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The VBAC Homebirth Stories Podcast

The VBAC Homebirth Stories Podcast

By Ashley Winning

Hello & Welcome to The VBAC Homebirth Stories Podcast. Are you wanting to learn more about vaginal homebirth after cesarean section and find your confidence to birth the way you feel is the best and safest for you and your baby? This podcast is for women wanting to learn more about VBAC’s, especially homebirths! Join our Free online Facebook Group - Want support finding your voice, confidence & be supported during your VBAC journey check out this online community Journey into Motherhood -
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EP45| Find the right Midwife for your homebirth + Interview questions

The VBAC Homebirth Stories PodcastMar 23, 2022

EP125 | Early Pushing
May 29, 202424:39
EP124 | Unplanned unassisted birth preparation

EP124 | Unplanned unassisted birth preparation

May 24, 202419:14
EP123 | Katelyn - HBAC turned C-section transfer

EP123 | Katelyn - HBAC turned C-section transfer

In this episode, we meet Katelyn, a mum of two who planned a VBAC at home that ended in a c-section transfer. 

I’m sharing Katelyn’s side of the story in her own words in the show notes today. 

I had an emergency caesarean following an unwanted and unneeded postdate induction that I was coerced into. 

I felt I had no real other option. I was under the care of a private obstetrician, not because I felt that it was the kind of care that most aligned with me but because I didn't know how to otherwise get continuity of care (oh had I known then what I know now!) 

With my second, I was planning a VBAC from the moment I left the operating theatre and that quickly became a HBAC plan. I hired a private midwife and a doula and had a far, far more relaxed pregnancy and was super looking forward to my birth at home without medical interference. 

I ended up with a long labour that progressed very well to start with and then stalled about 8 hours in. 

I was supported and encouraged to do what I felt was right, and so we kept at it at home for another 12 hours (with a visit to my chiro right at the end) before I decided it was time to head to the hospital for intervention. 

I requested my waters be broken, which they did a little while after I arrived at the hospital. At about the 26-hour mark. 

I was so exhausted that I physically felt I had reached my limit I could feel that she was still high and not properly engaged and I felt if couldn't remain upright I would completely lose my hold on my contractions. 

They had been strong and constant. The first 8 hrs of labour they were 3-4 minutes apart, they'd stretched out to between 5-10 minutes through the rest of the day and once we got to the hospital, and vocalising and moving through them was all I had to keep on top of it. 

At that point, I knew I was heading down repeat caesarean territory and I made an informed decision to have an epidural, knowing that most likely I was heading to theatre but there was a small chance that it could be enough to relax me and allow my baby to descend. 

After another couple of hours with an epidural, we made the call to head to the theatre, which was disappointing but also liberating. 

To know I'd done everything I felt I needed to do, all the things I'd not had an opportunity to try the first time around (including forward leaning inversions through contractions and walchers position and everything!) and I was relatively okay feeling like it was my decision at that point. 

So yeah - not the classic homebirth story, but one I do think is important which is why I'm so open about sharing it because we do know that HBAC women generally have higher transfer rates than most homebirthers but that doesn't mean it will be a negative or traumatic experience even if it ends with another caesarean. 

Going to the hospital was my biggest fear (or so I thought, in hindsight I think I actually had other unvoiced fears hiding under the surface that kept me from progressing in labour) and it turned out to be very okay. 

I'd still plan a HBA2C in a heartbeat for my next baby if I get blessed to have a third! 

More from Ashley:

⁠The VBAC Village⁠


Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

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May 07, 202402:02:53
EP122 | Birth Mapping with Catherine Bell

EP122 | Birth Mapping with Catherine Bell

In this episode, I spoke with the amazing Catherine Bell from The Birth Map. 

We talk about how Catherine's birth and postpartum experiences led her to the creation of The Birth Map. 

I asked lots of questions about the birth map and the bias attached to some of the evidence.

We discussed: 

Catherine is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to birth, and I am so grateful that she shared her wisdom and experiences with us in this podcast episode. 

Listen to this fabulous episode now!

Here’s more about Catherine:

In becoming a Mother, Catherine was frustrated with the 'need to know' nature of maternity, so trained as a birth doula and breastfeeding counsellor and educator to fill the knowledge gap and support other women.  

Combined with her Master in Science Communication, this led to the development of Birth Cartography and the invention of The Game of Birth.  Her book, The Birth Map, is the subject of her PhD study into communication and decision-making in maternity services.   

Connect with Catherine: 

my IG@birthmapping

Get access to the free Birth Map game and e-book here:

More from Ashley:

The VBAC Village


Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Group here ⁠⁠⁠

May 01, 202401:26:07
EP121 | Building your community (Happy Valentines Day!!)
Feb 14, 202413:09
EP120 | Christy - 7 Caesarean Births & 3 HBA7C
Feb 07, 202401:26:23
EP119 | Obstetric Violence & Birth Trauma with Hazel Keedle
Feb 01, 202401:16:48
EP118 | Welcome back! And exciting new things coming in 2024

EP118 | Welcome back! And exciting new things coming in 2024

Hi everyone, and welcome back to the VBAC Homebirth Stories Podcast! 

I hope you had a rejuvenating break and are ready to dive into 2024 with me. 

This year promises to be filled with inspiring stories, valuable insights, and expert discussions to support you on your journey towards a triumphant VBAC homebirth.

What's in Store:

In the upcoming months, I have an exciting lineup for you:

Real Mum Stories:

We'll be featuring a variety of real mum stories, including tales of rural HBAC, HBA7C mama, experiencing 3 homebirths,, and many other incredible homebirth after c-section stories.

Guest Episodes:

  • We have some fantastic guest episodes lined up, including conversations with:

    • Hazel Keedle: Discussing obstetric violence and birth trauma.

    • Dr. Stu: An OBGYN turned homebirth advocate, shedding light on breech births, VBAC, and twin homebirths.

    • Catherine Bell: Exploring the concept of Birth Mapping.

Feel free to recommend a guest speaker or share your own HBAC birth story by emailing me at

Exciting Offerings:

Free Training Coming Soon:

Don't miss the VBAC Workshop in February 2024, packed with valuable insights and knowledge, VBAC myth busting, and answering all of your VBAC questions. 

