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Body Peace Collective

Body Peace Collective

By Erin Palmer

Body Peace Collective is a podcast for women who feel called to make something big of their lives but who feel that the size, weight, or shape of their body is holding them back.
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Ep 17. How Do I Know if I am Intuitively Eating or just Emotionally Eating?

Body Peace CollectiveMar 02, 2021

Ep 18. You Matter // An Interview With Marin Smith and Her Journey with Intuitive Eating and Making Peace with Her Body

Ep 18. You Matter // An Interview With Marin Smith and Her Journey with Intuitive Eating and Making Peace with Her Body

Marin Smith is a certified yoga, meditation, and fitness instructor who feels strongly about helping women know that they matter and that the size and shape of your body have no effect on your value. In this episode, Marin talks about what motivated her to explore intuitive eating and establish a good relationship with her own body. She talks about the things she still does daily to make peace with her body and to maintain a good relationship with food. We cover how important finding your own Body Peace community is and how our journey with body peace and intuitive eating has shifted and evolved over time. She's full of good information and did I mention, she's one of my best friends?

Mar 23, 202132:52
Ep 17. How Do I Know if I am Intuitively Eating or just Emotionally Eating?

Ep 17. How Do I Know if I am Intuitively Eating or just Emotionally Eating?

Relearning to listen to your body and her signals can be challenging. It can especially start to feel murky and confusing when you are trying to differentiate between what your body "needs" and the emotions that may be driving your cravings. This episode dives into emotional eating and how it's not as big of a problem as the diet industry makes it out to be. We also talk about when emotional eating *can* become a problem and what you can do to be present and intentional as you learn to trust yourself with intuitive eating.

Mar 02, 202124:15
Ep 16. When Body Positivity Can Be a Bad Thing

Ep 16. When Body Positivity Can Be a Bad Thing

Body positivity is good! Or is it? In this episode, we discuss some of the ways that the body positivity movement has been hijacked by diet culture and what we can do to see past the misinformation and call it out. We talk about how focusing on our bodies--even focusing on the things we love--can actually lead to self-objectification and we outline a few steps that can help us to take our body and our experiences back.

The quote by John Berger comes from his essay Ways of Seeing.

The book referenced in the podcast is More Than a Body: Your Body is an Instrument, Not an Ornament by Lindsay Kite Ph.D. and Lexie Kite Ph.D.

Feb 23, 202129:36
Ep 15. When Accepting your Body Feels like Giving Up

Ep 15. When Accepting your Body Feels like Giving Up

If you have been dieting for years and years, the idea of accepting your body as it is can feel terrifying. Are you giving up on being healthy? Are you totally letting yourself go? Are you just going to stop progressing in all areas of your life if you just allow yourself to love yourself as you are?

In this episode we talk about a few reasons why accepting our body can feel so scary and we discuss how we can reframe those thoughts to help us move forward with self-compassion, resilience, and courage.

Feb 16, 202125:11
Ep 14. Making Peace with Your Changing Body

Ep 14. Making Peace with Your Changing Body

Bodies change. They were never meant to stay the same. But for some reason, we work so hard to keep them from changing even though the majority of our evidence proves that our efforts are futile. We do skin treatments, botox and other fillers, and we keep our high school jeans in an effort to motivate us back to our "ideal weight."

But what would happen if you just leaned into the idea that bodies are always changing and that could be a good thing?

On the podcast today we talk about our changing bodies and I share with you some hard lessons I learned as I struggled to make peace with my body. We also outline three simple principles that you can apply to making peace with a body that is, and will always be, adapting, evolving, and changing.

Feb 09, 202123:54
Ep 13. Mastering Social Media: How to Make Social Media Enhance Your Life, Not Control It

Ep 13. Mastering Social Media: How to Make Social Media Enhance Your Life, Not Control It

Social media is a polarizing subject: is it good? is it bad?
There are several studies that show the negative effects of social media on our body image, our self-confidence, and our happiness. At the same time, there is so much good that can be found on social media. Connection with friends and family who live far away, awareness and involvement regarding important social issues and movements, and an opportunity to bring exposure and ideas and that we otherwise wouldn't come in contact with are all reasons social media can be good!
If we place all the blame on social media for our body image issues and poor self-esteem, then we give social media all our power. We essentially become victims and we are way too inherently powerful to sit in that space for too long.
In this episode we dive into the nitty-gritty of WHY social media can be both good and bad and HOW we can make it work for us. I outline specific things that you can do to navigate your relationship with social media and we work on getting really clear about what role social media plays in your life.
Feb 02, 202129:16
Ep 12. Let’s Talk About Exercise!

Ep 12. Let’s Talk About Exercise!

