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Accounting with Confidence Podcast

Accounting with Confidence Podcast

By Beth Whitworth

Owning and running an accounting, bookkeeping or tax office can be challenging. The industry was built on long hours, constant deadlines, and high stress levels. Times have changed and so should you! The Accounting with Confidence Podcast, hosted by Beth Whitworth, CPA, provides insight into areas of firm ownership including mindset, skills, technology, team and systems. With humor and grace, Beth shares the good, the bad, the ugly and the excellent of being in the accounting business. This weekly podcast will give you the coaching you need to get through it all.
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10: What I Learned at Scaling New Heights 2023

Accounting with Confidence PodcastAug 16, 2023

13: Positive Overwhelm

13: Positive Overwhelm

Ever have one of those months where you wonder how you even made it through?

Join me while I talk about what's been going on recently that has me overwhelmed, but not in a bad way. Is Positive Overwhelm a thing?

From hiring, firing, traveling, and software converting, I feel like I've been doing it all lately but have been pushing through and recognizing that the overwhelm doesn't have to last forever. In fact, it only lasts as long as I let it.

In addition I talk about the practice management software that we are currently implementing and as promised, I searched out an affiliate link I'm in love with this application and can't wait to share more about how it elevates our firm.

Sep 26, 202331:21
12: Quarter 3 Focus

12: Quarter 3 Focus

Accounting offices have 3 seasons that don't necessarily match up to the quarters: tax/busy season, summer and year end! The 3rd quarter of the year is often overlooked. In this episode I discuss the 3 things that I feel should be the focus during the 3rd quarter, plus a bonus focus!

I talk about:

  • Tax planning and getting those meetings scheduled now for later in the year
  • Getting ahead of continuing education and not leaving it all to the busy 4th quarter
  • Dusting off that "after tax-season debrief" and start working on those items to make your next season better than your last

When your year moves in only 3 seasons, it's hard to find the time to focus on these things and they can get lost, forgotten, or simply crammed in where they don't fit. Take the time before the end of this quarter to get ahead of these things and set yourself up for success.

Aug 31, 202331:57
11: Favorite Personal Development Authors Right Now

11: Favorite Personal Development Authors Right Now

I hated non-fiction books for way more than half of my life. Now I can't get enough. Listen in and find out what changed and what I am loving and learning right now from some of my favorite authors.

Michael Hyatt
Mike Michalowicz
Patrick Lencioni

Aug 23, 202330:26
10: What I Learned at Scaling New Heights 2023

10: What I Learned at Scaling New Heights 2023

I only attend one accounting conference each year. In this episode I talk about what I learned by going to this conference held in St. Louis this summer.

Even though I attend each year, there is always something that I learn and can take back to my firm or use in my personal life to help me achieve my goals. Not all conferences are created equal but this one stands out as being relevant and NOT boring.

From managing awkward moments to fangirling over a CPA I only knew through social media, the experiences were worth the long days.

Aug 16, 202337:56
9: Tax season, life, and imposter syndrome, Oh MY!

9: Tax season, life, and imposter syndrome, Oh MY!

I had no intention of taking such a long time off from podcasting but I'm back! Listen to hear why I didn't keep up, why I couldn't get started again, and why I think it's all okay.

Between a busy work season; life, death, illness, and travel; and wondering if I'm even qualified to be podcasting, a few weeks turned into a few months.

We're going to call this season 2 and just continue where we left off!

Aug 09, 202318:05
8: Confidence in No

8: Confidence in No

It's tempting to say yes to everything to keep people happy, keep yourself busy, or because of fear of missing out on something. In this episode I talk about the power of getting confident in the word No.

I gained confidence after years of fearing the word in these ways by:

1) Not providing EVERY service. 

2) Saying no to protect my calendar.

3) Saying no when working with clients that aren't a good fit.

4) Being willing to accept a no on any given proposal without any emotional turmoil

Learn some key phrases to let people down gently and build a referral network you trust and you can gain confidence in the word No, too!

Feb 22, 202342:30
7: What I Learned This Month - January 2023

7: What I Learned This Month - January 2023

One of my personal and business values is to always be learning. Here is the first installment of "What I Learned This Month", where I will share the 3 things I learned in January:

  1. E-mail rules are amazing
  2. My first Zap 
  3. Progress Invoicing in QBO

I know these things are not rocket science, but sometimes it's the little things that move you forward.

Feb 01, 202328:38
6: Kolbe A Index and the Accountant
Jan 25, 202338:34
5: Life Update - Give yourself grace
Jan 18, 202329:45
4: 3 Tips to Keep Busy Season from Sucking

4: 3 Tips to Keep Busy Season from Sucking

There is still time before busy season to do 3 things that will have you feeling more in control of your calendar, more productive and may just keep this busy season from sucking.

1. Schedule time off now

2. Pick an overflow day - same day each week - to give you room to breathe and regroup

3. Get a daily To-Do system to help keep you focused when things start to go sideways

Dec 30, 202240:16
2: Marketing Mindset for Accountants
Dec 20, 202241:35
1: 4 things I've learned (so far) in my accounting career
Dec 20, 202233:39
3: My Why
Dec 20, 202220:59
Make it Work for You: An Introduction to the Accounting with Confidence Podcast

Make it Work for You: An Introduction to the Accounting with Confidence Podcast

Welcome to the Accounting with Confidence podcast, a podcast for accounting, bookkeeping and CPA firm leaders looking for tactical and practical ways to love their firm and their life.

I’m Beth Whitworth, your host, cheerleader, sounding board and sometimes tough-love giver, and I am here to help you build and grow your firm into a business that works for you, instead of you working for it.

As an introverted, nerdy teenager, I knew that I wanted to be a CPA and own my own business - I even wrote those words in my senior memory book as 5 and 10 year goals!

While I didn’t hit that exact timeline, I did achieve those goals. I’ve now been an owner of a CPA firm in St. Louis, Missouri for over 20 years and finally feel like I have built a firm that I love!

Weekly I’m going to share with you the good, the bad, the ugly and the excellent of starting, scaling and leading an accounting firm in the modern day. Whether you are just starting out or are years into your journey, my hope is that you can avoid some of the things that derailed me or at least recover from them faster than I did.

Join me each week to hear what has succeeded and what has failed. I will help you with Systems, Skills, Team and Tech as well as the Mindset shifts you may need to make to get what you want. By bringing you step-by-step guidance, hot seat interviews with your peers and advice and best practices from industry leaders, you will have the tools and the support to move your practice forward.

I’m so excited to have you join me on this journey to Accounting with Confidence!

Oct 20, 202202:12