VBAC Village Membership Launch:

Mark your calendars for March 2024! The VBAC Village Membership is set to launch, and the waitlist is open for early bird pricing and exclusive giveaways. Join the waitlist here

Birth Doula Services:

Exciting news! I now offer in-person birth doula support from Brisbane to the Gold Coast, as well as virtual doula support worldwide. 

Connect with me to explore how I can assist you on your birthing journey, I’d love to hear more about your birth plans, dreams and desires.  Book in a coffee chat here.

Looking Ahead:

As we launch on this new year, there are numerous exciting opportunities to find support, deepen your birth knowledge, and work towards achieving your dream VBAC homebirth.

Make sure to tune in to the podcast episodes for an extra dose of inspiration.

I’m thrilled to have you with us on The VBAC Homebirth Stories Podcast in 2024. 

Enjoy this episode, and remember, I’m here to support you every step of the way.

Ashley x

More from Ashley



Join our VBAC Homebirth Support ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Group here ⁠⁠

Jan 16, 202410:25
EP117 | What's to come soon + Taking a shortish podcast break

EP117 | What's to come soon + Taking a shortish podcast break

Hi everyone,

I've decided to give myself a bit of a podcast break for a shortish period. I'm feeling that I will be back around Christmas time!

I share some of my journey, what's happening in my life at the moment and some of the new offerings I am birthing in the world soon (lots of VBAC!!)

I'd love it if you could contribute to my VBAC Membership Survey if you are considering a future VBAC - You can do that here!

And I share some of the amazing podcast episodes that are coming up when I return (there are some epic ones in there!!)

During this break you can catch up on some episodes you haven't tuned into yet, re-listen to some of your fav's or share with people who could benefit from this resource.

I'm still open for business, so if you want a 1:1 session or to join me in one of my programs feel free to send me an email or DM me.

Love and light,

Ashley x

More from Ashley


Join our VBAC Homebirth Support ⁠⁠⁠⁠Group here ⁠⁠

Nov 02, 202322:35
EP116 | Same sex relationship + planned birth centre birth turned unplanned freebirth

EP116 | Same sex relationship + planned birth centre birth turned unplanned freebirth

In this episode, we meet, Kara, a mother of two.

Kara had both of her children in a same-sex relationship with her partner.

Her first pregnancy was an IVF baby in 2019 with a planned hospital birth. The pregnancy was fairly low-key.

Kara experienced prodrominal labour for a few days and that was quite challenging and exhausting for her.

She had a couple of nights of no sleep and it was quite a painful experience. She went into the hospital and they checked her and said that there was no cervix it was up high and closed so she was sent home.

She eventually went back into the hospital and experienced a painful cascade of interventions and chose to have a c-section.

After that birth, she moved from Alice Springs to the Gold Coast. They had the challenge of having to get their embryos from South Australia shipped to the Gold Coast. Due to her partner being aboriginal, she was able to be part of an MGP programme and plan a birth centre birth with her VBAC baby.

She hired a doula and started prenatal yoga. During that time she connected with a new doula and ended the contract with the first doula and hired one she felt more aligned with.

She didn't plan on a freebirth but was subconsciously manifesting a freebirth. She asked her doula if she would support her and she received a yes - still planning a birth centre birth she found herself having an unplanned freebirth.

To hear all the interesting gold nuggets along the way come and listen to Kara's amazing birth stories.

Enjoy this podcast episode,

Ashley x

More from Ashley


Join our VBAC Homebirth Support ⁠⁠⁠Group here ⁠

Oct 26, 202301:07:21
EP115 | It takes a village to raise a homebirth mother
Oct 18, 202321:15
EP114 | Tune into your Intuition
Oct 10, 202320:15
EP113 | Birth Positions for your VBAC Homebirth

EP113 | Birth Positions for your VBAC Homebirth

In this episode, I share some birth positions that may be helpful during your VBAC Homebirth, and I share my ideas on birth positions and the big focus I see happening in the birth world.

What if I told you that you don't need to know all of the birth positions to birth your baby at home?

What if I told you that it could in some ways be counter intuitive to be in your mind trying to remember what position you need to be in during labour.

What if I told you that you don't need someone directing your body on what position to be in during labour?

What if I told you that you have been sold a lie that your body won't work if you don't do optimal baby position, and get into all sorts of interesting and fun positions to birth your baby?

I don't want to ruffle to many feathers as I know so many people are devout believes of spreading the message that you must be coached into positions to birth your baby more easily, or more quickly.

Which in a hospital setting I agree, this is probably one of the best ways to birth.

In a homebirth though, it may be the easiest and safest to birth your baby without disruption, without having to remember the best positions, or maneuvers to get into for birth and stay in your birthing mind.

It may be best for everyone in your space to stand back and allow the process to completely happen, and only if you ask for support for options to be provided.

If this sounds interesting, then this episode may be one that just makes you think twice about what you really need during your birth... and birthworkers - your mind might just explode! (hopefully with joy, and not rage).

Enjoy this podcast episode,


More from Ashley


Doors are now open to the Homebirth Group Mentoring Program - Join us here⁠⁠

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Get access to the FREE VBAC Workshop - DM me on Insta!

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Oct 03, 202319:56
EP112 | Open Conversations & Expectations with your Birth Team

EP112 | Open Conversations & Expectations with your Birth Team

Sep 28, 202320:07
EP111 | Dr Rebecca Ray - Setting Boundaries & Difficult People

EP111 | Dr Rebecca Ray - Setting Boundaries & Difficult People

In this episode, I had the honour of being able to talk to someone who I adore and who works in a space that fascinates me - Dr Rebecca Ray!

More on Dr Rebecca Ray:

Dr Rebecca Ray is a clinical psychologist, author and speaker who helps big-picture-thinking people master their psychology.

Over the course of two decades of consultations, speaking events, books, and audio, she has encouraged thousands of humans making an impact on the world to live a life that's fulfilling, unapologetic, and free.

Beck’s expertise as a professional zig-zagger sets her apart as one of Australia’s most in-demand and authoritative voices in the personal development space.

Her science-backed, hard and heart truth approach is uniquely informed by her pivots from pilot to psychologist, from dating men to marrying a woman, and from being burnt out to bestselling author.

