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the brian chung podcast

the brian chung podcast

By Brian

Stories, interviews, adversities, successes, wins and losses. Sharing my experiences of learning, growing and developing from a Canadian perspective. Helping you become more financially literate and tips on how to manage your day to day monies better. And real estate (buying, selling, investing). Brian is a Real Estate Consultant and a Chartered Accountant (CPA, CA) and in Greater Vancouver. He believes in long term relationships, abundance, transparency & authenticity. He recently converted his side hustle of real estate into a full time gig. He's been to over 30 countries and loves food.
Currently playing episode

My investment journey. How playing board games and collecting as a kid growing up manifested into investing.

the brian chung podcastApr 13, 2022

DRIP - what is it and why?

DRIP - what is it and why?

Brian shares with you what DRIP is and why it’s important in building long term wealth in Canada. Using the two keys, both consistency and patience will allow your investments to grow exponentially for your retirement. DRIP allows investors to compound their investments to generate a higher rate of return over the long haul.
May 04, 202306:20
6 Keys on Investing and How to get started

6 Keys on Investing and How to get started

Brian’s shares with you his six Keys on investing. He breaks down this track into two parts: plans & action and what stocks to invest in. Brian has over 24 years of experiencing investing in stocks and close to two decades owning real estate in Vancouver.
Mar 09, 202314:41
How to make more money by controlling what you can control

How to make more money by controlling what you can control

Brian shares with you how you can make more money by controlling what you can control. People often focus and emphasis on how much they make. They keys are understanding your expenses & spending better while saving and investing at the same time. 

Mar 01, 202314:41
Four major changes affecting Vancouver real estate in 2023

Four major changes affecting Vancouver real estate in 2023

Brian shares with you four major changes that may affect the buying and selling of your homes in the greater Vancouver real estate market in 2023.
Feb 24, 202312:31
3 financially intelligent tips on how you can pay off your mortgage and be debt free in Canada.

3 financially intelligent tips on how you can pay off your mortgage and be debt free in Canada.

Brian shares with you three financially intelligent tips on how you can pay off your mortgage and be debt free quicker in Canada. Vancouver and Toronto have one of the most expensive housing markets in Canada where it takes eight to 14 times annual salary to buy a home. What would you do with extra income that does not go to the bank? His financial tips cannot be found on the web. Enjoy!
Dec 06, 202210:23
Your Investments. Diversify or not diversify - that is the question.

Your Investments. Diversify or not diversify - that is the question.

Brian provides his insights and experience of equity diversification for your personal stock portfolio. When is the right time to diversify? Should one diversify? Should one not diversify?
Nov 30, 202212:19
How to earn some extra cash with your underperforming tech shares NOW

How to earn some extra cash with your underperforming tech shares NOW

Brian provides one strategy to help you fight inflation and earn some extra cash with underperforming high growth tech shares.
Nov 30, 202207:42
My investment journey. How playing board games and collecting as a kid growing up manifested into investing.

My investment journey. How playing board games and collecting as a kid growing up manifested into investing.

Brian shares with you his investment journey. How two past times and hobbies growing up as a kid helped shaped his journey into seeking a better financial future for him and his family. He shares with you how both playing games and collecting manifested into investing.
Brian has over 23 years of experience in trading and investing in equities on both US and Canadian exchanges. This includes over a decade with options. He also has been in Vancouver real estate for almost two decades prior to becoming a Real Estate Consultant where he converted his side hustle and passion into a full time gig.
Apr 13, 202212:26
What to do in a low interest rate environment

What to do in a low interest rate environment

Brian shares with you things you should consider in a low interest rate environment. He shares with you four crucial points before making a decision to pay down your mortgage or to leverage and invest. Every family's financial situation and circumstance is different, so a different lens must be considered before making a decision. I hope you enjoy this episode.
Sep 30, 202114:17
My Money Rant

My Money Rant

Brian goes on a rant about money. He provides his context and upbringing on how his family circumstance has affected his views on money. He also wonders why so many people focus on money yet do not like to talk about it. Since an early age he's relentless pursued his financial well-being on being money & financially literate. Why is money considered a taboo subject? Who taught you about money growing up? What are your views on money? Please leave me your comments, I would love to hear them. 

Aug 12, 202113:04
How self-awareness prepared me for a career in real estate today

How self-awareness prepared me for a career in real estate today

Brian shares with you his self-discoveries by digging super deep within himself. He shares how his three discoveries turned into happiness and fulfillment in his third career - buying and selling real estate in the Vancouver, Canada market. 

Apr 08, 202110:52
What the heck is that unicorn logo?

What the heck is that unicorn logo?

In this track, Brian shares with you what the unicorn logo means. Have fun with this one!! 

Sep 15, 202003:57
Two superhero tips on how to sell hour home during isolation and in this new C-19 environment

Two superhero tips on how to sell hour home during isolation and in this new C-19 environment

Did you know that less than 20% of the homes put on the market actually get sold? Brian shares with you two (2) superhero tips on how to sell your home during isolation. 

Jul 07, 202008:45
 How a storyteller's passion turned it into a reality

How a storyteller's passion turned it into a reality

On this track, Brian has a very special guest on the show. Will Woods, Founder & Chief Storyteller at Forbidden Vancouver Walking Tours guest stars on the show. He will share with you what inspired him to start the company, the challenges he faced during his journey and his #1 financial literacy tip. I hope you enjoy this one - I know I did! Thank you for being on the show Mr. Woods.

