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Beyond the Bike

Beyond the Bike

By BeTheLightPrincipal

Mindset, Wellness and Growth

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#224 The Space Between

Beyond the BikeMay 06, 2024

#227 Aspiration, Achievement, and Resilience

#227 Aspiration, Achievement, and Resilience

Have a great week everyone!

Andrew :)

May 26, 202410:01
#226 Seasonal Intention

#226 Seasonal Intention

Have a wonderful week!

Andrew :)

May 19, 202416:34
#225 Reigniting Your Extinguished Flame

#225 Reigniting Your Extinguished Flame

Have a nice week!

Andrew :)

May 14, 202408:10
#224 The Space Between

#224 The Space Between

Have a great week!

Andrew :)

May 06, 202407:36
#223 Threshold of Change

#223 Threshold of Change

Join me on this week's episode of Beyond the Bike Podcast as we explore the transformative power of challenge and discomfort. Discover how embracing the unknown can lead to growth, resilience, and a deeper understanding of yourself. Let's dive into the uncomfortable truth that lies beyond the bike!

Apr 28, 202409:18
#222 Unshackled

#222 Unshackled

Are you tired of feeling like you need someone else's approval to feel worthy? Do you find yourself waiting for others to tell you that you're enough?

Well, it's time to break free from that cycle and discover your own self-worth! In this episode, we're diving into the powerful mindset shift of self-validation. We'll explore how to stop relying on external validation and start embracing our own worth, just as we are. It's time to take ownership of our value and live a life that's authentic and empowered!

So grab a cup of your favourite brew, get cozy, and let's dive in!

Apr 21, 202408:25
#221 The River and the Streams

#221 The River and the Streams

Have a wonderful week :)

Apr 14, 202405:40
#220 Yellows & Reds

#220 Yellows & Reds

Happy Easter! Have a wonderful week.

A. Lovett

Mar 31, 202409:18
#219 Snapback Strength

#219 Snapback Strength

Have a great week peeps!

Mar 24, 202406:21
#218 Beyond the Bike, Beyond Yourself

#218 Beyond the Bike, Beyond Yourself

This week, we explore the idea that purpose isn't something found, but something created. We delve into the power of self-discovery, explore ways to tap into your unique gifts and passions, and leave you with a call to action to ignite your journey towards a fulfilling life. Hop on and discover how you can go beyond the bike and beyond yourself.

Hope you enjoy the episode!

Have a great week!

Andrew :)

Mar 17, 202407:23
#217 Perfectly Imperfect

#217 Perfectly Imperfect

Feeling like everyone else has it all together? You're not alone. In this episode of Imperfectly Perfect, we explore the myth of perfection and why it's okay to be perfectly imperfect. We dive into the struggles we all face, the importance of self-compassion, and how to embrace your unique journey. Join us and remember, your imperfections are what make you, you.

Hope you enjoy the episode.

Have a great week!

Andrew :)

Mar 10, 202407:46
#216 The Power of Timing: Embracing Synchronicity

#216 The Power of Timing: Embracing Synchronicity

Dive into the magic of synchronicity with the latest episode of Beyond the Bike! Discover how things align exactly when you need them to and learn to trust in the flow of life. Tune in now for insights on embracing divine timing and finding peace in the journey.

Have a great week!


Mar 03, 202406:24
#215 Embracing Life's Unknown Pathways

#215 Embracing Life's Unknown Pathways

Get ready to pedal through the week ahead with confidence and clarity on the latest episode of "Beyond the Bike." Join Andrew as he guides you through navigating life's unknown terrain, empowering you to embrace challenges, set intentions, and harness your inner resilience. Tune in for inspiration and motivation to make the most of the journey ahead!

Andrew :)

Feb 25, 202407:10
#214 Choose Your Own Story: Writing Your Unique Life Through Thoughtful Choices

#214 Choose Your Own Story: Writing Your Unique Life Through Thoughtful Choices

This week's episode, I discuss how our daily decisions shape the winding paths of our lives.

The key message is that through intentional daily choices, we have power to chart fulfilling courses for our futures.

I challenge listeners to become more aware of the small decisions that direct our daily trajectories. Though we can't undo the past, it's never too late to alter our paths by making empowered choices now.

By making mindful decisions each day, we pivot our life's course in positive directions.

Have a great week!

Andrew :)

Feb 18, 202405:34
#213 Embracing Uncertainty on Life's Path

#213 Embracing Uncertainty on Life's Path

Have a great week!

Feb 13, 202405:58
#212 Justify This: Breaking the Chains of Excuses

#212 Justify This: Breaking the Chains of Excuses

Unpack the psychology behind our excuses and discover practical steps to stop accepting them, paving the way for personal growth and success.

