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DISCOVER JOYOUS LOVE with Anita DeFrancesco

DISCOVER JOYOUS LOVE with Anita DeFrancesco

By Anita DeFrancesco

Mindfulness-Sexuality-Relationships: My mission is to educate people to enlightenment and awareness. To free the emotions from pain, learn to love more openly, express the hidden voice, and recreate a more purposeful, empowered and happy life; thus awakening from separation and suffering and embracing the modern world with oneness and love. Somatic Orgonomy Psychotherapist, Yoga Guru, Two-time Award Winning Journalist, Love - Relationship Coach, Founder Tantra Wisdom- Kinepathics. Discover Joyous Love YouTube- Podcast. It's Your Voice Podcast. Author: “Live Free”, “The Donna Gentile Story”.
Currently playing episode

Soldier of the Cross Author John Oliver A world outside the limitations of the senses #28

DISCOVER JOYOUS LOVE with Anita DeFrancesco Feb 25, 2022

Love Alive

Love Alive

Keeping Love Alive # 52

When your relationship is at a dull time, learn tools and techniques to awaken the senses and sexual being

Mar 21, 202423:16
Jason Weisz: Financial Infidelity

Jason Weisz: Financial Infidelity

Learn how you and your beloved can manage money, taxes, spending and love as a wholesome duo.

Jason is the owner and operator of Weisz Accounting Services, a boutique accounting firm that services individuals and small businesses in tax preparation, tax consulting, bookkeeping and tax planning throughout the greater Philadelphia metro area. With a financial planning background, Jason has been able to provide a unique perspective on taxpayer’s needs. Originally owned by his grandfather since the early 1950s Jason has been operating this business for over 20 years.



Oct 29, 202350:29
Advance Toward Pleasure and Mental Health with Bond Wright : Part 2 Reichian-Orgonomy Therapist

Advance Toward Pleasure and Mental Health with Bond Wright : Part 2 Reichian-Orgonomy Therapist

Advance Toward Pleasure and Mental Health with Bond Wright Part 2 : Reichian Orgonomy Therapist

DiscoverJoyousLove Podcast Episode #49 Anita DeFrancesco Host

This is an educational Teach-in about the human psychological process.

I am here with my guest: Bond Wright, MA, CRT, CTA, CM⁠⁠ 310-450-3396

…Bond Wright is a fourth- generation Reichian Therapist.

…This means she was trained by two generations away from the FIRST Reichian Therapist:  Dr. Wilhelm Reich himself,

the creator of Reichian Orgonomy Therapy.

…She was trained at the California Family Study Center Reichian Training Program for Professionals, Burbank, Ca.

…She was also trained Dr. Henry Hill, an Orgonomist. Dr. Hill was trained by Elsworth Baker, Dr. Baker was tained by Dr. Reich.

… She was academically education in California.

…She is a trainer and has trained Therapists in Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Denmark, San Francisco and London working

…with them and their client population developing healing strategies.

…She was a member of an 18-- person Therapist Training Program at the Santa Monica Therapy Center in the 70’s.

…She is a university lecturer and has lectured at various universities and Human Potential Growth Center here and Europe.

…She is a Certified Transactional Analysis Counselor.  TA was developed by Dr. Eric Berne, Carmel, Ca.

…REV. Bond is an ordained    minister with The Association For The Integration Of The Whole Person (AIWP)  and 1).teaches cross-cultural anthropological spirituality.


…Opening deep, powerful emotions and the SOMATIC  life of the body.

…Life Management

…Existential dIs-enchantment

…Depression and loss

…self-realization and Identity crisis

…Addiction and substance abuse

…Marriage/relationshipping  and conflict-resolution

…Human sexuality

…Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

…The Creative Process  as it relates to acting, music, art, writing, etc.

Sep 16, 202301:01:23
Advance Toward Pleasure & Mental Illness Part 2 with Bond Wright: Reichian Orgonomy Therapist #48

Advance Toward Pleasure & Mental Illness Part 2 with Bond Wright: Reichian Orgonomy Therapist #48

Advance Toward Pleasure & Mental Illness with Bond Wrigh Part 2 : Reichian Orgonomy Therapist

DiscoverJoyousLove Podcast Episode #48 Anita DeFrancesco Host

This is an educational Teach-in about the human psychological process.

