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Bethel Church Blackheath (West Midlands)

Bethel Church Blackheath (West Midlands)

By Bethel Church Blackheath

Our mission is to practise and promote Christ-like living and to enable people to use their God-given talents, gifts and treasures in ministries that bring about commitment to Christ, transforming our community.
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The man born blind - Howard Barber

Bethel Church Blackheath (West Midlands)May 17, 2024

Sharing the gospel with skeptics. - Tom Button

Sharing the gospel with skeptics. - Tom Button

Paul goes to athens and uses their own philosophy to convince them the truth of the Resurrection.
Jun 01, 202423:30
Worship songs - Andy Shelton

Worship songs - Andy Shelton

This week, Andy, who is the Worship Ministry pastor at St. Marks in Coventry shares three songs he and his team have written and the thoughts behind the songs.
May 24, 202429:32
The man born blind - Howard Barber

The man born blind - Howard Barber

In today’s podcast Howard reviews the story of the man born blind as recounted in John 9. He considers how this life changing event for the blind man whipped up such a storm amongst the Pharisees & how the healed man was able to stand in his new found faith in Jesus.
May 17, 202438:33
The Gospel wrapped up in a Sandwich - Gwen Evans Title: The Gospel wrapped up in a sandwich.

The Gospel wrapped up in a Sandwich - Gwen Evans Title: The Gospel wrapped up in a sandwich.

Looking at examples of compassion in the Bible we see how obeying the Greatest Commandment, to love one another, helps us to engage in the Great Commission, to spread the Gospel.
Hope this is OK. If not I'll have another go
May 09, 202428:39
Lessons from a picture, part 2 - Ruth Crumpton

Lessons from a picture, part 2 - Ruth Crumpton

Today Ruth shares Part 2 of her message titled 'Lessons from a picture'. She reminds and encourages us to remember how God wants us to : Pray BIG, Worry small, Trust God, Love one another, Laugh more, Stress less, Have faith, and Rejoice and be Grateful, in all seasons of life.
Apr 29, 202433:53
Lessons from a picture - Part 1 - Ruth Crumpton

Lessons from a picture - Part 1 - Ruth Crumpton

Today Ruth starts part 1 of a two week series titled 'Lessons from a picture'. She shares some spiritual lessons we can all learn from the contents of a picture her dad was bought for Christmas last year, and how God has used this in her own life
Apr 22, 202423:26
Crazy - Carol Barber

Crazy - Carol Barber

Carol talks about being crazy and how we do crazy things.
Within the BIBLE, there are lots of crazy things, such as the serpent talking, a donkey talking. God uses crazy stories to show his might, such as Noah building the ark.
It was crazy who Jesus chose, fishermen, tax collectors. There are crazy stories in the New Testament, such as Zacchaeus.

God is crazy for you.
Apr 18, 202432:54
Who was Thomas? - Anne Shelton

Who was Thomas? - Anne Shelton

Today we remember the story of doubting Thomas but is that all there is to know about him? Join us as we learn more about this disciple who took the gospel to India where he was martyred for his faith.
Apr 08, 202439:13
He is not here, he is risen - Easter 2024 Jo Goodman

He is not here, he is risen - Easter 2024 Jo Goodman

Matthew 28:6 ‘He is not here, for He has been raised just as He said’. Just as He said. Jo reminds us why these are four of the most reassuring and comforting words in the Easter Story and in God’s word.
Apr 07, 202425:38
Good Friday 2024 - Howard Barber

Good Friday 2024 - Howard Barber

When thinking of God’s greatness, we often point to creation. In his Good Friday podcast, Howard considers this and Gods greatness in sending Jesus on a rescue mission for sinners.
Apr 06, 202417:38
Who is he? Where is he? - Colin Shelton

Who is he? Where is he? - Colin Shelton

Jesus enters Jerusalem with great fanfare & celebration as the crowds shout hosanna & lay cloaks and palm branches before him. Yet still some ask: 'Who is He?' How do they still not know? Who is Jesus to you?
Mar 26, 202426:37
Sharing meeting March 2024

