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The Purpose of Motherhood

The Purpose of Motherhood

By Ashlee Kasten

Join author Ashlee Kasten for weekly encouragement for mamas in the “thick of it”. Whether you’re a mom of a cuddly baby, an adventurous toddler, or a budding pre-teen, you are sure to find hope, peace, and renewed strength here.
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57. Hearing God’s Voice- Our Responsibility to Obey

The Purpose of MotherhoodJan 20, 2022

71. Should Christian Families Celebrate Halloween?

71. Should Christian Families Celebrate Halloween?

Halloween is a night that celebrates fear, witchcraft, and the demonic. But it’s also a night with candy and cute costumes. So what’s a Christian to do? What does the Bible say about worldly celebrations? Jump in today’s episode to hear more!
Oct 07, 202232:26
70. Nourishing Your Child’s Gifts

70. Nourishing Your Child’s Gifts

God has designed all of us for a purpose. He has equipped us with strengths that can be used for his kingdom. So how do we nurture these gifts in our children? Join today’s episode to learn how speaking life over your child can lead them into a life of joy and purpose.
Sep 23, 202218:44
69. Friday Favorites - Great books, delicious meals, and inspiration for adding beauty in your home
Sep 16, 202231:51
68. Balancing Ministry and Motherhood

68. Balancing Ministry and Motherhood

Do you feel torn between serving others and taking care of the little ones in your home? Are you wondering if it’s possible to serve in ministry in and out of the home without experiencing burn-out? Jump in this episode to discover the keys to balancing ministry and motherhood well.
Sep 09, 202227:46
67. The Beauty of Daily Rhythms

67. The Beauty of Daily Rhythms

Do you want to create a home with beauty and joy? Do you want to gather your family to connect before those little ones are grown? Time for some family rhythms! In this episode, you’ll be inspired to create a home that hugs all who enter and one that rings with laughter and conversation.
Aug 26, 202227:11
66. Mission of Motherhood

66. Mission of Motherhood

Do you feel burdened down or overwhelmed by motherhood? Are you wondering if what you’re doing is important? Listen in to this episode to discover the monumental calling of motherhood and why it’s more important than any other role.
May 16, 202222:13
65. Because You Prayed - What Your Children Need Most
May 06, 202225:11
64. Strategies for Stress and Overwhelm with Taylor Irby
Apr 29, 202227:55
63. Disney’s Agenda Aimed at Our Children

63. Disney’s Agenda Aimed at Our Children

In light of recent news, it’s important we understand the direction Disney is headed and it’s impact on our children. We know the enemy is crafty and cunning and we must be the guardians of our home. In this episode we’ll uncover the truth behind Disney’s dark agenda and what to do with this information.
Apr 01, 202230:18
62. Raising Godly Children - Wisdom From a Mom of 8 - with Dea Irby
Mar 24, 202233:56
61. Stewarding Your Home Well

61. Stewarding Your Home Well

Is your home chaotic, untidy, or stressful? Does you marriage show signs of strain and neglect? What if we were to renew our vision of our lives to see that all we have is really on loan from the Lord? On this episode, we discuss what it means to be a good steward of our home, children, marriage, gifts, and finances.
Mar 17, 202228:33
60. Healing After Miscarriage with Jennifer Ortiz

60. Healing After Miscarriage with Jennifer Ortiz

On this episode we have a heart-felt chat with Jennifer Ortiz, mama to 3 girls here on earth, and 4 babies in heaven. Through her story we see hope in the darkness and healing in the pain. Connect with Jennifer at, on IG @lovealwaysfaithful, or at the Love Always Faithful Podcast.
Mar 11, 202246:17
59. He is Faithful - A Miraculous Story of God’s Goodness

59. He is Faithful - A Miraculous Story of God’s Goodness

Are you in a season of waiting? Wondering if God’s promises are still good? Or if he even hears your prayers? This episode will build your faith and refresh your spirit!
Feb 18, 202224:53
58. Talking to Your Kids About Sexuality at Every Age

58. Talking to Your Kids About Sexuality at Every Age

Do you dread the day when you’ll have “the talk” with your kids? Do you feel awkward talking with your kids about sexuality? Are you worried about ruining their innocence and saying too much? Today’s episode covers how to overcome the awkward and talk to your kids about sexuality at age appropriate ways!
Jan 28, 202229:46
57. Hearing God’s Voice- Our Responsibility to Obey

57. Hearing God’s Voice- Our Responsibility to Obey

Have you ever heard the Lord speak but tried to change his mind on what he told you to do? Sometimes it’s just plain hard to obey His commands! On this episode we’re talking about the responsibility to obey His voice and what that looks like!
Jan 20, 202227:03
56. Hearing God’s Voice - What Does He Sound Like?

