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Bari Better, Inc.

By Bari Better, Inc.

Bari Better offers online Bariatric Coaching Wellness and Lifestyle Support in English 🇺🇸Spanish🇪🇸Portuguese🇧🇷so you thrive at Bariatric living.
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#22 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 2: The Swimming pool Story

Bari Better, Inc. Feb 05, 2021



I have a question for you: Are you ready? Are you 100% committed to change your lifestyle? If so, then my online Bariatric Coaching is for you!

So, here's the difference: my clients are completely committed! Yes, they are 100% in, absolutely! They show up for their appointments, they are not late, they know what they want, they have their goal in mind, and they go for it! How about you?

Excuses, really? Are you still finding tons of them? They have to go! The moment you stop giving excuses to yourself, you are ready to change and transform your Bariatric lifestyle! And that's what my Bariatric online Coaching is all about...transformation! Life changing!

If you don't know me yet, my name is Amanda. Thank you so much, I appreciate you being here and getting to know who I am and what I do.

I am a Bariatric Coach, and I provide online Bariatric Coaching

in English, in Spanish, and in Portuguese.

And you are here for a reason, so you have a chance of right here, right now, schedule your first 30 minutes free, it's completely for free, with me, and get to know what is the online Bariatric Coaching all about! It will be the best investment that you can make on your wellness, on your Bariatric journey!

Are you self-doubting? Are you debating whether or not to have the Bariatric surgery? Or perhaps, have you already had the Bariatric surgery and you are unhappy with your Bariatric journey? Well, as your Bariatric Coach, I am here to tell you that there is definitely a light at the end of the tunnel! And you know how I know it? Because I've been there myself! So, when people talk to you and say: “Amanda, I understand what you are going through right now, I know this, I know that”...if that person has not been through the journey themselves, it's a different story. And what I can share with you is that I had the Bariatric surgery myself, so I know all the ups and downs and that is why I am here to give you Bariatric support. And what are you gonna do next? Are you gonna say: “Oh, it is all my parents’ fault”, “it's my husband’s fault”, “it’s my wife's fault”, “it's my partner's fault”. STOP BLAMING OTHERS! if you are not happy, you get to change it and it starts with you, whenever you decide to change! I hope you don't decide to change after you have not released any more pounds than what you want, the kilos that you want, and that you're watching this video right now and “thinking of trying” and “doing something” and not taking any action.

All right! The finale! I asked you a question. What is your answer to my question? How commuted are you to change? Are you 100% committed to change? What is your gut feeling telling you?

And see, here is another thing. Despite of me asking this question to you, you could still be thinking: “Let me ask somebody else what they think”. Here is the reality, you do not need anybody's approval! Do what is right for you! Go with your gut feeling! Change your life,  transform it! You are the only person who can answer my question. You know how your Bariatric journey is going. It is up to you to change right here, right now! What is your answer?

Aug 10, 202104:12
#35 ENGLISH: Amanda Interviews Dr. Botezelli - Segment 4: Bariatrics and Exercises - How often should the exercises be performed BEFORE and AFTER BARIATRIC Surgery?

#35 ENGLISH: Amanda Interviews Dr. Botezelli - Segment 4: Bariatrics and Exercises - How often should the exercises be performed BEFORE and AFTER BARIATRIC Surgery?

Amanda: Welcome back everyone, today we are talking about Bariatrics and exercises, and this is our fourth and last question for today's interview and I would like to hear from Dr. Botezelli, how often should the exercise be performed whether it is before or after you have your Bariatric surgery?

Dr. Botezelli: So, more is better, if you can do it every day, it is better, doing like 20 minutes per day, it's better than doing one hour every other day and this is also more reliable. So, if you want to start slow (as we said in the previous segment), like trying to take your stairs instead of the elevator, start to do walking across the street, go walking to the grocery, start to do some squats near your desk, in your house, more is better. If you can do it for like 20-30 minutes per day, it's amazing. The ideal would be one hour per day, every day, but you don't need to start with that. It's better to start slowly, changing your daily routine, so during work, you can take a couple of breaks, before lunch time for example (if you have 30 minutes or 60 minutes of lunch time, do 15 minutes of exercise then have your lunch). When I go back home, before I start preparing my dinner or before I take a shower, just do 10-15 minutes of exercise, so you can break exercises throughout the day, it doesn't matter that much, especially because you're starting, you can break exercising in different sessions. Usually, when I prescribe exercise, I send two routines for my clients, so they can’t escape. Like run (high intensity exercise) in 30 minutes and then you can break in two circuits, like two sets of 10-12 minutes each, and then there is a break in the middle. So, you can start your day doing one set of that exercise and another set when you get back home, so you have around 25-30 minutes of exercise. Or if you want, you can do the one-hour exercise. The difference with the one-hour exercise is that you burn more calories, so it's more efficient to lose weight, you lose weight faster. But the other exercise (specially before and after Bariatric surgery), will do the job to keep your muscles and your overall health. You don't need to start like trying to run a marathon (I see these mistakes all the time), people wanting to go to the gym like six-seven times per week, it may be a too stressful situation because you're changing too much variables, you feel pain in your body, so start slow, it is the longevity of your strategy, it is like years and years and years. I always remind people that you did not gain weight in one month or two months, don't expect to lose weight in one or two months, this is not going to happen, you need to see that's like a lifestyle change, a life change, this is the important part.

Amanda: And we talk about lifestyle change in the Bariatric journey all the time in our Bariatric Wellness Coaching, that is exactly what we do. And that is something really important that you mentioned, because I remember when you sent me my exercise routine, in the beginning I was able to rest one day and for me, it was so important to really keep it as a habit, and you and I have had many sessions about this. Sometimes people say “I'll do it today” or “I'll just skip it tomorrow” and then tomorrow comes and then the next day comes and it's easier for you to say I will skip that, but then I will do more exercise, and it's not really about that. For me, for my own routine and my own habit, I didn't feel like I really needed to rest. I rested for a couple weeks in the beginning, but as you and I have been talking about my routine and as I built more strength and more energy to and all of that with my eating habits and everything that was a combination of all, I felt better doing more exercise. In the beginning it was 30 minutes, then later I was doing 45 minutes and it wasn't affecting me. Then, I increased it to one hour. 

Aug 04, 202107:38
#34 ENGLISH: Amanda Interviews Dr. Botezelli - Segment 3: Bariatrics and Exercises - What are the most recommended exercises BEFORE and AFTER Bariatric Surgery?

#34 ENGLISH: Amanda Interviews Dr. Botezelli - Segment 3: Bariatrics and Exercises - What are the most recommended exercises BEFORE and AFTER Bariatric Surgery?

Amanda: Hello everyone, welcome back to our third segment of today’s interview with Dr. Botezelli on Bariatrics and Exercises. What are the most recommended exercises from your practice that you recommended to Bariatric patients either before they have the surgery or after they had the Bariatric surgery?

Dr. Botezelli: So, I like to compare our muscles to an elastic (when you pull it in the beginning it is pretty easy, then it starts to get harder, that is our body). If you are starting to exercise right now, it's like a new thing that you want to change your life, so you're doing the Bariatric surgery and then you decide to do exercise, every kind of exercise that you do, will produce good results in your body, tremendous results. If you talk about an athlete, they train a lot, so the elastics pulled all the way, so it's super hard to get improvements. But in the beginning, if you are sedentary, if you don't exercise that much, anything you do will produce really good results and fast results, so we see improvements by 30-40% of strength and endurance in 1-2 months, it is pretty fast, our body would adapt pretty fast. The point here is you need to do both endurance and strength exercise. The strength exercise will help you to keep your muscles, to make the muscles grow, to make the muscles bigger, even though you are in a caloric restriction, you are keeping your muscles. And this is important, because remember, in the two previous topics of this interview, when you do the Bariatric surgery, usually you lose a lot of muscle, so when you build this muscle before and after the surgery, you are increasing your metabolism, you are increasing the capacity of your muscle to generate power and burn calories. The endurance exercise is pretty important because of two things: first, endurance exercise (when I say endurance, I say biking, elliptical, running, swimming, even walking, you don’t need to start running), it burns a lot of calories and most of the calories from fat, so it will reduce your triglycerides, it will improve your cholesterol in your blood, and also you prepare your body to get more oxygenated, so you produce more red cells, you get better quality of your blood, your blood will carry more oxygen, this is amazing before the surgery and after the surgery to recovery. We need oxygen to activate our metabolism and help with the regeneration of your body. Both exercises are great

(we need both endurance and strength exercises) they are quit of mandatory before and after the surgery, because this way you keep your muscles and you spend more energy and you will affect your metabolism to prepare you for the surgery and to prepare you for a new routine and new life after the surgery.

