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Art That Overcomes

Art That Overcomes

By Jennifer Kramer

The narcissist isn’t in charge anymore. It’s your turn, Overcomer.

You’ll hear art therapist and coach, Jennifer Kramer, share a glimpse into her unique art and writing process that helps women redefine their identity after narcissistic abuse, one drawing or painting at a time. Jennifer also invites you to imagine what encouraging words your Future Self may have for you today.

To view the art image discussed in the episodes, sign up for weekly emails, or learn more about The Redefined Process, go here:
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90. I am......

Art That OvercomesMar 21, 2024

100. GIVEAWAY + How I’m Still Learning to be Present

100. GIVEAWAY + How I’m Still Learning to be Present

It can be really hard for me to stay present. Like, really hard! My mind is prone to wander and  I could literally spend hours daydreaming and not get bored. I attribute some of this tendency to my introverted, artist brain who would rather live in fantasy and watch the clouds roll by, thinking in detail about all the vacations I want to take, the clothes I’ll wear, how I’ll feel, what art I’ll be making, and who will be with me on my adventures… than actually do anything that others would qualify as “work” or “practical” things, or “adulting”. But honestly a lot of this tendency to daydream is still due to the effects of trauma.

Daydreaming and living in fantasy land is a way that I dissociate. It’s a way that I find myself automatically zoning out in an attempt to seek pleasure. It’s a go-to when I’m tired, restless, anxious, or sick. It feels better than being overwhelmed or feeling guilty because I’ve procrastinated so much. In those moments, I’d rather dream about a beach vacation, or the next big art project, than actually take action to help me achieve that thing in reality. But, if you’ve been around here long enough, or have done any kind of therapy or coaching yourself, then you know that this dissociation ultimately doesn’t serve me very well. And it doesn’t serve you either.

Daydreaming itself can be good, to a certain extent, in the sense of helping me create a vision for the future, and visualizing my future and feeling the feelings of having already achieved those goals can help me get in the energy of who my Future Self will be. But at some point I simply have to be able to return to the present and take action. 

Today, I’m sharing all about my practice of learning to be present, along with a few other important “P” words… pause, persistence, and patience.


Here's what to do to get a free copy of my book, The Uncommon Guide to Healing From Narcissistic Abuse: How I Used Art to Break the Pattern and Redefine My Identity.

1. Subscribe to this podcast (if you haven't already).

2. Rate this podcast (5 stars is my favorite!)

3. Write a review for this podcast.

4. Take a screenshot of your review and email the photo to me at Or send it to me in a DM on Instagram @jenniferannekramer or @art_that_overcomes

5. Then I'll respond to get your mailing address and send your book!

Here's the link to all the things:

May 30, 202427:02
99. How to Tell if You're an Artist or Not (Replay)
May 23, 202421:09
98. Reading from My Favorite Chapter (Replay)

98. Reading from My Favorite Chapter (Replay)

I am so excited for you to get a copy of my book, ‘The Uncommon Guide to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse: How I Used Art to Break the Pattern and Redefine My Identity’!
Both Kindle e-book and paperback versions are available on Amazon, right now!!
I can’t wait for you to start reading it, completing the art and writing exercises at the end of each chapter, and experiencing some big aha moments.
Will you order either the e-book or paperback this week? Or better yet, order one for yourself, and one for a friend?

Here's the link to all the things!
Go here to view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, order "The Uncommon Guide to Healing From Narcissistic Abuse", or to grab the Intro and Chapter 1 for free :)

May 16, 202417:09
97. Becoming a Safe Space for Your Own Inner Child (Replay)
May 09, 202417:32
96. My Interview on Think Unbroken Podcast - How ART can HEAL YOU (Replay)
May 02, 202451:43
95. What's Really Keeping You Stuck (Replay)

95. What's Really Keeping You Stuck (Replay)

“I long to let it go and I don't know how.”

