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Looking Back Journeys From Meeting To Marriage

Looking Back Journeys From Meeting To Marriage

By Holly Kerr

Fun stories, cute moments, and spiritual experiences from couples who share their journey, from the moment they first met to when they finally got married.

I'd love to hear your feedback about our podcast. If know of a couple that should be interviewed for the podcast please e-mail me at
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Episode 3 "I then went into all out mode" with Andrew and Robin

Looking Back Journeys From Meeting To MarriageAug 28, 2020

S2/Episode 10 "He was the last man standing" with Ruth and Steve

S2/Episode 10 "He was the last man standing" with Ruth and Steve

Ruth and Steve met through a mutual friend who had been trying to set them up for several years.  It is appropriate that this episode debuts the day after Halloween since they finally set up their first date at a Halloween party!  Steve knew after that first date that Ruth was the girl for him, but it took nearly three more years for them to make it to their wedding day.  I love their story because it shows the importance of patience with each other and trust in God as we travel our journeys in life.  You cannot help but hear the love these two have for each other as they share their story.  Enjoy! 

Nov 01, 202247:36
S2/Episode 9 "If you don't get your beet salad before one o'clock, you're not going to get one" with Kim and Ken

S2/Episode 9 "If you don't get your beet salad before one o'clock, you're not going to get one" with Kim and Ken

Kim and Ken have been married for just over thirteen months, but they are not your typical newlyweds. Before meeting each other, they both suffered some pretty devastating losses which could have soured them to the idea of finding love again.  But, with a lot of courage, faith and hope they let the Lord lead them into each other's lives.  As you listen to their story you are going to hear the love they have for each other and the absolute joy they have found in being together.  I promise that this episode will lift your heart and renew your faith in the fact that love, joy, and happiness can be found after heartache!  Enjoy!

Oct 18, 202255:21
S2/Episode 8 “You're kind of just like my missionary in life" with Ben and Zizi

S2/Episode 8 “You're kind of just like my missionary in life" with Ben and Zizi

This week we have a guest host, the incredible Braden Kerr. Braden recently met Ben and Zizi and knew that we needed to add their story to the podcast! Ben and Zizi met all the way around the world in Hong Kong when he was a missionary and she was learning about and accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ. Little did they know that the Lord had much more in store for them and their relationship. Zizi found her way from mainland China to Rexburg, Idaho, and eventually back into Ben's life. I hope you enjoy listening to the journey of this wonderful couple, Ben and Zizi!
Oct 04, 202247:26
S2/Episode 7 "Dude, she is so dope! You need to date her" with Carter and Babe

S2/Episode 7 "Dude, she is so dope! You need to date her" with Carter and Babe

Our episode this week features Carter and Babe who have been married for just over a year.  They first met while they were both serving missions in Philidelphia, and their relationship took off pretty quickly when they reconnected after returning home.  It took Babe a little longer to admit that she was ready to tie the knot, but once she did, they were both all in.  Their story features one of the most romantic storybook proposals, sunset included, that we have heard on the podcast.  You are going to love the story of Carter and Babe!

Sep 26, 202249:43
S2/Episode 6 "I didn't want this to happen, but I did" with Andrea and Tanner

S2/Episode 6 "I didn't want this to happen, but I did" with Andrea and Tanner

This week's episode features my nephew Tanner and his wife Andrea. They have been married for almost six years and have two adorable children! Having watched Tanner grow up, I feel like I know him pretty well, and the first time I met Andrea I thought she was the perfect fit for him. Fast forward to today and I believe they could not be better matched. When they first started dating Andrea had to make a tough decision about a missionary she had been waiting for, but she just couldn't seem to stay away from Tanner. And the rest, as they say, is history. Enjoy!
Aug 09, 202246:48
S2/Episode 5 "She is exactly who I was looking for" with Dan and Tonya

S2/Episode 5 "She is exactly who I was looking for" with Dan and Tonya

I met Dan and Tonya over twenty years ago when both of our young families had just moved to Anchorage, Alaska.  I've always thought they had a great love for each other and so it was fun to finally be able to hear their story.  They turned a very comfortable friendship with each other into an engagement seemingly overnight.  That engagement has turned into a beautiful marriage of over 24 years.  This is a wonderful story of two very different people planting a seed of love, choosing each other,  and then continuing to love and choose each other every day since!

