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Attractively Different Podcast

Attractively Different Podcast

By Tom Hermann

This is a show to help people create a life without limits by simply changing how they think about what they see.

Why? Because those who don’t think differently will always believe their resources are limited and never lead an extraordinary life.

Tom shares his thoughts on the danger of believing what appears to be true and failing to live into the Truth of your identity.

This is a show for those who are looking for better answers in the most crucial areas of life. A show For those who aren’t satisfied with the ordinary results produced by their surface level thinking.
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Ep. 99 | The Purpose Of Work Versus The Purpose Of Life

Attractively Different PodcastSep 28, 2021

Ep. 127 | How To Walk in Truth 100% Of The Time

Ep. 127 | How To Walk in Truth 100% Of The Time

What is the fruit that comes from the truth?


Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” - John 8:31-32

Knowing the truth makes you free. The Greek word translated "make" means to deliver, make free, and liberate. It comes from a root word that means unrestrained. So think about this for a moment: if knowing the truth has the power to liberate you and allow you to be unrestrained, then does that mean that not knowing the truth will keep you restrained and in bondage?

In my opinion, yes it does.

Yet, your brain can work against you from knowing the truth. See, your brain is designed to keep you alive, and the belief systems you hold tell your brain what is important and what is not. Essentially, what that means, is that your brain will receive any information that is contrary to your current belief system as a threat. It will be more inclined to prove the information is wrong than to examine it for truth.

In today's episode, we will break down how you can always walk in truth and not let your brain stay stuck in a belief system that might be keeping you stuck in bondage. I also share three steps you can take to always be in a state of mind that allows for the truth to win.

Don't forget that God put everything in place for you to succeed in your purpose. However, you can miss out on that assignment if you don't take action on the TRUTHS and break away from faulty thinking. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your brain is looking for evidence to validate your current beliefs. So when you receive information that is contrary to a belief you hold your mind wants to prove it wrong.
  • Failing to receive information with an open mind indicates that you're more concerned about being right instead of getting it right
  • The zeal of others can lead you astray and cause you to miss the truth if you don't create a habit of verifying the information for yourself.
  • You cannot lose with this mindset. You either confirm that what you have is truth or you've now found the truth and can now walk in greater freedom.

Additional Resources:

Mar 03, 202223:38
Ep. 126 | How To Know If You're Trusting In God Or Your Resources

Ep. 126 | How To Know If You're Trusting In God Or Your Resources

Friend, have you ever let the cares of life pull you away from yielding your entire heart to God? If you're anything like me then the answer is yes, and today's show will give you a practical way to know when you're trusting in your resources. Yes, there have been season in life where you hold on tightly to your resources because it doesn't feel like there will be enough. Yet, we know that God's desire for us is to trust Him as the source instead of trusting in the resources.

In today's episode we're going to dive into Jesus' teaching on this topic from His sermon on the mount found in Matthew 6:22-23. Jesus said, " The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!"

Jesus is using a Hebrew idiom that is referring to generosity and stinginess. A good or healthy eye is an eye that looks out for the needs of others, but a bad or unhealthy eye does not see the needs of others due to looking out for your own needs. Yet, here's the problem, when you focus on your own needs and miss the needs of others then the result is that you'll miss the path that God has for your life.

Friend, God wants to use you as a place of blessing for those around you. He wants to know that you are faithful to His plan and that you can be trusted to do His assignments. He has put everything in place for you to succeed in your purpose. However, you can miss out on that assignment if you don't take action on the TRUTHS and break away from faulty thinking. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different.

Key Takeaways:

  • Saving your money and giving resentfully is a sign that you're trusting in money and wealth
  • If you're worried about the basics of life (food you will eat and clothes you wear) then you will have a difficult time seeing the needs of others
  • Generosity and stinginess are more about the posture of your heart than the amounts in your bank account
  • People who don't know God will have to trust in their wealth because they don't know the promises of      God

Additional Resources:

Feb 10, 202218:15
Ep. 125 | The Unseen Element Destroying God's People

Ep. 125 | The Unseen Element Destroying God's People

As a believer, knowing God and trusting in His character is crucial to succeeding in your assignment. Yet, there are many believers (… and you may be one) who have some big questions for God and are unsure if He's as trustworthy as the church tells them.

