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Bonnyville Baptist Messages

Bonnyville Baptist Messages

By Ben Smith

This is a weekly podcast of messages from Bonnyville Baptist Church - we are a Bible-following church in Bonnyville, Alberta. We exist to know Christ and to make Him known. Learn with us!
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In God's Grip

Bonnyville Baptist MessagesMar 19, 2020

A Change For Life

A Change For Life

God's Plan for Making You His Masterpiece, The believer should be made new by putting on the righteousness of Christ. Ephesians 4:17-32

Nov 27, 202027:01
How God Build`s People

How God Build`s People

God`s Plan for Making You His Masterpiece, You grow to Christlikeness when you serve and are served.  Ephesians 4:7-17

Nov 19, 202032:00
Be A Team Player

Be A Team Player

God's Plan for Making You His Masterpiece, God wants you to operate in His church as a team player. Ephesians 4:1-7

Nov 05, 202030:18
God's Love Defeats Discouragement

God's Love Defeats Discouragement

God's Plan for Making You His Masterpiece - Experiencing God's Love defeats discouragement.  Ephesians 3:14-21

Oct 29, 202023:60
God Doesn't Fail

God Doesn't Fail

God's Plan for Making You His Masterpiece -  The church wins because God never fails.  Ephesians 3:10-13

Oct 22, 202025:45
Getting Connected to God's Network

Getting Connected to God's Network

God's Plan for Making You His Masterpiece;  Jesus connects us to His church for our benefit.  Ephesians 2:11-15

Oct 13, 202031:49
What God Wants to do With You

What God Wants to do With You

God's Plan for Making You His Masterpiece - God wants to make you to be like Jesus.  Ephesians 2-1-10

Oct 02, 202028:48
Plugged into God's Power Source

Plugged into God's Power Source

God's Plan for Making You His Masterpiece,  The believer should rely on the life-changing power of God.  Ephesians 1:15-23

Sep 25, 202029:24
God Has a Guarantee on You

God Has a Guarantee on You

God's Plan for Making You His Masterpiece - You should feel confident because God permanently secures your position in Him.  Ephesians 1:1-14

Sep 24, 202019:08
Philippians - A Remedy for the Victim Culture

Philippians - A Remedy for the Victim Culture

A Study of the book of Philippians. God exalts those who are humble before Him.  Overview of the book.

Sep 04, 202030:04
How to Have Peace in the Storms of Life

How to Have Peace in the Storms of Life

A Study in the book of Philippians. The believer`s prayers provides peace in adversity.  Philippians 4:1-7

Sep 04, 202030:57
What Does God Want From Us?

What Does God Want From Us?

God wants you to love Him above everything else.  Deut 6:4-9

Aug 28, 202029:44
The Secret of True Contentment

The Secret of True Contentment

A Study in the Book of Philippians - The believer can find true contentment in Christ alone.  Philippians 4:10-19.

Aug 07, 202036:40
The Power of a Positive Perspective

The Power of a Positive Perspective

A Study in the Book of Philippians - The Believer finds peace through truthful and positive thoughts.  Philippians 4: 7-9

Jul 30, 202039:23
A Heavenly Citizen in a Heathen World

A Heavenly Citizen in a Heathen World

A Study in the Book of Philippians.  God's mercy should motivate you to strive to be like Christ.  Philippians 3:12-21

Jul 16, 202032:47
To Be Acceptable to God

To Be Acceptable to God

A Study in the Book of Philippians.  The Believer should trust in Christ alone to be acceptable to God.  Philippians 3:1-10

Jul 09, 202031:38
We Are in This Together

We Are in This Together

A Study in the book of Philippians

The believer should have a genuine interest in the welfare of others.

Philippians 2:19-30

Jun 09, 202028:50
Habits of the Humble Heart

Habits of the Humble Heart

 A Study in the book of Philippians 

God works in those who are humble before Him and others.

