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Beyond the basement

Beyond the basement

By Chris Kenworthy

Hello you. Let's take an idea or problem for a walk amongst some trees. Or discover insights and reflections from my latest adventures in improv or heart-feely hippy stuff. Between us, maybe we'll find wisdom and new ways to look at old problems? I’m Chris. I'm a certified transformative coach & improviser of unscripted comedy and drama in Leeds in West Yorkshire (UK). Find me at or @chriskenworthy on Instagram and LinkedIn.
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Three insights on being your true self

Beyond the basementMay 16, 2024

Do you have enough play in life?

Do you have enough play in life?

Do kids annoy you? Or pets? What about high-vibe people? Or loafers; the rich and leisured classes; care-free folk who drift through life, unaffected. Ever feel jealous or sad you don’t? These strong reactions could be telling you something about your unmet need for play. Here I make the case for more of it in life.
Jun 05, 202413:56
How to be playful and creative when you're feeling down

How to be playful and creative when you're feeling down

Sometimes we don't have big up-and-out-there playful energy Maybe you're flat, tired, lonely AND you have an appetite for some kind of light playfulness - you're in need of fun. In this episode we discuss that tension, and explore 3 ways to be playful and creative when you're a bit low.
May 29, 202421:03
Half-in the sea, half out

Half-in the sea, half out

A chilly swim in the English channel prompts some reflections on how the way we do one thing, is the way we do everything.
May 26, 202411:15
The 4 elements of improv & life

The 4 elements of improv & life

Earlier this week, 8 improvisers explored their innate qualities of earthiness, fire, water and air and how that helps you relate and express to other humans. Here's what happened and how the 4 elements help or hinder us.
May 23, 202422:55
How to unlock your creative potential: be selfish

How to unlock your creative potential: be selfish

Do you fear becoming an arsehole if you 'indulge' yourself or even dare to put your needs first? Do your needs even matter? Because your inner child certainly thinks so, it knows you DESERVE fun and pleasure. Yet as grown-ups we deny ourselves joy. Here's another installment of how to reclaim play and build a healthier relationship with your inner child.
May 23, 202418:57
How would more fiery/airy/watery/earthiness help you in life?

How would more fiery/airy/watery/earthiness help you in life?

Tomorrow, we're exploring the 4 elements in a workshop I'm leading. Each element has a quality that can feel familiar or less so, and with it an invitation to play with a different way of showing up in the world. In this episode I explore each element and give a favour or how to get playful with your elements, and what change that can bring about.
May 20, 202424:48
Three insights on being your true self

Three insights on being your true self

Join me for a coffee walk, reflecting on three big insights to come out of Saturday's Undefended Improv workshop in Leeds. We explore tricky conversations, why everyone is waiting for everyone else to go first, and why it's easy to drop the mask when you stay with yourself and what you really care about.
May 16, 202431:10
How to get what you want from life if you're a perfectionist

How to get what you want from life if you're a perfectionist

Chris has another rant about goals and a possible antidote to find your way through life with more ease, fun and fluidity.
May 15, 202410:01
Unlock your creative potential: live at TNM Leeds 07/05

Unlock your creative potential: live at TNM Leeds 07/05

In this live recording, I explore who your inner child is, how it relates to creativity, and how to nurture yours so life's more joyful. Recorded live at The New Mondays creative network event in Leeds on Monday 7th May, 2024.
May 15, 202422:02
Lead with love & humility: how to bring a thing into the world and put yourself out there

Lead with love & humility: how to bring a thing into the world and put yourself out there

Leeds improv Co-Lab community is 1 year old. Here's 3 lessons I've learned (hard won) about taking risks, and turning an idea or hope into a real-life event.
May 09, 202421:31
How to unlock creative potential: bringing out your inner child through play