In today's episode, we dive into the idea of "Knowing God" and a lack of knowledge will destroy His people. We're going to dive into the story of Job and how God rebuked him for His "words without knowledge." I also share a real life story that demonstrates this principle and how incorrect beliefs or assumptions will create obstacles in your life.

In His word, God has put everything in place for you to succeed in your purpose. However, you can miss out on that assignment if you don't take action on the TRUTHS and break away from faulty thinking. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different.

Key Takeaways:

  • Not knowing God and His character can lead to inaccurate conclusions
  • In the story of Job, Job believed that God gives and takes away but God corrects him and says his words are without knowledge
  • To "know God" you must start have a correct lens of his character. The Bible says that He is good and that He does not change.
  • Religion and traditions can pass down incorrect thinking about God. You must be willing to receive the information but seek God's word to determine if it is true.

Additional Resources:

Feb 03, 202219:04
Ep. 124 - How The Elite Multiply Their Money

Ep. 124 - How The Elite Multiply Their Money

Jan 27, 202219:55
Ep. 123 | The Mystery Harvest Principle

Ep. 123 | The Mystery Harvest Principle

As you know, walking by faith and not by sight is easier said than done. Yet, I recently discovered a simple principle that, if applied, will create the momentum needed for you to live a life where you are walking by faith and not by sight.

What's this simple, yet profound, principle?

It's the principle of the mystery harvest.

In today's episode, I share with you what the mystery harvest is and how you can apply it to your life as you learn to live a kingdom life. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus instructed his listeners to "seek first the Kingdom of God and his righteous"… and what would happen? "All of these things will be added to you."

Well, "all of these things" are what we worry about when we're unsure if there will be provision.

If you've every struggled with this worry then you need to understand and apply the mystery harvest principle.

Key Takeaways:

  • This principle helps you stay in the kingdom mindset so you can stay focused on your God given assignment and not get stuck in anxiety, worry, or doubt.
  • This principle will posture your heart correctly so you can receive what God has for you, which means your life will be a direction reflection of Him and bring Him glory.
  • This is in alignment with what Jesus taught in Mark 11:24. This verse talks about how you can know that you will receive what you prayed for which means you can      walk confidently and expectantly in your God-given assignment.
  • This is a great example of how to have the child-like faith Jesus called for us to have, and when you operate in this child like faith you'll be positioned to be faithful with more of God's assignments.

Additional Resources:

Jan 20, 202219:57
Ep. 122 | 5 Reasons You Don’t Take Action

Ep. 122 | 5 Reasons You Don’t Take Action

Taking action is extremely important because you would never accomplish anything if you never took action. Yet, if you're anything like me, there are many times in life where you find yourself failing to take action. Just as Paul said in his letters … he doesn't do what he wants to do and finds himself doing the things that he doesn't want to do.

In today's episode, we discuss the five reasons that stop you from taking action and how to remove those blocks in order to start taking action. If you're honest with yourself, the reality is that it can be scary at times to take action, and this fear can put you in a state of mind where you are just trying to survive. It's a fight, flight, or freeze. This episode is going to help you diagnose why you're not taking action and breakthrough that obstacle to start moving forward and creating momentum.

Remember, God has put everything in place for you to succeed in your life purpose. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different.

Key Takeaways:

  • The biggest obstacle to you taking action is lacking the belief that you will succeed.
  • The mind rejects confusion and will not move forward without clarity
  • Belief and know-how are not enough … you have to have the skill set
  • Learning how to be resourceful is more important than having the resources

Additional Resources:

Jan 05, 202220:58
Ep. 121 | In The Game of Life There Are Players and Pawns

Ep. 121 | In The Game of Life There Are Players and Pawns

In the game of life there are two types of people: the pawns and the players. Just like chess, the players of the game determine the strategy and movements of the pawns. The pawns move slowly and are relatively easy to defeat while the players of the game can see the whole board and utilize the differnet pieces of the game in order to win. 

