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The Anxious Thinkers Club

The Anxious Thinkers Club

By Ashley

Transparency, relatability, and vulnerability. I’ll be honest about my journey and bring on guests to tell theirs too. Mental Health is hard, doing it as a mother to small kids is harder, sharing it all is hardest.
Talking is my therapy, so consider this my outlet. Find me on IG @anxiousthinkersclub
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The Anxious Thinkers ClubJul 20, 2020

(TRAILER) Failure in Business, it's inevitable but it's not the end!

(TRAILER) Failure in Business, it's inevitable but it's not the end!

(TRAILER to full episode)

There's nothing more terrifying than starting a business, or wanting to turn a hobby into a business. Where do you start? This week's episode is about working through the fear of starting as well as the many mistakes that will be made. It's quite literally about being scared, and doing it anyway. Failure and mistakes in business is inevitable, but it's not the end.

Apr 15, 202305:32
Failure in Business, it's inevitable but it's not the end!

Failure in Business, it's inevitable but it's not the end!

There's nothing more terrifying than starting a business, or wanting to turn a hobby into a business. Where do you start? This week's episode is about working through the fear of starting as well as the many mistakes that will be made. It's quite literally about being scared, and doing it anyway. Failure and mistakes in business is inevitable, but it's not the end.

Apr 15, 202330:12
Post Partum Trauma

Post Partum Trauma

This week we're talking about trauma. How it comes in many forms and from all different directions. It can start in the very beginning and continue throughout your motherhood journey. It's always about everyone and everything else, about baby, family, and everything in between. We have to bring up and talk about the uncomfortable things too. We're so use to covering it up, holding it in, and not bringing it up, that when we even say the word trauma it's awkward and uncomfortable. But we're here to have the uncomfortable conversations. Because what happened to you is real, and it matters and was traumatic. Whether infertility, miscarriage, carrying, delivery, or anything in between. You're allowed to say that it scarred you, you're allowed to still not be ok. You're allowed to talk about it.

Apr 07, 202332:51
Filtering Bad Advice

Filtering Bad Advice

How do we filter the good parenting advice from the bad? There's a million different sources from thousands of different people, so how do we filter it? How do we know what to keep and what to toss? In this episode I give my perspective on how we should filter it all....doctors, people, social media, family, etc. My biggest piece of advice, take it all in, but don't take it to heart! Absorb what you need, and leave the rest.

Mar 29, 202324:30
How we speak to ourselves is everything!

How we speak to ourselves is everything!

How we speak to ourselves is everything, and sometimes we have to check ourselves on it. Just as fast as we are to accept the negative, intrusive thoughts that have become habit, we have to change the narrative to start accepting the good! Be proud, speak positively, and be mindful of who we let influence us. Nothing is a quick fix, everything is easier said than done; but everything is also doable and possible! Let's talk about it.

Mar 22, 202310:11
Worklife Balance: Working after kids

Worklife Balance: Working after kids

Let's start by acknowledging that SAHM's work too! So respect for those that work outside, inside, or both!

Everything has it's ups and downs including deciding to return to work. Here I explain in as much detail as I can what it's like, how it feels, and the pros and cons of going back vs staying home. It's a challenge either way and I think it's so important that we ALL be heard!

Take the poll and answer the question below, what are your thoughts?

Mar 17, 202335:14
Gentle Parenting

Gentle Parenting

Is it even possible to gentle parent in today's world? If so, what does that mean? I feel like gentle parenting has just become another way of saying 'perfect parent'. I don't believe there is any one way or best way to be a gentle parent, but finding the best method that works for how you're choosing to raise your family. There is no one way, nothing is cookie cutter, including our kids, so there can't possibly be one way to 'gentle' parent either....especially when said children are known to push us to the brink of insanity. So what's the best way, is there a best way, what does gentle parenting look like and mean to you? Is it all a bunch of bull, is it unrealistic, should we follow directives? Comment below! I'll share all comments to the question on the next episode!
Mar 08, 202325:58
Finding Hobbies in Motherhood

Finding Hobbies in Motherhood

If motherhood isn't stressful enough, now we have to find time to focus on ourselves? Finding the motivation to find a hobby or a 'thing' is daunting and stressful in and of itself, but SO necessary. When we don't have anything to escape to or any other distraction or outlet, we lose ourselves, we lose our minds. The important thing is to start, start somewhere, with something. This is part one, let's talk about it!

Feb 22, 202320:37
Overstimulation Much??

Overstimulation Much??

If our children and everyone else in the world is allowed to feel all the things without feeling guilty, we should be able to too! This episode is all about giving ourselves permission and understanding that overstimulation is a part of motherhood and you don’t have to feel/be guilty about it. Be upset, be touched out, feel the feels. You’re still a good mom!
Feb 15, 202329:59
The Panic Button!

The Panic Button!

Panic attacks look different for everyone. There is no 'typical' attack for any two people. The levels of anxiety and attacks and symptoms and degrees of panic vary widely from person to person. So let's talk about what that looks like while taking from personal experience from one that I had just a bit ago. Mental health is hard, we gotta keep talking about it! Because no matter who you are or what you've experienced, I can guarantee you you're not alone, you're not the only one, and you don't have to do it alone either. Listen, subscribe, share!

Jan 25, 202355:27
Vagina talk and feminine health!

Vagina talk and feminine health!