Philippians 2-12-18

Jun 05, 202032:02
Humility: The Descent into Greatness

Humility: The Descent into Greatness

A Study in the Book of Philippians

The believer can find true greatness by humbling himself.

Philippians 2:1-11

May 29, 202023:09
Is There Meaning in Suffering?

Is There Meaning in Suffering?

A Study in the Book of Philippians 

How can suffering be used for our good and God's Glory?

Philippians 1:12-30

May 15, 202026:30
Rising Above the Victim Culture

Rising Above the Victim Culture

A Study in the Book of Philippians

Christians have a common purpose to share the grace of God.

Philippians 1:1-11

May 12, 202026:46
Stranger Things

Stranger Things

Question 24: Why is the Bible so weird? It seems there are all kinds of strange things in the Bible that don't seem to make sense in today's world. What do I do with those?

TITLE: Stranger Things

TEXT: I Corinthians 2:6-16

THEME: THEME: There Bible reveals to us things that we could not otherwise know.

Why is the Bible so weird?

I. It provides with a wisdom that has eternal value. (I Corinthians 2:6-7)

A. It is granted only to those who are spiritually mature.

B. It is a wisdom that supersedes cultural and political ideologies.

C. In contrast to worldly wisdom it leads to something of eternal value.

II.  It addresses issues that go beyond what can be empirically observed.

A. It reveals to us what God purposes are for you. (8-13)

B. It gives truth that can only be known through the Spirit revealing it to us.

A. The Holy Spirit reveals God’s Heart.

III. The Spirit of God enables us to share the mind of Christ. (11-16)

A. The mature believer understands spiritual realities. (13)

B. The mature believer accepts the things that come from the Spirit of God. (14)

C. The mature believer has God’s perspective on every aspect of life. (15-16)

Apr 24, 202024:29
What if Jesus Stayed in the Grave?

What if Jesus Stayed in the Grave?

Question 23: Why is the resurrection of Jesus so important?

If Jesus did not raise from the dead then our faith is worthless.

Apr 24, 202022:27
Someone Has to Pay

Someone Has to Pay

Question 22: Why is the death of Jesus so important to believers?  Apart from the voluntary, sacrificial death of Jesus no one has any hope for salvation.

TITLE: Someone has to Pay

TEXT: Hebrews 9:22, Colossians 1

THEME: Apart from the voluntary, sacrificial death of Jesus no one has any hope for salvation.

Why is the death of Jesus so important to believers?

I. Jesus had to die in order for the new covenant to take effect. (16-17)

A. The word “covenant” in the Bible includes the idea of “testament or will.”

B. In a will a person must die- and the death must be proven.

C. Because Christ died we receive a rich inheritance.

II. The old covenant required the blood of animals to be shed. (18-20)

A. The sprinkling of blood provided cleansing and purification.

B. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin. (21-22).

C. The act was intended to be messy and gruesome.

III. Only a perfect, holy sacrifice could satisfy the holy requirements of God. (Col. 1:15-23)

A. As God Jesus was able to satisfy those requirements.

B. Through His death Jesus was able to reconcile all things to Himself.

C. By being reconciled by God we are made holy before God.

Apr 09, 202024:21
The Company of the Committed

The Company of the Committed

Question 21:  Why does community matter and how do you create one that reflects Christ's love?

TITLE: The Company of the Committed

TEXT: Acts 2, I John 1:1, Eph. 4.

THEME: We are called to be part of a devoted company of committed, spirit filled believers devoted to building each other up.

Why does community matter and how do you create one that reflects Christ’s love?

