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Back In Shape Podcast

Back In Shape Podcast

By Back In Shape

This podcast is dedicated to providing you with the help you need to fix your lower back pain and sciatica. From specific diagnoses, myths and injuries to the low back, to strategies to recover, we're here to help get your Back In Shape. This podcast is an extension of the Back In Shape Program, an online back rehabilitation program that helps members from all over the world. Created by the founders of The Mayfair Clinic, a specialist back and neck pain clinic in central London and winner of the prestigious Queens Award For Enterprise Innovation In 2020.
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Gut Inflammation & Lower Back Pain: The Missing Link

Back In Shape PodcastMay 16, 2024

Pilates For Back Pain: Avoid Making It Worse

Pilates For Back Pain: Avoid Making It Worse

🔥 Pilates for Back Pain: Avoid Making It Worse🔥

💡 Why Pilates? Pilates is a popular choice for those with lower back pain due to its gentle, strengthening approach. However, two major issues often lead to worsening back pain if not addressed correctly. 🚫 Common Mistakes: Posture and Alignment: - Issue: Many Pilates instructors aren't trained in spinal alignment. - Problem: Exercises like pelvic tucks flatten the already reduced curve in the lower back, aggravating issues like sciatica. - Solution: Avoid repeated pelvic tucks; maintain a neutral spine.

Core Strengthening: - Issue: Pilates often focuses on muscle activation but neglects spine strengthening. - Problem: Floor exercises alone don’t build the whole core. - Solution: Incorporate load-bearing exercises like squats and hip hinges for complete core strengthening. 🌟 How to Modify Your Pilates Practice:

Step 1: Learn and Support a Neutral Spine Neutral Spine: Maintain the natural curve in your lower back. Exercise Example: Instead of tucking the pelvis during dead bugs, brace your core and keep the spine neutral. Step 2: Remove Exercises That Imitate Pelvic Tilt Avoid: Movements like child's pose and knee hugs that flatten the lumbar spine. Focus: Exercises that promote a neutral spine and stability. Step 3: Introduce Load to the Spine Carefully Why: To rebuild strength and resilience in your spine. How: Start with bodyweight exercises like squats and hip hinges, gradually adding resistance. Step 4: Build Trunk Stability and Limb Mobility Goal: Maintain trunk stability while improving hip mobility. Exercise Example: Modify Pilates movements to keep a neutral spine and build flexibility in the hips. 💪Advanced Tips: Gradual Progression: Incorporate resistance bands or weights to increase difficulty. Integrated Approach: Combine Pilates with other exercises to fully rehabilitate and strengthen your back. ✨ Conclusion: Pilates can be a powerful tool for back pain relief when modified correctly. Focus on maintaining a neutral spine, gradually introducing load, and balancing flexibility with stability for effective, long-term back health.

📚 Resources: 📖 #PilatesForBackPain #BackHealth #ExerciseModification #CoreStrengthening #NeutralSpine Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:48 Mistake 1: Posture 3:48 Anterior Pelvic Tilt 5:02 Mistake 2: Weak Spine 6:46 Understand Pilates 7:26 Moving Forwards With Pilates 11:45 Long-Term Back Health 12:47 Overview: Final Thoughts

May 31, 202414:03
Low Back Pain Eliminated For Good: Real Strategies That Work

Low Back Pain Eliminated For Good: Real Strategies That Work

🚀 Eliminate Low Back Pain for Good: Proven Strategies🏋️‍♂️ 🔍 Understanding Lower Back Pain: Back pain can be more challenging than other injuries, but with the right approach, lasting relief is achievable. 📚 Diagnosing Back Pain: Pseudo-diagnoses: Terms like "Chronic Low Back Pain" don’t specify the cause. Real Diagnoses: Conditions like "Lumbar disc herniation" pinpoint the injured structure. 🚫 The Muscle Spasm Myth: Muscles are rarely the main issue in back pain. Misdiagnoses and incorrect treatments often hinder healing. 🔑 Real Cause of Low Back Pain: Back pain often results from the spine's inability to handle body load, leading to stiffness and muscle spasms. 💡 Four-Part Strategy for Lasting Relief: Part 1: Immediate Pain Reduction Control Your Core: Engage your core muscles to stabilize the spine. Mobilize Your Hips: Perform a 10-minute hip mobility routine to relieve lower back strain. Decompress Your Spine: Use safe decompression stretches a few times daily. Hot and Cold Therapy: Alternate between heat and cold packs on the lower back. Part 2: Building a Strong Foundation Learn Essential Movements: Master squats, hip hinges, and reverse lunges with proper form. Apply Lessons to Daily Life: Maintain proper posture and movement throughout the day. Part 3: Strengthening Your Back Gradual Load Exposure: Use resistance bands to add safe load to key exercises. Long-Term Strength Building: Progress with weights using dumbbells, kettlebells, and barbells. Part 4: Specialist Treatments Basic Natural Treatments: Use treatments like osteopathy, physiotherapy, and massage to improve mobility. Advanced Therapies: IDD Therapy: Applies spinal decompression to relieve disc pressure. Class IV Laser Therapy: Targets injured tissues to optimize healing. 🛠️ Start Your Recovery Today: Follow these strategies for immediate relief and long-term back health. Utilize available resources like the "Fixing Back Pain Masterclass." 📈 With dedication to these steps, you can eliminate lower back pain for good and enjoy a pain-free life.

📚 Resources: 📖 #BackPainRelief #SpineHealth #CoreStrength #LongTermRecovery Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 1:01 Diagnosis: Incomplete VS Complete 2:10 A Real Diagnosis 3:09 Back Pain: The Big Myth 4:58 Failed Spinal Loading 7:55 Fix Back Pain In 4 Steps 8:27 Part 1: Control Your Core 9:42 Part 1: Demo Core Engagement 11:31 Part 1: Mobilising Your Hips 12:47 Part 1: Decompress Your Back 15:04 Part 1: Review 15:55 Part 2: Build A Healthy Spine 17:11 Part 2: Demo Squat 18:06 Mistakes: Squat 18:33 Part 2: Demo Hip Hinge 19:19 Mistakes: Hip Hinge 19:40 Part 2: Demo Reverse Lunge 20:19 Mistakes: Reverse Lunge 21:05 Part 2: Extra Tips 22:42 Part 3: Building Strength 25:02 Part 4: Long-Term Results 27:28 Stretching For Flexibility 28:39 Support Treatment Options 29:04 Therapy: Type 1 31:00 Therapy: Type 2 31:57 Overview: Final Thoughts

May 20, 202432:29
Gut Inflammation & Lower Back Pain: The Missing Link

Gut Inflammation & Lower Back Pain: The Missing Link

🔗 Poor Gut Health & Lower Back Pain: The Surprising Connection 🤕🌀

We explored the one thing you're probably missing that's linking the two issues.

🧐 Ever wondered why gut health issues like Crohn's Disease or IBS worsen your lower back pain? Today, we explore a vital but often overlooked link between your digestive system's health and your back discomfort. 👀 Key Insights: The majority of lower back pain originates from the lower lumbar spine, particularly at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 segments, influenced by modern lifestyle habits. Symptoms can vary from aching in the lower back to sciatica, affecting leg sensations due to nerve compression. Common movements like pelvic tucks or yoga poses can unintentionally aggravate these conditions by flattening the natural curve of the lumbar spine. 🧬 Why Gut Health Matters: Gut flare-ups often lead to postures that exacerbate back pain, like curling over in discomfort or frequent trips to the bathroom, which replicate harmful spinal movements. Those with chronic gut issues may find that these episodes intensify the mechanics that lead to back pain. 🔄 Managing the Link: Understanding this connection is crucial for managing both gut health and back pain effectively. Appropriate rehabilitation and mindful management of gut symptoms can mitigate the impact on the back, helping in longer-term recovery and comfort. 👉 Take Action: Being aware of how gut health affects your back can guide more effective treatment and lifestyle adjustments. Remember, managing one can help alleviate the other. 📚 For more tips and detailed guidance on handling back pain with gut health issues, check out our resources or join our comprehensive recovery programs.

📚 Resources: 📖 #GutHealth #BackPainRelief #WellnessConnection #HealthEducation Chapters: 0:34: Understanding: Low Back Pain 1:08: Lumbar Spine: L4-L5 & L5-S1 2:01: What Causes Back Pain 3:41: Gut Health: The Main Link 5:51: Strategies To Help Your Back 6:45: Final Thoughts

May 16, 202407:19
Herniated Disc Recovery: The WORST Movement Mistake You're Making

Herniated Disc Recovery: The WORST Movement Mistake You're Making

🚫 The #1 Movement to AVOID for Herniated Disc Recovery!🏋️‍♂️ Today's video we cover this movement leak too many people with herniated discs do, unknowingly. 👉 Need Help With Your Back Pain? Check this full video out now "Fixing Back Pain Master Class" 📚 Resources: 📖 👀 Ever wonder why your recovery from a herniated disc hits a snag despite regular workouts? There's one common gym movement that might be the culprit behind those frustrating relapses and flare-ups! 📉 Why It's Missed: This risky movement often goes unnoticed because it's part of common exercises like squats and deadlifts. It happens when your pelvic tucks under at the end of these motions due to tight hamstrings and limited hip mobility. This "pelvic tuck" or "butt wink" can drastically increase stress on your lower back, aggravating your herniated disc. 🛑 The Danger: Especially harmful if you have issues with your L4-L5 or L5-S1 discs, this movement can destabilise an already compromised area of your spine, leading to pain and setbacks in your recovery. 🔍 Control and Focus: Learn how to maintain a neutral spine with precise muscle engagement and avoid the pitfalls of this movement. We cover practical steps to monitor and improve your technique to ensure safe training and strength-building. 📏 The Tape Test: An invaluable method to detect when you're losing form during exercises. This simple test can help you maintain control and avoid putting undue pressure on your herniated disc. 🏋️‍♀️ Adjust Your Training: Understand the importance of knowing your limits and avoiding heavy lifting that can exacerbate your condition. Tips on how to gradually increase weight and maintain good form are crucial. 📚 Long-Term Strategy: Discover safer workout modifications and why avoiding certain high-risk exercises can significantly benefit your recovery process. 🤕 Resources for Recovery: Don’t miss out on our additional tools and programs designed to aid your journey back to full health, including decompression techniques and a comprehensive recovery program. #HerniatedDiscRecovery #GymSafety #BackHealth #WorkoutTips Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:43 Why We Miss It? 1:16 The Movement: Pelvic Tuck 1:52 Why Flexion Is Bad? 2:29 2 Parts Of Healing 3:39 Control Pelvic Tuck 5:19 The Tape Test 6:29 Be Wary Of Relapse 9:08 Feel The Heaviness 10:16 Strategy 1: Add Range Of Motion 11:21 Strategy 2: Lean On Single Leg 14:13 Overview: Final Thoughts

