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Awakened To Grace Weekly Sermons

Awakened To Grace Weekly Sermons

By Chad Roberts

Awakened To Grace Sermon of The Week Podcast with Pastor Chad Roberts! Add value to your spiritual growth by listening to the weekly sermons of Chad Roberts on Awakened to Grace. Awakened to Grace is the teaching ministry of Preaching Christ Church. Learn more by downloading our FREE Mobile App: Awakened To Grace or visit us at
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Awakened To Grace Weekly SermonsApr 21, 2024

Steps Directed

Steps Directed

Do you realize God has a plan for you life? So specific is his plan but the scriptures teach that each step is "ordered" by the lord. Find out how far this concept though goes in this sermon from Pastor Chad.

Apr 21, 202433:26
How Much More? | HEBREWS

How Much More? | HEBREWS

In this sermon we see the difference between the old testament and the new testament. In the Old, if the blood of animals could cover sins how much more would the blood of Christ remove sin under the New?

Apr 05, 202431:00
Why Religion Cannot Save You | HEBREWS

Why Religion Cannot Save You | HEBREWS

Many people think that to be close to God means they need to be religious. In this sermon Pastor Chad carefully explains why religion cannot save you. Someone can check all the boxes of religion but not belong to God. Learn the difference in this sermon.

Apr 04, 202438:30
Christ Destroys The Yoke | HEBREWS

Christ Destroys The Yoke | HEBREWS

Why does the author of Hebrews use the term "Christ" in Hebrews 9:11? Pastor Chad explains how this word means anointed. It is the anointing of God that destroys the yokes and destroys the work of the enemy in our lives.

Mar 21, 202439:30
How To Deal With Your Sin | HEBREWS

How To Deal With Your Sin | HEBREWS

While old testament sacrifices could cleanse the outward man, only the Blood of Jesus can purify the conscience. These wonderful scriptures teach us how the new covenant is better, because it truly deals with our sins and purifies from within.

Mar 21, 202441:57
Christ The True Tabernacle | HEBREWS

Christ The True Tabernacle | HEBREWS

Christ The True Tabernacle

Feb 21, 202435:51
Christ Exalted Above The Heavens | HEBREWS

Christ Exalted Above The Heavens | HEBREWS

Why is Christ better than any earthly priest? How was he made perfect forever? Learn the significance of the sacrifice he made "once and for all" in Hebrews 7: 26-28!

Feb 20, 202440:45
A Better Covenant Secured | HEBREWS

A Better Covenant Secured | HEBREWS

In this sermon Pastor Chad explains how Jesus secured the new covenant. Learn about the law of First Mention in the Bible and see how fascinating this section of Hebrews can be to today's believer!

Feb 19, 202435:11
A Better Hope | HEBREWS

A Better Hope | HEBREWS

In this sermon learn how Christ has introduced a better hope allowing all believers to draw near to God because he is our great high priest!

Jan 24, 202441:29
In Christ (The Mystery of Melchizedek) | HEBREWS

In Christ (The Mystery of Melchizedek) | HEBREWS

Melchizedek is one of the most mysterious figures of the Bible. However, you may be quite surprised to learn what his life means in your relationship to Christ. Enjoy part 31 of our Hebrews study!

Jan 12, 202457:00
Healthy Habits for Spiritual Growth

Healthy Habits for Spiritual Growth

Habits are developed over time, and most Christians do not consider that they can develop healthy habits toward their spiritual growth. In this sermon Pastor Chad lays out 6 spiritual disciplines that can and should become Healthy Habits for each of us.

Jan 11, 202447:16
The Prodigal Came Home | LOST & FOUND

The Prodigal Came Home | LOST & FOUND

The Prodigal Son is the most famous story that Jesus ever told. In Part 3 of our series see how the Prodigal son came to his senses and when he came home the father was waiting for him.