I am here with my guest: Bond Wright, MA, CRT, CTA, CM⁠⁠ 310-450-3396

…Bond Wright is a fourth- generation Reichian Therapist.

…This means she was trained by two generations away from the FIRST Reichian Therapist:  Dr. Wilhelm Reich himself,

the creator of Reichian Orgonomy Therapy.

…She was trained at the California Family Study Center Reichian Training Program for Professionals, Burbank, Ca.

…She was also trained Dr. Henry Hill, an Orgonomist. Dr. Hill was trained by Elsworth Baker, Dr. Baker was tained by Dr. Reich.

… She was academically education in California.

…She is a trainer and has trained Therapists in Los Angeles, Amsterdam, Denmark, San Francisco and London working

…with them and their client population developing healing strategies.

…She was a member of an 18-- person Therapist Training Program at the Santa Monica Therapy Center in the 70’s.

…She is a university lecturer and has lectured at various universities and Human Potential Growth Center here and Europe.

…She is a Certified Transactional Analysis Counselor.  TA was developed by Dr. Eric Berne, Carmel, Ca.

…REV. Bond is an ordained    minister with The Association For The Integration Of The Whole Person (AIWP)  and 1).teaches cross-cultural anthropological spirituality.


…Opening deep, powerful emotions and the SOMATIC  life of the body.

…Life Management

…Existential dIs-enchantment

…Depression and loss

…self-realization and Identity crisis

…Addiction and substance abuse

…Marriage/relationshipping  and conflict-resolution

…Human sexuality

…Trauma and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

…The Creative Process  as it relates to acting, music, art, writing, etc.

May 10, 202301:13:29
Where Were You?: A Profile of Modern Slavery, Author Matthew S. Friedman

Where Were You?: A Profile of Modern Slavery, Author Matthew S. Friedman

Matthew S.  Friedman is an international human trafficking expert with more than 30 years’ experience. He is CEO of The Mekong Club, an organization of Hong Kong’s leading businesses which have joined forces to help end all forms of modern slavery. Mr. Friedman previously worked for USAID and the United Nations in over 30 countries. Mr. Friedman offers technical advice to numerous governments, banks and corporations working to eliminate all forms of modern slavery and is the author of twelve books. In 2017, Mr. Friedman won Asia’s prestigious “Communicator of the Year” Gold Award.

Dec 26, 202258:46
Carrots: True Confessions of a Hollywood Sex Addict, Author Dan Harary #45

Carrots: True Confessions of a Hollywood Sex Addict, Author Dan Harary #45

Episode #45 Discover Joyous Love with Anita DeFrancesco




Beverly Hills, CA, WINTER 2022 – “Dan Harary sure knows how to tell a story! His book, Carrots: True Confessions of a Hollywood Sex Addict,is a collection of stories that present the sad but truthful stories behind the relationships he has had with women, lots and lots of women, his whole life. It’s a real page-turner! His vulnerability is palpable and there are points where you don’t know if you should be laughing at him or crying with him. He shares a lifetime of unmet sexual needs and desires that led him to out-of-control sexual behaviors and a detailed sex-addiction that are both erotic yet alarming at the same time. The disconnect between his infatuation with fantasy Playboy Playmates and Supermodel types and the reality of finding a true loving, caring life-partner, is heartbreaking. But, if you’re like me, you’ll find yourself rooting for him the whole way through this truly unique and highly compelling memoir!” – Carol Hunt, Co-host of The Sexy Lifestyle Podcast, Montreal, Canada


During Summer, 1979, when he was 23 and living in Long Branch, New Jersey, a few blocks from the Atlantic Ocean, author Dan Harary found a sign on the boardwalk that read “Spiritual Advisor.” Having never encountered such a place before, and on a whim, he entered. A heavy-set, middle-aged woman stared at him for an uncomfortably long minute, then spoke firmly: “Many women are attracted to you,” she declared. “But something GOES WRONG with EACH ONE you meet.” Leaning closer into him, she added, “The women you desire somehow elude you—they remain just beyond your reach.”