Beck is the author of six books, including Be Happy, The Art of Self-Kindness, The Universe Listens to Brave, Setting Boundaries, Small Habits for a Big Life, and Difficult People (released in May 2023).

She lives in the soul-fed hills of the Sunshine Coast in Queensland with the great loves of her life: her wife Nyssa, son Bennett, two rescue Irish Setters and one gangly Weimaraner.

What we discuss in this episode:

  • What are boundaries
  • How can boundaries help you in life
  • What to do when someone doesn't respect your boundaries
  • How to create boundaries
  • What is a difficult person (or behaviour)

Connect with Dr Rebecca Ray:


Books written by Dr Rebecca Ray:

  • Difficult People
  • Setting Boundaries
  • Small Habits for a Big Life
  • The Art of Self-Kindness
  • The Universe Listens to Brave
  • Be Happy
  • Good, Great, Perfect

More from Ashley


Doors are now open to the Homebirth Group Mentoring Program - Join us here⁠⁠

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Get access to the FREE Workshop: Get better support for your homebirth

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Sep 20, 202351:44
EP110 | Julz - Beautiful, Supported Rural HBAC

EP110 | Julz - Beautiful, Supported Rural HBAC

In this episode, I speak with Julz and she shared with me her story of a beautiful, supported rural HBAC.

It took Julz over 12 months to conceive her first baby, and while she was going through that journey she was working in a corporate job.

It was fairly normalised to book in with an OBGYN during pregnancy for care. She didn't put much consideration into birth, as a first time mother, like so many first time mothers she was more interested in the pram and organising baby things.

Julz was at the park with her partner swinging on a swing when her waters broke. She ended up going into hospital that night to start an induction process the next morning, although labour started on it's own.

Labour was pretty intense for Julz, and she didn't have any mindset support like breathwork, positive affirmations, deep breathing or meditation to help her work through this in a positive way.

She was given Fentanyl to help with the pain Intravenously. She was mostly sitting on the bed, trying to work through the pain while being supported with the Fentanyl.

After coached pushing for three hours the OBGYN called it that she needed to go off to surgery, and her first baby was born via surgical birth.

When she was pregnant with her next baby she had planned to have a VBAC and went back to the same hospital as where she had her first baby.

She also had a subchorionic hematoma and some bleeding.

More information on subchorionic hematoma: A subchorionic hematoma (also called subchorionic hemorrhage or subchorionic bleeding) is when blood forms between the wall of your uterus and the chorionic membrane during pregnancy. The chorionic membrane is the outermost layer separating your baby’s amniotic sac from the wall of your uterus. It can be associated with vaginal bleeding during pregnancy. A subchorionic hematoma can shrink in size and resolve on its own without treatment. In some cases, your healthcare provider will recommend a plan for follow-up after assessing the hematoma. It rarely causes serious health complications. Her younger child also got slapped cheek during the early part of her pregnancy which can cause infant anemia which would require a transfusion into the fetus before birth. Although, it only impact 1% and 5% of women who have the infection.

During a scan the man doing the scan told Julz she would need to speak to her OBGYN because he was the "boss" of what she could do in her pregnancy and boss which didn't sit right for Julz.

She was speaking to a friend who had an incredible homebirth experience and she talked to her about her last birth and asked her what happened to her birth. She started listening to Rhea Dempsey on podcasts and her book Birth with Confidence and Dr Sarah Buckley and her incredible work.

Julz started to understand the importance of hormones and functional, physiological pain that Rhea talks about.

This planted the seed of homebirth, although she didn't believe this would be an option for her. She called over 10 different private midwives who would send her in different directions, in different forums.

She called a midwife to just let her know that she felt she was too far away and after a conversation with this midwife she felt really connected and safe with that midwife. She asked her what happened in her last birth, which was a game changer for Julz. No one had ever really asked her about that birth.

Julz formed a beautiful, supportive relationship with her midwife that made her feel seen, safe and supported and she went on to have a sacred birth at home the way she had wanted.

You can listen to this gorgeous story to hear all the juicy details.

More from Ashley


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Sep 13, 202301:16:14
EP109 | People pleasing can sabotage your homebirth experience
Sep 05, 202326:40
EP108 | How to handle the pain of birth
Aug 31, 202320:27
EP107 | Is the position of your baby really that important?
Aug 22, 202326:04
EP106 | How to Prepare For a Freebirth

EP106 | How to Prepare For a Freebirth

In this episode, I share some of the key things you will need to know or consider to prepare yourself to freebirth.

1. Educate Yourself Extensively: Podcast, books, courses, being part of a program like mine (6 - Month of Group Mentoring) where you can get guided support My book recommendation and quick guide is: Home Birth On Your Own Terms: A How-To Guide For Birthing Unassisted by Heather Baker.

If you are trying to purchase in Australia send me a DM on Instagram or email me and I will let you know where you can access a copy.

2. Mindset, mindset, Mindset

Mindset is one of the biggest ways to talk yourself out of birth at home, or a freebirth, with fears popping up, old birth stories that need answering popping up from time to time causing doubt or worry, or not being prepared in a positive way to handle the pain of labour.

You want to have a strong foundation and work through all of those challenges before you go into birth with your homebirth/ freebirth baby. Starting with a strong foundation gives you the best chance at success for a homebirth.

3. Create a Birth Plan and Emergency Plan: Going through the process of creating a birth and transfer plan means that you understand some of the interventions available and how to accept or decline them understanding the path that those choices could lead to. If you are not sure where to start with this, you could do this with your birth doula, midwife (if planning an assisted birth) or book in a session with me to create this plan for yourself.

4. Gather Necessary Supplies: I referred to a previous podcast episode that takes you through all the supplies you could want and need for a freebirth. You can listen to this podcast episode here.

EP31| What supplies do you need for your VBAC Freebirth? Other resources from this episode:

EP38| What is Freebirth?

EP39| 10 Questions you should ask to yourself: A preparation to deciding on whether VBAC freebirth is right for you

More from Ashley


Join the waitlist for my Group Mentoring Program - click here

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Get access to the FREE Workshop: Get better support for your homebirth

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Aug 16, 202325:08
EP105 | Dania Foster - How Naturopathy & Herbs can support you in homebirth
Aug 08, 202344:01
EP104 | VBAC Mentor - Lizzie Carroll - FBA2C & Anti D

EP104 | VBAC Mentor - Lizzie Carroll - FBA2C & Anti D

In this podcast episode, I chat with Lizzie Carroll, Doula, VBAC Mentor, birth activist, feminist, and mum of 3.

