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The Busy Principal's Podcast

The Busy Principal's Podcast

By Bobbie French

Ideas, strategies, and tips to support the busy principal

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Episode #6- Maximizing your Morning

The Busy Principal's PodcastJan 18, 2021

Episode #16- Mental Health Awareness Month
May 24, 202111:47
Episode #15- Acknowledge Others
May 19, 202107:04
Episode #14- No Excuses
May 17, 202106:25
Episode #13- Onboarding

Episode #13- Onboarding

Now that you’ve hired your new Rock Star teachers, how do you welcome them into your school?

Onboarding new staff is not something I learned in ‘principal school’.  Do you remember getting offered your first teaching position?  The excitement and anticipation of your very own classroom.  I want to celebrate right alongside my new team member.

My friend, Beth Houf, gives her new hires a swag bag! I can’t think about a better way to welcome them into your school community than with some swag representing the school's colors and spirit. Proudly wearing the school colors will welcome your new staff into the community and give them a sense of belonging.

Don’t wait to reach out to them.  Your new teacher will eagerly be waiting for your call about the next steps and when they can get in to see their new classroom or space.

When creating an onboarding process, think about all of the things that your new hire will need to know.  What should they expect, where do they park, what do they do about lunch - is there a staff fridge, school lunch options, how do they call out when needed are questions that you will want to be prepared to answer.

How will you introduce your new teacher and get them to meet the rest of the staff?

We want to get our new staff members up to speed on so many things and in such a short amount of time.  It can be beneficial to set aside a week before school begins to provide them with a complete orientation.  This time could be reviewing handbooks, the school’s vision and mission as well as all of the expectations for staff.  Does this staff member need to participate in specific training that could be held that week? We have staff that are required to participate in First Aid, CPR, and Safety Care.  This is also a good time to provide necessary training in curriculum programs or other programs your school uses.

Does your school have a formal induction program and provide new teachers with mentors?

Keep them excited and connected!!

May 10, 202105:57
Episode #12- Hiring Rock Stars!

Episode #12- Hiring Rock Stars!

It’s hiring season!  I’ve learned so much more about hiring over the past few years compiling ideas from @Beth Houf, @Joe Sanfelipo and, @Jimmy Casas, and more in my PLN.

Hiring a new staff member should not be a daunting task or just something to cross off your to-do list.  This is a huge opportunity for your school. It’s important to make a good impression of your school from the beginning.  Is your job posting very traditional or are you recruiting someone to join your team?

Think about the questions you are going to ask. Be prepared ahead of time.  I find interview questions say as much about you as a school and your values as it does about the candidate.  Finding the right interview questions is one of the most frequent topics in my private principal groups. I’ve compiled a list of interview questions for you here.  This also includes some of the questions that Beth Houf and Shelley Burgess recommend in “Lead Like a Pirate”. I suggest using Lightning Round questions.

Here comes the very best part- making an offer to your chosen candidate.  You want them to be as excited about joining your team as you are about inviting them to be part of your school.  How can you let them know that you think they are a Rock Star and should choose your school?

No matter how you narrow down your candidates, conduct interviews and offer your chosen candidate the position, don’t forget to follow up with the other candidates. No one wants to be left wondering if they are going to hear from you.

I wish you all the best this hiring season and hope you add the perfect people to your team.

Please reach out if I can offer any support as you add new members to your team this year!

@bobbiefrench (all the socials!!)

I'd also love it if you would follow/subscribe  and/or add a review and don't forget to share with your friends and colleagues!  

Apr 12, 202110:42
Episode #11- Reflecting on 2020
Mar 22, 202110:53
Episode #10- The Unconference / EdCamp

Episode #10- The Unconference / EdCamp

Have you ever thought about the impact of sharing with others? I'm always amazed by the ripple effects that come from my podcast episodes or even my blog posts.

This week I learned about the Gift Economy (although saying it is a challenge!!!) from my friends Chey & Pave at the Staff Room Podcast

I'm grateful that I get to inspire others and share ideas with my PLN allowing them to make them their own.  We are constantly reciprocating and giving the gift away again.  We make it our own and then we re-gift it to someone else who can make it their own.  I really love this concept of the Gift Economy. 🌸

In this week's episode, we talk about having an Unconference or EdCamp. I recently planned #EdCampMALeads for our local principal's association, MSAA.

We had over 100 educators from 10 different states. This is the benefit of holding it virtually.  We had 20 sessions that ranged from anti-racism education, leading in a pandemic, standards-based assessments, virtual teaching, engaging students virtually and so much more.

EdCamps/Unconferences allow participants to drive the learning.  I challenge you to re-think your next staff meeting or PD day and structure it like an unconference.  Give your teachers a voice, build capacity in your school and let them share their expertise with one another.

Enjoy this week's episode and as always, reach out to me if I can support you in any way.

@bobbiefrench (on all socials) or

Mar 08, 202111:56
Episode #9- Weathering School
Feb 22, 202111:11
Episode #8 - March Madness Tournament of Books
Feb 15, 202110:36
Episode #7 Habits
Feb 01, 202109:05
Episode #6- Maximizing your Morning

Episode #6- Maximizing your Morning

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod has changed how I start my day.

I used to say I wasn't a morning person but that is not my identity any longer!

Today is day 100 of my move streak!

Beyond Balance Challenge with Sarah Johnson introduced me to the Miracle Morning --->

S.A.V.E.R.S is a component of the Miracle Morning

S- Silence/meditation  A-Affirmation  V-Visualization  E- Exercise  R- Read (I listen to Audible and Podcasts too!)  S-Scribe/Write

Jan 18, 202110:51
Episode #5- Find 30 Minutes

Episode #5- Find 30 Minutes

Welcome to this week's episode.