Her words were so completely accurate, Harary almost fell off his chair. How could this total stranger know his entire life story? He’d just walked into her shop at random. For all these many years since, he’s been wondering why he didn’t ask her the cause behind the very peculiar fact that the women he most desired (since early childhood) constantly seemed to elude him?

As Harary explains, “CARROTS is about the many, many women I’ve loved and lost, wanted to love but couldn’t for various strange reasons, or was never able to love at all. In the book, I also talk about 25-year-long, undiagnosed depression, my troubled marriage, my 20-year-long struggle with sex addiction, and what I have become convinced is a Past Life Curse that was unfortunately bestowed upon me at birth.”

To read more about Dan Harary, please visit:

The new book, published by Orlando, Florida-based Bear Manor Media, can be purchased via Amazon here:

Nov 19, 202201:01:11


Discover Joyous Love Podcast #43 Host Anita DeFrancesco

Guests: Extraordinary Lovers: Laurie Handlers and Michael Gibson

Laurie Handlers, author of International Bestseller Sex & Happiness: The Tantric Laws of Intimacy teaches people ways to increase pleasure and return to love with themselves and their partners. As a speaker and facilitator, Laurie has taught transformational workshops since 1978 on topics ranging from releasing past emotional trauma, stopping the aging process, and Tantra (expansion through awareness) impacting tens of thousands of lives. She believes couples are an “endangered species.” Together with her partner she offers relationship coaching and holds workshops on how to be in extraordinary love. Watching people transform brings joy and excitement to Laurie’s life and career.

Studying since 2008, Michael is a Certified Sex and Happiness Coach and practitioner, the co-founder of the Academy for Men and creator of Just Add Skill workshops for men. Michael is also the creator of The Extraordinary Lovers Experience and co-facilitates with Laurie Handlers in many of her in person and online courses all over the world. Michael fuses ancient shamanic wisdom, sacred sexuality and modern science into his coaching to create truly Extraordinary Lovers.

Oct 15, 202259:42
Dr. Ava Cadell-Loveology Retreat

Dr. Ava Cadell-Loveology Retreat






Malibu, CA, FALL, 2022 – Globally renowned Relationship Expert, Author, Love Guru, Media Therapist and Lecturer Dr. Ava Cadell (A LONGTIME RESIDENT OF MALIBU) has opened “The Loveology Retreat,” a visually stunning and awe-inspiring “Magical Property” in Maricopa, CA, about a two hour drive north of Los Angeles. Since 2000, the site served as the Pine Mountain Buddhist Temple Retreat. The new Loveology Retreat represents a real-life, in-person extension of Dr. Ava’s long-popular, online program Loveology University®. 

For the past two decades, Dr. Ava’s mission has been to promote the benefits of healthy relationships, emotional intimacy and physical, mental, spiritual, emotional and sexual wellness to students worldwide. She has presented seminars both in-person and online – spreading a positive message of spirituality, happiness and love.

Dr. Cadell and the Loveology Retreat will offer clients One Special Program on-site each month. The first of these, entitled “Boosting Your Passion, Love and Happiness,” will be held October 14-16. In addition to Dr. Ava, Guest Speakers will include: Dr. Shannon Chavez, who will teach how to attain emotional intimacy with your partner and how to build awareness surrounding romance and passion; Dr. Hernando Chaves, who will offer new ways to explore and enhance sensual pleasure; Sabrina Jackson, who will demonstrate how to use sensual movement as a path to erotic empowerment and a method to heal trauma; and Ram Kirin, who will teach Kundalini Yoga, meditation and breathwork and will present a “sound bath” by the massive, on-site Stupa. For details about this Special Program, please see:

Well-known for Zen Meditation in the Ventura County Mountains of Southern California, the former residents of the Loveology Retreat property were two Buddhist Monks who previously had opened their home to the outside world for Buddhist Teachings, Meditation Workshops and Buddhist Festivals. Said Dr. Ava, “As soon as I met those two Monks, I felt an immediate mind, body and soul connection. When they shared their desire to move to a smaller place, I knew that this magnificent desert land, with its mountains and an abundance of trees, flowers and Buddha statues, would make an ideal location for my Loveology Retreat!”