Have you ever felt this way, Overcomer? Like there's something you long to move past, get over, or let go of....and you just can't seem to do it. It doesn't make sense. It's confusing. It feels like you're working against yourself, even though you don't want to be.

Not only have I been there in the past, but I honestly think it's an ongoing part of the human condition. It's something we have to constantly be aware of and address.

The good news....

I believe it does get easier once we are aware of this push-pull dynamic within ourselves, and once we've gotten some practice addressing it.

But you've gotta be willing to get honest with yourself. If you're fed up with feeling stuck, then today's episode is for you.



The narcissist isn’t in charge anymore. It’s your turn, Overcomer. 

You’ll hear art therapist and coach, Jennifer Kramer, share a glimpse into her unique art and writing process that helps women redefine their identity after narcissistic abuse, one drawing or painting at a time. Jennifer also invites you to imagine what encouraging words your Future Self may have for you today.

To view the art image discussed in the episode, sign up for weekly emails, or learn more about The Redefined Process, go here:

Apr 25, 202421:05
94. Embracing the Ugly Parts of Ourselves (Replay)
Apr 18, 202416:26
93. Anxious, Confused, and Indecisive? Listen to this. (Replay)
Apr 11, 202424:12
92. How I’m Using Photography for Self Healing (Replay)
Apr 04, 202422:37
91. What's Coming Next for Art That Overcomes!
Mar 31, 202413:03
90. I am......

90. I am......

Who gets to decide who you are? 

The natural answer might be, “Me, of course!”. But in reality, we often let others decide and define who we are. Our family members, spouses, teachers, friends, coworkers, employers, and especially…the abusive and narcissistic people in our lives. 

Sometimes we get in the habit of trusting others’ definitions of our identities more than our own. And sometimes this happens automatically because we don’t really know who we are…or at least we think we don’t.

Mar 21, 202407:21
89. I am confident in my abilities.
Mar 14, 202407:57
88. I am strong.
Mar 07, 202410:36
87. I trust myself & I trust my inner voice.
Feb 29, 202409:13
86. I trust the process & I trust my Creator’s voice within me.
Feb 22, 202410:05
85. I am safe & I am protected.
Feb 15, 202408:04
84. I am creating space for change.
Feb 08, 202409:07
83. I am open to the process.
Feb 01, 202409:44
82. You Are Allowed to Get Back Up and Try Again [Replay]

82. You Are Allowed to Get Back Up and Try Again [Replay]

Are you being too hard on yourself? Are you beating yourself up over things that are in the past, or that weren’t even yours to take responsibility for in the first place?

After surviving narcissistic abuse, it can be difficult to focus on the positive. We can’t quite envision a better future. Or, we’re not willing to do the work to set those goals. 

Our brains like patterns, and it’s easier to let ourselves stay stuck in the negative, rather than give ourselves permission to move forward. 

Today’s recording is all about giving ourselves that permission to get back up and try again. Keep going… Keep setting goals… Keep doing the hard work to become the Future You that you choose. 

Today you’ll hear me mention some mantras that I want you to consider:

I accept the choices I have made, and the situation I am in.

I forgive myself for past mistakes. 

I have the power to shape the life I choose from this moment forward.

I am allowed to get back up and try again. 

After listening to my expanded explanation of these mantras, I encourage you to choose one or two that resonate most, and say them to yourself (out loud!) in the mirror daily. Yes, it will feel weird at first. It will feel uncomfortable. But we’ve got to be willing to work through those emotions in order to take any meaningful action toward healing. 

To view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, schedule a FREE 15-minute Coaching Call, order Jennifer's book, or learn more about The Redefined Process, go here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Jan 25, 202418:48
81. Future Self Guided Meditation

81. Future Self Guided Meditation

I often share that the number one key to healing from narcissistic abuse is to stop reading about narcissism. While it’s crucial in the beginning of our recovery to learn all the things we can about the trauma we’ve been through… to piece together what the heck just happened to us?... If we keep up with this constant information gathering long term, it only keeps us stuck. True growth and healing is found in turning our attention away from the abuser and shifting attention to ourselves instead. We have to reconnect with and redefine our identities apart from the abusive narcissist. This takes time, and most importantly…practice. It takes action! 