Apr 29, 202415:53
Prevent Lower Back Pain Post-Marathon: Do These 5 Things

Prevent Lower Back Pain Post-Marathon: Do These 5 Things

🏃‍♂️ 5 Post-Marathon Tips to Avoid Back Pain🏃‍♀️

Running a marathon is a remarkable achievement, but it can also put a significant strain on your lower back. To help you recover properly and prevent back pain after crossing the finish line, we've compiled a list of 5 essential post-marathon practices. These simple yet effective tips can make a big difference in how your back feels in the days following the race. 🎽🛌

3 Key Exercises for Strengthening Weak Knees & Alleviating Back Pain💪🏋️‍♂️

Weak knees aren't just a knee problem; they can significantly impact your lower back health too. Dive into our latest video for 3 essential exercises that you can do right at home to strengthen your knees and, by extension, protect your lower back from pain. 🏠

Whether you're just starting on your journey to stronger knees or looking to escalate your routine, these exercises are scalable to your fitness level. 🌟

Here's a breakdown of what you need to know:

Gentle Decompression: Right after the marathon, perform gentle stretches to decompress your lower back. This includes the bed decompression stretch and the towel stretch, which help alleviate pressure on your spine, particularly beneficial for the L4, L5, and S1 discs.🛏️

Lumbar Spine Priority: Immediately after finishing, focus on stretches that support lumbar recovery. This helps mitigate the impact of tens of thousands of steps taken during the marathon. 🔄

Circulation Improvement: Utilise hot and cold therapy to manage inflammation and speed up recovery. This contrast therapy is particularly effective in reducing back pain and promoting faster healing. ❄️🔥

Muscle Stiffness Reduction: Employ self-massage tools like massage guns to relieve muscle stiffness in your hips and legs, which can indirectly benefit your lower back. This approach is preferable to aggressive stretching, which might exacerbate any existing issues. 💆‍♂️

Stay Active: Keep moving after the marathon to prevent stiffness and promote better muscle recovery. Gentle activities like walking or swimming can help maintain mobility without putting additional strain on your body. 🚶‍♀️🏊‍♂️

Incorporating these practices not only aids in your immediate recovery but also sets the stage for healthier back in the long term. Whether you're an experienced marathoner or a first-timer, these tips will help ensure that your back pain doesn't overshadow your accomplishment.

Watch our detailed guide on these practices and start implementing them to enjoy a quicker, more comfortable recovery post-marathon!

📚 Resources:


#MarathonRecovery #BackPainRelief #RunningHealth


0:00 Introduction 1:34 Strategy 1: Bed Decompression 3:29 Strategy 2: Lordosis Support 4:56 Strategy 3: Hot & Cold Therapy 7:25 Strategy 4: Self Massage 11:30 Strategy 5: Stay Active 12:01 Overview: Final Thoughts

Apr 15, 202414:03
Relieve Low Back Pain Instantly With These 5 Stretches At Home

Relieve Low Back Pain Instantly With These 5 Stretches At Home

🚀🤕 Top 5 Home Stretches for Instant Lower Back Pain Relief 🤕🚀

Struggling with lower back pain or sciatica and desperate for immediate relief? Our latest video unveils 5 essential stretches you can do right at home to alleviate your discomfort on the spot. 🏡✨ Whether it's a chronic issue or a sudden flare-up, these stretches are designed to provide relief without worsening the problem. 🛑

Here's What You'll Discover: Decompression Stretches: Learn how to take immediate pressure off your lower back with simple yet effective decompression techniques. 🎈

Towel Decompression Stretch: Utilise a rolled-up bath towel to support and gently stretch your lower back.

Bed Decompression: A unique method to gently pump your lower back discs, promoting relief and healing.

Side of the Bed Stretch: An alternative decompression stretch for those who might struggle to lie down.

Muscle Release Stretches: Target the tension in your hamstring and hip flexors that contribute to lower back pain. 🧘‍♂️

Modified Hamstring Stretch: Safely stretch the back of your thigh without compromising your lower back.

Modified Hip Flexor Stretch: Ease the front of your hips to reduce the pull on your lower back. Why It's Important: 🤯 Relieve the root cause of your back pain by regularly taking pressure off the discs and spine. 🚫 Avoid common mistakes in stretches that can actually make your lower back worse. 💪 Prepare your body for long-term recovery by incorporating these stretches into your routine. Whether you're dealing with excruciating pain or looking to manage a chronic condition, these stretches offer a beacon of hope. Dive into our video now to learn each stretch in detail, with specific points to ensure they're done correctly for maximum benefit. 🌟 Watch Now and start your journey to a more comfortable life, free from lower back pain!

Resources: 📚

#LowerBackPainRelief #HomeStretches #SciaticaRelief

Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:27 Stretch 1: Towel Decompression 1:55 Stretch 2: Bed Decompression 3:34 Stretch 3: Side Of The Bed Stretch 5:42 Stretching: Release The Hips 6:50 Stretch 4: Hamstring Stretch 8:05 Stretch 5: Hip Flexor Stretch 9:37 Bonus Tip: Blending The Stretches 10:19 Bonus Tip: Finishing With Ice & Heat 10:47 Overview: Final Thoughts

Apr 11, 202412:34
IDD Therapy To Fix Your Lumbar Disc Bulge Without Surgery

IDD Therapy To Fix Your Lumbar Disc Bulge Without Surgery

🚫💡 Discover IDD Therapy: A Non-Surgical Solution for Disc Bulges and Lower Back Pain 💡🚫 Struggling with a disc bulge or herniation causing lower back pain or sciatica? 🤕 Before you consider surgery, there's a non-surgical approach worth exploring. Our latest video dives into IDD Therapy for spinal decompression, offering a beacon of hope for those suffering from the most common root causes of lower back pain. Resources: 📚 What You'll Learn:

Understanding Disc Bulges: Get to grips with how L4-L5 and L5-S1 disc bulges contribute to lower back pain and sciatica.

The Power of IDD Therapy: Explore how Intervertebral Differential Dynamics (IDD) Therapy can decompress your lumbar spine, alleviating pain by targeting the affected disc directly. 🎯

Immediate and Long-Term Relief: Discover strategies to relieve pain right away and long-term approaches to rebuild strength in your lower back for enduring health. 💪 Why IDD Therapy? Non-Surgical Option: A real alternative to surgical intervention, aiming to heal and recover your disc bulge without going under the knife. 🚑➡️🛌

Supports Natural Healing: Learn how IDD Therapy enhances the natural exchange of nutrients and hydration in the disc, promoting healing and stabilization. 🔄

Combination with Rehabilitation: Find out how combining IDD Therapy with specific rehabilitation exercises can supercharge your recovery and prevent future issues. 🏋️‍♂️ Takeaways: Prep Work is Key: Engaging in simple exercises to engage your core and move correctly is crucial before starting IDD Therapy.

Avoid the Wrong Moves: Steer clear of exercises that worsen your condition, focusing instead on those that strengthen and support your back's recovery. ❌

Embrace Comprehensive Care: Understand the importance of a holistic approach, integrating IDD Therapy with other treatments and proper at-home care for the best results. 🔄

Whether you're in the throes of back pain despair or simply seeking an effective treatment path, this video is a must-watch. 🎥 Dive in now to explore how IDD Therapy, combined with the right knowledge and exercises, can transform your journey to a pain-free life. 🌟 Watch Now and take the first step towards healing your back without surgery!

#IDDTherapy #BackPainRelief #spinaldecompression Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:08 Root Cause: Lumber Disc Injury 1:22 The Truth: Your Back Pain 3:02 Step 1: Prep Your Back 5:18 Step 2: Having IDD Therapy 8:16 Step 3: Rehab At Home 8:32 Strategy 1: Have Decompression 10:46 Strategy 2: Skills & Strength 12:39 Warning: What To Avoid 15:12 Step 4: Healing & Remodelling 18:16 Overview: Final Thoughts

Apr 02, 202420:31
10 Things To Relieve Low Back Pain At Home Right Now

10 Things To Relieve Low Back Pain At Home Right Now

🏠💪 10 At-Home Remedies to Combat Low Back Pain 💪🏠 Struggling with low back pain and feeling stuck? You're not alone! 🤕 But here's some good news: you have the power to influence your recovery. Our latest video, "10 Things To Help Low Back Pain At Home," shares practical, actionable strategies you can start using today to help alleviate that pesky back pain. 📚 Resources Mentioned: 🔗 🔗 🔗 🔗 🔗 🔗 What You'll Learn: Sit Less, Sit Better: 🪑 Discover how adjusting your sitting habits can significantly reduce strain on your lower back. Keep Moving: 🚶‍♂️ Small, frequent movements can prevent inflammation buildup, offering relief. Contrast Therapy: 🧊➡️🔥 Learn how alternating hot and cold treatments can soothe your pain. Neutral Spine Knowledge: 📚 Understand the importance of maintaining a neutral spine for a balanced back. Hip Mobility Without Overstretching: 🏋️‍♂️ Find out why keeping your hips mobile matters, but without overdoing the stretches. Strength Over Stretching: 💪 Strengthening exercises offer better long-term relief than constant stretching. Decompression Stretches: 🙆‍♂️ Use simple tools like towels for safe spinal decompression at home. Healing Diet: 🥗 Nutrition plays a crucial role in your recovery process—learn what helps. Expert Support: 👩‍⚕️ Sometimes, a little guidance goes a long way in navigating back pain recovery. Embrace Setbacks: 🛤️ Understanding and learning from flare-ups are part of the healing journey. Why This Matters: Personal empowerment is key in managing and overcoming low back pain. 🚀 Incorporating these tips into your daily life can lead to significant improvements. 🌟 Understanding the root causes and applying effective remedies can turn your recovery around. 🔄 Whether you're dealing with a recent injury or chronic pain, these insights can help pave the way to a more comfortable, active life. Check out the video now and take the first step towards reclaiming your back health from the comfort of your home! 🏡💻 #lowbackpainrelief #HomeRemedies #BackHealth Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:12 Sitting position: Changes & Tips 1:19 Moving More: But Not Too Much 3:20 Contrast Therapy: Hot & Cold 4:49 Normal Spine: Natural Lordosis 5:54 Mobile Hips: Avoid Too Much Stretching 7:02 Prioritise Strength: Building Lasting Relief 8:49 Decompress: Towel Stretch 9:40 Healing: Eat Your Fuel 11:34 Getting Support: To Get Results 12:55 Expect This: Bumps In The Road

Mar 10, 202414:26
5 Core Strengthening Exercises To Fix Your Low Back Pain For Good
Mar 01, 202419:19
Is Yoga Right For Low Back Pain Or Is It A Mistake?