Amanda: Great point! Please, clarify to our listeners/viewers with more examples as a lot of people don’t understand the word cardio and the difference between endurance and strength exercises before and after Bariatric surgery.

Dr. Botezelli: Endurance or cardio, is the exercise that you do for a very long time, because you have to sustain this exercise for a very long time, it is a lower intensity, so your body needs to get more efficient and break the energy, the substrates, fat, carbohydrates in a really good efficient way. So, if you need to run 1 kilometer, for example, or walk for 1 kilometer, usually, because it is a lower intensity exercise, your body will need to break down more fat, so this way you will burn more fat. “Ok Diego, if burning fat is a good way and I want to lose fat, should I do endurance exercise all the time?” Not all the time, because endurance exercise will make your body more efficient, you won’t grow muscle, because the amount of muscle that you have, with that muscle, you can walk for like five, 10, 20 kilometers, so your body will not try to grow your muscle. 

Jul 28, 202112:07
#33 ENGLISH: Amanda Interviews Dr. Botezelli - Segment 2: Bariatrics and Exercises - What is the importance of Physical Exercise after Bariatric Surgery?

#33 ENGLISH: Amanda Interviews Dr. Botezelli - Segment 2: Bariatrics and Exercises - What is the importance of Physical Exercise after Bariatric Surgery?

Amanda: Hello everyone, Amanda here, CEO and Co-Founder of Bari Better, Inc. where we provide online Bariatric Coaching in English, Spanish and Portuguese and today, I am interviewing Dr. Jose Diego Botezelli (he has a PhD in Metabolism and Physiology) and today we are talking about Bariatrics and exercise. Thank you so much for being with us in our second segment of today's interview and I would like to talk to you and ask what is actually the importance of physical exercise now after clients have already gone through the Bariatric surgery, no matter what kind of Bariatric surgery you had done.

Dr. Botezelli: Essential! You can not have a successful strategy after Bariatric surgery if you don’t do exercise and the reason is when you do the Bariatric surgery, what happens is you lose a lot of weight, but as you're not eating that much you start to lose muscle. So, if you don't do exercise to prevent this muscle loss, what happens is your metabolism will start to reduce. Our muscles are like our engines, like a car engine (bigger your muscle, more fuel you consume). So, imagine if you see a bodybuilder: they guy is pretty big, like 300 pounds of pure muscle, they need to eat like 5,000, 6,000, 7,000 (thousand) calories a day. If you don't start to exercise after a Bariatric surgery, your metabolism will start to decrease. Why? You start to lose muscle. Our muscles, we need to exercise them to keep them. This is really easy to see if you break a bone, or you see someone who breaks a bone and puts a cast. After just four weeks, when they set up the cast in the hand for example or in the arm, the cast is pretty tied. After 2 weeks, you can see that you can stick like two fingers between the cast and the arm, why? Because you are losing muscle mass, because you are not using that muscle. And then we started to reduce our metabolism. So, in one of our first conversations, you send me your Bioimpedance, which is an analysis that will check your body fat.

Amanda: Please, elaborate a little bit more on Bioimpedance, because a lot of my clients say they had their Bioimpedance done or they say they had something done, and a lot of times they don't have the explanation, or they don't have the deepest understanding about it. So, as general information I remember one of the sessions I had with you, you went over with me, I totally understood my numbers and that made so much sense to me and then we totally revamped my exercise program and I needed it because I was losing a lot of muscle mass and then you went into details and explained to me. Please, clarify to our viewers and listeners, because people need to know that.

Dr. Botezelli: So, in this kind of analysis, we check the amount of fat, muscle and water, pretty much. Some of them check other things like bone density and those things, but usually the main numbers are body fat and lean mass. So, body fat: our fat doesn’t spend that much calories per day, it is almost nothing, because it's just storage, it should not spend energy. You don’t want to store energy inside of a place, in a cell where you spend energy. The more fat mass you have, usually lowers your metabolism. Higher lean mass, higher metabolism. So, what happens after a Bariatric surgery? Usually, because people starts losing a lot of weigh (if they lose like 30 kilos for example, usually this would be 15 kilos of muscle and 15 kilos of fat, or 20 kilos of fat and 10 kilos of muscle), so you are reducing your metabolism and it gets harder and harder and harder. So, if you read your Bioimpedance  and your level of fat it's over 30%, means that you are obese. And for a man over 20% of fat means you are obese, and over 30% of fat for women, means obesity. I see clients, not Bariatrics, but I see many clients who are lean in weight, but when I check their body fat, it is 34-35%, actually they are obese.

Jun 11, 202114:21
#32 ENGLISH: Amanda Interviews Dr. Botezelli - Segment 1: Bariatrics and Exercises - What is the importance of Physical Exercise before Bariatric Surgery?

#32 ENGLISH: Amanda Interviews Dr. Botezelli - Segment 1: Bariatrics and Exercises - What is the importance of Physical Exercise before Bariatric Surgery?

Amanda: Hello Everyone, Amanda here (CEO and Co-founder of Bari Better, Inc., where we provide online Bariatric Coaching in English, Spanish and Portuguese), and today, I have the pleasure and honor of interviewing one of our Board Advisors, Dr. Jose Diego Botezelli (he is originally from Brazil, he is now living in Canada, he has a PhD in Physiology and Metabolism, we have been meeting on a weekly basis and today’s interview topic is on Bariatric and Exercise. I also like to tell you that Dr. Botezelli prescribes online exercise and nutrition plans and today I have the pleasure to have four segments with him in this interview, and before we get started I would like to talk about Bari Better, where we do not provide any Medical advice and we only provide general Wellness and lifestyle Coaching, we should not be constructive of medical advice and should not replace your consultation or any advice from a Medical professional, so you should not rely on Bari Better or any information provided by Bari Better, Inc. for any Medical decisions and also all the interviews that we perform at Bari Better are for information only and Bari Better, Inc. is not responsible for the information provided by the person being interviewed. So, with that being said, welcome Dr. Botezelli, it is a pleasure to have you with us today.  

Dr. Botezelli: Thank you so much Amanda!  

Amanda: I would like to have you introduce yourself and give a little bit more information about your background.   

Dr. Botezelli: I'm Dr. Botezelli, I have a Bachelor in Kinesiology and a Master and PhD in Physiology and Metabolism. I have a Post Doctorate in Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism from the University of Campinas in Brazil, and another Post Doctorate in UBC (Canada), where I was studying self Physiology. Now, I have my own company, I help people around the world lose weight. I have clients in Dubai, Ireland, Australia, Brazil, South Africa, England, Italy, Spain, etc. My main strategy is trying to bring new strategies and new habits for people to lose weight in a healthy, reliable and sustainable way.

Amanda: That's a great point: healthy, reliable and sustainable way! With all your background and experience, what is the importance of exercising as your routine during your pre-op phase, before you even have a Bariatric surgery?

Dr. Botezelli: So, if you are going for a Bariatric surgery, it means you are overweight or obese and the problem with overweight or obese, you have insulin resistance, you have some problems and you have usually bad habits. And when I say bad habits, it is not like judging or something like, but it is not correct habits. So, we need to produce, build new strategies and we also need to improve your overall health. This will help, make your surgery more successful, less complications in the surgery, also doing exercise, specially physical exercise that make you to produce muscle mass, like strength exercise, functional (you can just use your body, you don’t need fancy equipments, you don’t need to run 10 kilometers per day, just use your body, our body is a pretty massive weight, so we can use our body to do working balance, work coordination, rhythm, work everything), and this will help our muscle mass to get more healthy. When you go for Bariatric surgery, one of the things that happen is that you can lose a lot of weight, but usually this weight is fat and muscle. Starting a workout, exercise routine before the surgery, will allow you to recover the muscle mass faster and also prevent this muscle breakdown that is a huge problem after Bariatric surgery. As we know, around 80% of people who have the Bariatric surgery, they become obese again, they do not reach  the same weight, but they become obese again, because you do not change the causes of the obesity.

