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Change is possible: Your Career Transformation Guide

Change is possible: Your Career Transformation Guide

By Ani Filipova

When I left my banking career to try something new, the number one question everyone asked me was: How did you find the courage? The thing is – it’s not about the courage, it is about knowing what you want and planning for it.
That’s why I started this podcast – to help you make your career change possible.
Each of our guests has done a successful career change and we are going to discuss practical advice, actionable tips and inspirational stories that can help you change your career.
Currently playing episode

LinkedIn Executive Turned Life Coach: Frank Koo from Nextplay I Ep.56

Change is possible: Your Career Transformation GuideMay 15, 2024

How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking with Nausheen Chen I Ep.57

How to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking with Nausheen Chen I Ep.57

In this episode, Ani Filipova sits down with Nausheen Chen, a 3-time TEDx speaker and seasoned public speaking coach, to explore her journey and uncover invaluable tips on overcoming public speaking fears. Nausheen shares her experiences from working in corporate environments to starting her own filmmaking agency in China, and eventually finding her true calling in public speaking coaching. Also, she coached 350+ execs at Google, Amazon, SAP, AT&T and more. Her story is about resilience, transformation, and finding one's true passion.

Nausheen discusses her journey, including her adoption and the impact it had on her life and career choices. She delves into the practical aspects of public speaking, offering advice on how to manage nerves, engage with an audience, and maintain authenticity while speaking. This episode is packed with insights for anyone looking to improve their public speaking skills and gain confidence in front of an audience.

Expect to Learn:

  • How to identify and overcome specific fears related to public speaking.

  • The importance of a pre-game routine for calming nerves and energizing before speaking.

  • Strategies for engaging with the audience, both in-person and online.

  • The value of understanding and amplifying different parts of your authentic self on stage.

  • Techniques to avoid memorization pitfalls and effectively use slides as prompts.

And much more!

🔗 Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more insights on career development and navigating change. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

🌟 Episode Highlights:

(01:39) Introduction to the 'Change Is Possible' podcast.

(02:24) Nausheen I. Chen discusses her early love for public speaking and performing in front of her family.

(03.08) Insights about various career transitions

(06:23) Personal story about her adoption and how it shaped her life and career.

(13:05) Importance of aligning personal vision with career choices.

(17:42) Transition from corporate job to filmmaking and public speaking coaching.

(21:32) Overcoming the fear of public speaking and identifying specific fears.

(23:11) The role of a pre-game routine in calming nerves before speaking.

(28:06) The best way to immediately engage with the audience

(30:11) Ani’s experience with her TEDx talks, dealing with technical difficulties, and not memorising speeches.

(31:57) Strategies for effective use of slides as prompts.

(33:37) Engaging with the audience and maintaining authenticity.

(35:53) Differences between speaking in-person and online, and maintaining energy in virtual settings.

(39:21) Advice for those looking to improve their public speaking skills quickly.

(40:58) Conclusion and final thoughts on finding joy and passion in your career.





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May 29, 202444:19
LinkedIn Executive Turned Life Coach: Frank Koo from Nextplay I Ep.56

LinkedIn Executive Turned Life Coach: Frank Koo from Nextplay I Ep.56

Frank, former Head of Asia of LinkedIn Talent and Learning Solutions, left his role after eight years to pursue a new path focused on helping others find fulfilment in their careers. He has embarked on a journey to bring to the world what he calls "Nextplay," a framework for career transformation and personal growth.

In this episode, Frank shares insights from his career transition journey. He describes leaving LinkedIn and shifting to a purpose-driven path that aligns with his vision of impacting people's lives more directly. The conversation explores his planning and preparation for this transition, financial considerations, and overcoming doubts and fears.

Expect to Learn:

- How finding a fulfilling career is easier when your personal vision aligns with your organisation's mission, fueling satisfaction and fulfilment.

- Why transitioning to a purpose-driven career can be more rewarding and energising when it aligns with your passion, as seen in Frank's journey from LinkedIn to coaching and pro bono work.

- The crucial role financial planning plays in a successful career change, ensuring you anticipate a reduced income while maintaining a sustainable lifestyle.

- How the Nextplay framework can guide you to establish a new identity, learn new skills, and take action through experimentation to find joy and fulfillment.

- Why taking action despite doubts can lead to increased creativity, fulfillment, and success in a new career by embracing steps toward your goals even when fears persist.

And much more!

🔗 Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more insights on career development and navigating change. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

🌟 Episode Highlights:

01:43 Introduction to the 'Changes Possible' podcast.

02:05 Frank discusses his decision to leave LinkedIn

05:00 Frank highlights his transition plan and preparations for leaving LinkedIn.

09:00 Financial, personal, and professional considerations before leaving a company.

10:35 How to leave a company on a good note and ensure smooth transition.

14:10 Embracing new opportunities and dealing with the emotional aspects of leaving a job.

16:36 Transitioning to a new career phase - Detailed breakdown of the 'Nextplay' framework for career transition.

21:15 Addressing doubts and fears during career transitions.

24:15 The impact of losing a significant professional identity and redefining self-worth.

28:50 How do you let go of your title

31:53 "What is the worst that will happen?" approach to decide to take the next step.

35:02 Overcoming hesitation and the importance of taking action during transitions.

37:41 How taking action can positively affect mental health and creativity.

39:10 Advice for those feeling stuck in their careers and how to find a new direction.





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May 15, 202443:20
Minimalism and Nomad Life Expert: The Ultimate Guide to Leaving Corporate Behind | Ep.55

Minimalism and Nomad Life Expert: The Ultimate Guide to Leaving Corporate Behind | Ep.55

Embark on a captivating journey with Ani Filipova as she delves into a riveting conversation with Franck Benhamou. Explore his remarkable transition from a corporate executive to an innovative entrepreneur and dedicated minimalist. In this insightful interview, Franck unveils his unique path to success, offering invaluable insights into the power of minimalism and the pursuit of true freedom.

What You'll Learn:

Defining Goals: Franck discusses the crucial step of identifying what you truly want in life and strategically planning to achieve it.

Financial Minimalism: Learn how reducing fixed expenses and focusing on value creation can simplify your life.

Embracing Minimalism: Discover Franck’s unique approach to minimalism—not just as a way to declutter physically but as a strategy to achieve greater life freedom.

Career and Lifestyle Alignment: Insights into selecting a career that harmonizes with your desired lifestyle.

Action Over Perfection: Franck stresses the importance of taking action now, rather than waiting for the perfect moment.

Nomadic Entrepreneurship: Follow Franck’s current adventure across Europe, building a business from the ground up, while living as a nomad.

Marketing & Positioning: Franck highlights how to stand out in today's competitive business environment.


00:00 Trailer

00:18 Intro

02:16 Transitioning from corporate to entrepreneurship.

05:53 Creating a plan for financial freedom.

10:26 Managing the transition period and working on his first project.

13:14 Advice for mid-career professionals who want to change their life.

17:57 Advice for young people starting their career.

21:18 Embracing a minimalist life.

27:41 Questioning traditional views on work and education.

35:45 The nomad lifestyle: finding balance and new perspectives.

38:50 Crossing Europe: building a business from scratch.

43:58 Learning from failures and adapting in business and life - how to stand out.





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Watch Franck’s Journey: Follow his updates and learn from his experiences at, where he offers educational and inspirational content.

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May 01, 202447:08
Career Pivot: From Opera Singer to Software Engineer | Anna McDougall's Journey | Ep.54

Career Pivot: From Opera Singer to Software Engineer | Anna McDougall's Journey | Ep.54

Join our host, Ani Filipova, as she delves into the dynamic world of tech with Anna McDougall, a former opera singer turned influential software engineer and author. In this engaging episode, Anna highlights the creative synergies between programming and opera singing, demonstrating how both fields require robust problem-solving skills and a deep reservoir of creativity. She shares her transformative journey from the opera stage to the tech industry, emphasizing resilience and the continuous learning needed to succeed.

Anna discusses the insights from her #1 Amazon Bestselling book, "You Belong in Tech: How to Go From Zero Programming Experience to Hired," offering actionable advice for anyone looking to break into tech. She also reflects on her powerful TEDx talk, "Finding and Proving Your Value as a Career Changer," inspiring listeners to reassess the value career changers bring to their new industries.

Learn how Anna used Twitter to navigate her career shift and why effective communication is so vital in tech.

This episode is a must-listen for career changers, tech enthusiasts, or anyone curious about blending arts with technology.

🌟 Episode Takeaways:

Learn the skill of career transition: from digital marketing to opera singing to software engineering.

Learn how to build and lead people-driven tech teams effectively.

Gain insights into breaking into tech with no prior programming experience.

Get inspired by Anna's strategies for communicating complex tech concepts easily.

Understand the creative parallels between the arts and tech innovation.

Hear firsthand how social media can open doors to new career opportunities.

Discover practical tips for career changers in the tech industry.


00:00 Intro

01:54 Who is Anna and what is her story

03.25 How do you know that you are ready for a career change - from marketing to Opera singer

05.22 Second career change - becoming a software engineer.

09:09 The common thread between programming and opera singing

12:44 How to break into tech at 33 with a newborn baby in a foreign country after being an opera singer.

19:01 Using Twitter to land a job

21.36 Skills needed if you want to work in tech

25:37 Misconceptions about the tech industry

28:45 Finding your value as a career changer

31:20 The NNQ (names, numbers and quotes) system to present your value as a career changer

34:30 What societal perceptions would Anna change to make the life of career changers easier?