Is Yoga Right For Low Back Pain Or Is It A Mistake?

🧘‍♀️🚫🔍 Thinking of Trying Yoga for Lower Back Pain? Watch This First! Embarking on a yoga journey for low back pain relief? Hold that pose! 🛑 Before you roll out your mat, our latest video sheds light on some crucial insights you need to consider. 🎬 Yoga, with its global popularity and accessible nature, might seem like the perfect remedy for your aches. But is it the right choice for everyone, especially those suffering from low back pain or sciatica? 🤔 In this video, we dive deep into the world of yoga to evaluate its impact on lower back health. From the soothing stretches to the serene flows, we explore whether yoga practices truly align with the needs of a recovering back. 🧐 What We Cover: 🤸‍♂️ The appeal of yoga and its myriad benefits for overall health and well-being. 🚩 Potential pitfalls of popular poses like the Downward Dog for those with lower back issues. 🔄 The common yoga misconception: more flexibility and movement may not be what your back needs. 📉 The critical difference between yoga as a holistic practice and yoga as a therapeutic tool for specific injuries. 🛠️ Essential principles for lower back recovery: stability, reduced pressure, and controlled, resistance-based rehabilitation. Key Takeaways: 🎯 Yoga's complexities and the high skill level required for "proper" form. ❗ The risks of integrating certain yoga poses into your recovery regimen without understanding the underlying principles of back health. 🗺️ A guided roadmap for safely incorporating yoga into your long-term back health strategy, post-recovery. Whether you're a seasoned yogi or seeking alternative relief methods for back pain, this video offers a fresh perspective on integrating yoga into your wellness routine safely and effectively. 🌿 Check out the full article here 👉 #BackPainRelief #YogaInsights #HealthyPractices Chapters: 0:00 Introduction 0:33 Yoga: Great for your Health 1:37 Overview: Downward Dog 3:04 Comparison: Downward Dog VS Deadlift 5:07 Yoga Flaws: Spine Movement 7:12 Yoga Flaws: Forward Bending 9:04 Yoga Flaws: There is no Load 10:00 Yoga Flaws: Lacks Specialist Knowledge 12:17 Principles: Activities to Help you 12:30 Principle 1: Build Stability 12:41 Principle 2: Decompress your Spine 13:07 Principle 3: Lordosis Support 13:53 Principle 4: Build Control Safely 14:17 Principle 5: Add Load 14:49 Overview: Final Thoughts

Feb 21, 202417:57
Say Goodbye to Low Back Pain: 5 Simple Tips To Relieve A Sore Back

Say Goodbye to Low Back Pain: 5 Simple Tips To Relieve A Sore Back

🚫 Tired of temporary fixes for lower back pain that don't really work? Stretching might seem like a solution, but it can actually make things worse by rounding the lower back for example, as is commonly done when performing a simple hamstring stretch.

🛠️ In this detailed video, we cover 5 strategies that go beyond simple stretching to alleviate muscle stiffness and lower back pain. These techniques are designed to target the root cause of your discomfort, providing long-lasting relief and you can do them all at home!

🎯 Targeting the Source:

👉 Reduce Local Inflammation: Learn how contrast bathing (alternating heat and ice) can significantly reduce pain, stiffness, and inflammation in your lower back, with almost immediate effects.

👉 Decompression: Discover safe methods to decompress your lower back, aiding the healing process of spinal injuries and reducing inflammation and stiffness.

👉 Avoid Flattening Your Lower Back: Understand why certain exercises and stretches, like the child's pose or knee hugs, might feel good momentarily but are ultimately harmful, and what to do instead.

🛑 Stop Making It Worse:

We guide you through activities to avoid that exacerbate lower back issues, such as prolonged sitting, incorrect lifting, and exercises that flatten the lower back.

💪 Rebuilding Strength:

Learn about simple yet effective movements that can rebuild the strength and health of your lower back, like squats, lunges, and hip hinges, and how to perform them safely.

🔧 Using a Massage Gun:

Discover how to effectively use a massage gun to enhance blood flow, support muscle health, and aid in recovery, including specific routines for the lower and upper body. If you're short on time you can check out the videos linked below:



🔑 Why These Strategies Work:

These tips provide immediate relief and address the long-term recovery of your lower back health by reducing inflammation, decompressing the spine, avoiding harmful movements, strengthening supporting muscles, and enhancing recovery with a massage gun.

🌟 Start applying these strategies today for a significant improvement in your lower back health. Say goodbye to temporary fixes and hello to a more stable, pain-free back. Remember, the journey to recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. Implement these tips consistently for the best results.

Check Out The Full Episode

#LowerBackPainRelief #MuscleStiffness #backpain

Feb 04, 202420:21
Back Pain Stretches: The Best Way To Release Your Back

Back Pain Stretches: The Best Way To Release Your Back

Unlock the secrets to effective back stretching with our latest YouTube video on low back decompression. We dive into a comprehensive guide that unravels the misconceptions about back stretching and introduces safe, effective methods to alleviate back pain and sciatica. 🎯🌿 Resources Mentioned: 📚 Full Article: 📹 📹 🔍 What You'll Discover: 1️⃣ The Real Purpose of Back Stretching: Understand why you need to stretch your back, and the common motivations behind seeking relief from back pain, stiffness, or sciatica. 2️⃣ Decompression vs. Stretching: Learn the crucial differences and why it's essential to focus on decompression for long-term relief, especially for conditions like herniated discs or degenerative disc disease. 3️⃣ Safe Stretching Techniques: Step-by-step guidance on performing decompression stretches at home that respect your back's anatomy and address the root cause of pain. 4️⃣ Common Mistakes to Avoid: Uncover the widespread errors in typical back stretching routines that may worsen your condition and learn how to correct them. Whether you're struggling with chronic back issues or looking to maintain spinal health proactively, this video is a must-watch. We'll also delve into various tools and methods, including inversion tables and clinical options, to find what best suits your needs. 💡 Essential Takeaways: 👉 Proper decompression stretching can provide significant relief and aid recovery. 👉 Understanding your back's needs can prevent further injury. 👉 Integrating strength-building exercises is key for long-term resilience. ➡️ Check out the video now, and take the first step towards a healthier, happier back. Chapters: 0:00 Intro 0:25 Overview: Spinal Decompression 0:56 Decompression: Why do it? 03:30 Muscles: Decrease the Tension 09:13 Part 2: What to do? 09:31 Check 1: Observe Lordosis 12:26 Check 2: Apply to Neutral Spine 13:12 Check 3: Create a Pump 14:02 Stretch 1: The towel 14:37 Stretch 2: Bed Decompression 15:11 Stretch 3: Chair Decompression 15:44 How & When you should do the Stretch 16:49 Tools: Inversion Table 17:50 Other Options: Surgical 18:53 other Options: Non-Surgical 21:02 Decompression: Final Thoughts #BackPainRelief #SafeStretching #SpinalHealth #BackPainStretches #HomeBackCare

Jan 17, 202423:15
Relieve Back Pain Naturally: Exploring Contrast Therapy

Relieve Back Pain Naturally: Exploring Contrast Therapy

Read the full article on relieving back pain with contrast therapy using the link below:👉

Video on a Step-by-step approach to contrast therapy at home:👉

Video reviewing the pro's and con's of the RecoveryTherm Cube:👉

Discover the natural solution to lower back pain and sciatica with contrast therapy. This video delves into how contrast therapy, a method alternating between cold and heat applications, effectively reduces inflammation and manages pain at the source. Cold therapy restricts blood flow to decrease swelling, while heat therapy enhances circulation and helps deliver nutrition to the area. Particularly beneficial for the uniquely confined space of the lower back, contrast therapy balances the inflammatory response crucial for good healing. Learn about an easy, at-home routine and the innovative RecoveryTherm Cube by Therabody for a hassle-free approach to helping relieve your lower back pain. Dive in to transform your approach to back pain and embrace a life of reduced discomfort and increased mobility.Chapters: You can also listen to the latest BISPodcast episodes using the links below: 🎙️Spotify:🎙️Apple Podcasts:🎙️ Amazon Music📽️YouTube: #BackInShapePodcast #BackInShape #BackInShapePodcast

Jan 04, 202414:13
Parallels With Back Pain: Shoulder Pain Rehabilitation

Parallels With Back Pain: Shoulder Pain Rehabilitation

Join us in our latest episode where we delve into the real-life story of overcoming injury setbacks, focusing on Lara's recent shoulder dislocation. This episode is not just about shoulder recovery; it's about transforming challenges into opportunities for greater resilience, whether it's a shoulder, knee, or lower back injury. 🌟🎙️

🔍 Episode Highlights:

1️⃣ Lara's Shoulder Ordeal: A real-life incident of dislocating a shoulder while juggling parenthood and the nuances of initial reactions to such setbacks. 🤕👶

2️⃣ Reacting to Setbacks: We discuss the importance of a proactive response to injuries and the pitfalls of the 'wait and see' approach.

3️⃣ Parallels Between Shoulder and Lower Back: Explore the similarities and differences in rehabilitation approaches for shoulder and lower back injuries, and how these principles apply universally. 🤔💭

4️⃣ Recovery Roadmap: From immediate pain management to long-term resilience building, learn the steps Lara is taking for a stronger shoulder, which can be applied to various joint injuries. 🏋️‍♀️🔄

👉 Tune in now for an insightful episode packed with practical tips, motivational stories, and a new perspective on injury recovery and resilience building. Whether you're dealing with a shoulder issue, lower back pain, or any other joint injury, this episode will guide and inspire you on your path to recovery! 🎧

🗞️ Issue 73 - Parallels With Back Pain: Shoulder Pain Rehabilitation


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Dec 17, 202320:40
Lumbar Facet Joints: The Cause Of Lower Back Pain Explained

Lumbar Facet Joints: The Cause Of Lower Back Pain Explained

Dive into our latest podcast episode, "Lumbar Facet Joints: The Cause Of Lower Back Pain Explained," where we unravel the often misunderstood role of facet joints in back injuries and pain. 🚑🎙️

Facet joints might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about back pain, but they play a crucial role in the mechanics of our lower back. This episode is dedicated to shedding light on these small yet significant joints, understanding how they contribute to back pain, and more importantly, how they can be a key to recovery. 🧩🔬

🔍 Episode Highlights:

1️⃣ Facet Joints Explained: Get to know these small joints in your lower back, how they function, and their contribution to your overall spinal health.