56. Hearing God’s Voice - What Does He Sound Like?

Have you ever wondered how to distinguish between God’s voice versus yours? Are you curious about the ways he speaks today? In this podcast, we discover the many ways that God speaks to us and how to quickly identify his voice!
Jan 12, 202226:51
55. Hearing God’s Voice - Silence the Noise

55. Hearing God’s Voice - Silence the Noise

Do you desire to have a deeper relationship with the Lord? Wondering if He still speaks and if you can hear His voice? Listen in to this week’s episode and discover how to silence the noise of life in order to hear His whispers.
Jan 05, 202229:42
54. Forgiveness to Heal Your Family

54. Forgiveness to Heal Your Family

Do you have tension in your family relationships? Searching for a way to help everyone get along? Listen to this episode to discover the power forgiveness holds to heal all wounds and set us free.
Dec 16, 202134:03
53. When We Don’t Know What to Pray

53. When We Don’t Know What to Pray

Do you ever feel like you just don’t know what to pray? Do you ever feel like your words are not enough? Listen in to today’s episode where we cover how the holy spirit intercedes for us and our children!
Dec 09, 202128:03
52. Too Many Toys! Handling Christmas and Clutter

52. Too Many Toys! Handling Christmas and Clutter

Do you feel overwhelmed by the amount of toys your kids have? Do you find yourself drowning in clutter after Christmas hits? Jump in today’s episode where we talk about how to prepare our hearts and homes for a clutter free Christmas!
Nov 10, 202124:47
51. Parenting From a Settled Heart

51. Parenting From a Settled Heart

Do you find yourself snapping, yelling, or exploding in the stressful moments of motherhood? Do you often feel the need for a time-out? You are not alone! In this podcast, we uncover what it looks like to parent from a settled heart that controls the atmosphere of the home.
Oct 29, 202122:48
50. Breaking Free of Comparison

50. Breaking Free of Comparison

Do you look at other moms and tell yourself that you are less-than or disqualified? Do you compare yourself, or your children, to other families and wish you had just a little more of what they’ve got? Jump in and listen to this week’s episode to learn how to break free of comparison and start living in the fullness of who you were created to be!
Oct 21, 202126:30
49. Body Image After Kids

49. Body Image After Kids

Do you find yourself tugging at your stomach in the mirror, or grumbling about your weight when you get dressed in the morning? It’s no secret that our bodies are a lot different after carrying babies, but we must be careful not to make them idols! This week’s podcast covers the keys to renewing our mind and appreciating our bodies!
Oct 07, 202124:50
48. Getting Unstuck From the “Hot Mess Mama” Mindset with guest Elyse Rooney

48. Getting Unstuck From the “Hot Mess Mama” Mindset with guest Elyse Rooney

Do you feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of overwhelm, frustration, and feeling unfulfilled in motherhood? Elyse Rooney joins us on this episode to teach us how to get unstuck from the hot mess motherhood mindset that leaves us feeling frustrated and alone! You can connect with Elyse on Instagram @wholesomemumma
Sep 30, 202128:49
47. Raising Kids in a Culture of Confusion - with Guest Bethany Rose
Sep 22, 202136:30
46. Discipline VS Discipleship

46. Discipline VS Discipleship

Feeling like you’re on a cycle of frustration and discipline that’s getting you nowhere? Wondering how to parent in a way that leads your children to truth without creating division between you and them? Today’s podcast will leave you with a dose of hope, inspiration, and training in how to disciple those little hearts!
Sep 16, 202123:30
45. Handling Sibling Arguments

45. Handling Sibling Arguments

Do your children quarrel and argue frequently? Do you find yourself handling their fights with a short-fuse, just desperate for some peace in the home? Today’s podcast covers 3 practical principals you can teach your children to diffuse arguments and settle their hearts!
Sep 08, 202124:32
44. When Our Kids Just Need a Hug

