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100% Awesome Podcast

100% Awesome Podcast

By April Price

You might not know it, but every result in your life is 100% because of the thoughts you think. This is very good news because it means that changing our thoughts can change everything else. This podcast provides practical ways to gain awareness of your current thoughts and then deliberately choose the ones you want in order to improve every area of your life. The way things are is not the way things have to stay. And that my friends, is 100% awesome.
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Episode 63: I Can’t Believe How Wrong I Was

100% Awesome PodcastJul 16, 2020

Episode 107: Your Brain’s Resistance to Change
May 20, 202131:02
Episode 106: The Power of Group Coaching
May 13, 202146:52
Episode 105: For Perfectly Imperfect Mothers
May 06, 202132:44
Episode 104: What is Life Coaching?
Apr 28, 202128:49
Episode 103: Creating Peace and Emotional Wellness

Episode 103: Creating Peace and Emotional Wellness

Life is full of contrast, conflict, and even catastrophe. We are never going to be able to control the world or the people in it, and that can feel scary until we understand that life is designed that way for our maximum growth.

In today’s episode I am talking about your emotional wellness, how you can take care of yourself and take charge of your emotional life so that you can feel how you want, even when don’t control anything outside of you. Here are three important principles that I think will make a huge difference in the amount of peace and emotional wellness you can create in your life.

Apr 22, 202133:22
Episode 102: Becoming Resilient with Caleb Price
Apr 15, 202135:23
Episode 101: Live an Extraordinary Life

Episode 101: Live an Extraordinary Life

Sometimes we think that extraordinary lives are few and far between, hard to get, and reserved for only a special few. But the truth is that each one of us has the capacity to live an extraordinary life by living with intention and purpose.

Everything that you do in your life is optional. You get to choose it all. Your right to choose your life is unalterable and absolute. None of it is determined and none of it is required and we are choosing our life, every moment of every day, whether we recognize it or not.

In this episode of the podcast, I share five things that will help you use your agency to get the most out of your earth life experience and do every extraordinary thing you want to do while you are here.

Apr 08, 202130:04
Episode 100: Awesome, Life-Changing Thoughts

Episode 100: Awesome, Life-Changing Thoughts

There is so much power in the compounding effect of taking one small action in our life and then repeating it over and over. This idea is especially powerful when it comes to our thoughts because changing our thoughts is just like changing anything else in our life. We do it by thinking one thought and then choosing to think it again and again—until it is the only thing our brain knows how to think.

Over the last five years, I have been able to change my life significantly and to do that the ONLY thing I changed was my brain. In this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing some of the most awesome, life-changing thoughts I’ve chosen to believe, and I’ve invited my clients to share the thoughts that have changed their lives as well.

Whatever result you want to create in your life, you just need to think the thought that will create it. That is how you create an amazing life—choosing one awesome thought at time.

Apr 01, 202132:08
Bonus Episode: Hiring a Coach to Get the Life You Want

Bonus Episode: Hiring a Coach to Get the Life You Want

Deciding to hire a coach requires us to leave our comfort zone. And whenever we choose to do that, our brain is going to protest. Our brain wants us to stay the same and do things like we've always done them. But we were never meant to stay the same. 

We each have an unlimited capacity to grow and change and to tap into our amazing potential to create and become, we're going to have to stand up to our brain. 

In this episode, I'm sharing the thoughts that I think when I hire my coaches so that I can get everything I want out of my life, regardless of the fear and anxiety and doubt my brain produces.

Mar 29, 202113:49
Episode 99: How to Like You and Your Life
Mar 25, 202130:31
Episode 98: Love Your Relationships
Mar 18, 202133:13
Episode 97: Your Brain is Your Only Problem

Episode 97: Your Brain is Your Only Problem

Your brain is the only problem you have.

When you came to earth and got put in a physical body, your brain became an automatic filter between you and your earth life experience. This means that everything outside of you has to go through this filter to be experienced by you. And everything inside of you has to overcome this filter to be manifest in the world.

This filter (your brain!) is what is creating all of your problems. The way your brain interprets everything that happens and the resistance it produces when we try to do things we really want to do, creates every problem you have.

But this also means that the solution to every problem in your life is simple. You don’t have a million problems that all require a different solution. You just have one problem and you just need one solution. And it’s already inside of you!

Mar 11, 202133:32
Episode 96: Becoming a Person for Whom Anything is Possible

Episode 96: Becoming a Person for Whom Anything is Possible

I used to think there were two kinds of people in the world—those that could have what they wanted and the rest of us who couldn’t.

But now I know that we’re all the same. And no matter who you are, we all have the same God-given power to create our life and choose our experiences. There isn’t anything that you want that you can’t have, there isn’t any possibility that exists out there that you can’t create, and anything you want is just as possible for you as anybody else.

In this episode, I’m sharing three things you need to do to become a person for whom anything is possible. Most of us seriously underestimate ourselves and limit what we think is possible for us. But these limitations are just made up by our brains and you are allowed to make up anything you want.

Mar 04, 202125:42
Episode 95: Getting Around the Brain’s Pain Paradox

Episode 95: Getting Around the Brain’s Pain Paradox

For most of us, what really gets in the way of creating the life we want is pain. We have a natural, biologic aversion to pain that has been useful in keeping us alive. But the need to avoid pain and solve for pain and live a life free from pain can actually keep us from doing the things we want.

