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By Anjasafira

We give you consciousness around how to have FUN with money, and cast light on what deep emotions, beliefs and energies are holding you back on making more money and having fun doing so, privately, business, in your carrer.
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Invitation til Gratis CLEARING Webinar: MANIFESTATION

PODCAST: MoneyFUNApr 01, 2022

Skab Forandring Let og Uden Modstand

Skab Forandring Let og Uden Modstand

Energibevidsthed omkring forandrings blokeringer og hvordan det stopper Dig i at skabe forandring i livet, relationer, business, penge, helbred. 

Eksempler på hvilke Traumer, kan skabe forandrings blokeringer og negative forandrings programmeringer i underbevidstheden.... 

Positive Downloads til Forandringer i lydfilen. Invitation til Forløbet Skab forandring let og uden modstand. 

#thetahealing #beliefsshiifters #Metakognitivterapi #Skabforandringletogudenmodstand #Anjasafira #thetahealingonlineforløb

Feb 06, 202323:45
MoneyFUN - Receiving and Battles

MoneyFUN - Receiving and Battles

Manifesting and Actrualising what your soul desire in this world, comes down to amongst all the ability in which you can receive. A lot of ancestors downwards your bloodline and earlier liftetimes have had faulty definitions of what receiving is, due to a lot of battleing - it could be to receive food, survival, it could be receiving to become the leader of the tribe, it could be to to receive relationships as they are - not as a battle. In this episode, we enlighten you with some of the topics, blocking your receiving abilities and gives you relevant positive downloads, feelings, beliefs to shift your mindset around. Please stay tuned, its only 8 minutes and you will get the great benfits and awareness. 

We thank you for following our Podcast, and look forward to be able to give you even more awareness in the future. Also thank you for sharing this podcast with anyone around you, that will benefit from this energyshifts. 

Do feel free to follow us on Facebook Beliefsshiifters or FC Painshifters and Twitter @Beliefsshiifte1 

#Beliefsshiifters #Moneyfun #Painshifters #ThetahealingMasterAnjasafira #Thetahealingclasses #Thetahealinginstructor #@beliefsshiifte1

We are about to set up a new podcast and twitter site - so please keep following this - where we will announce the new sites available. 

Thank you all. Have a blessed day and week. 

Love Anjasafira

Nov 15, 202208:06
MoneyFUN: Hvor bliver Dine penge af ?

MoneyFUN: Hvor bliver Dine penge af ?

MoneyFUN podcast, 

(Business, rigdomme, relationer, venlighed, livsglæde, power)

Hvor bliver Dine penge af, er en bevidsthedsskabende Podcast, der tager dig med ud i 2 eksempler - hvad en klient lærte om penge og energi som lille pige, som blokerede min klient i at modtage mere og lettere ift. penge og kunder. Men også hvad der holdt klientens forfader væk fra at eje noget. 

Husk Penge er Energi. Så hvis DU vil ændre din Pengebeholdning, ekspandere den, spare mere op, skabe mere med penge eller f.ek.s ekspandere din kundebase - så er det vigtigt at arbejde med de energier og dynamikker Du har tillært og oplevet ift. Penge/relationer. 2 energier, der er tæt forbundet.  

Jeg hedder Anjasafira og har arbejdet med at skifte dybe blokerende energier, overbevisninger, følelser, traumer mv. siden 2009. Jeg har leveret mere end 10.000 sessioner fordelt på over 13 lande nu. Vores tema i år og de kommende år er MoneyFUN - fordi din evne til at skabe penge, ting med pengeværdi, energi er den nye Valuta og Din nye sikkerhed igennem alt det der foregår worldwide. 

Lyt til min podcast der vil træne Dig i at kigge på den dybere analyse i energien i Dine penge og i Dit PengeMINDSET. 