Exercise has forever been coupled with dieting and because of this, chances are high that you have experienced, or are currently experiencing, a love/hate, guilt/shame relationship with movement. This episode takes a look at exercise from a different angle and outlines some steps that you can take to make movement a more joyful and positive experience.
Sep 30, 202035:24
Ep 11. Three Dangerous Body Beliefs and How to Overcome Them

Ep 11. Three Dangerous Body Beliefs and How to Overcome Them

What we think about our bodies determines how we behave towards them. When we use our brain space to criticize and pick apart our bodies, it shouldn't be surprising to find that exercise is a chore, food is a source of punishment, and self-care gets put on the very back burner. In this episode, we talk about three common beliefs that lie at the root of so much of our internal dialogue regarding our bodies. We also discuss what we can do to "walk through" those beliefs and come out on the other side better and stronger and with a more accurate idea of what is actually true about our body.

Sep 22, 202032:59
Ep 10. Can I love my body and still want to change it?

Ep 10. Can I love my body and still want to change it?

This is a question that comes up frequently as women start making peace with their bodies. Is it possible to be grateful for your body, to respect it, and still want it to look differently? The answer is very nuanced, but in this episode we explore some of the various reasons we desire a different body and how we can evaluate our motives and intentions in that pursuit.
Jul 08, 202023:34
Ep 9. What If Intuitive Eating Doesn't Work for Me?

Ep 9. What If Intuitive Eating Doesn't Work for Me?

Intuitive Eating can seem like a scary prospect when you've been measuring, weighing, counting, and restricting for most of your life. What if all my body wants to eat is ice cream? What if I do it wrong? What if I can't do it all? What is Intuitive Eating anyway?

This podcast dives into three of the most common concerns that keep women from trying out Intuitive Eating and talks about how re-learning to be intuitive can influence more than just your relationship with food.

Jun 30, 202038:13
Ep 8. Body Image

Ep 8. Body Image

Positive body image is a complex and nuanced subject, but it doesn't have to be. How we see and feel about our bodies directly affects how we treat them and often times we withhold thinking positively about our bodies until we wear a certain size or weigh a certain amount. Then, once we have reached that place, we will finally be "worthy" of having a positive body image. However, studies have shown that changing our bodies in order to have a better body image is not the answer. In fact, if we want to engage in more healthy behaviors, the best way to get started is to change what we think about our bodies and develop a more positive body image FIRST.

This episode discusses three principles that you can apply to help improve your body image and move forward with your goals.
May 19, 202023:07
Ep 7. Principles for Re-establishing a Healthy Relationship with Food (Pt. 2)

Ep 7. Principles for Re-establishing a Healthy Relationship with Food (Pt. 2)

Continuing on from Episode 6, we continue to explore the four other principles of establishing body trust and improving our relationship with food.

May 12, 202024:05
Ep 6. Principles for Re-establishing a Healthy Relationship with Food (Part 1)
May 06, 202028:55
Ep 5. Why Diets Don't Work

Ep 5. Why Diets Don't Work

Have you ever committed to a new diet and worked so, so hard only to find yourself back at the same place you started? Our natural reaction is to feel shame and to blame ourselves for a lack of willpower and self-discipline. However, what if the problem never was you at all? What if your diet was designed to fail before you even started? 

In this episode, you and I are going to explore the science behind why diets fail. We are also going to talk about what other things you can do to be healthy if you decide to leave dieting behind for good.

May 01, 202037:42
Ep 4. Five Daily Practices to Help You Make Peace with Your Body

Ep 4. Five Daily Practices to Help You Make Peace with Your Body

Loving your body can sometimes seem overwhelming, if not impossible. How do you love something when you feel like it is the very thing that is holding you back from being your most authentic self? What does loving your body even look like in everyday life? In this episode I outline some simple, yet specific, steps and practices that you can begin using right now in order to help you make significant progress as you work towards body peace.
Apr 21, 202029:23
Ep 3. Your Body is Not the Problem
Apr 17, 202029:22
Ep 2. Why Are we so Afraid to Gain Weight?

Ep 2. Why Are we so Afraid to Gain Weight?

Right now we are swimming in the uncertainty of COVID-19 and quarantine life. Gyms have been closed for a month and the fear of gaining weight during this crazy time seems to be a prevalent part of our social conversation. But why? Why is the fear of weight gain, or other changes in our body, something that occupies so much of our brain space? This episode will cover some of the reasons why we fear changes in our bodies and will help you evaluate some of the thoughts you have about your body that may no longer be serving you.
Apr 15, 202022:53
Ep 1. What is Body Peace Collective?

Ep 1. What is Body Peace Collective?

Welcome to Body Peace Collective, a podcast created for women who are ready to let go of body hate and discover a more intentional, grace-filled way of living! This episode is a quick introduction to the purpose and intention of this podcast.
Apr 14, 202005:17