If this resonates with you and you’re truly ready to shift out of this information gathering phase, with so much of your attention on the narcissist, then I invite you to check out my Redefined coaching app, which includes my signature program, the Redefined Process. It’s all about helping you connect with YOU. If you’re not quite sure if you’re ready for that yet, then I suggest you read my book, The Uncommon Guide to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse: How I Used Art to Break the Pattern and Redefine My Identity. It’s a short, easy read, where I share pieces of my own story, along with knowledge from my training as an art therapist, and practical art and writing exercises too. You can find the link to buy the book, as well as links to check out the Redefined app all at the link in the podcast description. 

Today’s episode is a little different than usual. Instead of sharing about my artmaking practice, followed by an imagined message from your Future Self, I want to share a guided meditation with you. I wrote this with the intention of helping you connect with YOUR Future Self. I want you to spend these next few minutes focusing on YOU…not the narcissist. 

--------------------------------- Here's the link to all the things!


Go here to view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, order "The Uncommon Guide to Healing From Narcissistic Abuse", or to grab the Intro and Chapter 1 for free :)

Jan 18, 202410:25
80. You Can Do Hard Things.
Jan 11, 202417:03
79. Here are 4 Ways to Overcome Your Insecurities
Jan 04, 202417:14
78. Why We Choose Not to Shine
Dec 28, 202329:11
77. How to Tell if You're an Artist or Not
Dec 21, 202320:46
76. Are You Living with Intention?
Dec 14, 202313:56
75. Are You Afraid of Anger?
Dec 07, 202327:43
74. Permission to "Do You"
Nov 30, 202322:35
73. Coping with Anniversary Reactions

73. Coping with Anniversary Reactions

I often talk about the concept of “anniversary reactions” with my clients. This term refers to the yearly anniversary of a traumatic event or loss of some kind, and with it, the return of symptoms of grief. 

A quick Google search told me that according to psychological literature, an “anniversary reaction” is defined as an individual’s response to unresolved grief resulting from significant losses. The anniversary reaction can involve several days or even weeks of anxiety, anger, nightmares, flashbacks, depression, or fear. 

I have a few of my own anniversary reactions, and with time I have found that while it’s not helpful to assume that I’ll automatically struggle certain times of year, it is very helpful to be aware that these struggles may come. I make sure that on those days (or those months) I give myself a little extra space to feel whatever emotions may come up. 

Can you relate? Do you experience increased symptoms of depression, anxiety, or anger during the time of year that your abusive relationship ended, when a specific traumatic event happened, or when a friend or family member died?

Today I’m sharing a bit about how I’m processing a current anniversary reaction of my own.

Here's the link to all the things!


Go here to view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, order "The Uncommon Guide to Healing From Narcissistic Abuse", or to grab the Intro and Chapter 1 for free :)

Nov 23, 202320:29
72. The Uncommon Guide to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse
Nov 17, 202307:31
71. Reading from My Favorite Chapter!

71. Reading from My Favorite Chapter!

I am so excited to announce that the Kindle E-book version of ‘The Uncommon Guide to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse: How I Used Art to Break the Pattern and Redefine My Identity’, is now live on Amazon! That means if you pre-ordered the Kindle E-book it should have been magically delivered to your device a few days ago, by the power of technology. 

AND, I’m even more excited that TOMORROW, FRIDAY November 17th, the paperback version of ‘The Uncommon Guide to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse’ will finally be available for purchase!

I can’t wait for you to start reading it, completing the art and writing exercises at the end of each chapter, and experiencing some big aha moments.

Will you order either the e-book or paperback this week? Or better yet, order one for yourself, and one for a friend? I’m working really hard to see if I can get to a number one ranking in one of my chosen categories on Amazon. So far, my lowest ranking has been number 48 in the self help for abuse category. 