Lizzie shares her two birth stories that ended in c-section, along with her non event freebirth where she birthed at home peacefully her third child.

We discussed Anti - D and why Lizzie chose to refuse to use Anti- D during her pregnancy.

She also shared three practical & tangible tips to help support you through your VBAC Homebirth Journey.

Enjoy this podcast episode

Ashley x

Resources from this podcast:

More information on Anti- D - Sara Wickham

More from Lizzie:

Hi! I am Lizzie Carroll - Doula, VBAC Mentor, birth activist, feminist, and mum of 3. I have been running the VBAC Australia Support Group since 2013 and, after two unwanted caesareans I had a powerful VBA2C in 2017. As a busy mum I love to support other busy mums to get the most out of their VBAC journeys and to really step into their power.

This means that my programs are ZERO nonsense, ZERO fluff, ZERO bullshit. 100% philosophy, strategy, and planning support that will leave you feeling educated, prepared, assertive, and like you can leap tall buildings in a single bound. Plus the occasional feminist rant. You can find Lizzie in the following places: Facebook page: Lizzie Carroll Doula Services | Facebook Email list: Website: VBAC Australia Support Group: VBAC Australia Support Group | Facebook

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Aug 03, 202301:11:22
EP103 | Kaylee - Part 2 - Wild pregnancy, 6 - days of labour, born in a field off grid

EP103 | Kaylee - Part 2 - Wild pregnancy, 6 - days of labour, born in a field off grid

Welcome back to Part 2 of this extraordinary podcast episode, where you'll be captivated by the remarkable experience of an unassisted birth in nature. This awe-inspiring story takes you on a profound journey through a breathtaking landscape and a birth that defies convention.

Picture yourself amidst the splendor of nature, basking in the warm sunlight, and serenaded by the melodies of chirping birds and a gentle flowing creek. The stage was set for a momentous event - the arrival of a precious little life, where Kaylee could feel her baby's reassuring movements, filling her with profound peace.

Join us as Kaylee recounts each heartfelt moment, from the decision to give birth outside to the revelation of the baby's gender that left everyone in awe. This powerful narrative is a testament to the innate strength and resilience of a woman's body during childbirth, guided by the wisdom of nature.

Witness the love and unwavering support from friends who stood by Kaylee’s side throughout this magical journey. Their presence during the birth and thoughtful postpartum care added an extra layer of beauty and significance to this exceptional experience.

This episode addresses common questions and concerns surrounding unassisted births in nature. It delves into the natural birthing process, the profound connection forged with the newborn, and the surprisingly sterile and nurturing environment found in the heart of Mother Nature.

If you're seeking inspiration, profound emotions, and an uplifting experience, we invite you to immerse yourself in this captivating episode. Unveil the true power of birth, celebrate the bond between mother and child, and discover the wondrous miracles that unfold when nature takes its course. So go ahead and press that play button - you won't want to miss this magical journey! 🌿👶🎧

I hope you enjoy this episode,

Ashley x

Watch the birth video here

Watch Kaylee's Birth Video on her Youtube Channel here

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Jul 18, 202301:16:02
EP102 | Kaylee - Wild pregnancy, 6 - days of labour, born in a field off grid

EP102 | Kaylee - Wild pregnancy, 6 - days of labour, born in a field off grid

In this podcast episode, I chat with Kaylee, a mother of 4 currently in Missouri, USA.

Welcome to an extraordinary episode that will leave you in awe of the incredible journey of birth and the strength of the human spirit.

In this captivating episode, we delve into the transformative experience of free birth, where a couple's unwavering faith in their bodies and deep trust in the process leads to an awe-inspiring outcome.

Join us as we unravel the story of Kaylee, a fearless mother who, with her husband by her side, embarked on an unconventional path to bring their baby into the world. From the early days of pregnancy to the breathtaking six-day labour, Kaylee shares her remarkable insights, empowering us all to embrace the innate power within us.

You'll be captivated by Kaylee's unwavering conviction as she recounts her preparations, including immersing herself in birth podcasts and videos, nourishing her body with the right nutrition, and cultivating an environment of love and support for her daughters to be part of the birth process.

As Kaylee's labour unfolds, she takes us on an emotional rollercoaster, where moments of doubt and physical challenges are met with unwavering faith and unyielding determination. Her journey is a testament to the strength of the human spirit and the miraculous beauty of birth.

In this episode, you'll discover the power of intuitive birthing, as Kaylee listens to her body and trusts in the divine guidance that leads her every step of the way. You'll be moved by the profound connection she shares with her husband, who becomes her rock and source of unwavering support throughout the entire labour.

Kaylee's story will challenge your preconceived notions of birth and inspire you to embrace your own inner strength, no matter the circumstances. Her unwavering faith and unyielding determination are a testament to the incredible potential that lies within each of us.

If you're seeking inspiration, empowerment, and a renewed perspective on the miracle of birth, this episode is an absolute must-listen.

Join us on this awe-inspiring journey as we unlock the power within and embrace the transformative experience of birth.

Click play now to embark on this extraordinary episode that will forever change the way you perceive the miracle of life.

Enjoy this episiode,


Watch the birth video here

Watch Kaylee's Birth Video on her Youtube Channel here

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Jul 11, 202356:01
EP101 | Rewriting the Narrative: Overcoming The Fear of Homebirth
Jul 05, 202323:28
EP100 | Reflecting on 100 Episodes: Lessons Learned, Memorable Moments, and Listener Stories
Jun 14, 202341:52
EP99 | Vaginal Examinations in Homebirth

EP99 | Vaginal Examinations in Homebirth

In this episode, I talk about Vaginal Exams. You may know them as VE's.

Vaginal examinations, or VE's, are a common practice in childbirth that involve checking the cervix for dilation and effacement.

However, there is growing evidence that suggests these examinations are not helpful in birth and may even be harmful. Here are some key reasons why vaginal examinations are not helpful in birth:

  1. Inaccuracy: Vaginal examinations are notoriously inaccurate and subjective. Different practitioners may have different interpretations of the same examination, leading to inconsistencies in care. Additionally, a woman's cervix may be dilated or effaced in one moment but then return to a previous state, making the information gained from a VE unreliable.