She adds, “It has always been my dream to own and operate a retreat where I can deliver my seminars to students, couples, families, widows and widowers, instructing and empowering them to learn how best to live and love. In addition, this retreat can also serve as an ideal desert and mountain location for filmmakers and TV productions, as well as for weddings and other family and couples-friendly events.”

To view Ava’s Narrated Retreat Video Tour, pls. see:

Media Contact:

Dan Harary

Asbury PR Agency/Beverly Hills


Sep 26, 202201:01:49
Men's Feelings and Patriarchy #42

Men's Feelings and Patriarchy #42

Men's Feelings and Patriarchy  #42

Based on  book  " The Will to Change" By Bell Hooks ( Men, Masculinity, and Love)

Aug 31, 202221:29
Relationship Push & Pull #41

Relationship Push & Pull #41

Relationship Push & Pull


Aug 26, 202219:26
Nourishing Your Erotic Nature #39

Nourishing Your Erotic Nature #39

Nourishing Your Erotic Nature  # 39

Understanding and nourishing your erotic nature begins with self love.  Expressing your voice and manifesting your actions requires accessing the full energy of the body known as Chi or sexual energy.  This has nothing to do with sex or a relationship. Its all about you honoring and self loving who you are; it  is the beginning.

Jul 17, 202228:60
Is Love enough to hold down the fort? Episode #38

Is Love enough to hold down the fort? Episode #38

So you think love conquers all, think again, takes a lot of work to keep it balanced, fluid and sexual.

Love requires compatibility, compromise, communication, compliancy and forgiveness and self improvement and self examination.

Teaching each other through Tantra Wisdom.

Jul 02, 202227:25
Is the Dating Chase Worth it? Episode 37

Is the Dating Chase Worth it? Episode 37

Is the Dating Chase Worth It?

Episode # 37

When it comes to dating the chase can be a high for some and for others a neediness. Best to examine your priorities and see the truth vision of what you really want in the chase and what your emotions need in that time.

Or is the chase a flirtatious fun filled thrill and why?

Are you avoiding your true self, escaping reality or commitment.

Is the chase dating for you with no real intimacy?

Jun 20, 202226:58
Pickup Lines..choose mindfully, love coach Anita says for best results....

Pickup Lines..choose mindfully, love coach Anita says for best results....

Episode #36

I personally feel with all the social media we are beyond pickup lines.. How about just introducing yourself. 

How to master the art of Pickup Lines.....the opening line can make or break the continued conversation. I recommend choosing words that connect to the heart and make the person feel special rather than the old sexual objectification lines. Appreciate and admire the person you are targeting to strike up a conversation.  Focus in on compassionate words, or compliments to their talents or something . Make it personal, lite and humorous. Keep away from negative or complaining conversations.

May 29, 202233:24
Is Casual Sex Emotionally Healthy?

Is Casual Sex Emotionally Healthy?

Episode # 35

Is Casual Sex Emotionally Healthy?

Yes and No

Your real freedom lives within the emotions and sex is a catalyst to get you there

To much casual sex suppresses the emotions which can get patterned and fall by the wayside

There is a resiliency that forms and a growth but emotions need expression.

Unmet emotions can surface later in life.

Attachment theory believes that human beings evolved to form lasting relationships which contradicts casual sex

Casual sex should be communicated so there are no expectations and one should be open minded to take part in this type of relationship.

Emotional support from like minded individual who wants to be a part of your growth and development.

May 15, 202219:42
True Crime: The Donna Gentile Story

True Crime: The Donna Gentile Story

Discover Joyous Love Host Anita DeFrancesco Talks about her True Crime book she authored on a first cousin murdered 1985.

