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By Shonti’s Audience

This show will help people identify red flags in relationships. Help heal broken families and mend relationships.Also, I will talk about breaking generational strong hold and self love. I will discuss how to develop healthy relationship and how to set boundaries with family and friends. The goal is to help my audience heal and let go things that create pain and brokenness.
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“Whatever is going to happen, will happen whether we worry or not.”

SHONTI’S KEEPIN IT 100 LLCMar 27, 2022

Care about what other people think, and you will always be there prisoner.

Care about what other people think, and you will always be there prisoner.

"A wise man said worry doesn't take away tomorrow's troubles, It takes away today peace." Be yourself. People don't have to like you, and you don't have to care. If you don't feel your Mind with God's word.... The enemy will fill it with stress, anxiety, fear, negativity and temptation. Never Argue with someone who believes their own lies. Every single thing that has ever happened in your life is preparing you for something that's meant to come. Remember just when the caterpillar thought their life was over they begin to fly. 💯❤️
Dec 04, 202341:02
When God takes out the trash don't go back digging through it. Trust him with all your heart. ❤️

When God takes out the trash don't go back digging through it. Trust him with all your heart. ❤️

Not every conversation is worth having, because not every person is willing to converse reasonably. It is foolish to hold a conversation with a fool. Other proverbs note how some people sneer at what they don't understand and respond to other views with anger (Proverbs 9:7; 22:10). You don't have to attend every argument you're invited to. Ignore those who try to still your joy. Their lives is full of strife. Your life is full of purpose.
May 23, 202324:19
Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.

Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them.

Sometimes we're afraid of moving on because deep down we believe moving on means forgetting. Healing mean that the story is officially over and this scares us. We can never call that person or hear their voice. We can no longer run back to them went life gets hard. You're afraid that you will not have another story like this one. It's ok to go through the stages of grief when you love or care about someone. Your feelings matter and the life you shared does not have to be erased. Healing is to help you move forward in life. A permanent decision can be very scary. Healing means we can no longer ask anyone did I make the right decision. Healing means you have to do whats best for you. Healing means not worrying about what others think of you. Healing means saying goodbye when you're not ready. It's okay to heal. It's ok to watch the scars fade away. When you're healing make sure you talk to God. Make sure you ask the holy spirit to guide your heart. Make sure you talk to God daily and never lose hope. You have to heal before moving forward into any new journey. Shout out to Blac Chyna. I'm so happy she is saved. Jesus is king. Also, Shout out to Alexis sky. She has forgiven others and gave her life to Jesus also. Hallelujah Amen🙏🏽🙏🏽❤️❤️
Apr 04, 202356:07
Commitment Is an act, not a word.

Commitment Is an act, not a word.

Healing does not mean the damage never existed. It means the damage no longer controls your life.❤️❤️
Jan 21, 202326:40
God will remain Faithful in every season of your life.

God will remain Faithful in every season of your life.

Jesus was known for setting boundaries. He would regularly take time away from people, even when they were looking for him, to go and be alone with the Father. If he felt the need to live into everyone’s expectation of him, he would never have had time to be alone with God. " Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy is precious and you get to decide how you use them. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won't accept."
Sep 09, 202245:55
God please help me to understand your plans. Lord help me speak words of wisdom instead of worrying.

God please help me to understand your plans. Lord help me speak words of wisdom instead of worrying.

No matter what troubles you're facing or what worries are upon your mind, you have a mighty fortress in God. He's Your "refuge and strength,and ever present help in times of trouble". (Psalms 46:1)
Aug 16, 202235:51
A healthy relationship will provide answers, not generate more question.

A healthy relationship will provide answers, not generate more question.

Without respect there is no love, Without trust there is no reason to continue. Without communication there's no relationship. Don't lose yourself holding on to someone that doesn't care about you. True love requires faith, trust and loyalty.
Jun 28, 202229:45
You don't protect your heart acting like you don't have one.

You don't protect your heart acting like you don't have one.

It's ok to forgive people and still deny them access to you. Most people tend to stick to what they know. Some of us are used to being let down. You may have learned to live with things that hurt your mental health. We learn to live with pain because we know what to expect. You may think holding on to pain may prevent you from being hurt again. It's ok to be alone until God sends you the right one. Don't let a hard lesson heartened your heart. No matter what happens in life keep a good heart. This can help you be better and not bitter.
Jun 01, 202231:51
Your bad habits can destroy God's plan for your life.

Your bad habits can destroy God's plan for your life.