  2. Risk of infection: The use of gloves during vaginal examinations does not eliminate the risk of infection, and the introduction of bacteria can be harmful to the mother and baby. Research has shown that the risk of infection increases with the frequency of VE's.

  3. Pain and discomfort: Vaginal examinations can be painful and uncomfortable, and can cause anxiety and stress in women during labour. This can lead to a release of stress hormones that can slow down labor and make it more difficult.

  4. Distracts from intuition: The focus on dilation and effacement can distract practitioners from other important signs and signals that indicate progress in labor, such as the position of the baby, the frequency and strength of contractions, and the mother's intuition.

  5. Potential for unnecessary interventions: VE's can lead to unnecessary interventions, such as artificial rupture of membranes or induction of labour, based on the assumption that the labor is not progressing as it should. However, these interventions can increase the risk of complications and interventions, such as c-section.

If you are a bit of a birth nerd like me and want to find out more here is an article written by my mentor Dr Rachel Reed

Enjoy this episode,

Ashley x

More from Ashley

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Jun 07, 202316:25
EP98 | Posterior Birth
Jun 01, 202320:51
EP97 | Briana - Freebirth after Classical Scar (baby loss at 20 weeks) Rainbow Baby

EP97 | Briana - Freebirth after Classical Scar (baby loss at 20 weeks) Rainbow Baby

In this episode, we meet Briana Mum of three, two boys and one little girl and lives in Virginia, USA.

Briana planned for a homebirth with first baby, had a great experience. Had pre-term labour at 31 weeks and baby came around 37 weeks. The birth was straight forward around 9 hours and baby was born at home.

Second baby everything was going to plan up until 20 weeks and during that time she was looking at houses and she was hit in a car accident. She ended up suffering from a placental abruption and she was rushed to hospital.

She found out her baby's heart rate had decreased dramatically. She was put under GA and rushed into surgery in a bid to save her baby's life.

Unfortunately, her baby didn't make it. A devastating loss.

She had a classical C-section and was told that any other babies need to be born via C-Section.

With baby three Briana looked around with supportive midwives for a homebirth and couldn't find anyone. She was told by many that it was "too risky" and encouraged to birth in hospital.

She was unsure during her pregnancy if she would vaginally birth or have a repeat C-section and at 31 weeks she decided to have a VBAC in the hospital and was seeing midwives for antenatal care.

She started to learn about physiological birth and then felt like hospital birth wasn't the right path. She started to research it further after seeing some Instagram videos and posts and completely changed her mind about her birth environment.

She did not inform the midwife of the change of birth plans and continued with the antenatal support and appointments.

Briana went into labour around 40 + 5 and she planned to labour alone as much as possible with a friend who planned to come & support her around 7 pm. Within 30 minutes of her friend arriving her waters broke and her body started pushing and her baby was out.

Briana said it was the toughest labour and intense from the start, but one of the best birth experiences she has had so far.

Enjoy this episode,

Ashley x

Resources from this episode:

Special Scars, Special Hope FB Page

Follow Briana on Instagram

Undisturbed Birth with Dr Sarah Buckley Podcast Episode listen here

Instinctive Birth with Dr Rachel Reed listen here

More from Ashley

Join me in my new Group Mentoring and snap up early bird pricing here

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 


May 24, 202345:30
EP96 | Get Better Support in Your Homebirth
May 10, 202338:06
EP95 | How to survive the last weeks of pregnancy
Apr 26, 202326:04
EP94 | Practical tips for cultivating a calm mindset
Apr 18, 202323:16
EP93 | Natural Induction Methods
Apr 12, 202322:46
EP92 | Claire- HBAC Type 1 diabetes & shoulder dystocia

EP92 | Claire- HBAC Type 1 diabetes & shoulder dystocia

In this week's episode, I had the pleasure of talking with Claire about her successful HBAC.

Claire had the uphill battle of trying to find a healthcare provider to support her in a homebirth after caesarean with Type 1 diabetes.

It's incredibly challenging for women planning a homebirth to find a supportive midwife (although the midwives are growing in numbers each day yay!) let alone finding someone to support you if you have Type 1 diabetes.

Claire's sugars were under control during her pregnancies and she birthed bigger babies 9.13 and 10.15

Claire had planned a homebirth with her first baby and after a fairly healthy pregnancy around closer to 40 weeks she found she was becoming borderline pre-eclampsia towards week 40.

She tried some "natural" induction methods which led to a 4 -day long on and-off labour. She got to 10cms and pushed and had a very high BP and transferred to hospital. That birth ended in her baby being born via C-Section.

Second pregnancy Claire found herself pregnant at just 10 month postpartum.

She hired the same midwife and had a super healthy pregnancy.

This birth she went into labour spontaneously and she shares her birth story and experienced navigating shoulder dystocia at home!

Listen to this episode now to get all the birthy goodness.

Ashley x


More from Ashley

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 


Apr 04, 202301:33:31
EP91 | The benefits of homebirth
Mar 28, 202339:25
EP90 | Preparing children for Homebirth

EP90 | Preparing children for Homebirth

In this episode, I discuss how you can prepare your children for homebirth.

Homebirth can be a beautiful and transformative experience, but it can also be a confusing and potentially scary event for children who may not understand what is happening. 

Here are some tips for preparing your children to attend a homebirth:

  1. Prepare your children: Children should be prepared for the upcoming birth. This includes talking to them about the process and what to expect. Birth videos, books, and stories can be helpful in preparing your children for the event. Hello Baby, Welcome Home, and Mummy's having a homebirth are great books for children to read and understand what's going on.

  2. Conversations about roles, pain, and birth: Children should be aware of their roles during the birth process, including what they can do to help and how they can provide support. It is also important to have conversations about pain and birth and to explain what to expect during labour.

  3. Be prepared for whatever: It is important to be prepared for the possibility of a quick labour, labouring during the night, or even not wanting children there on the day. Creating a plan is a good idea, but keep it fluid - so you can go down different paths and not be too attached for a certain outcome.

  4. Have a backup plan: It is important to have a backup plan in case the children become overwhelmed during birth or if something unexpected occurs. This can include having a trusted friend or family member come over to help with the children, or having a designated area for them to go to if they need a break.