2️⃣ Differentiating Pain: Understand the differences in symptoms between facet joint aggravation and disc-related issues, and why it matters. 🚨🔍

3️⃣ The Synergy of Spinal Structures: Discover how facet joints work in conjunction with discs and ligaments, impacting recovery and treatment approaches. 🤝🦴

4️⃣ Practical Recovery Tips: Learn actionable steps to recover from facet joint injuries, focusing on controlled movement, building stability, and long-term resilience. 🏋️‍♂️🔄

👉 Tune in now for an in-depth exploration of facet joints and empower yourself with knowledge to tackle lower back pain more effectively. Whether you're a sufferer of chronic back pain or just keen on maintaining a healthy back, this episode has got you covered! 🎧👌

🗞️ Issue 72 - Lumbar Facet Joints: The Cause Of Lower Back Pain Explained


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Dec 10, 202324:17
Your Back Pain Recovery Strategy: Focusing On What Matters

Your Back Pain Recovery Strategy: Focusing On What Matters

This episode is a deep dive into the journey from chronic back pain to resilience and strength, inspired by real-life transformations among our members. 🚀🎙️

We often hear the plea, "I just want to be fit and free from back pain." It's a struggle faced by many, intensified by past failures with various therapeutic approaches. In this episode, we explore not just the pain but the underlying desires and activities that pain prevents us from enjoying. 🛑🏃‍♂️

🔍 Episode Highlights:

1️⃣ Beyond Pain Relief: Moving from the feeling of "I want to be anywhere but here" to setting tangible goals like playing with kids pain-free or enjoying long drives. 2️⃣ Real Member Stories: We share inspiring tales of those who have broken the cycle of chronic pain, offering insights into how they achieved lasting recovery. 📖✨ 3️⃣ Practical Steps Forward: Discover how to redefine your goals, focusing on building resilience and strength in your back, rather than just seeking temporary relief. 🏋️‍♂️🔄 4️⃣ Reflecting on Daily Life: Learn how everyday activities, like climbing stairs, can inform your recovery journey and strength-building process. 🚶‍♀️🏡

👉 Tune in now for an episode packed with practical advice, motivational stories, and a fresh perspective on tackling back pain. Join us in turning back pain into an opportunity for building strength and resilience! 🎧

🗞️ Issue 71 - Your Back Pain Recovery Strategy: Focusing On What Matters


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Dec 03, 202316:46
How To Avoid Back Pain At Christmas

How To Avoid Back Pain At Christmas

🎄 New Podcast Episode: "Avoiding Back Pain This Christmas: Practical Tips & Strategies" 🎅💪

The festive season is here, and so is our latest podcast episode, focusing on a crucial topic: "How to Avoid Back Pain at Christmas." 🌟🎧

Every year, the joyous Christmas period brings with it unique challenges for our back health. From festive preparations to celebratory gatherings, our routines shift dramatically, often leading to unexpected back pain. This episode is all about preparing you for these changes and helping you enjoy the festivities pain-free! 🚫🎁

🔍 In This Episode: 1️⃣ Understanding Daily Life's Impact: We examine how regular activities can contribute to back pain and why the Christmas season intensifies these challenges. 2️⃣ Christmas Parties & Shopping: Discover how to navigate the festive hustle without straining your back, including tips for last-minute shopping and party indulgences. 🛍️🥳 3️⃣ Travel & Hosting Tips: Learn strategies for long car journeys and hosting duties that keep your back in mind. Plus, simple adjustments for sleeping away from home. 🚗🛌 4️⃣ Regular Relief Strategies: We share a routine to keep your lower back supple amidst the seasonal activities and a crisis strategy if you do experience a flare-up. 🧘‍♀️❄️

👉 Tune in now for our comprehensive guide filled with practical steps and modifications to safeguard your back this Christmas. Whether you're wrapping presents, preparing the feast, or celebrating with loved ones, we've got your back covered! 🎧👌

🗞️ Issue 70 - How To Avoid Back Pain At Christmas


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Nov 25, 202327:16
Why Your Lower Back Is Stiff, Stop Trying To Stretch It More

Why Your Lower Back Is Stiff, Stop Trying To Stretch It More

🎙️ New Podcast Episode: "Rethinking Lower Back Stiffness: Beyond Stretching" 🚫🧘‍♂️

Are you constantly battling lower back stiffness and reaching for the nearest stretching routine? This week's podcast episode might just change your perspective! 🤔💡

We delve into the misunderstood world of lower back stiffness, exploring why it occurs and why stretching might not always be the solution. Our discussion is based on the latest insights and research, offering a fresh take on managing lower back discomfort. 🚫🤸‍♀️

Key Highlights: 1️⃣ Understanding Lower Back Stiffness: We break down the causes, including inflammation, muscle spasms, and the impacts of a sedentary lifestyle. 2️⃣ The Misconception of Stretching: Find out why stretching isn't always the go-to remedy for back stiffness and what alternative approaches you can take. 3️⃣ Practical Steps to Alleviate Stiffness: Learn how to regain stability and control over your core, integrate core stability with hip movement, and scale up exercises for long-term back health. 🏋️‍♂️🚶‍♂️

👉 Tune in to transform how you view and manage lower back stiffness. Plus, don't miss our tips on incorporating resistance exercises for a stronger, healthier back! Check out our previous episode on "Forever Strong" for more insights into whole-body health through resistance training. 🎧💪

🗞️ Issue 69 - Why Your Lower Back Is Stiff, Stop Trying To Stretch It More


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Nov 12, 202322:29
Muscle, The Organ For Longevity: Forever Strong Book Review

Muscle, The Organ For Longevity: Forever Strong Book Review

🎙️ New Episode Alert: "Deciphering Muscle Health - A Dive into 'Forever Strong' by Dr. Gabrielle Lyon" 🏋️‍♂️💪

In this week's podcast, we're shelving our usual themes to discuss a vital but often overlooked aspect of our well-being: muscle health. Join us as we unpack Dr. Gabrielle Lyon's groundbreaking work, "Forever Strong: A new, science-based strategy for ageing well". 📚✨

Expect to gain fresh insights into the powerhouse that is our skeletal muscle, learn about its role beyond mere movement, and understand its vulnerabilities. We're linking these revelations directly to back health, enabling you to make smarter lifestyle choices. 🚶‍♀️🧠

While we won't be able to cover all 400 pages, we'll highlight key takeaways that resonate with your spinal wellness. And for those eager to apply Dr. Lyon's wisdom, the book's second half offers practical tools to revolutionize your routine. 🛠️🔄

👉 Dive in with us and discover how to stay "Forever Strong". For a deeper exploration, we recommend grabbing a copy for the complete experience. Tune in now! 🎧📖

🗞️ Issue 68 - Consistency When Your Working Out: Reacting To Changes In The Best Way


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Nov 05, 202323:33
Consistency When Your Working Out: Reacting To Changes In The Best Way

Consistency When Your Working Out: Reacting To Changes In The Best Way

🚀 Embracing the Ups and Downs of Fitness Journeys! 💪🎢

Are you on a mission to transform your health, battle back pain, or simply find consistency in your workouts? 🏃‍♂️ You're not alone! Discover the power of consistency and how to adapt to changes seamlessly in our latest article: "Consistency When You're Working Out: Reacting To Changes In The Best Way". 💪

Life can throw curveballs, causing disruptions in our routines. But it's how we react to these changes that truly matters. 🤹‍♀️🔄 Whether you're feeling overwhelmed, seeking motivation, or just need a gentle reminder that it's okay to adjust your pace, this article & podcast is a beacon of support and practical advice. 🙌✨

Explore the intricacies of maintaining workout consistency, understanding life’s unpredictable “seasons”, and empowering yourself to stay resilient through it all. 🍂🏋️‍♀️

We share personal stories, actionable tips, and the reassurance that even in the midst of change, progress is still possible! 🌟🔄

👉 Sneak Peek: Did you know that taking a step back and acknowledging life's seasons can transform your fitness journey? 🗓️

Don't let change derail your fitness goals! Click below and unlock the secrets to thriving through life’s ups and downs, and emerge stronger than ever! 🎉💪

🗞️ Issue 67 - Consistency When Your Working Out: Reacting To Changes In The Best Way


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Oct 28, 202312:11
Improve Your Metabolic Health As You Fix Your Back Pain

Improve Your Metabolic Health As You Fix Your Back Pain

💥🚀 The Double Impact of Muscle-Building Revealed!💪🌟

Ever paused to think that the journey to a robust, pain-free back might also be the golden key to unlocking stellar metabolic health? 🗝️🧠 It's not just a fleeting thought but a groundbreaking reality!

🏋️‍♂️ While muscles paint the picture of strength and aesthetic appeal, they serve a deeper, monumental purpose - being the unsung heroes for our spines and metabolic engines. Imagine fusing the magic of swift injury recovery with the armour against some of the prevalent health challenges of our times! 🌪️🔗

Dying to know more? We've got you covered! 🎧✨ In our latest podcast episode, we're spilling the beans on this dynamic duo of muscle health and metabolic advantages. It's not just about lifting weights; it's about lifting your overall wellbeing to heights you've never imagined! 🏔️🎙️

From the intricacies of the squat to the mysteries of the metabolic dance, every detail is explored, giving you a comprehensive insight. 🕵️‍♂️💡

🚨 *Teaser Alert:* Did you know that the same exercises that shield your back can amplify your metabolic defenses? Intrigued? We thought so! 😉🔍

👉 Don’t miss out! Click the link below to dive deep into this transformative journey where muscles meet metabolism. Gear up for revelations that can reshape the way you see fitness and health! 🔄🎯

🗞️ Issue 66 - Improve Your Metabolic Health As You Fix Your Back Pain


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Oct 21, 202317:17
Support Belts For Lower Back Pain: Lumbar Support & Sacroiliac Belts Reviewed

Support Belts For Lower Back Pain: Lumbar Support & Sacroiliac Belts Reviewed

Unlock the Secrets to Tackling Lower Back Pain & Sciatica Without the Fuss of Support Belts! 🚫🔗

Are you tethered to support belts in a battle against persistent lower back pain and sciatica, desperately seeking some semblance of relief? Your quest for pain alleviation could be veering off course. 🚑🗺️ Find out why the very tool you’re using to manage your agony might be steering your recovery astray. ⛔

  1. Mystery #1: Why do lumbar support belts feel so soothing yet may miss the mark on lasting relief? 🎯🤔 Discover the anatomy of these belts and the peculiar reason they might not be your back’s best ally, despite the instant comfort they offer!