Aug 02, 202255:56
S2/Episode 4 "I trusted her because she was, in my opinion to be, normal. And she still is." with Nicolle and Taylor

S2/Episode 4 "I trusted her because she was, in my opinion to be, normal. And she still is." with Nicolle and Taylor

Taylor and Nicolle have been married for about 5 years and now have two little kids and a beautiful young family together.  Their story not only includes thier courtship journey, but also Taylor's journey in becoming a member of The Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  They are such a cute couple and I'm so lucky to have been able to interview them in person because thier love for each other is incredibly evident simply in the way they would look at each other.  I'm sure you will be able to feel that love as you listen to thier story.  Enjoy!

Jul 19, 202243:55
S2/Episode 3 "You had the same patience as Jacob, but you didn't have to marry my older sister" with Paolo and Daniela

S2/Episode 3 "You had the same patience as Jacob, but you didn't have to marry my older sister" with Paolo and Daniela

This episode features a wonderful couple who met and fell in love in their home country of Italy.  For Daniela it was love at first sight, and those feelings had to sustain her through a very long engagement.  Their story includes a military assignment, a mission, some very hesitant parents, and two incredibly faithful and patient people.  Please enjoy hearing the journey of Paola and Daniela as we wish them a very happy 30th wedding anniversary!

Jul 12, 202244:33
S2/Episode 2 "From red thongs to bomb threats" with Troy and Carisa

S2/Episode 2 "From red thongs to bomb threats" with Troy and Carisa

This week's episode features two of my good friends, Troy and Carisa.  These two are super fun and some of the best people I know.  Troy had to overcome a horrible first impression and they both had to get out of their comfort zones to make their relationship work.  If you want to laugh and enjoy yourself, take time to listen to their story.  Enjoy!

Jul 07, 202251:42
S2/Episode 1 "I had been training with my podcast" with Braden and Megan

S2/Episode 1 "I had been training with my podcast" with Braden and Megan

Braden and Megan are the perfect couple to start off season two of Looking Back.  Braden is the creative brain behind this podcast and he was a single guy looking for love during season one.  Fast forward a year and a half and he now has his own story to tell of how he met, fell in love, and married the love of his life, Megan.  Listen and find out how these two, who come from very different backgrounds, realized they were meant to be together.  

Jun 28, 202248:31
Episode 13 "Well, dang it" with McKade and Shelby

Episode 13 "Well, dang it" with McKade and Shelby

  This is the last episode of the season! It is the story that inspired all of this, and I'm so excited to be sharing the story of McKade and Shelby. McKade is my twin brother and these two are just an amazing couple. Listen to hear the story that started the podcast!

Nov 06, 202001:12:25
Episode 12 "My heart was saying 'yes' but my mind was saying 'no'" with Will and Andrea

Episode 12 "My heart was saying 'yes' but my mind was saying 'no'" with Will and Andrea

Will and Andrea are such a fun, kind, and spiritually centered couple. They were high school sweethearts who managed to keep their relationship strong, even after two and a half years apart for missions. Over the years Will went from trying to avoid her after asking her on his first date, to planning a great surprise proposal. Listen for a fun, uplifting story!

Oct 30, 202034:29
Episode 11 "You're busy for the rest of your life!" with Jed and Janilyn

Episode 11 "You're busy for the rest of your life!" with Jed and Janilyn

  Jed and Janilyn are an awesome couple with a really cool story. They knew each other all growing up, and dated a bit in high school, but that didn't last. It took years for them to finally get together, and Janilyn was so caught off guard by Jed's proposal that she wouldn't even answer him. Listen to find out how it all came together and worked out!

