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Blue Collar Bereans

Blue Collar Bereans

By Nate Penley and Scott McGrady

The Blue Collar Bereans Podcast has as its goal to encourage and equip the membership of North Valley Baptist Church, and everyday Christians, to search the Scriptures in order know truth and apply it to their lives.
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Conflict: Part 2

Blue Collar BereansSep 02, 2020

The Church: What Is It and Why It Matters; Part 2

The Church: What Is It and Why It Matters; Part 2

00:00 - Opening

Picking up from last time
Proclaiming the Gospel - 1:33

Self-Examination - 3:54

Do We Actually Care If People Are Saved? - 5:55

Who Does the Ministry of the Church? - 11:08

Shouldn’t We Be Seeing Rapid Church Growth? - 20:44

Unity - 28:20

Protecting From False Teachers - 35:47

Back to Giftedness - 37:09

Benefits of Being the Church Together - 40:55

Worship - 42:52

End - 51:04

Sep 01, 202251:09
The Church: What Is It and Why It Matters, Part 1
Aug 18, 202242:22
Abortion and What Is Just; Part 3

Abortion and What Is Just; Part 3

Opening - 00:00

Parsing Out Culpability - 1:21

God’s Word Is Our Authority - 8:05

Does the Bible Say Where Babies Go When They Die? - 20:30

End - 32:29

Aug 03, 202232:57
Abortion and What Is Just; Part 2
Jul 25, 202235:48
Abortion and What Is Just; Part 1

Abortion and What Is Just; Part 1

Opening - 00:00

Introducing the topic - 1:24

What doe the foundation of truth tell us - 5:24

Settled Science - 8:14
Keith L. Moore, The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology, 10th edit. Philadelphia PA; Elsevier 2013
Randy Alcorn; Prol-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments (Multnomah Books; 2000) p. 369

The ultimate authority above science - 13:41

Arguments that try to muddy the waters - 18:11

     + Abortion is a privet matter - 19:10

     + Many poor women cannot afford another child - 20:08

     + Now women are going to die - 25:34

     + A woman should not be forced to bear an unwanted child - 27:25

     + What about rape and incest? - 33:20

End - 35:44

Jul 08, 202236:04
The Pursuit of Sexual Purity; Part 2

The Pursuit of Sexual Purity; Part 2

We apologize that this episode was not released as planned; almost a week later than mentioned in the recording. There were many editing issues that occurred (Likely, user error :)  ...) I do apologize.  

Beginning - 00:00

Intro to topic - 0:50

In Christ or Under Condemnation - 2:25

Taking up the battle - 25:06
    + Run - 27:35
    + Develop habits of thanksgiving - 29:45
    + Scripture - 31:41
    + Prayer - 33:22
    + Write out the consequences - 34:39
    + Pursuing and enjoying God's gift - 37:43
   + But it is all meaningless without Christ - 43:52
Tom Pennington sermon

End - 45:32

Finally Free by Heath Lambert

Passions of the Heart by John D. Street

Dec 07, 202146:38
The Pursuit of Sexual Purity; Part 1

The Pursuit of Sexual Purity; Part 1

In this episode Nate and Scott discuss how God has given us all sexual desires, and they are good. But outside God's plan for sex, those desires are a destructive force that leads to sin against the holy God. If we are in Christ Jesus, then God calls us to pursue Holiness. And our sanctification, including our sexual purity, is His will for us.

Beginning - 00:00

Introducing the topic - 1:13

Sex and sexual desires are good within God's plan - 1:40

Warning!! Warning!! - 5:40

How does Scripture address this? - 6:49

Culture's portrayal - 20:22

God cares about what you do with your body - 23:11

Excuses Excuses Excuses - 25:30

Modesty - 32:02

Wrapping up the episode - 44:17

End - 44:55

Finally Free by Heath Lambert

Passions of the Heart by John D. Street

Nov 18, 202145:20
Discernment In a World of Lies; Part 2

Discernment In a World of Lies; Part 2

As Nate and Scott continue, they talk about discernment and the lies, straw men arguments, bias sound bites, and self-seeking agendas in our politically charged world they talk through specific examples.