  2. Mystery #2: The deceptive science behind sacroiliac belts! 🔬🚧 While they’re hailed for providing compression and stability, is there an undisclosed cost to using them that might be jeopardizing your recovery journey?

  3. Mystery #3: Why are belts becoming a crutch rather than a cure? 🦯❌ We’re delving into the psychology and physiology of using support belts and unmasking why they could end up being more of a foe than a friend to your lower back.

Some Snippets From The Episode:

  1. A carefully concealed conundrum lies in the specifics of where your pain is originating. 🎭💢 Unearth why an anatomical understanding of your back pain might just debunk the efficacy of lumbar and sacroiliac belts!

  2. An unknown truth: Your back could house its own, powerful, natural support mechanism! 🌱💪 One that does not wear, tear, or induce reliance! Does it sound too good to be true? The enigma unravels in our detailed guide.

Unlock the secrets 🗝️📜 to comprehending these mysteries and embarking on a path that doesn’t just mask the pain but dives into the heart of healing! From understanding your pain, exploring intrinsic healing mechanisms, to plotting a course towards true recovery - we uncover it all in our revealing article. 🧭💡

🗞️ Issue 65 - Support Belts For Lower Back Pain: Lumbar Support & Sacroiliac Belts Reviewed


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Oct 14, 202319:43
How Your Hips Make Back Pain Worse & Prevent Recovery

How Your Hips Make Back Pain Worse & Prevent Recovery

🏋️ Strengthening Your Hips: A Crucial Step in Alleviating Back Pain

Weak hips can spell catastrophe for your lower back, becoming a silent instigator of persistent pain and hindering recovery.🦵🔗🦴 This interwoven relationship between hip and lower back health is not to be overlooked when it comes to injury prevention and recovery!

👉 Here's a quick peek into the insightful article we’re exploring today:

🚨The Issue: Modern lifestyles often lead to weakened hips due to sedentary behaviours and insufficient movement, subtly instigating a cascade of degeneration and pain that extends to the lower back.

🤔Why It Matters: The hips, pivotal for motion and stability, need adequate strength and flexibility to support lower back health and facilitate recovery post-injury. The absence of these key functionalities can compromise posture and movement, further straining the back.

💡The Solutions: Embarking on a journey to hip health involves comprehensive strategies:

  1. Engage in Movement: Implement hip-focused exercises like squats and hip hinges to revive strength and functionality.

  2. Resist & Progress: Elevate your exercises by gradually incorporating weights and enhancing range of motion.

  3. Commit to Consistency: Steadfastly work towards enhancing hip health, ensuring improved support to your lower back.

🔄 The Result: A strategic focus on hip strength can not only alleviate current back issues but also stand as a preventative measure against future ailments, driving you towards a lifestyle empowered by mobility and freedom from pain!

For a deeper dive into understanding and addressing the nuanced relationship between your hips and back, explore the full article and embrace the journey towards holistic health and a pain-free back! 🚀🌟

🗞️ Issue 64 - How Your Hips Make Back Pain Worse & Prevent Recovery


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Oct 07, 202324:06
The Best Way To Prevent Back Pain As You Get Older

The Best Way To Prevent Back Pain As You Get Older

🎙️ New Podcast Alert 🚨

The Secret Behind Aging and Lower Back Pain Prevention

It's an undeniable fact: Lower back pain can deeply affect our wellbeing, especially as we age. With aging inevitably affecting our physical capacities, many are left wondering how to best combat the pains and aches that come with it. In this week's episode, we delve deep into the overlooked power of regular physical conditioning and the gap between our current health state and its potential.

Here's what's on the agenda:

1️⃣ Breaking down common misconceptions: Aging doesn't mean you're limited to low-impact exercises. Discover the importance of strength training for all ages.

2️⃣ Practical advice to transform your health: From simple squats to lunges, learn how to effectively integrate strength training into your routine, regardless of your age.

Don't wait until it's too late. Learn about the preventative measures and daily practices that can keep you active and youthful for years to come. Dive into the full episode and accompanying article to uncover the secrets! 📖👇

🗞️ Issue 63 - The Best Way To Prevent Back Pain As You Get Older


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Sep 30, 202322:53
Practical Steps To Reduce Low Back Pain At Work & Working From Home

Practical Steps To Reduce Low Back Pain At Work & Working From Home

🎙️ New Podcast Alert 🚨

Practical Steps To Reduce Low Back Pain At Work & Working From Home

Lower Back Pain is a huge cost to society and considering approximately 80% of USA and UK workers have sedentary jobs, it is no wonder that back pain is such a prevalent issue.

This week on the podcast we cover why these sedentary roles take such a toll on our lower back health and how they do so in such a subtle way over time, that we hardly notice it until it is too late. It's only when we have a severe episode and the pain becomes too bad to ignore that we look back realising our back has actually been a bit of an issue for a while, we just ignored it.

The episode breaks down:

1️⃣ The specific forces and features of prolonged sitting that make such activities so detrimental to our lower back health.

2️⃣ Practical steps you can immediately take, mostly with next to no expense, to reduce the impact your work has on your lower back health, whether you're working from work or working from home.

Don't let common misconceptions derail your recovery. Check out the full article and podcast to learn more! 📖👇

🗞️ Issue 62 - Practical Steps To Reduce Low Back Pain At Work & Working From Home


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Sep 23, 202327:02
Exercises to avoid if you have a lumbar disc bulge

Exercises to avoid if you have a lumbar disc bulge

🎙️ New Podcast Alert 🚨

Navigating the Road to Recovery from Lumbar Disc Bulge 🚑

Is a lumbar disc bulge or herniation hindering your workout routine? Understanding the dos and don'ts is crucial for effective recovery. This week, we've published a comprehensive guide that takes you through the journey of healing a lower back disc bulge.

The episode delves into the fascinating biology of your lower back, explaining that your spinal discs aren't innately weak; their resilience is largely up to you! With targeted load-bearing exercises, you can not only recover but fortify your back for the long term.

But there’s a catch!

Timing is everything. Certain exercises might be beneficial at one phase of recovery but detrimental at another. Our guide breaks down these phases and recommends specific exercises for each. For instance, early on, you should avoid movements like knee rocks and knee hugs, as they could hinder the healing process. Similarly, extended bed rest might offer temporary relief but can weaken your lumbar and core muscles, making you more susceptible to future injuries.

The episode also debunks two major myths:

1️⃣ Lifting Weights is a No-Go: On the contrary, once you've progressed through earlier stages of healing, weight-bearing exercises are vital for full recovery.

2️⃣ Stopping Exercises Post-Recovery: Just because the pain is gone doesn't mean you should stop your exercise regimen.

Don't let misconceptions guide your road to recovery. Check out the full article and podcast to know more about how to manage and overcome a lumbar disc bulge effectively! 📖👇

🗞️ Issue 61 - Exercises to avoid if you have a lumbar disc bulge


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Sep 16, 202323:20
Why You Get Lower Back Pain When Lying Flat On Your Back

Why You Get Lower Back Pain When Lying Flat On Your Back

🎙️ New Podcast Alert 🚨

The Mystery of Lower Back Pain Unraveled - What's Really Happening When You Lie Flat on Your Back? 😫🛌

Have you ever felt that unexpected jolt of lower back pain or those sharp sciatica twinges when lying flat on your back? It's a puzzle many grapple with. In our latest podcast episode, we're delving deep into the enigma of back discomfort when reclining. 🎧

We'll unravel the two primary culprits behind this peculiar issue:

1️⃣ Flattening Frustration: Learn why something as seemingly innocuous as lying down can intensify your lower back pain, especially if you're not doing it right.

2️⃣ Arching Agony: Explore the world of excessive arching during back-lying, leading to that sudden, shooting pain. We'll also uncover the roles of instability and tight hip flexors in this scenario.

Our discussion goes beyond just pinpointing the problems. We'll also shed light on how conditions like disc herniations, facet hypertrophy, spondylolisthesis, and degenerative disc disease can exacerbate your back pain, whether you're on a bed or the floor. 😲

But don't fret! We're here with practical tips, including the towel stretch for lower back health, and guidance on addressing the root cause for lasting relief. Bid adieu to those unexpected backaches and regain your comfort when you lie down! 🌤️

👉 Click the link to join us on this enlightening journey to conquer the challenges of lying flat on your back! 🌐

#BackPain #LyingOnBack #BackPainRelief #PodcastEpisode

🗞️ Issue 60 - Why You Get Lower Back Pain When Lying Flat On Your Back


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Sep 09, 202322:42
Sciatica: Causes, Exercises & Treatments To Relieve Pain

Sciatica: Causes, Exercises & Treatments To Relieve Pain

🎙️ New Podcast Alert 🚨 Sciatica Unveiled: The Good, the Bad, and the Downright Harmful Ways to Manage Your Pain 🤔🚫🤸‍♀️ Radiating leg pain got you down? Diagnosed with sciatica and wondering how to take charge of your recovery? Hold that stretch—because you might be making things worse! Tune in to this week's podcast episode where we spill the tea on what really works and what doesn’t in managing sciatica pain. 🎧 We kick off by cutting through the myths surrounding sciatica. It's not just leg pain; your lower back is the true culprit! But be warned: Some of the stretches and exercises you think are helping might actually be doing you harm. 😲 🔥 Hot Topics We Cover: 1️⃣ Demystifying Sciatica: What it is and the unexpected role your lower back plays. 2️⃣ The Worst Offenders: Bad stretches and exercises you THINK are helping (spoiler: they’re not). 3️⃣ Professional Treatment Breakdown: When chiropractic, osteopathy, and physiotherapy can (and can’t) help. Wondering what you SHOULD be doing? We've got you covered with alternatives that can actually pave the way for long-term relief. Get ready to debunk myths and make empowering choices for your back health. 🎯 👉 Click the link below and say goodbye to misguided stretches and hello to true, lasting relief from your sciatica pain! 🌐 #Sciatica #LowerBackPain #BadStretches #TreatmentOptions #PodcastEpisode 🗞️ Issue 59 - Sciatica: Causes, Exercises & Treatments To Relieve Pain 👉 🗞️ Join The Sunday Newsletter Free: 👉 You can also listen to the latest BISPodcast episodes using the links below: 🎙️Spotify: 🎙️Apple Podcasts: 📽️YouTube: #BackInShapePodcast #BackInShape #BackInShapePodcast

