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Bible Lessons: Effects of the Fall

Answers TV DailyFeb 24, 2022

Bible Lessons: One Race: The Human Race

Bible Lessons: One Race: The Human Race

Bryan Osborne discusses One Race: The Human Race (Lesson 31 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 3:20, 10:1–32, 11:8–9; Acts 17:24–28; 1 Samuel 16:7, Revelation 5:9

Mar 31, 202202:46
Bible Lessons: Unit 3 Review

Bible Lessons: Unit 3 Review

Bryan Osborne discusses Unit Review (Lesson 30 from Answers Bible Curriculum).

Mar 26, 202202:31
Creation Basics: Is Young Earth Creation a newer idea (part 2)?

Creation Basics: Is Young Earth Creation a newer idea (part 2)?

Is Young Earth Creation a newer idea (part 2)? Many Christian theologians claim this, but is it legitimate?

Mar 25, 202204:40
Bible Lessons: Confusion: Dispersion at Babel

Bible Lessons: Confusion: Dispersion at Babel

Bryan Osborne discusses Confusion: Dispersion at Babel (Lesson 29 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 9:1, 9:7, 10:24–25, 11:1–9

Mar 24, 202202:39
Bible Lessons: The Ice Age

Bible Lessons: The Ice Age

Bryan Osborne discusses The Ice Age (Lesson 28 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 7:11, 8:20–22

Mar 19, 202202:55
Creation Basics: Is Young Earth Creation a newer idea (part 1)?

Creation Basics: Is Young Earth Creation a newer idea (part 1)?

Is Young Earth Creation a newer idea? Many Christian theologians claim this, but is it legitimate?

Mar 18, 202204:46
Bible Lessons: Noah’s Ark

Bible Lessons: Noah’s Ark

Bryan Osborne discusses Noah’s Ark (Lesson 27 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 6:13–22, 7:2

Mar 17, 202205:23
Great Conversations: Biologos is a false teaching organization Part 3 Biologos says Jesus and the Apostles were wrong and we need to re-think the gospel

Great Conversations: Biologos is a false teaching organization Part 3 Biologos says Jesus and the Apostles were wrong and we need to re-think the gospel

Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses the false teaching organization called Biologos and examines what they actually teach in contrast to the Bible.

Mar 15, 202228:12
Bible Lessons: The Worldwide Flood

Bible Lessons: The Worldwide Flood

Bryan Osborne discusses The Worldwide Flood (Lesson 26 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 6–9; Luke 17:26–30; 2 Peter 2:5

Mar 12, 202202:20
Creation Basics: Are There Gaps in the Genesis Genealogies?

Creation Basics: Are There Gaps in the Genesis Genealogies?

Are There Gaps in the Genesis Genealogies? Discover why the ‘begats’ we see in God’s word are important and can be trusted as plainly written.

Mar 11, 202205:06
Bible Lessons: God Saves Noah

Bible Lessons: God Saves Noah

Bryan Osborne discusses God Saves Noah (Lesson 25 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 6:1–9:19; 1 Peter 3:20; 2 Peter 2:5; Hebrews 11:7

Mar 10, 202201:36
Great Conversations: Biologos is a false teaching organization Part 2 What does Biologos teach?

Great Conversations: Biologos is a false teaching organization Part 2 What does Biologos teach?

Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses the false teaching organization called Biologos and examines what they actually teach in contrast to the Bible.

Mar 08, 202226:12
Bible Lessons: Catastrophe: The Flood

Bible Lessons: Catastrophe: The Flood

Bryan Osborne discusses Catastrophe: The Flood (Lesson 24 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 6:5–7:1; Romans 3:23; John 3:16, 10:9; 2 Peter 2:4–5; Hebrews 11:7

Mar 05, 202203:24
Creation Basics: How could Noah’s family look after all the Animals on the Ark?

Creation Basics: How could Noah’s family look after all the Animals on the Ark?

How could Noah’s family look after all the Animals on the Ark? Is this a legitimate objection to biblical authority?