Beginning - 00:00

1:05 - The most unracist country

6:03 - January 6

9:56 - Down playing important issues
         > 12:57 - i.e. Abortion

23:18 - Christians and politics

29:05 - End

Aug 04, 202129:30
Discernment In a World of Lies; Part 1

Discernment In a World of Lies; Part 1

In a world full of lies, straw men arguments, bias sound bites, and self-seeking agendas; as fueled by social media and cable news, how can Christians discern the truth? How should followers of Christ judge those who are in a different camp than they are?

00:00 - Beginning

2:22 - Introducing the topic

4:09 - Truth comes from God

5:00 - Finding faults to make ourselves feel good

10:44 - Ad Hominem

13:28 - Straw men and right judgments

19:08 - Assumptions and love

25:11 - Social media and being like Christ

34:43 - We can make a judgment about CNN

36:13 - End

Jul 22, 202136:39
The Sufficiency and Authority of the Bible: Part 2

The Sufficiency and Authority of the Bible: Part 2

In this episode of the BCB Podcast, Nate and Scott continue to discuss the sufficiency and authority of the Bible for our lives and how this will shape our understanding of the church and our worship, and how this effects our attitudes towards the roles of men and women in the church and the home. 

00:00 - Opening

1:32 - Being pragmatic vs. being principled

20:05 - The Regulative Principle vs. The Normative Principle
To order the DVD Spirit and Truth go to

29:00 The sufficiency and authority of the Bible and gender roles

42:27 - End

Jun 30, 202142:51
The Sufficiency and Authority of the Bible: Part 1

The Sufficiency and Authority of the Bible: Part 1

In this episode of the BCB Podcast, Nate and Scott discuss the sufficiency and authority of the Bible for our lives and how we too often fail to believe this in how we live and in our understanding of the church. 

Opening - 00:00

Introducing the topic - 0:54

What is the sufficiency of Scripture? - 1:57

Scripture is sufficient and our authority - 5:30

A Biblical Worldview - 8:15

Four basic questions - 20:16

Sometimes we think we know better? 24:00

Being pragmatic vs. being principled - 34:46

End - 41:26

Jun 16, 202141:50
Purity Culture: Part 2

Purity Culture: Part 2

On this episode of the Blue Collar Bereans, Scott and Nate continue to tackle the good, the bad and the ugly of the Purity Culture. Yet they make it clear that even if there were some issues, that doesn’t mean we throw the whole thing out. We should do nothing to undermine the authority of God’s Word in our lives, which definitely calls us to purity.

Intro - 00:00

Enter to win a BCB t-shirt — 1:57

Jumping back into the discussion - 3:04

We can’t undermine the Scriptures - 3:17

“The Gospel didn’t work for me” - 5:05

The Gospel brings about a life change - 9:16

The Bible calls us to purity - 13:18
    - WWUTT

A legalistic mindset - 27:12

1 Thessalonians 4 - 34:12

End - 40:27

May 19, 202141:16
Purity Culture: Part 1

Purity Culture: Part 1

On this episode of the Blue Collar Bereans, Scott and Nate begin to tackle the good, the bad and the ugly of the Purity Culture. Yet they make it clear that even if there were some issues, that doesn’t mean we throw the whole thing out. We should do nothing to undermine the authority of God’s Word in our lives, which definitely calls us to purity.

Opening - 00:00


Introducing the topic - 1:37

Defining the Purity Culture - 2:41

Defining Purity - 7:48
Tim Challie’s article

Shame and Guilt - 9:22

Issues in the Purity Culture - 12:40
     + Matt Chandler’s Rose illustration - 28:44

Without the Gospel we’ll fall into legalism - 33:26

The issues do not mean we throw it all out - 38:36

End - 40:20

May 05, 202140:59
Leading Your Family: Part 2

Leading Your Family: Part 2

Here in part 2 of Leading Your Family, Nate and Scott discuss the importance of leading our homes in such a way that we are raising our kids and teaching them the ways of the Lord, preaching the Gospel to them and regularly sitting down and teaching them from God's Word.

0:00 - Opening

1:26 - Jumping back into the discussion

1:46 - Ephesians 6:4
Do not provoke your children

6:06 - We must look to the Gospel

9:41 - How we need our wives

11:58 - The issue of the heart

18:12 - What is your priority?