44. When Our Kids Just Need a Hug

Do you find yourself disciplining only to be left feeling disconnected from your kids? Do you struggle with discerning when to discipline or when to draw close? In this episode we talk about the act of drawing near to our children and how to use it to bring heart change and connection in the middle of tension.
Sep 01, 202123:52
43. The Family on a Mission - Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood

43. The Family on a Mission - Making a Difference in Your Neighborhood

Are you burdened down by the social injustices of our world? Do you want to make a difference and spread the name of Jesus but don’t know how? Today’s podcast covers the key to becoming a mission minded family right where you are! You don’t have to fly across the globe to start seeing lives saved!
Aug 26, 202129:24
42. I Want to Homeschool BUT.... - Answering Your Homeschool Concerns

42. I Want to Homeschool BUT.... - Answering Your Homeschool Concerns

Homeschooling your children can seem like a massive undertaking, and it often brings up some big concerns! How do I start? Will I be able to teach them? Am I patient enough?! Don’t worry, mama! In today’s podcast we’ll tackle the major concerns surrounding homeschooling your children, and demolish the lies that have left you feeling incapable and disqualified!
Aug 18, 202126:43
41. Sending Your Children Into a Secular World

41. Sending Your Children Into a Secular World

Are you feeling anxious about your children entering the school systems? Or do you want to lay a firm foundation for your kids so they can stand strong when they leave your home? On today’s podcast we talk about 3 practical ways to equip your children before they walk out your door!
Aug 11, 202118:29
40. The Power of Being Content in All Life’s Seasons

40. The Power of Being Content in All Life’s Seasons

Do you find yourself always longing for the next season of life? The one where you’ll have more income, a bigger house, or where your kids will be more independent? The Bible clearly points us to the power in being content in all seasons of life, but that seems to be easier said than done! In this episode, we’ll discover how to grasp hold of contentment in order to bring true joy, peace, and happiness to your heart and home!
Jul 29, 202125:08
39. The Stress Free Bedtime Routine

39. The Stress Free Bedtime Routine

Does your household bedtime routine resemble a circus full of spider monkeys and acrobatic lemurs? Do you dread the time of day guaranteed to have you fighting with your kids just to get them to settle down and get in bed? Mama, you are not alone! Jump in on today’s podcast to grasp hold of a bedtime routine that just might make you, dare I say, LIKE bedtime!
Jul 21, 202125:54
38. Why We Can’t Just Keep Saying “I’ll Pray for You” - Finding Boldness in Praying for Others

38. Why We Can’t Just Keep Saying “I’ll Pray for You” - Finding Boldness in Praying for Others

We’ve all done it! We see a friend-in-need online and we respond with “I’ll be praying for you!” ....And then when never do. Or we’re terrified at the thought of praying out loud, so we use “I’ll be praying” as an easy way out of praying in that moment. The Lord desires for us to walk in boldness in prayer, and in today’s podcast, we discover the keys to breaking free and how to begin to strengthen your prayer life. Praying out-loud and together with others builds faith and allows our children to see it all first-hand! Join me, mama, in the challenge to stop simply sending prayer condolences!
Jul 01, 202128:06
37. Why You Don’t Need Social Media to be an Infouencer, Mama!

37. Why You Don’t Need Social Media to be an Infouencer, Mama!

Ever feel less than, left out, or inadequate after scrolling through social media? Have you wanted to make an impact but think no one will listen? Or do you find yourself drained from trying to achieve social status in today’s technology driven society? Come meet me at the well, mama! We need a lesson from Jesus in how to impact the world in a way that leaves us fulfilled and connected rather than drained and discouraged.
Jun 24, 202129:23
36. Breaking the Sugar Addiction for your Family with Kelsey Gonzalez

36. Breaking the Sugar Addiction for your Family with Kelsey Gonzalez

Sugar is everywhere nowadays and it’s no secret that it harms our bodies, clouds our minds, and wrecks our habits and lifestyles. So how do we free our families from the sugar addiction and get our bodies in a healthier state so we can feel and perform our best? Kelsey Gonzalez, a Jesus-loving mama to two, joins us in this episode to talk about Jesus, healthy habits, and breaking mindsets and addictions. Connect with her on IG at @thecoachkelsey and grab her free 7 day meal plan here! Also, to get the free toddler snack guide, message @thecoachkelsey on IG with the words “Free Toddler Guide” and she’ll send it your way! Enjoy!
Jun 16, 202134:21
35. Nightmares - Praying Over Your Child’s Dreams

