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POetic Expressions of Truth

POetic Expressions of Truth

By Atlas Helaire

Poetry for ya soul. Ranging from the weightier matters in life to light-hearted pieces that make you smile, this uplifting content will brighten your day.
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POetic Expressions of TruthSep 19, 2022

Neo Soul

Neo Soul

Neo Soul is my favorite genre of music. It gives me a feeling that is so great, but I don't even have the words to explain just how great it makes me feel. I am always in the mood for Neo Soul. It has the power to make you smile, cry, and fall in love.

Oct 24, 202204:43


If you do not believe in yourself, who else will? You have to believe that you are capable to do great things in life. That does not have to be arrogance or cockiness. Confidence is not a bad thing. It is necessary to be successful.

Oct 17, 202203:34


We tend to envy things we admire about others whether it be material things or character traits. That envy often becomes jealousy. While we may want what others have, we don't always know how they arrived to the point where they are. The path to get there may have a price tag that we are not wiling to pay. Be careful what you wish for.

Oct 10, 202208:17
Mere Guidance

Mere Guidance

There is nothing like a father's love for his daughter. You spend their entire childhood trying to protect and guide them so that they will grow up to be respectable ladies. Then, one day you wake up and realize they are all grown. At that point, all you can do is hope your example was good enough for them to make good choices.

Oct 03, 202203:06
America, Repent

America, Repent

America flaunts the monicker, "Home of the free." While America is the best place to live on earth, there are still some fundamental flaws that keep many people in bondage.

Sep 26, 202204:29


There are times when your heart is so broken that you just don't know what to do. You still try to love, but you hurt so bad. This is about one of those times.

Sep 19, 202203:16
Emmett Till's Scars

Emmett Till's Scars

History has many atrocities that people prefer to leave buried in newspaper articles, dusty books, and the memories of those who experienced it and have passed away. It's important to discuss the parts of history that are not that glorious to keep us from repeating the same mistakes. It is also therapeutic for the victims. This piece talks about some of the lasting effects of racism. We can't pretend like it never happened, or that all is ok. 

Sep 12, 202204:34
Letter to Jesus

Letter to Jesus

We have all been there. Living life some type of way. Then you look back and realize just how bad some of your decisions were. We feel like there is no good within us. We can never run so far away that God cannot reach and restore us.

Sep 06, 202205:29
Automatic Transmission

Automatic Transmission

Misinformation gets passed around so easily. Don't be mindless sheep. The fact that it is in print or has strong backing doesn't make it true.

Aug 22, 202204:33
"The Text Came In"

"The Text Came In"

This is the story of the day my mother passed away. Although I knew it was coming, nothing could have prepared my heart for the pain I would feel after she took her last breath. I think I am able to go on with life because her life was so beautiful.

Aug 15, 202205:24
Gray Hairs

Gray Hairs

Contrary to some of the lyrics, this poem has nothing to do with drinking alcohol 🥃🍹🍸. It’s a metaphor about gaining maturity as we journey through life. Growing old can be frightening. The thought of losing the benefits afforded us via youth can be tough to handle. However, growing old gives us the wisdom to apply life’s lessons. It is when we grow older that we have the ability to reconcile our hardships, embarrassments, and losses into 20/20 vision from which we can prosper. I have so much more peace in my older years than when I was a naïve youngster who thought he knew it all. Growing older is a privilege, not a plague to be dreaded.
May 30, 202203:59
Lord, Take Me Now

Lord, Take Me Now

Life can throw some very painful things our way. It is at those moments where we contemplate giving up. This poem come from one of those times in my life. You never really know what people are going through. Check on your folks. 

May 23, 202204:10
Damaged Goods

Damaged Goods

People often have this misconception that getting into a relationship will fix our personal issues. To add insult to injury, people hide their shortcomings until the relationship has gone too far. It is only fair to let your significant other know who you are before it is too late because the truth will ultimately come to the surface.

May 16, 202202:57
Never Underestimate the Ghetto Child

Never Underestimate the Ghetto Child

It takes a lot of confidence and perseverance to overcome growing up in an impoverished environment. There are so many kids dealing with circumstances that we take for granted. Whether it's not having a bed to sleep in or a meal to satisfy their hunger or even having to navigate through a dangerous neighborhood every day to get where you need to be, some kids deal with things that could easily make a person want to give up on life. This poem is special to me because it describes my attitude growing up - determined not to let my environment get the best of me. This episode is especially heartwarming because my daughter, Addison, asked to recite it.

May 09, 202203:06
Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers. This is a salute to you and all you do for your families.
May 08, 202200:47
The Matriarch

The Matriarch

This is dedicated to everyone who has lost their mother. My mother was a blessing to anyone who knew her personally. She lived what she preached; "Love thy neighbor as thyself." She was the proverbial "glue" that held the Helaire family together. Because of that, all of her kids hold her in such high regard. I can remember so many times when she went without basic needs to make sure we had what we needed. Not only was she there for her children, but people throughout the neighborhood viewed our house as a home and a safe place. She would take a pot a beans and rice with a touch of meat and turn it into a gourmet meal to feed anyone who showed up on our doorstep.
She battled an aggressive form of cancer and passed away in August of 2013. This broke my heart. I was in the process of completing my doctorate degree, and there was nothing I wanted more than to finish the program before she passed away so that she could see one of my greatest accomplishments. I believe she knew she would not survive to see me walk across the stage because she started calling me "Doc" in the middle of the program. I finished the year after she passed away.
The inspiration for this poem came to me before she died because I knew there was a possibility that I would miss the opportunity to tell her how much I appreciated her. Not only did I finish the poem in time, but I was able to recite it to her a year before she passed.
May 02, 202207:37


This is a lighthearted poem that plays off the cliche, "Misery loves company." Just a little something to put a smile on your face.