May 20, 202113:40
#31 PORTUGUÊS: Cruzar as pernas depois da cirurgia Bariátrica

#31 PORTUGUÊS: Cruzar as pernas depois da cirurgia Bariátrica

Vamos sério aqui óh, no téti-a-téti, a gente? Você lembra daquele momento mais que especial, o primeiro dia que você pode cruzar a suas pernas depois de você ter a cirurgia Bariátrica? Gente, fala sério???!!! Para vocês que estão me ouvindo e são Bariátricos, sabem exatamente o que eu estou falando e como é maravilhoso ter esse sentimento! Assim que, eu espero que você esteja passando por isso nesse momento, ou já tenha passado, e se não passou, se esforce cada vez mais porque logo esse momento vai chegar e você vai desfrutar maravilhas! Aproveite muito sua jornada Bariátrica! Não deixe ninguém nem nada influenciar você porque só você pode se cuidar e ninguém mais!!!:)

May 13, 202100:49
#30 ESPAÑOL: Cruzar las piernas despues de la cirugia Bariatrica

#30 ESPAÑOL: Cruzar las piernas despues de la cirugia Bariatrica

Te recuerdas cuando por la primera vez pudistes cruzar tus piernas después de tu cirugía Bariátrica? Ah que momento increíble!!! Espero que lo estes viviendo y disfrutando al máximo y super saludable después de su cirugía Bariátrica!!! No se te olvide: no dejes nadie ni nada meterte en tu vida y sí que tú sigas tu camino y tu jornada Bariátrica de la manera que tú debes hacerlo y de la manera más saludable que puedas! Cuídate mucho y saludos! Disfruta tu jornada Bariátrica!!!:)

May 12, 202100:40
#29 ENGLISH: Non Scale Victories (NSV) after Bariatric surgery: Able to finally cross my legs

#29 ENGLISH: Non Scale Victories (NSV) after Bariatric surgery: Able to finally cross my legs

Hello, are you ready for this? Let's talk about that moment when you are able to really cross your legs after you had a Bariatric Surgery!  Isn't that a special moment? I know! I hope you're having that great sensation and feeling POSITIVE with a lot of energy like I am and I hope that you can cross your legs and feel so healthy and so great after your Bariatric journey! Enjoy it! Take good care of yourself and keep going!!! Don't let anyone or anything stop you!!!!:)

May 11, 202100:38
#28 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 5: Celebrating Everything With Food?

#28 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 5: Celebrating Everything With Food?

Celebrating everything with food? Does that ring a bell ? Does it sound familiar to you? Well, stick around with me until the end of the video where I am sharing with you today my Storytelling Day 5! Welcome to my channel! 

Amanda here, thank you so very much for watching me, for following my channel, for subscribing. If you have not subscribe to my YouTube channel yet, make sure to ring the bell , to subscribe, so you can get my latest videos and updates. Also, make sure that you follow us on Instagram, Facebook and we have videos posted for you very frequently. By the way, you feel like this video, make sure to give it a like and I'm providing all the links to my previous Storytelling videos below here, so if you have not watched them, make sure you don't miss it, so you can follow through!  

So, I grew up with a family where everything was celebrated with food, and when I say everything, I really mean it! I don't mean only special occasions, holidays and birthdays, I mean everything! And celebration has that connotation of happiness, right? What I also want to say is that not only when everything was happy we celebrated with food, but also, when there was something sad, food was always present as well. Like some of you (who had already shared the same situation with me), or who really understand what I'm talking about, have this conception, it's kind of an auto pilot, right? We think food and feelings!  This association is constantly present in our brains, and make us feel that we cannot change it because that's the way we have lived our whole lives, so why change it now? Keep it the same way! In my family's case, when I mean that we celebrated everything with food, let's say for example that we had just purchased or decided to go on a really nice family vacation! Well, if it was a surprise, then obviously when we were giving that surprise out, we always had food around to celebrate the surprise of the vacation with the food!  And see, the same pattern kept repeating it. For example, if there was a great grade at school or if there was a job promotion, everything had to be celebrated with food around us.

And remember when I talk to you about family vacations? Uh, yes, that's right! Family vacation... how about ALL INCLUSIVE vacation? Oh yeah! That was definitely part of my family’s patterns as well. Every time we traveled, we would look for a place specifically where they would have ALL INCLUSIVE, therefore we didn't have to worry about food, and we knew that food was present no matter where we were,  (whether we were inside of the pool even), they would offer us food on these very big resorts and all inclusive vacation places. When you were in your room? 24/7 room services! It didn't matter,  we needed to make sure that we had food all the time, 24/7, if we ever needed, next to us!   I am now aware. I have a different mindset and I'm conscious of the decisions that we had in the past (and the risks that we actually took on our own health), by the food choices and the eating behaviors we had as a family.

On my previous Storytelling Day 4, I talked about breaking the cycle, and I'm here to remind you that YOU CAN BE THE ONE, you can be that person who breaks the cycle! There is a way out: GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE!!!  See, you when we talk about celebration, food, smelling, nostalgia, we think about when we were little, of our grandparents’ food, or our family vacations, or our family gatherings...Therefore, we feel we have to keep repeating those patterns forever in our lives, and I'm here to tell you that that is not real! This does not have to be your reality, and it's up to you to change that! 

Food does not have to be your determined factor to belong! I no longer celebrate things with food! YOU CAN ALSO break this pattern of celebrating everything with food like I did! 

May 07, 202106:35
#27 ENGLISH: Amanda interviews Dr. Lopez Segment 4 - Bariatric Coaching: Bariatric Coaching Frequency

#27 ENGLISH: Amanda interviews Dr. Lopez Segment 4 - Bariatric Coaching: Bariatric Coaching Frequency

Amanda: Welcome everyone to our fourth and last segment of today's interview on the topic of Bariatric Coaching. Today we have the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Ricardo Lopez, he's a Bariatric surgeon from Guatemala and he owns the Obesity Center. Thank you so much Dr. for being here with us today, I appreciate your time.  Dr. Lopez: Thank you again for the invitation Amanda, and it's my pleasure to contribute with this learning that helps us and helps our patients in a better outcome in this Bariatric path patients have. This is a very nice topic about Coaching.  Amanda: Yes, absolutely. One thing that you and I talk a lot about in our meetings is accountability. Some keywords that I use with my clients are: accountability, consistency, health food choices and not going back into the old habits. A lot of my clients, whether they are a couple weeks after surgery or even clients who are 10 years post-op, talk about going back to old “bad habits”, as we were used to doing so for our whole lives, that is what got us into getting the Bariatric surgery done. We really want to make sure that clients don't go back to their old habits and they have a healthy lifestyle, so they can thrive at their Bariatric living. Knowing that (and you also tell me about some of your patients’ challenges and struggles they face in their Bariatric journeys and some of these words you hear as well), being a Bariatric surgeon yourself, how often would you recommend Bariatric Coaching sessions to your patients?  Dr. Lopez:  I think I will have to go back to the question of our first session which was what is the actual real meaning of coaching? and when we talked about what coaching is. We know that if we compare it to sports for example, there is no way that an athlete or a team can have only one time, one stand Coaching and then you'll win a championship. You need persistence and as you said, you need consistency in that training, in that change of matters, in that change of habits, that will guide you and lead you to a better outcome. If you have a coach in whatever field you have, for example in your work, in your house, in your discipline, if you have a one-time Coach, it is something that will probably only going to teach you or give you an example, but will not lead you and will not take you in the path in order to have a good outcome. So, I would say that if you want to have a better outcome, you need to have at least weekly basis Coaching sessions in order to have very good guidance for your Bariatric life. And it doesn't only mean in a post-op, it means in a pre-op and an immediate post-op. I believe (as we have talked, you as a Bariatric patient), you know that immediately after your operation and every week it's going to be constant changes in the questions that you're going to have in your diet, in your recovery, in your pain, in your post-op, and you (who have already have years after your surgery), you know that there are weekly questions when something comes such as reflux, pain, feelings, hunger, and those things will lead you to do bad things, to go back to old habits if you don't have the right Coach that will tell you what to do and what not to do! So it's very important and you know it as a Bariatric patient, right?

Amanda: Right! And emotions... that is a huge one! That's definitely one of the things people don’t talk about it, because actually we have been eating our emotions all these years. So it's very important to talk about emotions, of what is really in the back of your head, in your brain that is making you go back to the old bad habits, absolutely.