Mar 04, 202205:13
Bible Lessons: The Hearts of Man

Bible Lessons: The Hearts of Man

Bryan Osborne discusses The Hearts of Man (Lesson 23 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Romans 3:10–11, 3:23, 5:12–21; Genesis 3:6, 6:5, 8:21, Psalm 51:5; Jeremiah 17:9; John 3:16–21; 1 Corinthians 15:21–22; 2 Corinthians 5:17–21

Mar 03, 202202:50
Great Conversations: BioLogos is a False Teaching Organization Part 1: Warnings Against False Teachers

Great Conversations: BioLogos is a False Teaching Organization Part 1: Warnings Against False Teachers

Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses the supposed   Christian ministry called BioLogos, and why it is a false teaching organization according to biblical standards.

Mar 01, 202214:32
Bible Lessons: Cain and Abel

Bible Lessons: Cain and Abel

Bryan Osborne discusses Cain and Abel (Lesson 22 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 3:20, 4:1–17, 5:4; Hebrews 11:4; 1 John 3:10–12

Feb 26, 202204:37
Creation Basics: Isn’t the Bible full of contradictions?

Creation Basics: Isn’t the Bible full of contradictions?

Some say the Bible is full of contradictions, is that true? Find out how to navigate this objection.

Feb 25, 202205:11
Bible Lessons: Effects of the Fall

Bible Lessons: Effects of the Fall

Bryan Osborne discusses Effects of the Fall (Lesson 21 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 1:29–31, 2–3, 9:1–3; Deuteronomy 32:4; Isaiah 11:6–7, 65:25; Romans 8:19–22; Revelation 21:1–5, 22:3

Feb 24, 202203:09
Great Conversations: Where do human rights come from?

Great Conversations: Where do human rights come from?

Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses where the idea that humans have inherent value and ‘rights’ come from.

Feb 23, 202209:03
Bible Lessons: Unit 2 Review

Bible Lessons: Unit 2 Review

Bryan Osborne discusses Unit Review (Lesson 20 from Answers Bible Curriculum).

Feb 19, 202202:45
Creation Basics: What is quote mining, and is it legitimate?

Creation Basics: What is quote mining, and is it legitimate?

What is quote mining, and is it legitimate? Creationists have been accused of doing it both rightly and wrongly.  So what’s the difference?

Feb 18, 202204:57
Bible Lessons: Corruption: Sin Enters the World

Bible Lessons: Corruption: Sin Enters the World

Bryan Osborne discusses Corruption: Sin Enters the World (Lesson 19 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 3; Hebrews 9:22; 1 Peter 3:18; Revelation 12:9

Feb 17, 202202:51
GREAT Conversations: How Can Geology Erode Christian Spirituality?

GREAT Conversations: How Can Geology Erode Christian Spirituality?

How Can Geology erode Christian Spirituality? Because you can’t separate God’s work in the physical world from spiritual truths without drastic consequences.

Feb 15, 202207:47
Bible Lessons: Stewards of God’s Creation

Bible Lessons: Stewards of God’s Creation

Bryan Osborne discusses Stewards of God’s Creation (Lesson 18 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 1:26–31, 2:15–20, 8:20–9:3; Romans 1:22–23

Feb 12, 202203:46
Creation Basics: Does evolution qualify as a scientific theory?

Creation Basics: Does evolution qualify as a scientific theory?

Some say ‘it’s just a theory’, but does evolution even qualify to be called a scientific theory?

Feb 11, 202205:33
Bible Lessons: The Age of the Earth

Bible Lessons: The Age of the Earth

Bryan Osborne discusses The Age of the Earth (Lesson 17 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 5, 11; 1 Chronicles 1:17–27; Luke 3:34–38

Feb 10, 202203:44
GREAT Conversations: How Biblical Apologetics Help God’s People to Wage Spiritual Warfare

GREAT Conversations: How Biblical Apologetics Help God’s People to Wage Spiritual Warfare

Biblical apologetics help God’s people to cast of burdens of doubt and wage spiritual warfare in a wearisome world.

Feb 08, 202216:23
Bible Lessons: Dinosaurs and Dragons

Bible Lessons: Dinosaurs and Dragons

Bryan Osborne discusses Dinosaurs and Dragons (Lesson 16 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Job 40–41

Feb 05, 202204:37
Creation Basics: Was there a single global dispersion of humanity from a central location?