Have a great week!

Andrew :)

Feb 04, 202404:38
#211 Toxic No More

#211 Toxic No More

Hope you enjoy the episode.

Have a great week.

Andrew :)

Jan 29, 202403:53
#210 Why Successful People Embrace Accountability

#210 Why Successful People Embrace Accountability

Believing in your own personal agency and ability to influence outcomes is key to accomplishing your biggest goals. This episode explores why adopting an empowered, responsibility-driven mindset is essential for success. You'll learn how successful people view challenges as opportunities and believe focused effort drives results. Discover ways to cultivate this creator mentality so you can unlock your potential through purposeful, strategic action.

Have a great week!


Jan 21, 202407:26
#209 The Tortoise and the Hare

#209 The Tortoise and the Hare

Discover the concerning trend of shrinking attention spans and the rise of impulsivity in our fast-paced world. Is patience the antidote we've been overlooking?

Have a great week!


Jan 07, 202407:38
#208 Charting the Course: A Mindful Approach to 2024

#208 Charting the Course: A Mindful Approach to 2024

Happy New Year!

All the best in 2024!

Jan 01, 202408:46
# 207 Behind the Shield: Decoding the Protective Mechanisms of Self-Sabotage

# 207 Behind the Shield: Decoding the Protective Mechanisms of Self-Sabotage

Unlock Your Mindset! Inspired by The Mountain Is You by Brianna Wiest, today's episode is a deep dive on self-sabotage. Learn how subtle coping mechanisms may be hindering your progress. Discover signs, break free, and commit to genuine growth.
Happy Holidays Peeps!
Dec 24, 202308:14
#206 Why You're Closer to Your Breakthrough Than You Realize

#206 Why You're Closer to Your Breakthrough Than You Realize

Progress takes patience, but sometimes a shift in mindset is all we need to realize how far we’ve already come on our journeys.

Have a great week!


Dec 17, 202309:14
#205 Gentle Finish: The Wisdom of Slowing Down

#205 Gentle Finish: The Wisdom of Slowing Down

Titled, Gentle Finish: The Wisdom of Slowing Down, this episode encourages listeners to let go of the stress and pressure often associated with year-end goals, embracing a slower pace and a more mindful approach to finishing the year strong.

Hope you enjoy the episode.

Have a nice week.


Dec 03, 202308:23
#204 Igniting Your Inner Glow

#204 Igniting Your Inner Glow

How to cultivate unshakable confidence that comes from self-appreciation and inner belief rather than praise from others.

Sep 18, 202306:30
#203 The Evolution Starts Within - Growing Into the Best You

#203 The Evolution Starts Within - Growing Into the Best You

In this episode, we discuss how to silence your inner critic and overcome doubts, fears, and limiting beliefs that hold you back from growth and evolution. You'll learn strategies to celebrate small wins, chip away at big goals, and unlock your full potential to become the person you aspire to be. Even when progress feels slow, persistence pays off. By focusing on incremental improvement, you have the power to go beyond limiting beliefs and make real change happen in your life.

Sep 10, 202307:34
#202 Winning with the Heart

#202 Winning with the Heart

Join host Andrew for an inspiring discussion about leading with love and sincerity. Learn why coming from the heart allows you to win, even when things don't go as planned.

Andrew shares perspectives on choosing compassion over negativity and how doing your best with pure intentions can attract more light into your life. If you're seeking motivation to infuse your journey with more heart-centered intention, this motivational episode will leave you feeling uplifted and empowered.

Sep 03, 202309:19
#201 It All Works Out: Seeing Life's Bigger Picture and Plan

#201 It All Works Out: Seeing Life's Bigger Picture and Plan

Have faith that life is leading you exactly where you need to be. In this week's episode of Beyond the Bike Podcast, we discuss embracing the twists and turns in life's journey and trusting that things have a way of working out.

When we take time to recognize the patterns and miracles in our lives, we see that life has a divine plan to transform us into who we're meant to become. Even when we can't envision the light at the end of the tunnel, have hope that better days are ahead if we press on. The journey may be unpredictable, but the destination is perfection.

Aug 27, 202312:02
#200 Celebrating 200: Highlights from the Podcast Journey

#200 Celebrating 200: Highlights from the Podcast Journey

I'm celebrating 200 episodes by getting reflective! In this monumental episode, I dive deep into the 5 most profound life lessons I've learned from podcasting on my own. I get vulnerable about my journey to self-discovery, the power of listening, embracing the process, and why community matters, even for solo creators. Tune in for an inspiring call to action on how we can all keep making progress.