Episode #34

When Donna Gentile, escaped from a home for delinquent girls and  made her way to San Diego she had big dreams. She worked in security  for a while and even dreamed of joining the police department. But  things didn’t work out as she planned. Donna, like many other innocent  runaways, became a victim of the street walker life. While in survivor  mode she was groomed, exploited, and coerced into prostitution, a path  that took control of her life and ultimately led to her death at the age  of twenty-two. Donna allowed herself to be befriended by several police  officers thinking that this would afford her some protection in her  dangerous life on the streets. Instead she was harassed and ultimately  victimized by some of the same police to whom she had turned for help.  But Donna was a fighter. Rather than taking the abuse, which included  sexual harassment, she reported it to the San Diego Police Department.  She testified against two officers, one of whom lost his job on account  of her testimony. Her life became further complicated when the Internal  Affairs Division exploited and coerced her into becoming a police  corruption informant . She was murdered with gravel stuffed in her mouth  and her autopsy was the first and only to be sealed in San Diego. Why?  Someone wanted to silence Donna. But who?

“By  definition, a fearless woman is strong when it comes to facing hard  situations. They are confident in who they are and what they believe,  and in their example of fearlessness, they encourage others to be  courageous and make a difference. While many think of men first when it  comes to these strong figures, there are also a number of important  women in the Bible who inspire, not only because of how they lived but  also because of their rock-solid faith, even in some of the toughest of  circumstances, because they fought injustice and dared to lead.  We can  learn a great deal from their stories.”

– 22 Fearless Daughters of the Bible

The Donna Gentile Story is the author’s first publication within the  genre of true crime. It is a true story, a story of tragedy, the story  of a first cousin, a young woman, loving and kind, but silenced,  abandoned when she speaks of her hardships at home, from there to  exploitation, prostitution and death, a murder never resolved.Anita DeFrancesco has also written her own true story. A two-time global  author, public speaker, workshop leader and facilitator. She is the  author of “Live Free — Re-create and Liberate Your Life,” her own  journey, a return from devastation. Anita lives, writes, and speaks as a  woman who has not only survived her own challenges but has also grown  from it and re-created her life journey. She has used her painful and  tragic experience to help other women and girls.Her extensive service includes UCLA/The Rape Foundation, Santa Monica  College, Widener University, WOAR, The Boys and Girls Club, Amity  Foundation, Amistad de Los Angeles, The Clare Foundation, Share, DiDi  Hirsch, and many others including Los Angeles’s “Children of the Night,”  founded by Dr. Lois Lee, an organization that rescues child prostitutes  from pimps and organized child sex traffickers. Early on Anita created a  drug-free group for teenagers called RAP.

Apr 15, 202226:19
Chi Kung for Sustainable Orgasms Master Gary Clyman speaks

Chi Kung for Sustainable Orgasms Master Gary Clyman speaks

Discover Joyous Love Podcast with Anita DeFrancesco

Episode #33

Chi Kung for Sustainable Orgasms Master Gary Clyman speaks

He teaches people how to "dump their junk" with his EMOTIONAL LYPOSUCTION techniques which takes minutes and one is relieved from anger, bitterness, grudges, abandonment and rage.

He began his  Tai Chi career in 1974 in Chicago. I studied and teach  Temple Style Tai Chi Ch’uan as taught by Master Waysun Liao. I studied  with two of his top instructors and received corrections from him in a  class for about 18 months. You might have read his book entitled “The  Tai Chi Classics” published by Shambala Press.

He took  Tai Chi practice very seriously from the beginning. In a  short while, my practice had developed into a full time job, requiring  between 6-10 hours per day of personal practice. While others were  developing careers and families, I was busy developing my Tai Chi. I  excelled and was passed from teacher to teacher within The Temple Style  Tai Chi Ch’uan System.

He had about 100 private consultations with Master Liao. He never  checked my technique. We always talked until all my current questions  were completely answered. He never held back from me. In 1977 I asked  Master Liao, “what level am I equal to?” Even though I was only in my  third year of training, his response was “equal to a 15-20 year  student.” That was in 1977.

He is  proof that anyone can become good at Tai Chi. You don’t need  natural ability, special physical skills, innate athleticism, good  genes… All you need is to practice, follow directions, and don’t stop  learning. Oh yeah, burning desire would be helpful.