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Apr 13, 202438:02
From £25-Million Business to Losing Everything and Starting Over with Chris O'Connell | ep. 53

From £25-Million Business to Losing Everything and Starting Over with Chris O'Connell | ep. 53

In this captivating episode, Chris O'Connell bravely opens up about his journey from running a £25-Million business to facing the daunting reality of losing everything and rebuilding it back up. Chris shares his experiences of resilience, perseverance, and the transformative power of finding your purpose and starting over. Discover how he navigated the challenges of rebuilding his life, finding strength in adversity, and ultimately, emerging stronger than ever before. If you feel like you're losing everything, Chris's story will inspire you to keep pushing forward, reminding you that every setback is an opportunity for growth and transformation. Tune in for Chris' expert advice on recruitment, how to stand out from the crowd when applying for a job, what industries are booming at the moment, and how to find fulfillment in your professional and personal journey.

🌟 Episode Takeaways:

Resilience, determination, and self-belief are crucial for overcoming challenges and achieving success.

Transferable skills and personal branding significantly influence career changes and job search.

Networking and leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn are essential for building connections and opportunities.


00:00 Intro

01:11 Overcoming challenges and rebuilding his life and business

10:59 The start of his career in recruitment

11.55 Building a £25-Million Business

15:27 Finding his purpose after losing his business

18:38 Career changes and transferable skills

22:03 Understanding the recruitment process

28:23 The importance of cultivating a network and personal branding





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Mar 29, 202433:59
Career Change at 50: How to Overcome your Fears | Change is Possible Podcast Ep.52

Career Change at 50: How to Overcome your Fears | Change is Possible Podcast Ep.52

Join us in this empowering episode as Ani Filipova takes us on a journey from the executive suite to entrepreneurial freedom.
Building on the insights from ep. 46, where she outlined her vision for a life beyond corporate constraints, Ani now offers practical advice and actionable steps for anyone looking to transform their career aspirations into reality.
Discover the strategies Ani employed to transition from a high-powered corporate position to a thriving entrepreneur, embracing the challenges and rewards of charting a new course. This episode is a deep dive into the process of career metamorphosis, designed to inspire and guide you through your own transformation.
Key Episode Highlights:
Conquering Fear and Ego: Strategies to overcome the mental barriers to career change. Networking and Mentorship: Importance of community and advice in navigating new paths.Beyond Starting from Scratch: How past experiences, knowledge, and skills fuel your journey into entrepreneurship.

00:00 Intro
00:54 Overcoming Ego and Fear in Leaving Corporate Life
04:03 Building Your Support Network Through Mentoring
05:32 The Myth of Starting from Zero in Career Transformation

If this episode speaks to you, please subscribe and share your thoughts in the comments. Your feedback is the heartbeat of our community and guides our journey together. Let us know which career topics you're eager to explore next.

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Mar 22, 202408:24
Nat Berman's Ultimate Career Pivot: From Recruiter to Digital Entrepreneur and Coach I ep.51

Nat Berman's Ultimate Career Pivot: From Recruiter to Digital Entrepreneur and Coach I ep.51

Embark on an inspiring journey with Nat Berman, who transformed his career from being a recruiter to a successful entrepreneur in the digital and coaching world. This podcast episode unveils Nat's path to success, highlighting how he built a substantial digital presence across 25 websites in various sectors, attracting millions of monthly views and achieving significant financial success with minimal daily work. Nat also delves into personal brand enhancement, business growth, mental health, and more. Whether you are at a career crossroads, aiming to boost your brand, or fascinated by the potential of digital entrepreneurship, Nat's insights provide a valuable roadmap. Tune in for Nat's expert advice on career pivoting, overcoming challenges, and the keys to sustained success and fulfilment in your professional journey.

🌟 Episode Highlights:


01:15 Introduction to Nat Berman's Journey

05:15 Building a Digital Portfolio from Scratch

12:48 Leveraging AI for Content Creation

14:32 Overcoming Entrepreneurial Burnout

16:15 Trends in Digital Website Portfolio

17:32 Achieving Clarity and Focus in Business

20:13 The Importance of Mental and Physical Health

22:33 Dealing with Anxiety as a Recruiter and Entrepreneur

28:23 Entrepreneurship as a Journey of Personal Growth

30:45 Escaping the 9-5: Tips and Motivation

34:06 Creating a Paid Community

38:36 How to Build a Network and Engage on LinkedIn

43:10 Staying Ahead of Industry Trends

45:47 Essential Advice for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

47:23 Finding Freedom in Entrepreneurship




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Mar 01, 202449:40
The trading expert: How to make trading your secondary income with Simon Ree I Ep.50

The trading expert: How to make trading your secondary income with Simon Ree I Ep.50

In this episode, we dive deep with Simon Ree, the acclaimed author and founder of Tower of Trading, on the art of trading as a powerful secondary income stream. Simon, known for his insightful book "The Tao of Trading," brings his wealth of knowledge to the table, demystifying the complex world of trading for our audience.

In this enlightening conversation, Simon sheds light on the crucial differences between investing and trading. He emphasizes the strategic importance of choosing high-probability moments for risk exposure, offering listeners a clearer path to successful trading. For those new to the trading scene, Simon lays out a roadmap starting with the foundation of education and how to pick the right training program that can set you up for success.

Moreover, Simon delves into the advantages of options trading, providing valuable advice on risk management and the necessity of emotional control in the trading environment. He stresses the significance of consistency and cultivating a mindset geared towards trading success.

Beyond the strategies and tips, this episode takes a meaningful turn to discuss mental health in the context of trading.

Whether you're a novice eager to explore trading as a secondary income or an experienced trader looking to refine your strategies, this episode is packed with actionable insights and wisdom from one of the industry's best.

🌟 Episode Highlights:

01:40 Understanding trading and its potential as a source of income
03:18 What to do first if we want to start to trade
04:51 What is trading, exploring different financial instruments for trading and the benefits of options trading
08:58 Setting up a brokerage account and determining the starting trading budget
10:50 Expected returns and realistic goals
14:58 Risk Management and dealing with setbacks
16:55 Developing the right mindset for trading
18:35 Characteristics of successful traders
20:23 Pitfalls to avoid for beginner traders
24:55 Learning from personal setbacks
26:11 Practical steps to becoming a trader
29:03 Daily routines for traders
32:44 Final advice for aspiring traders




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Feb 16, 202433:55
Rajesh Mehta’s advice for career success: Insights after 40 years on the global banking stage -Ep 49

Rajesh Mehta’s advice for career success: Insights after 40 years on the global banking stage -Ep 49

Join us in this enlightening episode as we explore the remarkable journey of Rajesh Mehta, a visionary international executive whose 40-year career at Citibank spanned 12 jobs across eight countries and four continents. Discover the secrets behind his transparent leadership, unwavering integrity, and the dynamic changes he embraced in the banking industry. From sharing invaluable insights on navigating the complexities of global banking to imparting the core qualities needed for success in the sector, Rajesh's story is a masterclass for aspiring bankers and leaders alike.

In this exclusive interview, Rajesh delves into the essential skills and qualities that have propelled his career, such as:

The importance of curiosity and a deep interest in economics and markets.
Cultivating resilience and people skills for enduring success
Embracing transparency and authenticity to foster trust and effective communication
Navigating the challenges of growth, future-proofing, and talent management in a rapidly evolving industry
Understanding and collaborating across generations within the banking sector
Adapting to the relentless pace of change, driven by technological innovation and societal shifts

Rajesh also shares his perspective on the future of banking, highlighting Asia's growing influence on the global economic stage and the critical need for continuous learning and adaptation.

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights from one of the banking industry's respected figures. Whether you're a mid to senior leader, an aspiring banking professional, or someone interested in the leadership principles that drive success in high-stakes environments, this episode is for you.

🔗 Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more insights on career development and navigating change. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

🌟 Episode Highlights:

00:00 Intro.

01:53 Rajesh Mehta's backstory.
03:09 Qualities for thriving in banking.
05:27 Common myths about banking.
06:45 Transitioning into a leadership position.
11:48 Rajesh's leadership principles.
18:17 Dealing with transparency and vulnerability.
20:56 Rajesh's strategies for starting a new role.
26:33 Finding time for learning and staying on top of trends as a Senior Exec.
29:43 Key banking trends.
34:11 Rajesh's advice for people who are in mid-career and in the baking industry.
37:46 Challenges for Senior Executives to lead their organisations through so much change.

40:25 Are today's companies too big to manage?
42:30 Working with different generations.
46:41 Qualities to look for in job candidates

48:11 If someone is joining banking today - what should they expect?

49:10 Is the future Asian?
52:46 New beginnings after 40 years of a corporate career.




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Feb 01, 202453:22
Why choose a career in marketing? Expert Advice from Marni Allen, CMO and a marketing guru | Ep.#48

Why choose a career in marketing? Expert Advice from Marni Allen, CMO and a marketing guru | Ep.#48

Join us in an insightful episode of the "Change is Possible" podcast as we sit down with Marni Allen, the accomplished Chief Marketing Officer at Bioniq and one of the Forbes UK 50 Women to Watch in 2022.

In his engaging conversation, Marni delves into her extensive marketing journey, sharing her wisdom on consumer centricity and its pivotal role in today's marketing landscape.

Whether you're a startup founder, a marketing professional, or someone contemplating a career shift, Marni's experiences and advice offer valuable perspectives. If you ask yourself these questions:

Why a marketing career?
How to start a marketing career?
Which marketing career is right for me?

Tune in for a candid discussion filled with actionable takeaways on navigating the ever-evolving world of marketing, consumer relations, and career growth.


00:00 Introduction and Background

02:03 Why Marketing career - what drew Marni to this field

05:18 Career Transition: Hotel Industry - MBA - Marketing career

10:20 Consumer Centricity in Marketing

18:50 Qualities for Success in Marketing

20:42 How to make your voice heard

24:11 Approach to Career and Job Changes - First 30, 60, 90 days strategies

28:51 Transition from Corporate to Startup

35:57 Building Personal Brand and Recognition

40:26 Impact of AI on Marketing

46:19 Finding Fulfillment in Your Career

47:26 Consumer Understanding for Startup Founders

50:50 Is marketing career right for me - advice for those who want to develop in this field

52:30 Transitioning to a Marketing Career Mid-Career

Remember to subscribe to Change is Possible podcast for more enlightening conversations on career development and professional growth. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!