Enjoy Anjasafira

#MoneyFUN #PengeDNA #Beliefsshiifters #Anjasafira #Thetahealing #Thetahealingkurser #metakognitivtherapi #Healing #Thetahealinginstruktør  #Beliefsshiifte1 #Painshifters

Oct 25, 202209:42
MoneyFUN Blockages in receiving Love as a featus, young child - affects your whole life

MoneyFUN Blockages in receiving Love as a featus, young child - affects your whole life

To be able to have fun with money, deep seated beliefs from early featus time and early childhood, can affect you and often everything in your life.

An example is made with a person where mom is overwhelmed in pregnancy or overwhelmed at birth. This can create deep seated beliefs, creating obligations in order to receive. That can affect your whole life - how it will develop and reject or receive your wishes. 

We encourage and hope to inspire you to clear deep beliefs from childhood, fetus stadium and inner child - so that you can receive with ease and happiness instead of struggle. 

Thanks for listening to our podcast and thanks for sharing it with others to cast light over and create consciousness over what you can do to help you have more FUN with money, and all areas of life, freedom and kindness, hapiness. 

#MoneyFUN #Beliefsshiifters #Painshifters #Anjasafira #Manifestingfromsoulsfrequency #Thetahealing #Thetahealingclasses #Thetahealingpodcast #Thetahealingsessions.

Apr 26, 202205:25
PODCAST: MONEYFUN - How have you been abused with money, that holds you from receiving what you manifest?

PODCAST: MONEYFUN - How have you been abused with money, that holds you from receiving what you manifest?

How have You been exploited and abused with money, that holds you from receiving what you manifest?

So today I have an example, which is really a match to many of my clients, and gives you a deep insight on Money Abuse.

A lot have experienced deep traumas, related to hate, anger, and having their borders crossed and experiencing conflict related to money.

And indeed this can hold you from manifesting money, abundance, business, relationships that matches your deepest desires.

Let's give you an example, that maybe relate to your experiences or give you insight on what money abuse you might have experienced.

We also have a beautiful invitation in the end of this podcast, so please stay tuned for 6 minutes.

We encourage you to contact us on: (sign up for our newsletter, to get the next invitation and more MoneyFUN insights and tips), or contact us on facebook: Beliefsshiifters (painshifters). 

#MoneyFUN #Beliefsshiifters #Thetahealing #Thetahealingclasses #Thetahealingeducation #Thetahealingbasis #Thetahealingadvanceret #Thetahealingbasic #Thetahealingadvanced #Anjasafira #Manifesting #Manifestingmoney #Highperformancecoach #Spiritualityandmoney #Moneyandbeliefs #Moneycoach #Moneycaching #abundance #prosperity #Wealth

Apr 04, 202206:30
Invitation til Gratis CLEARING Webinar: MANIFESTATION

Invitation til Gratis CLEARING Webinar: MANIFESTATION

De fleste mennesker mangler bevidsthed om at de er blokeret i at manifestere, det De ønsker sig. 

De har lukket ned for intuitive evner, har lukket ned for at modtage det de ønsker sig, og derfor på det underbevidste plan siger NEJ Tak når universet sender det de ønsker sig. 

På søndag 3/4 kl. 10.00 Inviteres DU til gratis Manifestations kursus live, hvis Du vil forstå og mærke, hvordan vi skifter de dybe overbevisninger, følelser, energier for at Du kan modtage det Du ønsker. 

Vi søger 10 fantastiske kvinder, der er klar til at udføre deres sjælsopgave, er igang med deres sjæle Business eller klar til at komme igang, og som vil manifestere sig let og hurtigt igennem det både ift. kunder, leverandører, kollegaer, relationer, business, penge, helbred etc. 

Er det DIG vi leder efter, så skynd DIg at meld dig til. Skriv JA TAK på Facebook sidens opslag: Så sender vi dig praktiske detaljer og telefonnummer og kode til søndag (dette kommer cirka 30 minutter før vi går live). Husk lav en reminder i din telefon, så DU ikke går glip af dette. 