35. Nightmares - Praying Over Your Child’s Dreams

Do your kids have nightmares? Have you wondered how to rid them and why they have them in the first place? On today’s podcast we’re covering God’s design for dreams and how to combat nightmares through spiritual warfare. Dream Interpretation Book Mentioned- Ira Milligan - The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Dreams You Dream: Biblical Keys for Hearing God's Voice in the Night
Jun 09, 202130:01
34. Using Scripture to Declare Over Your Children

34. Using Scripture to Declare Over Your Children

We know scripture is useful for teaching and training, but is there any power in declaring it over our lives? And how do we use it to shape our children? Join me in this episode as we talk about the power of using verses and prayer as a weapon and catapult for change.
Jun 03, 202120:19
33. Hope in the Dark
May 26, 202133:13
32. Taming Our Tongues

32. Taming Our Tongues

Have you ever been a victim of gossip? Do you know the pain of hurtful words but yet seem to have a hard time keeping your tongue from speaking them? Our tongues often lead us down a slippery slope into destruction and it’s important for us to know how to stop the toxic talk before it’s too late! In today’s podcast we define gossip, learn the harsh reality of our words, and discover how to tame our tongue.
May 19, 202127:19
31. How to Get Quality Time With Your Kids

31. How to Get Quality Time With Your Kids

Do you ever feel guilty about the time you spent cleaning instead of playing? Or do your children constantly beg for your time and attention but you feel like you’re always having to say, “just a minute.” You’re not alone, mama! On today’s episode we talk about how to get quality time in with your kiddos to create a happier home!
May 12, 202123:15
30. Releasing Control - (Part 3) The 3 Most Important Roles of a Mother

30. Releasing Control - (Part 3) The 3 Most Important Roles of a Mother

We want our children’s lives to be perfect. We want to protect them from harm, keep them from making mistakes, and see them thrive. However, we often end up doing more good than harm when we try and ensure this happens. Ready to learn the better way? Listen in!
May 05, 202121:44
29. Equipping Our Children With the Armor - (Part 2) The 3 Most Important Roles Of a Mother
Apr 28, 202126:32
28. Defining Love For Our Children - (Part 1) The 3 Most Important Roles of a Mother

28. Defining Love For Our Children - (Part 1) The 3 Most Important Roles of a Mother

Ever found yourself laying in bed at night wondering if our children felt loved that day? Me too, mama! Defining love for our children through our actions is what gives them the basis of love for their whole life. It is also our portrayal of love that creates their perception of God. Jump in today’s podcast as we cover the how and why behind creating a language of love in your home!
Apr 21, 202123:23
27. Talking with Your Children About Gender and Identity

27. Talking with Your Children About Gender and Identity

Every day the world is sending a twisted message to our children about their identity. If we want kids who are firmly rooted in who they are in Christ, we have to begin to plant seeds of truth now! In today’s podcast we’ll cover how to talk with your kids about identity, gender, and marriage at any age!
Apr 14, 202123:11
26. Taking Negative Thoughts Captive with Sonia Amin
Apr 07, 202132:59
25. Making Easter Meaningful

25. Making Easter Meaningful

Looking for ways to connect with your kids this Easter while highlighting the true meaning of that beautiful day? In this episode take a peek into the Kasten family Easter and gain a little inspiration for some simple things you can do to create an Resurrection Day to remember that includes more than just eggs and candy. Book mentioned - The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross Carl Laferton
Mar 31, 202125:18
24. The Power of Stories - How to teach and connect with your children through reading
Mar 24, 202133:44
23. To The Mama Who is Empty

23. To The Mama Who is Empty

Ever feel defeated, drained, and lacking the things your children need from you? Do you feel like you’re not enough? On today’s podcast, Ashlee shares her own moment of complete emptiness and vulnerability and the powerful truth the Lord revealed to her. Get ready to feel filled up, mama!
Mar 17, 202122:32
22. The Stretched Thin Schedule- Stressed By The Mess in My Household

22. The Stretched Thin Schedule- Stressed By The Mess in My Household

Have you ever felt like you had too much on your plate? Do you have trouble saying no, or distinguishing between what’s “good” and what’s actually from God? On today’s episode we talk about how to free your schedule and make choices for your family that don’t drain your energy and time.
Mar 10, 202127:00