Aug 20, 202313:36
#199 Controlling What You Can When Progress Feels Out of Reach

#199 Controlling What You Can When Progress Feels Out of Reach

We all want rapid results when pursuing goals, but real progress takes patience. In this episode, we discuss managing expectations when growth feels slow.

Learn why focusing on the process, not just outcomes, is key to long-term success. Discover how to celebrate small wins, control what you can, and remember that skill builds gradually. Embrace the journey and achieve your goals with the right mindset.

Aug 13, 202311:23
#198 The Power of Praise: How Compliments Can Transform Someone's Outlook

#198 The Power of Praise: How Compliments Can Transform Someone's Outlook

Do you want to uplift, empower, and motivate those around you? It's easier than you think. Offering sincere praise can profoundly impact someone's self-image and self-confidence. He explains how praise transforms relationships, improves performance, and creates a nurturing culture. Even a few thoughtful words at the right time can uplift someone's outlook, motivation, and self-belief. Tune in to learn how to use the power of praise to encourage others and watch them flourish. You’ll start to notice opportunities to affirm people in your life and make a bigger difference than you realized was possible.

Hope you enjoy the episode!

Andrew :)

Aug 10, 202310:25
#197 Surprising Yourself: A New Outlook Opens New Roads

#197 Surprising Yourself: A New Outlook Opens New Roads

On this episode of Beyond the Bike, we're exploring how our perspective shapes our reality and the power we have to choose positivity, see possibilities, and unlock our potential.

Discover how shifting your mindset can open you up to new opportunities, blessings, and joy. You'll learn why obstacles are only roadblocks if you see them that way, and how believing in your path's infinite possibilities can take you farther than you imagined.

Tune in to pick up tips on adopting a perspective focused on progress, solutions, and limitless growth. Get ready to surprise yourself as a fresh outlook propels you down new and exciting roads.

Aug 06, 202307:20
#196 How to Hack Your Reality: The Positivity Mindset That Attracts Miracles

#196 How to Hack Your Reality: The Positivity Mindset That Attracts Miracles

What if you could transform your reality just by adjusting your inner vibration? Tune in as we explore how shifting your energy from negative to positive can attract more good luck, synchronicity, and miracles into your life.

Learn ways to catch judgmental thoughts and flip them into optimism and gratitude. Discover how intentionally projecting positive emotions like compassion can redirect your fate toward greatness. This episode is a guide to taking control of your destiny by being intentional with your vibration. Get ready to manifest magic!

Hope you enjoy the the episode.

Andrew :)

Aug 03, 202309:21
#195 Defeat Perfect, Embrace Progress: Steps Toward Your Goals

#195 Defeat Perfect, Embrace Progress: Steps Toward Your Goals

You only get one life. Is fear or inertia holding you back from making it count?

Tune in as we discuss how to seize your best opportunity before time runs out. Learn how to get clear on your goals, take stock of your resources, and take action on your dream.

This episode will reignite your sense of purpose and give you a much-needed push if you've been playing it safe. Discover how to defeat perfect, embrace progress, and understand your internal motivations.

The first step is the scariest, but your best life is waiting if you find the courage to lean in.

Jul 30, 202309:42
#194 The Unexpected Path to New Possibilities

#194 The Unexpected Path to New Possibilities

Shift your mindset to invite more possibilities into your life.

In today's episode of Beyond the Bike Podcast, we dive into Chapter 4 of Vex King's book Good Vibe, Good Life. We discuss how opening your mindset is the key to welcoming new opportunities, seeing blessings in every situation, and creating the life you desire.

Learn how to train your brain to spot possibilities instead of problems, use difficulties as catalysts for growth, and adopt an openness to receive the gifts life has to offer.

Join us as we explore how the power of shifting your focus can set you up for a life of possibilities and magic. The obstacles in front of you may not change, but the possibilities are endless when you change your perspective.

Tune in for this inspiring episode that will leave you excited to embrace all the opportunities around you!

Jul 27, 202312:26
#193 Step Outside Your Comfort Zone and Watch Yourself Grow - BTB Shorts

#193 Step Outside Your Comfort Zone and Watch Yourself Grow - BTB Shorts

BTB shorts is back! Hope you enjoy :)

Jul 26, 202300:55
#192 Upgrading Your Inner Operating System

#192 Upgrading Your Inner Operating System

Ever feel like you're stuck in a loop chasing the next big thing or way of thinking that will make you happy? But then the high fades and you're back at square one. I get it, I've been there! The real upgrade doesn't come from external quick fixes. It comes from within.

