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Encourage Yourself

Encourage Yourself

By Anita Veal

The podcast helps people become their own cheerleaders using the word of God.
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Stand Until The Day of Manifestation!

Encourage YourselfNov 21, 2023

God Has Angels Ready to Assist!

God Has Angels Ready to Assist!

God has given his Angels charge over us and they keep us in all our ways! They are are Helpers! Waiting for our call! Call and they will assist! We serve an amazing awesome magnificent exceptional on time God in whom there is no failure! God bless!
Jun 04, 202413:33
With God All Things Are Possible!

With God All Things Are Possible!

Life has its ups and downs. We are almost to the ground sometimes. We fall down, but we get back up! For God who promised is faithful!
May 28, 202413:32
Keep Walking By Faith!

Keep Walking By Faith!

God is magnificent all the time and always in control! There are no trials tests or temptations that don't come to challenge us All! God is Faithful! Trust God! Give thanks and praise God for his greatness goodness and mercies!
May 21, 202413:22
Forget Yesterday! Today is A New Day!

Forget Yesterday! Today is A New Day!

We must always look ahead to better days, better, health, better prosperity, and a better life with God! God is Amazing all the time! Claim your Inheritance now! God wants us to be successful in all things!
May 14, 202413:22
God is Magnificent All The Time!

God is Magnificent All The Time!

We must keep the focus on ourselves! Bless and pray for others success yours is on the way! According to our Faith things get done! Step out today and get the good things God has for us now!
May 07, 202411:23
What's Next After Salvation?

What's Next After Salvation?

After we are saved, what's next? The Kingdom of God is full of God's favor blessings peace love joy health prosperity protection happiness abundance and success! We must be doers of God's word and not hearers only! Step out in faith today using the gifts of God to overcome in this life now! Trust God, He Always Does What He Promises!
Apr 30, 202417:47
God's Answers to His Promises Are Yes & Amen!

God's Answers to His Promises Are Yes & Amen!

Trust that God knows what's best for us! We must let go and let God have his way! We must turn things over to God and let him work out the best solution for our situation! God is never late! He is an on time God in whom there is no failure!
Apr 23, 202422:18
We are God's Representatives!

We are God's Representatives!

God expects us to be examples of the kingdom. Are you? We must show non believers how good it is for Believer's when we follow God's direction and Recieve the promises. Be sure to represent well! God is magnificent all the time and always in control!
Apr 15, 202411:23
Seek God's Kingdom & Win!

Seek God's Kingdom & Win!

God has given us everything we need to succeed here!We serve a Supernatural God who always gives us the victory! Start today to harness and use the power given to us for success!
Apr 09, 202424:01
Prayer Gets Answers Always!

Prayer Gets Answers Always!

We are instructed to pray without ceasing! Prayer is communication with God through our Spirits. We serve a mighty amazing God! Give thanks always and pray for the success of all God's children! Praises Go Up Blessings are Sent Down!
Apr 02, 202413:54
Trust God Always Keep Your Faith!

Trust God Always Keep Your Faith!

No matter what's going on speak the word. Believe God heard you and wait patiently. God is always in control and on time!
Mar 26, 202415:31
Speak Good and Expect Good In Times of Storms!

Speak Good and Expect Good In Times of Storms!

Life will have challanges for the People of God! Don't falter, keep the faith, speak Life to the circumstances and win! God is an awesome God who always helps. Meditate on his word and success is ours!
Mar 19, 202417:37
Do What God Instructs & Receive The Blessings!

Do What God Instructs & Receive The Blessings!

We need to listen to instructions. God works all things together for our good. Trust God he will not fail. Always be grateful and thankful! God loves us!
Mar 12, 202427:07
Give & Expect to Receive a Return!

Give & Expect to Receive a Return!

We must Believe to Receive all God has for us. We must Sow so we can Reap our Harvest! Research where you want to Sow. Give with a cheerful heart and an attitude of gratitude, watch God Deliver right on time!
Mar 05, 202423:10
Joy Helps See Us Through to Victory!

Joy Helps See Us Through to Victory!

No matter what comes our way we are to count it all joy! Not the trial or challenges, we are counting our assured victory to be a joyous occasion. We can triumph over all things!
Feb 27, 202418:58
Pray, Believe, Confess & Receive The Blessings of God Now!

Pray, Believe, Confess & Receive The Blessings of God Now!

Without faith we cannot please God! Our faith is given us by God to use! Pray about the situation knowing God heard us and speak the word over it until the Manefestation comes! It will right on time! God is Faithful to perform his word!
Feb 20, 202420:09
Expect God's Favor & Blessings!

Expect God's Favor & Blessings!

Open your mouth and ask, you will recieve good measure, pressed down and running over. Everyone who asks receives from our Magnificent God who never fails!
Feb 13, 202420:59
Look What The Lord Has Done & Keep Walking By Faith!

