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Things I wish I Knew in Highschool: Tales from a HS Science Teacher

Things I wish I Knew in Highschool: Tales from a HS Science Teacher

By Mrs. G

This podcast is for anyone who wants a good laugh with a motivational shove! Be prepared for real life stories sprinkled with life lessons, topped off with "if only I could do it again". So tune in and get ready for some small town stories, some great life lessons, and hopefully a laugh or two! "Things I wish I knew in Highschool" is dedicated to all the students who have been the inspiration for this podcast, and who have told me over and over "You should start a podcast I would listen".... Well you better listen!
Currently playing episode

Don't judge a book by it's cover

Things I wish I Knew in Highschool: Tales from a HS Science Teacher Nov 14, 2022

Mt Deepest Regrets

Mt Deepest Regrets

What do I regret most in highschool? Well let me tell you! Because you might walk away from this place with the same regret...

Apr 29, 202328:53
The more times you do something, the easier it becomes

The more times you do something, the easier it becomes

There have been many times in my life that I worked hard to avoid the strange, weird, or uncomfortable... but let me tell you that I wouldn't be where I am today had I have not overcome those fears by doing the things that I had avoided for years.
Jan 23, 202329:52
The Effects of Habits

The Effects of Habits

Want to know how to change your academic life... Here is the single most effective improvement that I made to my academic career.... And I think now more than ever students need the power of habits 

Dec 19, 202228:02
But where are my people?

But where are my people?

So many times in highschool students feel alone, like they have no one... and this episode is there to assure you that your people are there

Dec 12, 202226:28
Feeling Overwhelmed?

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Too many times as students/people in general we sit on the things that we have to do in our lives and we let it eat us until we feel overwhelmed and paralyzed  by the countless things that we have to do. So in this episode I will give you some strategies that have helped me when I have felt this way, and the words of advice that I wish I had given my self years ago

Dec 07, 202227:19
The First Love Advice Episode

The First Love Advice Episode

2 of the MANY things I wish I knew in highschool about #love #confidence but most of all #relationships 

Nov 28, 202226:18
Focus on the Growth

Focus on the Growth

This episode is dedicated to my Physics  class who just had this speech and encouraged me to make this episode!  If right now you need a fire lit under you... If you need some motivation... This podcast is for you

Nov 21, 202226:10
Don't judge a book by it's cover

Don't judge a book by it's cover

Welcome to episode 2 of "Things I wish I knew when I was in highschool" Today's episode has everything to do with what you wear and how you look on the outside. Today many students judge themselves and their worth on what clothes they wear, and how they look, well I am here to tell you that really doesn't matter! 

Nov 14, 202222:51
Two Types of People

Two Types of People

This first episode talks about the first time that I gave out some great advice... and I remember it like it was yesterday... even though it was like 10 years ago

Nov 06, 202216:59
November 6, 2022

November 6, 2022

Nov 06, 202200:31