30:44 - Some examples for teaching your kids the Bible

32:23 - Trust God in whatever your family situation is

36:46 - Comments from Mike Abendroth

39:21 - End 

Brave Dad by John MacArthur

Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp

(MP3) Drive by Parenting with Todd Friel and Tedd Tripp

Expository Parenting by Josh Niemi

Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson

Apr 07, 202139:44
Leading Your Family: Part 1

Leading Your Family: Part 1

Under God's design parents are responsible to raise their children to know and love the Lord, though salvation is always dependent on God, alone, and His work in the heart of our children. Also, our Lord has laid on husbands and fathers, specifically, the responsibility to lead their wives and children. This is a great and awesome responsibility. One we did not ask for, yet none the less one we have. Join Nate and Scott as they discuss the importance of leading our homes. 

0:00 - Opening

0:25 - Beard oil and Nate vs. John Cooper

1:22 - Introducing the topic

4:10 - God's designed order for the home

13:27 - The man is responsible for the provision for the home

19:16 - The Scriptural mandate for parents 

23:50 - What about when I fail?

24:52 - Proverbs 22:15

30:59 - The first step

44:22 - End

Brave Dad by John MacArthur

Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp

(MP3) Drive by Parenting with Todd Friel and Tedd Tripp

Expository Parenting by Josh Niemi

Give Them Grace by Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson


Mar 31, 202144:47
Defining the Government's Authority: Part 2

Defining the Government's Authority: Part 2

Opening - 00:00

Pick up where we left off - 1:50

What is good? - 2:08

Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955 - 3:20

We should care more about who our sheriff is - 9:00

What is a good Christian witness? - 10:47

When do we disobey the gov’t according to Romans 13 - 22:12

Big gov’t or small gov’t? - 32:23

Looking to bring some balance - 36:52

Lets keep the dialog going - 44:00

End - 45:42

Feb 24, 202146:10
Defining the Government's Authority: Part 1

Defining the Government's Authority: Part 1

Opening - 00:00

Topic introduced - 2:14

Must we obey the gov’t in everything? - 3:10

Jesus is the ultimate authority - 6:09

Love your neighbor, wear a mask! - 16:54
- When science and politics buddy up

When does the gov’t lose credibility? - 20:19

What does the science say? - 26:51

85% of those who wore masks still got sick

Glenn Beck and the Frontline Doctor

Biblical Science Institute

End - 40:25

Feb 17, 202140:39
The Continuing Election Drama: Part 2

The Continuing Election Drama: Part 2

Join Nate and Scott in part 2 of The Continuing Election Drama, as they discuss how we should think, clearly and biblically, about all the accusations and all that is unfolding before us concerning the election.

00:00 - Intro

1:00 - Make sure to contact us!

1:55 - Keeping from coming to too quick a conclusion

5:51 - What Scripture say about false testimonies and accusations

- Deuteronomy 19:18-19

- Exodus 20:16; 23:1

- Psalm 15:2-3

- 1 Peter 2:1

11:14 - No matter what, God is sovereign

- Romans 12:19

- Romans 13:1-7

13:11 - Are we repeating history?

28:11 - How should we respond to whatever the outcome is?

36:38 - Thanks for listening

36:51: Outro

Dec 16, 202037:17
The Continuing Election Drama: Part 1

The Continuing Election Drama: Part 1

The election drama continues to go on and on, yet it is very important for our nation, and should be important to the Christian. Therefore, how should we think clearly and biblically about all the accusations, court cases and all that is unfolding before us? Join Nate and Scott as they try to sort through all that is unfolding, then join us next week for part 2, as we dig into the Scriptures to see what it means to think biblically about all the accusations. 

00:00 - Intro

1:13 - Introducing the topic

2:29 - Should we be patriots?

10:33 - Thinking through the election disputes

24:20 - Are we prepared to suffer?

27:00 - Coming to definite conclusions

34:18 - Wrapping up part 1

35:32 - Outro

Dec 10, 202036:04
Reformation Celebration: Part 2

Reformation Celebration: Part 2

In the Blue Collar Bereans' Reformation Celebration, Nate and Scott discuss the differences between Protestants and Roman Catholics and why it matters. In part two they wrap up their discussion on the foundational issue of authority, and get into why the difference in authority matters, and the Bible's teaching on the Gospel, and specifically justification by faith alone. 

