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Boss Art Mumma

Boss Art Mumma

By Avril Robertson

This is the Podcast for Feisty Future Female Art Collectors! It's Here, you'll be Hearing about the Past; and the Future for Art and Women's Art Collecting. Each Week, Boss Art Mumma - Av, will be asking: Can We Dominate the Art World? And, how are we supposed do that without a Dick? So Sit-down Sister, Strap-on your Brain, Stand back Up again and take a little listen ;-)
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Episode 13: Lucky 13! Present Time!(24 hrs) Merry Happy Season Boss Art Mummas!!! Get Yours Now! :-)

Boss Art MummaDec 08, 2020

Children of B.A.M. Tap Your Art Joy Spiritual Gold with EASE!

Children of B.A.M. Tap Your Art Joy Spiritual Gold with EASE!

Your Spiritual Gold is YOUR ART JOY - Boss Art Mumma explains how Art Appreciation Ensures an Artist's Entourage's Wealth.
Sep 22, 202301:00:00 is Giving Annual Incomes For Artists*!!!
Aug 24, 202301:00:00
Isn't it Wonderful?! Proof of How Powerful Love Really Is!!!!

Isn't it Wonderful?! Proof of How Powerful Love Really Is!!!!

Yes good old Nev. Neville Goddard himself said that. Brilliant Bloke that one - inspired by William Blake - he explains what the bible actually means - and spoiler alert, our own powerful imagination IS GOD! Now the mean God makes sense. In this episode I discuss: the meaning of Life, what's going to happen in the Future because of all of our imaginations, what happens when you use your imagination as a good Goddess And God (as the gender balance must be within ourselves too)... a couple of good old Nev exercises that you should try if you want to train your imagination to be used for good. Lol. And our shadow and how it's cool - unleash it a little bit sometimes if necessary... but yeah... don't do anything when you're stupidly deciding to be angry because that's when you bang and hurt yourself - decide to not be angry if you can - only think, on purpose, decide what is useful to think for you and do that. Refusing to be a victim is a good start. Oh did I mention A.I. v's H.I. and that's there's a different possibly other than war (ever ffs! Any Military is only necessary for one reason... and you might notice that the sci-fi shows are "all" actually military protagonists? Hmmm... Isn't that interesting! Oh yeah there's a few cool shows I mention you need to watch right now if your a sci-fi fan... and hey, tell me too if I you want to tell me something that you think is awesome and interesting and useful to know- I like that stuff - Be good and happy kids xxxooo Guess What? it's only Love xxxooo
Aug 28, 202259:22
Challenge Yourself

Challenge Yourself

(You'll be proud of yourself)
Dec 25, 202116:08
Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas!!!

What are you Manifesting in the New Year? To remove any doubts, frustrations or problems- messenger me through Facebook (@Av Robertson) or Instagram (@Artist.Avril.Robertson) and we will see if I can help! Hope you have a lovely day. Best Wishes Av xxx
Dec 24, 202105:05
Spreading Joy

Spreading Joy

To make a notable effect on others and for yourself
Dec 23, 202108:29
Empowered World Views

Empowered World Views

Our experience is all in our minds.
Dec 22, 202123:09
Humour and Bullying

Humour and Bullying

Humour can help us shift to a different level of consciousness. Bullying or feeling like you are being bullied verbally is a mindset - of the victim. Often people are just trying to interact with you. So knowing about humour and being able to wield it can be very useful for changing the world around you.
Dec 22, 202118:46
Cords and Boundaries

Cords and Boundaries

Respect the Relationship that you are cultivating with YOURSELF
Dec 18, 202158:21
See Beauty Everywhere

See Beauty Everywhere

Purposefully See Beauty Everywhere.
Dec 18, 202110:16
Connecting to Your Ideal Future

Connecting to Your Ideal Future

Go out and be a force in the world - make the world a better place! Connect with people and beauty. There's beauty everywhere! Notice it! Enjoy it! Have it!
Dec 17, 202108:02
Your two metaphysical forks in the road

Your two metaphysical forks in the road

What is your Vision for the future? Which path are you taking steps towards? Everything that you can imagine exists in the future. Step into the future you want! Boss Art Mumma would love to know how she can help ⚑😎⚑Dont be shy, message me, @Av Robertson/ @Artist.Avril.Robertson, and let me know TODAY ✌🌈✌
Dec 16, 202107:60
It's like this- an' dat's the way it is!