  5. Get them involved: Children can be involved in the birth process, such as helping to bake a birthday cake for the new baby or being an attendant for the mum. Additionally, activities can be planned for the children to keep them occupied during birth. They could help with keeping you hydrated, patting your forehead or rubbing your arms to feel included. This will be age dependent on how involved you would like them to be.

In conclusion, preparing your children for a homebirth is an important part of ensuring a positive and supportive environment during the birth process.

By discussing the process, roles, and expectations with your children, they can be better prepared for the experience and can feel more involved in the birth of their new sibling.

Children should also be aware of the unpredictability of birth and the importance of having a backup plan in case they need support or need to take a break.

I hope you enjoy this episode,

Ashley x

More from Ashley

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 


Mar 21, 202319:15
EP89 | Surviving Transition – Going From One Child To Two

EP89 | Surviving Transition – Going From One Child To Two

In this episode, I share my experience of going from one baby to two (and three). 

I remember when I was pregnant with our second baby and I wondered if I could love another child as much as I loved our first.  Or could I give our second one as much time as our first. 

Mother guilt at times consumed me and I worried about how to balance my time and love between two little ones. 

I also thought my firstborn would be losing out on time from me as well. 

I'm going to answer some of the common questions and thoughts that mums going from one to two children may be thinking. 

Here are some of the questions I go through in this episode:

  • Will I love my next baby as much as my first
  • Am I being selfish?  Will I have enough time?
  • With the next baby along comes more confidence, multitasking skills kick in and you start to care less about things that felt so important with just one.
  • Limit your expectations of who this new baby will be.  Often the babies are completely different experiences

Consider your support circle : 

  • Postpartum doula
  • Hire a cleaner
  • Get your family, friends, and partner on board

Organise freezer meals:

  • Start double batching meals (making two serves one for now and one for another time)
  • Ask family/ friends to help cook meals, or send fresh ones when the baby is born
  • Hire a food service to deliver fresh meals

Is it hard?  

This depends on many factors which I discuss:

  • Support
  • Age gaps
  • Your temperament
  • Your children's temperament
  • Your birth (whether it was postive/ was traumatic or if you suffered physical birth injuries. 

Enjoy this episode, 

Ashley x 

More from Ashley

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Mar 14, 202332:40
EP88 | Lizzie - Planned HBAC transfer in labour hospital VBAC

EP88 | Lizzie - Planned HBAC transfer in labour hospital VBAC

In this episode, we meet amazing Lizzie.  Mother of two boys who lives in Carolina, USA. 

Lizzie shares her first pregnancy & birth story which happened during 2020 when Covid hit. 

She had many missed appointments due to the pandemic and the ones she had were short and impersonal.  

She ended up being diagnosed with hypertension and was told she would be induced. 

Throughout the induction process, Lizzie found it a long and drawn-out experience and after the waters were broken at 6cms she ended up going in for a C-Section. 

She had complete mistrust in the medical community after that experience. 

10 months later she found herself accidentally pregnant again and knew she wanted to have a VBAC. 

She hired a homebirth midwife but felt red flags throughout the pregnancy, but felt like they were her only option for a home birth. 

While they were better than the OBGYN before, she felt they would transfer her again so hired a doula at the last minute for extra support. 

Lizzie knew she needed to go into labour by 42 weeks or she would lose the support of the midwives, so she did as many "natural" things to induce her baby around 41 weeks, including a stretch and sweep and went into labour just before 42 weeks. 

She was in labour and found comfort in standing upright and continued to labour like this for 12 hours.  A second midwife showed up around this time and she feels there was an energy shift.  The baby's heart rate wasn't reading well so she was told to lie down on my back on the bed so they could get a better read.  

She found this quite uncomfortable and the midwives called an ambulance to transfer her to hospital. 

She was strapped in the back of the ambulance in the final stages of labour.  Her main midwife told her doula to stay and help empty the birth pool that Lizzie never used and they both never made it to the hospital in time. 

She ended up birthing her baby vaginally within an hour or so of arriving at the hospital. 

There is so much more to this story than I can share here I hope you enjoy this episode! 


More from Ashley

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Mar 07, 202301:34:20
EP87 | Creating a safe circle of support for your VBAC Homebirth

EP87 | Creating a safe circle of support for your VBAC Homebirth

In this episode, I talk about creating a safe circle of support for your VBAC Homebirth. 

I start this episode by sharing my experience with creating friendships and some of the challenges that I've had over the years making friends. 

I share some tips for finding friendships with the people who light you up and make you want to be a better version of yourself. 

Sometimes we stay stuck in old friendships that no longer serve us, and just leave a cloud of negative or old energy.  

When we grow as people we need to find those who are right for us now.   Many people can struggle to find those friendships. 

I want you to understand where you are now with your circle of support and how you can cultivate & grow new circles of support. 

And as always I share with you my own experiences and stories. 

3 Ways to create your circle of support

1. First you have to believe you are worthy of having the support you crave.  Of being around people that treat you the way that you feel you deserve to be treated

2. Put yourself out there to connect with people.  You have to go out in public to mingle and meet people, or if you meet people online you need to take the next step to go out in person.  

So many people myself included feel anxious about going out and meeting people in person - but I believe deep and real connections need to have a physical presence - even just to feel that person's energy and hug them.  Or look into their eyes.

3. Be generous and vulnerable

I notice that people get super busy in life, especially mothers.  And everyone is different.  Some people are anxious, some people are introverted so they may not like to talk or get out as much as your average extrovert.

Enjoy this episode now!

Ashley x

More from Ashley

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Feb 28, 202328:34
EP86 | Connecting with your Intuition
Feb 21, 202324:43
EP85 | Letting go of control & learning to surrender
Feb 15, 202321:39
EP84 | My past is affecting my ability to find the support that I crave this pregnancy

EP84 | My past is affecting my ability to find the support that I crave this pregnancy

In this episode, I am answering a question that a listener sent in recently. 

Thanks so much for sending in your question. It's an important topic that I wanted to speak to as I have been in this position before - and it can feel quite powerless being in a position of vulnerability and not feeling safe to trust people.

I'd like to know how you can find trust again in your instincts. I had a lot of failed support that I paid for last year. Every single person let me down. I'm pregnant now and I don't trust anyone.

