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A Beggar Who Found Bread

A Beggar Who Found Bread

By A Beggar Who Found Bread

A look at the whole of Scripture and how it applies to followers of the Messiah today. Challenging and dispelling some modern, western interpretations and getting to the roots of the Faith. Also, some obscure music trivia to kick off each episode.
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A Beggar Who Found BreadMay 19, 2024



“A potter makes one vessel for honorable use and one for common use” does this imply eternal predestination or was Paul addressing other matters? A look at Romans chapter 9. #faith #followMessiah #predestination #Christianity #Bible
May 19, 202447:33
Live Again

Live Again

Life and death have been placed before us. Life, chayim is plural while death, mavet is singular. What can this mean to us? #faith #religion #followMessiah #christianity #lifeanddeath
Apr 22, 202427:09
Walk It Out

Walk It Out

What does it mean to “walk in the Spirit” or be “led by the Spirit”? How can we improve our “walk”? #followMessiah #Christianity #faith #Bible #religion #Scripture #HolySpirit
Mar 31, 202429:25
No Second Chances

No Second Chances

A look at an alternative understanding to final judgment. What can we learn from the rich man and Lazarus, the book of Revelation and a Jewish perspective on life after death? #faith #bible #followMessiah #Christianity #judgment #heaven #hell #paradise #sheol #salvation
Mar 17, 202437:03
Would You Die for Me?

Would You Die for Me?

Where does the idea that the death of the righteous atones for the sins of others come from? How did the Apostles understand the death of Messiah atones for the sun of the world? #faith #followMessiah #atonement #bible #christianity
Mar 03, 202434:35
Mad Man

Mad Man

Who is the “man of lawlessness” described in Scripture? Has he already been here? A look at 2 Thessalonians 2. #faith #Bible #followMessiah #theDayoftheLord #manoflawlessness
Feb 19, 202437:40
Thief in the Night

Thief in the Night

How much time should we spend trying to calculate when the Day of Adonai will arrive? What does it mean to be prepared for the Day that no man knows which comes like a thief in the night? #faith #Bible #followMessiah #resurrection #christianity
Feb 04, 202436:06
Feels Good to Me

Feels Good to Me

Is it possible to live a holy life? Is there anything we can do to please Adonai? A look at chapter 4 of 1 Thessalonians. #faith #Bible #followMessiah #holyliving #chritianity
Jan 28, 202432:49
Everybody Hurts

Everybody Hurts

It’s not a matter of if we will face struggles, persecution, trials and suffering in this life; it’s a matter of when we do, will we bear up under it through our faith? 1 Thessalonians 3. #faith #christianity #followMessiah #Bible #Scripture #tribulation #persecution
Jan 07, 202425:54
Wind In My Sails

Wind In My Sails

A look into 1 Thessalonians chapter 2. How did Paul, Silas and Timothy conduct themselves among others? What did they mean by calling people to lead lives “worthy of God”? #faith #followMessiah #Messiah #Bible #scripture #christianity
Jan 01, 202436:38
People Get Ready

People Get Ready

A look at the first chapter of 1 Thessalonians. The evidence of faith, love and hope displayed by followers of Yeshua.
Dec 24, 202332:26
No Surprises

No Surprises

If we take Messiah at His word as to how we should live, there really are no surprises. How should we then live?
Dec 17, 202332:50
Shadow Moses

Shadow Moses

A look at the importance of the origins of the faith for followers of the Messiah. #followMessiah #Yeshua #faith #Christianity #Bible
Nov 24, 202334:17


What does it mean to “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness? #followMessiah #faith #Bible #Christianity
Nov 12, 202333:04


The Messiah described the Kingdom of Heaven as a treasure and a valuable pearl for which people sell all to obtain. What is the Kingdom to which the Master refers and what motivates one to sell all to obtain it? #followMessiah #Christianity #Bible #faith #motivation #kingdomliving
Nov 06, 202329:09
Show Me How To Live

Show Me How To Live

Learning to follow Yeshua. What does it mean to be called and to be chosen? #followMessiah #religion #faith #Christianity #Bible
Oct 30, 202331:01
Follow The Leader

Follow The Leader

A look at the expectations for followers of Messiah through the sermon on the mount and the Didache. #faith #scripture #followMessiah #Bible #Chritianity
Oct 22, 202354:30
I Don’t Wanna Die

I Don’t Wanna Die

What holds us back from fully following Messiah? What do we want to hold onto and fear giving up? What part of our lives won’t we let “die” to follow Him completely?
Oct 08, 202331:57
Blood & Water

Blood & Water

What did John mean that Messiah “came from water and blood”? How do we distinguish between sin that leads to death and sin that doesn’t lead to death? A look at 1 John 5.
Sep 18, 202341:33
Love is a Battlefield

Love is a Battlefield

How is loving one another the “goal” of the command to love the Most High? How can we recognize the Spirit of God as opposed to other spirits? 1 John 4.
Sep 11, 202334:00
Back Where We Started

Back Where We Started

What have we “heard from the beginning”? What is the evidence of one who is a child of The Most High? A look at 1 John chapter 3.
Sep 03, 202338:25
The Anti-Christ

The Anti-Christ

How is anti-Christ described in the Scriptures? Who is anti-Christ? This and more as we look at 1 John chapter 2.
Aug 27, 202344:35
It’s the End of the World As We Know It

It’s the End of the World As We Know It

A look at 1 John chapter 2. What does it mean to love the world?
Aug 20, 202340:33
Let It Shine

Let It Shine

Can one continue to walk in darkness claim to belong to the Light? What does it mean to walk in the versus walking in darkness? A look at 1 John 1
Aug 06, 202337:49
What You Left Behind