It's like this- an' dat's the way it is!

Why it's harder for women
Dec 15, 202118:16
Ascending to Greatness

Ascending to Greatness

Midas Touch, NLP anchoring on your hand, balance, suspending skepticism - getting what you want.
Dec 13, 202119:58
B.A.M!!! Raise Your Magical Money Thermostat - 11,1:11 - NOW!

B.A.M!!! Raise Your Magical Money Thermostat - 11,1:11 - NOW!

What is Magic? Creating that which seems impossible. What have you set your Magical Money Thermostat on? WhatΒ  does your Heart Say? Ask your heart: How much do I DESERVE? Do I want to HAVE the FUNDS to be able to CHANGE the WORLD? Ask your HEART - not your mind! Do I want to be able to be generous? Are you going to be able to any of that if your money thermostat is set low? What has your mind set your Money Thermostat on? Ask your HEART instead! VALUE YOU!!! Who said that you are worth a pittance? F#$& That! F#$& Them! ONLY LISTEN to YOUR HEART!!! Your heart knows that you are worth so much more than you let your mind think! Plenty of people make MORE THAN a million dollars a day - why not YOU? YOUR HEART IS WORTH MILLIONS!!! VALUE IT!!! Don't listen to anyone who doesn't VALUE your WORTH! FORGET THE W♀♑K◇♧S WHO GAFFAWED AT YOU - (THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT THEMSELVES!!!) Speak to me!!! I WILL LISTEN!!! I VALUE YOU!!! DM me on Messenger: Av Robertson AND SIMPLY say: "B.A.M! YES! I Deserve this! This is my email address:..." Because YOU ARE WORTH MILLIONS!!! Why not? It's only your money thermostat stopping you! What b.s. have you listened to OVER THE ENTIRETY OF YOUR LIFE UP TO NOW that has YOU crammed you into a teeny tiny box? If Your Heart is Squashed into a HELL ON EARTH - Boss Art Mumma wants you to SET IT FREE!!! Ask your HEART- not your head! I'm here to show you HOW YOU CAN BE THE BEACON of LIGHT that YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE! Get more info right now. You deserve it Gorgeous - I value your HEART- (it's time you did too!) Lot's of LOVE! B.A.M. β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘β™‘
Dec 11, 202105:07


You can bugger around with your time or you can get started. With Royalties! If you want my help message me on fb: Av Robertson or DM me on Instagram: @Artist.Avril.Robertson and simply say: "coach me" I can't wait to start helping you to be the brilliant you that you are supposed to be!
Dec 08, 202106:34
The Blanket of Love

The Blanket of Love

What will you create or invest in 2022? Let me know through Meta messenger @Av Robertson or Instagram @Artist.Avril.Robertson β™‘ The BAM Universe Loves and Supports us. There is a blanket of love - protecting us. Don't be afraid of showing your true self. You are important. You are loved. Be Bold. Be Courageous. Be Vulnerable. Stay True to Yourself. Try. You Can.
Dec 07, 202132:57
Be a Force for Good

Be a Force for Good

Attaining your goals is difficult - so applaud those who are trying.
Dec 06, 202106:53
Connecting to your intuition

Connecting to your intuition

Using the Boss Art Mumma Values: Respect, Kindness and Safety
Dec 05, 202127:49
Change the World

Change the World

Invest in Female Artists
Dec 04, 202122:52
Your Money Frequency

Your Money Frequency

What Vibration are you emitting in relation to Your Brilliance and Money Frequency?
Dec 03, 202127:03
Saving yourself withArt

Saving yourself withArt

Art is a Reality Hack
Dec 02, 202121:52
Infecting people with positivity

Infecting people with positivity

Why not?! You can if you want to! Can't is a word you must not use!!!
Dec 01, 202123:43
Investing in Yourself

Investing in Yourself

You are Valuable
Oct 08, 202141:24
What's your Vision for Manifesting Abundance?

What's your Vision for Manifesting Abundance?