I. God created us for community for our good. (Genesis 2:18, 1:27-28)

A. He created woman so that man would not be alone.

B. He created them both with the capacity to reproduce.

C. He created them so they would produce families and community.

II. Sin disrupted the nature of the community God intended.

A. It tainted the relationship between man and woman.

B. It tainted the relationship between families and communities.

C. It tainted the powerful influence of community so it can now be used for evil.

III. God restores biblical community through the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2)

A. The believer becomes part of God’s church at salvation.

B. In Christ we are united in Him as one.

C. Community is formed as believer walk in the Spirit of God.

Apr 02, 202028:48
Finding Hope in the Midst of a Crisis

Finding Hope in the Midst of a Crisis

Question 20: Where can we find hope in the midst of a crisis? 

TITLE: Finding Hope in the Midst of a Crisis

TEXT: Psalm 93:1-3; Romans 8:18-25; Revelation 21:1-5

THEME: The Bible declares the story of an unshakeable hope in the Living God who is with us at all times.

Where can we find hope in the midst of a crisis?

I. God is the only source of hope. (Psalm 93:1-3)

A. In creation, God brought complete order out of chaos.

B. We worship a God who is in the process of bringing order out of chaos.

C. We have to understand that hope is found in God alone.

II. God is with us through chaos. (Romans 8:18-25

A. God is with us in seasons of chaos.

B. The one who calmed the seas is the one who separate sea from the land at the beginning.

C. When hope doesn’t seem obvious we need to remember that God is with us.

III. God will triumph over evil. (Rev. 21:1-5)

A. In the perfected creation, evil and chaos will be completely eradicated.

B. Hope will be realized when the day comes when our desires are fulfilled.

C. We worship a God who brings goodness from intended evil.

Mar 27, 202027:01
Praying in Jesus' Name

Praying in Jesus' Name

Question 19: Why pray if God seems to answer only some prayers but not others?

TITLE: Praying in Jesus Name

TEXT: John 14:12-14, 15:16, 16:23-24

THEME: The believer who prays in Jesus name is given a promise.

Why pray if God seems to answer only some prayers but not others?

I. Because we have a promise that God will do great things through us (12)

A. Those who believe in Jesus will do the things He has done.

B. Those who believe in Jesus will do even greater things than Him.

C. Like a father when we ask something of God He decides how to answer.

II. Because His answers are intended to bring glory to the Father (13)

A. Jesus will be going to the Father and His work is now assignedto us.

B. Whatever we do in the name of Jesus brings glory to God.

C. Not everything we ask for will bring glory to God.

III. Because we have a promise that that what we ask in Jesus name will be done. (13-14)

A. Prayer in His name is not a rabbit’s foot or secret formulato get what we want.

B. The promise is limited to doing what Christ was doing.

C. The praise "in my name" means we ask in a way consistent with the name of Christ.

Mar 20, 202028:05
No Brag - Just Fact

No Brag - Just Fact

Question 18: Why did Jesus claim to be God? Did He lie?

TITLE: No Brag - Just Fact

TEXT: John 1, 8, Rev. 22. Exodus 3

THEME: Jesus Christ claims to be God and proves it through prophecy, miracles and the resurrection.

Why should you believe that Jesus Christ is God?

I. Jesus claimed to be God and His ____________ supported it.

A. Jesus claimed to be God of the OT. (Jn. 8:52-59, Ex. 3:1-16)

B. His disciples claimed He was God. (Jn. 1:1-3)

C. Jesus was crucified for _________________. (Mt. 26:63-67)

II. Jesus supported His claim through _____________, miracles and the resurrection.

A. Jesus fulfilled up to _______ Messianic prophecies. (Is. 53)

B. Jesus appealed to His miracles for proof of His claim.

(Mt. 11:2-6)

C. Jesus appealed to the resurrection for proof of His claim.

(Mt. 12:38-40, 26:61)

III. The deity of Jesus is fundamental to our faith and


A. Only God can achieve His standard of Holiness. (Is. 6:5-9, Ro. 3:10ff)

B. Only God can ____________ sin. (Mt. 9:1-8)

C. Our eternal destiny is dependent on the deity of Jesus.

(Rev. 21:1ff)

Mar 20, 202028:35
The Measure of Truth

The Measure of Truth

Question 17: Why are we so prone to deception and how can we protect ourselves from it?