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Jan 18, 202454:35
April Rinne: "In a world in which skills are changing fast, the career ladder is actually risky!" I Ep 47.

April Rinne: "In a world in which skills are changing fast, the career ladder is actually risky!" I Ep 47.

Join our host Ani Filipova in this eye-opening episode of our podcast as she delves into the world of change and career evolution with April Rinne.

Recognized by Forbes as one of the world's "50 Leading Female Futurists" and a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, April is a renowned expert in navigating change and uncertainty, advising top organizations and governments globally.

Dive into April Rinne's rich experiences, from Harvard Law to advising giants like Airbnb and Nike, and discover how she transforms personal tragedy and global insights into a force for guiding others through flux.

As the author of "Flux: 8 Superpowers for Thriving in Constant Change," April brings unique perspectives on evolving career landscapes and developing resilience in a world in flux.

Join us for an enlightening discussion on building a portfolio career and embracing change, infused with April Rinne's personal stories and professional wisdom. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone looking to adapt and succeed in the ever-changing world of work.

🔗 Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more insights on career development and navigating change. Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!

🌟 Episode Highlights:

00.00 Intro and introductions

03:44 April Rinne's mission

05:05 Pivotal life experiences

08:53 Dealing with grief after losing both her parents at the age of 20

12:52 April Rinne's varied career

21:00 Dealing with pushback and being different

26:47 Dealing with continuous change and a world in flux

33:39 Developing a Flux Mindset and the Flux Superpowers

40:30 Feeling stuck in your career

46:36 Starting a portfolio career and understanding your portfolio

50:28 Future of work trends

54:10 Advice for those at the beginning of their careers

57:54 Navigating career changes in the middle of your career

01:01:11 Trusting yourself in times of change




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Jan 09, 202401:06:12
		 Navigating career stagnation: Finding your path with Ani Filipova | Change is Possible Podcast Ep. #46

Navigating career stagnation: Finding your path with Ani Filipova | Change is Possible Podcast Ep. #46

In this episode, our host, Ani Filipova explores the challenging yet common feeling of being stuck in a career. With a blend of vulnerability and insight, Ani delves into the myriad reasons behind career stagnation and shares the approaches that helped her find her new path.

🌟 Episode takeaways

Feeling stuck in a job is a sign that it's time for a change or a new approach.

Challenges of feeling stuck include the paradox of choice, fear of change, skill gap, information overload, and societal and economic expectations.

Seeking advice and exploring different options can help gain clarity and perspective.

Uncovering true aspirations and turning them into reality requires self-reflection and a willingness to step outside of societal norms.


00:00 Feeling stuck in your job

01:27 Factors contributing to feeling stuck

03:26 Personal experience of feeling stuck

04:22 Seeking advice and exploring options

05:20 Realization and turning point

06:06 Uncovering true aspiratio

👍 If Ani's insights resonate with you, don't forget to subscribe and leave a comment with the topics you want to hear more about. Your interaction fuels our content and supports the community.

Remember, change is not just possible, it's within your reach. Dive into this episode to discover how!




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Dec 26, 202306:38
Career reinvention secrets from award-winning coach, speaker & author Simon Alexander Ong | Change is Possible Podcast Ep. #45

Career reinvention secrets from award-winning coach, speaker & author Simon Alexander Ong | Change is Possible Podcast Ep. #45

In this episode of "Change is Possible", Ani Filipova and Simon Alexander Ong discuss how to transition careers successfully. They delve into Simon's inspiring journey - a former finance professional who transformed into an award-winning coach, international keynote speaker, and author of the best-selling book "Energize."

🌟 Episode Highlights:

00:0 Intro

02:04 Simon's early influences and pivotal moments.

05:55 His initial career choice in finance and the reasons behind it.

09:25 The turning point: Leaving finance and managing the transition into coaching.

14:28 Practical advice for those emotionally struggling with a career change.

18:08 Finding the first clients as a coach

21:58 Building a personal brand and marketing strategies that work.

24:58 Becoming an international keynote speaker.

25:59 Self-promotion and marketing as a coach and a speaker

27:44 The creative process of writing a book; Insights from Simon's book 'Energize' and its core message.

36:40 Reflecting on past decisions and advice for the younger self.

Join us for unique insights from Simon Alexander Ong on building a successful career post-finance. This episode is a must-listen for anyone contemplating a career shift or seeking motivation in their professional journey.

👍 If you enjoyed this episode, please like, share, and subscribe for more inspiring stories. We'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!

Remember, change is not just possible, it's within your reach. Dive into this episode to discover how!




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Dec 12, 202340:08
Ep.44: Expert career advice: Tips to showcase your value in new roles & throughout your career with Tatiana Kolovou

Ep.44: Expert career advice: Tips to showcase your value in new roles & throughout your career with Tatiana Kolovou

In the latest episode of our podcast dedicated to career growth and change, I had the privilege of hosting Tatiana Kolovou, a renowned professor at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University.

With her vast experience in business communication, cross-cultural communication, and resilience building, Tatiana brings invaluable insights to anyone looking to navigate the complex world of career development.

Born and raised in Athens, Greece, Tatiana has an impressive and diverse background and experience not only as a teaching professor but also as an instructor at LinkedIn Learning and a Co-Owner of Ethos Fitness.

In our enlightening discussion, Tatiana delved into various facets of career growth, offering practical advice and actionable tips. Here’s a glimpse of what we covered:

02:52 Who is Tatiana Kolovou

09:56 From Fitness to Academia

15:44 Pivotal moments in her career when communication changed the game for her

18:30 Building resilience in careers

22:53 The role of communication in the process of change

24:48 How to communicate your value in different situations

30:47 Tips and strategies for communication if you start in a new field, new job, new industry

33.21 How to prepare for a change of job coupled with a change of location, town or country.

39:30 How to use communication to transform rejections into growth opportunities.

43:10 Mastering the Art of Listening

47:59 Learning from Failures

This episode is a treasure trove for anyone aiming to elevate their career, master the art of strategic communication, and build resilience in the ever-changing business landscape.

🎧 Tune in for actionable insights and real-world advice. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel for more career growth and communication strategies, and share your thoughts in the comments!




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Nov 28, 202352:30
Ep.43: The Finance Guru: How to reinvent your financial career with Carl Seidman

Ep.43: The Finance Guru: How to reinvent your financial career with Carl Seidman

Dive into the financial acumen of Carl Seidman, a maestro in Financial Planning & Analysis, as he shares his journey from traditional finance roles to becoming a go-to expert for career and finance transformation and strategic business advising. In our latest episode, Carl uncovers the essence of pivoting in one's career, identifying the qualities that distinguish successful professionals and the common traps that limit potential. He also delves into the future of finance with insights that are crucial for every professional gearing up for tomorrow's challenges. Join us in this enlightening conversation that promises to reshape your financial perspective and prepare you for an empowered career path.

This is what we discussed:

00:00 Trailer

01:29 Carl Seidman back story and the key events that shaped him into the person he is today.

04:38 How he chose FP&A to be his profession

06:33 Blueprint for career pivoting "I want to take charge of the direction of my career" 11:40 Top qualities that set successful people apart

15:51 Common pitfalls that hinder people from reaching their full potential, and how can they navigate around them

18:37 Are Finance and accounting compatible with creativity?

22:02 How should professionals prepare for the future of financial planning and analysis?

28:16 How Improv comedy and Toastmasters can help finance professionals.

31:50 For those aspiring to step into the shoes of a business advisor

or coach, what core principles should they embrace?

35:12 Three pieces of advice for those who feel stuck in their career





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Nov 14, 202338:40
 Ep #42: Stanford Professor: Anyone can become a great communicator - Here's How | Tips from Matt Abrahams

Ep #42: Stanford Professor: Anyone can become a great communicator - Here's How | Tips from Matt Abrahams

In this episode, Stanford lecturer Matt Abrahams demystifies the art of communication and unveils the keys to becoming an exceptional speaker.

With a deep understanding of human interaction and a passion for teaching, Matt shares invaluable tips and strategies that will empower anyone, regardless of their background or experience, to master the art of effective communication.

Drawing from his extensive expertise, Matt takes you on a journey through the essential elements of successful communication. Whether you're looking to ace a public speaking engagement, enhance your interpersonal relationships, or become a more confident and impactful communicator, this episode is for you.

Here are the details:

00:01 Trailer

01:38 Who is Matt Abrahams?

03:17 Career changes: Tech, Teaching, Coaching.

05:23 What is effective communication?

07:15 Are communication skills learnable?

09:28 How to build resilience to negative comments?

12.00 How to respond smartly when someone gives us negative remarks?

14:03 Debunking the myth that extroverts are better communicators than introverts.

17:43 The art of storytelling – steps to get better.

20:48 How do we make our point heard?

23:44 Inspiration for his new book “Think Faster, Talk Smarter.”

24:38 How to tackle public speaking anxiety?

28:36 How to structure our spontaneity??!!

31:07 How to structure the perfect pitch?

33:15 Making a mistake while public speaking or presenting – how to recover?

35:01 One key message to take away from this episode.




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Oct 31, 202336:31
Ep #41:Mastercard EVP EEMEA, Amna Ajmal: A Fintech Leadership Odyssey | From Banking to Global Fintech Impact | еp.41 Change is Possible Podcast - Your Career Transformation Guide.

