cell. Be connected in prayer; 12:00 - Integration. Maybe there´s something for you to integrate; 16:00 - The fear of somebody accusing us about something; 28:00 - Let's talk about Ego and its consequences; 51:00 - I consistently experience opportunities that bare a clear no; Closing Prayer: "In my world, every prayer is answered, it is not answered later, it is answered now".

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

May 16, 202301:00:54
#79: We Are a Powerfull Prayer Group!

#79: We Are a Powerfull Prayer Group!

Step into the world of an extraordinary prayer group in this thought-provoking podcast episode. Journey alongside individuals who have come together, forging a bond that transcends boundaries and unleashes the transformative power of prayer. Hear their captivating stories of faith, unity, and resilience as they navigate life's challenges. Explore the profound impact of collective spirituality and discover how this powerful prayer group is making a positive difference in their lives and the world around them. Get ready to be inspired and uplifted by this remarkable community's incredible strength and connection.

Introductory Prayer: Affirmative prayer; 14:00 - How acutely aware we become when we face life's challenges; 18:00 - The human condition: Is there a way not to struggle? Also, what is the cause of suffering? Is it life, or is it my interpretation of life?; 29:00 - Shifting consciousness; 46:00 - Divine solution for daily issues. In God there is always a solution: there is nothing too big / too small; 47:00 - My heart is sad: mothers Day is coming and my mother will not answer her phone. I'm just asking for peace; 53:00 - Isn't it so easy to take offense?; Closing Prayer: Took years to get 10,000 listens, but just a month to get to 11,000!!!

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

May 09, 202301:03:23
#78: Life is Not The Cause of Suffering

#78: Life is Not The Cause of Suffering

In this episode, we offer prayers for inclusive thinking and compassion towards ourselves and others. We also pray for healing and peace in the wake of recent shooting events in the USA, and offer comfort and guidance to those experiencing personal pain. Finally, we ask for protection and guidance during a big trip and for the courage to face the world with faith rather than fear.

Introductory prayer; 14:00 - Prayer request 1: Concept of Inclusive rather than Perfection; 21:00 - Recent Shooting Events in the USA; 28:00 - Prayer request 2: My heart experienced such pain...; 37:00 - Prayer request 3: My boys are having a big trip; 48:00 - Prayer request 4: I do not watch the news... because of fear; Closing prayer.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Apr 25, 202359:18
#77: Each Human Being is a Multiplicity of Miracles

#77: Each Human Being is a Multiplicity of Miracles

In this episode, we start talking about humanity as a miracle. Then, by asking for others to join us in prayer, we deepen our spiritual practice and create a sense of community and support. Join us as we explore the transformative potential of prayer requests and the ways in which they can bring us closer to one another and to the divine.

Introductory prayer; 26:00 - Prayer request 1: Life as a Baseball Season; 37:00 - Prayer request 2: It is a Deep Yes; Closing prayer.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Apr 17, 202301:01:56
#76: Trusting in Faith Through Life's Challenges

#76: Trusting in Faith Through Life's Challenges

In this episode, we explore the power of prayer and faith through various challenges, including a beloved pet's health, fear and uncertainty, financial hardship, and overcoming judgment. Join us as we discuss the importance of trusting in faith during life's trials.

Introduction: shift from fear to love; 13:30 - Prayer request 1: my dog was diagnosed with hard issues; 20:00 - Prayer request 2: Isn't it a mystery?; 25:00 - Prayer request 3: Have you felt terror in your life?; 40:00 - Prayer request 4: Faith is the withholding of conclusion; 43:00 - Prayer request 5: Embrace and release; 51:00 - Prayer request 6: I have not received the child support payment; 55:00 - Prayer request 7: It's great to notice our own judgment; 58:00 - Closing prayer.

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Apr 10, 202301:00:13
#75: 10,000 Thank You!!

