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Brad4d Savasana

Brad4d Savasana

By Beth

Hear some daily spiritual insights before you start your day, evening, or meditation. Take a breath, take a listen, then take care.
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Repent or metanoia?

Brad4d SavasanaDec 03, 2023

What is your shraddha?

What is your shraddha?

Our values and belief systems—called shraddha— often dictate our destiny. Your shraddha can be aligned with God, or shraddha can serve power, lust, fame, or money. You might find temporary happiness if your shraddha revolves around selfish desires, but inner peace will never be the result. If you seek peace in the world, start with your shraddha.
May 15, 202409:45
The importance of self care

The importance of self care

Self care isn’t self-indulgence. It’s caring for your wounds by spending time in solitude, taking inventory of how your thoughts, words, and actions affect others. If self care in this sense is ignored, you can easily blame others and play the victim. Because some of those wounds are self-inflicted, and others might be wounds carried from long ago.
May 12, 202408:26
Where are your priorities?

Where are your priorities?

We can easily lose track of our lives if we don’t periodically assess our priorities. We find ourselves stretched too thin, taking on too much while getting nothing really done. Remembering our priorities will call for us to drop the unnecessary so we can live a little more on purpose.
May 08, 202406:46
Are you radiating God’s Light?

Are you radiating God’s Light?

We’re often led by our secular culture out of a desire to fit in and belong. But a life rooted in God is very countercultural. It rubs against the secular values of sex, power, and money. When we spend time in our inner room, we know that we must practice some self-restraint in our outer lives. We work on shedding those habits and attitudes that drive us further from God’s Light.
May 01, 202411:23
Your body is a teacher

Your body is a teacher

Aches, tightness, or strain in your body tell you that something isn’t right. You might choose to ignore it, saying “no pain, no gain.” But your body will react when your life isn’t in proper alignment. Notice what happens when you encounter conflict. What does your body do when you make choices that might lead to pain? Pay attention to your body as a teacher. It will tell you the truth that your mind refuses to admit.
Apr 28, 202408:58
Media that consume you rather than serve you

Media that consume you rather than serve you

Media moguls are rich, and many content creators seek a piece of that pie. They serve you with addictive content that keeps you in a state of craving and competition. This content keeps you stuck and needing more. For you to find inner peace, ask yourself if your media choices point towards the ego and competitiveness or towards service and cooperation.
Apr 24, 202407:51
The 5 a.m. Club

The 5 a.m. Club

The 5 a.m. Club went viral on TikTok as people touted the benefits of waking up earlier to get things done. Triathletes would call this sleeping in! You can make the 5 a.m. about productivity, or you can use that sacred time in the morning to cultivate quietude. What you do the first few moments of the day frames the rest. Can you dedicate the first few moments of your day to cultivate the sacred within?
Apr 21, 202405:21
The power of silence in a Quaker meeting

The power of silence in a Quaker meeting

If you’re drawn to silence and contemplation, experience a Quaker meeting. The stereotype of a Quaker is far beyond reality. You find simplicity, equality, and empowerment. You abandon the ego and listen to the Divine within you. You only speak when it can improve the silence. We all possess that Inner Teacher. It’s your choice to listen.
Apr 17, 202420:00
Political polls don’t consider a spiritual perspective

Political polls don’t consider a spiritual perspective

Political polls, news media, social media, and politicians often shape the narrative about what we should consider to be the most important issue. When you step away from all of these, look around you. What is causing harm at this moment that might affect the future? How are you personally making it worse with your habits, behaviors, and thoughts? Rather than adopt a selfish perspective about what the government can do for you, we should adopt a communal perspective. A political poll doesn’t always look at nuances that a spiritual perspective often does.
Apr 14, 202416:32
Love and codependency

Love and codependency

We’ve all had “that” relationship—one that broke us open completely. Your charred self might need years for rebirth and renewal. How much time that takes depends how much spiritual renovation is needed. During your spiritual remodeling, you don’t return to your old self but build a stronger, more resilient structure that can hold unconditional love while warding off unwanted visitors.
Apr 10, 202408:30
False teachings can gnaw at your soul

False teachings can gnaw at your soul

People with good (and not-so-good) intentions can offer us advice that only reflect their truth or understanding. That teaching might be limited to their life path and not yours. To protect ourselves, we must return to the True teachings that transcend time and circumstance. These are Eternal Truths, not temporal or personal truths.
Apr 07, 202407:30
What prayer is perfect?