Sep 02, 202326:32
Anterior Pelvic Tilt & Back Pain: Fix It With Exercises & Stretches

Anterior Pelvic Tilt & Back Pain: Fix It With Exercises & Stretches

🎙️ New Podcast Alert 🚨

The Hidden Culprit Behind Your Back Pain - Anterior Pelvic Tilt & How to Fix It with Targeted Exercises 🤔🏋️‍♀️

Do you find yourself constantly battling with lower back pain or even symptoms of sciatica? Have you been told that you might have an Anterior Pelvic Tilt (APT) and now you're left wondering how to fix it? This week's podcast episode takes you through a comprehensive guide on understanding and correcting APT. 🎧

We delve into the anatomy of your pelvis and why its alignment could be wreaking havoc on your lower back. Our discussion is backed by years of experience in measuring pelvic and lumbar alignments using load-bearing imaging. Spoiler: you might not even have a true APT despite being told so! 😲

But if you do, we have got you covered. The episode goes beyond just diagnosing the issue; we give you practical, effective exercises and stretches that can actually make a difference. From the Standing Wall Drill to Hip Flexor Stretch, we lay it all out. 🤸‍♂️

🔍 We also scrutinize:

1️⃣ How APT is commonly measured and why many of these methods are flawed.

2️⃣ Why a misdiagnosis of APT could actually worsen your back health.

3️⃣ The importance of having a "measurement-before-intervention" approach to make sure you're actually targeting the issue, not exacerbating it.

Listen now to get back in shape, literally! You don’t want to miss this in-depth analysis that could be the turning point for your back health. 🎯

👉 Click the link below to dive deep into your anterior pelvic tilt and bid farewell to that nagging back pain! 🌐

#AnteriorPelvicTilt #BackPain #Exercises #Posture #PhysicalHealth #PodcastEpisode

🗞️ Issue 58 - Anterior Pelvic Tilt & Back Pain: Fix It With Exercises & Stretches


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Aug 26, 202332:11
Tight Hamstrings and Low Back Pain: Unlocking the Hidden Connection

Tight Hamstrings and Low Back Pain: Unlocking the Hidden Connection

🎙️ Hamstrings & Lower Back Pain: The Intricate Connection

A lingering lower back pain is often traced back to a familiar culprit – the hamstrings. But how intrinsically linked are these two? When you experience a back strain, herniated disc, or chronic back pain, the hamstrings frequently become a point of contention. Today, we delve into this relationship.

The hamstrings, constituting three muscles, stretch down your thigh's rear. They facilitate essential movements, from bending the knee to extending the hip. Their direct effect on the lower back, especially through movements like the posterior pelvic tuck, is notable. Such movements can impact the lumbar spine, highlighting the hamstrings' indirect influence on your back.

One aspect often overlooked is the hamstrings' connection to spinal segments. Specifically, they're controlled by nerves from the L5 and S1 spinal sections. This becomes crucial when considering how back injuries can impact hamstrings' function.

A sedentary lifestyle is a primary cause of hamstring tightness. This tightness often couples with muscle weakness, hindering proper back support and postural maintenance.

When functioning correctly, your hamstrings should work harmoniously with core and leg muscles. They provide stability and power, essential for everyday actions. However, issues arise when they become tight and weak, affecting other body areas and amplifying back pain.

But how should one approach this? Stretching alone often isn't enough, as it misses vital factors. More importantly, certain stretches can aggravate back issues further. While hamstring flexibility is vital for back health, its effectiveness hinges on the manner it's approached.

The answer? Strengthening exercises. Incorporating exercises that focus on strength can mitigate both hamstring and back pain. Over time, as you bolster your strength, you'll enhance mobility and reduce the risk of re-injury.

In our Back In Shape Program, we offer a holistic approach, focusing on both stretching and strengthening. Through understanding, we can tackle hamstring and back issues more effectively. Want to delve deeper into this intricate relationship? Click the link below to read the full article or listen to our comprehensive podcast on the topic.

🗞️ Issue 57 - Tight Hamstrings and Low Back Pain: Unlocking the Hidden Connection


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Aug 19, 202324:07
Low Back Pain Relief: The Best And Worst Exercises for Herniated Discs

Low Back Pain Relief: The Best And Worst Exercises for Herniated Discs

🎙️ Low Back Pain Relief: The Best And Worst Exercises for Herniated Discs

Back pain is a global concern, affecting countless individuals, families, communities, and economies. One predominant cause is the herniated disc, manifesting in various forms such as bulging or slipped discs, sometimes referred to as "disc strain." The internet is teeming with exercises and recommendations, but many focus only on short-term pain relief, sidelining long-term recovery.

Delving into the anatomy of a herniated disc is essential for better understanding the associated pain. The lumbar intervertebral disc acts as a cushion between vertebrae. Structurally, it resembles a jam donut: the 'dough' being strong ligament layers called the Annulus Fibrosis and the 'jam' being a fluid-like nucleus. The fluid nucleus allows the disc to absorb shock, supported by the ligament layers.

However, when the disc herniates, these robust ligaments are compromised, letting the fluid leak. The spine's interlinked structure means that damage to one part affects the whole, making recovery challenging. Herniated discs cause complications because they're located in the constricted space of the lower back. As these discs bulge, they reduce space further, causing the body to instinctively lean forward and further strain the already injured tissues.

While some exercises like child’s pose, knee hugs, and the cobra stretch are often recommended for herniated discs, not all are beneficial. Some may even cause more harm due to a misunderstanding of back pain. The article emphasises exercises that genuinely support recovery, such as the towel exercise, which aids both short-term relief and long-term health, and the core engagement exercise, which emphasises spinal stability. Transitioning to upright movements, the squat and hip hinge are paramount, playing a daily role in movements like getting up from a chair.

While the journey to full recovery from herniated discs can be lengthy and fraught with setbacks, the right approach can make all the difference. Adopting a well-structured program, like the Back In Shape Program, can provide the necessary education, exercises, and stretches, backed by professional support.

Eager to learn more about managing and recovering from herniated discs effectively? Discover the full details, explore critiques of popular exercises, and unlock the secrets to lasting recovery.

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 56 - Low Back Pain Relief: The Best And Worst Exercises for Herniated Discs


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Aug 12, 202340:47
Prevent Lower Back Pain: One Belief That Makes Back Pain More Likely

Prevent Lower Back Pain: One Belief That Makes Back Pain More Likely

🎙️ Prevent Lower Back Pain: One Belief That Makes Back Pain More Likely

Keeping your lower back healthy requires a proactive stance, not merely responding to pain when it strikes. This effort doesn't have to be time-consuming or difficult. Even if you're busy, setting aside just 3-4 hours each week for strength training can make a world of difference. Contrary to common belief, physical frailty is not an inevitable consequence of aging. We have evidence of older adults accomplishing physical feats that challenge this notion, and many only began their fitness journey post-retirement.

The initial focus should be on mastering key technical skills, such as understanding your posture and engaging your core. Then, simple exercises like squats, hip hinges, and reverse lunges can be integrated into your routine. Over time, consistent resistance and load addition to these exercises result in a stronger, more resilient body.

However, this effort isn't just about physical strength. It also boosts cardiovascular health and immunity. Regular, controlled resistance training is a cost-free anti-aging and anti-fragility remedy that fits seamlessly into your routine, making everyday tasks easier and your body more resilient.

Don't mistake being busy for being fit; dedicated exercise is crucial for maintaining mobility. Our Back In Shape Program provides members with resources to recover from back pain and work towards building strength and resilience. However, prevention is better than cure. Start your journey towards strength and resilience now, ensuring a prosperous, liberated future. To learn more, click here to read the full article or watch our companion podcast episode on the topic.

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 55 - Prevent Lower Back Pain: One Belief That Makes Back Pain More Likely


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Aug 05, 202326:45
Degenerative Disc Disease In The Low Back: Essential Guide | BISPodcast Ep54

Degenerative Disc Disease In The Low Back: Essential Guide | BISPodcast Ep54

Essential Guide: What to Avoid With Degenerative Disc Disease In The Low Back

Are you battling with constant lower back pain and discomfort? It could be due to something more serious than a simple muscle strain: degenerative disc disease. While the name may sound daunting, don't fret! It's a common issue affecting the intricate interplay of muscles, ligaments, and nerves in your spine.

In this comprehensive article, we delve into the mechanics of your spine and how the degeneration of its tiny components can lead to pain that's out of proportion to the apparent damage. Discover why the common instinct to stretch out the pain may do more harm than good, and why certain yoga poses might not be as beneficial as they seem.

More importantly, find out how to manage this condition effectively. By rethinking our everyday habits and incorporating effective, targeted exercises, we can empower our bodies to combat the degenerative process. It may require changes, from reevaluating your office setup to adjusting how you bend down to pick up items. Remember, this is not a death sentence for your mobility and comfort.

Ready to unlock the secret to a stronger, healthier spine? Click the link to read our detailed guide on understanding and managing degenerative disc disease. Explore how to redefine your relationship with your body and gain a proactive stance on your back health. Your journey to a pain-free life could start right here. Get your back in shape, for good.

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 54 - Essential Guide: What to Avoid With Degenerative Disc Disease In The Low Back


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Jul 29, 202333:10
If Exercises Are Making Your Lower Back Pain Worse, What Should You Do?

If Exercises Are Making Your Lower Back Pain Worse, What Should You Do?

🎙️ If Exercises Are Making Your Lower Back Pain Worse, What Should You Do?

Dealing with persistent lower back pain can be debilitating and downright frightening, especially when every movement seems to trigger a flare-up. It's understandable to be wary of exercises or stretches that might worsen the pain. However, what if we told you that your fears could be unfounded? That avoiding physical activity might be causing more harm than good?

Our latest article explores how and when most lower back pain flare-ups occur, and the surprising fact that they usually happen outside of a rehabilitation or exercise setting. Think about it - your everyday activities like putting on socks, unpacking groceries, or even getting out of a chair can be sources of strain for your lower back.

It's vital to consider that the majority of back pain is not a sudden event, but rather a result of long-term strain from daily movement patterns. For instance, getting up from being seated or performing chores over a surface, like ironing or cooking, can contribute to lower back discomfort over time.