Dr. Lopez: And as you know also, when we talk about the success of a surgery, we need to talk about weight loss. When we talk about weight loss, there is something important that's called regain. 

Apr 25, 202113:45
#26 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 4: Diet is not a Lifestyle

#26 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 4: Diet is not a Lifestyle

DIET! This word is no longer part of my vocabulary. Hi everyone, Amanda here, welcome back! Today is my Storytelling Day 4. Thank you so much for following me. If you watched my previous storytellings, on Day 1, I shared with you about the name Big in my family since I was a little girl. On Storytelling Day 2, I talked to you about my bullying story in a swimming pool and then on my Storytelling Day 3, I talked to you about some of the bullying stories that actually led me to take weight loss medications, which never worked for me. And today, I am specifically here to talk about this word “diet”. All of my storytelling videos are available on my YouTube channel, so make sure to subscribe to Bari Better and you'll be able to find a lot of different videos there for your information as well. I'm also posting them on Instagram IGTV and you will be able to find my videos on Facebook. Subscribe to our YouTube channel, ring the bell, so you can get all the notifications when my new videos are up and give it a thumbs up if you like it!

So, a lot of us cannot even hear the word “diet” anymore. if you would ask me: “Amanda, what diets have you tried, or what diet have I tried?” my answer to you would actually be: “what diet have I not tried?” because let me tell you, I've tried all of them and they simply do not work for me. I understand and I also know and I hear from a lot of people that a lot of you can actually relate to what I'm saying. The reason why diets don't work for me is because I was never in the right mindset to start any plan that I got myself into. Make sure to stick around until the end of this video, because guess what? words do matter. Are you ready for this? Self-discipline and following the right system! Did you hear that? Let me repeat it: Self-discipline and following the right system! Those are key to your success! Some of you might be asking yourselves: “uh but, what do you really mean by that, Amanda?” what I mean is every time or most of the times when you start a “diet” plan, a gym membership, anything that has to do with your health and wellness and getting things going for yourself and changing your life and changing your routine, then most of the times our mind goes back to “I will start it tomorrow, or better yet, I will start it on Monday, or well, today is the 10th or the 15th, let me just wait until the first of the month so then I can really start fresh”...and guess what? That day never comes! That is exactly what I mean by self-discipline and by having the right system! Therefore, all this “dieting plans” that I've started in the past, everything that I started one day or the Mondays, or the first of the month (you get me), I didn't really have a plan to follow through, so I started one day, and then I would eat something that was not part of my plan and I would think to myself: “Ok, well I did this today, so maybe I did it wrong for breakfast and I might as well just eat something wrong anyways for lunch because I already did something earlier anyway, so that's not gonna hurt me”. And then, I would say that I would start tomorrow again, and that tomorrow never comes. And next thing you are seeing is that you're giving all these excuses to yourself, and when you do that you're actually not lying to anybody else, but you! I was in this vicious cycle that was so unhealthy, that all I did was find myself trying every single diet that was out there in the market, you name it. 

Didn’t I tell you that the word “diet” is no longer part of my vocabulary? You know what is it now instead? Lifestyle and mindset! 

Lifestyle! I live a completely different lifestyle, super healthy right now! I broke that vicious cycle and if you want, you can break it too! Nobody else will do that for you, but yourself!

I am now the best version of myself and I'll tell you more about it in my future storytelling! So, stick around and remember: you can break the cycle! Start today!:)

Apr 16, 202105:54
#25 ENGLISH: Amanda interviews Dr. Lopez Segment#3: What are the short and long term benefits of online Bariatric Coaching?

#25 ENGLISH: Amanda interviews Dr. Lopez Segment#3: What are the short and long term benefits of online Bariatric Coaching?

Amanda: This is our third segment of the interview on Bariatric Coaching with Bariatric surgeon Dr. Ricardo Lopez from Obesity Center in Guatemala. Welcome everyone and thank you so much Dr. Lopez  for being here with us. We have been talking about Bariatric Coaching and as you know I am a Bariatric patient and I always tell my clients that Bariatric is a forever journey, that we are not only a Bariatric patient when we are just going through our two weeks pre op, neither only the day of our surgery, nor a couple of days after we have our surgery...we are actually a Bariatric patient forever in life.
Dr. Lopez: Yes, that's exactly the way it is.
Amanda: Bariatric surgery has been a positive life changing experience for me. With that being said, as a Bariatric surgeon, I would like to hear from you what are the short and also what are the long-term benefits of having online Bariatric Coaching in your life during your Bariatric journey?
Dr. Lopez: As a small reminder, we talked about what Bariatric Coaching is and the process where we need to have somebody who guides us. We also talked about that despite the type of Bariatric surgery a specific individual underwent, we need short and long term Bariatric Coaching. And the answer yes is given by what we have talked about, that Metabolic or Bariatric surgery is for life. We do Metabolic anatomical changes in the stomach and in the foregut in order to help you to have something that is a tool and that tool you're going to have it in order to change your habit and after changing a habit, there you are going to change a lifestyle. So, if you are able to change your habits, then you're going to make your habits a lifestyle. So, a surgery like this will change your lifestyle and lifestyle is for long-lasting life. So, definitely when we need Coaching for a short term, what does it mean? As we have talked about, you are a Bariatric patient, so you know that you had a lot of doubts, that you had a lot of questions even minutes before coming to surgery, so the preparation for your surgery and waking up from surgery, then starts a lot of questions about scars and taking care of your wounds, pain and I definitely know that 95% of the patients when they wake up from surgery they ask themselves “what have I done?”, because you know, it's a different process for everybody, but it's difficult waking up from a surgery, waking up with a little bit of pain, waking up with drainages and so short-term help is very useful in order to recover immediately after your surgery. And there is something that it's called ERAS (Enhance Recovery After Surgery) and this means what can we do in order for a patient to recover the best way? And one of the things is having somebody that can help you, having somebody who can guide you, having somebody that can tell you I've been there and I know what you need to do, I know what you need to take care, I know what you need to eat, I know what you don't need to eat, and if you do that from the first moment of your recovery, definitely your outcomes are going to be successful. And successful in Bariatric surgery means more percentage of excess weight loss, so if you're doing your surgery because you want the best results in your excess of weight loss, definitely, short-term follow up, short term Coaching is something that is very good. And what happens with long-term follow up? When we say that a surgery was a failure or when we say that we are having weight regain, that is not immediate. That is a long-term old bad habit changes you are starting taking again, it is when you have already recovered and are having the same old bad habits again and that is really important.
Amanda: That is a really great point and I want to say that I always tell my clients that Bariatric surgery is a tool, not a miracle, that is not the way it works.

Mar 18, 202110:15
#24 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 3: Bullying Consequences

#24 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 3: Bullying Consequences

Hello! Are you ready for the Storytelling Day 3? All right, let's do it! Hi, my name is Amanda and I'm here to tell you a little bit of my Storytelling and first of all grateful, gratitude for all of your comments, for all of you who have already watched my Storytelling Day 1 and 2. If you have not, go ahead and subscribe to my YouTube channel at Bari Better, and you be able to see why I told you in the Storytelling Day One and Day Two, and this is a let's get started! All my videos are available on Instagram IGTV, as well as on Facebook and on YouTube, so when you subscribe to our YouTube channel, make sure to hit that bell so you can get all the notifications from the latest videos that I record for you! 

As some of you may relate, bullying regarding my weight was not something that happened just at one occasion in one day in my life. I suffered from bullying ever since I was a little girl, through my teenage years and many many years after that too. I shared with you the swimming pool bullying story and also another thing that really stuck with me many many years were school trips,  many school trips that we had and obviously, I was always the “Chubby Amanda”, the “Overweight Amanda” the “Ha ha ha Amanda” and they always laughed at me, and that was pretty harsh too!

Remember when I shared with you on the Storytelling Day 1 that at one point in my life I was not that “ Big”, that there was a reason behind it and I told you I was gonna share it with  you during another Storytelling?  So, here it is! Are you ready for it?

Well, all that bullying, sadness, depression, suffering, feeling that I wasn't really belonging to my own world, let me to make a choice and I actually started taking weight loss medications at a very young age and let me tell you...some of the side effects are still following me up until today. I didn't know better back then, so I thought... well this would be "the easiest or an easy way for me to resolve my problems” just like “a great resolution to the issues I was facing at that time in my life”.  I knew people around me who took the medications as well that suffered from obesity or overweight, and then decided...well, they are trying, why not? let me give it a try too!