Just like pretty much everything we experience online, Amazon has its own algorithm. The more orders I get (especially on the same day or within a few days), the better my ranking, and also the more I’ll gain visibility in the Amazon algorithm when other Overcomers like you log on to search for books about healing from narcissistic abuse. More popular books are going to show up first in someone’s search. 

So, let’s make The Uncommon Guide to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse POPULAR, shall we? It’s all up to you!

Here's the link to all the things!


Go here to view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, order "The Uncommon Guide to Healing From Narcissistic Abuse", or to grab the Intro and Chapter 1 for free :)

Nov 16, 202317:09
70. ANNOUNCEMENT: E-book is Here!!!

70. ANNOUNCEMENT: E-book is Here!!!

I am so excited to announce that the Kindle E-book version of The Uncommon Guide to Healing from Narcissistic Abuse: How I Used Art to Break the Pattern and Redefine My Identity, is now live on Amazon! That means if you pre-ordered the Kindle E-book it should have been magically delivered to your device today, by the power of technology. I can’t wait for you to start reading it, completing the art and writing exercises at the end of each chapter, and experiencing some big aha moments. 

If you’ve been paying close attention to all my posts and emails the past couple of weeks, you know that I was also planning for the paperback version of the book to be released today. Unfortunately, due to a small error on my part, the paperback will now be available this FRIDAY, November 17th. So…Just a few more days to wait!

Today, I want to read for you the introduction to the book. If you’d like to read this introduction for free, go to the link below to grab both the intro and first chapter. Or of course you can order the e-book and have the whole thing right now. 

I want to read the introduction to you today…. And then later this week I’ll be popping back in to share one of my favorite passages from the book…. But I’ll keep that a secret for now.

Here's the link to all the things!


Go here to view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, pre-order "The Uncommon Guide to Healing From Narcissistic Abuse" (release date 11/13/23!!), or to grab the Intro and Chapter 1 for free :)

Nov 13, 202311:01
69. Part 2: My Love/Hate Relationship with Vision Boards
Nov 09, 202322:32
68. Working Through Resistance
Nov 02, 202319:36
67. I Did This for 136 Days

67. I Did This for 136 Days

In some ways, I’m a very consistent person. I like to have a basic routine, I’m loyal to those who are close to me, and I think I’m pretty dependable. But in other ways, I struggle with consistency. Namely, when it comes to daily or weekly practices that help me take care of myself. Self-care. It’s a struggle. I’m guessing you can relate to this. 

Most humans find it hard, at least in certain seasons of their life, to prioritize themselves in ways that matter. We’re not talking about hitting the snooze button so you can get a few extra ZZZ’s, or neglecting household chores and important relationships so you can watch Netflix in the name of self-care.

I’m talking about the things that are really going to move the needle forward for you…

Real, quality sleep. Daily journaling. Prayer. Meditation. Daily movement. Spiritual practices. Spending quality time with loved ones. Going to therapy. Creating art. Spending time in nature. Reading a personal development book. Stopping to stretch and breathe in the middle of your work day. 

I think that getting into a routine of consistent self-care can be especially difficult for Overcomers of narcissistic abuse. This is because the abusive individuals in our lives have literally trained us to put ourselves last. As strange as it may seem to explain to someone who doesn’t understand this type of abuse, it actually feels very odd, uncomfortable, and even unsafe to prioritize ourselves. 

So, how do we get over this? How do we improve the consistency and quality of our self-care routines? 

There’s no easy answer, but it is simple. Just start doing something. And if it works for you, keep doing it. Today I’m sharing one self-care practice that I did really successfully for a long time, then fell off a bit, and I’ll explain where I am with it now. 

Here's the link to all the things!