What You Left Behind

What are the “commands of men” the Messiah condemned? What leads someone to emphasize the commands of men over the commands of the Most High? #followMessiah
Jul 30, 202323:31
Cloud Connected

Cloud Connected

Is there always a life lesson in the storms we face? A look at a storm Messiah was sleeping through though His disciples panicked. #followMessiah
Jul 30, 202327:28
Through the Noise

Through the Noise

So much clamor and clatter, we must listen for the voice of the Great Shepherd through the noise. What is the Righteous One, calling us to? 2 Peter 3.
Jul 09, 202335:12
When the Hammer Falls

When the Hammer Falls

A look at 2 Peter chapter 2. Identifying those who would entice others away from the faith and the results of their actions. #faith #followMessiah #Scripture
Jul 02, 202343:42
Stairway to Heaven

Stairway to Heaven

How do we live the life for which we were created and to which we are called? Adonai provides us with faith, He reveals how to live in His Word, He gives us the Perfect example in His Son, Yeshua of Nazareth and He empowers us by His Spirit. A look at 2 Peter 1.
Jun 25, 202330:04
Valley of Bones

Valley of Bones

Is there a literal resurrection of the dead which is to come or will earth just be a valley of bones? A further look at 1 Corinthians chapter 15. #faith #followMessiah #scripture
Jun 19, 202339:12
The Heart of a Graveyard

The Heart of a Graveyard

How important is belief in the resurrection? A look at 1 Corinthians 15. What does the TaNaKh, the “old testament” say about the death, burial and resurrection of the Messiah?
Jun 11, 202348:59
Don’t Fake This

Don’t Fake This

1 Corinthians 14, a look at the order of congregational gatherings, gifts of the Spirit which build up the Body of Messiah, not just the individual and more!
Jun 04, 202351:59
Without Love

Without Love

Regardless of our gifts and talents, if we don’t have love, we are engaged in futile exercises. So, what does it mean to love, how do we love?
May 29, 202325:08
Body Be

Body Be

What are the things of the Spirit? What are the gifts of the Spirit? Can we just pick what we want and do it? 1 Corinthians 12. #faith #followMessiah #Bible
May 21, 202347:38
I Remember You

I Remember You

In eating the bread and drinking the cup we are commanded by Messiah to “do this in remembrance of Me”. Paul tells us we are proclaiming Messiah’s death until He returns. What does this all mean? #faith #followMessiah #Bible #remembrance #Passover #sedet
May 14, 202349:01
Cover Me

Cover Me

What is the meaning of wearing a head covering? What does Paul mean saying the husband is head over the wife? #faith #followMessiah
May 07, 202341:12
One Or The Other

One Or The Other

How do we share in the sacrifice of Messiah? What does it mean to drink a “cup of the LORD” and a cup of demons? 1 Corinthians 10. #faith #followMessiah
Apr 30, 202332:53
Rock of Ages

Rock of Ages

Water from a Rock, a Rock that followed people in the wilderness? What is the Apostle Paul writing about? Many were saved from Egypt and baptized into Moses yet they didn’t enter the land of promise. Paul says this is a warning for us. #followMessiah #faith
Apr 23, 202335:17
Workin’ for a Livin’

Workin’ for a Livin’

What are the rewards for proclaiming the Gospel? Should people be compensated for preaching the coming Kingdom? 1 Corinthians 9 #followMessiah #faith
Apr 16, 202339:49
The Taste

The Taste

A look at 1 Corinthians chapter 8 and what can cause others to stumble. What should we eat? What should we avoid? #faith #followMessiaf
Apr 12, 202339:31
Born This Way

Born This Way

The apostle Paul has a rule for ALL his congregations, what is it? He says being circumcised or uncircumcised doesn’t really matter, so what does matter? 1 Corinthians study continues. #faith #followMessiah
Apr 09, 202338:35


A rebroadcast from season 2: Unleavened Bread? Who celebrates it? What’s it about?
Apr 06, 202317:17
Creeping Death

Creeping Death

This is a re-broadcast of an episode from Season 1 when the podcast went by a different name. In this episode we look at: Why Passover? Why Christians should observe Passover.
Apr 04, 202311:55
Invisible Touch

Invisible Touch

A look at 1 Corinthians 7. How can a believing spouse make an unbelieving spouse sanctified for Adonai?
Apr 02, 202353:58
You Take My Rights Away

You Take My Rights Away

Who should we involve in settling our disputes? What does it mean that we are “not our own”? 1 Corinthians 6
Mar 26, 202324:57
Subtle Alliance

Subtle Alliance

What is the danger of turning a blind eye to or co-signing a brother or sister’s sin? What does “a little leaven leaven’s the whole lump mean”?
Mar 19, 202336:02
Pride and Humility

Pride and Humility

What does the Apostle Paul mean when he says “Adonai is the only one who judges me”? Is he advocating the ignoring when other believers sin? Should believers have an air of pride in ourselves? 1 Corinthians 4
Mar 12, 202332:19
Downstream Occlusion

Downstream Occlusion

What would someone do to destroy the Temple of God? What things hinder our connection to HaShem? #faith #followMessiah
Mar 05, 202341:34
Spirit Thing

Spirit Thing

Waking in faith, trusting HaShem’s resources versus limiting ourselves to what we see we have available. 2 Corinthians chapter 2.
Feb 26, 202332:06
Nobody’s Fool

Nobody’s Fool

What is “the foolishness of God” mentioned in Scripture? #faith #Bible #followMessiah #Christianity #MessianicJudaism
Feb 19, 202337:03