In today's episode, we're going to talk about the five characteristics that define the pawns and the fiver characteristics that define the players. We're also going to discuss why it's so important for you, as a believer, to be a player in the game instead of a pawn. God has uniquely created you to be a produce and value creator. You've been given a unique assignment that can only be accomplished by "playing the game" instead of being "played by the game". 

Remember, God has put everything in place for you to succeed in your life purpose. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different.

Key Takeaways:

  • As believers, we're called to "buy back" our time because the days are full of toil and striving. 
  • A pawns mindset will never allow them to "buy back" their time.
  • Pawns work think in terms of surviving and working so they can stop versus players who work to create and make the world a better place. 
  • The success of your God-given assignment is determined by your "pawn" or "player" mentality

Additional Resources:

Dec 29, 202123:47
Ep. 120 | Three Simple Questions That Empower Great Leadership
Dec 22, 202122:54
Ep. 119 | It's By His Grace with Rachel McCants
Dec 15, 202155:30
Ep. 118 | That's Not Fair

Ep. 118 | That's Not Fair

Dec 08, 202119:05
Ep. 117 | What's Next For The Podcast
Dec 01, 202120:51
Ep. 116  | How To View Conflict So You'll Want To Address It

Ep. 116 | How To View Conflict So You'll Want To Address It

We all have conflict in our life and we all respond to it differently.

There are a lot of people who want to avoid conflict and will do anything to get it resolved or set it aside. However, when you don't address conflict the way that you should it actually magnifies the conflict and makes it worse.

In today's episode we're going to discuss why you should address conflict and how you can view it differently so that you'll want to make sure that it gets resolved. You will invariably encourage what you tolerate. It can feel like an inconvenience or time consuming to address conflict appropriately but in all cases, when you push it off or avoid addressing conflict, then the situation will always get worse.

Addressing conflict is so imporant because overcoming these obstacles are key to becoming the person that you need to become. God has put everything in place for you to succeed in your life purpose. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different.

Key Takeaways:

  • When you don't address conflict you're teaching people how to treat you. When you want to be treated differently then you have to start teaching people differently.
  • Just like indicator lights in your car …conflicts are simply indicators that something needs to be addressed.
  • We think avoiding conflict will help not feel negative feelings that come with it, but it still feels awful to hold the resentment, bitterness, and annoyance that builds when conflict is not addressed.
  • You want things to change … but should anything really be different if you've trained a person to respond in a certain way?

Additional Resources:

Nov 25, 202119:08
Ep. 115  | How To Know If You're Operating From A Victim Mentality

Ep. 115 | How To Know If You're Operating From A Victim Mentality

Nobody wants for failure to be their fault. It's easier to place blame on someone or something else. Failing to take responsibility for your life will keep you stuck and prevent you from fulfilling the purpose that God has created for you.

I know that the person that you want to be is someone who takes responbility and not operate out of a victim mentality. You desire to be a person who can look at their beliefs and determine if they are helping you in becoming the person that you need to become.

In today's episode we talk about how you know if you're operate in a victim mentality. Operating from a victim mentality prevents you from growing because an essential part of growth is owning your beliefs and actions. Yet the reality is that it is very comforting to operate from a victim mindset. It is a protection mechanism that allows to avoid feeling the feelings that you've determined as negative or bad.

Remember, God has put everything in place for you to succeed in your life purpose. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different…and as you'll see today, this starts with having an attitude of excellence with what may feel like a "small assignment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Being around a person who fails to take responbility is draining emotionally and we subconsciouly start to move away from that person emotionally and physically.
  • Your circumstances are a result of your belief system
  • When you're operating from a victim mentality the focus is always externally and you never questioning  your thoughts and beliefs to see how they're contributing to the circumstance.
  • Taking offense is an indicator that you're operating in a victim mentality.

Additional Resources:

Nov 23, 202122:05
Ep. 114 | Fear and Faith Don't Operate Together with Stephen and Sarah Traylor (Part 2)

Ep. 114 | Fear and Faith Don't Operate Together with Stephen and Sarah Traylor (Part 2)

This is part two of a two part interview with Pastors Stephen and Sarah Traylor. Stephen and Sarah are the campus pastors for Faith Life Church Powell Campus near Columbus Ohio. They are passionate about helping people find their God-given purpose and to live the good life in the Kingdom of God. They enjoy fitness, spending time at the beach, and traveling to new and interesting places around the world.
In this interview we discuss their journey in discovering the possibilities of the Kingdom of God, how God lead them into full time ministry, and how Sarah was healed from her chronic battle with asthma.
Key Takeaways:

Faith and fear cannot operate together
Anxiety and fear are not from God and we should get really curious when those feelings are present in our lives.
If something is not working then we need to stop and become spiritual scientists and close access to the enemy.
Having faith that God can do something is different than being in faith that God will.