Jan 10, 202425:08
The Lost Coin Reclaimed | LOST & FOUND

The Lost Coin Reclaimed | LOST & FOUND

When the woman in Luke 15 lost one of her 10 coins it was the equivalent of the woman losing a diamond out of an engagement ring today, in other words, this was a big deal! In part 2 of our series Pastor Chad will teach you many truths from this amazing story from Jesus.

Jan 09, 202442:54
The Courage of the Shepherd | LOST & FOUND

The Courage of the Shepherd | LOST & FOUND

Facing tough terrain and dangerous predators. the Shepherd is not afraid to go after the lost sheep. Christ is not afraid of your pastor or your presenter circumstances! He will come to rescue you!

Dec 12, 202341:10
What Is Missing

What Is Missing

Join Pastor Chad as he studies the difference between Martha and Mary. Discover what is potentially missing from your own life and what we can learn from these 2 sisters and their intriguing sibling rivalry.

Dec 01, 202337:52
More Than Able

More Than Able

God can do more than we can ask, think or imagine. Join Pastor Chad as he explains each phrase of Eph 3:20 and discover what God can do for you!

Nov 30, 202346:10
Co-Parenting & The Gospel with Alex Bowers

Co-Parenting & The Gospel with Alex Bowers

Co-Parenting & The Gospel with Alex Bowers

Nov 18, 202320:00
The Days To Come | CROSSFIRE

The Days To Come | CROSSFIRE

In Part 2 of Crossfire Pastor Chad explains where we are in bible prophecy and what we can expect in the days to come. Learn how the Bible foretells an alliance between Russia, Iran and Turkey in Ezekiel 38.

Nov 14, 202355:45
Discerning The Times | CROSSFIRE

Discerning The Times | CROSSFIRE

On October 7, 2023 Hamas set the world on fire. People are looking around wondering what is next. In this sermon Pastor Chad answers many questions about the Israel and Palestinian conflict and where it is all leading.

Nov 08, 202353:31
Anchored in Faith | HEBREWS

Anchored in Faith | HEBREWS

Do you realize God wants you to have full assurance of Salvation? Hebrews 6 says that it is God's DESIRE for you! In this sermon we will see how Christ is the anchor of our faith, and why our salvation rests solely on him.

Oct 31, 202335:28
Obtaining The Promise | HEBREWS

Obtaining The Promise | HEBREWS

If scripture teaches us to have Faith and Patience, how to we get it? The author of Hebrews encourages us to look at the life of Abraham! Pastor Chad takes us to Romans 4 to show us step by step how we can gain the type of faith and patience that caused Abraham to obtain the promise!

Oct 17, 202337:35
Full Assurance of Hope | HEBREWS

Full Assurance of Hope | HEBREWS

Do you realize that God wants you to have full assurance of your salvation? Hebrews 6:9-11 teaches that a believer can have full assurance of Hope! In this sermons Pastor Chad will help you discover the security of eternal life found in Christ!

Oct 17, 202342:48
Good Soil | HEBREWS

Good Soil | HEBREWS

Hebrews 6 presents ground with 2 different outcomes. 1 produced life-giving crops and the other only thorns and thistles. This represents Christians who are genuine and produce fruits of the Holy Spirit and those who are Christian in name only.

Oct 05, 202341:44
A Faulty Faith | HEBREWS

A Faulty Faith | HEBREWS

Hebrews 6:4-6 is among the most complex verses in the Bible. Whatever approach you take with these scriptures we hope that today's sermon will help lead you toward Biblical thinking.

Oct 05, 202345:00
A Foundation Already Laid | HEBREWS

A Foundation Already Laid | HEBREWS

In this sermon Pastor Chad explains the meaning of the phrase "Not Laying Again a Foundation". You will understand why Christianity is built on the foundation of Judaism and why the Church is now a growing structure.

Oct 05, 202349:20
Pressing On To Spiritual Maturity | HEBREWS

Pressing On To Spiritual Maturity | HEBREWS

As the writer of Hebrews presses us on to Spiritual Maturity, he encourages us to grow beyond the foundations of the Faith. In this Sermon you will learn how to grow and deepen your own spiritual life.