#Manifestation #Manifestationgratissmagsprøve #Manifestation #MoneyFUN #Wealth #Prosperity #PshychicSenses #Belifershiifters #Painshifters #MoneyFUNFREEDOMWEALTH #Thetahealing #Theta #Thetahealingkurser #Thetahealingwebinarer #Thetahealingårhus #thetahealingkøbenhavn #Thetahealingdenmark #Thetahealinguddannelse

Apr 01, 202205:47
MoneyFUN Are you as a healer, coach, spiritual, intuitive business women having a hard time asking for money for your service ? - there is a reason for that.

MoneyFUN Are you as a healer, coach, spiritual, intuitive business women having a hard time asking for money for your service ? - there is a reason for that.

So if you are  finding yourself in service of others, and hardly ever getting payed enough or even doing it for free? 

Having a hard time asking for money ? If you ask me, I have been there myself.

In the beginning I felt it very hard to ask for payment during helping people with energi shifts and traumawork.

But then I got aware, it should not be like that. A powerfull healing and energishift is worth a lot of money, and then I started taking sessions, even several classes and courses to figure out what is this “not wanting to take money for my service” all about.

It’s all about worth, culture, religion and “way back” money mindset.

YEP – it’s not even your own fault. Hear this podcast and get more money, business awareness. 

#Thetahealing #Thetahealingupdate #Money #Financials #MoneyFUN #Highperformancecoach #Stresscoach #moneycoach #metacognitivtherapi #beliefsshiifters 

Mar 09, 202205:38
MoneyFUN - Do you ever reflect over your money situation ? How does desire relate to money, business, succes?

MoneyFUN - Do you ever reflect over your money situation ? How does desire relate to money, business, succes?

Money is energy. Energy is the flow and fluidity. It connects with your kidneys. The kidney meridian runs up your back into your neck.

Think of money related to energy, fluidity. If you have money, succes and desire blocks, and money does not flow freely in your life, you will have subconscious blocks in your body, and your kidneys and kidney meridian and 2. chakra will experience unbalance.

We invite you to follow, like Painshifters facebook page to get aware of how the easiest way is to shift your money, success, business situation around. It all starts with becoming aware of the connections. Stay tuned for our podcast on this topic, and look for the upcoming programs helping you on this area.

We are happy to have you join us in this adventure

Thanks Anjasafira

#Money #Financials #SoulMoneyDNA #Highperformancecoach #Moneyawareness #Moneyfun #Beliefsshiifters #Thetahealingupdate #Thetahealingclasses #thetahealingmaster #Stresscoach

Mar 08, 202204:48
MoneyFun Money - Money Struggles Archetype Artist

MoneyFun Money - Money Struggles Archetype Artist

Todays Topic: Money Struggles for the Artist Archetype

Included: Free Download and Free Creative Question related to Artist Archetype. 

We Create Fun, Magic, Lightness with money in your business, with clients, with products, pricing and strategies. This Podcast is relevant for SMB owner, whom wants to let go of money struggles. This Podcast will give you brand new awareness from the different planes and spiritual world. When you become aware of money patterns, then that is the first step to actually make a shift in your Money Mind Set.

#highperformancecoach #Thetahealing #Thetahealingclasses #ThetahealingEducation #Moneymindset #Moneystruggles #MoneyFun #Moneyarchetype #Moneyawareness #Moneybeliefs #Moneydept #Moneylack #financialgrowth #Financialknowlegde #Wealth #Moneyand abundance #Abundance #Streecoaching #Stressandmoney

Mar 04, 202205:36
Nyhed; Kundeloyalitest program i verdens største shopping community

Nyhed; Kundeloyalitest program i verdens største shopping community

Kære kunde, du inviteres til at høre om alle de fordele du får ved at blive gratis kunde i vores nye kundeloyalitets program i verdens største shopping community. Dagligt kl. 12.00 i cirka 15-20 min. gennemgår vi alle de muligheder og fordele, der er for Dig som vores loyale kunde. 