What prayer is perfect?

Our need for perfection can often constrict our prayer lives. We tell ourselves that we must have this posture, this sequence without interruption in order for our prayers to “work.” In reality, when we have a perfect intention—aligning our will to God’s—then it’s perfect.
Mar 27, 202407:25
Each moment is unique

Each moment is unique

Our emotions can often delude us into thinking that what we’re experiencing is eternal. Our emotions will fixate on a thought—good or bad—to the extent that we miss the uniqueness of each moment. Every moment something new is born. Every moment something dies or fades. We must learn to welcome what’s new and let go of what is fading.
Mar 24, 202407:25
Energy isn’t positive or negative

Energy isn’t positive or negative

When you plug in a lamp into the electric socket, does the lamp shine brighter if the energy is “positive?” It’s just energy. How we channel our energy through our emotions and thoughts can make it seem positive or negative. Even if energy is “positive” or “negative,” are we spreading lovingkindness when a Reiki master tells us to exhale “negative energy”?
Mar 20, 202409:15
Contemplation is about surrender and rest

Contemplation is about surrender and rest

Meditation techniques teach you how to train your mind, direct your thoughts, or simply observe your thoughts. Contemplation is about letting go of techniques and surrendering to God. We use the discipline of meditation to handle the chattering mind or craving senses so that our spirits can rest in contemplation.
Mar 17, 202406:35
Have mercy on us

Have mercy on us

Alabama Senator Katie Britt caught a lot of heat during her State of the Union response, particularly with her story about the woman who suffered from sex trafficking. Yet there are so many people suffering at this moment, including ourselves. We pray, “Have mercy on us and on the whole world” to ask God for mercy not only for us, but also for those who have no one to pray for us.
Mar 13, 202410:21
Meditation is a practice in non-reactivity

Meditation is a practice in non-reactivity

We can travel to exotic places to learn how to meditate, but what happens when we return? We sit in meditation and get disrupted by the many stirrings in our lives. We become reactive, demanding that the world caters to our demand for silence. Practicing meditation amidst the interruptions of our everyday lives cultivates non-reactivity. We learn how to be calm with the small disruptions so we can remain calm when our lives erupt in chaos.
Mar 10, 202409:27
When prayer bores you

When prayer bores you

When you experience something new, your senses and attention are engaged. It’s like falling in love. A spiritual awakening or born again experience can feel like that. But then the honeymoon ends, and you yearn for that sensation. You can grow bored and search for other methods to give you that same feeling. Rather than search for something new, that boredom is a call for a deeper relationship with God beyond the senses.
Mar 06, 202410:17
What you don’t notice might be telling you

What you don’t notice might be telling you

Everyone experiences things differently. You might have 10 people witness an event, yet each person extracts what they choose to see. We can easily miss new opportunities or paths when we only pay attention to the familiar or the grand. Something new might be waiting for you to notice it.
Mar 03, 202405:54
Opening ourselves to God

Opening ourselves to God

Self-care practices are critical to help us heal the wounds the world inflicts upon us. But turning in towards ourselves—incurvatus in se—can leave us closed off, stuck, and isolated from the world. As we begin to heal, we open ourselves up so we can do our part in healing the world.
Feb 28, 202409:26
Is yoga about God?
Feb 25, 202407:45
What do you do with enlightenment?

What do you do with enlightenment?