#75: 10,000 Thank You!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! In this exciting episode, you will hear the thrilling news that our podcast has reached a significant milestone - 10,000 listens! I will take the opportunity to express gratitude to the loyal listeners who have joined us on this journey and supported the show through their engagement and feedback.

Introduction: Thank You!; 12:15 - Opening Prayer; 16:25 - Prayer 1: The profound state of trust and grace; 22:15 - Prayer 2: Pray for those who are sick; 26:15 - Prayer 3: The day is a gift; 31:25 - Prayer 4: Life is difficult?; 39:15 - Prayer 5: That's a gift to you, that's a gift to the world; 46:00 - Prayer 6: The universe is for you. You do not walk alone; 52:15 - Prayer 7: I just need guidance and motivation; Closing Prayer!

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Apr 03, 202301:10:10
#74: What if there is a better way than trying to manage everything?

#74: What if there is a better way than trying to manage everything?

In this episode, we explore the question "What if there is a better way than trying to manage everything?" Also, we discuss the idea that we often overcomplicate problems and overlook simple solutions. Finally, we understand the importance of understanding what does really mean acceptance.

Introduction; 12:00 - Prayer request 1: "The stress that I´m feeling it´s making me feel worried and sad"; 21:00 - Prayer request 2: So often solutions are simpler than we imagine them to be; 35:00 - Prayer request 3: Acceptance is often accepting the interpretation; Closing Prayer!

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Mar 27, 202357:04
#73: There is Only Forward

#73: There is Only Forward

In this inspiring prayer episode, we invite you to join us as we explore the theme of moving forward in our lives. Throughout the episode, we'll hear from listeners who share their thoughts and prayer requests, creating a sense of community and support. Whether you're seeking inspiration, guidance, or simply a moment of reflection, we invite you to listen to this episode and join us on this journey forward.

Introduction; 5:40 - Prayer request 1: Courage to accept cancer, and be an example to others in the same situation; 10:37 - Prayer request 2: Transmuting Frustration into Forgiveness and true Wisdom; 23:55 - Prayer request 3: Living in Truth and Faith; 33:05 - Prayer request 4: To enjoy the life we must trust life; 43:35 - Prayer request 5: Release this Good/Bad categorization; 46:31 - Prayer request 6: I was laid off from my job; 51:50 - Thank you!

Join us every Monday at 10:00 AM PST for an uplifting podcast where we explore the transformative power of prayer and delve into the profound beauty of faith. As we embark on our own personal growth journeys, we invite you to join us on this path of self-discovery and inspiration.

Subscribe to our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ to receive the latest episodes directly to your inbox. We warmly invite you to be part of our community, where open hearts and open minds come together.

We value your input! Share your suggestions for future episode topics on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or by emailing us at ⁠⁠⁠⁠. Your feedback and ideas are invaluable as we strive to create compelling, enlightening content that resonates with you.

Discover the spiritual journey with us and unlock the secrets of a fulfilled life while we embrace personal growth together. Subscribe now and embark on a path of inspiration and self-discovery.

Mar 21, 202352:40
#72: Adventure in Consciousness

#72: Adventure in Consciousness

Discover the incredible power of prayer as Angela offers compassionate support to her callers in need. In this episode, you'll hear firsthand how prayer can be a powerful tool for healing and transformation. As you listen to Angela's heartfelt prayers, you're also invited to connect with your own needs and intentions for healing. Whether you're seeking physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, you'll find inspiration and comfort in the prayers shared in this episode. Join Angela and her callers as they welcome the healing energy of prayer into their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

We invite you to join us for an upcoming podcast episode, every Monday at 10:00 AM PST, where we delve into the power of prayer and the beauty of faith.

Subscribe to my website to receive the link, or comment on the post and I will help you! We welcome you with open hearts and minds. If you have any suggestions for topics you'd like us to cover in future episodes, please feel free to share your thoughts with us on Spotify, Apple Podcast, or by email at! We always welcome your feedback and ideas and want to ensure we're creating content that you find interesting and informative.

Mar 13, 202354:08