Join me for a real talk about why the best upgrades in life are internal. You'll walk away believing in your potential and with tips to begin rewiring your mind for abundance. Because when you change your mindset, you truly change everything.

Feel free to connect with me on Instagram @BeTheLighPrincipal!

Would love to hear your thoughts, ideas on the episode.


Jul 23, 202316:14
#191 Quit Waiting for Lucky Breaks: Skills Beat Serendipity

#191 Quit Waiting for Lucky Breaks: Skills Beat Serendipity

This podcast explores the mental game of success - how to turn achievement into a reproducible skill through resilience, determination, and strategic risk-taking.

We dive into the science and stories behind cultivating grit, learning from failures, surrounding yourself with positive people, and taking bold action.

Success is not an accident. It's the result of specific ways of thinking and habits that can be built. Join us as we go beyond the bike to uncover the skills and mindsets you need to turn success into a repeatable skill and make your biggest dreams a reality.

Jul 20, 202311:54
#190 The Lost Art of Stillness: Why it Matters More Than Ever

#190 The Lost Art of Stillness: Why it Matters More Than Ever

Life moving too fast? Feeling stressed, scattered, and anxious? In this episode of Beyond the Bike Podcast, Andrew shares insights from Vex King's book "Good Vibes Good Life" on how to step off the hamster wheel and return to inner calm.

Learn simple yet powerful ways to build more stillness into your daily life, from five minutes of meditation to unplugging from devices.

Discover how slowing down and creating space for reflection can transform your outlook and reconnect you with your true priorities.

Tune in for actionable advice on living intentionally even amidst the frenzy of modern life. You have the power to find your center—let Andrew show you how.

Jul 17, 202311:18
#189 A Path to Your Most Fulfilling Life

#189 A Path to Your Most Fulfilling Life

Choosing joy might sound simple, but it can be a real challenge when life gets difficult. In today's episode of Beyond the Bike Podcast, we will dive into cultivating everyday joy using insights from Vex King's book "Good Vibes Good Life."

Joy is our essence, not negativity and fear. Learn how small mindset shifts can get you out of resentment and despair and into your natural state of happiness and fulfillment. This episode will inspire you to start choosing joy on a daily basis and living life to the fullest.

Hope you are doing well!

Andrew :)

Jul 14, 202309:26
#188 Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamin K

#188 Get Your Daily Dose of Vitamin K

Craving More Positivity?

Join me for an uplifting episode all about kindness. Hear how making small, daily acts of kindness a habit can totally change your outlook. I share easy tips for bringing more kindness into your life and the world around you.

Big changes start with small gestures - tune in for inspiration to spread more kindness every day!

Andrew :)

Jul 12, 202308:51
#187 The Power of Positivity

#187 The Power of Positivity

So great to be back! Hope you enjoy the episode and let me know what you think @bethelightprincipal on Instagram.

Shine your light bright!


Jul 07, 202308:56
#186 That Person is You - BTB Shorts

#186 That Person is You - BTB Shorts

Apr 12, 202302:02
#185 Reward Diligence

#185 Reward Diligence

Happy Tuesday! Have a wonderful day.

Andrew :)

Apr 11, 202312:58
#184 Honour Your Scars - BTB Shorts

#184 Honour Your Scars - BTB Shorts

Have a great week!

Andrew :)

Apr 10, 202300:39
#183 Upgrade Your Thinking - BTB Shorts

#183 Upgrade Your Thinking - BTB Shorts

Might be time to upgrade your thinking, challenge your old beliefs. When you upgrade your thinking, your upgrade your life.

Happy Saturday!


Apr 08, 202301:09
#182 Conquer Yourself - BTB Shorts

#182 Conquer Yourself - BTB Shorts

Happy Friday!

Apr 07, 202301:27
#181 Assumptions

#181 Assumptions

Welcome to episode #181 of Beyond the Bike Podcast. In this episode, we explore the topic of assumptions. Assumptions are beliefs or ideas that we hold to be true, without necessarily having any evidence to support them. They can shape our perceptions, influence our behaviour, and impact our relationships. We will delve into the various ways that assumptions can impact our lives, both positively and negatively. We will discuss the importance of recognizing and questioning our assumptions.

Have a wonderful week!

Andrew :)

Mar 26, 202306:46
#180 The Storm
Mar 17, 202309:58
#179 The Fulcrum & The Lever

#179 The Fulcrum & The Lever

Have a wonderful week!

Mar 13, 202311:04
#178 Comparison, Can It Be A Good Thing?

#178 Comparison, Can It Be A Good Thing?

Have a nice week!

Andrew :)

Feb 27, 202311:20