Creation Basics: Was there a single global dispersion of humanity from a central location?

Was there a single global dispersion of humanity? Discover why creation is the better explanation!

Feb 04, 202205:24
Bible Lessons: Creation: Adam and Eve

Bible Lessons: Creation: Adam and Eve

Bryan Osborne discusses Creation: Adam and Eve (Lesson 15 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 2; Mark 10:1–9; 1 Corinthians 11:7–9, 15:47–49; 1 Timothy 2:13

Feb 03, 202203:11
GREAT Conversations: Go TEAMS Media! with Special Guest Cory McKenna

GREAT Conversations: Go TEAMS Media! with Special Guest Cory McKenna

In this episode of the GREAT Conversations Podcast, host Calvin Smith (the Director of Answers in Genesis CA) discusses the launch of the Go TEAMS Media group, which was spearheaded by his Special Guest "The Equipping Evangelist", Mr. Cory McKenna.

Feb 01, 202239:31
Answers News: God Entrusts Children to Parents

Answers News: God Entrusts Children to Parents

Chinese ostriches escape into city; Finnish police interrogate Päivi Räsänen for over 13 hours; Reporter follows up on mass grave headlines; Michigan Democrats delete post about parents; ACLU and Planned Parenthood sue Ohio to end burial law for aborted babies . . .  and other stories reviewed during this January 31, 2022, broadcast of Answers News. 

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“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."

- - - - - - - - - - - Deuteronomy 6



Do you want to watch nearly 100 ostriches run wild through this Chinese city? Of course you do


Christian MP says prosecution for tweeting Bible verse on homosexuality is a ‘privilege’

Not One Corpse Has Been Found In The ‘Mass Grave’ Of Indigenous Children In Canada

Michigan Democrats delete Facebook post that criticized parental role in public education

ACLU and Planned Parenthood challenge Ohio dignified burial law for aborted babies

Dinosaur ancestor of long-necked Diplodocus ran swiftly on two legs

Plants: RNA notes to self

The largest group of nesting fish ever found lives beneath Antarctic ice

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Photo credit: kali9

Creative #: 1092435240

Jan 31, 202231:22
Bible Lessons: Creation: Animals and Man

Bible Lessons: Creation: Animals and Man

Bryan Osborne discusses Creation: Animals and Man (Lesson 14 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 1:20–31; Leviticus 11:13–19

Jan 29, 202202:26
Creation Basics: Were Neanderthals fully human?

Creation Basics: Were Neanderthals fully human?

Were Neanderthals fully human? Yes! Once again, creation is the better explanation!

Jan 28, 202205:21
Bible Lessons: Creation: Days and Kinds

Bible Lessons: Creation: Days and Kinds

Bryan Osborne discusses Creation: Days and Kinds (Lesson 13 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 1:1–19; Exodus 20:11

Jan 27, 202203:32
Answers News: When False Positives Kill

Answers News: When False Positives Kill

Humans rescue a moose that fell into a basement; Consortium plans to sequence genomes of 1.8 million species; Parents chose abortions based on genetic test results that falsey report problems; Atheist who cancels Christians gets angry about woke activists cancelling atheists; Parents sue California public schools over Aztec prayers in curriculum; Evolutionists hope recent flower fossils can solve Darwin's mystery . . . and other stories reviewed during this January 26, 2022, broadcast of Answers News.

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And the advice seemed right in the eyes of Absalom and all the elders of Israel.

- - - - - - - - - - - 2 Samuel 17:4



A MOOSE fell through a window into someone's basement and wildlife officers had to tranq it and cut its antlers off to get it out

Huge Project Is Now Underway to Sequence The Genome of Every Complex Species on Earth

When They Warn of Rare Disorders, These Prenatal Tests Are Usually Wrong

“Woke” Comes Back to Bite the Darwinists

California drops Aztec prayers from ethnic studies curriculum after parents file suit

A Newly Discovered Fossil Could Be The Answer to Darwin's 'Abominable' Mystery

Unusual team finds gigantic planet hidden in plain sight

Christian MP says prosecution for tweeting Bible verse on homosexuality is a ‘privilege’

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Photo Credit: Blue Planet Studio

iStock / Getty #: 1156386988

Jan 26, 202230:57
GREAT Conversations: Preaching Through Genesis 1-11; with Special Guest - Pastor Nate Wright

GREAT Conversations: Preaching Through Genesis 1-11; with Special Guest - Pastor Nate Wright

Explore a Pastor’s decision to begin teaching from the beginning, Genesis.