All these activities involve spinal movement, which, when compromised due to an injury or a health condition, can trigger back pain. The key here is stability. The more stable your spine is, the less likely you are to experience flare-ups.

Now you might be thinking, "I can barely move without pain, let alone exercise!" But here's the thing: If you're able to perform your daily activities, despite the pain, then you can also safely engage in specific exercises.

The trick is to start with simple, safe exercises that promote spinal stability, such as the psoas engagement or the modified dead bug exercise, and gradually incorporate movements that mirror real-life activities.

Yes, the road to recovery might seem daunting, but remember, every professional healthcare provider is approving the logic of this reality through their actions. It's a shift in perspective, but one that can make a huge difference in managing your lower back pain.

Curious to find out more? Dive into our full article to get a more detailed understanding of why and how exercises can be a game-changer in your journey towards lower back pain relief.

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 53 - If Exercises Are Making Your Lower Back Pain Worse, What Should You Do?


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Jul 22, 202323:49
052 Back Health Podcast: One Year In Covering All Things Back Health

052 Back Health Podcast: One Year In Covering All Things Back Health

🎙️ Back Health Podcast: One Year In How incredible! The Back In Shape Podcast just turned one. As a living testament to our mission, we've journeyed through 52 episodes, diving into everything back health, from dissecting sciatica and herniated discs to understanding lower back surgery and cycling’s effect on our spines. Our vision has always been to shine a light amidst the sea of confusion surrounding back health. In a world quick to point fingers, we instead opted to roll up our sleeves and commit to creating clarity. We made a pact to clear the mist of misinformation, consistently, week after week. Why do such misconceptions even exist, especially online? It all boils down to how we engage with the digital world. The internet, a fantastic reservoir of global knowledge, has transformed the way we access and consume information. Yet, as the data floodgates open, we struggle to filter and process everything that comes our way. Consider the allure of instant solutions. We're drawn to headlines promising quick fixes over those advocating for slow, steady, and consistent approaches. The struggle for eyeballs in this congested digital space often leads to an overemphasis on bite-sized content that skims the surface but seldom tells the full story. We, too, felt the pressure to adapt. Recognizing this challenge, we embarked on producing a vast library of short videos focusing on diverse aspects of back health. We successfully created over 800 YouTube videos, distilling our extensive experience into core concepts. But we knew something was missing. The smaller nuggets, though helpful, couldn't fully capture our unique perspective, one that often goes against common online wisdom. This lack of context gave birth to the Back In Shape Podcast, a platform for us to deep-dive into the complexities of back health. In retrospect, our journey hasn't been without its bumps. The occasional critique, misplaced or misinformed, has often clouded the overwhelmingly positive feedback we've received. Yet, the experience has only strengthened our resolve to continue enlightening and empowering our listeners. As we turn the page on our first year, we warmly invite you to join us in continuing this fascinating exploration of back health. And remember, your feedback guides us. This podcast is for you. Here's to many more episodes of Back In Shape Podcast, and an even healthier back for all of us! You can check out the full episode below: 🗞️ Issue 52 - Back Health Podcast: One Year In 👉 🗞️ Join The Sunday Newsletter Free: 👉 You can also listen to the latest BISPodcast episodes using the links below: 🎙️Spotify: 🎙️Apple Podcasts: 📽️YouTube: #BackInShape #BackInShapePodcast

Jul 15, 202312:44
051 Are Spinal Injections For Low Back Pain Or Sciatica Worth It?

051 Are Spinal Injections For Low Back Pain Or Sciatica Worth It?

🎙️ Are Spinal Injections For Low Back Pain Or Sciatica Worth It? Living with relentless lower back pain can be unbearable, and when desperate, you may feel the only solution is to resort to injections for lower back pain. But are injections the only way out, or could you potentially avoid the risks associated with this invasive procedure? Let's explore this possibility together. Let's make one thing clear. We are not against injections. What we encourage is making informed decisions. We believe that injections can play a crucial role, but often, they may not be necessary. You might be surprised to discover that with the right changes and actions, you can often avoid this route altogether. Before you schedule that injection, consider the broader picture. Your lifestyle choices, including diet, sleep, and physical activity, all contribute to your back health. If you address these aspects correctly, your pain levels could significantly reduce. Imagine being able to handle daily activities without flinching in pain. Being able to perform exercises like squats and hip hinges pain-free. All of these contribute towards strengthening your lower back, reducing the need for injections. Yes, it’s possible. Even if your pain seems overwhelming, most people with severe lower back pain aren't bed-bound. You’re likely still carrying out daily activities - and that’s a good sign. But what if you have injections scheduled? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. We’ve devised a 5-step plan specifically for those who have upcoming injections. This plan provides a comprehensive strategy, from dietary changes to a rehabilitative exercise program. It's designed to ensure that you leverage the relief injections provide while reinforcing your back's strength. Remember, dealing with chronic lower back pain doesn't necessarily mean an immediate leap to injections. In fact, by building a solid foundation for your back health and understanding your body, you might discover you can manage your pain without them. So, are you ready to explore the world of injections for lower back pain? Are you prepared to discover how to potentially avoid this route while maximising your back health? Dive into our in-depth guide, where we focus on how you can lead a pain-free life - with or without injections. You can check out the full episode below: 🗞️ Issue 51 - Are Spinal Injections For Low Back Pain Worth It? 👉 🗞️ Join The Sunday Newsletter Free: 👉 You can also listen to the latest BISPodcast episodes using the links below: 🎙️Spotify: 🎙️Apple Podcasts: 📽️YouTube: #BackInShape #BackInShapePodcast

Jul 08, 202327:03
050 Does Cycling Help or Hurt Your Lower Back?

050 Does Cycling Help or Hurt Your Lower Back?

🎙️ Does Cycling Help or Hurt Your Lower Back?

Embark on a revealing exploration into the intriguing crossroads of cycling, back pain, and sciatica in our upcoming podcast episode. For those of us who suffer from these conditions, the quest for soothing activities is endless. Commonly touted remedies like walking, swimming, and notably, cycling, are often recommended. But are these activities genuinely beneficial for everyone? And more importantly, is cycling the cure you've been seeking or the strain you need to avoid?

In our modern world, the low back bears the brunt of the stress, leading to a prevalence of low back pain and sciatica that affects many people at some stage in their lives. Conventional wisdom advocates for gentle activities as a means of mitigating the effects of these conditions. Cycling, in particular, is often considered a panacea. But is it really?

This episode unravels the intricate relationship between cycling, especially road bike cycling, and lower back health. Is this popular leisure activity and sport a friend or foe to your aching back? The answer may surprise you. Our objective exploration will challenge preconceived notions and shed light on how cycling can both heal and harm.

We go beyond just addressing the short to medium-term implications of cycling on your lower back rehabilitation. This episode delves into the long-term impacts, unraveling the complexities and unearthing strategies that could potentially safeguard your back. This nuanced discussion is vital for those with persistent pain and those with an undying passion for cycling alike.

If you're an avid cyclist grappling with back pain or sciatica, you may feel torn between your love for the sport and the need for relief. This episode doesn't just leave you with the gloomy conclusion that cycling should be avoided. Instead, it guides you on how to get back in the saddle safely, showing you how simple modifications can counterbalance the strain that long-distance cycling puts on the lower back.

Our discussion doesn't just treat cycling as a problem but rather as a challenge that can be managed effectively. If you're intrigued by the possibility of continuing your cycling journey without compromising your back health, this episode is for you.

Join us in this eye-opening conversation that brings you face to face with the realities of cycling and back pain. We'll help you navigate these tricky terrains with grace, resilience, and a renewed sense of control over your health. Don't miss this opportunity to redefine your relationship with cycling and reinvent your journey towards recovery.

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 50 - Does Cycling Help or Hurt Your Lower Back?


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Jul 01, 202328:39
049 Does Your Diagnosis Affect Back Pain Recovery Prospects?

049 Does Your Diagnosis Affect Back Pain Recovery Prospects?

🎙️ Debunking Lower Back Pain Fears: Your Diagnosis and The Path to Being Pain Free All too often the process of getting a diagnosis for your back pain can be challenging. For some the prospect itself is difficult with no one really having the answer, for others it is a label that spells disaster. But is this really the case? In today's episode of the podcast we talk about specific examples to help you better appreciate the answer to the following question: How much does your diagnosis affect the prospects of your back pain or sciatica being eliminated? Don't get caught in the downward spiral and paralysis by analysis that can prevent you from becoming pain free again. As we discuss, there is an incredibly high chance, your diagnosis could have been made many months or years prior to your low back pain or sciatica becoming an issue. A time when you did not have debilitating pain. What does this mean for future prospects? Well for a starter, they're probably not as bleak as they seem, but it's going to take some work on your part to get you to that pain free destination. You can check out the full episode below: 🗞️ Issue 49 - Debunking Lower Back Pain Fears: Your Diagnosis and The Path to Being Pain Free 👉 🗞️ Join The Sunday Newsletter Free: 👉 You can also listen to the latest BISPodcast episodes using the links below: 🎙️Spotify: 🎙️Apple Podcasts: 📽️YouTube: #BackInShape #BackInShapePodcast

Jun 24, 202317:59
048 Boost Your Back Pain Recovery A Proven Strategy For You

048 Boost Your Back Pain Recovery A Proven Strategy For You

🎙️ Boost Your Back Pain Recovery: A Proven Strategy For You

Back pain can feel like a constant, uninvited guest in your life. It's intrusive, disruptive, and seemingly unshakeable. The Internet is awash with advice on how to banish it for good—from novel exercise routines to an array of diets, and from hi-tech devices to diverse therapeutic treatments. But wading through this vast sea of information often leads to nothing but confusion and, unfortunately, persistent pain.

The truth is, there's no magic bullet when it comes to back pain recovery. Every individual's back pain story is different—shaped by unique bodies, distinctive pain patterns, and individual lifestyles. Therefore, the most effective recovery process should be tailored to you and your needs.

In this comprehensive guide, we aim to demystify the various avenues for back pain recovery. We'll lay out a broad range of strategies, not to overwhelm you with options, but to provide a clear, holistic view of what's available, how each method functions, and who could potentially benefit most from them.

We start with the very foundation: understanding your pain and following a comprehensive program designed to target its root causes. This underpins everything else. Only with a solid base can you begin to build upon your recovery journey effectively.