A lot of courses, books, and workshops promise shortcuts to enlightenment or spiritual awakening. They bypass the challenging and the boring and stick to the sensual. Most of them appeal to some of our base desires, such as a desire for adoration or riches. Even if they achieve temporary liberation, it curves inward rather than outward. It perpetuates the self rather than serves the Self.
Feb 21, 202409:40
Think twice about what you post

Think twice about what you post

Social media is full of way too much noise. Not only are many of the posts full of distracted and anxiety-producing energy, but the comment section is often full of emotion-laden vitriol that lacks rational thought. All of this social media content and comments keep us in a state of shock and fear. No wonder we’re all suffering from anxiety and stress. Rather than respond with something impulsive, think again. Ask yourself, how will this post be received? Does this build bridges? And most of all, what does this say about my own character? Does this reflect who I really want to be?
Feb 18, 202409:31
Be God’s Valentine

Be God’s Valentine

Valentine’s Day can usher feelings of resentment for those who aren’t in a relationship. But this year, Valentine’s Day falls on the same day as Ash Wednesday, where Christians go to the spiritual desert and reflect on their relationship with God. We practice simplicity and do away with something we know gets in the way of our relationship with God. During Lent, every day is Valentine’s Day as we put our love and longing for The Beloved first.
Feb 14, 202408:47
Evagrius and our impulsivity
Feb 11, 202408:18
Let things happen at the right time

Let things happen at the right time

In our “go for it” impulsive culture, there’s little patience for things to ripen and arrive at the proper time. We want to seize the day out of enthusiasm, but sometimes the right choice hasn’t fully matured or materialized…yet. God’s promises are slow, and this can test our faith and patience. But perhaps that’s the point.
Feb 07, 202405:40
What are you rewarding with your clicks, likes, and follows?

What are you rewarding with your clicks, likes, and follows?

Social media and website analytics can tell creators which posts and pages get the most engagement. Marketers tell you to create more content similar to that so you can increase your audience. Rather than create content that is authentic and inspired, we’re tempted to create content that is simply about worldly profit. Meanwhile, the content and creators who are truly authentic remain on the periphery. We’re left with content that emphasizes worldly values and hedonistic behaviors.
Feb 04, 202413:19
Give up politics for Lent

Give up politics for Lent

Lent begins (of all days) on Valentine’s Day. Many people might give up drinking or sweets for Lent, which is fine because it serves as a reminder of God as you resist temptation. This year, I’m giving up political news for Lent. While it’s important to stay abreast of what’s going on in the world, many of us turn to political news only to have their ideas confirmed. Yet that leaves us not only bitter but also less compassionate towards those who might disagree with us. That’s not being very Christ-like. Lent is about walking with Jesus and removing any habits, behaviors, or objects that get in the way of loving God and one another.
Jan 31, 202410:41
Finding peace and joy in your life

Finding peace and joy in your life

Many books, courses, and videos promise quick fixes to finding peace and joy. There are no deep secrets to having joy and peace. Rather than gathering more knowledge or more methods to secure more joy in your life, it’s a matter of taking things away. It’s also a matter of realigning your life around the true source of joy and peace.
Jan 28, 202410:21
Why we need a spiritual revolution

Why we need a spiritual revolution

Politics and marketing often manipulate spirituality so it persuades us into believing what’s profitable for them. Then we’re blinded by fear and desire to the extent that they become idols. Our spiritual truth becomes watered down or even distorted by those who have something to gain from us. A spiritual revolution means rooting out idolatry, materialism, and fear and return to the virtues and values that are at the core of our spirituality. It’s about scrutinizing our own words and actions to see how they stand up to what we profess to believe.
Jan 24, 202414:12
Just sit

Just sit

How often have you found yourself leaping away from your meditation or prayer space when a great idea arrives? I’ve noticed when my distracted mind wants to have its way, a thought will arrive with urgency. I cut my time in centering prayer or meditation, thinking I must act immediately. Most times, it can wait. This cultivates patience and weakens impulsivity. If we just sit, we teach our busy minds to remain still.
Jan 21, 202406:45
Can we talk too much about God?

Can we talk too much about God?