Pretty interesting what we do to our own body, isn't it? I didn't really have the mindset back then, so it didn't really matter to me the side effects that I was having it: dizziness, tiredness, just feeling so overwhelmed! But, it only mattered to me that I took the medication and that I could release the weight and feel "accepted into the society”.

And then, when my medication finished, here it is: the yo-yo effect again!  I would gain all the weight back. Not only what I have already released, but most of the times even more so! Then, I tried so many different weight loss medications, it wasn't just one, two, there were many of them, and for me, it was always the same vicious cycle: I would take the medication, release some of the weight, get all the side effects (and many different side effects from each one of them),  then I would release some weight, then I would stop taking it (or if I had to change it), I would regain all the weight back again, and as I said, most of the times even more so than the weight I had before I started taking the medications. Well, I thought the medication was it, that it was the answer to my question and it would end my problems, and that I could just take the medications and eat whatever I wanted and still eating the unhealthy foods that I've always eaten in the past and I thought: “this is the magic, it's the miracle”!

I have talked to so many people who have been exactly in the same situation as mine, and I'm here to tell you that you are not alone! My story will continue in the next Storytelling video.  Take good care of yourself!

Mar 06, 202105:19
#23 ENGLISH: Amanda interviews Dr. Ricardo Lopez Segment#2: What type of Bariatric surgery is online Bariatric Coaching a good fit for?

#23 ENGLISH: Amanda interviews Dr. Ricardo Lopez Segment#2: What type of Bariatric surgery is online Bariatric Coaching a good fit for?

Amanda: Welcome to our second segment of this interview on Bariatric Coaching and today, I have the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Ricardo Lopez (Bariatric Surgeon from Guatemala) and the topic today is on Bariatric Coaching. For what type of Bariatric surgery is online Bariatric Coaching a good fit?

Dr. Ricardo Lopez: It doesn't matter what type of Bariatric surgery has been or is going to be performed in any patient. Definitely, yes, any type of Bariatric surgery will have different processes, and if one is guided by a Bariatric Coach throughout the process, it is great, because when you go to your house after surgery, then some feel sad, questions and thoughts come up, such as “I don't have that type of of liquid”, “I don't have that brand of Jell-O”, “I don't know what's the meaning of a puree” “I don't know what's the meaning of semi-solid” and “How many days do I have to take liquids for”, “What's the difference between a clear liquid and liquid?” and so on. These main questions start popping up and you don't have your surgeon in your house, and sometimes, you don't have your surgeon even on call, immediately. So, the first step is going to be about my recovery, the process of getting into your home and not start wondering how it's going to be there. Any Bariatric surgery we will need guidance, so Bari Better is the best option that will provide you assistance anywhere anytime on your recovery, despite the type of Bariatric surgery that the surgeon decided to do with you as a patient.

Amanda: We have clients who had all types of Bariatric surgery and at Bari Better, I always tell all my clients that we do not give medical advice. I always recommend that my clients have their Bariatric multidisciplinary team and follow up with their Bariatric surgeon, Nutritionist, Registered Dietitian, Phycologist. Some clients are newer to surgery, some have had their Bariatric surgery many years ago, and I tell them that it is very important that they keep in touch with their Bariatric team, since a lot of people end up following back to the old habits with support. I tell my clients to follow through, despite being one year or more after surgery and to go to their annual Bariatric surgeon appointment, Nutritionist, Phycologist, so they can have their labs done, food planning, check their protein/calories and food/liquid intake. You mentioned different types of surgeries, could you please explore further to our viewers and listeners, what is the difference between Bariatric surgery and Metabolic surgery? I hear this question a lot.

Dr. Ricardo Lopez: The main aspect of a Bariatric or restrictive procedure, is that we create anatomical changes in the stomach or anatomical changes in the small bowel in order to make the food not pass through a very important segment where calories or fat or some vitamins are absorbed. So, we try to make the food not to cross over those segments. So, we are going to limit the body to absorb some type of carbs and some types of fats and definitely, we are going to limit some absorption of some types of vitamins. So, the body will react and will understand that we are on a certain type of diet and we need to make some metabolic changes in order to absorb the amount of food that we are taking. So, we are restricting the amount of food and the food we're taking, it is over passing a segment in the small bowel, so that will give us more metabolic power in order to have restriction of diabetes, of hypertension, of hyperlipidaemia and we call those changes metabolic surgery. And there are other types of surgeries, for example, as having a band, having a ring or having a sleeve gastrectomy, that will only restrict the amount of food that I take, but that food will follow the normal anatomical segments and the food will go through the exact same segments were carbs/fats are absorbed

Feb 19, 202110:23
#22 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 2: The Swimming pool Story

#22 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 2: The Swimming pool Story

Hello Everyone! And welcome to Day Two of Bari Better’s Storytelling!

Make sure to follow us on YouTube and subscribe to our channel. You can always ring the bell to make sure that you get all the latest videos that we record as well as follow us on Instagram and Facebook.

And you might be asking yourself why is there a swimming pool behind Amanda?

If you're listening to my Podcast, so you know, I am very close to a swimming pool and there's a reason behind it: So, when I was younger, my parents were members of this really nice Club and people from all over the city would come. A lot of people from my school were members. I remember this very important day in my life (which actually brings me a lot of emotions), but it was the day that I got my first bikini and I went to the Club with a friend and I recall that she had a really nice body. If you listened to my Storytelling Day One, you would know about the name Big and how I come from a family with obesity, and I've never had this great, we were getting some sun (my friend and I), and I recall these guys (they were from my school) walking by and all of a sudden they made this comment: “Wow, look at Amanda's belly, it's so big, it doesn't look as nice as the other girls!”

Well, that comment was really really hard and really affected me for many many years in my life, but you know what? It no longer affects me! Do I feel sorry for the comments, for the person? Not really! The point is that it doesn't affect me anymore and I'm here to share that with you because if you're going to the same situation or if you have already gone through the same thing, don't let other people’s comments affect you! Don't let comparison affect you! You are beautiful inside and out, it doesn't matter how your body looks! I have accepted myself!

And for those of us in the Bariatric journey, I understand exactly how it feels and seeing a pool, for a lot of us, it's not a fun place to be and I know a lot of us are scared and afraid of it, but don't be! It's OK! Accept your body! Accept yourself and it's all good!

Share any comments here below with me. I would love to hear from you! I hope you're having a wonderful Bariatric journey and I look forward to seeing you on the next Storytelling video. Enjoy your Bariatric life!


Feb 05, 202102:53
#21 ENGLISH: Amanda interviews Dr. Ricardo Lopez. Segment#1 Bariatric Coaching - What is Bariatric Coaching?

#21 ENGLISH: Amanda interviews Dr. Ricardo Lopez. Segment#1 Bariatric Coaching - What is Bariatric Coaching?

Amanda: Hello Everyone, Amanda here, Co-Founder and CEO of Bari Better, Inc. where we provide online Bariatric Coaching in English, Spanish and Portuguese and today I have the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Ricardo Lopez, a Bariatric Surgeon from Guatemala. My husband and I met Dr. Lopez in Dubai in a Conference titled International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity And Metabolic Disorders (IFSO), we have been in touch ever since and now he's one of our Board Advisor.

Question to Dr. Lopez: As a Bariatric surgeon, what would you say if someone asks you What is Bariatric coaching?

Dr. Ricardo Lopez: Coaching is a word that is often thought as sports-related, because coaching comes from somebody that teaches in order to take a team or an athlete to reach positive results. So, coaching is the term that has been used in order for somebody to help and guide a team or a person to succeed. There's a lot of aspects in a lot of topics when we have needed somebody to teach us what is the way, what is the best way to do it and what would you do if we fail or what we do if we need to get to this point of our lives to get to succeed at something in life, and that applies to Bariatric clients.

Amanda: As a Bariatric surgeon, how do you see the importance of the online Bariatric Coaching? At Bari Better, Inc. we do not provide any medical advice, we help our clients achieve their goals, and to get from point A to point B

Dr. Ricardo Lopez: Bariatric surgery is a long-lasting journey. People will always have questions, before, during the process and after surgery, even 5, 10 years after surgery. It is great to have a Bariatric Coach by your side during your process to help guide you to every step: before surgery, during recovery and after surgery. What a better way to do the Coaching with someone who has already been through the process themselves. Online Bariatric Coaching is the way to go as you will have questions many times and can get this support from any place, anywhere, anytime.

