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Spitting FiRE By Michael Barayev

Spitting FiRE By Michael Barayev

By Michael Barayev

Welcome to Spitting FiRE 🔥 by Michael Barayev.

Michael Barayev has been a titan in the direct sales industry for 13+ years and has built a strong 8 figure company from scratch in just 3 years, growing his sales team to over 150+ full time commission based sales force by following the principles outlined in this podcast!
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21 Ways to Guarantee Yourself To Be Unsuccessful

Spitting FiRE By Michael BarayevAug 20, 2019

115: How to Keep Your Momentum Going

115: How to Keep Your Momentum Going

Do you ever have GREAT days where you feel like your company and team are on fire, moving forward full speed ahead, only to wake up the next morning and see that things have returned to their sluggish, roadblock ways? In this episode we go over how to KEEP YOUR MOMENTUM GOING. Like Isaac Newton said, an object in motion will stay in motion, unless acted upon by an outside force. Here we go over how to eliminate those outside forces to make sure your team has the tools and mindset necessary to always keep pushing forward.
Sep 20, 202108:36
114: How to Always Stay Focused

114: How to Always Stay Focused

Staying focused isn't always easy. In this episode you will learn the 7 things to implement to always stay focused!
Sep 13, 202108:56
113: The Formula to Connect with People Effectively!

113: The Formula to Connect with People Effectively!

Learning how to connect with others is extremely important. This episode we go over the 3 Ls on how to connect with people and persuade them to see things our way.
Sep 06, 202106:13


Did you ever meet someone with a big ego? Or has anyone ever told you you’ve got a big ego? Then make sure you listen to this episode. Learn 17 reasons how an unhealthy or overinflated ego can hold you back from building your company and growing your sales teams.
May 26, 202113:53
111: 4 Ways To Inspire Your Teams To Create Consistent Massive Action

111: 4 Ways To Inspire Your Teams To Create Consistent Massive Action

Being able to consistently create and inspire action is challenging. In this episode, I go over the 4 things you must do in order to create that fire inside of your teams to go out there and consistently crush it!
May 05, 202106:22


If you want to build a team then you must know how to attract the 4 different types of people!
Apr 19, 202108:01
109: Top 5 Traits to look for in Partnerships & Friendships - Michael Barayev

109: Top 5 Traits to look for in Partnerships & Friendships - Michael Barayev

Wondering why you are stuck in your life or business? Maybe the people you are around are stopping you? Determine who you should add to your circle of influence by analyzing them with these 5 Traits!
Mar 31, 202109:25
Top strategies on hiring new people! - By Michael Barayev Episode 108

Top strategies on hiring new people! - By Michael Barayev Episode 108

Do you struggle hiring the right people at the right time, and actually getting them to stick around? In this episode, I break down the most important steps and tips to remember when it comes to hiring for your company vision!
Mar 17, 202109:20
How to Reduce Risk in Your Decisions - By Michael Barayev Episode 107

How to Reduce Risk in Your Decisions - By Michael Barayev Episode 107

Making the right choices in life is all about Risk assessment. In this Episode we go over how to reduce risk so you can make the right decisions!
Mar 11, 202108:48
FAITH VS FEAR by Michael Barayev Episode 106

FAITH VS FEAR by Michael Barayev Episode 106

If you ever feel like fear is holding you back. Listen to this ASAP!
Mar 03, 202106:05
3 Keys to Internal Happiness!-Episode 105 with Michael Barayev

3 Keys to Internal Happiness!-Episode 105 with Michael Barayev

Have you ever felt empty? Have you ever hit a goal and the "happy" feeling started to fade away? Well in this weeks episode I go over the 3 keys to internal Happiness so it last forever so you dont experience that emptiness anymore.
Feb 23, 202107:37
5 Foundational Principles to Sell More in the Dms - Episode 104 with Michael Barayev

5 Foundational Principles to Sell More in the Dms - Episode 104 with Michael Barayev

Do you Sell your services through DMing people? The random attack with a big paragraph of 🤮 "shpiel" doesn't work. This week I will show you how to not be that person and actually sell effectively thru your Dms.
Feb 18, 202107:49
The 6 Stages of Making an Impact on People Episode - Episode 103 with Michael Barayev

The 6 Stages of Making an Impact on People Episode - Episode 103 with Michael Barayev

Do you find yourself having a hard time impacting or motivating others? Do you find it challenging to inspire others to create massive action? If you answered yes, then I want you to listen to this weeks episode on the 6 stages of making an impact so you can learn how to create those results in your relationships!
Feb 09, 202108:04
5 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Hiring - Episode 102 with Michael Barayev

