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Beltway Weekend Services (Audio)

Beltway Weekend Services (Audio)

By Beltway Park Church

Weekly messages from Beltway Park Church in Abilene, Texas. Hear the good news of Jesus from Pastor David McQueen and featured guest speakers.
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Lacking Nothing

Beltway Weekend Services (Audio)May 14, 2024

Overcoming Temptation
May 28, 202437:10
May 20, 202441:18
Lacking Nothing
May 14, 202437:54
May 06, 202438:49
Bless This Home: Special Guest Beth Guckenberger
Apr 29, 202439:12
Apr 23, 202439:04
Pure Heart
Apr 15, 202436:27
Hunger for Righteousness
Apr 08, 202438:25
Building Resilience in a Chaotic World
Apr 02, 202437:35
Power in the Blood
Mar 25, 202435:07
False Teachers
Mar 18, 202436:27
Mar 11, 202433:36
Yeast of...
Mar 04, 202432:40
Fear of Man
Feb 26, 202439:14
Our Heart Matters
Feb 21, 202433:59
To Be Christ-like
Feb 15, 202443:35
We Can't Outgive God
Feb 05, 202439:47
Tools in the Body of Christ
Jan 29, 202440:55
Saved People Serve People
Jan 22, 202443:59
Found People Find People
Jan 15, 202440:27
Jan 08, 202438:25
Joy in Elf
Dec 18, 202344:03
Faith in the Polar Express
Dec 11, 202342:26
Its a Wonderful Life
Dec 04, 202341:18
Parable of the Sower
Nov 27, 202338:48
Be Prepared
Nov 20, 202339:34
Words Matter
Nov 13, 202344:19
Judge Not
Nov 06, 202339:15
Unless you Forgive
Oct 30, 202342:07
Oct 23, 202348:22
The Battlefield
Oct 16, 202344:39
Hearing God
Oct 10, 202339:19
Oct 02, 202338:22
The Message of the Cross
Sep 25, 202344:54
Restored to the Father
Sep 18, 202336:56
It is for Freedom
Sep 11, 202343:21
Be Strong and Courageous

Be Strong and Courageous

Geoffrey Turner closes out the Coffee Cup Christianity series in week five by providing context around Joshua 1:9. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” 

Often, we make decisions based on a risk-reward analysis, from financial decisions to career choices, etc. Rewards outlined in scripture for believers, including God’s promises to be our strength, provide for our needs, and give us purpose and peace. While God’s promises are awe-inspiring, they also come with risks.

Leading to the book of Joshua, the Israelites’ journey from slavery in Egypt to their current point, setting the stage for Joshua 1. God instructs Joshua to lead the Israelites into the promised land after the death of Moses. God promises Joshua that he will be with him and emphasizes the need to be strong and courageous, as there are challenges ahead. Despite being so close to the reward, God repeatedly tells Joshua to be strong and courageous because the promises of God do not automatically happen. There is a common misconception that God's promises will materialize without any effort or risk on the believer's part. Faith requires action and often involves taking risks. The Lord often calls us to obey before we truly understand. It is obedience that unlocks understanding. Joshua, as a new leader, had to confront the risk of not being trusted by the people, the fear of failure, and the challenges of crossing the Jordan River. However, the rewards of God's promises are always worth the risks!

Sermon from September 4, 2023

To watch this sermon or other sermons, subscribe to our YouTube Channel: "⁠⁠Beltway Park Church"

Sep 05, 202337:32
I Know the Plans
Aug 28, 202339:27
Great is Your Faithfulness

Great is Your Faithfulness

David McQueen focuses on Lamentations 3:22–23: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” for week three of the Coffee Cup Christianity series. This common verse will find most followers of Christ acknowledging God's faithfulness during favorable times but struggling to do so during times of sorrow and hardship. To best understand this verse, we must understand the context in which the Book of Lamentations was written – a period of immense suffering, destruction, and darkness following the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians. The author, Jeremiah the prophet, has seen affliction and felt abandoned by God. The verses of Lamentations express his anguish, but they also serve as a reminder of God's patience, steadfast love, and promises throughout Israel's history. Pastor McQueen encourages honesty in facing difficult emotions and wrestling with God, using Jeremiah's example. Faith begins with acknowledging feelings but doesn't end there. Faith calls one to remember God's goodness and promises, as exemplified by Jeremiah. In looking in the New Testament and the significance of Jesus' sacrifice, Jesus experienced darkness to bring light and hope. How you speak to yourself is important, we must recall God's goodness, and choose to focus on the cross, as it is a reminder of God's ultimate act of love and hope. Be encouraged to declare God's goodness, especially in difficult circumstances!