Jan 25, 202242:42
Answers News: American Opinions on Church

Answers News: American Opinions on Church

New Zealand doctor removes cockroach from man's ear; California AG says murder charges shouldn't apply; WHO data shows leading cause of death worldwide; For clicks, media call a bovine a unicorn; Researchers develop vacuum method for tracking eDNA; Alberta university fires feminist professor who criticized identity politics; Survey asks 1000 American Evangelicals what they want from church . . . and other stories reviewed during this January 24, 2022, broadcast of Answers News. 

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"Now therefore we are all here in the presence of God to hear all that you have been commanded by the Lord."

- - - - - - - - - - - Acts 10:33



New Zealand man had cockroach trapped in ear for 3 days


California AG: Murder charges inappropriate in stillborn cases-even when woman contributes to baby’s death


Abortion is leading cause of death worldwide for third year in a row


Scientists step up hunt for ‘Asian unicorn’ one of world’s rarest animals


Scientists can detect animal species by vacuuming their DNA out of the air


Tenured professor fired after ‘questioning wokeism’ she says


Less than 10% of Evangelicals want shorter sermons; 30% want more in-depth teaching: survey


‘A Rosetta Stone’ Australian fossil site is a vivid window into 15m-year-old rainforest

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Graphic credit: sabelskaya

Getty #1188579845

Jan 24, 202231:07
Bible Lessons: God Creates the Universe

Bible Lessons: God Creates the Universe

Bryan Osborne discusses God Creates the Universe (Lesson 12 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 1, 3:6–7, 7:11–21, 11:1–9; Matthew 1:21–23; Colossians 1:19–22; Revelation 21:1–4; Exodus 20:11

Jan 22, 202202:56
Creation Basics: Do all humans belong to the same species?

Creation Basics: Do all humans belong to the same species?

Do all humans belong to the same species? Discover why creation is the better explanation.

Jan 21, 202205:17
Bible Lessons: The Seven C’s of History

Bible Lessons: The Seven C’s of History

Bryan Osborne discusses The Seven C’s of History (Lesson 11 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 1:1, 1:31, 2:17, 3:6–7; 7:11–12, 7:18–23, 11:1–9; Matthew 1:21–23; Colossians 1:19–22; Revelation 21:1–4; Romans 5:12; John 19:17–18

Jan 20, 202203:10
Answers News: Atheists Predict a Cold End

Answers News: Atheists Predict a Cold End

Bee stings the Ark and Christian unity over baptism; Big Bang believers bemoan the end of the universe; Twitter suspends man for saying men are men; British tribunal rules against bureaucrats who harassed cross-wearing nurse; Baltimore surgeons transplant genetically modified pig heart into sick man  . . . and other stories reviewed during this January 19, 2022, broadcast of Answers News.

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But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, and then the heavens will pass away with a roar, and the heavenly bodies will be burned up and dissolved, and the earth and the works that are done on it will be exposed. 

- - - - - - - - - - - 2 Peter 3:10


Ark Encounter theme park adds baptismal log flume ride


The universe is already in its sixth and final era


Twitter suspends conservative blogger Matt Walsh for saying that men are men


Judgment Day for nurse who dared to wear Christian cross


In historic surgery, man gets new heart from genetically-modified pig


Fossils that “clearly foreshadow” modern humans are 30,000 years older than we thought


Reformed church in America splits as Conservative Churches form new denomination


‘Diamond rain’ on Uranus and Neptune seems likely

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Photo by: Jacob Granneman

Jan 19, 202231:40
GREAT Conversations: Millions of Micro Movers Inside of Us!

GREAT Conversations: Millions of Micro Movers Inside of Us!

Millions of Micro Movers Inside of Us! Meet Kinesin, the ‘postman’ inside your cells that deliver packages at lightning speed.