Sharing meeting March 2024

This weeks podcast has three mini messages from Linda Prince, Joe Stonelake, and Laura Plant, looking at Revelation Corinthians.
Mar 23, 202430:26
Unnamed, unnoticed, and unforgotton - Tony Shaw

Unnamed, unnoticed, and unforgotton - Tony Shaw

On this Mother's Day, Tony talks about the unseen women in the bible, who go unnoticed and the are forgotten.
Mar 15, 202426:60
Who is the Greatest ? - Phil Shelton

Who is the Greatest ? - Phil Shelton

A short bible study into the gospel accounts of the argument between the disciples about who would be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Mar 07, 202427:38
Where is God? - Mark Crumpton

Where is God? - Mark Crumpton

How many of us feel we are on the victory side with all that is going on in the world at the moment, when we have a loving God who answers prayer.
At times, we don't know how to find God when we need him most. Has God left us despite his promise that he will never leave us?
Mar 03, 202420:09
Suffering and Sin - Tom Button

Suffering and Sin - Tom Button

Jesus’ temptation in the desert showed us he was victorious over sin and temptation. When we face temptation of our appetites, ego, or ambitions he shows us how to resist, and that he is with us!
Feb 20, 202431:15
Watching & working while we wait - Anne Shelton

Watching & working while we wait - Anne Shelton

Are you watching & waiting for Jesus to come again? In this message, Anne outlines 4 tasks that we should be diligently working at for Jesus (the Owner of the House) while we wait for his return. (Based on Mark 13:32-37)
Feb 12, 202433:04
Faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love - Sue Green

Faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love - Sue Green

This week, Sue shares her testimony and how faith, hope, and love are part of our lives and how through these, we will grow and have peace through God. This message reminds us of what God has done for us.
Feb 08, 202427:47
Growing an eternal perspective - Jo Goodman

Growing an eternal perspective - Jo Goodman

In the final installment of the Growing with God series, Jo explores the importance of developing an eternal perspective on our worldly circumstances. Jo also reminds us of our calling to have an eternal impact on those around us.
Jan 31, 202423:16
Growing in God's Grace - Jo Goodman

Growing in God's Grace - Jo Goodman

In Part 2, Jo builds on from Part 1 by exploring the importance of growing in both the knowledge of God and also his amazing grace. Jo talks us through key differences between the old and new covenant and prompts to remember the price that Jesus paid.
Jan 22, 202424:57
Growing in the knowledge of God (and who God says you are!) - Jo Goodman

Growing in the knowledge of God (and who God says you are!) - Jo Goodman

In Part 1, Jo encourages us to get serious about growing in knowledge and understanding of who God is and who we are in him in 2024.
Jan 14, 202430:18
Sharing meeting Jan 2024

Sharing meeting Jan 2024

This morning, we have 3 members of the church congregation sharing their thoughts. They are Pam Clift, Tom Button, and Vanessa Whitfield.
Jan 11, 202417:42
News Years Eve 2023

News Years Eve 2023

This morning, we have three short messages looking at different characters involved with the nativity.
The first message is from Callum Whitfield looking at Joseph. Paul Evans gives the second message, looking at the shepherds, and the final message is by Amy Pearson, who is looking at the wise men.
Jan 06, 202418:37
Christmas Morning 2023 - Colin Shelton

Christmas Morning 2023 - Colin Shelton

Colin starts off by reminding us that our names are written on Jesus's hands and Jesus will not forget us. The proof of this is Christmas. Colin asks us to questions.
1) Where is he?
2) Who is he?