Sep 21, 202334:26
Compromising The Gospel | Pastor Glenn Stewart

Compromising The Gospel | Pastor Glenn Stewart

In this text, we see the promise God gave to Judah after Joshua's death. We see how when they stood on that promise they were successful but when they compromised the promises of God, they began losing battles. They compromised so much the next generation failed to intimately know God. We see how we can not compromise the Gospel and truly stand on the promises of God.

Sep 07, 202338:20
Marks of Spiritual Maturity | HEBREWS

Marks of Spiritual Maturity | HEBREWS

What are the Marks of Spiritual Maturity? How does a Christian know that you are growing beyond the milk of God's word to the solid food of scripture? The answer is Spiritual Maturity. In this sermons Pastor Chad explains how to recognize the path toward greater Spiritual Maturity.

Aug 31, 202343:59
Christ The Source | HEBREWS

Christ The Source | HEBREWS

What is the source of your salvation? Is it yourself and good intentions? Is it your religion or an experience? Hebrews 5 teaches that it is Christ alone that is the source of eternal salvation! In this sermon Pastor Chad explains how to trust fully in Christ and not yourself.

Aug 31, 202331:31
Confidence In Christ | HEBREWS

Confidence In Christ | HEBREWS

The Hebrews were fighting the temptation to drift back into Judaism. So the entire point of the book of Hebrews is to have a confidence in Christ and not in religion. Explore these verses with Pastor Chad to gain your own confidence in the work of Christ.

Aug 16, 202350:46
Pierced By The Word | HEBREWS

Pierced By The Word | HEBREWS

In this sermon Pastor Chad explains the difference between the soul and spirit and why scripture is called a "sharp 2 edged sword".

Aug 16, 202359:27
Entering God's Rest | HEBREWS

Entering God's Rest | HEBREWS

Since creation God has made his rest available. Hebrews 4 identifies a new rest and in this sermon Pastor Chad explains clearly and biblically what it is!

Aug 03, 202342:30
Stop trying to earn God's approval | HEBREWS

Stop trying to earn God's approval | HEBREWS

Do you ever feel like you are not good enough? The point of Hebrews 4 is for Christians to stop our religious efforts to earn God's approval. This chapter teaches us how to enter in to God's rest.

Jul 25, 202349:10
Battling Unbelief | HEBREWS

Battling Unbelief | HEBREWS

According to Hebrews 3 believers must guard our heart, especially against unbelief. In this sermon Pastor Chad clearly defines what unbelief is and how to recognize it, and fight it.

Jul 25, 202343:00
Do Not Harden Your Heart | HEBREWS

Do Not Harden Your Heart | HEBREWS

Can a Christian lose their salvation? This is one of the great interpretive challenges of the book of Hebrews. What is the deceitfulness of sin and what does it do to our heart? Learn these and many more in this sermon!

Jul 13, 202301:02:54
Consider Jesus | HEBREWS

Consider Jesus | HEBREWS

Join Pastor Chad as he explains each important phrase of these scriptures such as "Share in a heavenly calling" "Christ as our apostle and high priest" and "Holding fast to our confession". You will learn what it means to Consider Jesus in all things!

Jul 09, 202335:20
Why God Isn't Angry At You | HEBREWS

Why God Isn't Angry At You | HEBREWS

So many feel God is angry at them. In this sermon Pastor Chad explains the biblical word "Propitiation". This is a wonderful Bible word because it means that God's wrath over sin has been satisfied by Jesus.

Jul 09, 202335:47
The Death of Death | HEBREWS

The Death of Death | HEBREWS

If Hebrews 2 says that "Christ destroyed Satan and the power of death" then why is Satan still active in the world today? And why do we still have a natural fear of death? Pastor Chad answers these questions thoroughly and biblically.