Ring ind på tlf.  93 75 41 99 og tast koden: 870352 og lad os give dig et kort overblik og besvare dine spørgsmål. 

Vores helpdesk registrerer dig og hjælper Dig igang. 

Kh Anjasafira

#Thetahealing #Beliefsshiifters #Anjasafira #Kundeloyalitestprogrambeliefsshiifters #Myworldbeliefsshiifters #Thetahealingmaster

Feb 02, 202102:09
Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates – Listen to your intuition

Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates – Listen to your intuition

Listening to your intuition, can have amazing impact in the way you receive, build and live your life. Having blockages in your intuition can hinder you in taking the right choices, making the right moves with the right timing and can determine your life path in a negative direction.

Today I will give your powerful strong downloads related to listening to your intuition. The physical location is just behind your ears, we also call it the clairaudience ability. (lots of free resources for you)

Facebook: Painshifters (soon beliefsshiifters)

Twitter: Beliefsshiifte1

Please share, follow, like

#Thetahealing #thetahealingmaster #Thetahealinginstructor #thetahealingclasses #thetahealingwebinars #thetahealinglive #thetahealingpodcast #Theta #thetaheaoindanmark #thetahealinscandinavia #thetahealingdownloads #thetahealingbeliefs #thetahealingemotions #Beliefsshiifters #Beliefsshiiftersconsultants #Sessions #beliefsshiiftersproducts #intuition #recievingintuition #Listeningtointution#Clairaudience  #beliefsshiiftersdailypositiveupdates #clearintuition #Clearclairaudience #anjasafira

Jul 17, 202010:46
Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Todays Theme is: Excellent Communications Skills

Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Todays Theme is: Excellent Communications Skills

Having poor communication skills, can affect you in attracting less, stopping you in moving forward with the next steps on your soulmission and prevent you from living life fully.

Today I will give you powerful and deep downloads for your body and cells, that helps you develop and adjust your communication skills, which in turns will give you more ease with customers, clients, relationships, marketing and so much more in life. (lots of free resources for you)

Facebook: Painshifters (soon called beliefsshiifters)

Twitter: Beliefsshiifte1

Please share, follow, like

#Thetahealing #thetahealingmaster #Thetahealinginstructor #thetahealingclasses #thetahealingwebinars #thetahealinglive #thetahealingpodcast #Theta #thetaheaoindanmark #thetahealinscandinavia #thetahealingdownloads #thetahealingbeliefs #thetahealingemotions #Beliefsshiifters #Beliefsshiiftersconsultants #Sessions #beliefsshiiftersproducts #Communicationsskills #Commmunication #Excellentcommunications skills #beliefsshiiftersdailypositiveupdates

Jul 16, 202011:31
Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Communication with your mother

Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Communication with your mother

Todays Daily positive updates are:

Communication with your mother – which has powerful impact in all areas of your life.

Receiving Communication, is a huge part of being open to receiving anything. We use communication verbal and non verbal in everything we do. Having Barriers to receiving communication, can block our manifestation skills, our life flow and our joy of life, make life difficult, complicate relationships and other areas of our lives I am sure you got the picture now. (lots of free resources for you)

Facebook: Painshifters (soon beliefsshiifters)

Twitter: Beliefsshiifte1

Please share, follow, like 

#Thetahealing #thetahealingmaster #Thetahealinginstructor #thetahealingclasses #thetahealingwebinars #thetahealinglive #thetahealingpodcast #Theta #thetaheaoindanmark #thetahealinscandinavia #thetahealingdownloads #thetahealingbeliefs #thetahealingemotions #Beliefsshiifters #Beliefsshiiftersconsultants #Sessions #beliefsshiiftersproducts #Communicationsskills #Commmunication #Excellentcommunications skills #beliefsshiiftersdailypositiveupdates

Jul 15, 202009:18
Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - communicating with the plane of true creation

Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - communicating with the plane of true creation

A part of ascending to 5th dimension is to actually embrace and expand your intuitive gifts, and one of them is the communication with true creation, the energy of all that is, we call it the creator of all that is. This communication and connection is established from your crown chakra and into the divine source light.