5 Biggest Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Hiring - Episode 102 with Michael Barayev

Are you stuck when it comes to hiring or growing your staff? Is it sometimes a revolving door for your employees and you seem like you constantly have to hire new people to help your company grow? Well in this Episode I go over the 5 biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make and how your mindset needs to shift so you dont experience these pains anymore. Share this with a friend!
Feb 02, 202108:39
4 Action Steps So Your Business Grows Without You! Episide 101 with Michael Barayev

4 Action Steps So Your Business Grows Without You! Episide 101 with Michael Barayev

Money isn't the goal. Money+Time is the Goal. If you are looking to scale your business, then listen to this audio ASAP!
Jan 25, 202108:08
4 Types of Sales - Episode 100 - by Michael Barayev

4 Types of Sales - Episode 100 - by Michael Barayev

Many of us don't give thought to how we need to adapt in 2021. There are many ways of selling as we all know. In this weeks podcast we go over the 4 types of selling and which one is best for you!
Jan 19, 202108:36


You see many people think that losing is a bad thing. How many times have we lost before?? How many of us are actually losing right now. Well in this podcast I go over the 5 reasons why losing will actually help you win!
Jan 11, 202109:39
Why You Need To Beat The Sun 🌞 Ep. 98

Why You Need To Beat The Sun 🌞 Ep. 98

Do you hate waking up early? Or do you enjoy it? In this week's Spitting Fire, I go over the 5 reasons why beating the sun will change your life!
Jan 04, 202110:44
Relating With People Even During Covid-19

Relating With People Even During Covid-19

Many people are stuck home right now, and have very limited human interaction. Once this pandemic goes away, we will all be on our way to add value and help others. Relating with others will be the difference maker in 2020 for those who implement these secrets. LISTEN CLOSELY AND SEE HOW YOU CAN RELATE BETTER !
Mar 31, 202012:12
The Corona Virus Mentality

The Corona Virus Mentality

Thru these tough times its best to have the right mindset. Learn to adapt and not let things affect you!
Mar 17, 202005:42
Good Habits For Anyone In Sales!

Good Habits For Anyone In Sales!

If you're a salesperson then this episode is a must listen to, to understand the importance of habits! They can either create success or massive failure!
Feb 11, 202013:43
The 5 Gs to having a Great Day

The 5 Gs to having a Great Day

If you want to have a great day listen to this audio on the 5 Gs!
Jan 31, 202005:52
How to Find Your Dream Job

How to Find Your Dream Job

How many people are just going thru the motions in thier 9 to 5 jobs. How many of us look for a job where we feel fulfilled? This Episode goes thru 6 things to look for in your dream job!
Jan 20, 202015:38
Why the word NO is powerful

Why the word NO is powerful

How many of us have been put in a position or situation where we were enticed to do something. How many times do we make decisions and regret them afterwords. This episode talks about the challenges and the benefits of actually saying the word No, and how beneficial it can be to you.
Nov 26, 201910:58
You Feel What You Eat

You Feel What You Eat

Low Energy? Feel like your done at 3pm in the afternoon? How about changing 2 things! In this short episode episode you will see 2 things you can change today to drastically increase your energy levels.
Nov 19, 201907:18
Starting from Zero

Starting from Zero

Everything has a beginning. When it comes to starting from scratch or 0, a lot of people have a difficult time knowing what to do. In this episode I go over the few things you can do to jump start your journey in anything you start. Whether it be a relationship or a business or a new office location there is always a mindset that is needed.
Nov 12, 201912:28
3 Ways Courage Changed My Life

3 Ways Courage Changed My Life

Have u ever had fear, worry, or doubt? I have and i still do! Once i realized that being fearfull is normal, i started to look at fear itself in a different light. This helped me be more courageous since courage was never in the absence of fear. This episode i go in detail how being courages benefited me!
Nov 05, 201909:59
Servant Leadership

Servant Leadership

Ever wondered why loyalty and love is apparent in certain business relationships? The answer is Leadership. And not just leadership, but servant leadership.
Oct 29, 201917:42
5 Steps to Rebuilding Momentum

5 Steps to Rebuilding Momentum

Have you had some Ups and Downs in your life or business? I definitely did. In this episode I go over 5 Steps to Rebuilding the momentum you once had!
Oct 21, 201909:49
Mental Mind Games