There's so many ways you can choose to Manifest Abundance! What will you choose to do? Do you like helping people? I like helping people. That's my plan. What about you?
Sep 25, 202111:59
How to Save the World

How to Save the World

Obviously it's all about consciousness. And obviously love and creativity. Listen now to get 4 strategies on saving yourself and your loved ones.
Sep 24, 202132:60
Quitting Poverty Consciousness

Quitting Poverty Consciousness

It's one or the other unfortunately... poverty consciousness or success consciousness. Which do you choose? Ready to manifest your best life - but you're scared? I can help. If you want my help just Messenger me: Av Robertson
Sep 21, 202120:44
Integrity, Intuition and Learning from Your Mistakes

Integrity, Intuition and Learning from Your Mistakes

Is it easier for beautiful people? And how do you energize your inner beauty, respect yourself and let yourself shine!
Sep 17, 202122:44
Overcoming Nightmares

Overcoming Nightmares

Some Strategies for Conquering Your Nightmares and Creating the Best Life You Want!
Sep 15, 202114:36
Mind Reading. Why it is not useful.

Mind Reading. Why it is not useful.

What someone else thinks about you is none of your business! Stay strong! You're beautiful! Stay the Loving Person You Are! Set Your Intentions! You are the one in control of your consciousness!
Sep 10, 202108:48
Being Passionate

Being Passionate

What are you passionate about?
Sep 09, 202123:59


Because it WILL manifest! Here's the mindset BOSS ART MUMMA wants for you! Send and Receive the Health, Wealth and Love YOU desire! You are WORTHY! You deserve it! Stay strong beautiful children. You were created for a Reason! Sending lots of love!!!
Sep 08, 202124:16
The Midas Touch

The Midas Touch

Our hands are what we use to create what is valuable for the World. This episode explains what each finger of our hands stands for, especially when we are creating a business. And I also discuss some of the meanings that I understand in some of the artwork that my daughter created. I hope you enjoy them. You can see them on Instagram @Artist.Avril.Robertson.
Sep 08, 202146:20
Anger. How do you disolve it?

Anger. How do you disolve it?

It's normal to get frustrated and angry. But what do you do in that case? Negatively is such a force that builds up until releases to be passed from one person to the next and the next and the next. Often snowballing. Focusing on feeling a lack of money can often be a cause of pain that ultimately tears families apart. I hope this episode gives you some insight and strategies and tools to dissipate your negative emotions.
Sep 06, 202125:34
You are Worthy of Success! BAM Believes You Will! The Universe Wants Humanity to Evolve.

You are Worthy of Success! BAM Believes You Will! The Universe Wants Humanity to Evolve.

Strategies to Click into Joy and be the Success You are Supposed to be! To comment and send Gratitude for this or any other episode, go to Instagram: Follow and Direct Message me @Artist.Avril.Robertson
Sep 05, 202130:46
Envisioning. What do you Envision?

Envisioning. What do you Envision?

Did you have anything that stopped you from striving to be a billionaire? Are You Destined For Greatness? Do you think the odds are against you? Because what you think and imagine the most becomes your reality. What do you truly desire? What is greatness to you? How will you Help Humanity? What is Your Vision?
Sep 04, 202132:24
Value. What is Valuable the most?

Value. What is Valuable the most?

Rich People get and keep and circulate Money by focusing on Joy! There's two sides of the coin of course - but you deserve to flip it in your favour. You deserve more Money, Joy and Love! Read here to find out how xxx
Sep 03, 202132:13
The Future

The Future

What do you think will happen in the Future?
Sep 02, 202133:36
Happiness. How do YOU make yourself Happy?

Happiness. How do YOU make yourself Happy?

Joy and Manifesting what you want goes hand in hand. So you WANT and NEED to click into Joy! You Just Must! This episode of BOSS ART MUMMA gives you a few clear ways to do just that -> be the joyous self that you are meant to be! Valuable Important Amazing! I know you can do it! I believe in YOU!
Sep 01, 202141:05
Bullying. How to Deal with bullies!

Bullying. How to Deal with bullies!

Have you been bullied before? How do you deal with it? It's such a horrible experience isn't it? And it rears up again and again throughout our lives. This episode gives you some strategies to eradicate Bullying from your, or your child's, life. β™‘β™‘β™‘ My main aim is for humans to be kind, safe and respectful to each other xxx For Humanity to Truly Evolve we must eradicate Bullying! If you want a copy of the Relationship Connecting Habits I mentioned in this episode to put it up at home too? Simply DM me on Instagram @Artist.Avril.Robertson, Let me know your email address and I will send it to your inbox β™‘β™‘β™‘
Aug 30, 202128:39
Can You Sleep Quickly? The Art of Sleep.