It is possible to look like a christian, to act like a christian,to talk like a christian, and not to be a christian. Be careful who you trust, the devil was once and angel to. If you scroll through the news, You'll find reasons to be discouraged. I dare you to scroll through the bible. You will find reasons for hope. God is always in control even when you doubt him. Jesus was preparing for his death on the cross, He assured his disciples with these words, These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you may have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world" (John 16:33). Sometimes we see someone caught in sin and its tempting to feel better about ourselves. Jesus parable shows that these comparisons lead to pride and a false sense of Godliness. The only justification we need is God's. None of us obey God's law perfectly, which means we all fall short of his expectations (Roman3:20). Let go of bad habits and get closer to God. God is ready to bless you.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽
May 03, 202235:36
What you don't do can create the same regrets as the mistakes you make.

What you don't do can create the same regrets as the mistakes you make.

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is to not stop questioning. Making mistakes can allow you to admit it. You can learn from the situation. Lastly, don't repeat it again.
Apr 23, 202245:54
“Whatever is going to happen, will happen whether we worry or not.”

“Whatever is going to happen, will happen whether we worry or not.”

Worrying is a waste of time. It doesn’t change anything, It just messes with your mind and steals your happiness. If it’s out of your hands it deserves freedom from your mind. The time to change was yesterday; The time to wake up is now. God is just waiting for you to turn your face back toward him. God will never leave you empty. He will replace everything thing you lost with a bigger blessing. Don’t be afraid of letting go things to pick up something greater.
Mar 27, 202251:02
Letting go is part of moving on to something better.

Letting go is part of moving on to something better.

Sometimes the most powerful thing to do is to walk away from people who drain you. You don’t have to forget who that person was to you; You just have to accept that they aren’t that person anymore.
Jan 21, 202210:43
An interview with Sean Xander about his life.

An interview with Sean Xander about his life.

Sean Xander will talk about overcoming childhood trauma to owning his own company and much more.
Nov 19, 202151:54
Danileigh And Dababy struggle couple chronicles.

Danileigh And Dababy struggle couple chronicles.

A break down of the toxic relationship of the Dababy and Danileigh. Also, you will hear a male perspective on the drama. This is all alleged on Shontis Keepin It 100.
Nov 17, 202123:37
Signs you’re dealing with a narcissist. You can break generational trauma for yourself.

Signs you’re dealing with a narcissist. You can break generational trauma for yourself.

A Narcissist Love bombing will be particularly irresistible to someone who has grown up feeling emotionally neglected or abandoned in their family. Please remember your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth. You’re not to be blame for the people who abused you. Their abuse is a reflection of how little they value people. Staying with them can be a reflection of low self esteem and how normalizes abuse has become for you.
Oct 18, 202127:25
Julia is a special Guest on my podcast. She will give her testimony and open up about her past.

Julia is a special Guest on my podcast. She will give her testimony and open up about her past.

Many people repress painful childhood trauma. They hold in the memories to avoid showing how they feel. I don’t want anyone to feel alone. Please open up to someone. Don’t let drugs become a way to deal with your pain. Some people do drugs to forget the pain instead of healing and opening up about things that hurt you. Listen to this testimony and seek counseling if your struggling with any pain or drug addictions. I hope this gives you the strength to keep going and never lose hope. Only God can judge you. 🙏🏽 I love you all and I’m praying for healing in many families. I say no to generational curses. It’s time to change the way you think about things and heal. Thanks mom for opening up. I know this was hard to talk about. I love you.😘❤️
Sep 23, 202101:00:21
Moving in silence and let success make the noise.

Moving in silence and let success make the noise.

Reasons some choose to move in silence is because some people may pray against your success,or put bad vibes in your life. If you feel like some people are praying on your downfall it may be time reevaluate your friends list. For some reason people feel obligated to allow their haters a front row seat to their lives. Nope! Cut them off. Block them on social media also. It’s time to protect your peace. I’m learning to practice what I preach. When you get rid of the haters, you will feel more comfortable sharing your success stories with people that are pushing you to be your best. You never know you may attract someone pursuing the same journey as you. This may open up doors for many opportunities for the both of you!🙌🏽💯
Aug 27, 202127:41
It’s time to dedicate time to people who deserve it,and make you feel good.

It’s time to dedicate time to people who deserve it,and make you feel good.

Stop begging people to stay in your life. When people walk away from you let them go. You should never have to beg for attention,friendship or anyone’s love. I’m a firm believer that if someone love’s you they will show it. If you’re feeling down about a person constantly not answering your calls or not being their when you need them. It’s time for a change. They were here to teach you a lesson. It’s time to let go of dead weight and move forward.
Aug 16, 202127:07
Some of your partners are afraid to see you win. Don’t feel bad for being successful.