Evangelists, theologians, and philosophers love to talk about God. Some will try too hard to convince you towards their point of view. But what does it say about their relationship with God? If you consider God like a spouse, how much time and energy do you spend talking about God rather than investing in the relationship itself? We can over-intellectualize God without spending much time in love.
Jan 17, 202409:04
The importance of silence and reflection

The importance of silence and reflection

Too many voices in this world promise us inner peace and happiness if we just buy this, read this “new” book, or enroll in this program that costs thousands of dollars. Did the Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed, or Krishna demand money before they offered their wisdom? Regardless of your spiritual, religious, or political affiliation, spending some time in silence and self-reflection are two keys to living a healthy, joyful life. Although both practices are simple, they are also difficult because they require three things modern culture doesn’t like—patience, humility, and discipline.
Jan 14, 202410:29
Our spiritual connection to nature

Our spiritual connection to nature

After a turbulent weather event, you become humbly aware of the power of Nature. Even though many of us don’t recognize it on a daily basis, we’re connected to Nature on a spiritual level. St. Francis understood this in his Canticle of Brother Sun and Sister Moon. Hear the words of this 13th century monk, who understood the importance of honoring nature well before we uttered the words, “climate change.”
Jan 10, 202409:47
Find your calling through a meditation on the Epiphany

Find your calling through a meditation on the Epiphany

The story of the Three Kings (or magi) fascinates me because it depicts deep spiritual seekers being led by faith. They dropped everything and followed a star. Then, transformed by what they saw, they took a different path home. We can use this story to contemplate our true calling. We can find meaning and purpose in our lives when we drop everything and follow the light.
Jan 07, 202425:50
Cultivate stillness rather than progress

Cultivate stillness rather than progress

Modern culture loves forward progress, but sometimes we can easily get swept up in the wrong direction. We get pulled by the expectations of others or our desires for approval. Yet if we spend time each day in stillness, savoring that inner silence, we’ll become more grounded in our purpose. We let God guide our path rather than the worldly vices.
Jan 03, 202408:25
Don’t let other people’s negativity take root

Don’t let other people’s negativity take root

Negative people can be tough to be around. Some people can’t exorcise their negative emotions and spread them to others. This can leave us lethargic, depressed, and disempowered. It’s up to us to recognize how other people’s energies can consume us and find ways to transform them.
Dec 27, 202306:39
Remember your one true desire

Remember your one true desire

How easily we forget the meaning of Christmas during this holiday season! Our energies become scattered as we rush to buy gifts for others and prepare elaborate meals. Our need to please others can cause us to forget what our souls are truly longing for. Take a moment to return to center and keep your eyes focused on The One who is coming.
Dec 20, 202306:56
Just wait quietly

Just wait quietly

When our lives are stuck, we demand God to change things. It can be frustrating when God doesn’t answer our prayers. We then get tempted to retreat, to backslide, rather than wait patiently for the light to come. Evelyn Underhill gives some gentle words of wisdom to help us wait.
Dec 17, 202308:12
Christianity and Yoga

Christianity and Yoga

Christianity and yoga complement each other very well. The Gospels give us a perfect role model of how to be, and yoga philosophy guides us in how we can remove barriers that get in the way. What’s most important is who is at the center of our lives. Yoga teaches that we become yoked with who or what we put on the pedestal, whether it’s God, ourselves, or our worldly pursuits.
Dec 10, 202313:12
Three Mystical Powers

Three Mystical Powers

To a certain degree, we all crave a little more power—power over others, power over our situations, power over ourselves. We know that craving worldly power can be futile because once we have it, it can easily be stolen. Worldly power is about competition. Worldly power strengthens the “I, me, and my” and ultimately results in isolation and loneliness. Instead, we use these three mystical powers to connect deep within, where we experience union with the world. This passage came to me from Awakin, and it’s attributed to Fred LaMott.
Dec 06, 202309:10
Repent or metanoia?

Repent or metanoia?