How to unlock creative potential: bringing out your inner child through play

Tomorrow at The New Monday Leeds, we'll be exploring how to help your inner child go nuts, creatively, by tapping into your innate playfulness. I'll do this through the lens of improv, during a short talk at this local networking event. This is me getting some practice in, and giving you the unedited, full-fat version full of tips and tricks on how to handle uncertainty, while feeling more free and expressed.
May 06, 202421:52
Allowing for the possibility of imperfection

Allowing for the possibility of imperfection

Lessons from the dancefloor in what happens when we quieten the mind and let the body do the talking, or more accurately, listening. This one is all about how old habits show up in new ways.
May 03, 202419:01
Given time, stuff changes

Given time, stuff changes

Welcome to a new segment: BtB nightz... Where Chris tries to make sense of bedtime philosophy. This one's about the nature of change, its inevitability and how it comes to our rescue.
May 03, 202408:23
Choose nonviolence, fun & mischief on Mondays

Choose nonviolence, fun & mischief on Mondays

An odd thing happened recently. I realised I actually quite like Mondays these days. If you're anything like me, the start to the week often loons heavy with foreboding and an urgency to resume the grind. Here's an alternative, to reclaim your week. I'd add that this might help in how you relate to any tricky thing in your life; work, projects, people - not just Mondays.
Apr 30, 202414:16
Why all that matters is you, me, in the here-and-now - Improv Dairies

Why all that matters is you, me, in the here-and-now - Improv Dairies

It's been a while, but I've just returned from a super workshop in Lancaster where I bumped into myself again and learned more vital and pressing lessons in what it means to be human.
Apr 29, 202416:36
Your needs and getting them met

Your needs and getting them met

After mind-reading, expressing needs and getting them met (or not) is probably the single biggest cause of relationship turmoil. Here's an exploration of honouring self and other, a practice from Authentic Relating, and what it teaches us about life and happiness.
Apr 27, 202416:19
Authentic Relating lands in Leeds. But what is it?
Apr 25, 202419:18
What happens when you actually unplug from the day-to-day rush

What happens when you actually unplug from the day-to-day rush

I took a WHOLE week off. I know, what a luxury. Before, during and after that I noticed the effect disconnecting from work can have on the body and mind. Here's what I found, plus invitations on how to make the most from your time off.
Apr 23, 202418:04
Why I stopped giving advice (and you should too)

Why I stopped giving advice (and you should too)

Yes the irony hasn't escaped me in the title and nature of this episode. This one's all about how to better motivate, inspire and empower someone when they come at you with a problem or expressing discomfort.
Apr 17, 202412:52
Welcome everything, reveal your experience

Welcome everything, reveal your experience

These two are core practices from authentic relating that really help me navigate life's challenges. And life dealt me a sizable one recently. So I took that as an invite to practice what I preach... One of my edgier episodes. In case you're left wondering how things are after this episode - I now have a clean bill of health.
Apr 12, 202416:07
Undefended discoveries

Undefended discoveries

Last Saturday a bunch of improvisers explored what it's like to welcome and reveal your inner world, in a warm and fuzzy workshop I hosted called Undefended Improv. Here's an exploration, insights and juicy finds.
Apr 08, 202429:30
How would life be with a bit more mischief?

How would life be with a bit more mischief?

This word keeps popping up in life recently. At a session planning Leeds festival of play, in improv and from feedback I receive about my vibe. Here's an exploration of what it might be, and how I suspect we could all use a bit more curious, playful and flirty vibes in life.
Apr 04, 202421:53
Ever noticed this sneaky perfectionism?

Ever noticed this sneaky perfectionism?