Jul 09, 202357:15
Christ Is Not Ashamed Of Us | HEBREWS

Christ Is Not Ashamed Of Us | HEBREWS

Satan is called an accuser and he loves to bring up our past. This sermon is for those who feel ashamed of who they were before Christ. In this passage Pastor Chad explains from the scriptures why Christ is not ashamed of us.

Jun 14, 202340:47
Seeing Jesus | HEBREWS

Seeing Jesus | HEBREWS

Hebrews 2:9 says "But We See Him". How do we see Jesus? Through Faith! In this sermon Pastor Chad explains why Christ tasted death for humanity and why He is the leader of our salvation.

Jun 13, 202342:34
Soul Trust: How To Suffer Well

Soul Trust: How To Suffer Well

Why does God allow suffering? In this sermon Pastor Chad explains how God not only allows suffering but he appoints it. He explains how suffering comes into our life designed by God for great purposes!

Jun 12, 202358:03
Crowned with Glory and Honor | HEBREWS

Crowned with Glory and Honor | HEBREWS

Just how serious was the calamity of the fall in the Garden of Eden? Pastor Chad explains what the scriptures mean when it says that we were crowned with Glory and Honor, and why it was so significant that Christ has regained, according to Hebrews 2, the Glory and Honor that Adam lost.

Jun 11, 202341:30
The Danger of Drifting | HEBREWS

The Danger of Drifting | HEBREWS

Do you ever feel like you are drifting spiritually? This is exactly what Hebrews 2 talks about. In this sermon Pastor Chad teaches us how to anchor ourselves in the faith.

Jun 10, 202352:10
Jesus, Sender of Angels | HEBREWS

Jesus, Sender of Angels | HEBREWS

Does everyone have a guardian angel? Do angels have a predominant role in today's world? Pastor Chad answers these questions and so much more as he walks us through Hebrews 1:13-14.

Jun 09, 202339:40
Jesus, The Creator | HEBREWS

Jesus, The Creator | HEBREWS

Why does Satan hate the belief of Creationism? What is at stake for today's culture tosee God as their creator? Explore Hebrews with Pastor Chad as we see why it is so important to God that we not only see him but worship him as our creator.

Jun 08, 202349:20
Jesus, The Forever King | HEBREWS

Jesus, The Forever King | HEBREWS

Hebrews 1: 7-9 is one of the strongest affirmations for the Deity of Christ in all for scripture. God the Father speaks of his Son as having a throne that will be Forever.

Jun 07, 202335:32
Jesus, Better Than the Angels | HEBREWS

Jesus, Better Than the Angels | HEBREWS

Hebrews 1:4-6 is evidence that Christ is superior to the angels! So many false teachings claim that Christ was a good man, a great prophet or a superior angel. The truth of scripture is that Christ is the son of God and created the angels.

Jun 06, 202342:50
Jesus, The Purification for Sins | HEBREWS

Jesus, The Purification for Sins | HEBREWS

The end of Hebrews 1:3 shows the pinnacle of Christ coming to the Earth. He came to purify sins and to redeem humanity. Once he became the final sacrifice for sin he sat down at the right hand of God. Meaning the work of salvation was accomplished and fully complete.

Jun 05, 202339:10
Jesus, The Radiance of God's Glory | HEBREWS

Jesus, The Radiance of God's Glory | HEBREWS

What rays are to the sun is what Christ is to God. We see and enjoy the sun because of its rays. In a similar way we need a mediator to see and enjoy God the father. The mediator is Jesus. This is why the bible calls him the Radiance of God's glory.

Mar 26, 202337:31
Jesus, The Heir of All Things | HEBREWS

Jesus, The Heir of All Things | HEBREWS

What does it mean for Jesus to be the Heir of all things? What are the eternal implications for our lives? Pastor Chad dives deep into Hebrews 1:2 to explain why Jesus is trustworthy and can make good on every promise of God! For indeed he is the Heir of all things!

Mar 25, 202342:00