Intro - 00:00;

Reminder to like our FB page, email us, review/rate us - 1:04;

Jumping back in where we left off - 2:10;

Review from last time - 2:18;

What does Jesus think about traditions - 3:18;

Scripture is our infallible authority - 8:03;

Why does it matter? - 10:48;

Justification by faith alone - 18:28;

+ 2 Corinthians 5:21 - 19:52;

+ Isaiah 53:5, 11-12 - 20:08;

+ Ephesians 2:8-9 - 22:06;

+ God will not share His glory - 26:54;

+ Romans - 27:17;

+ But what about James 2:24? - 30:27;

We want you to believe the Gospel - 38:57;

Outro - 39:57


The Roman Catholic Controversy written by Dr. James White

Preparing for Eternity written by Mile Gendron

This AOMin episode came out the day after we recorded and fits perfectly with this episode of the BCB .

Podcast - Luther: In Real Time

Related content from Ligonier Ministries

Justified In Christ edited by K. Scott Oliphint

Good News written by Dr. John MacArthur

The Gospel According to Jesus written by Dr. John MacArthur

The Gospel According to Paul written by Dr. John MacArthur

Oct 28, 202040:23
Reformation Celebration: Part 1

Reformation Celebration: Part 1

In the Blue Collar Bereans Reformation Celebration, Nate and Scott discuss the differences between Protestants and Roman Catholics and why it matters. In part one they discuss the foundational issue of authority. 

Intro - 00:00;

Thank you & please review/rate us - 1:16;

Introducing the topic - 3:24;

We are discussing this out of love - 4:34;

A Little Background - 6:29;

Some silly caricatures - 9:01;

The foundational issue - 10:29;

Who can interpret the Scriptures? - 12:37;

Who made the Canon? - 18:36;

What came out of the Reformation - 20:45;

Traditions - 22:25;

Outro - 27:39


This AOMin episode came out the day after we recorded and fits perfectly with this episode of the BCB .

Oct 23, 202028:06
2020 and the End of the World: Part 2

2020 and the End of the World: Part 2

In this episode of the Blue Collar Bereans, Nate and Scott move on from discussing how all the crazy news articles we have seen in 2020 are not signs of the end, and they discuss what these events should remind us of, and how we should live in light of what the Bible tells us about the end and Jesus' return.

Intro - 00:00

Picking up from last time - 00:35;

What we are to remember - 1:05;

We should expect suffering - 2:23;

Our hope is not in this world - 6:45;

Living in view of what’s to come - 7:52;

If this is not your hope, why? - 17:53;

This hope effects how we live -19:30

Outro - 22:01

Oct 07, 202022:31
2020 and the End of the World: Part 1

2020 and the End of the World: Part 1

With all the crazy news that has come out in 2020, thus far, some are asking if these are signs of the End-Times. On this episode of the Blue Collar Bereans, Nate and Scott discuss why these are not signs of the End-Times, and what we should remember as we think about all the news that has come out over the last few months. 

Intro - 00:00

IT’S THE END! - 1:03;

Are these End-Times Signs? - 4:15;

Scott’s Confession - 5:30;

Where Nate’s At - 6:26;

Mark 13:1-23 - 8:03;

Outro - 24:41

Sep 30, 202025:09
Which Faith Is the True Faith?: Part 2

Which Faith Is the True Faith?: Part 2

In this episode Nate and Scott continue to discuss how to distinguish which faith/religion is true and which ones are not.

Intro - 00:00;

Like Our Facebook Page, Give Us a Review, or Email us - 00:42 - -

Back on topic - 2:13;

Common Push Back - 2:37;

Can Other Religions Stand Up to the Truth Test? - 3:22

The Uniqueness of Biblical Christianity - 5:30;

Why Are There So Many Flavors of Christianity? - 7:36;

What About the Books Left Out of the Bible? - 15:02

How Can We Tell What Is True Christianity With All the Varieties Out There? - 24:10

Outro - 32:58

Sep 16, 202033:26
Which Faith Is the True Faith?: Part 1

Which Faith Is the True Faith?: Part 1

In this episode Nate and Scott begin to discuss how to distinguish which faith/religion is true and which are not. 

Intro - 00:00;

Apologetics - 00:44;

Nate’s Personal Story - 6:39;

People Innately Know - 8:21;

Seeing Evidences Through Our Worldview - 13:00;

Apologetics vs. Evangelism - 14:42;

Why Does It Matter? - 15:39;

A Biblical Worldview - 20:29;

Outro - 26:51

Sep 11, 202027:13
Conflict: Part 2

Conflict: Part 2

In this episode Nate and Scott continue to discuss how to deal with conflicts.