Ep #41:Mastercard EVP EEMEA, Amna Ajmal: A Fintech Leadership Odyssey | From Banking to Global Fintech Impact | еp.41 Change is Possible Podcast - Your Career Transformation Guide.

Join us as we journey with Amna Ajmal—Mastercard's Executive Vice President of Market Development in EMEA—tracing her ascent from banking roots to pinnacle fintech leadership. Celebrated among the top 100 women in fintech by IBM & Fintech Magazine and distinguished as one of the top 25 women fintech trailblazers, Amna's strategic impact echoes across 80 global markets. This episode delves into her illustrious international career, touching corners from the UAE and Egypt to the UK, Poland, Singapore, and Malaysia. If you're charting a course towards banking or fintech leadership on a global stage, Amna's insights are invaluable. 🔑 Key Topics in This Episode: 01:34 Intro 02:40 Who is Amnah Ajmal 04:21 Amnah's story about the event that impacted her life the most. 10:15 Overview of Amnah's career 13:30 Key qualities that helped be promoted to a Senior position at a young age. 16:00 Balancing Innovation with the need to scale and grow a product 18:28 Amnah's blueprint for career change 22:15 Key pieces of advice for a successful career change 25:26 Qualities and Skills to help you get recognition and respect in your profession 28:20 How to make it in the Fintech space 29:18 Advice to those who want to have similar career success and journey 31:50 A failure that taught her a lesson 35:20 Who is Amnah outside work 37:49 Outro 💬 Join the Conversation: What part of Amnah’s story resonated with you the most? How do you plan to implement the learned strategies to ascend in your career? Share your thoughts, experiences, and questions in the comments below! 📌 Remember to: Like this video if you find value in it. Subscribe to the "Change is possible" podcast for more insightful episodes. Share this episode with anyone you think could benefit from these insights. Click the notification bell so you never miss an episode! LISTEN ON: Spotify: Apple: Google: Podcast site: WATCH THE PODCAST ON YouTube: FIND AMNAH HERE: FOLLOW THE HOST ON: Linkedin: Personal site:
Oct 17, 202338:15
Ep #40: Career Transformation Insights with Katy McFee: From Sales to Leadership Empowerment | еp.40 Change is Possible Podcast - your Career Transformation Guide.

Ep #40: Career Transformation Insights with Katy McFee: From Sales to Leadership Empowerment | еp.40 Change is Possible Podcast - your Career Transformation Guide.

Discover the transformative journey of Kathy McFee,  who transitioned from a high-stakes corporate sales career to become a

beacon of empowerment and leadership for women. Kathy opens up about her dynamic experiences, challenges, and the wisdom she gained while

climbing the corporate ladder to become a VP and EVP in Sales. Kathy’s mission through 'Insights to Action' is to empower women, helping them

to step boldly into senior leadership roles and thrive.

In this episode, we delve deep into Kathy’s invaluable insights on leadership transformation, career pivots, self-discovery, and women's empowerment. Learn the actionable strategies Kathy employs to help individuals seamlessly navigate from uncertainty and self-doubt to become decisive, strategic, and outcome-driven leaders without experiencing burnout.

Whether you're teetering on the edge of leaving your corporate job or aspiring to elevate your leadership skills, this episode is packed with

enriching insights to fuel your journey!

Key Topics in  This Episode:

01:34 Intro 02:40 Who is Katy McFee05:11 Katy's career journey and when she realised she wanted to be an Executive07:45 Challenges when moving from Manager to VP and strategies to overcome them13:40 Top three advice for those at the cusp of Leadership position16:19 Leaving the corporate life after becoming EVP22.19 How to prepare for the transition from corporate to entrepreneurship29:20 Key pieces of advice for those who are on the cusp of starting their own business32:27 What did she learn about herself after diving into entrepreneurship36:08 Growing her LinkedIn network as an enabler for her business40:46 One advice to her younger self Join the Conversation:

What part of Kathy’s story resonated with you the most? How do you plan to implement the learned strategies to ascend in your career? Share your

thoughts, experiences, and questions in the comments below!

Remember to:

Like this video if you find value in it.

Subscribe to "Change is possible" podcast for more insightful episodes.

Share this episode with anyone you think could benefit from these insights.

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Oct 03, 202343:16
Ep #39: Charting New Waters: How Lester Chng Pivoted from Navy to Cybersecurity | Change is possible podcast - your career transition guide

Ep #39: Charting New Waters: How Lester Chng Pivoted from Navy to Cybersecurity | Change is possible podcast - your career transition guide

In this riveting interview, we delve deep into Lester Chng's remarkable transition from the Singapore Navy to the world of cybersecurity in Canada. Facing challenges like job loss didn't deter Lester; instead, he turned adversity into opportunity, securing a new position in a flash and even writing a book about his experiences.

Dive into this conversation to uncover the essence of resilience, the strategy behind career transitions, and the passion that fuels a new author. Lester's story is a testament to the power of grit, adaptability, and the human spirit.

Discover how to bounce back from setbacks and be inspired to chart your own path, no matter the challenges. If you're looking to be motivated and gain insights into navigating life's curveballs, this episode is for you.


02:23 Who is Lester Chng

03.22 Moving from Singapore to Canada

04.42 Career changes - Navy - Cyber security - Author

09.44 What is cyber security and why is it important

13.26 Dealing with a layoff

18.33 How to find job quickly

21.39 Writing a book

26.40 Top three pieces of advice to those who want to change careers

30.00 Why is building a personal brand on LinkedIn important

33.29 Blueprint for building a brand on LinkedIn





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Sep 19, 202336:19
Ep #38: Career Evolution: From Call Centre Operator to CEO I Deniz Guven
Sep 05, 202338:18
Ep #37: Career Transformation: Employee to Co-founder Journey

Ep #37: Career Transformation: Employee to Co-founder Journey

Get ready to meet Robin Yoo – my guest today, who swapped his corporate desk for the entrepreneur's hustle.

For 27 years, he navigated the intricate world of corporate secretarial services, wearing multiple hats and sharpening his skills across industries.

Then, Robin decided it was time for a change. He took everything he learned from his corporate journey, packed it up, and co-founded Agile 8.

In our chat, Robin will share his straight-from-the-heart story about his shift from an employee to an entrepreneur. We're diving into the real, the raw, and the rewarding parts of his journey. Tune in; it's going to be a genuine, impactful conversation you won't want to miss.

Here is what we spoke about:

01:12 What motivated Robin to leave a corporate job and found his own company

03:21 His biggest fear when he was started and how he overcame it

06:20 Planning and preparing to become an entrepreneur

07:46 Resources or networks Robin utilized to help with the career transition

10:12 Most useful corporate career skills for the new venture

11:43 Skills Robin needed to unlearn when he became an entrepreneur

13:18 Challenges he faced in the early stage of his company

16:45 What does entrepreneurship provide him that the corporate job did not

20:18 Balancing time and priorities as an entrepreneur – is the grass greener

26:44 What would he do differently if he were to start his company all over again

28:26 Top 3 pieces of advice for a successful career change


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Jul 25, 202332:25
Ep #36 Finance to Farming: A Radical Career Shift

Ep #36 Finance to Farming: A Radical Career Shift

Hello, everyone, and welcome back to our podcast! Today, we have a truly inspiring story for all of you budding entrepreneurs out there. We are joined by a special guest, Mathew Howe, who, just 18 months ago, walked away from the security of his corporate job and plunged headfirst into urban farming. Today, not only has he managed to create a thriving company, but he has also taking  it internationally.

In our chat today, he will reveal his blueprint for success and share his extraordinary transformation journey from a corporate employee to a successful entrepreneur. It's an inspirational tale of risk, resilience, and rewarding results.

Here are the details:

00.01 Trailer

01:45 What has changed for the last 18 months with his company

03:40 What motivated him to leave the corporate life

04:28 How does he know when is the moment to leave and start his  business

09:10 How to de-risk a decision to leave a stable paycheck status and start your own adventure

09:58 What are the first steps he took after leaving

12:48 When did he need investors for his new company

14:31 How does he find customers for his product. The importance of sales

19:32 What was his brand advertising

20:29 Hiring people for the new company

22:00 Corporate vs Entrepreneur – is the grass greener on the other side

23:56 Can anyone become an entrepreneur? What qualities helped him

25:35 Work/Life balance as an entrepreneur

28:29 Were there days when he would say, “ I can’t do this anymore.”

30:06 If he was to start again, what would he do differently

33:16 Advise to the budding entrepreneurs



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Jul 11, 202334:49
Ep #35: Career Transformation: From Banking to the Frontier of Femtech & Sextech

Ep #35: Career Transformation: From Banking to the Frontier of Femtech & Sextech

Maaike Steinebach believes that technology can democratise the financial, physical, mental and sexual wellbeing of everyone and can help women in particular. After 25 rewarding years in financial services and tech, most recently as CEO of Visa Hong Kong & Macau, she founded FemTechFuture in 2023 to focus on advisory and impact investment in women’s sexual, financial, physical and mental wellbeing, female founders and Web3. In 2023 she joined Lindsay Davis, Founder of Femtech Association Asia, as co-CEO to help her build the first membership-based Femtech industry network and advisory in Asia Pacific. She advises several amazing start-ups (Luuna, Sextech School, Mixcare Health, Hello Nancy). This are the topics we spoke about: (01:35) Maike’s corporate career explained in 5 min. (07:42) What was the career she was dreaming about? (08:45) Planning career moves and helping other women on the way. (13:35) How to get promoted. (16:33) What to do if you are starting your career now (18:32) How to be future compatible in mid-career (22:00) Developing interest in Femtech and Sextech and leaving her corporate career. (30:54) The financial side of a career change (34:34) Leaving a corporate job and starting anew - what are the steps and pitfalls? (39:00) Top 3 pieces of advice for a successful career change LISTEN ON: Podcast site: Spotify: Apple: Google: WATCH THE PODCAST ON YouTube: FOLLOW THE HOST ON: Linkedin: Personal site:
Jun 27, 202342:13
Ep #34: Brain Science for Career Transitions: Navigating Fear of Change

Ep #34: Brain Science for Career Transitions: Navigating Fear of Change

Does the brain help or hinder our attempts to change?