Can You Sleep Quickly? The Art of Sleep.

Do you find it hard to sleep sometimes? This is my simple strategy for getting a great night's sleep. I just know if you try it - it will definitely work for you! It's so simple that it has to work! Best Wishes xxx Sweet Dreams xxx
Aug 29, 202107:51
Success Consciousnesses and breaking through the Fear Barrier

Success Consciousnesses and breaking through the Fear Barrier

Today discuss Breaking through the Fear Barrier and realising your Success Consciousnesses. I have figured out simple steps to Manifesting Money. And if you are one of the first 10 people who DM me at @Artist.Avril.Robertson asking for my Manifesting Money Simple Steps I am giving it to you for FREE in return for a true testimonial. I want to help you to Manifest $10k+ in the same way I did which didn't require starting a business, posting on social media... or any of that stuff that everyone else seems to tell you have to. Looking forward to helping you be Successful xxx Big Love Av
Aug 27, 202121:52
Art Collectors are the most Valuable People

Art Collectors are the most Valuable People

What do you Value?
Jul 30, 202110:54
Valuing YOUR consciousness is the ONLY way to CHANGE YOUR WORLD xxx

Valuing YOUR consciousness is the ONLY way to CHANGE YOUR WORLD xxx

Helping the WORLD for Mummas and kids. What needs to change. Join in the conversation by DM Av via Instagram @Artist.Avril.Robertson. Can't wait to hear from you!
May 26, 202158:29
Women Helping Other Women and thus helping Humanity to Evolve Successfully :-)

Women Helping Other Women and thus helping Humanity to Evolve Successfully :-)

Teaching and Learning to pull your own underpants up and documenting your consciousness. How YOU can be a Boss Art Mumma who helps the World to Evolve. Boss Art Mummas taking on the Role we were intended to do.
May 25, 202153:28
How a Boss Art Mumma can have your child to agree to do something happily by being polite to them

How a Boss Art Mumma can have your child to agree to do something happily by being polite to them

Using the NLP Milton Model and embedding commands when talking to your child by being kind, respectful and safe. And why to learn how to teach your child to create Art. Follow @Artist.Avril.Robertson on Instagram to see the Art you may still be able to afford to invest in us now. And where you can get the free resources that are mentioned on this episode xxx
Apr 27, 202127:26
Don't Miss Out on Opportunities to Submit Your Art in the beginning of the year!

Don't Miss Out on Opportunities to Submit Your Art in the beginning of the year!

What's your 3 step plan this year? 1. Hang Your Artworks, photograph it, Document it and Submit your Art to Contemporary Art publications :-) 2. Apply to Join Love Day :-) 3. Get more Art Supplies :-)
Jan 23, 202118:58
Episode 14: Happy Joyous 2021 BOSS ART MUMMAS AND DADDAHS! This Year YOU GET to click into JOY!

Episode 14: Happy Joyous 2021 BOSS ART MUMMAS AND DADDAHS! This Year YOU GET to click into JOY!

Did you guess? You were right! We can't do it with a Dominator! Everyone needs WAM BAM values: Respect, Kindness and Safety! Blessings for Your New Beautiful Exciting Year 2021! Your Successful Connected, Joyous Year! It's YOUR Successful Year - it's your turn to join the Art Movement which Leads YOU to Lead others to click into Joy - WITH us!
Dec 31, 202037:35
Episode 13: Lucky 13! Present Time!(24 hrs) Merry Happy Season Boss Art Mummas!!! Get Yours Now! :-)
Dec 08, 202023:45
Episode 12: Ethics and the Evolution of Humanity Intelligence

Episode 12: Ethics and the Evolution of Humanity Intelligence

Av, as an Artist, discusses the importance for All Art Collectors to learn how to be a Custodian of Culture. Plus some philosophical description about Art and influences that Madam Blavatsky, Thoreux, Dali Lama, and secular ethics that has also changed the world... and, as well... what about the future of the Brainphone? And why Art that is really authentic is really important.
Oct 04, 202016:45