My past is affecting my ability to find the support that I crave during this pregnancy.

  1. Look at the past times and try and understand why those people let you down.

Quite often it feels personal because it is personal. It's happening to us and people let us down - but often it isn't about us at all.  People are often focused on their own chaos and lives.

I discuss the different groups of support people and what can be stopping them from showing up in a way  you need & deserve:

  • The System - Doctors, Midwives & medical staff 
  • Doulas & birthworkers
  • Homebirth Midwives 
  • Family & friends 

How we can call in the right support:

  1. Set brave intentions and send out the calling - the energy into the world that you want
  2. Make sure the person you choose is someone you align with and feels right - listen to your intuition and don't silence that voice when it speaks to you
  3. Set reasonable expectations for people
  4. Call in your support circle - a lot of the time you need a circle of support - not one person can support you - you need a safe circle of support
  5. See if you can see testimonials or speak to others who have worked with that person - find out what you liked about working with that person.
  6. Hire someone like me to work on being your support person who doesn't have a registration or other fear factor working with you - who can help you set up the right team and help you navigate those tricky conversations and boundaries etc

Enjoy this episode! 

Ashley x 

If you want to ask a question I would love to hear from you please send me an email at:

More from Ashley

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Feb 08, 202332:36
EP83 | VBAC Statistics with Meagan from The VBAC Link

EP83 | VBAC Statistics with Meagan from The VBAC Link

In this episode, we meet Meagan from The VBAC Link. 

Meg and I talked about VBAC statistics along with part of her over VBA2C birth story. 

We discuss the statistic rates for the below topics:

  • Uterine Rupture rates for VBAC
  • Uterine Rupture rates for VBAMC
  • Close gaps between births - uterine rupture rates
  • Percentages of people who are candidates
  • The VBAC Calculator

And sooo much more. 

Meg and I just had so much fun talking and we had so much to talk about. 

You can find the resources for the episode that we discussed here:

Length between pregnancies:

Uterine Rupture Rates:

Rupture in pregnancy:

VBAC after C-Section:

VBAC Supportive Directory - Worldwide:

Please note, this is a list of providers who have been recommended to us by members

of our online communities. Each provider operates independently of The VBAC Link. It

is the responsibility of the parents to properly screen their provider and make sure they

are a good fit for their individual birth needs.

You can find this PDF in the VBAC Link Facebook Community in the featured section-

Meagan co-founded the VBAC Link in 2018. 

You can connect with Megan below:


More from Ashley

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Check out the free Homebirth Workshop here!

Feb 01, 202301:05:23
EP82 | Freebirth after two caesareans - changed birth plan at 35 weeks from planned midwife assisted birth to freebirth

EP82 | Freebirth after two caesareans - changed birth plan at 35 weeks from planned midwife assisted birth to freebirth

In this episode we meet Laura mum to three little ones. on the surf coast in Victoria.

Laura experienced two miscarriages before she conceived her first baby, which left her quite devastated.

Laura shares that she went into her first pregnancy and birth with an OBGYN in her team that supported her during one of the miscarriages. This made her comfortable to move forward when she fell pregnant with her first baby.

She explains when it came to birth planning, she wasn't intentional, she was flowy and go with the flow.  Although she wanted to have a vaginal birth but felt like a passive player in her birth journey.

Later towards the pregnancy Laura was told she had a "big baby" on board and there was conversation around induction as she didn't want the baby to get "too big" and not come out of her pelvis.

She went through the induction process and found that it wasn’t as straight forward as she had hoped.

She found herself agreeing to a C-section that was quite emotional for her.

She felt like she had a positive birth experience. Her baby was born 4.1 kilos.

She was very motivated for a VBAC the second time and she felt she was on track for a VBAC.

She got to 40 weeks and there was chat happening about "baby needs to be born soon

There was conversation of a repeat C-Section after a certain timeframe 40+ 9 and that was the plan if Laura went over that timeframe.

The night before the C-Section Laura started feeling period cramps and couldn't stand still, she lost her mucus plug and called the hospital to let them know that things were happening.

She spoke to her OBGYN who said it was good. This went on for 24 hours and she went into hospital and was positive something was happening. Her cervix was closed, tight, shut, zero CMS.

She felt disappointed and felt like her body was broken and failing her. She was offered a C-section and decided that must be the best option.

Her baby was born 40+9 and 4 kilos.

She decided she would have a maternal assisted caesarean birth with her next baby. She felt like worrying about the VBAC was a lot, so her positive spin was an easier maternal caesarean delivered baby.

Laura had moved to a different location and didn't want to travel 1.5 hours to her OBGYN with this next pregnancy and looked for a new OBGYN and found one male DR who was willing to try the maternal assisted delivery, after sharing his concerns with her.

After a couple of appointments Laura felt like this wasn't the right path for her and she started to think about a different way to birth her baby.

She found a supportive midwife to support her in a homebirth.

The midwife was only willing to support Laura if she was able to birth closer to hospital. Laura was originally okay with this, but around 35 weeks felt that it no longer felt like the right option. She parted ways with her midwife and decided to freebirth with her doula.

Listen along to hear Laura’s long three day freebirth story!!

You can connect with Laura below:



More from Ashley 

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Jan 24, 202301:11:09
EP81 | Will my baby die if I rupture?

EP81 | Will my baby die if I rupture?

Welcome to the first episode of 2023!!

It is good to be back and bringing more episodes & birth goodness into the new year. 

In this episode, I discuss your VBAC homebirth journey's most taboo and scariest question.

Will my baby die if I rupture?

Let's discuss the answer to this question and examine how it affects our perspective on VBAC homebirth.

Come and find me on Instagram & share your thoughts! 

Enjoy this episode!

Ashley x


15-minute coffee chats are open!

If you are interested in working with me in, You can book now – spaces are limited – book a call with me here


Get access to this free Homebirth Workshop here!

Find out more on how I can support you + you can have me as your guide + biggest supporterClick here!

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Ashley x

Jan 18, 202312:16
EP80 | Big babies

EP80 | Big babies

Welcome to the last episode of 2022!!

In this episode, I'm going to recap on the year for the podcast and share some amazing content for you to get onto over the Summer holidays until the podcast is back Jan/ Feb 2023. 