I am talking with Prof. Dr. Fadil Citaku on this very subject. He is a professor of Leadership and Emotional Intelligence at theAcademy of Leadership Sciences Switzerland (ALSS). He is the founder and CEO of the ALSS, the founder and director of the graduate program
Doctorate in Medical Education (DME) and professor of PhD program in Medical Education.

Prof.Çitaku has been teaching in graduate and postgraduate programs for more than 23 years and has experience in developing curricula and projects
in Switzerland and abroad. He is a supervisor for trainee teachers at
the prestigious university ETH (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in
Zurich), Switzerland and co-founder of the Center of Excellence for
Leadership Innovation and Quality at RAK University, RAKCODS, UAE and
ALSS, Switzerland.

His research and teaching focus on Leadership and Management, Leadership and Quality Management, Leadership and Organizational Theory, Leadership Competencies and Emotional Intelligence.

Here are the details:

(0:001) Episode Trailer
(01:10) Intro
(02:04) How does the brain process and respond to unfamiliar or uncertain situations?
(05:04) Specific brain regions or circuits that are particularly involved in generating fear responses related to change.
(06:24) The concept of neuroplasticity and how it relates to overcoming the fear of change.
(08:37) Harnessing neuroplasticity to rewire our brains and develop a more adaptive response to change.
(12:19) Genetic or biological factors influencing an individual's predisposition to fear change.
(15:43) The role of emotions in the fear of change.
(17:22) Regulating our emotional responses to change and cultivating a more positive mindset when facing unfamiliar circumstances.
(26:40) The impact of stress and anxiety on our brain's response to change.
(31:08) How does the fear of change intersect with other psychological factors such as perfectionism, self-doubt, or imposter syndrome
(36:40) Practical exercises/techniques that listeners can incorporate into
their daily lives to train their brains and reduce the fear of change.
(40:58) Outro



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Jun 13, 202341:25
Ep #33: Top 3 Tips for Successful Career Change
May 30, 202325:57
Ep #32: A CEO's Journey in International Banking and Gender Diversity Advocacy

Ep #32: A CEO's Journey in International Banking and Gender Diversity Advocacy

Today, I am excited to have Hedwige Nuyens, the CEO of the
International Banking Federation and a prominent leader in the world of
international banking, on our show. With over 37 years of experience in board
and C-level roles, Hedwige has honed her expertise in strategy, risk, finance,
compliance, regulatory, and digital transformation. But beyond her impressive
professional achievements, Hedwige is also a passionate advocate for gender
diversity. She serves as the Chair of European Women on Boards, a non-profit
organization committed to promoting gender equality in decision-making, and was
recently elected to the G7 Gender Equality Advisory Council under the Japanese
presidency. It is an honour to have such an accomplished and dedicated leader
join us today.
Here is what we spoke about:

(01:44) Intro
(03:25) Hedwige’s childhood,
upbringing and dreams.
(04:27) What did Hedwige want to be?
(05:24) Risk and finance jobs.
(06:46) Key career changes.
(08:00) Taking risks.
(09:03) What does it take to become a
(10:26) Qualities and skills needed
for Senior Leadership positions.
(11:45) Advice for those who are
starting their careers.
(13:07) Advice for those at the
mid-career level and feeling stuck.
(14:25) What does gender equality
(16:25) Gender quotas and
(18:17) Looking back – any regrets?
(19:30) Overcoming challenging
moments in life.
(21:53) Ageism and how to deal with
(23:57) 3 key takeaways for a
successful change.

Find Hedwige Nuens on LinkedIn ⁠⁠

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May 16, 202325:30
Ep #31: The unconventional path from Bank COO to portfolio career.

Ep #31: The unconventional path from Bank COO to portfolio career.

This time, I have swapped roles and become the guest in my own podcast. I am
an ex-banker, working at Citibank for 21 years. Ex Regional COO for
Asia for Treasury and Trade Solutions, a division called "the jewel in
the crown". I covered 16 countries in my last job; two of them were
China and India.

And then, in 2021, I quit my job and moved the family to Europe to start a completely different life and a portfolio career.

I discuss my story with a guest host Eric Sim, another ex-Citibanker,
author of the hugely successful book "Small Actions", and a coach.

Here is what we spoke about spoke:

(01:32) Intro by Eric Sim
(02:19) Born in Bulgaria - what was it like living there
(04:25) Was working for a bank my dream
(06:25) How did I get a job at Citibank
(08:43) Driving factor for my career
(09:44) Changing jobs
(11:01)Transition between Europe and Asia
(12:22) Benefits of international career
(14:06) Moving jobs and countries with a family
(15:15) Why did I leave my corporate job
(17:18) Preparing to leave a corporate career - what are the steps
(18:38) Why I chose to live in Greece
(19:30) Building a personal brand and online presence.
(23:30) If I have to do it again, what would I change
(25:55) My portfolio career
(28:12) Corporate vs portfolio career
(29:30) 3 takeaways for a successful career change


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May 02, 202331:49
Ep #30: A story of career pivots from the Army to Consulting, Sales, Big Tech, and Portfolio Career.

Ep #30: A story of career pivots from the Army to Consulting, Sales, Big Tech, and Portfolio Career.

Ben Legg, the CEO and co-founder of The Portfolio Collective, is a skilled

technology CEO, engineer, author, and former COO of Google Europe. Today

he is focused on helping thousands of entrepreneurs to flourish -

through hands-on mentoring, team building, consulting, investing,

fundraising, board roles and career coaching.This

episode caters to individuals at every stage of their careers, from

graduates to mid and senior-level professionals, in both corporate and

entrepreneurial settings.


Here is what we spoke about:

(01:04) Intro.

(01:41) Who is Ben Legg.

(04:11) Working in the British Army.

(05:29) Moving to McKinsey & Company.

(06:17) The move to Coca-Cola.

(08:44) Benn's approach to a career change.

(10:24) Next career pivot: COO of Google in Europe.

(12:48) Various COO and CEO posts in tech. 

(14:41) What does it take to move from the COO to the CEO position?

(16:49) What is a portfolio career?

(18:22) Focus on many activities vs only one - does it work?

(20:45) Entrepreneurship vs Corporate ladder.

(23:17) Should graduates choose a corporate or portfolio career?

(26:36) How can a mid to senior career professional start a portfolio career?

(29:58) Financial aspects when leaving your job to start a portfolio career

(33:00) The importance of building a personal brand.

Find Ben Legg on


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Apr 18, 202336:33
Ep #29: From warship commander to becoming the Chief Executive Officer of SingPost Singapore, Su Yin Neo had extraordinary career experiences.
Apr 04, 202330:20
Ep #28: The aeronautical engineer turned beekeeper; using technology to save the bees. Career change with Sergey Petrov
Mar 21, 202333:26
Ep #27: The dentist turned award-winning fine jewellery designer. Career change with Kajal Naina

Ep #27: The dentist turned award-winning fine jewellery designer. Career change with Kajal Naina

Kajal's journey from a dentist to a jewellery designer is nothing short of remarkable. After 10 years of working in the more conventional career of dentistry, Kajal had the courage to step out of her comfort zone and make a profound change.

With sheer dedication and hard work, she honed her skills and unleashed her creativity to establish "Kajal Naina Fine Jewellery" in January 2017.

Since then, her brand has been going from strength to strength. Today, apart from her hugely successful online marketplace, she has a flagship store in Hong Kong and is soon to open one in New York.

Kajal's story is an inspiration to all those who have been holding back their passions due to societal expectations or fear of the unknown.

Her journey is a testimony to the fact that it is never too late to follow your dreams and that every individual has the power to make a change in their life.

Here is what we spoke about:

(01:26) Intro

(02:34) Kajal’s childhood, upbringing, and what made her the person she is today

(06:47) The decision to become a dentist

(10:30) The decision to become a  jewellery designer

(13:60) The training to become a jewellery designer

(15:52) Setting up and managing a business

(20:30) Challenges and overcoming them

(23:30) De-stressing the process of relocation - Nepal, Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong

(25:36) 3 key takeaways for a successful change

Find Kajal Naina jewellery here:




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Mar 07, 202331:02
E26: Building Asia's largest business platform to help women founders thrive: Anna Wong and Ines Gafsi, Co-Founders of Female Entrepreneurs Worldwide

E26: Building Asia's largest business platform to help women founders thrive: Anna Wong and Ines Gafsi, Co-Founders of Female Entrepreneurs Worldwide

Today we don’t have one but two guests.

I'm delighted to introduce Anna Wong and Ines Gafsi, the co-founders of Female Entrepreneurs Worldwide (FEW), Asia-Pacific's largest platform for female founders with a growing community of over 20,000 members.

Eight years ago, Anna and Ines took a leap of faith and left their traditional careers to start FEW. Since then, they've helped hundreds of women entrepreneurs scale their companies. But they didn't stop there. They also founded the FEW Accelerator, providing cash investments, mentorship, media exposure, and a network of investors to help female-led startups in the ESG space reach new heights.

Join us as we dive into their journey, and learn about their mission to empower women in business. And if you like what you hear, please don't forget to subscribe and comment - we would love to hear from you!