Have we found Jesus?
Jan 01, 202422:42
The Nativity according to chocolate

The Nativity according to chocolate

This week at our Carol Service, Carol says the nativity according to chocolate by David Keen.
Dec 23, 202311:38
Advent, the prequel - Gwen Evans

Advent, the prequel - Gwen Evans

As we enter the time of Advent, Gwen reminds us that we are living in a world full of sequels and how Christmas time is part of God's series of events. Everything happens in God's time.
Dec 07, 202322:22
In the right hands - Tony Shaw

In the right hands - Tony Shaw

Tony talks about how, in the right hands, we can achieve fantastic things. He tells us about Jesus's hands and how he has creative hands, compassionate hands, and how Jesus wants us safe in his hands.
Nov 29, 202327:08
Keep calm, stay humble, and watch God - Mark Crumpton

Keep calm, stay humble, and watch God - Mark Crumpton

Mark tells us that in these days where there are many turbulent events going on, we need to' Keep calm, stay humble and watch God'. Mark reminds us that no matter what is happening, God is still in control.
Nov 23, 202323:50
Lest we Forgot - Colin Shelton

Lest we Forgot - Colin Shelton

On this remembrance Sunday, Colin asks us Does God forget? And Does God have tattoo's, as he reminds us that we need to remember God, just as he has instructed us to do.
Nov 13, 202332:03
Manna and Faith - Tom Button

Manna and Faith - Tom Button

Tom talks about how God provided for the Israelite people as they wonder through the desert after they leave Egypt, by providing them Manna, on this Manna House Sunday. God wanted the lsraelite people to depend on him.
Nov 09, 202324:27
Why the cross - Simon Priest

Why the cross - Simon Priest

Simon refers to a book by John Blanchard, where he looks at the cross and what the cross means.
For some 2,000 years Christianity has had a symbol that is universally recognized – a simple cross. Yet the cross represents not the character, life or teaching of the founder of Christianity, but the gruesome way in which he was put to death while still in his early thirties.
Nov 02, 202329:40
Whole life worship - Phil Shelton
Oct 27, 202321:59
What does it really mean to follow Jesus - Andy Shelton

What does it really mean to follow Jesus - Andy Shelton

On this Bethel Church Blackheath's Church anniversary Andy asks us the question are we just doing church stuff or are we following Jesus.
Are we effective and productive for God as we look at 2 Peter 1 v3 - 8, where God has given us everything we need for a Godly life.
Oct 21, 202333:21
The Chastening of God - Howard Barber

The Chastening of God - Howard Barber

Reading from Lamentations, Howard looks at God’s seemingly harsh dealings with ancient Israel when exiled in Babylon. Even in this affliction, Jeremiah recalls there is hope in a faithful and compassionate God, provided the people examine their ways & seek forgiveness for their transgressions.
Oct 12, 202343:04
Water, water everywhere - Gwen Evans

Water, water everywhere - Gwen Evans

Looking at Isaiah 55, we see how God, through the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ, invites us all to come to the Water of Life and drink of the free gift of salvation.
Oct 01, 202322:08
Faithful Shepherd - Wayne O'Leary

Faithful Shepherd - Wayne O'Leary

Our guest speaker, Wayne, asks the question, "What are we worth?" As we look as Psalm 23. He reminds us that Jesus was willing to pay the ultimate price and die for us. Jesus said he is the Good Shepherd, is the Lord Your Shepherd?
Sep 24, 202325:40
Rest - Callum Whitfield

Rest - Callum Whitfield

Today, Callum explores different types of rest, physical, social, and spiritual rest, and explains how God gives us this rest.
Sep 17, 202315:44
What question will you ask? - Ruth Crumption

What question will you ask? - Ruth Crumption

We all go through times in life when we are tempted to ask God ...Why? When something unexpected happens in our lives, or in our world, it's natural for us to ask God why it happened. Ruth challenges us today to think about whether God wants us to start asking Him a different question.
Sep 11, 202317:55
Sharing Sunday

Sharing Sunday

This weeks podcast is from various people of the Bethel congregation sharing about blessings or answers to prayer in recent weeks.
Sep 08, 202322:04
King of Kings - Colin Shelton

King of Kings - Colin Shelton

During this weeks podcast, we are reminded that Jesus is King of Kings.