Next, we delve into nutrition. The role of fluid intake and protein, especially within a maintenance calorie diet, could be substantial. And what about collagen, the key structural protein in our connective tissues? Could that play a role in recovery?

Then we explore more specific therapeutic tools and treatments, like massage guns and teeter tables. These can offer relief and facilitate recovery, but their effectiveness is dependent on their use in conjunction with a well-structured recovery program.

This brings us to professional help: massage therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors. These practitioners can provide targeted interventions to help you manage your pain and heal more efficiently. But even their skilled hands can't replace the critical role of nutrition and a well-designed recovery program.

Lastly, we discuss innovative solutions like IDD therapy sessions. These advanced treatments can offer significant relief for some individuals. But again, even the most cutting-edge therapy won't work miracles if the foundation isn't solid.

The crucial thing to understand is that these strategies do not work in isolation—they must be layered or stacked to be effective. It's like building a house: there's no point installing windows if you haven't laid the foundations and built the walls.

Back pain recovery is a journey, and like any journey, it requires preparation, perseverance, and patience. With this guide, we aim to equip you with the tools and knowledge to traverse your path to recovery with confidence, making informed decisions for your health every step of the way.

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 48 - Boost Your Back Pain Recovery: A Proven Strategy For You


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Jun 17, 202325:05
047 Why Your Lower Back Pain Isn't *Caused* By Tight Muscles!

047 Why Your Lower Back Pain Isn't *Caused* By Tight Muscles!

🎙️ Rethinking Muscle Spasm: How Misdiagnosis Can Lead to Chronic Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain is frequently diagnosed as muscle spasm or supposedly caused by tight muscles, but is this really the whole story? Of course it is not.

Muscles are reactionary tissues and they respond to a stimulus. Where we have tightness or painful spasm in the lower back this is of course going to be unhelpful. However, the muscle spasm itself is not the cause of the lower back pain. Today we explain precisely how muscles work. We go on to help you better understand the presence of muscle spasm in lower back injuries as well as how this is understandably unhelpful!

Hopefully by the end of this, you'll firmly understand why muscle spasm in the lower back is a problem, but is not the problem. In doing so you'll have gained and understanding of your own lower back and be able to move forwards resolving the underlying cause of your lower back pain, rehabilitating properly and ultimately getting back to the things you want to do, without pain!

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 47 - Rethinking Muscle Spasm: How Misdiagnosis Can Lead to Chronic Lower Back Pain


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Jun 10, 202319:54
046 Whiplash: Why The Chronic Neck Pain & How To Stop It Lingering

046 Whiplash: Why The Chronic Neck Pain & How To Stop It Lingering

🎙️ Whiplash: Why The Chronic Neck Pain & How To Stop It Lingering

Whiplash is an injury that can lead to severe neck damage, thankfully broken bones and the need for emergency surgeries are rare. More often, damage to the cervical spine is ruled out quickly and you're sent on your merry way with some "minor soft tissue damage" and the message that "it will get better on its own". But it doesn't get better on its own.

Many with chronic neck pain will tell you that it has never been right since "that whiplash injury or accident" and this is the unfortunate truth for so many. But it all could be avoided, what's more the good news is that it is never too late to start making a change and improving your neck health. One thing is essential though, and that is you start to understand your whiplash injury a little better, even if it was years ago.

Doing so is the first step. This week on the podcast and in the detailed article we will walk you through the whiplash injury, why life sets you up to fail the early recovery process and how understanding all this will lead to a "lightbulb moment". From there you can begin to start doing the right things to manage and resolve your long standing neck pain, even if it was caused by a whiplash injury quite some time ago.

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 46 - Whiplash: Why The Chronic Neck Pain & How To Stop It Lingering


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Jun 03, 202327:29
045 How To Stop Back Pain From Waking You Up At Night

045 How To Stop Back Pain From Waking You Up At Night

🎙️ Combatting Back Pain and Sciatica During Sleep: A Comprehensive Guide to Nighttime Relief

Being woken in the middle of the night by your back pain or sciatica is horrible. Back pain in the middle of the night is something common especially in more severe or chronic cases of back pain, and that includes sciatica too. Why is it that the back pain builds to a level that wakes us and what is it that causes the sciatica symptoms to come on in the dead of night?

This week on the podcast we take a deep dive in to the topic of back pain at night, explaining why it's happening, what you can do at night to help reduce the likelihood, as well as some more concrete steps going forwards that will combine to not only relieve your night time back pain or sciatica, but improve your back health for the long term too.

You can check out the full episode below:

🗞️ Issue 45 - Combatting Back Pain and Sciatica During Sleep: A Comprehensive Guide to Nighttime Relief


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May 27, 202327:10
044 Is Child's Pose Stretch Making Your Back Pain Worse? (& Sciatica Too)

044 Is Child's Pose Stretch Making Your Back Pain Worse? (& Sciatica Too)

🎙️ Back Pain and Sciatica: How the Child's Pose Stretch Could Be Making It Worse

Child's pose stretch is commonly recommended if you have back pain or sciatica. It rounds the lower back thereby stretching the muscles and the ligaments on the back of your lower spine. But is this really helpful if you have back pain and sciatica.

Sure, it feels nice when you do the child's pose stretch. But there are many things that feel nice for your back pain or sciatica that are certainly not helpful! And on top of that, is the child's pose really helping your back or is it simply stretching already exhausted low back muscles further?

When you take a step back and examine what the child's pose is doing to the lower back, and review if this is helpful or not given how your back pain or sciatica was caused. We start to see, in the vast majority of cases the child's pose stretch is a waste of time, and in a significant majority, it is detrimental to the resolution of your back injury.

Check out the full release below:

🗞️ Issue 44 - Back Pain and Sciatica: How the Child's Pose Stretch Could Be Making It Worse


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May 20, 202317:17
043 How to Recover from Lower Back Surgery with Exercises: Your Comprehensive Guide to Post-Op Rehabilitation

043 How to Recover from Lower Back Surgery with Exercises: Your Comprehensive Guide to Post-Op Rehabilitation

🎙️ How to Recover from Lower Back Surgery with Exercises: Your Comprehensive Guide to Post-Op Rehabilitation Surgery for the lower back pain or sciatica that you might be experiencing is never a decision that is taken lightly. In fact the avoidance of surgery is one of the primary concerns amongst many with pain in the lower back. However in some circumstances the surgical route is one which ends up being considered.  Before we get into the details of todays Podcast, it would be insightful to consider the following from the NHS' piece on Lumbar surgery: “To help you recover from your operation and reduce your risk of complications, it helps if you're as fit as possible before surgery.” This is where exercises come in, not only after surgery, but as is so often missed, before back surgery too!

Check out the full release below:

🗞️ Issue 43 - How to Recover from Lower Back Surgery with Exercises: Your Comprehensive Guide to Post-Op Rehabilitation


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May 13, 202330:35
042 Managing Chronic Back Pain: Lifestyle Changes and Self-Care Strategies for Long-Term Relief

042 Managing Chronic Back Pain: Lifestyle Changes and Self-Care Strategies for Long-Term Relief

🎙️ Managing Chronic Back Pain: Lifestyle Changes and Self-Care Strategies for Long-Term Relief

Living with chronic back pain can feel like a never ending battle. It can infiltrate every aspect of your life, turning a simple task into a major challenge. What if we told you that it is possible to reclaim your life from the clutches of chronic back pain? This article will give you a comprehensive guide to managing chronic back pain, with lifestyle changes & self care strategies for long-term relief. We’ll explore everything from understanding the root causes of your back pain, the role of physical activity and necessary lifestyle changes, to the influence of diet and psychological factors and more.

Whether you’re newly diagnosed, or like many of our members and have been battling back pain for years, we have a wealth of information today to help you alleviate discomfort and improve your quality of life. Let’s take the first step together on this journey to wellness, towards a life where pain does not dictate your daily activities. If you’re ready to turn a page and start a new chapter in your back health then keep reading. Your guide to mastering chronic back pain management begins here. 

Check out the full release below:

🗞️ Issue 42 - Managing Chronic Back Pain: Lifestyle Changes and Self-Care Strategies for Long-Term Relief


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May 06, 202327:38
041 The Best Treatment For Lower Back Pain

041 The Best Treatment For Lower Back Pain

Apr 29, 202324:42
040 Can A Flat Back Cause Low Back Pain?

040 Can A Flat Back Cause Low Back Pain?

🎙️ Can A Flat Back Cause Low Back Pain?  How To Restore Normal Lordosis

For reasons that we’ll get into here, the flattening of the low back to eliminate the normal natural lordosis we should all have is a factor that seems to be associated with back pain that is persistent. When we take a look at modern life and the numerous ways this pathological derangement from normal structure is baked into our daily lives, it is easy to see why back pain is such a drain on society.

From practitioners and specialists who seem to poorly understand this phenomenon, to the lives many of us have to lead on a daily basis, this week we’ll explore the lower back, the cause of this flattening, how it affects your lower back health as well as how we can go about restoring a degree of normal lordosis. Towards the end we’ll also touch on 5 exercises and stretches you could consider adding into your daily practice to make sure you avoid this issue of a reduced lumbar lordosis, or “flat low back” reducing your lower back health for the long term.

Check out the full release below:

🗞️ Issue 40 - Can A Flat Back Cause Low Back Pain?  How To Restore Normal Lordosis


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Apr 22, 202324:34
039 How to Safely Travel with Back Pain
Apr 15, 202318:22
038 The Role of Posture in Preventing & Alleviating Back Pain: Tips for Everyday Life

038 The Role of Posture in Preventing & Alleviating Back Pain: Tips for Everyday Life

🎙️ The Role of Posture in Preventing & Alleviating Back Pain: Tips for Everyday Life

Posture plays an important role in our body, fundamentally, it dictates how the muscles and joints are aligned, dictating where pressure is focussed. Which muscles will bear more strain, which parts of which joints will be transferring the load. All postures will vary this picture, some will accentuate certain areas in inefficient ways, others will reduce net mechanical strain by aligning the body in a more balanced way. 

Nowadays you’re likely to come across material online talking about posture not causing back pain, and while any given posture is not explicitly going to cause back pain, acknowledging the reality of posture's influence on our structure regardless of the presence of an injury is important. Quite often these statements are really to be contrarian or said without opportunity for full follow up. Hopefully by the end of today’s episode you’ll have a better idea of the role of posture in preventing and alleviating lower back pain.

Check out the full release below:

🗞️ Issue 38 - The Role of Posture in Preventing & Alleviating Back Pain: Tips for Everyday Life


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