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Authentic Gab

Authentic Gab

By Gabriel Pamilerin

Lets be real about Money, Relationship, Religion and Life itself.

You will Learn about all this and more...

I will be Real with you. Nothing for the Glam here.
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How to Make Millions Monthly Writing on Freelance Websites - Guest Mr Grandeur

Authentic GabJun 14, 2021

How to Make Millions Monthly Writing on Freelance Websites - Guest Mr Grandeur

How to Make Millions Monthly Writing on Freelance Websites - Guest Mr Grandeur

Making money online is a gift but it is also a sure way of starting a Good paying Business.

Mr Grandeur hast over 6years of experience writing on Freelance websites and also starting a 7-figure writing company here in Nigeria.

He is a TTop-ratedop rated Seller on Fiverr and also a Top Rated Seller on Upwork the two top Freelance platforms.

Learn from this Expository Episode that shows you what he has been doing right and places he is as been making some bits of mistakes.

Jun 14, 202101:09:29
Website Design in Nigeria Today
Jun 07, 202134:19
Cryptocurrency - Bitcoin, The Dip and How to Keep Making Money even Now during the Dip // Guest - La Ji De
May 24, 202140:51
Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021

New Resolutions, but a New Attitude

Jan 04, 202101:13
Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady

Patience is a Virtue but most times, Life is not fair and it seems wto wait might be dangerous. 

Am here to tell you, patience spoils nothing, it begets Results.


You would not plant a seed and then dig it up every few hours to see if it has grown.

So why do you keep questioning yourself, your hard work and your decisions?

Have patience, stop overthinking and keep watering your seeds.

Oct 08, 202008:59
The Ultimate Weapon to Making Million of Sales

The Ultimate Weapon to Making Million of Sales

The Secret to getting lots of Sales is getting that one sale and a raving review.

So stay with me on this episode while I dissect how Testimonials and Reviews can Skyrocket your Biz.

Oct 04, 202016:12
How to Keep your Customers Happy while Meeting there Expectations

How to Keep your Customers Happy while Meeting there Expectations

Customer Satisfaction is the Goal.

Customers are those who pay for your food, fuel your cars indirectly, so without them you have no money.

So we need to treat our customers well.

Sometimes our customers might act bad but as a Service provider, As Business and as a Person you still need to give them more than the best because if you dont, then your competitors will be smiling to the bank.

Remember keeping your customers happy reduces your Ads Budget.

Oct 01, 202011:10
The Ultimate Hack to Time Management - Might Work for You 100%

The Ultimate Hack to Time Management - Might Work for You 100%


Time is Money , Time is Expensive, Time is Undervalued, Time is Wasted, Time Cant be Gotten Back.

Which is I am showing you how to get your time sorted and perform your daily tasks at the highest level of Productivity.

Looking forward to your Feedback ---- Time Manager.

Sep 27, 202017:30
My Thoughts about the New CBN Policy concerning FX and FX transfers

My Thoughts about the New CBN Policy concerning FX and FX transfers

I was notified by a Friend about what the CBN governer said on Channels tv about Forex (FX) and I scoured the internet looking for comprehensive articles on it and I got it.

Whao, when I read it, I got tired and frustrated because I believe this is the wrong time, but what do I know about Directing a nation right?

So I asked peoples opinion about it and I was even able to get the thoughts of a Banker (Mr Odetayo) and I shared his thoughts also in this Podcast.

Let me know what you think and do you think the Nigerian government will make a change or a reversal to this Policy?

What the Policy is all about :::

1. Any cash that enters as inflow must leave as inflow (i.e. transfer), and you can only transfer to your account, you can't do that to another person. Another option you have is to sell to the bank. 

2. Any money that enters as deposit can only leave by cash withdrawal

3. No account will be able to receive inflow of more than $40, 000 per month

Sep 23, 202014:12
Customer support : No. 1 Secret in building a successful and Profitable business

Customer support : No. 1 Secret in building a successful and Profitable business

This is the part of the business that most businesses get wrong.

They do it wrong or they do not do it at all.

Making Customers happy does not end immediately you close the sale and complete the project but also when you offer the support they need.

You will Learn about the Advantages of Customer Support to your Business

How to offer the Best Customer Support

The Tool that can help you in managing your Customers.

Sep 21, 202016:08
The Big Sins You make While closing an order

The Big Sins You make While closing an order

Order Closing is not a Gift, but you can Master this Skill and win your customers over.

The Competition is tougher, you need resilience and fast thinking to win.

I have closed over 300 orders Micro and Max Orders, so why not learn from my mistakes and make money for yourself.

Sep 17, 202016:39
Exercise - The Bridge to Long and Healthy Life

Exercise - The Bridge to Long and Healthy Life

Exercises one of the ways you can take care of your body and  still enjoy it.

Arnold Schwarzenegger  said  "Training gives us an outlet for suppressed energies created by  stress and thus tones the spirit just as exercise conditions the body.” 

Taking care of our body helps us to live a longer life, health challenges free.

It is the natural tuneup necessary for our body.

So lets start an Exercise challenge.

You can comment below, what challenge you might have to start your exercise today and let me find a solution to it for you.

Sep 14, 202009:23
Marketing 101 in 2020

Marketing 101 in 2020

The Market Landscape as changed.

Pepe Laja of CXL said Marketing methods changes every 2years.

So you have to stay on top.

The Last quarter of the year is when you can make the most money, you can make 3X what youve made in the beginning of the year.

Listen to this podcast and get your sales up today.

Sep 10, 202020:09
Making Money Online - The Myth, The Hype

Making Money Online - The Myth, The Hype

Let's be real.

Making Money Online is Real.

It is as real as making money offline.

So why not let me tell you how you can make money online.

Things you will learn on this are;

How to Avoid Shiny Object Syndrome

How to make your online Biz Work

How to Invest, What to Invest

Differences between Passive Income and Non-Passive Income

Types of Online Biz you can Do and a whole lot more...

Sep 07, 202019:37
Welcome - Episode 1

Welcome - Episode 1

Welcome to My Podcast Authentic Gab.

I will be sharing with you Everything I know about Money, Relationship, Religion and also Life itself.

I feel the need to share what have learnt over the years and also what I keep learning daily and I think I find it easier talking to my phone than typing it out . 

So you are in for a Great Ride because its all Authentic with Gab...

Sep 03, 202003:50