Apr 30, 202015:35
3 tips on how to buy your dream home during covid-19 pandemic.

3 tips on how to buy your dream home during covid-19 pandemic.

Are you still in the market to buy a home right now? Should I be buying? Brian shares with you 3 things you must do before you find and buy your dream home during this covid-19 pandemic. Remember don't be a passenger and let life happen to you. Take action!

Apr 21, 202005:19
Track 13 - 3 Tips on sticking with your investment plan and weathering the storm during volatile times

Track 13 - 3 Tips on sticking with your investment plan and weathering the storm during volatile times

Brian shares with you three (3) tips on sticking with your investment plan during this volatile time and dealing with uncertainty. He hopes that these tips will help you feel more grounded and secure during this unprecedented period. Enjoy and thank you for tuning in!

Mar 25, 202006:11
Fixed versus variable mortgages & effects of prime rates.

Fixed versus variable mortgages & effects of prime rates.

Brian shares with you the main differences between fixed and variable type of mortgages, understanding how penalties are calculated, recent effects of the Bank of Canada overnight cuts and prime rate changes, and how this can affect you.
Mar 19, 202006:35
4 pro tips for first time home buyers

4 pro tips for first time home buyers

Brian shares with you his experience as a first time home buyer over sixteen years ago. These 4 pro tips should provide you with enough confidence and inspiration to plunge into your first home.

Nov 26, 201906:27
Why you shouldn’t wait ten years like I did to chase your dreams and get what you really want out of life.

Why you shouldn’t wait ten years like I did to chase your dreams and get what you really want out of life.

Brian shares with you what held him back over the past ten years. Why you shouldn't wait to do something, conquer your fears and go after your dreams. What held Brian back? And, what did he finally do to take the plunge? The question for you is, are you in a similar situation? Enjoy!

Nov 12, 201909:40
The loneliness of being your own boss and what you can do about it.

The loneliness of being your own boss and what you can do about it.

Being your own boss and running your own biz can be lonely. Brian shares with you his two key drivers that keep him motivated and hungry in the lonely business of being your own boss.
Nov 07, 201906:18
The Potential Power of Financial Leverage.

The Potential Power of Financial Leverage.

Brian shares with you what financial leverage is to him. Some key benefits on using this tool. And finally some of the doors which had opened for him and can also be used to open your own doors. Enjoy!
Oct 31, 201904:19
A videographer's 10 year journey. Tips & Tricks from Ragin Ronin Productions.

A videographer's 10 year journey. Tips & Tricks from Ragin Ronin Productions.

Brian has a guest star on this track, Alex Yu from Ragin Ronin Productions. Alex shares with you his decade long journey in Videography. Where he got his passion and how it all started. He finishes off with some valuable insights on how to become successful in this business.

Sep 11, 201909:24
Track 5: 3 TIPS on Financial Literacy - Managing Money, Saving, and Investing (PART 2 OF 2)

Track 5: 3 TIPS on Financial Literacy - Managing Money, Saving, and Investing (PART 2 OF 2)

Following track 4 - this is part 2 of 2. Brian makes an appearance on Sumonsleeve's (Katharine Chan) podcast. He shares his experience growing up observing and seeing his parents struggle financially. Brian provides his 3 financial tips from a Canadian perspective on improving your financial intelligence and money matters. This is part 1 of 2. You don't want to miss part 2 of 2.

Aug 30, 201905:50
 Track 4: 3 TIPS on Financial Literacy - Managing Money, Saving, and Investing (PART 1 OF 2)

Track 4: 3 TIPS on Financial Literacy - Managing Money, Saving, and Investing (PART 1 OF 2)

Brian makes a guest appearance on Sumonsleeve's (Katharine Chan) podcast. He shares his experience growing up observing and seeing his parents struggle financially. Brian provides his 3 financial tips from a Canadian perspective on improving your financial intelligence and money matters. This is part 1 of 2. You don't want to miss part 2 of 2.

Aug 30, 201909:42
Track 3: 5 Most Effective Tactics to SAVE Money

Track 3: 5 Most Effective Tactics to SAVE Money

Brian shares with you his most effective tactics on saving money and to start creating that down payment towards a home purchase. He offers real world practical advice at a micro level that is works. Brian is a Real Estate Consultant and a Chartered Accountant (CPA, CA). He has over a decade of experience delivering on various audits and risk advisory engagements with both public and private organizations. Brian also was a Product Manager at a local software company and ran his own consulting business prior to converting his side hustle and real estate passion of 16 years into work. He has personally lived and breathed how a person buys and sells a home more than the average person does in a lifetime. Brian is born, raised, and schooled in Vancouver. Brian is a resident, owner, and investor. Brian is happily married to his wife Katharine and has a daughter.
May 21, 201911:14
Track 2: My first official year in real estate - my three takeaways

Track 2: My first official year in real estate - my three takeaways

Brian shares with you his first year insights in the real estate industry. He provides three key learnings from this past year.
May 16, 201906:43
Track 1: Education comes in many shapes, sizes and forms.

Track 1: Education comes in many shapes, sizes and forms.

Brian's very first podcast! Brian shares his perspective on education and the importance of self education. Learning, growing and developing never stops. Hope you enjoy this podcast!

Apr 12, 201904:15