Intro - 00:00

Introducing the topic - 00:42;

Some recap from Part 1 - 1:21

The danger of the internet - 4:29;

Conflict with unbelievers - 10:33;

The necessity of humility - 13:10

- Psalm 18:27

- Psalm 147:6

- Matthew 23:12

- James 4:6-10

- James 4:1-2;

Should we argue publicly? - 17:24;

Our goal is to be like Christ - 22:03;

Outro - 23:14

Sep 02, 202023:42
Conflict: Part 1

Conflict: Part 1

In this episode Nate and Scott discuss how to deal with conflict with other Christians.

Intro - 00:00;

Big announcement - 00:34;

Introducing the topic - 1:26; 

Nonnegotiables (1 Cor. 15:3-5) - 1:49;

Secondary things - 11:15;

Tertiary things - 13:24;

Romans 14 - 16:23; 

Romans 14 & 1 Corinthians 8-10 - 23:05;

Talk through the issue - 25:43;

When we just can't agree - 28:40;

Outro - 31:42

Aug 26, 202032:10
Christ Is the Head of the Church: Part 2

Christ Is the Head of the Church: Part 2

Nate and Scott continue to discuss their differences on how we should apply Romans 13 in our American context, while also continuing the discussion on the statement released by John MacArthur and the elders of Grace Community Church, in Sunny Valley, CA., on why they are defying the orders of their governor.They also look at an article by Phil Johnson to help shed light on the decision by Grace Community Church. 

Aug 05, 202032:16
Christ Is the Head of the Church: Par 1

Christ Is the Head of the Church: Par 1

Nate and Scott discuss  what they have worked through since the beginning of the COVID-19 shutdown, and where they are now. Within this conversation Nate and Scott discuss the statement released by John MacArthur and the elders of Grace Community Church, in Sunny Valley, CA., on why they are defying the orders of their governor. Nate and Scott also discuss how Romans 13, and the Christians submission to the governing authorities, should be applied today.  

Jul 29, 202029:08
The Gospel and America's Racial Divide: Part 2

The Gospel and America's Racial Divide: Part 2

In this episode Nate and Scott finish the discussion on Dr. Voddie Baucham's sermon on Ephesians 2, and discuss a few points made by Dr. John MacArthur in a sermon entitled Who's to Blame for the Riots, as they continue the issue of racism in our nation. 

Full sermon by Dr. Voddie Baucham - Irreconcilable Views of Reconciliation

Full sermon by Dr. John MacArthur - Who’s to Blame for the Riots?

Introduction - 0:00;

Recap - 0:51;

Picking up where we left off - Christ is our peace - 2:23;

It is not "them vs. us" - 6:37;

the Bible is sufficient to deal with people's problems - 8:51;

Dr. John MacArthur addresses the problem through a Biblical understanding of mankind - 14:03;

Dr. MacArthur teaches on Romans 3 and the sinfulness of mankind - 15:14;

An inconsistent sense of justice - 18:17;

Whoever repents and trusts in Jesus alone will be saved - 22:50;

Dr. MacArthur addresses Romans 1 - 24:09;

Four restraints to combat evil - 30:08;

Ending - 36:37

Jul 08, 202037:02
The Gospel and America's Racial Divide: Part 1

The Gospel and America's Racial Divide: Part 1

Today's episode talks about a sermon, on Ephesians 2, preached by Voddie Baucham, this past autumn. His sermon is on a Biblical perspective of race and reconciliation. Next week we will finish our discussion on Dr. Baucham's sermon, and also discuss a few points made from a sermon by Dr. John MacArthur. 

Dr. Baucham's full message, Irreconcilable Views of Reconciliation, can be found here: 

Introduction - ; 

Recap of the first 5 episodes before we move on - 00:48; 

Introduction to this episode's topic on Voddie Baucham's message - 1:20; 

Union Seminary's Response to the Dallas Statement - 5:10;

What the Dallas Statement (the Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel) is - 6:40;

The Problem with not holding to inerrancy - 8:40;

A New Canon and Critical Theory - 13:27;

Union's Statement on Sin and Salvation - 20:01;

Reconciled to God and reconciled to one another - 22:37;

Race is a social construct, not a Biblical concept - 25:13;

The End - 32:43

Jul 01, 202033:12
Hermeneutics - How to Read the Bible Part 2

Hermeneutics - How to Read the Bible Part 2

This episode continues the discussion of hermeneutics, which is the art and science of interpretation. 