Apr 25, 202202:21
I No Longer Dance

I No Longer Dance

This is an abstract piece about how life changes. As we grow older, some of our preferences adjust with our age. Some things just do not move us the same way.

Apr 18, 202203:33
Night of Salvation

Night of Salvation

This poem is about the cornerstone of the Christian faith. It tells the story of the night Jesus was crucified on the cross for the sins of the world. More important than him dying on the cross was his resurrection on the third day. Without this ultimate sacrifice, there is no salvation.

Apr 10, 202209:03


This piece is dedicated to all the women holding it down despite life's challenges. I wrote it specifically for my wife for our 20th wedding anniversary. I see the beauty in all that she endures while standing by my side.
Apr 04, 202203:47
My New Perspective

My New Perspective

This is an appreciation of my black culture. Growing up, I had to overcome a lot of negative imagery that could have easily convinced me that I was a second-class citizen simply because of my skin color. The messages in the media, including movies, television commercials, and popular music, all convey that the African-American community is inherently less intelligent, sophisticated, and civilized than other people. Positive imagery of my people is not common. Whenever I do see positive images, it tends to come at a sacrificial price instead of good will. Many of the things from my culture that are depicted in a negative light are the same things that people of other cultures covet (i.e. butt implants and lip fillers). This poem is a conscious look at accepting my black heritage with pride. I realize that society does not define who I am. God made me wonderfully in His image. He made me the person He wanted me to be.

Feb 28, 202207:39
A Memo to the Black Wife

A Memo to the Black Wife

This poem is encouragement to the black wife to support the black husband because black men already face enough adversity in society. The added antagonism from one's wife is disheartening and damaging. I believe there is a misconception of what being a strong black woman is. Many take that to mean she needs to question her man's authority and challenge him for the position of being head of the household. This doesn't prove that you are a strong woman. What is does is make the black man question his worth because, not only is he getting attacked by society, but he is also being attacked in his own home which is supposed to be his safe place. There is also a misconception that a strong black man doesn't need a cheerleader. Walking in unison with, and giving plenty of encouragement to, a good black man will promote an environment where he will honor his wife above all else.

Feb 21, 202204:28
Love Letters

Love Letters

Happy Valentine's Day!!! This is a series of 3 short poems written to my wife, Shannin Helaire. The first one is about the day we met, hence the title "July 19, 1991." The second one, "An Ode to You," is the poem I recited when we renewed our vows for our five year wedding anniversary. The third poem, "Earth Angel," is one I wrote on GP because she is worthy of the compliment. This is just a sample of some of the pieces I have written in honor of her.

Feb 14, 202204:11


There is a misconception that we have to be "good" for God to deal with us. However, the Bible is clear in stating that no one is "good." We all have short-comings and sins that make us unworthy of God's presence in our life. In fact, we are only privy to God's favor because of His grace. He loves us despite all of our faults. We are saved by grace (unmerited favor) through our faith in Him. This poem is about how I work out those doubts in my own mind. I am grateful that God's love for me is greater than my mistakes. Although I wrestle with feelings of inadequacy, I am confident that God' loves me unconditionally with unfailing love.

Feb 07, 202204:32
Our Connection

Our Connection

This poem is about the bond my wife and I have formed over the years. Despite all of the hardships we faced, we made a conscious effort to draw closer to each other. That bond has gotten us through so many tough times.  

Jan 31, 202202:52


Sometimes, we go through some very trying times in relationships. We go through things we would have never imagined in many instances. In the midst of those times, we find ourselves desperate to get over the emotional injuries; grasping at straws to find a remedy. However, the really deep hurts simply take time to heal. The quick fixes just don't work. They tend to intensify the hurt. Inspired by a true story, this is about an instance when I was possibly going through the worst time of my life.
Jan 24, 202203:58
I Have A Dream Too

I Have A Dream Too

I was teaching 3rd grade at Roosevelt Elementary School in 2002 when I wrote "I Have a Dream Too." My class recited it for a Black History program that year. The school was in the inner city where students didn't tend to have many tangible examples of what society considers to be "successful" people (i.e. lawyers, doctors, engineers). I wanted my students to know that they were able to do great things. I wanted to encourage them to aspire to strive beyond any limits they perceived society had for them. If we believe strongly enough in something, and couple that with determination, we can achieve beyond our wildest dreams.
Jan 17, 202204:47
Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

We all go through hardships in life. Too often, we go through those hard times without realizing that there are spiritual powers behind the attacks we face. God is always in our corner fighting on our behalf. Going into battles knowing that God has my back encourages me to stand strong even at my weakest moments. The Bible says, "If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31.  

Jan 10, 202203:35


This is a comical poem about women being suspicious of their men. Regardless of whether or not the suspicion is warranted, men want their women to trust them. In this episode, you will find a lot of the general discussion you typically hear from a man's perspective. Imagine this recital being delivered from the confines of a courtroom. The man is pleading his case to his woman who is ultimately the prosecuting attorney, residing judge, and jury.
Jan 03, 202203:50
The Bed That I Have Made

The Bed That I Have Made

This is an abstract piece on retrospection. Our choices create the "bed" in which we must lie. We often fail to examine those choices until our bed is already made. This can lead to a very bitter perspective on life. Regardless of the extent to which we take responsibility, we still have to deal with the consequences of the reality we create.
Dec 27, 202103:35
If I Died Today

If I Died Today

This piece is a ode to my wife, Shannin Helaire. It was inspired by the realization that we do not have an infinite amount of time to be with our significant others. People often take time for granted and have so much regret when their loved ones are gone.

Dec 18, 202104:48