Maybe you take your high standards and expectations for granted. There's nothing wrong with having them, but they can leave you feeling bruised and tender, if you're relentlessly striving and pushing yourself. Join me pool-side as we explore what could be going on inside, if you're sad, dissatisfied or frustrated.
Apr 03, 202410:27
How to cope with being antagonised

How to cope with being antagonised

We've been exploring finding your calm, when people piss you off, upset you or otherwise knock you off-balance. I'm doing some embodiment training in Somerset, here's some helpful techniques I've been learning.
Mar 29, 202416:35
When you care just enough to stay unhappy

When you care just enough to stay unhappy

A micro reflection on bringing about stuff you really care about, or not.
Mar 27, 202410:10
What to expect from 'Undefended Improv' workshop this April

What to expect from 'Undefended Improv' workshop this April

A quick walkthrough of the journey into more rewarding, heartfelt and blissful improv that I'll be taking people on next month. I explain some thinking behind the workshop, what's in store and how it all goes together into a deep yet gentle learning experience.
Mar 22, 202422:02
Unlocking happiness summit 2024

Unlocking happiness summit 2024

Later today I'll be exploring how to unlock more connection and play in your life, with my friend Anya Pearse. Anya is hosting the 2024 Unlocking Happiness Summit. I'll share our conversation on socials once it's published.
Mar 18, 202418:06
Feel the fear and do it anyway = BS

Feel the fear and do it anyway = BS

There's a part of you that's utterly terrified to experience certain feelings, and it'll do anything to prevent that. Yet those very same feelings are often what stand between us and what we really need. This short exploration examined what's really going on, and how we might comfortably navigate tricky reactions, without brutalising ourselves.
Mar 16, 202411:45
Expression isn't indulgent, it's a necessity

Expression isn't indulgent, it's a necessity

There's a particular kind of bliss in sharing what it's like being you, regardless of how that's met. When you write, talk or otherwise create, you're meeting a fundamental human need to be seen/heard, valued and understood. Some reflections on what's going on and how to get more in your life.
Mar 14, 202417:42
3 levels of listening

3 levels of listening

Tonight at the Leeds improv Co-Lab, we'll be playing a listening game to reveal more depth in conversation, and get closer to our fellow humans. In this episode I'll explore an Authentic Relating game that helps to do this - which has value in everyday life, as well as Improv.
Mar 13, 202423:31
Get out the way of the universe

Get out the way of the universe

Gosh it's TOUGH bringing an idea to life, isn't it? Especially when you really care about the things you want to create. This could be a career, relationship, business, or (if you're me) a workshop. Here are some reflections on how we defend and deny ourselves the things which our hearts desire.
Mar 11, 202421:35
Trance, breathwork and trusting your body

Trance, breathwork and trusting your body

I had a delightful evening huffing and puffing myself into euphoria at a breathwork session, during a recent retreat. Join me on my morning-after walk through a rural valley, reflecting on what it's like to meet yourself.
Mar 07, 202419:52
Spooky WW2 bunker

Spooky WW2 bunker

There's something about old, abandoned relics of recent history that hits me in the guy every time. They're so evocative to me, alive with the past presence of humans. Join me as I unashamedly geek out on a bunker I discovered on a recent walk on the Lincolnshire coast.
Mar 06, 202416:25
Reveal your experience, even when it's angry and big

Reveal your experience, even when it's angry and big

What happens if you DARE to tell the truth about what it's like being you. I've just been on another retreat and I took a risk, when I had a BIG reaction to something that happened there. In this episode I explore one of the 5 practices of authentic relating.
Mar 05, 202420:24
Curiosity: the antidote to fear

Curiosity: the antidote to fear

Chris stops driving for a wee, where he meets a man with a camera in a layby. This leads to a chance encounter and a rare experience in nature.
Mar 01, 202411:19
You're allowed to enjoy this: lessons I'm doomed to learn over and over again

You're allowed to enjoy this: lessons I'm doomed to learn over and over again

There's a possibility that the thing you're nervous about doing, could actually go well! Yes, I know. You're allowed to have fun. Despite expecting and preparing for the worst to happen.
Feb 29, 202412:10
How you walk says everything about who you are

How you walk says everything about who you are

I take a secret phone break from the weekend courses I'm on, all about embodiment. This is the art of how we physically express and relate to the world through our posture, state and physiology - what your body is up to. This playful little game I talk about can reveal a lot about you.
Feb 25, 202413:09
Determined to defend