TITLE: Don’t Drink the Kool-Aid

TEXT: Genesis 3, John 8:28, John 16

THEME: The truth of God enables us to avoid the dangerous consequences of deception.

How can we protect ourselves from the dangerous consequences of deception?

I. Powerful ____________ are at work that attempt to deceive you. (Gen. 3:1-7)

A. Satan and his minions strategically want to turn you from God.

B. Institutions and people influenced by Satan and _________ seek to mislead you.

C. Even our own hearts are corrupt and deceitful. (Jeremiah 17:9)

II. Succumbing to the deception can produce devastating

_______________. (Genesis 3:14-19)

A. The curse has affected you and all of creation. (Romans


B. We __________ what we sow. (Galatians 6 :7-10)

C. Broken trust can have emotional, economic and spiritual consequences.

III. Only God offers the truth we need to _____________ us from deception. (II Cor. 4:11ff)

A. Truth and reality is the only protection from deception. (II Cor. 4:1ff)

B. Need Humility- pride makes us prone to deception.

C. We need the _________________ to guide us to ultimate truth. (John 16:8-15

Mar 20, 202036:54
God - The Equal Opportunity Offender

God - The Equal Opportunity Offender

Question 16: Why do Christians hate gays and transgender's? Why are the Bible and Christians so hung-up about sex?

TITLE: God - The Equal Opportunity Offender

TEXT: Romans 1:18-32, 3:10-23

THEME: You must deal with same sex desires just like any other sinful temptation.

Why do Christians hate gays and Transgenders? Why are the Bible and Christians so hung-up about sex?

How should Christians view gays?

I. God created sexuality and marriage to be ____________. (Gen 2)

A. All are created in God’s image and matter to Him.

B. Sex was _____________ by God for three interdependent reasons.

1. Procreation- Be fruitful and multiply.

2. Companionship- It is not good that man is alone.

3. Intimacy - The two become one flesh.

C. Homosexuality deviates from God’s design. (Gen 2, Lev. 20)

II. Homosexuality, like all other sins, is outside God’s _________. (Romans 1)

A. To have a strong same-sex desire does not make it legitimate.

B. Everyone has strong desires that must be _______________.

C. Same sex attraction must be resisted like all other temptations. (James 1:14)

III. Salvation is available to all based on ________________ and faith.

A. Through the power of Christ there is ___________ for all of us.

B. Believers in Jesus take on a new identify and purpose.

C. Homosexuals can find freedom from the homosexual lifestyle.

Mar 20, 202030:33
One Way

One Way

Question 15: Why do we believe Jesus is the only way to God?  Is that judgmental and narrow-minded?

TITLE: One Way

TEXT: John 14:1-6, Acts 4:12

THEME: Each person must decide if Jesus is who He claims to be:

Why do we believe Jesus is the only way to God?

I. Jesus and the early church make _______________ claims that He is the only way to God.

A. The claim is clearly supported in ________________.

B. The claim is usually rejected for emotional- sometimes intellectual reasons.

C. It does not claim every other religion is completely wrong.

II. The only _______________ that matters is, “Is it true?”

Three Tests

A. We must ask is it coherent?

B. We must ask is it _________________ consistent?

C. We must ask what does the evidence show?

III. If His claim is true it has both present and ____________ implications.

A. It means if I believe in Him I become a child of God (John 1:11-12)

B. It means I inherit eternal life. (John 3:16)

C. It means if I believe my life has ______________.

(Romans 5:1-10)

Mar 20, 202028:37
Facts Should Drive our Feelings

Facts Should Drive our Feelings

Question 14: Why don't I feel loved?

TITLE: Facts Should Drive our Feelings

TEXT: Romans 8:22-39

THEME: The reality is that God’s love is always present whether we feel it or not.

How can we be assured of the unchanging love of God?