Jan 26, 202111:46
#20 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 1

#20 ENGLISH: Storytelling Bari Better Day 1

Cele: Hi I'm Cele and I'm here today with my wife (Amanda), to start telling you our story about Bari Better (Bariatric Coaching), how it started. Just with a simple idea to help people who had or is  gonna have a Bariatric surgery and my wife is here (Amanda) to tell you how this company started. 

Amanda: Hello Everyone! Our company, Bari Better, as Cele said, started with a simple idea and I'm here to start telling you the storytelling of our company Day One.  Stick around with us!

Amanda: So...once upon a time, there was this little girl and this little girl it's me. I will tell you my story. I remember since I was very very little that I had obesity in my family and it has always been part of my life. One thing that was really important when I was raised was society and people around me. I grew up with a lot of bullying. I grew up feeling really bad and not happy with myself and one of the big things was BIG and that was a reality for me and a word that I heard every single day in my life. Big was actually my dad’s nickname. Our family last name is Dario and my dad's name (he was known for) Big Dario. We actually had a store, and our store was named Big Dario. Big was part of a family name and I remember a lot of the times during my childhood and even when I was in my youth years that people would ask me oh are you Big’s daughter? I was not really known much as Amanda as my name. I knew myself as Big’s daughter and interestingly enough, at one point in my life, some people would ask are not Big’s daughter, are you? Because at that time, I was not that “big” and, I'll tell you why in another storytelling. Big has always been a word that followed me since I was a little girl.

Jan 01, 202103:06
#19 ENGLISH: New Years, New Resolutions! What is your Bariatric Plan for 2021?

#19 ENGLISH: New Years, New Resolutions! What is your Bariatric Plan for 2021?

Hello friends and clients of Bari Better!

We are here to remind you of hope, love and peace!

Hope is important. When we have had or will have the Bariatric surgery, we hope to be able to become a healthier person, which will take us to a wonderful, peaceful and better life. Also, to take us to a new experience and a healthy relationship with everything that we have and do.

Love is very important, we always emphasize what we want to do, what we need, what we have, and we forget to love ourselves to have that inner relationship in order to reach our goals.

We hope you, in this 2021 that is going to start, have the hope, love and peace in your life and reach those goals that you deserve.

We wish you a wonderful Bari Better life!

Happy New Year, Happy New You!
Feliz Año! (Español)
Feliz Ano Novo! (Português)

Dec 29, 202001:43
#18 ENGLISH: How are you planning your Bariatric journey during this Holiday Season?

#18 ENGLISH: How are you planning your Bariatric journey during this Holiday Season?

Dear friends Happy Holidays!  

My husband and I are here to wish you a healthy Happy Holiday season from Bari Better!  

Holiday season can be a challenged and stressful time of the year for those of us on our Bariatric journey!  As a person who had Bariatric surgery and as a Bariatric coach, I have learned how to not overeat and make healthier choices during holidays.  

Holiday is a time of celebration and food is not the reason to celebrate. I discovered that I was wrongly living with the misunderstanding that I needed to celebrate everything with food. Now, I use mindfulness eating and for that reason, I eat consciously every day and also during holiday. Now, I treat my body with healthier choices.   

I had Bariatric surgery to be healthier and live a happier and better life! I know what is bad for me and I know what is Bari Better for me!  Right now, we have fears and worries about the future, but, take a moment, look on your sides and enjoy the happiness of the present moment.  

To all of you, Happy Holidays and best wishes!

Dec 18, 202001:50
#17 ENGLISH: When and Where am I improving my Physical condition?

#17 ENGLISH: When and Where am I improving my Physical condition?

Here are Bari Better's Disclaimers:

Always consult with your Doctor before performing any type of exercise to make sure you have no restrictions or limitations. 

I am here in this wonderful gym and I have this great opportunity to do a lot of different exercises, I have many options, I enjoy bicycling, exercising in the elliptical machine, and I also get a lot of my cardio done on the treadmill. I do arm exercises and different activities with the punching bag (one of my favorites).  The best type of exercise for my Bariatric routine is a mix of strength exercise and endurance exercise.  

I also enjoy outdoors exercises.   

Home exercise: I take online yoga classes, I have a yoga mat at home and I am able to do a lot of yoga and exercises with it. I also bought a weight for home exercises.  

The day has 24-hours, when are you choosing to exercise? You have many choices with morning, afternoon or evening exercises. What is your preference? Find something that you like and the time of the day that works best for you. Don't feel overwhelmed! If you have a busy schedule or your schedule is not the same every week, you can always switch and you can also split your exercises.   

There is no need to hide your Bariatric Journey anymore!  

Don’t wait for 2021! Start improving your life right now!

Dec 12, 202003:05
#16 ENGLISH: Are you exercising outdoors?

#16 ENGLISH: Are you exercising outdoors?

What did you do to exercise today? I am here to show you a little bit of my exercise routine and how my day is going. This morning when I woke up, I drank a lot of water, I  already did my online yoga class and then I decided to go for a really nice walk in a different place with beautiful green trees and wonderful bird sounds. I want to share a little bit of my Bariatric day with you (I log my water intake, my food and my exercises daily).

There are no excuses! You might be thinking of other things you have to do, but I really encourage you to just stop for a little bit (if it works for you, you can set alarms on your phone as an exercise reminder), the most important thing is to move your body. Check with your Doctor before you perform any type of exercise to make sure you have no restrictions or limitations.

I always tell my clients it is all about routine and habits. So, I started walking 30 minutes a day. I am here with my husband and we're going for this wonderful walk and I'm also enjoying the sun, that is so important! We often forget what is surrounding us, we just look at the things that we have to do, we are so busy busy busy busy busy and we forget to look around and enjoy the beauty, no matter which part of the world you are, it doesn't matter which country and what time it is where you are, it's up to you to make the most of your day!

With consistency and healthy habits, I'm feeling much more energized. My exercise and my ability to do so has improved so much that I now go for another one hour walk in the afternoons as well.

Exercise and healthy food planning are so important! I already have all my healthy food ready at home waiting for me when I get back and I am already moving my body. How about you, are you exercising outdoors?

Dec 05, 202005:21
#15 ENGLISH: How are you planning your Bariatric Thanksgiving Celebration?

#15 ENGLISH: How are you planning your Bariatric Thanksgiving Celebration?

Thanksgiving is here and before you start getting organized for your celebrations, have you  asked yourself, what are you thankful for? What is the real meaning of Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving is the celebration of the Harvest. It is also time to celebrate all the blessings that you had during this past year.

What are you thankful for?
I am definitely thankful for life. I am thankful that I decided to have Bariatric surgery to be healthier and to change my life. I'm also very thankful for that special day when I received the phone call with my Bariatric surgery approval date.

My husband and I are here celebrating Thanksgiving and preparing a very delicious, simple, easy and yet (most importantly), very healthy Thanksgiving dinner, and you can do the same!

I am so thankful that I completely changed my relationship with food and now I actually look at food and I think food is just nourishing my body, and no longer damaging it. I don’t think about eating massively during the holiday season anymore.

How about you, how are you planning your Bariatric Thanksgiving Celebration?

How are you planning your Bariatric journey during the Holiday Season?

We, your friends at Bari Better, wish you, your family, friends and loved ones a Happy Thanksgiving!

Nov 26, 202002:17
#14 ENGLISH: How are you Loving & Caring for yourself, for your Bariatric Life?

#14 ENGLISH: How are you Loving & Caring for yourself, for your Bariatric Life?

Loving caring! Love and take good care of yourself the way you are before and after your Bariatric surgery. We are all unique human beings and we have our own talents, so, explore them.

Be focused and stay highly motivated on your food choices because food is fuel and not therapy. Be mindful of your sensations, of your thoughts, of your emotions, when selecting your food.

Another way of love and take good care of yourself it's actually being surrounded by positive people...yes, having a healthy relationship at work, at home, with your family, with your friends, and loved ones...all of that can have an impact, unconsciously, on the way you choose your food.

Enjoy your Bariatric Journey! Love and take good care of yourself every moment!

Nov 16, 202002:12
#13 ENGLISH: Are you practicing Self Care?

#13 ENGLISH: Are you practicing Self Care?