We're talking about finding 30 minutes a day to make your goals/dreams a reality.  This fall I listened to an episode of The Brendon Show that was recommended by a friend in my PLN.  This episode, "How to Achieve an Action Mindset and Stay Disciplined" resonated with me.  Especially the idea of finding 30 minutes each day to work on your goals.  If your goal or dream is important to you and something you want to accomplish then you should be able to find at least 30 minutes each day to work toward it.

I wanted to focus on my goal of writing. I decided to find 30 minutes each day to write. I recommend putting it in your schedule, on your calendar and find an accountability group or partner.

I also started planning my goals 90 days at a time. I've been using the Savor Life Planner for the past 9 months. It's amazing how quickly 90 days can go by and you realize that you haven't actually done much to work toward achieving your goals/dreams.  I am more intentional with how I spend my time and reflect each week on what action I took toward my goals.

I encourage you to take action... start small but just start.  Too often dreams don't happen because we get caught up in the enormity of those little details.

I look forward to hearing how you have found 30 minutes each day to take action toward your goals and dreams.


Jan 11, 202105:46
Episode #4- Reflecting on 2020

Episode #4- Reflecting on 2020

As we get ready to flip the calendar (or put up a new one) to a new year... take time to Reflect on 2020.

I try to look for the silver linings for the past year.

What went well?  Where did you find opportunity out of a crisis?

what are some new things we want to keep? Or things that you want to stop doing?

In what ways have you grown professionally or personally?

What impact have you had on 2020?

I don't know what's in store for 2021 but I will take it one day at a time and continue to look for silver linings.

Dec 29, 202011:44
Episode #3 #OneWord2021

Episode #3 #OneWord2021

It’s that time of the year, when we prepare to say goodbye to one year and welcome in the next… and more than ever we are ready to say goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021.  I gave up making New Year’s Resolutions a few years ago.  

When I first heard about One Word, I thought “I can do that.” and that I probably needed that.  I need to shift my thinking from choosing a resolution and something I had to DO all year long, to a word that would be my ‘mantra’ and help me BE the person I wanted to be.

I wanted to choose that One Word that would inspire me to be my best and help me keep my focus for the whole year. I wanted to be able to LIVE my word.

Last year, my #OneWord2020 was Brave. Little did I know that I would live my word in so many ways during the past year.

I encourage you to find your #OneWord2021.  I don’t have my word…. Yet. I know it will come to me. My word always chooses me. Take time to reflect and listen. Be open and your One Word will find you.  You can also ask yourself these questions-

What do you want to focus on?

What do you need more or less?

What needs to change?

Where do you want to see growth?

Once you find your word or your word finds you-  Write it down, make a poster or graphic, paint a rock or canvas, put it on a coffee mug, or make jewelry (a friend made a bracelet for me with my word from 2019 and I looked at it every day while wearing it).

The ideas are endless!  The key is to keep your word front and center so you can see it and LIVE it!

Once you have your word, share it….. On Twitter #OneWord2021 and #TheBusyPrincipal

If you’d like more information about finding your One Word or a little inspiration, Lindsay Titus is offering a free workshop on December 27th.

I also recommend checking out Jon Gordon’s book “One Word that Will Change Your Life”.

I wish you all the best as you finish out the most unprecedented year we’ve ever experienced and look to your One Word to bring in 2021.

Dec 21, 202005:40
Episode #2- Get Connected

Episode #2- Get Connected

Are you a Connected Educator?  It's time to get off your island!

My connected journey started after reading "Lead Like A Pirate" by Shelley Burgess & Beth Houf. I was so excited to read it, I downloaded it on my Kindle, which had lots of links and it kept taking me to Twitter posts. I decided to dive right in and joined Twitter (@bobbiefrench). 

I connected with so many other educational leaders from my own state of Massachusetts and across the country.  When I decided to get more involved with my local association, MSAA, some of my fellow committee members and I had been Twitter friends before meeting face to face at Convocation.  It's a different feeling meeting someone in person that you've been friends with through Twitter for a while.  I had the opportunity to meet many of my Twitter friends of a few years at the NAESP conference in Spokane, WA in 2019!  It truly was like we were old friends and greeted each other with hugs, hung out, had dinner together like old friends.  I met even more friends at the NASSP Conference in Boston. Since the conference was so close to home, I couldn't resist going and connecting with many more amazing leaders.

I encourage you to get connected.  Here's my Call To Action- Join Twitter,  participate in a Twitter Chat or follow a hashtag (#LeadLAP, #PrincipalsInAction / #PIAChat, #Momsasprincipals, #TheBusyPrincipal ), join your local principal's association, join NAESP and/or NASSP, download the Voxer app.... connect with me and I can add you to a principal's group that will expand your learning and sharing opportunities.

There are so many ways to get off your island, find your people, get connected with other busy principals who can help you be not so busy!

Thank you for listening.
Don't forget to follow/subscribe, leave a rating or a comment!

Dec 15, 202006:23
Episode #1 Keep it simple, not perfect

Episode #1 Keep it simple, not perfect

In this episode, we talk about keeping things simple, especially for the holidays.
You don't have to be perfect. Small genuine appreciation goes just as far as having the perfect plan.

Remember to take time for yourself.

Holiday Planning for your Staff Facebook Group-

Dec 07, 202006:04