During the coronation each new monarch of the UK swears allegiance to Almighty God, and asks God to help them as they seek to serve God, church and country. They also are required to serve they country.
As King Charles arrived for the coronation service he was reminded that he came as a child of God, in the name of the King if Kings. King Charles reiterated that he came to serve his kingdom, following Jesus's example.
Aug 31, 202332:35
The fourth man - Anne Shelton

The fourth man - Anne Shelton

Are you seeking God in the circumstances of life? He has promised to be with you no matter what. He will be your fourth man in the fire. Psalm 34 v 4 & Daniel 3
Aug 20, 202333:52
Sharing Sunday - Linda Prince, Paul Evans, and Pam Clift

Sharing Sunday - Linda Prince, Paul Evans, and Pam Clift

This weeks podcast we are blessed by three different members of the Bethel Blackheath congregation sharing.

Linda starts by sharing about how Grace is shown in people's life, through wisdom.

Paul shares about gifts, a free gift from God, eternal life. He explains that some people do all good things, but they haven't accepted Jesus as their saviour and to become a Christian. Paul refers to a song in his message, which is called, "I wish we'd all been ready "

Pam shares for our final thought for today about how we are scared when we go and witness about Jesus.
Aug 15, 202318:39
Restoration - Sue Green

Restoration - Sue Green

Sue tells us the story of a five year old who is born into royalty and privilege. This prince will have a very blessed future. Things all of a sudden change when his father and grandfather are killed in battle and the child is crippled due to no fault of his own.
In one day, this boys life changed forever. We can go through life changing events, but we must not be afraid. We are not worthless.
David had made a covernet promise to his friend Jonathan that they would take care of each others family.
We have been searched for by the King. We have been saved because of someone else.
We don't have to earn God's love.
Because of God's promise, we are restored to God's table. There is a placemat with your name on it.
If we restore something is made to be better. Our Restoration will be restored if we accept Jesus
Aug 13, 202323:43
Witness - Howard Barber

Witness - Howard Barber

Howard talks about why we need to be a witness for Jesus and gives three examples from the New Testament of the different ways we can be a witness, through words and actions. Howard also ask’s us if we are a witness for Jesus in or lives.
Aug 01, 202340:52
First Impressions, The Gospel - Simon Priest

First Impressions, The Gospel - Simon Priest

Simon wants to remind us how important first impressions are when it comes to the fundamentals of Jesus's teachings. How the gospel plays a big part in those first impressions.
Jul 27, 202327:22
Becki's Testimony

Becki's Testimony

Following on from Tony Shaw' s God is Still in control podcast from last week, we here the other side of the story from Becki's perspective.
Jul 23, 202309:35
God is STILL in control - Tony Shaw

God is STILL in control - Tony Shaw

Through a difficult week, Tony reminds us that God is Still in control.
Jul 21, 202327:15
Changeable - Mark Crumpton

Changeable - Mark Crumpton

Mark asks , "How changeable are we?" Everything around us changes, but are we willing to change. Mark talks about Elijah and how everything around him changed, but he didn't turn against God.
We need to remember what's important. Remember wherever we find ourselves in life. God is with you. He never leaves us. We are saved by grace by God's amazing grace, by the goodness of God.
Jul 14, 202337:07
Specially and specifically gifted by God - Jo Goodman

Specially and specifically gifted by God - Jo Goodman

Jo reminds us that we are all specially and specifically gifted by God to fulfil his work here on earth, serving him in our churches and local communities. However, we must be eager, ready and available to live out this calling.
Jul 02, 202323:48
Feet - Carol Barber

Feet - Carol Barber

Feet. They get our body to the place where service is needed by learning that we need to sit at His feet
Worship at His feet
Serve at His feet and with Joy
Follow in His footsteps.

Jul 01, 202329:31