I. The love of God gives you _________ in a world which is groaning in pain. (22-27)

A. All of creation groans in pain as a result of the fall.

B. Believers are in ____________ mode until our deliverance.

C. The Spirit supports us while we wait.

II. God will ___________ the suffering believer.  (28-30)

A. He will work all things for your good.

B. God _______________ and predestined us to be like Christ.

C. His purpose is to glorify us along with Christ.

III. There is nothing that can ______________ us from the love of God. (31-39)

A. With God on our side we need not fear anything.

B. Even _____________ Himself is interceding for you.

C. The reality of God’s love does not depend on your feelings.

Mar 20, 202031:29
Equal but Different

Equal but Different

Question 13: Why does the Bible seem to be gender biased toward males?  Is Paul misogynistic?

TITLE: Equal but Different

TEXT: Genesis 1, Galatians 3, I Timothy 2

THEME: The Bible created male and female to complement each other.

Why does the Bible seem to support patriarch?

I. The equality of male and female has its ___________ in the Bible.

A. Both are created in the image of God. (Genesis 1:26-27)

B. Both come to Christ through _________. (Galatians 3:28)

C. Christianity is unique in its value of the woman. (Prov. 31)

II. God created man and woman to ______________,  not duplicate, each other.

A. They are created to become one flesh.

B. They are created equal but __________________.

C. Their union represents that between Christ and His Church.

III. Modern feminism ______________ the real nature of male/female differences.

A. The differences are more than __________________.

B. Feminism distorts the history of the relationship.

C. The benefits do not outweigh negatives.

Mar 20, 202036:44
Judging the Right Way

Judging the Right Way

Question 12:  Why is the church so Judgmental? Doesn't Jesus teach not to judge others?

TITLE: Judging the Right way.

TEXT: Proverbs 14:12

THEME: The believer needs something outside himself to live righteously.

How do we respond to people who claim the church is judgemental?

I. Everyone has a sense of righteousness. (Proverbs 14:12)

A. We all have a conscience- a moral oughtness.

B. Our subjective moral oughtness seems right to us.

C. We seldom question what shapes our consciousness.

II. Acting on our sense of righteousness has consequences.

A. Most paths of righteousness lead to a destructive end.

B. Some of history’s greatest evils are by people with a righteous cause.

C. A biblical view of righteous leads good outcomes.

III. We need something objective know and do what is right.

A. The Bible offers the best alternative.

B. Jesus offers grace and forgiveness.

C. A true understanding of forgiveness overcomes the dangers of victimhood.

Mar 20, 202035:05
I Have a Dream

I Have a Dream

Question 11: Why does the Bible seem to support slavery?

TITLE: I Have a Dream

TEXT: Galatians 3:28, Philemon

THEME: The Bible lays out the principles that abolished slavery in Western cultures.

Why is Christianity the primary catalyst for the removal of slavery through out the world?

I. Slavery existed in almost every ___________ throughout history.

A. Most modern critiques of Christianity regarding slavery ignore the historical contexts.

B. The OT law was exceptional by giving limits and safeguards to

the ______________________.

C. The New Testament was written when slavery was the norm- many were slaves.

We must ask, “What caused the elimination of slavery in most cultures?”

II. The teachings of scripture ______________ the practice of slavery.

A. The creation of man in God’s image. (Gen. 1:26-27)

B. Salvation is available to all who believe in Jesus. (Philemon)

C. All believers are _____________ through faith in Jesus. (Gal. 3:23-28)

III. The church overwhelmingly _______________ slavery throughout history

A. The early church unanimously rejected slavery.

B. The Medieval Church considered slavery against

______________ law.

C. The objection to black slavery was from the church.

Mar 20, 202032:59
The Essentials of The Christian Faith

The Essentials of The Christian Faith

Question 10: Why are there so many different churches and religions? Are there any real differences? Don't all of them lead us to the same God?