By expanding this communicationline, you will feel more connected and happy and light because the energy in the plane of true creation is filled with unconditional love, the Energy that all Thetahealers use to shift your vibration into lightness and health. So lets help you be able to communicate even close with the energy of divine creation, which will contribute positively in your life in so many ways.

#Thetahealing #Thetahealingclasses #Thetahealingeducation #Thetahealingproducts #Thetahealingonlineconcepts #ThetahealingDenmark #Theta #ThetahealingEvents #Thetahealingwebinars #Thetahealingsessions #theta #Beliefsshiifters #Anjasafira #Emotions #Beliefs #Beliefsshiiftersconsultant #Thetahealingconsultant #Painshifters

Jul 07, 202008:03
Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Be love and be fully me

Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Be love and be fully me

Beeing love is a abstract saying. Beeing love is being whom you truly are a spark of Gods divine light and love, as we all are. We are one, so when you are being the true love that you are, you will contribute to others being their true being of love as well. We are taught so many patterns that actually seperates us from being us, and actually has abused us, held us down from being our divine sparks of God. This time is over. It’s time to raise your vibration, remember whom you truly are and becoming you despite what is going on in the world right now. Choosing you as a being of love will ascend the earth 1 step more to 5th dimension. Beeing love, will attract more love due to the law of magnetism.

#Thetahealing #Thetahealingclasses #Thetahealingionstructor #Thetahealingmaster #Theta #ThetahealingDenmark #Beliefs #Emotions #WhatisThetahealing #Thetabrainwave #Beliefsshiifters #Anjasafira #Thetahealingscandinavia #Energyshift #DailyPositiveUpdates #Thetahealingsession #Thetahealingonlineproducts #Thetahealingwebinars

Jul 06, 202006:56
Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Choosing with happiness and joy

Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Choosing with happiness and joy

In many years we forceful have learned how to get a well payed job, take the education that actually gave well payed jobs, and searching for possibilities more from the drive of money and survival instead of from joy and happiness. 

But what if choosing with joy and happiness actually is the best way for you to receive money ? 

School do not teach us that.  The school system will over the years be shifted and we will see that we will move more towards choosing with your heart, joy and happiness as the drive of choosing, but this at the moment really conflicts in our body and mindset. 

Becoming 5th dimension energy demands, that you choose with your heart, with joy and with happiness as the driving force instead of the fear of not having enough. 

#Thetahealing #Thetahealingclasses #Thetahealingmasters #Thetahealinginstuctor #ThetahealingDenmark #Thetahealingeducation #Thetahealingscandinavia #Thetahealingconsultants #Theta #Anjasafira #Beliefsshiifters #Beliefs #Emotions #DailyPositiveUpdates #Choosingwith hapinessandjoy

Jul 05, 202007:50
Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Adapt and embrace the new

Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Adapt and embrace the new

This year especially is very transformational as the next 4 years will be. This year we see a lot of clashes with systems, old paradigms and others outdated patterns. This will normally happen before something new and more beautifull can take place. The ascension of the earth into 5th dimension demands changes in so many ways, and it is an exciting however also turbulent time to live in. Most people resist embracing the new, and ofte people connect the new with problematic, exhaustion, being unsafe and unsecure etc. Todays positive downloads will help you embrace and adapt to the new with more ease.