Look What The Lord Has Done & Keep Walking By Faith!

The Lord has done great things for us, be grateful, thankful, & give God praise! Watch your words & thoughts! Only good can come from good!
Feb 06, 202417:47
Faith is Fundamental To Our Success!

Faith is Fundamental To Our Success!

We must learn to exercise and use our faith to benefit ourselves and others! Pray the promises of God and get ready for the wonderful Manifestations!
Jan 30, 202420:20
Step Out Now! Trust God!

Step Out Now! Trust God!

When we make one step, God makes 2!Use whatever gifts God has blessed us with to bring Det 8:18 to work for you and others this day!
Jan 23, 202419:35
Leave The Next Generations An Inheritance Not Debt And Struggle!

Leave The Next Generations An Inheritance Not Debt And Struggle!

When we become true Believer's in the promises of God using our faith there is no limit to what we can achieve! Let's not be selfish and pass some wealth to our Children and children's children too!
Jan 16, 202417:48
Watch Who You Let Into Your Circle!

Watch Who You Let Into Your Circle!

Every one is not for us to associate with. Why would Believers yoke themselves with Unbelievers? Only let like minded people into your world! Everyone is not happy with your God given success!
Jan 09, 202416:16
Welcome To A Year of God's Favor Blessings and Miracles!

Welcome To A Year of God's Favor Blessings and Miracles!

God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that we might have life and have it more abundantly! Thank you God for a wonderful year of Miracles unfolding every day of 2024! God is a Miracle Working God!
Jan 02, 202417:08
Throw Your Hands Up In The Air! Give Our Mighty Magnificent God The Praise!

Throw Your Hands Up In The Air! Give Our Mighty Magnificent God The Praise!

Believe and Recieve all the blessings! God wants us to enjoy lives with health, abundance, peace, happiness, success, and joy! TRUST & BELIEVE THIS, it is already ours!
Dec 19, 202316:43
Speak Life To Your Life!

Speak Life To Your Life!

Our words we speak have the power to create great things for our lives! They can also create chaos or lack! Speak words that are edifying and full of faith! When we do this we will receive God's Promises Now! Life and death are in the power of our mouths! Speak great things! Receive great blessings!
Dec 12, 202316:18
Faith Moves Our Mountains!

Faith Moves Our Mountains!

Hebrews 11 :1 tells us without faith it is impossible to please God! It also says now faith is! Faith as we can see is not an option, it's a choice! When we choose the master key of faith it unlocks all doors to the wonderful blessings of God!
Dec 05, 202315:59
Renew Your Mind and Receive God's Promises Now!

Renew Your Mind and Receive God's Promises Now!

The past is over! We can't go forward looking back! Think about it, can you drive your car forward safely while looking behind? Of course not! Renewal of our minds allows us to enjoy a wonderfully blessed future!
Nov 28, 202315:35
Stand Until The Day of Manifestation!

Stand Until The Day of Manifestation!

When we pray and ask God to bless. protect, heal, and provide for us, rest ashored God heard us! We must continue to believe in the promises of God! We will Reap in due season if we don't give up! God is magnificent all the time and always on time! Believe God's word and Receive!
Nov 21, 202314:58
Believe & Receive God's Promises Now!

Believe & Receive God's Promises Now!

Because we believe all things are possible! Things are working together for our good as we believe they are! Keep the faith God is never late.
Nov 14, 202318:19
Trust God, Believe, & Receive The Promises!

Trust God, Believe, & Receive The Promises!

When you need God to Answer, Trust, Believe, & You will Receive what God Promised!
Nov 07, 202315:11
Patience & A Transformed Mind Works Wonders!

Patience & A Transformed Mind Works Wonders!

When we ask God for help he hears us and will deliver what we need right on time! Stand in Faith and have patience! God is never late!
Oct 31, 202317:24
Speak Only Words of Faith That Bring Forth God's Promises!

Speak Only Words of Faith That Bring Forth God's Promises!

We will be tried & tested as we walk by our Faith not by our sight! Keep speaking good things without wavering. God promised us and he is faithful, so we must keep our faith as we call forth our inheritance! Meditate on the word day & night. God will deliver if we faint not during the storms of life!
Oct 24, 202315:35
All Things Will Work Out Faith Without Works Produces Nothing!

All Things Will Work Out Faith Without Works Produces Nothing!

We must have faith & be faithful! Treat Others the way God treats us! The fruits of the Spirit produces a tasteful feast of Victory! Don't be afraid to trust God!
Oct 17, 202316:05
We Must Speak As Overcomers To Overcome!

We Must Speak As Overcomers To Overcome!

Our words are powerful! Speak good things, trust God to do things As only God can!
Oct 10, 202311:19
Don't Look Back! God Has An Amazing Future Ahead For Us!