TITLE: The Essentials of Christian Faith

TEXT: I Corinthians 15:12-28

THEME: Believers should agree on the essentials of the faith.

Why are there so many different churches and religions- don’t they all lead to the same God?

I. All religions and philosophies have _____________ truth claims. (Psalm 53)

A. Claiming that all religions lead to the same God is a truth claim.

B. You must be familiar with all religions to make such a claim.

C. Most religions are fundamentally ________________ but superficially the same.

II. There are only three _____________ for a truth claim. (Is. 44)

A. Only the _______________ exists: Scientism-Materialism

B. Only God exists: Pantheism- Hinduism-Animism

C. Both God and the Universe Exist: Christianity- Judaism-Islam

III. The truth claims of Christianity rest or falls on the

__________________. (I Cor. 15:12-28)

A. If Jesus did not rise our faith is worthless.

B. Islam and Judaism deny the resurrection of Jesus.

C. The differences in Christianity are grounded in questions

of ________________ and interpretation.

Mar 20, 202029:55
Balancing Life's Priorities

Balancing Life's Priorities

Question 9:  Why is it so hard to make going to church a priority sometimes? It just seems there is so much to do on the weekends - not enough time.

TITLE: Balancing Life’s Priorities

TEXT: Hebrews 10:19-25

THEME: We need each other to grow spiritually and do the work of Christ.

What should I make going to church a priority?

I. As a believer in Jesus you belong to His ________________. (Acts 2:42-46)

A. The meaning of “Koinonia”.

B. As His children we form a household.

C. Our common faith creates a fellowship of the _________.

II. Your spiritual ______________ happens in the context of community. (Hebrews 10:19-25)

A. We encourage each other and avoid ____________ away.

B. It helps shape us into the image of Christ.

C. It puts checks on our sinful and selfish bent.

III. Jesus uses you and His church to _____________ Him.

A. The church is an extension of the person and work of Jesus.

B. We are Christ’s ____________________. (II. Cor. 5:12)

C. It helps us remain faithful in a hostile world.

Mar 20, 202027:35
Joyful Giving

Joyful Giving

Question 8:  Why should I give? What is a tithe?  Does God really need my money?

TITLE: Joyful Giving

TEXT: II Corinthians 9:6-11

THEME: God wants you to freely give to Him out of gratitude.

Why should I give to God and His work?

I. Sowing bountifully leads to _____________ bountifully. (6)

A. Titus is coming for a collection to help the impoverished Macedonians.

B. Paul has asked them to give generously like the model set by Jesus.

C. Paul uses a _________________ analogy to demonstrate we reap more than we sow.

II. Giving to God is a matter of a grateful ____________. (7)

A. Giving is something we purpose in our ____________.

B. God loves a cheerful giver.

III. Generous giving reflects and produces _________________. (8-11)

A. God blesses materially and ___________________.

B. The blessing He gives allows us to be generous.

C. Our generosity will result in thankfulness to God.

Mar 19, 202025:12
In God's Grip

In God's Grip

Question 7:  Can I Lose My Salvation?

TITLE: In God’s Grip

TEXT: John 10:22-30, Romans 8:34-39 Hebrews 6:1-4

THEME: While God may discipline the wayward believer his eternal salvation is based on grace.

Can you can lose your salvation?

I. If it’s yours, you can’t __________ it- if it’s Christ’s you can.

A. Due to ______________sin means none of us can save ourselves.

B. God’s divine sovereignty is what makes your salvation possible.

C. Your salvation is solely dependent on Christ.

(John 10:22-30)

II. If it’s yours, you can _________ it- if it’s Christ’s you cannot.

A. Our security is based on the finished work of Christ.

(I Peter 1:3-5)

B. Salvation is the objective sovereign act of God. (John 6:37-39)

C. Nothing can ______________ us from the love of Christ. (Romans 8:34-39)

III. If it’s yours, you are ______________- if it’s Christ’s you are not.

A. You cannot go back to the Old Covenant. (Hebrews 6)

B. Christ said that not all faith takes ____________. (Matt. 13:18-23)

C. God disciplines those He loves. (Hebrews 12:4-11)

Mar 19, 202031:12
Too Wide a Chasm

Too Wide a Chasm

Question 6: Why does God make the Christian life so hard? Why do I feel I am not good enough?