Go here to view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, pre-order "The Uncommon Guide to Healing From Narcissistic Abuse", or to grab the Intro and Chapter 1 for free :)

Oct 26, 202321:00
66. The 3 Things I Learned from Writing a Book
Oct 19, 202319:38
65. Let's Get Our Priorities Straight
Oct 12, 202319:34
64. Making Meaning of Our Abuse
Oct 05, 202328:51
63. My Love/Hate Relationship with Vision Boards, Part 1

63. My Love/Hate Relationship with Vision Boards, Part 1

Have you ever created a “vision board”? Maybe it was something you did towards the end of the calendar year, in preparation for your New Year's resolution… sort of a visual representation of what you hoped to accomplish in the new year. Well, I have a love/hate relationship with new year's resolutions, and also with the concept of vision boards… no matter what time of year you create them. 

On one hand, I absolutely love the idea of setting goals, getting specific about them, envisioning our Future Self, and feeling all the feelings of already having accomplished our goals. I think that choosing concrete images to create a visual representation of our goals and dreams is impactful because it helps us evoke those emotions, rather than just focusing on a task to complete. We really have to be able to get into that feeling state in order to believe it’s possible for us to reach the goal. 

And, I just like making stuff! So vision boards can be fun. 

But on the other hand, I think that vision boards can be limiting because if they ONLY keep us focused on a perfect, romanticized version of the future we envision for ourselves, then that goal is ultimately going to feel unrealistic and we may find ourselves frustrated on our journey to get to this goal that seems too perfect to actually be true. 

So where’s the answer? Is there a happy medium here? A way to make vision boards really work for us? That’s what I want to explore today.



To view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, or grab the Introduction and Chapter 1 of Jennifer's new book for FREE, go here: ⁠

Sep 28, 202324:05
62. Are You Being Authentic?

62. Are You Being Authentic?

Hey, Overcomer! Do you know what your top values are? For me, honesty and authenticity are definitely in my top five. I consider these two concepts to be one in the same. In my opinion, striving to live as authentically as possible, as true to yourself as possible, is a matter of honesty. Much of this comes naturally to me. I find it very hard to lie. I’m not saying I’ve never told a lie before, but it’s just not something that is generally very tempting for me to do, and it never has been. Living truthfully is important to me. Speaking my truth, telling my story, and sharing my opinion are important. Being unapologetically myself is important. I don’t like pretending to go along with something just to make others feel more comfortable, because that would feel inauthentic or dishonest to me. I’d rather speak my mind, gently when needed… and apologize later if I have to. 

All that said, you’ll understand why it has been a surprise to me during my healing journey to discover that I have indeed been through phases where I wasn’t living as authentically as I thought I was. And even just recently, I had a big ‘aha’ moment around this topic. 

You see, something I’ve started to contemplate is the way in which we choose to live authentically, or share our truth with others. As I just said, I’d rather speak my mind at all costs, even if it means apologizing later in instances where it comes across as harsh. But, I think I’m starting to discover a better way….an even truer way… to be authentically me.

The difference is that one way of being authentically “Me” screams: “This is who I am! Get used to it!”. And the other, newer way that I’ve gradually been shifting into for a while has more of a sense of quiet confidence and ease. 

To view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, or grave the Introduction and Chapter 1 of Jennifer's new book for FREE, go here:

Sep 21, 202322:57
61. Never Minimize the Power of Small Steps
Sep 14, 202316:30
60. What Does it Mean to be Grounded?
Sep 07, 202320:08
59. How long does it take to recover from narcissistic abuse?

59. How long does it take to recover from narcissistic abuse?

I’m an all or nothing kind of person. I don’t like in-betweens, transitions, or lack of control. I want to skip right past the messy middle and get to the good part. 

Sound familiar?

So many of us loath the feeling that we are not finished healing. We get frustrated with the fact that we can understand where we want to be (or where we feel we need to be, or should be), but we just can’t get there yet.

Why?? Why can’t we just will ourselves into what we envision to be our final stage of healing… the place where we feel calm and confident and everything makes sense? 

In today’s recording, I’m answering a question I’d received from a member of my Facebook group, Women Overcoming Narcissistic Abuse: How long does it take to recover from narcissistic abuse?