Don't Look Back! God Has An Amazing Future Ahead For Us!

Forget the things of your past! When thoughts of yesterday come to try and make us relive the past, cast them away! Yesterday is dead and gone! A new healthy, vibrant, abundant, future awaits us, let's step into it now! Christ in us is the Hope of Glory!
Oct 03, 202315:35
Give Thanks & Keep Walking By Faith!

Give Thanks & Keep Walking By Faith!

God always does what he promises! Trials and things will try to shake our faith. Give thanks, be grateful, & watch God bless you!
Sep 26, 202313:54
We Need Each Other, Remember No Man Is A Island.

We Need Each Other, Remember No Man Is A Island.

We are here to serve. God first, our fellow men and women next! Doing this we prosper always! Treat Others As You Want to be treated! We are all children of God!
Sep 19, 202315:23
Count it All Joy! Endure Until The Manefestation Arrives!

Count it All Joy! Endure Until The Manefestation Arrives!

In life we will experience trials and tribulations, be of good cheer! It has all been conquered ino our favor, keep your faith! It's working out for your good now!
Sep 12, 202314:31
When Praises Go Up Blessings are Sent Down!

When Praises Go Up Blessings are Sent Down!

In times of trouble and challenges, give God the praise and glory for deliverance! God always does what is promised! Let's give God some Praise, he is good and his mercy endures forever!
Sep 05, 202315:40
Think(prepare), Speak(plant), & Act!(receive a harvest) God is Supernatural!

Think(prepare), Speak(plant), & Act!(receive a harvest) God is Supernatural!

Life is a series of happenings. We determine how these situations play out in this wonderful game of life! Be thankful, help others, & you will reap a good harvest from the good seeds you have sown! This is a world of sowing & reaping! Seed Time & Harvest!
Aug 29, 202315:31
FAITH What is it Good For? Absolutely Everything! Say it Again!

FAITH What is it Good For? Absolutely Everything! Say it Again!

When you get attacked by the circumstances of life, pull out your shield of Faith and Sword of the Spirit
Remember the battle is not ours, victory today is. Be at peace!
Aug 22, 202315:59
Ask & Receive The Blessings!

Ask & Receive The Blessings!

We need to open our mouths and ask for the good things we desire. God wants us to live a life of health, peace, and abundance. Let's get our stuff now!
Aug 15, 202314:26
Let Love Guide Us Unforgiveness Hinders Our Flow!

Let Love Guide Us Unforgiveness Hinders Our Flow!

When we are seeking good, we must have good in our hearts and minds! Let Go, let God work it out! Stay in love, peace, and joy! God will bless you right on time!
Aug 08, 202315:28
God Does What He Promises! Stand Until The Day of Victory!

God Does What He Promises! Stand Until The Day of Victory!

Patience is a must for Believers
We must stay in Faith and be at peace. God will deliver! Keep Believing!
Aug 01, 202314:15
Faith & Patience The Power Twins! God Provides Always!

Faith & Patience The Power Twins! God Provides Always!

In life we will encounter situations that sometimes rock us to our core! How do we react? We must walk by our Faith not by our sight! Speak good words only!
Jul 25, 202313:22
No Weapon Formed Against Us Can Prosper! Treat Others As Required!

No Weapon Formed Against Us Can Prosper! Treat Others As Required!

We will always encounter folks along the way to our destiny that might not quite understand. We pray for them and move on as God intended. Love one another anyway!
Jul 18, 202314:14
Be Thankful Always!

Be Thankful Always!

When we are thankful we prosper in all areas of our lives! We need to give to receive. Count yors blessings and be thankful no matter how small, give thanks for all! A better day is always ahead when we believe! Give thanks and do something good for others!
Jul 11, 202315:10
I Will Trust in The Lord Always!

I Will Trust in The Lord Always!

Life is for the living! God wants us, his children to live the God kind of life. What is this God kind of life? A life of health, abundance, peace and joy no matter what storms may rise or winds of challenge blow, stand on the promises of our Mighty God and keep smiling. God has it all under control! Lend a hand, help someone. You will be glad you did! Peace!
Jun 27, 202311:19
Stay Strong In The Day of Adversity!

Stay Strong In The Day of Adversity!

Storm clouds may rise, but so does our magnificent on time God! We must keeping walking by our faith! Slow and steady wins the race always! Give God some praise while you are going through! EVEN THOUGH WE WALK THROUGH THE VALLEY, WE WILL FEAR NOTHING AND NO ONE!
Jun 20, 202314:17
We Are Already Equipted To Succeed!

We Are Already Equipted To Succeed!

We have been fearfully and wonderfully made! We have the Spirit of Christ living in us. We are more than conquers according to the power at work within us! We have what we need to succeed & win, thank you ABBA God!
Jun 13, 202313:45