Determined to defend

I’ve a theory that as we near possibility of those things we want most (at an innermost, spiritual level), we meet and expose layer after layer of defence. Defences unwittingly created in youth to avoid the pain, like disappointment, shame, judgement, loneliness and everything else. Feelings we stand a good chance of experiencing if we take risks, and things (inevitably) go wrong, in pursuit of what we desire.
Feb 22, 202425:46
3 games to play in nature

3 games to play in nature

When it comes to finding calm and contentment, all the evidence points to how much we pay attention to nature while we're in it. If you know it's good for you, but find your mind races while you take a walk in the park, try these games to bring you into the here-and-now. Solo friendly.
Feb 22, 202417:06
Irreverent & defended

Irreverent & defended

Chris gets ambushed by an inconvenient old friend in front of everyone. This prompts a short reflection on how we relate to the myriad parts of ourselves that we'd prefer weren't there, yet live inside all of us.
Feb 22, 202410:38
Absolutely perfect

Absolutely perfect

Join Chris on a park bench as we dive into the big P: perfectionism. What it is and how it shows up - as the urge to fix, correct, improve and make better or right.
Feb 20, 202428:10
What is love?

What is love?

'Love yourself' is terrible, ambiguous advice. Same with 'self-love', implying all you need is a bubble bath to heal yourself. To help, I'm sharing three, possibly more helpful, definitions of what love is when it comes to relating to yourself, as well as others.
Feb 15, 202416:10
What if grief's an everyday thing?

What if grief's an everyday thing?

Every time something doesn't work out the way we expected, that's a form of grief, I reckon. Some reflections on navigating the tricky stuff, crouched beneath a mighty oak.
Feb 13, 202421:25
F*** goals | choose hope

F*** goals | choose hope

Today's rant is about toxic goal-setting. Why would anyone set themselves up for failure? I also suggest a healthier, more gentle way to express and get what you want from the year ahead.
Feb 10, 202412:21
Threats, safety and fun

Threats, safety and fun

Stood on a hillside, the dog has my back. We're watching out for each other. But all that watching out can get in the way of experiencing what's really going on in the moment. Where there's fun to be had. Some reflections from improv.
Feb 08, 202417:50
How often do you hold eye contact?

How often do you hold eye contact?

Staring into the eyes of another human is INTENSE. Animals only do it for two reasons, and they both begin with F. So it's no wonder we rarely hold gaze into the eyes of our fellow humans for very long. Yet what would happen if we did? The eyes don't lie. What will we see and find in there? This month at Leeds improv Co-Lab we'll be playing with safe ways to make eye contact and transmit the message "Hey human! I'm here with you - wanna play?" What do your eyes say?
Feb 07, 202418:11
How to escape the 9-to-5

How to escape the 9-to-5

You lot asked for it, here it is. Collected stories and reflections on ways to navigate the profound discomfort of job dissatisfaction, and the uncertainty of what lurks on the other side. Includes insight and tips to help you find hope in what seems like a hopeless situation.
Feb 06, 202429:49
Pain and what it can tell us

Pain and what it can tell us

Our bodies do everything they can to protect us from emotional (and physical) pain. And what a marvellous job it does of that. Yet inside pain, in the shadows, lurk valuable lessons and uncomfortable truths. Truths that when exposed can actually liberate us from subsequent pain in the future.
Feb 02, 202427:58
When I'm lonely I make things

When I'm lonely I make things

Relentless doing and making can be a way to avoid tricky feelings like disconnection. But it's also an expression of creativity and love. What is healthy doing and making? How might we let ourselves off the hook when we're not up to much else? Chris has a weekend by himself to explore all this, and makes a washstand in the process.
Jan 29, 202424:01
Improv diaries: mischief, inspiration and possibility

Improv diaries: mischief, inspiration and possibility

Everyone remembers a great teacher, right? One of my favourite teachers (Andêl Sudik) ran a workshop for my improv community last week, which left me inspired, hopeful and mischievous... Some reflections on what improv reveals about life, our vibe, and how to enjoy more of the here-and-now.
Jan 22, 202423:59