Temple Style Tai Chi Ch’uan as passed from Master to disciple is a  real Tai Chi system. It includes all aspects of the highly revered and  famous art. It includes forms, standing and sitting meditations martial  art applications and fighting, two person sensitivity training and high  performance endurance training. Rarely will you find a Tai Chi system  like this. Masters from all over the country come to study with me on an  ongoing basis.

He  was originally taught Chi Kung as “the icing on the cake” to my  professional Tai Chi training. These energy cultivation techniques were  usually withheld and taught to only a chosen few. I was one of those  few. Now, these techniques, Tidal Wave™ Chi Kung, Mind Light™ Nei Kung  and most of Temple Style Tai Chi Ch’uan, are available on video and in  special workshops to those interested in learning these powerful,  internal techniques to quickly and permanently change their lives for  the better.

Nationally call: (800) 782-4244

Locally call: (312) 446-8218

Apr 10, 202230:35
"Cupid is a Bastard" Author Ambika Devi

"Cupid is a Bastard" Author Ambika Devi

Anita DeFrancesco Host of Discover Joyous Love Podcast presents Episode #31 an interview with Author Ambika Devi on her latest book "Cupid is a Bastard" 

"Cupid is a Bastard" Author Ambika Devi

A refreshing book for everyone. Opens the heart and connects us to the reality of love...

Ambika Devi is an international award-winning bestselling author of six books, an astrologer, a meditation Jedi, and creative sexagenarian who stuffs her backpack with colored pens, a journal, a kindle, a passport and a deck of tarot cards. Her new book, Cupid is a Bastard, has just released and you can find it on her website at:    The book is available on AMAZON 

Ambika is on a peace building mission to help people realize their true nature so that they can step out of the churning river of thoughts and activity of the mind, stop wearing insane schedules like badges of honor, and begin their days reinforced with the calmness a meditation practice brings.

With 45 years of experience, 13,000 plus hours of study and having taught over 19,000 people the art of meditation, Ambika gives you five clear steps that lead you directly into a deep state of meditation. As your coach she places you precisely on your path using tools from her multiple degrees in fields of study including: A Masters in Yoga and Meditation, and bachelor’s degrees in Astrology, and Fine Arts.

As an international best-selling and award-winning author Ambika helps inspires your creativity. As your coach, she guides you to bring your vision of a your book into reality. As a speaker she motivates and inspires audiences so that they feel empowered to transform themselves and help others. Ambika has appeared on The Learning Channel, syndicated and public radio, and in periodicals as a relationship and communication expert and taught Holistic Health at the university level for 21 years. Her new book, Cupid is a Bastard, has just released and you can find it on her website at:

Apr 03, 202241:30
Am I Normal If? By Author Dr. Susan Kaye

Am I Normal If? By Author Dr. Susan Kaye

Surrogate Partner Specialist, Sexologist, Sex Educator, Intimacy Coach

Author Dr. Susan Kaye talks on her book Am I Normal If?

Episode # 29

She speaks about the Talk Pros and the Touch Pros and how important touch is for everyone especially those working through trauma and seeking a breakthrough in life. The neck down vs the neck up therapy and this is where Sex Surrogacy comes in. She offers teacher training programs as well as seeing clients worldwide. 

The three most important values:

* we embrace our bodies as our best friend

*we find our voice and share our deepest needs, wants and desires

*we walk with kindness and forgiveness for ourselves and others 

Mar 26, 202250:21
Dishonesty is Betrayal of any sorts not just in romance.

Dishonesty is Betrayal of any sorts not just in romance.

Discover Joyous Love

Episode #32

Dishonesty in any form is an emotional betrayal but in romance it is heightened.

In relationship bring your partner to honesty

The cheater cheats because his needs aren't  getting met, but her needs are getting met either but he chooses to cheat and she chooses not to; go figure.

Mar 22, 202221:53
Tantra, just what is it?

Tantra, just what is it?