Sermon from August 20, 2023

To watch this sermon or other sermons, subscribe to our YouTube Channel: "⁠⁠Beltway Park Church"

Aug 21, 202341:04
For God so Loved the World
Aug 14, 202338:55
I Can Do All Things
Aug 07, 202337:55
Special Guest: Leif Hetland
Jul 31, 202334:23
From Starting to Staying
Jul 24, 202340:54
Special Guest: Randal Ross

Special Guest: Randal Ross

John 2:1-11 takes us to a wedding in Cana, where Jesus performs His first recorded miracle, turning water into wine. This miracle reveals not only the miraculous power of Jesus but also speaks to deeper spiritual truths like the goodness of God, the sufficiency of Jesus, and abundant joy. As children of God, our joy is not dependent on our circumstances; rather, it flows from the heart of God. It is a gift that springs forth from knowing and experiencing the goodness and love of our Heavenly Father. God's goodness is unwavering, and His desire is for us to experience abundant joy in all aspects of life. Jesus, in His miraculous act, showcases His sufficiency. He takes the ordinary, represented by water, and transforms it into something extraordinary. This serves as a powerful reminder that Jesus is more than enough to meet our needs, desires, and longings. He has the power to transform our lives, bringing fulfillment and abundant blessings. Moreover, the passage teaches us that God's best follows obedience. Jesus instructs the servants to fill the jars with water, and they obeyed. As a result, they witnessed the miracle of transformation. Obedience paves the way for God's best in our lives. It aligns us with His perfect plan and opens the door for blessings and breakthroughs. Lastly, we learn that joy needs to be refreshed. In the story, the wine provided at the wedding ran out. But Jesus, in His abundance, provided the finest wine, refreshing the celebration. Similarly, in our lives, our joy may wane or deplete at times. However, when we turn to Jesus, He refreshes and replenishes our joy, bringing newness and fullness to our hearts.

Sermon from July 16, 2023

To watch this sermon or other sermons, subscribe to our YouTube Channel: "Beltway Park Church"

Jul 17, 202337:10
Get Started

Get Started

Have you ever worked hard for a long time at something that was good and right, but it just didn’t pan out like you thought it would? You thought things would be better by now, but they’re not. We have this tendency to expect big and fast results, especially when we’re doing the good thing, the God thing. And when we don’t see the expected results, it can cause disappointment and make us question if it was God’s will to begin with.

Often we think if God is calling me to do something, He’ll make it easy. But what we need to understand is that the closer we get to doing something that matters to the heart of God, the more likely we are to face opposition. When we’re trying to follow God’s will, difficulty isn't a sign that God's against us. Often, it's a sign that we’re on the right track. When opposition comes, ask God to enable you, empower you, and lead you to choose the difficult right over the comfortable wrong.

But what if it doesn’t work? Results are God's responsibility, but obedience is ours. We’re not responsible for the results, but we are responsible for the obedience.

This is what’s happening in the Book of Haggai, a story of re-building the temple of God. Listen as Jake Mills discusses the hardships that unfold in this book, where the Jews are trying to do what God has called them to do, but they face many challenges and even give up for 14 years. The prophet Haggai is going to help empower the people to do the difficult right over the comfortable wrong and move back into obedience, living in God’s will.

Sermon from July 9, 2023

To watch this sermon or other sermons, subscribe to our YouTube Channel: "Beltway Park Church"

Jul 10, 202339:11
Firm Foundations
Jul 03, 202341:55
Hearing in the Storm
Jun 26, 202333:53
Faith in the Storm

Faith in the Storm

God calls us to radical faith. Hebrews 11:1 says "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Faith is taking the step God is calling us to even if it doesn't make logical sense. When we step out in faith, we experience God's power and provision. In Matthew 14:22-33, the disciples are on a boat in the middle of the night on the Sea of Galilee and they see Jesus walking on top of the water coming toward them. They were terrified and cried out in fear. Jesus says (v. 27) "Take heart, it is I. Do not be afraid." Then Peter answered Him saying (v. 28-29) "Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water." Jesus said to come and Peter got out of the boat and came to Jesus walking on top of the water. But, Peter took his eyes off of Jesus because he was distracted by the wind and waves. He began to sink and called to Jesus to save him. So Jesus immediately reached out His hand and took hold of Peter. The wind ceased and the disciples worshipped Jesus, the true Son of God. The enemy would love for us to not take steps of faith out of fear of failure, difficulty or distraction. But whenever we take our eyes off Jesus, we miss our walk on water moments of faith. Faith requires us to step out of the boat and when we do, we experience God's power and provision. Then, whenever we fail, reach out to Jesus who is reaching out to us (2 Cor. 12:9-10).

Sermon from June 18, 2023

To watch this sermon or other sermons, subscribe to our YouTube Channel: "Beltway Park Church"

Jun 19, 202340:53
Peace in the Storm

Peace in the Storm

We all experience storms. A situation or circumstance that just feels like it is overwhelming or all consuming. In Mark 4:35-41 Jesus was with his disciples on a boat in the Sea of Galilee, when a great windstorm arose. The waves were breaking into the boat, the disciples were scared and overwhelmed but Jesus was asleep on a cushion. So they woke Him up asking "Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” We can relate to “do you not care,” because many of us have said those exact same words whenever the storm in our own life have felt too great. Colossians 1:16-17 "For in Him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through Him and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together." Everything is subject to the “Peace, be still” of the Lord. We can never allow the presence of a storm to cause us to doubt the presence of God. Just because Jesus isn’t physically here, like He was in the boat with the disciples, doesn’t mean the presence of God and His power are outside of our grasp. John 16:7 "I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you." We have the opportunity for our hearts and our minds to be guarded in the very blood of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Incredible things happen in us when we choose to focus on Him in worship and submit our storms to Him in prayer.

Sermon from June 11, 2023

To watch this sermon or other sermons, subscribe to our YouTube Channel: "Beltway Park Church"

Jun 12, 202340:49
Special Guest Eitan Shishkoff
Jun 05, 202341:39