Self care! Are you taking care of yourself, are you taking care of your body, your mind, and your soul?  Often, we think we are really enjoying the moment every single day, but a lot of times, we are actually not! So, today, I invite you to think about that a little bit and take good care of yourself!  

Yes, we do have to watch what we eat, what we do, what kind of exercises we perform, how we move and know healthy eating habits & food choices every single day. But, what else is going on in our lives? Is it stress? Well,  but you really don't stop and think about it. We just press the on button and we totally forget that there is an off button or a pause button. 

So, I invite you to think about your own body and how you're taking care of yourself. Are you perhaps reading that book that you've been wanting to read for a long time and just didn't find the time yet?  Here, there's always a time! That hour a day that you could be going on your phone and checking for messages or emails you can definitely do something for yourself, whether is exercise, food planning for the next day, meditation (however meditation is for you in life), thinking about your next job or what's coming in your career path or a move to a different place that you're going to. So many things that can happen at the same time, but it's really about how you look at things and how you see things.  

I'm saying all of this because mindset is very important in your Bariatric journey. Bariatric surgery is not a miracle, it is a tool.  I decided to have Bariatric surgery to be healthier. I now enjoy life in a different way and really pay attention to the things around me. Your Bariatric journey can be very enjoyable and nobody else can do that for you but you!

Nov 09, 202005:49
#12 ENGLISH: Is the Kitchen your friend or your enemy? Make it your friend!

#12 ENGLISH: Is the Kitchen your friend or your enemy? Make it your friend!

Is the Kitchen your friend or your enemy? Make it your friend! The kitchen is definitely my friend and not my enemy.

Let’s talk about food strategies: What to eat and what not to eat when you are at home? It is really important to have great and healthy food choices; know what time of the day you can eat and when you cannot eat (those are very important key points). I have an alarm on my phone to remind me of the time to eat and also the time to drink my water, to keep myself on track on a daily basis.

A lot of times I receive videos, calls and questions from clients and people who say they gained a lot of weight when they're at home...well, that's because you really have to get yourself on the right track and have the right foods at home...and that's what I do, I only buy what I really need and I buy healthy food choices. If you take a look on our social media, my husband and I have been taking a lot of pictures of what we eat and it's very impressive that you will find you have a lot of things already at home that you can use for your own plates every single day which you really didn't realize it was possible.

I had Bariatric Gastric Bypass surgery in 2016 with great success and I would love to share food strategies with you during our Bariatric coaching sessions and help you make the kitchen your friend and not your enemy!

Nov 02, 202002:21
#11 ENGLISH: When to weigh yourself?

#11 ENGLISH: When to weigh yourself?

When to weigh yourself? I always tell my clients to follow their Bariatric Multidisciplinary team’s recommendations. I'm here to share with you what my Bariatric surgeon has recommended to me regarding weighing myself.  He recommended that I weigh myself once a week; he told me that weigh myself every single day was not necessary. Again, that was my Bariatric surgeon recommendation, and you might have a different one. So, make sure that you always follow your Bariatric surgeons’ recommendations.  

My Bariatric surgeon recommended that I weigh myself early morning, same day of the week, for consistency. This works for me, and it might not work for you.

Comparison: Please,  don't ever compare yourself to others, No matter what, your metabolism is completely different than others. Do not compare yourself with someone that you know who also had Bariatric surgery the same month as yours, because their journey is different than your journey. Make sure that you don't let that affect you.

Traveling?  I love traveling the world and I do go a long time sometimes and guess what I do? Well I have my portable scale that I take with me for my trips and that's something that works great for me. I love doing that because it is a way of keeping myself accountable. My home scale is connected to an app via Bluetooth and it even gives my BMI. Don’t be afraid of the scale!

Oct 27, 202004:02
#10 ENGLISH: How are you celebrating your Birthday?

#10 ENGLISH: How are you celebrating your Birthday?

How are you celebrating your birthday? I hope you're having a wonderful time celebrating your very special day! I feel like birthdays are so important in your life! How are you enjoying it?

Well, I am celebrating my birthday right now along with my Bariatric surgeryversary, and I would love to share some of my feelings and thoughts with you. What are your goals, what are your plans for the next 365 days ahead?  

A lot of times people think about their age, what happened on their last birthday, what will happen in the future...Being present in the moment, here, right now it's so important! Awareness and Bariatric Mindfulness is key!

Love yourself on your birthday and obviously, not just on your birthday, but every single day of your life! Yes, you are so worth it! Love yourself for who you are and not for who you want to be. Love your birthday, enjoy every single moment of it , enjoy every single aspect of it.

I decided to love myself; I love myself before anybody else loves me (that is very important, did you hear that?) I love myself before anybody else. We have to be first in our lives. So, put yourself first before anybody else, because if you don't take care of yourself first, nobody else will. I hope that you have a wonderful and Happy birthday!

Oct 21, 202006:45
#9 ENGLISH: How is your Bariatric Routine?

#9 ENGLISH: How is your Bariatric Routine?

How is your Bariatric Routine? As a Bariatric Coach and Bariatric patient myself, I think it's very important to remind ourselves that we are not going to be Bariatric patients only a couple weeks prior to our surgery (while we are in the pre-op phase of it), we are not going to be Bariatric patients just the day of our surgery; we are going to be Bariatric patients forever and we have to change our mindset!

Before I went to my Bariatric surgery, I received this great advice: “Amanda, when your surgery is done, remember, they are not doing surgery on your head/brain, they are operating on your stomach”. So it's really about not following back into the old wrong eating habits. It is all about changing how you're going to eat, what you're going to eat and what you're doing for your own self. And guess what? Nobody else can do that for you, but you!  I know we can get great support around with people helping us, but if we do not set our mind to do so, it won’t be done.

It's time to change and I'm here sharing with you a little bit of my experience: remember, my experience might be completely different than yours as everyone has a different metabolism, my routine might work for you and it might not work for you.

Something that is important for me is accountability! I need to know exactly what I'm eating and what time of the day. I enter all information in an app (exercises, water log, food intake, so I know exactly how much protein, how much calorie, everything that's going in my body), and I also have alarm reminders on my cellular. Some of my clients like to do in an app as well, others prefer to write a journal; whatever works best for you!

Super Key point here: Most of the time, a lot of us think we are hungry, when we're actually thirsty; therefore, have you water next to you to remind yourself to drink it.

Oct 13, 202006:24
#8 ENGLISH: Are you celebrating your Bariatric Surgeryversary?

#8 ENGLISH: Are you celebrating your Bariatric Surgeryversary?

Are you celebrating your Bariatric surgeryversary? Well, I am! I had the Bariatric Gastric Bypass surgery in 2016 with great success and I am now celebrating my 4 years surgeryversary!

I actually chose to have my Bariatric surgery around my birthday, because for me, Bariatric surgery means born again; it is a re-birth, it is really having that authentic time of your life of thinking what's coming up for you next; it is a new cycle. I am a new me!

How are you enjoying your Bariatric surgeryversary?

Do not think about the past nor the future; be present in the moment! Think about the things that you have done that are very positive; don't think about the negative and about the scale only, the weight release will come. Release it to the Universe, it no longer belongs to you. Bariatric lifestyle is to be lived on a daily basis.

What are you doing to take care of your mind, to take care of your body and to fully take care of yourself while celebrating all your accomplishments during your Bariatric surgeryversary? Enjoy every single moment of your special day!! Celebrate your sucess every year, whether it is 1, 5, 10, 20 years. I hope you are enjoying your Bariatric journey like I am; HAPPY SURGERYVERSARY:)

Oct 07, 202004:41
#7: ESPAÑOL: Sharon de E-Wolf Academy me entrevista acercas de Sanar el cuerpo y las emociones. Inteligencia y Alimentación Emocional.

#7: ESPAÑOL: Sharon de E-Wolf Academy me entrevista acercas de Sanar el cuerpo y las emociones. Inteligencia y Alimentación Emocional.

Sharon de E-Wolf Academy entrevista Amanda (Bari Better, Inc.'s Co-Founder and CEO) acercas de Sanar el cuerpo y las emociones. Inteligencia y Alimentación Emocional.