Here is what we spoke about:

(01:45) Intro

(03:33) Education, dreams and first jobs

(06:07) How Anna and Ines met and the start of FEW

(08:28) Key skills that helped them establish their business

(10:20) The financial side of starting a business

(14:10) Difficult moments and how they overcome them

(17:27) What is Female Entrepreneurs Worldwide

(20:14) Key lessons learned from the journey so far

(23:35) Three key takeaways for those who want to change their careers

Find Anna and Ines at




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Feb 21, 202327:09
Episode #25: A Lifetime in Banking - A case study in career adaptation with Simon Clarke

Episode #25: A Lifetime in Banking - A case study in career adaptation with Simon Clarke

Hi everyone and welcome to Episode 25 of the Change is Possible podcast. 

My guest is Simon Clarke. He is a Managing Director with Citibank Private bank, and his career spans 38 years.  

You know how in the last several years people started to look for more meaning and flexibility. Many are looking for a career change. In this environment, Simon seems to have found a balance and purpose and enjoys his work and life. 

Also, he has amassed 57000 people following on LinkedIn where he shares financial tips, anecdotes, and career lessons.  So, I want to understand how he is doing this.  

While you are watching, If you find this podcast interesting, please subscribe and leave a comment  

Here is what we spoke about:  

(00:44) Intro  

(01:50) Staring a career in banking with a degree in Spanish and French 

(03:35) Qualities and skills sought after in new hires for the  banking industry 

(06.40) How are the banking jobs changing 

(09:40) What should people in their mid-career focus on to be ready for the future 

(12.32) Simon’s mid-career change 

(14:12) The importance of building a personal brand in the online space 

(17:55) Corporate policies and building a personal brand  

(19:40) Drawing inspiration to post on LinkedIn every day 

(23:47) Finding balance and purpose in career and life (28:08) How to bridge the generational divide 

(30:57) Three top qualities that helped in his career 

Connect with Simon on LInkedIn 





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Feb 07, 202332:33
Episode #24: Career Pivots with Karolina Attspodina: From digital marketing through event organizing to solar industry.

Episode #24: Career Pivots with Karolina Attspodina: From digital marketing through event organizing to solar industry.

This is episode 24 and my guest today is an amazing young lady - Karolina Attspodina. She started her career in the digital marketing space, then founded her first company in the events industry, sold it, and started advising and mentoring startups around the world. Today she is the CEO and co-founder of a solar tech startup, We Do Solar. The company offers a smart balcony solar solution that can help people lower their dependence on grid energy while reducing their CO2 footprint by up to 600kg (that’s 1000m2 of the forest ) and saving up to 25% of annual electricity costs. Karolina is a passionate supporter of sustainable green innovations that help fight climate change and pollution.

Here is what we spoke about:

01:50 Her early life, education, and what she dreamt of becoming when she was a teenager

05:30 The start of her work trajectory

08:02 Founding her first company

10:35 Entrepreneur vs. employee

13:02 Move to green tech

17:40 How do you start a new company

21:23 What helped her to succeed in three different industries

23:51 Financial discipline and style of life

26:40 Financing her companies

28:47 Advice for young people who want to start in green tech

30:31 Advice for mid-career professionals to move to green tech

32:29 Top three takeaways for people who wish to change their careers

36:27 Karolina talking about her company,

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Jan 24, 202338:12
Episode #23 Career Pivot with Dr. Elizabeth Lindsey: Filmmaker, Cultural Anthropologist and a National Geographic Explorer

Episode #23 Career Pivot with Dr. Elizabeth Lindsey: Filmmaker, Cultural Anthropologist and a National Geographic Explorer

Hi everyone,

Happy New Year! I hope you had a great festive season.

I am excited to start the new year with my next guest - Dr. Elizabeth Lindsey.

She  is the first Polynesian Explorer and female Fellow in the history of  the National Geographic Society. A cultural anthropologist and  award-winning filmmaker, she travels worldwide as a conservationist of  indigenous wisdom and an advocate for social, environmental and  cultural justice.

Her keen insights and first-hand accounts  from the world’s most fragile regions are reshaping Western perspectives on global leadership and cultural evolution.

Dr.  Elizabeth has been the recipient of numerous honors. Among the awards,  she has received is the prestigious CINE Eagle, for the documentary film  she wrote, directed and produced called “Then There Were None”. This  film chronicles the near extinction of native Hawaiians and is considered a Hawaiian history classic.

Her life and work story is fascinating - listen in and enjoy!

Here is what we talked about:

(01.41) What early personal and professional experiences shaped her into the person she is today.

(02.46) How she got into acting.

(05.20) Leaving her acting career to become an anthropologist and filmmaker.

(08.16) When you are  Miss Hawaii and then famous in movies, how easy is it to be accepted as a scientist anthropologist.

(11.40) How did she handle the transition from the film set to anthropology.

(14.18) Her work as a Board member for Boards such as Tibet Fund for His Holiness, the Dalai Lama.

(15.55) Her work with the United Nations.

(17.25) Creating scholarships for children in India and the Pacific. 

(19.27) The most challenging period of her life,

(23.25) The top three qualities that helped her embrace change and succeed:

- Compassion in a deep and meaningful way.

- Humility;  to know that you are always a student.

- Commitment to serve the world.

You can follow Dr Elizabeth Lindsey on LinkedIn:

More details are available on her site:

Jan 10, 202327:27
Episode #22 Career Pivot with Mark Ross: From a banker to a career coach, educator, entrepreneur and author.

Episode #22 Career Pivot with Mark Ross: From a banker to a career coach, educator, entrepreneur and author.

Hi, this is episode 22 of the “Change is a possible podcast”  and our last episode  for this year.

My guest today is Mark Ross. He is one of these forever curious and interesting people who has made many unexpected and non-traditional career changes.

But let’s start from the beginning – he is one of 13 children! As a child and young adult, he was not even thinking about a career, he wanted to be an entrepreneur; he was always thinking about different ways to make money and how to come up with creative ideas.

His very first job was as a 5th-grade teacher, and he did that while in college. Then he went into banking, started career advising business  as a side interest, and then left banking. Now he is growing his business, working in a tech start-up, and releasing a book – Mark’s Guide to Sales and Trading launched on 19 December 2023 and can be found on

Here is what we talked about:

(01.20) His family and childhood

(04.30) His very first job

(05.50) His banking career

(15.35) Being an Adjunct Professor in a College.

(18.24)  How he started his career advising business

(20.22) Why and how he left banking

(21.06) How did he manage his finance with all these changes and pivots?

(24.00) How he wrote his book

(28.00) Mark’s  three key takeaways for anyone planning a career:

  1. Know exactly where you want to go
  2. Make sure you have the skills for your end goal.
  3. Build a strong network, especially in the area you are interested in

Tune in to hear Mark’s story!

You can connect with Mark  on LinkedIn:

He also has a website at:

Dec 20, 202230:20
Episode #21 Career Pivot with Stella Kasdagli: From a translator through editor-in-chief to founder of a non-profit organization

Episode #21 Career Pivot with Stella Kasdagli: From a translator through editor-in-chief to founder of a non-profit organization

Hi everyone, this is episode 21 of the "Change is possible" podcast. 

Let me introduce you to my guest today – Stella Kasdagli. She is the former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitan magazine in Greece. And following over ten years of working there, Stella realized she needed to make a career change. During this period, she co-founded Women On Top as a side hustle. Today it is a non-profit organization for the professional development of women and gender equality in the public sphere. Stella is the author of 8 books, has translated more than 30, and has won multiple awards. Among them is the National Book Award for Young Adult Non-Fiction. Stella has experienced some interesting career changes, which I am excited to delve into and learn from today! 

In this episode, we explore: 

1. The start of Stella’s career — from studying French literature to becoming a translator for young adult romantic novels. 

2.  The lessons she learned and the revelation she came to while working at Cosmopolitan magazine. 

3.  What influenced Stella’s decision to quit her job. 

4. The unique way Stella overcame her doubts and fears. 

5.  What steps she took to support herself financially upon leaving her job. 

6. The inspiration for Stella’s books. 

7. The inspiration for and development of Stella’s non-profit organization, Women On Top. 

8. Catalysts for the growth and success of Women On Top. 

9. The surprising challenge Stella faced when running her own business. And the even more surprising way she adapted to this! 

Stella provides three pieces of eye-opening advice for anyone planning a career pivot: 

- Don’t underestimate the power of self-reflection. 

- Never make a career change to prove a point — do it because you are eager to learn something new. 

- Invest your time and energy in building relationships BEFORE you need anything from them. 

Tune in to hear Stella’s gripping personal story! 

You can find Stella at Women on Top 

Or through LinkedIn at

Dec 06, 202234:17
Episode #20 Career Pivot with Augusto Rozo: Career changes as a way of life

Episode #20 Career Pivot with Augusto Rozo: Career changes as a way of life

Hello, hello, and welcome to episode 20 of the Change is Possible podcast. 

I can’t wait to introduce you to my guest today - Augusto Rozo. He is one of those people for whom change is a way of life. Augusto was 19 when he first moved to NYC. At 22, he was in Barcelona and started his first company with only $80. Eventually, the business took him around the world, selling his products, building fascinating connections, and discovering opportunities. While in his twenties, he also learned three new languages and took two masters and one MBA. Later, he moved to the Middle East, where he tried the other side of the coin — being employed by others. At 39, he quit his job to pursue a new dream. Throughout this eclectic journey, Augusto learned innumerable lessons about people, business, organizations and change. And now he will share some of these with us. 

In this episode, you hear about: 

1.. Augusto’s upbringing and early life that shaped him into a person who is open and looking to try new things continuously. 

2. Going to New York to study filmmaking. 

3. Moving to Barcelona, starting as an English teacher and the jewellery business with his wife. 

4. Building a corporate career in UAE. 

5. How different side hustles drive some of your career decisions. 

6. The benefits of an MBA. 7. His approach to managing all the changes financially. 

8. The most challenging times and how he overtook them. 

9 . The three key takeaways for a successful career change. 