Some of your partners are afraid to see you win. Don’t feel bad for being successful.

Is your partner jealous of your success?Anytime you try to tell them good news they’re never happy for you. Also, they tell you all the reasons why your business idea will never work. They don’t uplift you to believe in your dreams. They create fear to make you doubt yourself. Another sign your partner may be jealous of your success is they bring up minor disagreements to to put you down ,and distract you from fulfilling your dreams. Some people don’t like you because your strength reminds them of their weakness. Your success isn’t to blame for anyone’s insecurities.
Jul 03, 202110:07
Don’t get caught up in what society has conditioned us to believe happiness really is.

Don’t get caught up in what society has conditioned us to believe happiness really is.

Have you ever seen anyone purposely post an unflattering picture on social media? Not everyone will show you the good and bad on social media. You will never see people talking about how much they hate their job or spouse. They only show you what they want you to see. Some people like to pretend their lives are perfect,but are secretly drowning in sorrow. You have to get to a place of peace,and swim to the shore up out of the pain that's been drowning you. Don't be envious of other people life because you never know what they're really going through. One reason many people feel envy is because we often take the good things in our life for granted. Ask your self a question? What really makes you happy? Is it money, possessions, or reputations. Or is peace, love, freedom, memories and joy. Happiness is the end goal because without it you can't really be at peace.
Jun 25, 202116:40
When a person show you who they are please believe them.

When a person show you who they are please believe them.

Stop wasting your time with a person giving you broken promises. They will never change for you. It’s time to keep it 100 with you girl shonti.🙌🏽
May 18, 202109:60
Stop wasting time with people who don’t value yours. Time is something you can never get back.

Stop wasting time with people who don’t value yours. Time is something you can never get back.

Let’s stop wasting time on the wrong people. Say no to everything that doesn’t support your immediate goals. You have to prioritize your time better. Let’s keep it 💯
May 17, 202110:07
Don’t tell everyone your plans. Everyone is not rooting for you to be great.

Don’t tell everyone your plans. Everyone is not rooting for you to be great.

I had to learn not to tell everyone my plans because not everyone is rooting for you. Some people are competing with you. It’s time to let these people go. Also, I want to give a shout out to all the people battling lupus. This month is lupus awareness month.I’m a survivor not a victim. I just want to motivate other people ,and inspire you to never give up on your dreams. I know there is no cure for lupus and I just want to uplift someone that’s battling the disease like me. It’s time to keep it.💯
May 16, 202109:51
Be aware of the blessing blockers and time wasters.

Be aware of the blessing blockers and time wasters.

It drives me crazy when people beat around the bush. If you need something just say that.These people come around to prevent you from being at peace. It’s so hard to elevate with time waster. Let’s talk about it.😜🙌🏽
May 14, 202108:04
Did you ever tell your business to a family member or friend and regret it?🤫

Did you ever tell your business to a family member or friend and regret it?🤫

Have you ever told your family and friends you was leaving your partner and went back to the person the same day if not the next day?Everybody looking at you crazy and judging you. Let’s talk about with your girl keepin it. 💯
May 14, 202109:29
Stop telling people about your past they hold it against you.

Stop telling people about your past they hold it against you.

You have to learn to leave the past behind you and look toward the future. Stop giving your partner a reason to judge you based on your past. If it’s not going to affect his or her future then why bring it up. Some things you may have to explain to your partner because maybe it will impact them being with you. For example, letting a person know you don’t want to have kids. That’s something your partner need to know. They don’t have to know things that want affect them. This is your girl Shonti Keepin it 💯
May 13, 202109:42
Stop bringing your friends around your man. They might just take your man and your lifestyle.

Stop bringing your friends around your man. They might just take your man and your lifestyle.

Keep people out your business. Learn how to solve your problems by yourself. Everybody don’t want to see you win. Some people can’t wait to see you fall.
May 12, 202106:50
You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else.

You have to love yourself before you can love anyone else.

This video is longer because I had to really dig deep and talk about the reasons why people need to love themselves. Loving yourself can prevent a lot of heartache! Let me know what you’ll think. Do you like some of the episodes longer or shorter is better?
May 11, 202107:17
Boundaries are limits you set for yourself.

Boundaries are limits you set for yourself.

The only people who get mad with you for setting boundaries are the ones who were benefiting from you having none.
May 11, 202104:13
If you’re a giver please know your limits. The takers only take.💋

If you’re a giver please know your limits. The takers only take.💋

Make yourself a priority. Stop letting people use you! It’s time for me to keep it 💯.
May 11, 202104:27
May 10, 2021

May 10, 2021

May 10, 202100:28