Oct 23, 202055:22
Episode 10 "And his question was: so how are you going to support her?" With Steven and Debbie

Episode 10 "And his question was: so how are you going to support her?" With Steven and Debbie

   Steven and Debbie are an awesome couple that I got to know during my mission in Tahiti because Steven was my mission president! They have a great story of a friendship that eventually evolved into a marriage.  Listen to find out what happened when just a day before the wedding, they realized they never got a marriage license!

Oct 16, 202030:15
Episode 9 "I think I ate half of my pillow before I fell asleep" with Stefan and Annie

Episode 9 "I think I ate half of my pillow before I fell asleep" with Stefan and Annie

   Stefan and Annie are an amazing couple from Germany, who share their story of how they met which is intertwined with their story of conversion to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Listen to find out how their journey took them from meeting in a cocktail bar to getting baptized to getting sealed in the temple.

Oct 09, 202059:13
Episode 8 "Women intuition is real" with Chris and Natalie

Episode 8 "Women intuition is real" with Chris and Natalie

   Chris and Natalie are some of the best people I know. They are both so nice and selfless, and it's fun to hear how they worked together to make their relationship work, even with all the stress of Covid-19 during the wedding planning. They told me they were proud to have proposed more times than anyone else on the podcast, listen to find out why that was!

Oct 02, 202059:40
Episode 7 "And I have a way better sense of humor" with Dave and Kristin

Episode 7 "And I have a way better sense of humor" with Dave and Kristin

   Dave and Kristin have a story that's short and sweet. From their first date, they seemed to know that they were meant to be together. It wasn't all smooth sailing since Kristin moved to London literally the day after their first date, but their powerful connection helped make it all work out in the end.

Sep 25, 202034:38
Episode 6 "That's the first time it's taken someone 33 years to ask me out" with Jeff and Karina

Episode 6 "That's the first time it's taken someone 33 years to ask me out" with Jeff and Karina

   This inspiring story is perfect for anyone who feels like life hasn't gone as they had hoped or that certain blessings are taking too long to wait for. Jeff and Karina show that no matter what happens in life or how long it takes, if you move forward in faith God will bless you with what you need when you need it.

Sep 18, 202057:58
Episode 5 "Was that before or after I ghosted you?" with David and Sarah

Episode 5 "Was that before or after I ghosted you?" with David and Sarah

   David and Sarah are some of the funnest people I know, and they have a story full of fun moments and laughter. But it wasn't a simple path to marriage, listen to find out how after three attempts at dating each other they were finally able to make it work.

Sep 11, 202059:42
Episode 4 "I wasn't blonde, Dear" with Chick and Sherry

Episode 4 "I wasn't blonde, Dear" with Chick and Sherry

   This was the first interview I ever recorded for the podcast, and I am so grateful for my Grandparents who were willing to be the test run for me. They have an adorable story where the only contact they had for a lot of the time they dated was through letter writing. Listen to hear how they overcame obstacles of distance and other love interests to get married and create a wonderful family.

Sep 04, 202030:43
Episode 3 "I then went into all out mode" with Andrew and Robin

Episode 3 "I then went into all out mode" with Andrew and Robin

Robin fell for Andrew from pretty much the first moment they met, but their journey to marriage wasn't that easy. Listen to find out how years after a horrible first date, fate seemed to pull Andrew and Robin together to form an incredibly strong and happy relationship.

Aug 28, 202040:19
Episode 2 "The Twizzlers lasted longer than Holly did" with Rand and Holly

Episode 2 "The Twizzlers lasted longer than Holly did" with Rand and Holly

Holly and Rand, who are my amazing parents, share their faith filled story of a lengthy courtship filled with tons of twists and turns. Listen to find out how even moving across the country from each other couldn't keep them from eventually ending up together.
Aug 21, 202057:43
Episode 1 "We take that scripture 'Love your neighbor' to a whole new level" with Corbin and Emily

Episode 1 "We take that scripture 'Love your neighbor' to a whole new level" with Corbin and Emily

In this journey with lots of funny moments, find out how Emily went from trying to set Corbin up with her sister to getting engaged with him herself.
Aug 13, 202054:43