Additional Resources:

Check out your free life coaching resource, Life Purpose Roadmap PDF, and learn how to prosper in your purpose.
Nov 18, 202130:33
Ep. 113 | Fear and Faith Don't Operate Together with Stephen and Sarah Traylor (Part 1)

Ep. 113 | Fear and Faith Don't Operate Together with Stephen and Sarah Traylor (Part 1)

This is part one of a two part interview with Pastors Stephen and Sarah Traylor. Stephen and Sarah are the campus pastors for Faith Life Church Powell Campus near Columbus Ohio. They are passionate about helping people find their God-given purpose and to live the good life in the Kingdom of God. They enjoy fitness, spending time at the beach, and traveling to new and interesting places around the world.
In this interview we discuss their journey in discovering the possibilities of the Kingdom of God, how God lead them into full time ministry, and how Sarah was healed from her chronic battle with asthma.
Key Takeaways:

Evidence of God's leading are peace and joy even when it feels uncertain.
Even when you know your purpose and assignment there can still be nerves when you step into that assignment
Anywhere you want to grow or go in life you'll have to leave something behind.
Blessing follows obedience but it's not always easy

Additional Resources:

Check out your free life coaching resource, Life Purpose Roadmap PDF, and learn how to prosper in your purpose.
Nov 16, 202130:28
Ep. 112 | Taking Offense Will Block Your Purpose

Ep. 112 | Taking Offense Will Block Your Purpose

Show description:

What would you say if I told you that there was point in Jesus' ministry where he could not do what he wanted to do?

In today's episode we're going to talk about offense, and how offense will stop or negate the work that God wants to do in your life. When Jesus was ministering in his home town the people in his town took offense at him, and the Bible says that Jesus COULD NOT do a miracle because of their offense.

This word used in the passage is the Greek word Skandalizo, which means to create a stumbling block. You can also see this is where we get our English word scandal or scandalous. Let's dive into this concept and get really curious about how offense might be blocking you from receiving something from God.

God has put everything in place for you to succeed in your life purpose. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different…and as you'll see today, this starts with having an attitude of excellence with what may feel like a "small assignment.

Key Takeaways:

  • Offense creates a stumbling block that prevents us from putting trust in someone.
  • This same word is used in the parable of the sower when the heat comes and we fall away
  • Religion is at the root of the places where we take offense and it blocks the kingdom from operating.
  • What is offense blocking in your life?

Additional Resources:

Nov 11, 202117:08
Ep. 111 | Your Plan B is really your plan
Nov 09, 202116:38
Ep. 110 | Walking By Faith And Taking Action On God's Ideas with Hannah Keeley (Part 2 of 2)
Nov 04, 202130:16
Ep. 109 | Walking By Faith And Taking Action On God's Ideas with Hannah Keeley (Part 1 of 2)
Nov 02, 202128:43
Ep. 108| How To Qualify For Your God-Given Assignment and Purpose
Oct 28, 202115:12
Ep. 107 | How To Find Purpose In The Trials Of Life

Ep. 107 | How To Find Purpose In The Trials Of Life

"Count it all JOY, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds."

What is that supposed to mean? And how can you practically apply it to you life.

In today's episode, we're going to break down James 1:2-4 and see why we are able to face trials and view them through the lens of joy. In my opinion, many believers embrace the idea of suffering just for the sake of suffering. Almost like if they're suffering then they must be doing something right.

This perspective does not fit the character of God. His desire for you is to have everything you need for life and godliness. His desire is for you to be like a tree planted by the water where you continually bear fruit even in the dry seasons. He does not have a masochistic personality where you are supposed to enjoy the pain just because it is hard.