TITLE: Too Wide a Chasm

TEXT: Romans 7-8:1-4

THEME: There is no condemnation for believers who have been delivered through Jesus Christ.

Why does God make the Christian life so hard?

I. It’s not just hard- its ____________________. (7:17-20)

A. The Mosaic law shows us what should be.

B. We are powerless by our own efforts to fulfill the law.

C. We are prone to ________________ and justifying our behavior.

II. God has to ____________ us to become what He wants.

(7:21-25, 7:1-7)

A. When we accept Jesus we must be willing to let Him change us.

B. We must ________ for the bondage of the law to end. (Rom. 6)

C. Grace gives us the motivation to live the Christian life.

III. God gives us the Holy Spirit to do in us what we __________ do ourselves. (8:1-8)

A. The Mosaic law can no longer condemn the believer.

B. The Christian life is a process and a journey of


C. The Christian life is a battle that we will ultimately win.

Mar 19, 202029:45
More Than A Robot

More Than A Robot

Question 5: Why did God put the forbidden tree in the garden? Wouldn't it be better if He had just left it out?

TITLE: More Than a Robot.

TEXT: Gen 1-3; Mathew 21:28-32

THEME: God created you as a moral being who can freely choose to love and obey Him.

Why did God put the forbidden tree in the garden?

I. God created the world to be very ________. (Genesis 2:8-17)

A. God had the right to create any kind of world He wanted.

B. God created a world in which He could demonstrate all his


C. God created a world that is very good for our benefit.

II. God created us in His ____________. (Genesis 1:27, 3:1-7)

A. God gave us ________________ to make choices.

B. We are given the capacity to love Him or reject Him.

C. There are consequence’s when we disobey Him.

III. Without the tree we have no way to ___________ our love for Him. (Mt. 21:28-32)

A. Every good story has _____________ and hardship.

B. God is the hero of your story.

C. God welcomes home those who humbly return to Him.

Mar 19, 202033:01
Living for Something Beyond Yourself

Living for Something Beyond Yourself

Question 4: Why did God create us?  What is my purpose on Earth?

TITLE: Living For Something Beyond Yourself.

TEXT: Genesis 1:27, Psalm 8, II Corinthians 4:1-5,

THEME: God created you in His image to love Him, enjoy Him and glorify Him forever.

Why did God create you and what is your purpose on earth?

I. God created us to bear His ___________. (Gen. 1:27)

A. His image is spiritual- not physical.

B. He made us to draw attention to the many perfections of God.

C. He made us with a _____________ capacity to love, enjoy and glorify Him.

II. The gospel restores in us the tainted image that sin

________________. (II Corinthians 4:1-6)

A. Sin distorts the image that God created us with.

B. Satan _____________ us from the truth of the gospel.

C. Christ reflects the true image of God that we were created to be.

III. Bearing God’s true image is what gives us ___________, meaning and significance. (Psalm 8)

A. He is the basis for value in life.

B. He is the basis for our significance in life. (Psalm 8)

C. He gives us our ultimate _______________ in life.

(Romans 8:28)

Mar 19, 202030:25
The Imperfect Messenger

The Imperfect Messenger

Question 3: Why does God use an imperfect institution like the church to represent Him? Isn't it filled with hypocrites and sinners so why should I Why should I go to church since it is filled with hypocrites?

TITLE: The Imperfect Messenger

TEXT: Matthew 7:3-5, 16:13-20, Eph. 4, Heb. 10:24-25, I Cor. 6:9-11

THEME: The church is built on the person of Jesus Christ- not the saved sinners who are part of it.