What is Tantra? What is Tantra Sex? Is Tantra an orgy of sorts? Is Tantra a yoga or a religion? What is ritual and why do rituals work? Is Tantra all about sex ? What are Chakras all about? Sacred Sex and the Tantric Way. Myths about Tantra. How does one get started in Tantra, what is the preparation. The importance of the breath and eye gazing. Is Tantra just for couples? What is Yab Yum and the Kama Sutra? What is transmutation and the male full body orgasm? What is sensate Focus? Honoring the Goddess.  Honoring the God ( women pleasing men).

Anita DeFrancesco, MA, is a Somatic Orgonomy Psychotherapist (Orgonomy referencing the work of Wilhelm Reich), Two-time Award Winning Journalist, and a Love and Relationship Coach. She is the Founder Tantra Wisdom and of Kinepathics.  She is the host and moderator of the Discover Joyous Love Podcast on YouTube as well as on all Podcast platforms, including Amazon Music and Apple Podcasts, as well as of the  It's Your Voice Podcast. She is the Author of “Live Free: Recreate and Liberate Your Life”, and of “The Donna Gentile Story”.

Her mission is centered around the themes of Mindfulness, Sexuality and Relationships, and to educate people to enlightenment and awareness.  Specifically her mission, both in her podcasts and in her professional practice, is to assist people in freeing their emotions from pain, to learn to love more openly,  and to express their hidden voice. By doing these things people will be able to recreate a more purposeful, empowered and happy life,  thus awakening from separation and suffering and embracing the modern world with oneness and love.

#Tantra #Tantra Sex #Sacred Sex #Yab Yum #Kama Sutra #Honoring The Goddess

Mar 08, 202201:11:43
Sexual, romantic and life Expectations can exceed your Reality? Episode #30

Sexual, romantic and life Expectations can exceed your Reality? Episode #30

Discover Joyous Love 

Episode #30

Sexual, romantic and life expectations can exceed your reality? 

Do your expectations exceed your reality  with love, romance and career?  Society paints a pretty picture but what is in your heart and what is the truth.  Reality is one thing and the fairy tale is another--what you want, what you expect, and what you get ??? Life is a box of chocolates, you just don't know what your gona get. 

Your expectations can rob you of fully appreciating your reality and moments.

The key to fulfilling your needs and wants is to connect to the self and know what you want. If you know what you want then your able to know what you don't want.

Mar 06, 202221:01
Soldier of the Cross Author John Oliver A world outside the limitations of the senses #28

Soldier of the Cross Author John Oliver A world outside the limitations of the senses #28

Anita DeFrancesco presents  Episode # 28:  Interview with  John Oliver Mason author of the book "Soldier of the Cross" 

"There is a world outside the limitations of the senses" John Oliver Mason

Fictional story about David Lucas, once a drunk and whore-chaser and now a zealous fundementalist Christian and church pastor, leads an anti-gay referendum campaign that fails, just when his pegnant wife has an abortion to save her life, As Lucas becomes a leading figure in a Christian political group, he conducts an evangelisticn tour of US military bases, and his marriage begins to collapse.

Available on AMAZON

John Oliver Mason studied at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, where in May 1984 I received my Bachelor of Arts degree in History; received his Masters of Science degree from the Labor Center of the University of Massachusetts Amherst. He have written for newspapers in the Philadelphia area, and his poetry has been published in ESC!, Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer, Jewish Frontier, Poet’s Page, Poet’s Attic, The Angry Poet, Ugly Cousin, and the anthologies Meridian Bound,  Poetry Ink 2005, Poetry Ink: The Tenth Anniversary Anthology, Poetry Ink 2008, Poetry Ink 2009, and Poetry Ink 2010. He have read his poetry in the Painted Bride Art Center, Kelly Writer’s House, the Underground Poetry Café, Najee’s Loft, Robin’s Book Store/Moonstone Arts Center, Mad Poets Society, and the Sedgewick Cultural Center. His poem, “Heaven Down There” won an Honorable Mention from; his poem, “The Image of God” won an Honorable Mention from the 75th Annual Writer’s DigestWriting Competition; his poem, “The Back Bedroom,” was a finalist in the 2014 Northers Liberties Review readers’ Choice Award.