Here's what you can expect for 2023 - 

More amazing VBAC Homebirth Stories, expert interviews sharing their wisdom & episodes on helping you feel more prepared and confident to have a VBAC homebirth on your terms. 

What's coming next year? Exciting things!!


Exciting news! I'm working ona program that helps you to feel more supported and prepared to homebirth on your terms.  Want to be the first to know about it?- jump onto the waitlist here to get access to the early bird pricing and more information as I release it! 


15-minute coffee chats opened for next year if you are interested in working with me in 2023 I'm booking up now - spaces are limited - book a call with me here


HOMEBIRTH: How to get the emotional & mindset support you need in pregnancy

Get access here


Have you been told that your baby was too big and that's why you had a C-Section?

So many women are told that their babies are "too big" to birth vaginally and that c-section is the only option to birth their baby. 

I'm going to talk about some of those fears and unpack some of the challenges women who are suspected of having a big baby have to face. 

Listen to this episode now to empower yourself with knowledge and information to feel more confident to birth a big baby like so many women before you have! 

Let me share a couple of podcast episodes where you can hear big baby birth stories:

EP29| Ellie – 5.75kg HBAC Rural location EP24| Rachel – 5.2 kilo homebirth baby, midwife mother, history of PND & big babies EP19| Ashley – Part 2 – Plus Size, Freebirth after two C-Sections + Special scar

Enjoy this episode!

Ashley x 


Get access to this free Homebirth Workshop here!

Find out more on how I can support you + you can have me as your guide + biggest supporter - Click here!

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Ashley x

Dec 14, 202238:23
EP79 | Statistics
Dec 06, 202226:12
EP78 | Dayan - accidental freebirth + reversed type 2 diabetes during the pandemic

EP78 | Dayan - accidental freebirth + reversed type 2 diabetes during the pandemic

In this episode, we meet Dayan mother of two originally from California and lives in Perth, Australia now. 

Here's a run down of Dayan's story: 

GD in first pregnancy, was healthy otherwise, growth scans and induction talk.  Diet controlled allowed to go into spontaneous labour.

Cascade of interventions: breaking waters, syntocinon, labour for 29 hours and c-section.

Dayan felt traumatised after birth and spent 3 years healing, learning about future choices, and trying to calm her nervous system.

Adrenal fatigue from the situation caused her blood sugar levels to rise and she worked with a healer to resolve the diabetes type 2 diagnosis. 

She meditated, went to bed early, moved her body, and regulated herself.

When she was pregnant with her second baby she knew she wanted to do things differently.  She moved back to Perth and contacted 15 midwives.

Only one would support her to homebirth.  She got a doula and was on her way.

She decided to monitor her sugar levels with a continuous glucose monitoring.

She was determined to set herself up for a more positive birth experience.

She noticed that her readings were tracking higher at times she was stressed or worried and found having a baby during the Covid Pandemic to be highly stressful.

She didn't want to birth in a hospital due to her past experience and the restrictions that were in place during the pandemic.

As her blood sugar levels got higher her midwife suggested she be referred into the hospital for diabetes support.  Once Dayan started going to hospital appointments she noticed her levels skyrocketed.  She had to advocate for the things she wanted and felt like every conversation was an anxiety-inducing challenge.

She was being supported with her birth trauma by a psychotherapist who helped her set up a physiological care plan through the hospital which listened to some of her birth plan wishes and triggers she may have.

She felt like it was possible for her to have a positive hospital birth and she felt settled in what was happening.

Eventually, she was told they couldn't support her at her local hospital and referred her onto another hospital. Dayan felt unsettled and out of control.  Just when she thought she was finally getting some traction and feeling okay with a hospital birth.

Dayan went on to have her homebirth in the end, an accidental unassisted birth because her midwife was attending another mama at the time.  She had her doula with her and they called an Ambulance which arrived just before the baby arrived (Dayan didn't even realise they were there).

And she birthed her baby boy on her terms, intuitively. 4.4 kilo of squishy love. 

3 words to describe how you feel after your birth:

Empowered, strong, estactic


Get access to this free Homebirth Workshop here!

Find out more on how I can support you + you can have me as your guide + biggest supporter - Click here!

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Ashley x

Nov 29, 202201:13:44
EP77 | The power of language & how it can transform your homebirth

EP77 | The power of language & how it can transform your homebirth

In this episode I share a few stories on the power of how we use our mindset to shape our lives and our behaviours.  I share some of my own personal stories, along with a story of someone I find inspiring and brave.

It's amazing to see how powerful these changes can be when you become aware of what is possible and how to make these changes.

Did you know the words we choose can impact how we feel in our day to day running of our life - and that picking words that can add doubt, fear or uncertainty can in a way set you up to fail for your homebirth, or your goals?

Here's an example of my breastfeeding journey:  I was proud and excited I was planning to breastfeed.  I knew many people around me before who hadn't and chose to bottle feed (I thought it was a choice most of the time) and I didn't see why I wouldn't breastfeed.

When I announced I was breastfeeding people would often say "if you can" or it's okay if you can't, alot of women have low breast milk etc.  So I adjusted my language to be more reflective of how I would be received - by people who were trying to keep me "safe" and small.

Same as VBAC - trial of labour, and trying for a VBAC etc.  Rather than I am having a vaginal birth, I am having a homebirth - look at how powerful that feels.

You are not leaning into the possibility of not achieving that outcome.  You know there is always a possibility (albeit small) that you won't achieve the goal but how amazing does it feel when we step into that power and don't allow anyone to dim your light.

You can correct people if it's appropriate or just correct your mind and mindset.

Ways you can use language in a powerful way (not a disempowering way):

I am having a VBAC Homebirth

I can handle the pain of labour

I am able to vaginally birth my baby

I am breastfeeding

I am a good mother

I will be the best version of myself

I am always improving to be the best version of myself

Remember not to change your language to suit other people, their opinions or expectations.  Be mindful of who your audience is and surround yourself with positive and supportive people.


Get access to this free Homebirth Workshop here!

Find out more on how I can support you + you can have me as your guide + biggest supporter - Click here!

Join our VBAC Homebirth Support Group here 

Insta: @ashleylwinning

Ashley x

Nov 23, 202223:01
EP76 | The Placebo effect
Nov 08, 202229:10