Jan 18, 202208:04
Answers News: Canadian Parliament vs. God’s Word

Answers News: Canadian Parliament vs. God’s Word

Israelis see shape in Starling swarm; Pastors in US and Canada preach against new gender law; Henley lists reasons she quit CBC; Fossil hunters discover shark cartilage with bite marks; Biblical Archaeology Society lists ten most important finds of last year . . . and other stories reviewed during this January 17, 2022 broadcast of Answers News. 

- - - - - - - - - - -

Why do the nations rage

  and the peoples plot in vain?

The kings of the earth set themselves,

  and the rulers take counsel together,

  against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying,

“Let us burst their bonds apart

  and cast away their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens laughs;

  the Lord holds them in derision.

- - - - - - - - - - - Psalm 2



Thousands of starling form ‘bent spoon’ swarm over Israel


John MacArthur to pastors: Fight government claim that biblical moral standards are a ‘myth’


Tara Henley: Why I quit the CBC


‘Truly remarkable’ fossils are rare evidence of ancient shark-on-shark attacks


2021’s Top Ten Biblical Archaeology Stories - pick a few of these to highlight


Jeopardy’s all-time female champ: What is a ‘woman’ who is actually a man?


Comments renew debate over adoption as abortion alternative


Study: Could downgrading Pluto have been a mistake?

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Photo of Canadian Parliament by: Orchidpoet

Getty # 604055814

Jan 17, 202234:50
Special: Was There Really a “Land before Time”?

Special: Was There Really a “Land before Time”?

The books folks my age read as children had pictures depicting dinosaurs sitting in the backdrop of an exotic, tropical forest, with a volcano spewing lava in the background. Usually there were various flying reptiles hovering around, but there would almost always be no mammals in sight. Little did most parents realize how this would shape their metaphysical outlook on life or the theological implications of accepting a story where a creator was not required. But was there really a land before time?

Jan 16, 202220:38
Bible Lessons: Unit 1 Review

Bible Lessons: Unit 1 Review

Bryan Osborne discusses Unit Review (Lesson 10 from Answers Bible Curriculum).

Jan 15, 202203:26
Creation Basics: Do ‘vestigial’ organs have a function?

Creation Basics: Do ‘vestigial’ organs have a function?

Do ‘vestigial’ organs have a function? No! Discover why creation is the better explanation.

Jan 14, 202205:04
Bible Lessons: The Gospel Is Good News

Bible Lessons: The Gospel Is Good News

Bryan Osborne discusses The Gospel Is Good News (Lesson 9 from Answers Bible Curriculum). This lesson refers to the following Bible passages: Genesis 1:31–2:4, 3:6–7, 3:21–23, 6:5–8, 8:1, 8:15–17, 11:1–9; Romans 3:19–26, 5:8–19; John 1:14–17, 3:16; 1 Corinthians 15:1–5; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Revelation 4:11, 21:1–8; James 2:10; Ephesians 2:8; Mark 1:14–15; Acts 16:30–31; Luke 13:3

Jan 13, 202203:26
Answers News: Models Didn’t Predict New Planet

Answers News: Models Didn’t Predict New Planet

Scholars warn that future space travellers may turn to cannibalism; German scientists watch videos of Mexican fish in attempt to explain wave behavior; MSNBC host misquotes Jesus while lecturing evangelicals; Politicians and executives override local loan officer in Canadian bank; Evolutionary planet formation models don't explain b Centauri (AB)b; . . . and other stories reviewed during this January 12, 2022, broadcast of Answers News.

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When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,

  the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,

what is man that you are mindful of him,

  and the son of man that you care for him?

- - - - - - - - - - - Psalm 8


Experts warn of cannibalism among space colonists if food systems fail.


Explained: Why these Mexican fish do the wave


‘We have” Evangelicals ‘Who practice the most Un-Christian ways’: MSNBC Contributor 


Canadian media outlet says bank denied it a commercial mortgage over conservative political leanings


Scientists discovered a massive new world and they have no idea how it formed


Christians point to genetic breakthrough to show Adam and Eve are not incompatible with evolution 


New York school cites 19th century reason for banning ‘Jingle Bells’ over Christmas


High-resolution lab experiments show how cells ‘eat’


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Photo by: ESO/G. Hüdepohl

Jan 12, 202232:01