A quote that stood out to me was: “To make those changes happen [setting up a business or pivoting in your career], be observant of the opportunity but also of the people that can work with you to make these happen.” Augusto speaks about the importance of developing relationships and how they have presented some of his greatest opportunities and life experiences. 

The three key takeaways for a successful career are: 

1. Plan your finances. 

2. Start with the first step – it will trigger the next moves 

3. Speak openly about what you want to achieve so you can brainstorm, get feedback, identify opportunities and find people to partner with. 

Tune in to hear Augusto’s fascinating personal story! 

You can connect with Augusto and read some of his inspiring stories on LinkedIn: 

He also has a website at:

Nov 22, 202239:01
Episode #19 Career Pivot with Paul McVeigh: From professional football to performance psychology and public speaking

Episode #19 Career Pivot with Paul McVeigh: From professional football to performance psychology and public speaking

Hi everyone, my guest today is Paul McVeigh. He started his career in football and became a Premier League and International football player for Tottenham Hotspur, Norwich City, and Northern Ireland. 

Paul competed with and against the best players  in the world on a daily basis , and this is what shaped his methodology of high performance. 

He has a unique combination of reaching the pinnacle of elite sport as well as being the first Premier League footballer to qualify with a Master’s Degree in Psychology. 

He dedicated his career to understanding what makes humans ‘tick’ and how it affects how they think, feel and act.

Paul specializes in implementing the mental tools required to elevate the performance of leaders and teams from organizations across the world, especially in financial services, technology, and the professional services industry. He has recently worked with PWC,  Aviva, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, NatWest, Microsoft, Cisco and many more.

He is also an established broadcaster on TV and radio and is a published author.

Here is what we talked about:

-       Growing up in Northern Ireland in the 70s and 80s

-       Starting with football and what it taught him apart from physical strength and endurance

-       The decision to study Psychology

-       His book “The Stupid Footballer is Dead.”

-       How he developed his business 

-       Becoming  a keynote speaker

-       Experiences from his transition from football to his current business

-       His key takeaways for a successful career pivot


Tune in to hear this fascinating personal story.

You can connect with Paul at

Listen to his podcast:

Nov 08, 202228:11
Episode #18 Career Pivot with Jay Shaw: From commercial fisherman to serial entrepreneur

Episode #18 Career Pivot with Jay Shaw: From commercial fisherman to serial entrepreneur

Jay Shaw is an entrepreneur with over 20 years of  experience in the IT industry and experience on both corporate and  non-profit organization boards.

He had a very unusual start to his career – he was a commercial fisherman for 10 years. After that, he became an English teacher in China.

Jay  co-founded and served as CEO of NetDimensions, a technology company  acquired in 2017 after listing on the London Stock Exchange AIM. He is  currently the CEO of Praxonomy, a UK-based software company that  provides board portal solutions to listed and private companies, NGOs,  and fund management groups.

Jay takes a broad view  of corporate issues as an executive with experience in information  technology, software development, cloud services, compliance, governance  and risk, strategy, general management, and corporate development.

We talked about the following:

- the unusual start to his work life - being a commercial fisherman.

- becoming an English language teacher in China

- starting his first venture

- being an entrepreneur

- selling one company and starting again with his current company - Praxonomy (

-  managing a start-up in times of COVID and geopolitical changes

- managing a new company as a digital nomad

Jay's three key takeaways for anyone who wants to pivot their career into  entrepreneurship:

1. Awareness: You must have an idea for a product or unmet need that you can solve.

2. Willingness: You must be willing to take action on this idea or unmet need.

3. Resilience: You have to be able to deal with setbacks and change course as needed.

Don’t forget to like, subscribe or ask questions on on your favorite podcast platform.

Please tune in and enjoy

Oct 25, 202234:05
Episode #17 Career Pivot with Naveed Sultan: International executive career does not always require multiple employers.

Episode #17 Career Pivot with Naveed Sultan: International executive career does not always require multiple employers.

My guest today is Naveed Sultan. He is a recognized banking industry leader who built a career at Citibank spanning almost 30 years.  His career is truly amazing. He has led multi-billion dollar global businesses working with most Fortune 500 global companies, banks, asset managers, and insurance companies in over 120 countries. He was the chairman of the Institutional Clients Group in Citi, and in this role, Naveed led Citi's Digital Policy, Strategy, and Advisory Practice for all types of clients.

Apart from this, Naveed is passionate about education and has helped to establish the center for Responsible Leadership in the  Imperial Business School's

These are some of his thoughts that stayed with me:

“You have to develop a narrative to influence people with credibility. But after that, it is a question of living up to that narrative with credibility.”

“Everything in life is about apprenticeship; it’s about people’s development.”

On the topic of key Leadership attributes: “When you build a magnificent building, you focus on its foundation. Moral conscience and your value system are the two things that make your character as an individual and leader.”

On how to stay aligned with the fast paste changes in the banking profession:

“Keep reading, developing knowledge, and being curious beyond your core competencies.”

“To have a successful career – one should operate very well at the Intersection of Finance, Economics, and Technology. One should be able to move from Strategy to Business planning to Execution comfortably.””

These are his three key things to have in mind when you consider a career change:

1. Always do it for the right reasons. Think about the move rationally.

2. Build a broader and deeper intellectual foundation which gives you a greater level of confidence and allows for a smoother transition

3. Incorporate both tangible and intangible factors in your decision-making process. Tangible means compensation, title, and scope of your job, and non-tangible are experience, cultural fit, reputation, network

Please tune in and enjoy the discussion.

Don’t forget to like, subscribe or ask questions on on your favorite podcast platform.

Oct 11, 202241:41
Episode #16 Career Pivot with Sonia Wedrychowicz: A banker turned consultant

Episode #16 Career Pivot with Sonia Wedrychowicz: A banker turned consultant

My guest today is Sonia Wedrychowicz . She came from a family of lawyers but didn’t want to become one herself – she wanted to travel. She found out that in the Warsaw School of Economics, there was a program called International trade, and she knew that if she studied trade, she would sign international contracts on behalf of Poland with foreign countries. That was close enough to her dream to travel, and that was Sonia’s decision-making process to study economics. And this is how she started a successful career that took her all over the world. Sonia is a Partner with McKinsey & Company’s Global Banking Practice, based in Dubai. She advises corporate and consumer banks in the Middle East, Europe, and Asia on topics including growth and digital transformation. Before joining McKinsey, Sonia had a successful banking career in Citibank, corporate and consumer banking, for 18 years. After that, she was a key driver of digital banking transformation at DBS in Singapore, where she was responsible for building digital banks in India and Indonesia. She then led an agile transformation of Chase at JPMorgan Chase in the US. Outside work, Sonia loves to read, cook, travel, and spend time with her family. In addition, she is an accomplished black belt kickboxer. We had a fun and engaging discussion on many topics: working for one organization for 18 years, becoming a tech lead without a tech background, being a consultant, and many more. For those planning job change, Sonia has the following advice: 1.       Understand your internal motives for the change. This will make the next move  easier and more relevant. 2.       Make profound due diligence of the team and culture of your new employer. The interviews for a new job are like the teaser for a new movie, and then the movie can be very very different from what you expected. 3.       Consider your new job not only from a promotion and money point of view but also how it is positioned in the fast-changing world. 
Sep 26, 202229:19
Episode #15 Career Pivot with Rana Nawas: How to manage a full circle from corporate to entrepreneur and back

Episode #15 Career Pivot with Rana Nawas: How to manage a full circle from corporate to entrepreneur and back

Episode 15 of the “Change is possible podcast” is out! My guest is Rana Nawas. She is a 22-year corporate veteran who built her successful career around problem-solving, driving growth and building relationships. After graduating from Oxford with an Engineering degree, she worked in  McKinsey & Company’s London Office, the Dubai Government, and GE Capital in a variety of strategy and sales roles. Then she left the corporate world to found her hugely successful podcast "When women win", and become a keynote speaker, advisor, and board chair. Recently, she made another career change and joined Oliver Wyman in Dubai as a partner focusing on the transportation sector. Apart from all the professional success, Rana is a mother of two boys; she is a quad-lingual global citizen, a retired yogini, a cross-fitter, and a cancer survivor. It was such an interesting discussion about life, work, and change Some of Rana’s thoughts that stayed with me: The quality of your life is the quality of your relationships You cannot expect everything in life to come out of only one relationship. Sometimes you have to do a job, and you get meaning and purpose from other things And that is OK There are very few dead ends in life. What you want changes over time and that’s OK! You recalibrate and figure out what is next Here are Rana’s  three key takeaways to have in mind when you plan a career change: - Make sure you are financially secured - Put a lot of thought into what it is that you want to do - When you start with something new – give it a chance; have a grit Tune in, and I promise you – the discussion was so thought-provoking that you will want to spend some alone time thinking about things!
Sep 13, 202235:52
Episode #14 Career Pivot with Lenka Pincot: From consulting and tech to banking

Episode #14 Career Pivot with Lenka Pincot: From consulting and tech to banking

After a short summer break, Change is possible podcast is back with Episode # 14.
My guest is Lenka Pinkot.
Lenka is a leader in organizational transformation and strategic change. Her core expertise is building strategic transformation vision, driving complex change, creating customer value, and coaching agile teams.
Lenka has 20 years long career. She started as a consultant, gained tech industry experience, worked for a non-profit organization, and finally joined the banking sector.
When she was working for a non-profit organization, she learned these two things, which helped her for the rest of her career:
- Discovered what working with meaning and purpose is
- Understood efficiency. When you work with volunteers, no one wastes time with nonsensical tasks; people value their time and focus on what matters.
Regarding mentors, Lenka has had one of the most unconventional ones. She was taught this: when you have an issue, think about your famous superhero and what they would do. Interesting approach, right??!!
As usual, I asked her about her three key takeaways for those who are thinking about changing their careers:
1. Keep track of your achievements. Work on your brand and make it easy for people to understand who you are and what you can offer.
2. Work on your self-awareness and use it to build your resilience.
3. Be observant, and connect the dots. See the big picture and your place in it.
Please tune in for more tips and advice from Lenka. You can also visit her site:
Aug 30, 202231:08
Episode #13 Career Pivot with Eugene Liang: From working in top Asia Unicorns to a career in banking.