I think that the very nature of this question reflects that sense of uneasiness with being in the messy middle. 

And I’ll tell you… even though I admit it’s still my default mode to be uncomfortable in this middle place of unfinished-ness… I have certainly learned to relax (to a certain extent) and embrace the journey, confident that as I keep showing up for myself and doing my healing work, I’ll end up where I need to be. 

This journey looks a bit different for everyone, but no matter where you find yourself today, I think you’ll get something out of this conversation.

To view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, schedule a FREE 15-minute Coaching Call, or learn more about The Redefined Process, go here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Aug 30, 202314:37
58. Let’s Talk About Regret

58. Let’s Talk About Regret

As we talked about last week, sometimes as survivors of narcissistic abuse, we can be too hard on ourselves. We’ve been taught by our abusers to question our decisions, actions, and motives, while turning a blind eye to their problematic behaviors. 

Two of the heaviest emotions that can linger on after leaving an abusive relationship are regret and guilt. We see the effects of the abuse in our lives, and regret our decision to stay in the relationship as long as we did, or the choice to raise children with the abuser, etc. And with that kind of regret tends to come the guilt… We simply cannot let go of the feeling that we have done something horribly wrong, and if we do try to let it go, it feels like we’re minimizing the entire experience or not owning our mistakes or weak moments. And even beyond that, our minds and bodies may be so used to holding onto that guilt that it has become the ever-present background noise to our lives… we walk around all day long with an underlying sense that we are in the wrong, just for existing. 

In today’s recording, you’ll hear me share some thoughts and encouragements around this topic, along with a suggestion for how to begin to confront and process through feelings of regret and guilt. 

To view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, schedule a FREE 15-minute Coaching Call, or learn more about The Redefined Process, go here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Aug 23, 202317:24
57. You Are Allowed to Get Back Up and Try Again

57. You Are Allowed to Get Back Up and Try Again

Are you being too hard on yourself? Are you beating yourself up over things that are in the past, or that weren’t even yours to take responsibility for in the first place?

After surviving narcissistic abuse, it can be difficult to focus on the positive. We can’t quite envision a better future. Or, we’re not willing to do the work to set those goals. 

Our brains like patterns, and it’s easier to let ourselves stay stuck in the negative, rather than give ourselves permission to move forward. 

Today’s recording is all about giving ourselves that permission to get back up and try again. Keep going… Keep setting goals… Keep doing the hard work to become the Future You that you choose. 

Today you’ll hear me mention some mantras that I want you to consider:

I accept the choices I have made, and the situation I am in.

I forgive myself for past mistakes. 

I have the power to shape the life I choose from this moment forward.

I am allowed to get back up and try again. 

After listening to my expanded explanation of these mantras, I encourage you to choose one or two that resonate most, and say them to yourself (out loud!) in the mirror daily. Yes, it will feel weird at first. It will feel uncomfortable. But we’ve got to be willing to work through those emotions in order to take any meaningful action toward healing. 

To view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, schedule a FREE 15-minute Coaching Call, or learn more about The Redefined Process, go here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Aug 16, 202318:11
56. Should We Forgive Our Abusers?
Aug 09, 202317:08
55. Answering Common Questions About Narcissistic Abuse

55. Answering Common Questions About Narcissistic Abuse

Soon after my abusive relationship ended, I began attending a support group that became my lifeline for quite a while. It was a co-ed group, and not centered on the topic of domestic violence, but I was relieved to find that among the attendees there were many women just like me. While we may have been different ages, come from different cultural traditions and socioeconomic backgrounds, and we had different personalities, hobbies, and interests… We had one huge thing in common (so much so that it often felt comical, even!). I heard women in that group share about conversations, thoughts, emotions, conflicts and confusion they’d felt in abusive relationships with narcissistic men, and I felt so seen. 