Yet, that seems to be the perspective where most believers approach the testing of their faith. Learning how to "suffer well" for the sake of suffering. Friend, you will see that God's desire for your trials and testing are to help you become the person who lacks nothing. God has put everything in place for you to succeed in your life purpose. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different.

Key Takeaways:

  • If you're never tested then you can never really know if you're in faith
  • There aren't different degrees of faith .. You're either in faith or not in faith
  • The testing of faith produces a consistent, persistence endurance. And we know that those who don't give up on doing good will reap a harvest (Gal. 6:9).
  • Suffering for the sake of suffering has no purpose.

Additional Resources:

Oct 26, 202116:57
Ep. 106 | When God Gives You Permission To Stop

Ep. 106 | When God Gives You Permission To Stop

Being diligent to finish can actually keep you stuck.

God lead me to a specific program to grow my coaching business but I feel like I received what I needed to receive from the program without finishing.

In today's episode I talk about how being obedient to the Spirit can lead you to start something and not finish. Yet, if you're like me, there are times where it becomes difficult to not finish the work. For example, anytime I read a book I feel like I need to finish, and that's because I have made the goal reading the book instead of extracting the wisdom or skills that God is intending for me.

So, here's your permission to stop … but only when God is leading you elsewhere. And if God is not leading you elsewhere, then there is a good chance that what you're doing is working on you to become more.

God has put everything in place for you to succeed in your life purpose. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different.

Key Takeaways:

  • God may lead you to start something with the intentions that you won't finish what you start
  • You can slow yourself down in God's plan for you if you're so focused on finishing everything you start
  • Watch for God's movement and use your desires as a clue to His guidance
  • If it's difficult to move… ask yourself, "How is it serving me to stay here?"

Additional Resources:

Oct 21, 202118:08
Ep. 105 | Desires Are Clues To What You Contain

Ep. 105 | Desires Are Clues To What You Contain

Your desires are clues to your God-given assignment and the potential that you contain.

In today's episode, we're going to discuss how God speaks to us and guides through the desires that we have on our heart. The desires and burdens for people to take action in certain areas are unique to them. The advesary positions our thoughts against us so that we stay stuck.

There are two words that the Bible uses for desires and one means petition and the other is used in regards to lusts and covetousness.

God has called us to create to co-labor with him, and these petitions and requests are a necessary part to succeeding in the assignment that He has for you. God says in His word says that man plans his way, his course of life, and God directs each step and establishes those steps to prosper the plan. .

Yet, the desire of lust and covetousness comes in when we're unwilling to become the person He has called us to be. James 4 says that we do not have because we do not ask and when we do ask and fail to receive it's because we asked with the wrong motive. We asked with the motive to fulfill our lusts and covetousness instead of fulfilling His plan and purpose.

Friend, you have a natural leaning that will guide us in our assignment and when you petition God for the things you need in our assignment He will bring it to pass.

Key Takeaways:

  • We're called to create and be creators and God uses our desires to work for us in order to fulfill his  purpose for our life.
  • The enemy knows you'll be hindered in your assignment if he can get you to believe that your desires are bad
  • Desires are evidence of something that you contain and need to be developed.
  • Your desires become unproductive when we try to use them outside of God's purpose and plan for your life.

Additional Resources:

Oct 19, 202125:34
Ep. 104 | How The Number 8 Is Linked To Your Purpose

Ep. 104 | How The Number 8 Is Linked To Your Purpose

Lack of knowledge will bring destruction, and our adversary uses this against us. We will miss out on God's purpose and plan for our life due to lack of knowledge.

In today's episode we're going to talk about the significance of the Hebrew number 8, and how it's connected to God's covenant promises to His people.

The number 8 always speaks of a God - human partnership, and the Hebrew word for the number 8 means to make fat - to satiate. There is an implied idea that there is more than enough. The number 7 means complete, and therefore one more than 7 is more than enough.

In that idea, more than enough, God ties 8 character traits His personal name. These 8 character traits inform us about God's identity, but the fact that there are 8 names implies that He is more than enough. God's methods bring freedom and security, but the method's of the world methods bring a false security and slavery. .

God has put everything in place for you to succeed in your life purpose. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different.