Mental Mind Games

Learning how to play mind games is vital to mastering your head. Once you apply these tactics it will be easier to become mentally tougher in your day to day battles of life!
Oct 14, 201912:23
10 Qualities of a Growing Team

10 Qualities of a Growing Team

Growing teams have specific characteristics. Here are 10 qualities to look for!
Oct 01, 201911:14
Why Being Late Will Fail You

Why Being Late Will Fail You

In this audio I go over the 9 reasons why being late will cause you to fail in life and in business. Learn from these reasons so you can avoid being late! For the video version check out our YouTube!
Sep 25, 201909:26
Power of Self Talk

Power of Self Talk

One of the things that changed Michael Barayevs life was his self talk at an incredible young age. This episode dives into the powerful details of how it can change your life!
Sep 23, 201918:11
5 Types of Sales People

5 Types of Sales People

There are 5 types of salespeople! This audio goes thru the description and detail of each one!
Sep 22, 201907:16
7 Reasons to Go Thru Pain

7 Reasons to Go Thru Pain

These are the 7 reasons why pain is actually good for you!
Sep 20, 201909:49


Eric and I talk about how people waste so much time in thier life. People need to understand that thier minutes are not refundable.
Sep 16, 201910:18


This Episode is about how sometimes we feel like giving up when things get tough. And we sometimes need a reminder that it is all worth it. Michael Barayev goes thru some words encouragement for those of you who need to understand that it is all worth it!
Sep 10, 201909:36
QUESTIONS for Michael Barayev

QUESTIONS for Michael Barayev

This Episode we go over a few questions for Michael Barayev to find out a little about him, his company, and his vision for us in the future.
Sep 02, 201931:05


Eric and I talk about how being Angry is the best emotion that you can use to achieve your success! Are you Angry enough?
Aug 26, 201915:42
21 Ways to Guarantee Yourself To Be Unsuccessful

21 Ways to Guarantee Yourself To Be Unsuccessful

These are the 21 Ways of guaranteeing yourself to be Unsuccessful.
Aug 20, 201921:39
From Prison to Businessman

From Prison to Businessman

This weeks episode is about a young man who went from being a gang member, drug dealer, weapons trafficker, to spending time in prison for almsot 7 years. And deciding to turn his life around at 30 years old. Amazing story and hopefully it inspires you!
Aug 12, 201918:45
Why Titles Mean Shit

Why Titles Mean Shit

Lots of people read thier press clippings. They allow titles to influence them on many different ways! Eric and I go thru how titles mean nothing in the realm of things and how to really see yourself when you do have a important title!
Aug 06, 201915:39
5 Ways to Attack Procrastination

5 Ways to Attack Procrastination

Alot of people tell themselves to do certain tasks and bever start. So Many other people start tasks and never finish them. We call this procrastination. Eric and I go thru 5 ways to ATTACK Procrastination!
Jul 29, 201910:40
Do Whatever It Takes

Do Whatever It Takes

Eric and I just drove back to the office at 930pm. And we were just thinking no matter what your goal or target is doing whatever is takes is crucial to winning. Everyone wants the life in the glory but most dont do whatever it takes! Choose to do whatever it takes as long as its ethically and morally right!
Jul 23, 201909:10
5 Reasons to Be You!

5 Reasons to Be You!

Eric and I discuss the importance of being yourself and being authentic at all times. It's not easy to always be you since we have the world always pressuring us to be the kardashians to be the lebron James. Hope you enjoy this episode!
Jul 15, 201920:47
Pain + Reflection = Progress

Pain + Reflection = Progress

In this episode Eric and I go over how going through pain and reflecting thru that situation creates progress in your life!
Jul 09, 201920:56
Why I Love My Mom!

Why I Love My Mom!

In this episode I talk about why I love my mom, and why being a mommas boy had helped me grow a multimillion dollar company! Love you Mom!
Jul 01, 201916:38
Connection With People

Connection With People

People desire connection. People crave connection. In this episode Eric and I discuss the different levels of connecting with people and how valuable it is for people to be understood and build strong relationships.
Jun 25, 201915:45
Childhood Experiences That Changed My Habits

Childhood Experiences That Changed My Habits

In this episode we go over the details of our childhood experiences and how they changed our habits. Hopefully you enjoy this episode so you can utilize your past to strengthen your future.
Jun 17, 201924:01
Why Change is Good

Why Change is Good

Do you hate change? Are you concerned about changing things because you are worried of the outcome? Well in this Episode we discuss why change is part of growth and why its neccessary for your success!
Jun 11, 201909:25