Episode #13 Career Pivot with Eugene Liang: From working in top Asia Unicorns to a career in banking.

My guest today is Eugene Liang

I  met Eugene more than six months ago to advise him on a product he was working on. I thought his career journey into banking was not  traditional.

He  is someone who has spent ten years working for some of the top Asia  Unicorns, such as Lazada/Alibaba - LazGames, Grab, and OFO, to name a  few. He enjoys the zero-to-one process in established companies or startups, from ideation to go-to-market. His experience span gaming/gamification, e-commerce, bike-sharing, and ride-hailing-related industries.

Today he is using all his previous tech experience in a very different industry - banking. Outside banking, his interest is in NFTs, web3, cryptocurrency, and blockchains.

We had an engaging discussion on what it is to work for a Unicorn, what qualities he needed to start in such a company, what he learned, and,  of course, how he moved to banking.

He shared that "folks who work or join startups/tech unicorns are: i)  self-starters; ii) obsessed with execution and iii) thrive in a  fast-paced change environment". And the top skills that one could learn  there are "the ability to do more with less" and "efficiency and  delivering with swift turnaround time."

On  the question "why moving to banking" Eugene said - "I  spent quite a  bit of time in environments where growth rates are prized over  profitability. I thought it would be useful to learn what it means to be  financially prudent and build a profitable business."

On my traditional question about key takeaways, he shared these:

  1. Keep an open mind - your skill set could benefit other departments in your company or other industries.
  2. Always be networking - opportunities come through people.
  3. Bring tangible and intangible value to the new employer - be it skills, network, or domain knowledge not easily replicated.

Please tune in to hear more about his journey!

Happy listening!

Aug 01, 202225:23
Episode #12: Career Pivot with Myladie Stoumbou: From engineering to sales and a successful career in tech.

Episode #12: Career Pivot with Myladie Stoumbou: From engineering to sales and a successful career in tech.

My guest in this episode is Myladie Stoumbou.

She  is the Regional Director for Partner Business Development in Microsoft  Corp. Myladie leads an innovative and fast-growing partner ecosystem  across 33 countries in Central and Eastern Europe. She works on new  business practices, services, and solutions that reimagine the way of  doing business.

When  you tune into the podcast, you will discover that apart from everything  else, Myladie is a fabulous storyteller. This is how she described her  upbringing:

"I  was raised in a very small provincial town in Western Greece. I was  raised with lots of love, with the wisdom of the ancient philosophers,  the drama plots of the ancient tragedians, and the theorems of the  ancient mathematicians. "

She  is also someone who likes to follow non-traditional paths. She studied  Computer engineering when this was not a "thing"; and when it was far  less of a  women's profession than now. And then she became a sales  guru, not in any company but Microsoft!

When  I asked for her three key takeaways, she told me, "Well, I will give  you five at the size of one"! This is a salesperson through and through.

Miladye said that she walks her path with GRACE and these five pillars are her compass through the years:

- Generosity – be a giver, not only a taker

- Resilience – make mistakes and learn from them

- Authenticity – be true to who you are

- Courage – don't be afraid to make decisions to break the status quo

- Empathy – stay human; try to connect from the heart and try to understand others

Happy listening!!

Jul 18, 202232:44
Episode #11: Embracing change with Morgan McKenney: tech-educated trader and banker on a quest to transform financial services.

Episode #11: Embracing change with Morgan McKenney: tech-educated trader and banker on a quest to transform financial services.

My guest in this episode is Morgan McKenney.

She is the CEO of Provenance Blockchain Foundation, a public blockchain built specifically for financial services and used by over 50 financial institutions today. In this role, she is focused on helping financial services participants leverage the value of digital money, digital assets, and blockchain to transform financial services and deliver material business and customer value.  

Before Provenance Blockchain, she was a special advisor to Centre, focused on the trusted use of stablecoins starting with USDC. She spent nearly 18 years at Citi in various senior operating roles worldwide.  

I met Morgan in Hong Kong – we used to work together for 4 years. Then she went back to the US, where she became the COO of Citi's Global Consumer Banking business, reporting to Jane Fraser, the current CEO of Citibank. 

In our conversation, we spoke about her fascinating career journey, the skills that helped her career grow, the importance of international assignments, her career after leaving a large financial institution, and much more!

I asked her to share three key takeaways to help with career change. She added a bonus one, so here are her FOUR essential pieces of advice: 

  1.     Take the stretch role; take leaps in your career to maximize your potential.
  2.     Be in tune with what motivates you:  like your boss and like your content.
  3.     Embrace change as an opportunity to learn.
  4.     Collaborate and extend a helping hand, and nurture your network. 
Jul 05, 202228:04
Episode #10: Career pivot with Eric Sim - From banker to educator, author and a key opinion leader on LinkedIn

Episode #10: Career pivot with Eric Sim - From banker to educator, author and a key opinion leader on LinkedIn

My guest in this episode is Eric Sim.

A key opinion leader on LinkedIn, Eric Sim, CFA, is the author of the book Small Actions: Leading Your Career to Big Success. Previously, when based in Hong Kong, Sim served as a managing director at UBS Investment Bank and an adjunct associate professor of finance at HKUST. He founded the Institute of Life with a mission to train young professionals to be successful at work and in life.

I met Eric Sim one year ago when I left my corporate career and needed a coach to help me navigate my social media presence.

I saw a clubhouse event he was organizing. I checked his Linked profile and could not believe that he had more than 2 million followers. I registered, and he invited me to ask my questions on the stage during the event. This is how we connected.

In the following months, Eric helped me crystalize my strategy and fine-tune my goals. I established many valuable connections with his help. And he gave me the confidence to start writing on LinkedIn.

I have never met Eric in person, but I always wanted to share his story – from his humble beginnings to the powerhouse he is today. He made the portfolio career “a thing.”

When we were recording, I asked him to walk me through the stages of preparation and execution when he was leaving banking. The answer was not what I expected! Eric said the first thing he did was design his new company’s logo and print the business cards. He knew he was ready to leave the banking job when he confidently handed out these new cards, accepting his new future.

His three key takeaways for success in any career pivot are three “S”:

- Build your Social capital well before you need it

- Build your Social media presence

- Build your Social network

Please tune in to hear his fascinating journey.

Happy listening!

Jun 20, 202232:33
Episode #9: Career pivot with Diana Wu David - Reinventing work in an age of acceleration

Episode #9: Career pivot with Diana Wu David - Reinventing work in an age of acceleration

In this episode, I will meet you with Diana Wu David  - She  is a former Financial Times executive, author of Future Proof: Reinventing Work in an Age of Acceleration, and an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School's EMBA Global Asia. She started her career as a management consultant and assistant to Dr. Henry Kissinger at Kissinger Associates in New York. When  Diana left her corporate career, she wanted to do something that would  help her be forever employable. She founded her own company, Future  proof lab, in 2016, and she works with global leaders, companies, and  boards to enhance their ability to adapt, contribute, collaborate and  grow. She shared that "the corporate work teaches us always to scale up and grow. What I love about being a master of my destiny is the ability to not only scale up but also scale down whenever I need more time for my  family." She  also knows that there is a lot of anxiety about the future of work, regardless if you have a corporate career or are an entrepreneur. If you  are wondering whether you are ready for the future - please check

Diana thinks that the key trends for the future of work are : - The power of one - each of us can be an individual creator- The power of many; the liquid super team- we come together to work on a project, and then we disband. - The application of technology to support all of the above so we can match each other for the right project and work. Please tune in to hear more about her journey and understand why she feels that she is living the future of work.

Jun 06, 202234:13
Episode #8: Career pivot with Hannah Genton: Leaving a billion-dollar law firm to create her own company and life.

Episode #8: Career pivot with Hannah Genton: Leaving a billion-dollar law firm to create her own company and life.

In this episode, I will meet you with Hannah Genton -  a Berkeley school of law graduate and a former start-up attorney turned entrepreneur. After years of practice in one of Silicon Valley's leading law firms, she realized it was never quite enough, regardless of how much she accomplished. Additionally, the extra workload she was required to take on left her sacrificing family time, especially after the birth of her first child. This fueled the belief that there must be a better way to honor her professional and personal life.

This is why she co-founded a very different law firm - CGL was born with the idea of giving its attorneys an unprecedented level of freedom and autonomy. This meant choosing where they worked and committing to a set number of hours each week. It was a success, and now, CGL offers on-demand legal services for companies and law firms alike.

Hannah said that the first thing she did when starting her company was to google " How to start a law firm" - she had no business experience in how to set things up.
"In the law, you often know the answer; there is a rule and a way things are done. As an entrepreneur - it is kind of blank slate, and you figure it out."

This is what she said about her experience leading her legal firm: " I never expected how much I would love my job and that it was even possible to feel that way."

Here are Hannah's  key takeaways for anyone who is leaving their corporate career to become an entrepreneur:

- Having a sound financial plan will give you creative freedom and time to pause intentionally so that you can plan the future.
- Don't be afraid to fail; every failure is a learning opportunity.
- Take the plunge, despite the fact it is scary.

Please tune in to hear more about her journey after quitting her corporate job to create her own company and life.

May 23, 202235:38