Key Takeaways:

  • God ties 8 character traits of His covenant promises to personal name.
  • 8 is a sign of a abundance; it's a sign of more than enough.
  • A blood covenant was stronger than a contract. Death was the consequence of not fulfilling on your covenant promises.
  • If we don't have the knowledge of who God is then we'll miss all that God has for us

Additional Resources:

Oct 14, 202121:15
Ep. 103  | This Type Of "Blessing" Will Create Bondage

Ep. 103 | This Type Of "Blessing" Will Create Bondage

A desire is a clue to something you contain inside of you. 

It's an expression of God that He wants to get out into the world. Creating financial security and how God's way leads to security and the other method of security creates a false sense of security which leads to bondage.

God's word tells us that we are coworkers with Him. He will do his part and we must do our part. Yet, the are a lot of Christian circles that think since God is all powerful He will provide more like a genie than a business partner. This relationship is very similar to a farmer.

Just like a farmer who puts seed in the ground, he can only do his part by farming and tending to the seed and crops. His success requires God to send the sun and rain.

There are two passages in Genesis that talk about living off the fat of the land, but each passage uses a differnet word for fat. There is an insight that I want to share with you around the difference of each word and how it relates to you succeeding and serving in your God-given assignment.

God has put everything in place for you to succeed in your life purpose. The purpose of life is not just trying to survive but to live a life that brings glory to his kingdom and is attractively different.

Key Takeaways:

  • God will give us everything we need, but we need to do our part
  • One of the easiest ways to enslave someone is to give them everything they need without working for it
  • The number 8 in Hebrew is a symbol of new beginnings, and actually means "becoming fat" which means there is more than enough.
  • God is our source but too often we trust in the resources.

Additional Resources:

Oct 12, 202121:24
Ep. 102| The Power Of God's Blood Covenant
Oct 07, 202128:27
Ep. 101  | Stop Trying To Figure It Out Alone

Ep. 101 | Stop Trying To Figure It Out Alone

Oct 05, 202121:36
Ep. 100 | Everything You Need for LIFE and Godliness
Sep 30, 202124:36
Ep. 99 | The Purpose Of Work Versus The Purpose Of Life
Sep 28, 202119:32
Ep. 98| Three Battles You Must Win To Succeed In Your Purpose
Sep 23, 202118:57
Ep. 97 | Seven Roadblocks To Mastery
Sep 21, 202120:06
Ep. 96  | This Mindset Distinguishes The Most Successful People
Sep 16, 202118:49
Ep. 95 | Stop Making Success So Hard
Sep 14, 202124:27
Ep. 94 | Why You're Stuck In A Cycle of Doing What You Don't Want To Do

Ep. 94 | Why You're Stuck In A Cycle of Doing What You Don't Want To Do

Sep 09, 202123:19
Ep. 93 | They Key Ingredient To Reaching Your Potential
Sep 07, 202121:22
Ep. 92 | Salvation is Meant To Activate Not Just Evacuate
Sep 02, 202122:35
Ep. 91 | The Decisions That Create Your Destiny
Aug 31, 202119:35
Ep. 90 | Why You're Keeping Your Limitations And How To Stop Fighting For Them
Aug 26, 202116:22
Ep. 89 | The Four Blessings of Failure
Aug 24, 202118:02
Ep. 88 | Creating An Astonishing Life With Nothing To Lose with Danielle Fenster (Part 2)
Aug 19, 202127:58
Ep. 87 | Creating An Astonishing Life With Nothing To Lose with Danielle Fenster (Part 1)
Aug 17, 202126:36
Ep. 86 | How Christian's Take Vengeance on The Enemy
Aug 12, 202120:39
Ep. 85 | 12 Perspectives that will increase your happiness, kindness, and productivity
Aug 10, 202126:39
Ep. 84 | Destroying Authority Connected With Chaos and Confusion

Ep. 84 | Destroying Authority Connected With Chaos and Confusion

Aug 05, 202119:25
Ep. 83 | You're Calling To Be Prolific

Ep. 83 | You're Calling To Be Prolific

Aug 03, 202119:16
Ep. 82 | Answering the question, "Why me, why now?" With Jade Simmons (Part 2)

Ep. 82 | Answering the question, "Why me, why now?" With Jade Simmons (Part 2)

Jul 29, 202128:60
Ep. 81 | Answering the question, "Why me, why now?" With Jade Simmons (Part 1)

Ep. 81 | Answering the question, "Why me, why now?" With Jade Simmons (Part 1)

This is part  one of two part interview with  Jade Simmons.