One of the most powerful things you can understand is that while your brain has a built-in instinct to avoid pain, your brain is actually the only thing in your life creating your pain.

In today’s episode, I’m looking at two of the questions I get as a coach—why we don’t take action and why it’s hard to love people—and answering them with this principle in mind. Being aware of your brain's tendency to want to avoid pain while actually being the source of your pain, can help you understand yourself better so that you can create the life you want.

Feb 25, 202130:07
Episode 94: Thought Capacity

Episode 94: Thought Capacity

Every result in our life is created by our thoughts. This means that if we don’t love the results we are getting, the solution is to change our thoughts. But this is easier said than done because our thoughts “feel true” and our brains fight to be right about them.

It can help to recognize that while no thought is inherently good or bad, or right or wrong, every thought has a different capacity to create results in our life. We can’t create amazing results with low-capacity thoughts.

In this episode, I’m sharing the most common low-capacity thoughts that are keeping us from getting the life we want. No matter how true your thoughts feel, identifying a thought’s capacity to produce results can help you decide if you really want to keep thinking it.

Feb 18, 202129:37
Episode 93: Enoughness

Episode 93: Enoughness

One of the things that all humans have in common is the feeling that we aren’t enough. This is because our brain is measuring who we are and what we do against a constantly shifting standard of acceptability and the conclusion is always the same: we aren’t enough.

A lot of us have tried to get around this feeling of not enoughness and inadequacy through achievement, self-improvement, and even righteousness.  We are constantly trying to earn our enoughness by the things we do, but this doesn’t work and it leaves us exhausted, desperate, and even more aware of our shortcomings.

In this podcast episode, I share two important truths about your enoughness—there is no such thing as being enough and there is no way to be anything other than enough. Understanding this paradox will allow you to love you exactly as you are and let go of your brain’s insatiable quest to be “enough.”

Feb 11, 202128:06
Episode 92: Overcoming Confusion and Making Decisions

Episode 92: Overcoming Confusion and Making Decisions

When we make a decision, we are choosing one thing and eliminating the other options. This feels scary because we’re afraid that if we make the wrong decision, we might impact our happiness and then we’ll have regret.

But regret is not created by whether you made the right decision or the wrong decision. Regret is created by our thoughts.  It is created by what we think after we make the decision. Whatever we feel about a decision— regret or peace, anxiety or confidence—it is never created by the decision itself.

On this episode I’ll teach you how to make powerful decisions without regret and show you how to replace fear with confidence no matter how big or small the decision is.

Feb 04, 202132:39
Episode 91: Your Relationship with Pain
Jan 28, 202133:60
Episode 90: What’s in the Way of Changing Your Thoughts
Jan 21, 202126:16
Episode 89: 3 Mental Habits to Improve Your LIfe
Jan 14, 202128:35
Episode 88:  Creating the Itinerary of your Life
Jan 07, 202129:43
Episode 87: The Best Thoughts of 2020
Dec 31, 202028:08
Episode 86: Lessons from This Year
Dec 24, 202021:50
Episode 85:  Belief Discipline
Dec 17, 202027:07
Episode 84: Living in Integrity with Your Highest Self
Dec 10, 202031:04
Episode 83:  Why You Want Goals
Dec 03, 202028:30
Episode 82:  The Abundance of Life
Nov 26, 202026:34
Episode 81:  Transformation Through Coaching
Nov 19, 202028:20
Bonus Episode:  Get the Most Out of Your Life
Nov 16, 202013:40
Episode 80:  You Were Made for More
Nov 12, 202027:46
Episode 79:  Life Changing Thoughts
Nov 05, 202030:11
Episode 78: Vote for Love

Episode 78: Vote for Love

Our brains hate to be wrong and they’re always on the lookout for potential. These instincts make it hard to love people who disagree with us or think differently than us.
Love is one of the skills you came to earth to learn and this election season has given all of us an opportunity to practice it more. In this episode, I’ll show you that despite the protests of your brain, love is always an option—because love is a choice that you always have the power to make.
Oct 29, 202028:54
Episode 77:  What Are You Avoiding?
Oct 22, 202027:57
Episode 76:  Divine Discomfort
Oct 15, 202031:19
Episode 75: Ask April
Oct 08, 202037:12
Episode 73:  Certainty in an Uncertain World
Sep 24, 202032:11
Episode 72:  God’s Infinite Approval of You
Sep 17, 202032:23
Episode 71:  Go Do The Thing
Sep 10, 202034:28
Episode 70:  When Other People Don’t Like You
Sep 03, 202029:25
Episode 69:  For the Mamas
Aug 27, 202035:36
Episode 68:  Getting Good at Feeling Bad
Aug 20, 202032:01
Episode 67:  Joy in Any Circumstance
Aug 13, 202035:17
Episode 66:  Becoming Who You Want to Be as Quickly as Possible
Aug 06, 202029:47
Episode 65:  Things To Know for Your Mission (on Earth)
Jul 30, 202033:53
Episode 64:  From Where You Are Now to Where You Want to Be
Jul 23, 202031:51
Episode 63:  I Can’t Believe How Wrong I Was
Jul 16, 202034:38
Bonus Episode: More Ways to Get Help from Me
Jul 10, 202008:23
Episode 62: The Miracle of Change with Danny Deaton
Jul 09, 202045:31
Episode 61: The Relationship You’ve Always Wanted
Jul 02, 202033:13
Episode 60:  Surrendering Defensiveness
Jun 25, 202033:20