The word “repent” really is a buzz-kill, isn’t it? Words like “repent” really turn people away from religion. Let’s face it, many people don’t like to hear that the way they’ve been living is “wrong.” But the word repent in the Bible is a mistranslation of the Greek word “metanoia.” It’s taking a step back and looking at your life differently. Metanoia is a challenge for us to see things from a new perspective. Metanoia questions the status quo in society, culture, and our lives. Don’t we all need a little metanoia?
Dec 03, 202306:53
Contemplate the Nativity

Contemplate the Nativity

Embark on a transformative journey of spiritual reflection with this guided audio meditation, drawing inspiration from Ignatian imaginative prayer. This immersive experience focuses on the sacred scene from the Gospel of Luke, vividly bringing to life the profound moment when Mary and Joseph welcome the birth of Jesus. Allow your mind to wander through the rich tapestry of this biblical event, fostering a deep connection with the characters and their divine surroundings. As you engage in Ignatian contemplation, envision the tender moments, the whispers of angels, and the quiet majesty of the stable. This audio meditation serves as a serene pathway to explore the profound spiritual significance of the Nativity, inviting you to encounter the timeless story of love, hope, and the miracle of Christmas in a uniquely personal and meaningful way.

Nov 29, 202324:19
Stillness is critical in today’s world

Stillness is critical in today’s world

The world can easily sweep us away with its collective anger and anxiety. It feeds on our own anxiety and anger, gathering strength to destroy whatever peace and compassion that might exist. It’s up to us to take moments every day to sit in stillness to reconnect with virtues that serve God and his creation. This gives us the energy and mindset to effect positive change in the world.
Nov 26, 202309:55
Can Jesus’s words get lost in translation?

Can Jesus’s words get lost in translation?

If we hold everything in the Bible close to our hearts, which translation do you use? Some translations of the Bible are rigid, and others use language that we don’t use today. Let’s face it, that turns people off. That’s why it’s important to understand that our faith and love are beyond words and language. The book I quote is from Neil Douglas-Klotz, “Revelations of the Aramaic Jesus.”
Nov 22, 202308:58
Can you find your authentic self?

Can you find your authentic self?

A lot of self-help and self-care strategies emphasize finding yourself or finding your authentic self. While some methods are helpful in stripping away attitudes and behaviors that hurt us and others, others might be strengthening our persona, our ego, or our superficial self. We eventually learn that we must dissolve any concept of self, any ideas of I, me, and mine, to experience connection with the Divine.
Nov 19, 202308:30
Where are the Christian leaders?

Where are the Christian leaders?

In today’s political arena, it’s hard to find Christian leaders. Many will say they’re Christian with their lips yet their behavior says otherwise. Very few act with humility but many act with pride and vainglory. Yet these leaders should be subjected to a higher standard because they serve as role models in our society. If a U.S. Senator, Congressman, or presidential candidate uses vile or proud language and behavior to try to one-up other people, it’s time to serve them their walking papers. We need better role models who serve with humility and integrity.
Nov 15, 202312:24
We all have value in the eyes of God

We all have value in the eyes of God

Whether we’ve accomplished little or accomplished a lot in our lives, we’re all loved by God. To compare ourselves or herald others as “better” is just the ego talking. All that can easily be stripped away in an instant, but that doesn’t mean our souls lose value.
Nov 08, 202308:31
Bad examples of Christians

Bad examples of Christians

It’s not surprising that many people are leaving Christian churches when we see such bad examples of them in the media. Some Christians have extreme worldviews, and when they have positions of power such as the Speaker of the House, they become role models for the whole of Christianity. Yet these extremes aren’t the norm, and they turn people away from Christianity altogether. It’s important for all religious communities to have diverse views while remaining grounded in truth. Spewing only one perspective of the Bible—one of condemnation—turns off the many people who seek love and belonging.
Nov 05, 202311:12
What are you seeking?

What are you seeking?

Matthew Perry wanted to be known as a seeker. To a certain extent, we’re all seekers. We’re all seeking something, whether it’s more money, more adulation, or more pleasure. Spiritual seekers know that we’re all really searching for something transcendent. We’re searching for meaning beyond our daily triumphs and troubles. Yet in a sense, we are already found.
Nov 01, 202306:23