Jade is a creator of transformational experiences designed to activate audiences into becoming the biggest, boldest version of themselves possible. The world- class concert artist is also the CEO of Jade Media Global, a revolutionary live experience and global content distribution company specializing in 360 degree personal development and strategic transformation.

Nicknamed “Classical Music ’s #1 Maverick” and named one of the Best Keynote Speakers of 2019 and 2020, her electrifying, genre-bending concert adventures span Rachmaninoff all the way to rap and include virtuoso storytelling, uncommon insights , and boundless inspiration.

Listen in as Jade shares how she has successfully activated her God-given purpose, and how she has allowed the Spirit to guide her throughout the process. Jade's story will inspire, encourage, and be a catalyst to you activating your purpose and assignment.

Key Takeaways:

  • You have a mandate on your life to be fruitful and be prolific
  • Being made in God's image we're all called to be creators
  • Waiting is an active activity where we're actively seeking the next step God has for us
  • There is a difference in walking out purpose instead of just talking about our purpose.

Additional Resources:

Jul 27, 202127:44
Ep. 80 | How To Activate Philippians 4:13 In Your Life
Jul 22, 202115:07
Ep. 79 | The Two Ways You Pay for Results

Ep. 79 | The Two Ways You Pay for Results

Don't you hate the tasks that take three times longer than you initially expected?

The time it takes to get a result will drastically change your experience. For example, many of us - if not all of us - will make a million dollars in our life time. Yet, some of us will make a million dollars over 40 years and some of us will make that in a year. I'm willing to guess that you, like me, would prefer to make the million dollars in year.

Now here's the thing about faster results …. you must be willing to spend money.

In today's episode we discuss the two ways that you pay for achieving a result. You can either spend money or spend your time. Choosing to spend money allows for the result to happen faster but the downside is that you don't gain the experience of completing the task. Spending your time to learn and complete the activity is going to cost you in time but you also gain the experience of completing the task.

Let's talk about when it's appropriate to spend money and when it's appropriate to spend your time. We'll also discuss why you erroneously choose to spend your time and the impact it has on your results and life.

Key Takeaways:

  • I was able to create a result in 90 days that I had been trying to create in the last 15 years
  • The main reason we don't pay for results is the fear of financial insecurity.
  • There is a time when you should not pay for faster results
  • Operating in fear will cause you to make poor decisions

Additional Resources:

Jul 20, 202120:06
Ep. 78 | Going Beyond All That You Can Think, Hope, or Imagine

Ep. 78 | Going Beyond All That You Can Think, Hope, or Imagine

You have an amazing imagination. 

In fact, your mind does not know how to differentiate between imagination and reality. In fact, Harvard Medical School researchers have investigated the power of imagination with a group of volunteers who had no prior experience playing the piano. There was a group who intensely practiced the piano for 5 days and a group who imagined themselves going through the same piano practice as the other group. What did they find? They found that the brain activity was almost identical between the two groups. 

In today's episode we talk about the importance of harnessing your imagination in your life. In order to create anything in life you must have an vision and image of what you are trying to create. Here's the problem, most people spend most, if not all, of their imagination on outcomes that they do not want to happen. They visualize running out of money, failing on a project, and not being able to provide for their loved ones. These thoughts keep people in a state of overwhelm, anxiety, and doubt. It robs them of their energy and does not leave a reservoir of energy to create anything new. 

 God's word says that without a vision people perish. That word for perish implies that they're exposed and vulnerable to harm. Yet, those who have a vision and direction for their life are happy and blessed. 

Key Takeaways:

  • How to use your imagination to hack your brain and create your desired results. 
  • Our brains cannot tell the difference between reality and what we experience in our imagination
  • There's power in having a clear vision for what you're trying to create 
  • God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine

Additional Resources:

Jul 15, 202117:34