#Thetahealing #thetahealinginstructor #Theta #Thetahealingclasses #Thetahealingeducation #beliefs #Emotions #Beliefsshiifters #Whatisthetahealing #Thetahealingwebinars #Thetahealingonlineproducts #Thetahealingconsultants #Thetahealers #thetahealingscandinavia #Thetahealingdenmark #theta #Anjasafira

Jul 04, 202007:37
Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Releasing old anger

Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Releasing old anger

With the planets influences at the moment on the earth and on people, there will be a lot of old lower frequencies coming up amongst people - especially anger. To help you releasee stored anger, that blocks your body, muscles, endocrine system and liver, gallbladder -todays downloads will kickstart this releasing and letting go of this anger, so you can have a more balanced supportive liver for all your organs and help your gallbladder with ease, and balance your endocrine system even more.

#Beliefsshiifters #DailyPositiveUpdates #Emotions #Beliefs #Thetahealing #thetahealinginstructor #Thetahealing Master #ThetahealingScandinavia #ThetahealingDenmark #Theta #Energyshift #Painshifters #Anjasafira #Thetahealingclasses #thetahealingeducation#WhatisThetahealing

Jul 02, 202008:14
Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Discerning the highest truth in Communication

Beliefsshiifters Daily Positive Updates - Discerning the highest truth in Communication

Dicerning the highest truth in Communication

There is a lot going on around the planet at the moment and there will be the next 4 years related to the 5th dimension ascension to free will and free agency. With all going on of battles, fights, demonstrations, people standing up for their free rights, agency and will ascending from 3rd dimension to 5th dimension, it is very important to be able to dicern the highest truth in the communication that we all receive. Todays positive updates theme will help you discern the highest truth in the communication going around. 

#Beliefsshiifters #DailyPositiveUpdates #Beliefs #Emotions #Energyshifts #Thetahealing #Theta #Thetahealingclasses #Thetahealingeducation #Thetahealingsession #Thetahealingdownloads #Thetahealinginstructor #Whatisthetahealing #Thetahealingdenmark #Thetahealingscandinavia #Anjasafira #Painshifters 

Jul 01, 202005:45
Beliefsshiifters Daily Updates - Deservingness, Qualities and divine life purpose
May 16, 202005:09
Beliefsshiifters Daily Updates - Abundance and positive words
May 15, 202004:51
Beliefsshiifters Daily updates - Dreams and Abundance
May 14, 202004:46
Beliefsshiifters Daily Updates - Exercise and Manifestations
May 13, 202005:30
1:14 Beliefsshiifters Daily Update - Organizing for success
May 02, 202004:26
1:13 Beliefsshiifters Daily updates: Creator is the source for anything
May 01, 202005:28
1:12 Beliefsshiifters Daily Updates: Feeling free of obligations
Apr 30, 202004:56
1:11 Beliefsshiifters Daily updates: Evolve with ease
Apr 29, 202008:18
1:10 Beliefsshiifters Daily Updates: Let go of Jealousy
Apr 28, 202004:57
1:9: Beliefsshiifters daily podcast: How to receive from the universe
Apr 27, 202004:38
1:8 To be taken care of
Apr 26, 202008:40
Beliefsshiifters Daily Updates: Being true to you
Apr 23, 202006:13
Beliefsshiifters daily updates: Loving yourself and forgive yourself
Apr 22, 202006:02
Beliefsshiifters Daily Updates: Moving forward
Apr 21, 202005:10
Beliefsshiifters Daily updates: Feeling pieceful
Apr 20, 202005:03
Beliefsshiifters Daily Update: Release fear of losing job

Beliefsshiifters Daily Update: Release fear of losing job

When going through times with crisis, often old programs are triggered in the subconscious, and many people right now are losing jobs, and there is a collective fear of losing jobs for a lot of people. When we have fear, it attracts whatever we fear. So these programs, will kickstart you to release the fear of losing your job. I will use Thetahealing & Theta Healing  to help you shift this. Enjoy From Anjasafira Thetahealing Master

Apr 19, 202006:16
Beliefsshiifters Daily Updates: Releasing fear of beeing stuck
Apr 18, 202004:51
Daily Updates - Financial Support

Daily Updates - Financial Support

Positive updates to receive financial support & trust in the future.

Apr 17, 202005:03