Feb 25, 202245:06
Teach Your Partner to meet your Sexual and Emotional needs.#27

Teach Your Partner to meet your Sexual and Emotional needs.#27

Episode # 27

Teach your partner to meet your sexual and emotional needs.

Feb 02, 202234:55
Is Polyamory an option in your relationship? #26

Is Polyamory an option in your relationship? #26

Episode #26

Is Polyamory an option in your relationship?

Jan 17, 202222:52
THE MAGICAL SEX BOOK Author Frank Wiegers Are you unfulfilled in the bedroom. # 25

THE MAGICAL SEX BOOK Author Frank Wiegers Are you unfulfilled in the bedroom. # 25

Episode # 25

Guest: Frank Wiegers speaking on his new  book THE MAGICAL SEX BOOK available on Amazon--A perfect VALENTINES GIFT.

By Frank Wiegers and Judith Claire

The Magical Sex Book

#1 Bestseller in New Releases!

Have  you been longing for better sex but don’t know where to begin?  Put an  end to the mystery and learn how to regularly create intimate,  meaningful, magical sex.

  • Is being unfulfilled in the bedroom hurting your relationship?
  • Know the passion is gone and want it back?
  • Afraid you’re too old to enjoy the excitement and pleasure you once did?
  • Looking to take intimacy deeper than ever before?

Happily married sex and relationship  coaches Frank Wiegers and Judith Claire have spent over seventy combined  years helping singles and couples solve their problems and achieve  heartfelt, erotic fulfillment. And now they’re here to coach you to lovemaking that transcends  physical satisfaction and takes you to that mystical, connected place  beyond normal human experience.

The Magical Sex Book is  a transformative guide that is grounded in the understanding that  amazing sex takes place within the context of a loving, emotionally  fulfilling relationship.  With their unique and tested holistic  approach, Wiegers and Claire combine simple, practical steps,  communication exercises and special ancient and modern sexual techniques  to deliver mind-blowing passion.  And by applying these you’ll create  an empowering spiritual bond with your significant other–the basis for  the magic.

Jan 10, 202245:34
Is Toxic Shame affecting Your Relationship? #24

Is Toxic Shame affecting Your Relationship? #24

Episode #24

Is Toxic Shame affecting your Relationship?

Dec 27, 202120:20
Romance & the Psychopath -How to navigate this love affair. #23

Romance & the Psychopath -How to navigate this love affair. #23

Episode #23

Romance and the Psychopath

Dec 13, 202117:31
SENSUALITY with guest Randolph Pitts- good for sexuality and feeling the essence of life. #22

SENSUALITY with guest Randolph Pitts- good for sexuality and feeling the essence of life. #22

Episode # 22

Guest: Randolph Pitts: Topic: Sensuality

In this episode Randolph Pitts speaks with me on Sensuality and why he believes its important to focus on sensuality. It is not only a plus for good sexuality but rather for feeling the essence of life. Sensuality fine tunes the senses; the hands and tongues have a million ways of giving and receiving pleasure. Lovemaking can be a piece of classical music that travels through a vast landscape of feelings and sensations, of moods and emotions. But to honor the senses one must express the nature of their being in parallel with the nature of the organism of the earth.

Randolph Pitts holds Summa Cum Laude degrees in Social Psychology and Egyptology from the University of California Berkeley, and a Masters Degree in Motion Picture Production and Entertainment Law from UCLA.  He has also done advanced research for the Department of Psychology at UCLA, concentrating on couples and relationships dynamics.  He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa and the American Philosophical Association, the organization of university professors of Philosophy. He is also an associate member of the Los Angeles County Bar Association. Randolph has been a top executive at several entertainment companies, including a ten year stint as Chief Executive Officer of the company that produced Leaving Las Vegas for which Nicolas Cage won the Academy Award as best actor. He has a lifelong interest in the relationship between philosophy, psychology and history. He is the founder and host of the Explore Ecstatic Sensuality podcast.

Dec 03, 202153:58
Relationship Harmony vs. Disagreement-Lets balance the sex and love #21

Relationship Harmony vs. Disagreement-Lets balance the sex and love #21

Relationship Harmony vs. Disagreement

Episode #21

Nov 23, 202123:19