Let's talk vaginas! I already had an episode recorded but had to delete it because of technical difficulties. So here's the recap! We should never feel ashamed of anything happening with or to our bodies! The vulva can be an intimidating place, especially if you're unsure of the do's and dont's! So, let's talk about it!
Jan 18, 202329:35
The Mental Load of Motherhood

The Mental Load of Motherhood

As mothers the mental/emotional loads that we carry are 24/7. Whether we work in/out of the house, we are also most likely the default parent. In a world where you’re damned for your parenting choices no matter what you do, we should at least do things that make us happy and make life a little easier. If it’s cupcakes for dinner or extra screen time, so be it. We carry enough and we deserve it all. Do the things in the moment that save your sanity and bring you joy, even just for a minute! Follow @_honestmotherhood_ on IG for more
Dec 07, 202215:58
Default Parenting and Identity

Default Parenting and Identity

Understanding that we can be moms and still have identities outside of motherhood. We can still have desires, hobbies, and wants that have nothing to do with our daily responsibilities. Motherhood swallows us whole, and we take it with heart and keep pushing. However it's ok to look up and say I want and need something else to fill my cup. If we can do everything for everyone else without skipping a beat, we can do a hop skip and jump for ourselves too.

Nov 30, 202224:24
Picking Our Battles Pt 1

Picking Our Battles Pt 1

How many of us struggle with picking our battles with our tiny humans? Knowing when to put our foot down and when to be flexible? It’s a daily struggle we all endure as moms and parents. Knowing what’s best for them, when to let them have their way, and the balance between it all. This is part one of a multitude part series with at least one more episode. So, let’s talk about it!
Nov 23, 202208:43
Overthinking and Indecisiveness

Overthinking and Indecisiveness

There's no way to really stop overthinking, but there are ways to move through it! Everything doesn't work for everyone and nothing is cookie cutter, but this method is something that has worked for me before and still does. It's not the 'perfect' technique, but it's gradual and more realistic for those of us that don't do well with stopping things cold turkey....the more you're told to 'just stop' or 'just do it', you just get more anxious and stressed...right?

This is a method that allows you to do both. We're Going to overthink, we just don't have to let it handicap us and keep us from making decisions and mistakes. Overthinking isn't a 'bad' thing, but it can and will create bad habits if we let it! It's not about taking it away, it's about moving through and not letting it take over. Take a listen and as always, share your thoughts! 

Nov 16, 202225:00
Rage and Motherhood Pt2

Rage and Motherhood Pt2

We all feel all the feels when it comes to mommying, and there's nothing more frustrating than feeling all the feels and then feeling dismissed, unheard, and misunderstood. So instead of opening up about our frustrations we end up swallowing it and moving on, while continuing to mom.

 At some point we feel like there's no escape and being a mom starts to feel like a chore on top of everything else. We're then coping with things internally (our own feelings while trying to mother) and externally (society telling us to just smile and keep going).  That my friends, will cause a burning fire of rage in any human. We try to do it all and make it look easy. 

The reality is that it's HARD and it's normal to want to escape from things you get no relief from. Instead of bashing and casting judgment, let's try to understand, empathize, and relate.  We get ragey, and that's ok.

Nov 09, 202214:45
Patience with Panic

Patience with Panic

Having the patience to sit while in panic seems impossible. We want the feelings gone, we want it done and over with right now, we don't like suffering and the symptoms and after effects that come with it.

I had two panic attacks last night and only used ONE of my tools ONCE, and it DID help! We go to all the therapy and get all the tools we need, but don't practice them when we're not panicked and don't actively use them when we ARE panicked. We generally believe tools can be cliche, embarrassing to use, useless, take too long, and whatever else.

My thing is, especially when we're actively panicking, what's the worst that can happen if we actually attempt to take a breath, just to humor ourselves to see if it works...we know it won't make it worse, right? We hate it and want it to just go away, but aren't making the conscious decision to do anything helpful to combat it.

If we can challenge, question, fight the other situations and things in life we don't like, why not challenge this (ourselves/panic) too? Why not challenge the false feelings of fear, why not push back, why instead let the beast that is mental health take over without so much as a push back?

We have to give ourselves patience. We have to make a conscious choice of what we're going to allow and not allow. We have to be willing to sit in it in order to fight back. No easy feat right, but what is the alternative? The ultimate goal is to gain back that control little by little, at least when it's needed most. To get there, we have to have the patience to sit with the panic, so that we can do the work. More episodes on this to come. Subscribe, like, share.

Oct 12, 202225:49
Entrepreneurship Snippet

Entrepreneurship Snippet

This one's just a snippet! Full version available on audio, next episode will also have full video available.

Oct 05, 202207:42
Entrepreneurship - Grab what you've got and GO!

Entrepreneurship - Grab what you've got and GO!

There is no magical formula or secret recipe, no one is going to hand it to you, and it's not going to fall in your lap. The key is to move towards the fear, the uncomfortable, the awkward, the intimidating, the overwhelming. The more you move, the more you DO, the more you GROW.

Oct 05, 202221:22
Do we really want a “village”?

Do we really want a “village”?

If you had the choice to have a village/support system on a regular basis, would you choose to have one, without feeling guilty about it? In this episode Ashley discusses the black and white views society has seemingly put on mothers and caregiving. Should we be able to be the primary caregiver while still having regular help? Why is this method of parenting so frowned upon, and why can’t they exist mutually? Take a listen and tell us what you think
Sep 06, 202216:59
Rage, Patience, and Parenting

Rage, Patience, and Parenting

How do we regulate our emotions and feelings while regulating those of our tiny humans? Ashley shares her personal experiences with dealing and coping with being triggered and losing patience while de escalating such big emotions from our tiny humans. It’s not about there being one right way to do it, it’s about finding methods that can effectively work for you!
Sep 06, 202225:06
ATC Trailer

ATC Trailer

The stigmas on mental health and the taboos around talking about it. Normalizing being a mother, or just an individual with mental illness. Learning to advocate for yourself and knowing that you’re not alone. Everyone is going through something, some ppl just hide it better than others. Let’s normalize it, by talking about it. Welcome to the Anxious Thinkers Club, The Mental Health Club
Jul 20, 202000:30