Maybe you’ve had that experience with a friend, an online group, or even listening to this podcast. It’s an experience of having someone directly reflect your life right back to you, except that they don’t know you at all, and they’re actually describing their own relationship. And those other women felt this same phenomenon when I shared my story. We often found ourselves joking, “Did you have a camera in my house or something? How did you know that?” It can feel funny, comforting, and also so sad that narcissistic abuse can look so incredibly similar across different relationships. The reason I say it’s comforting is that when we hear others share, we know that we’re not alone. We’re not crazy, delusional, or stupid, as the narcissist tried to gaslight us into believing. 

On today’s recording, I’m answering some very common questions that I often receive from my community of Overcomers. I’m guessing they’re things you’ve wondered about too.

To view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, schedule a FREE 15-minute Coaching Call, or learn more about The Redefined Process, go here:

Aug 02, 202325:06
54. Learning to Trust Ourselves AND Others

54. Learning to Trust Ourselves AND Others

Trust. It’s one of the topics I hear about most from my clients. They can’t trust men. They can’t trust certain friends and family members anymore. They recognize they’ve been a little too quick to trust in the past… so now, they don’t even trust themselves. 

Today’s recording is all about the juggling act of learning to trust ourselves and others, because in my personal experience, and in what I’ve seen in my clients, the two go hand in hand.

To view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, schedule a FREE 15-minute Coaching Call, or learn more about The Redefined Process, go here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Jul 26, 202311:04
53. Why Are Rest and Self-Care So Hard?

53. Why Are Rest and Self-Care So Hard?

Do you sometimes feel selfish, arrogant, or even question whether you’re the narcissist? Often I notice that Overcomers of narcissistic abuse are overly sensitive to the possibility that these traits are present within themselves, or in others. 

Here’s an important reminder: There’s a huge difference between feeling confident, taking time to care for yourself for a change instead of overextending yourself for others, and being grounded in your own identity and choices…versus being self-absorbed, narcissistic, cruel, and abusive.


As I always say, the key to healing from narcissistic abuse is to reconnect with and redefine your own identity. You have to do the work of figuring out who YOU are. And, guess how you do that work? Through taking time for yourself. You need to explore activities you enjoy, spend time with people who help you feel validated and alive, and also simply take time to be quiet and reflect, making space for all of your thoughts and emotions to be heard. 

You may have heard the phrase: “Self-care isn’t selfish”. I challenge you to really consider that as you listen to this episode. Today’s recording is all about why it can be so hard for us to practice self-care after experiencing narcissistic abuse.

To view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, schedule a FREE 15-minute Coaching Call, or learn more about The Redefined Process, go here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Jul 19, 202321:47
52. Do the Feelings of Hurt and Feelings of Connection to the Narcissist Ever Go Away?
Jul 12, 202332:32
51. Claiming Confidence

51. Claiming Confidence

Hey there, Overcomer! This summer I’m sharing some previously recorded thoughts on a variety of topics related to healing from narcissistic abuse. I hope this content will resonate with you, and that with each episode you’ll really take the time to consider one action step you can take, based on the insight you’ve received. 

If you need some help with that, I’d love to talk with you. Go to the link below to schedule a free 15 minute coaching session to talk about whatever you’d like. Yes, it’s free, no strings attached.

In this week's recording, I share my thoughts about why confidence is something we absolutely have to address in the early stages of our recovery from narcissistic abuse.

I’ll also walk you through a practical exercise to start building your confidence and silencing your limiting beliefs.

Self-doubt and low self-worth are hallmark symptoms of narcissistic abuse. The abuser manipulated and brainwashed you to think little of yourself and much of them.

It happened subtly, over time...and with intention.

So, rebuilding your confidence and learning to trust yourself will not happen overnight, and not unless you work for it.

As you listen, I want you to consider: What will you do today to build confidence in yourself and your abilities?

It's okay to celebrate yourself. 

To view the Art That Overcomes Instagram page, sign up for weekly emails, schedule a FREE 15-minute Coaching Call, or learn more about The Redefined Process, go here: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Jul 05, 202312:56