2 Timothy 2:15/Introduction -; 

Recap then the New Testament Genres - 0:34

Gospels - 1:34;

Parables - 4:38;

Epistles - 6:56;

Revelation - 10:49;

Book Summaries - 12:28;

Wrap Up - 19:42;

Resources - 23:38;

Sources and resources

Herman Who? -

Between Two Worlds by John Stott -

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Gordon Fee -

ESV Study Bible -

MacArthur Study Bible -

Encountering the Old Testament -

Encountering the New Testament -

The Believer's Commentary by William MacDonald -

Expositor's Bible Commentary, Abridged Version Two Volume Set  -

A Survey of Church History by Robert Godfrey -

Best Commentaries Search -

Jun 24, 202028:47
Hermeneutics - How to Read the Bible Part 1

Hermeneutics - How to Read the Bible Part 1

This episode discusses principles of hermeneutics which is the art and science of interpretation.


What Did the original author intend to say - 1:53;

Four Principles - 2:40;

Written for us, but not to us - 10:17;

Considering the Genre of each book - 11:59;

Historical Narrative - 13:27;

The Law - 15:16;

Poetry/Psalms - 20:38;

Proverbs - 21:43;

Prophesy - 24:19;

Wrap Up of Part 1 - 25:52;

Sources and resources 

Herman Who? -

Between Two Worlds by John Stott -

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Gordon Fee - crid=3IYPDJX2B3RHC&dchild=1&keywords=how+to+read+the+bible+for+all+its+worth&qid=1592401676&sprefix=How+to+Read+the+Bible+%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-1

ESV Study Bible -

MacArthur Study Bible -

Encountering the Old Testament -

The Believer's Commentary by William MacDonald -

Expositor's Bible Commentary, Abridged Version -

A Survey of Church History by Robert Godfrey -

Best Commentaries Search -

Jun 17, 202026:57
Can We Trust the Bible? Part 2

Can We Trust the Bible? Part 2

In part 2, of this two part episode, we address the question, “Can we trust our Bibles?” As we discuss the manuscript history, Scripture’s testimony of historical facts, the English translations, and the supernatural nature of the Bible, we conclude that, yes, we can trust the Bible. It is the very Word of God! Resources used for this episode:

New Testament Reliability - by and Dr. James White

Why Trust the Bible? by Greg Gilbert

The Books and the Parchments by F.F. Bruce

The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable by F.F. Bruce (Scott mistakenly said "The Reliability of the New Testament")  
The New Testament Cannon by Michael Kruger  

The Cannon Revisited by Michael Kruger  

Why Believe the Bible? by John MacArthur  

Why I Choose to Believe the Bible by Voddie Baucham

May 16, 202029:52
Can We Trust the Bible? Part 1

Can We Trust the Bible? Part 1

In part 1, of this two part episode, we address the question, “Can we trust the Bible?” As we discuss the manuscript history, Scripture’s testimony of historical facts, the English translations, and the supernatural nature of the Bible, we conclude that, yes, we can trust the Bible. It is the very Word of God! Resources used for this episode:

New Testament Reliability - by and Dr. James White

Why Trust the Bible? by Greg Gilbert

The Books and the Parchments by F.F. Bruce

The New Testament Documents: Are They Reliable by F.F. Bruce (Scott mistakenly said "The Reliability of the New Testament")  
The New Testament Cannon by Michael Kruger  

The Cannon Revisited by Michael Kruger  

Why Believe the Bible? by John MacArthur  

Why I Choose to Believe the Bible by Voddie Baucham

May 06, 202024:40
Worship During COVID-19

Worship During COVID-19

[Please note, Nate's and Scott's position became more nuanced as they prayed, talked, and studied. Please see see episodes 8 and 9, entitled "Christ Is the Head of the Church"]

In episode 1 (recorded on April 9, 2020) we introduce the Blue Collar Bereans. Then we discussed how our gathering for worship looks different during this season of quarantine and how we, as the church, should not get comfortable with live streaming sermons, because the church was designed to gather.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Acts 17:11
Genesis 1-2
Romans 13:1-7
1 Peter 4
Ephesians 4
Romans 12
1 Corinthians 12
1 Corinthians 3:16-17
1 Peter 2:4-5

May 06, 202028:10