I. Jesus Condemned _______________. (Matthew 7:3-5)

A. The Pharisees were condemned by Christ for their self-righteousness.

B. The Word “hypocrisy” originates from the Greek theatre.

C. There is a ___________ kind of judgement that does not involve hypocrisy.

II. Christianity rests or falls on the ___________ of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 16:13-20)

A. Christianity does not stand or fall on how Christians


B. The church is founded on who Jesus is.

C. The presence of hypocrites does not invalidate who Jesus was.

III. God’s is in the business of ___________________ sinful people (I Corinthians 6:9-11)

A. We are all sinner’s __________________ on God’s incomprehensible grace.

B. Salvation is a free gift granted to all who believe in Jesus.

C. God’s grace frees us serve Him out of part of it?

Mar 19, 202028:14
And God Said: Creation is by Divine Fiat

And God Said: Creation is by Divine Fiat

Question 2:  Why do some Christians have a problem with evolution? Isn't it scientific fact? Do they have a problem with science?

TITLE: And God said: Creation by Divine Fiat

TEXT: Genesis 2

THEME: It changes how we view reality if we know we are created by a benevolent God.

Why should you accept creation by a benevolent creator as the source of our origins?

I. Evolution is the only modern _________________ to the creation.

A. It teaches that all of life has a common ancestry that begins with a __________________.

B. It teaches that random mutations and natural selection explain the diversity of life.

C.  It teaches that life began through purposeless, directionless, unguided, natural processes.

II. The actual evidence for evolution is ______________.

A. Evolution is based on scientific naturalism.

B. The Icons used to prove evolution are misleading.

C. Some systems of life are irreducibly ______________.

D. The fossil record does not have the transitional forms evolution predicts.

III. Creation by divine fiat is consistent with all the ____________. (Genesis 1-2)

A. It says that creation is by divine fiat- not time and chance.

B. It says that life _______________ after its own kind.

C. It says that there is intelligence and purpose behind creation.

D.  It shapes how we view reality.

Mar 19, 202030:11
Time Tested Truth

Time Tested Truth

QUESTION 1: Why do we believe the Bible is the Word of God? Isn’t it outdated, filled with conflicts, and science proven it wrong?

TITLE: Time Tested Truth

TEXT: Hebrews 1:1-3

THEME: The eternal God of the universe has spoken and reveals Himself in His unchanging word.

Why do we believe the Bible is the Word of God?

I. Most modern critics of the Bible are biased toward a secular


A. They believe that history is on an ongoing arch toward


B. They believe the Bible is a primitive, outdated relic written by ignorant, incompetent men.

C. Their beliefs have blinded them to the weaknesses of their own worldview.

II. The New Testament _____________ on the person and work of Jesus Christ. (Hebrews 1:1-3)

A. In the Old Testament God spoke through prophets.

B. Now God speaks to us through Jesus Christ.

C. The New Testament is our ____________ resource for the life and ministry of Jesus.

III. The New Testament is the most ___________________ book of ancient history.

A. It is unlike any other book written or shall be written.

B. Each book was written and/or supported by men who lived with Jesus.

C. It has more and better manuscript _____________ that any ancient book.

Mar 19, 202033:07
The Final Answer

The Final Answer

 Why Series? 

TITLE: The Final Answer

TEXT: John 1:1-3

THEME: Jesus is the answer to the major “why” questions of life.

How is Jesus our answer to the big “why” questions of life?

I. He is theLogos.

A. The Greeks and “the logos”

B. Aristotle and the Final Cause

C. The logos is identified as Jesus (1:14)

II. He is God.

A. An intentional echo of Genesis 1:1

B. He shares Gods attributes (Philippians 1:5-9)

III. He was in the beginning with God.

A. God is three in persons and one in essence.

B. Jesus was the creator.

C. Jesus is the source of life.

Mar 19, 202024:08