Oct 04, 202039:13
#6: PORTUGUÊS: Coronavirus COVID-19, Bariatricos e Alimentação Emocional

#6: PORTUGUÊS: Coronavirus COVID-19, Bariatricos e Alimentação Emocional

1. Quando o Coronavirus COVID-19 começou e eu vi pessoas correndo e fazendo fila em supermercados para comprar papel higiênico, água e etc, e não só fiquei surpresa com o que estava por vir, mas fiquei realmente chocada, como uma paciente bariátrica, ao ver como estavam vazias as prateleiras onde ficavam a massa, o arroz, a batata, o feijão e o pão, e pensei comigo: “Ainda bem que não preciso destes artigos”.
2. Fiquei muito preocupada com a comunidade Bariátrica e com a alimentação emocional. Portanto, gravei este vídeo e Podcast.

Oct 02, 202010:10
#5: ESPAÑOL: Coronavirus COVID-19, Bariatricos y Alimentación Emocional

#5: ESPAÑOL: Coronavirus COVID-19, Bariatricos y Alimentación Emocional

1. Cuando comenzó el coronavirus COVID-19 y vi gente corriendo y haciendo fila en los supermercados para comprar papel higiénico, agua, etc., no solo me sorprendió lo que estaba por suceder, sino que me sorprendió mucho, como paciente bariátrico, ver como estaban vacíos los estantes donde estaban la pasta, el arroz, la papa, los frijoles y el pan, y pensé: “Afortunadamente, no necesito estos artículos”.
2. Me preocupé mucho por la comunidad bariátrica y la alimentación emocional. Por lo tanto, grabé este video y Podcast.

Oct 02, 202010:07
#4: ENGLISH: Coronavirus COVID-19, Bariatrics and Emotional Eating

#4: ENGLISH: Coronavirus COVID-19, Bariatrics and Emotional Eating

  1. When Coronavirus COVID-19 started and I saw people running and lining up at grocery stores to buy toilet papers, water and etc and I not only got surprised by what was about to come, but I was really shocked, as a Bariatric patient, to see how the shelfs were empty where pasta, rice, potato, beans and bread were located, and I though to myself: “Thankfully, I do not need these items".
  2. I became very worry about the Bariatric community and emotional eating. Therefore, I recorded this video&podcast. 
Oct 02, 202008:52
#3 PORTUGUÊS: Introdução à Bari Better, Inc.

#3 PORTUGUÊS: Introdução à Bari Better, Inc.

  1. O que é Bari Better, Inc.?? Bari é a abreviação de Bariatrico, que é a terminologia médica da cirurgia para perder peso. A palavra better em Ingles, significa melhor e que eu sou melhor depois de fazer a cirurgia bariátrica.
  2. Oi, sou Amanda, Co-Fundadora, directora executiva (CEO) e Coach Bariátrica da Bari Better, Inc.
  3. Em Bari Better, fornecemos Coaching Bariátrico on-line em Inglês, Espanhol e Português para as pessoas que estão pensando em fazer a cirurgia Bariátrica, já tiveram ou terão ou já tiveram uma cirurgia de revisão Bariatrica. Temos clientes de diferentes partes do mundo e também fornecemos Coaching para suas famílias e entes queridos, pois eles são a chave de apoio para o sucesso
  4. Eu sou um paciente bariátrica e esta é a minha realidade. Eu tive a cirurgia bariátrica de bypass gástrico em 2016 com grande sucesso e definitivamente sei o quão importante é ter um Coach bariátrico ao seu lado. Minha jornada bariátrica foi de muito sucesso e estou aqui para compartilhar com você minhas experiencias e como você também pode desfrutar da sua jornada bariátrica!
  5. Sua primeira sessão de Coaching Bariátrico é gratuita e você pode encontrar-nos em nosso site que é para reservar sua sessão, assistir a nossa Master Class Webinar gratuita, enviar um e-mail para e encontrar-nos nas redes sociais (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter) como Bari Better . Nao se esqueça de inscrever-se no nosso canal do YouTube, onde já temos centenas de vídeos para você, com excelentes informações de suporte para o bem-estar geral e estilo de vida bariátrico, e também entrevistas com especialistas na área bariátrica. 
  6.  Bari Better fornece informações e apoio para você prosperar na vida Bariátrica. 

Siga nossos canais de mídia social: Site: E-mail: Instagram: @baribetter Facebook: @baribettercoaching  Telefone/WhatsApp: 1 (650) 517-4020 Twitter: @bari_better YouTube: Podcast: Bari Better, Inc.

Espero poder ajudar você! Aproveite sua jornada Bariátrica!

Sep 27, 202002:41
#2 ESPAÑOL: Introdución a Bari Better, Inc.

#2 ESPAÑOL: Introdución a Bari Better, Inc.

  1. Que es Bari Better, Inc.? Bari es la abreviatura de la palabra Bariátrica, que es la terminología médica de la cirugía para perdida de peso. La palabra better significa mejor en Ingles y que yo soy mejor después de la cirugía bariátrica.
  2. Hola, Soy Amanda, cofundadora, directora ejecutiva (CEO) y Coach Bariátrica de Bari Better, Inc.
  3. En Bari Better, brindamos Coaching Bariátrico en línea en Inglés, Español y Portugués para aquellas personas que estén pensando en someterse a una cirugía Bariátrica, que ya se hayan sometido o se sometaran a un proceso de cirugía de revisión. Tenemos clientes de diferentes partes del mundo y también brindamos Coaching a sus familiares y seres queridos, ya que son la clave de apoyo para el éxito.
  4. Yo misma soy una paciente bariátrica y esta es mi realidad. Tuve la cirugía bariátrica de bypass gástrico en 2016 con gran éxito y definitivamente sé lo importante que es tener un Coach Bariátrico a su lado. ¡Mi jornada bariátrica ha sido muy exitosa y estoy aquí para compartir con ustedes mis experiencias y cómo también pueden disfrutar de su jornada bariátrica!
  5. Su primera sesión de Coaching Bariátrico es gratuita y puede encontrarnos en para reservar su sesión y ver nuestro Master Class Webinar gratuito. Puedes tambien enviarnos un correo electrónico a y encontrarnos en todas las redes sociales (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter) como Bari Better . Asegúrese de suscribirse a nuestro canal de YouTube donde ya tenemos centenas de videos para usted con excelente informaciónes de apoyo para el bienestar general y el estilo de vida bariátrico
    y tambien entrevistas con expertos en el campo Bariatrico.
  6. Bari Better le brinda información y apoyo para que prospere en la vida Bariátrica.

    Siganos en las redes sociales: Sitio web: Correo electrónico: Instagram: @baribetter Facebook: @baribettercoaching  Teléfono/WhatsApp: 1 (650) 517-4020 Twitter: @bari_better YouTube: Podcast: Bari Better, Inc.

 Espero poder ayudarle! Disfruta su jornada Bariátrica!

Sep 27, 202002:46
#1 ENGLISH: Introduction of Bari Better, Inc.

#1 ENGLISH: Introduction of Bari Better, Inc.

  1. What is Bari Better? Bari is short for Bariatric, which is the Medical Terminology for Weight Loss Surgery. The word better, means that I am better after having the Bariatric surgery.
  2. Hello, I am Amanda, Co-Founder, CEO and Bariatric Coach of Bari Better, Inc.
  3. At Bari Better, we provide online Bariatric Coaching in English, Spanish and Portuguese for those individuals who are thinking of having the Bariatric surgery, already had or will or already had a revision surgery. We have clients from different parts of the world and we also provide Coaching to their families and loved ones as they are support key for the success
  4. I am a Bariatric patient myself and this is my reality. I had the Bariatric Gastric Bypass surgery in 2016 with great success and I definitely know how important is to have a Bariatric Coach by your side. My Bariatric journey has been very successful and I am here to share with you my experiences and how you can also enjoy your Bariatric journey!
  5. Your first Bariatric Coaching session is for free and you can find us at to book your session, watch our Webinar, email us at and find us on social media (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube) as Bari Better. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel where we already have hundreds of videos for you with great Bariatric lifestyle and general wellness support information as well as interviews with experts in the Bariatric field.
  6. Bari Better gives you information and support so you thrive at Bariatric living.

    Follow our social media channels: Website: Email: Instagram: @baribetter Facebook: @baribettercoaching Telephone/WhatsApp: 1 (650) 517-4020 Twitter: @bari_better YouTube: Podcast: Bari Better, Inc.

I look forward to helping you! Enjoy your Bariatric journey!

Sep 27, 202002:24
Bari Better, Inc.
Apr 25, 202000:55