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Eyes to See

Eyes to See

By Brittany Staker

Years ago, I was diagnosed with an eye disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa. This has caused me to look at things differently. Finding faith and hope in ALL things. This podcast is here to UPLIFT,ENCOURAGE and GIVE HOPE that your "Eyes may See" the GOOD.
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It's Real

Eyes to See Sep 24, 2021

Is God Disappointed in Me? Removing Shame from a Gospel of Grace. An Interview with Kurt Francom

Is God Disappointed in Me? Removing Shame from a Gospel of Grace. An Interview with Kurt Francom

Kurt Francom is the founder and executive director of Leading Saints. He also manages the day-to-day efforts of Leading Saints and is the host of the podcast. Kurt graduated from the University of Utah in 2008 with a degree in Business marketing. He ran a web development company for 5 years before focusing on Leading Saints full-time. Kurt currently lives in American Fork, Utah with his lovely wife Alanna. They are blessed to have three children. Kurt has served as a full-time missionary(California Sacramento), as a Bishop, 1st counselor in the Stake Presidency and Elders Quorum President. Kurt has recently wrote a book called, "Is God Disappointed in Me? Removing Shame from a Gospel of Grace". His foreword is by Brad Pelo, President and Executive Producer of The Chosen. In this podcast episode we have a great discussion about avoiding overwhelm in the gospel, love vs works, the power of identity and many other amazing things that will help give you hope and the realization of how much God loves you and is cheering you on in this mortal game of life. Kurt's book is available NOW for pre-sale orders on AMAZON!

Feb 01, 202453:19
"It's not Permanent", Interview with Addy Bealer

"It's not Permanent", Interview with Addy Bealer

In this Episode, I interview Addy Bealer, a darling Senior in High School! Addy and I both have the same rare degenerative eye disease, Retinitus Pigementosa. Addy also has Mainzer-Saldino Syndrome, a disorder which affects her kidneys, eyes and skeletal growth. 

This 23 minute episode, is one that is just of sweet and pure goodness of how to see things in a different way and to remember that when a trial is hard, "It is not permanent." 

Happy Listening! 

Aug 16, 202323:46
Interview with Eva Timothy, an artist who produces photo-paintings and fine art photographs

Interview with Eva Timothy, an artist who produces photo-paintings and fine art photographs

In this Episode, we chat about Eva's amazing art and the process of creating it. Along with seeing Jesus in our lives and using our individual gifts to bless God’s Children.

Jul 27, 202346:30
Interview with Wayne Burton

Interview with Wayne Burton

An interview with Wayne Burton, a Lds Singer and Songwriter visits with me to discuss his music and how He has been given Eyes to see.
Wayne's music is found in church bookstores everywhere and featured on numerous LDS radio programs. His songs have been performed by groups in North America, Europe and Asia. Wayne performed as part of the 2002 Winter Olympics music festival, and in many locations beyond the US and Canada including Hong Kong and Mexico. He has lectured at BYU Education Week and has won the first place Award of Distinction in the General Church music contest four times in recent years. He has also had ten of his songs used on six albums for the popular EFY program and his youth song "A Light to the World", based on President Nelson's memorable youth broadcast was published in the June 2020 New Era Magazine. In all Wayne has contributed music to 25 other LDS albums besides his own solo projects.

Wayne and his family reside in Southern Alberta where he is practicing family medicine. and raising his children. After serving as Stake Young Men's President and then on the Stake High Council, he now serves in his ward Elder's Quorum presidency. He and his wife Jasmine have five children.
Jul 18, 202347:37
Touching Sky
Sep 06, 202236:17
Rhythms that Heal

Rhythms that Heal

In this Episode, we talk about where you can find PEACE in life's stormy seas. My storm may not be as tempestuous as the storms others face, but it is not the velocity of the storm that makes our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ willing to help us. It is our faith in Christ’s calming power and our hastening to call for His help that allows Him to calm our hearts during life’s storms.
Is it Possible to find PEACE? YES!
It’s not easy. But it's 100% possible, And will require you to take baby steps each day.
It’s the little things
One tiny step
Day after day
To the sun
The light
The warmth
The calm
That's where we will find our own personal Rhythm to bring JOY to our souls because of our Savior, Jesus Christ grace and love!

Mar 30, 202231:47
Are you brave enough?

Are you brave enough?

Have you ever played the Jelly Bean game "Beanboozled"? It's a good one. They use the tag line, "Are you brave enough?" In this Episode, we will chat about how our lives can feel like a game of "Beanboozled". And we ALL find ourselves trying to be brave in any given situation or circumstance. 

I will suggest a few steps that we can all do on our journey that will help us to be a little braver together. 

I have realized it's okay to be afraid, because if your not scared, than you can't be brave.

So, lets be BRAVE together.


Jan 19, 202223:18
It's Real

It's Real

This episode, I'm going to be open and honest, in other words, I and going to "BE REAL" with you. :) Losing my vision in my right eye 15 days ago, has caused me to go on an emotional roller coaster. I am going to be letting you in and sharing how things have been going, the good and bad of course the happy and sad moments too. But what I have found is that there is ALWAYS hope... we just have to always choose to see it even when we can't.

Happy Listening!
Sep 24, 202132:57
Fuel Level Low

Fuel Level Low

Your gas gage says, you have 1/4 of a tank left. Do you feel the urgency that you need to get gas right away? Or do you think, I have PLENTY of gas, the warning light hasn't even come on. :) 

In this episode, we will talk about how we can make sure we are "filling up" with God in our daily lives through prayer. 

Happy Listening! 


Sep 10, 202117:36
How can I help?

How can I help?

Have you ever asked the question, " HOW CAN I HELP?" Or maybe you have been asked this question? I think we can all think of a time when we saw someone in need and we had a decision to make, to dive in and help or pass on by. In this Episode, I share a few experiences of when I have seen people reach out with "HELPING HANDS" and when we have been blessed. by those that we're willing to step in and say, " How can I help?"

Happy Listening


Sep 03, 202131:33
Divine Design

Divine Design

Do you believe in Coincidences? I know our lovingly Heavenly Father does not do things, by coincidence, but by Divine Design. Our lives are like a chessboard and the Lord moves us from one place to another. 
In this NEW Episode, I hope to help you see those miracles in your life to remind you the He is close, saying, "I am right here". 
Happy Listening! 

Jul 08, 202122:39
E5... MISS...

E5... MISS...

Do you love the game battleship? I do, it’s one of my very favorites!  The feeling when you hit your target(aka a battleship), is the best! Let alone when you sink it. RIGHT?! :) But what about all the times you miss and the endless chances you are given to make your mark or hit your target and you still miss. We can get discouraged during those times of "MISSED TARGETS", so what do we do? How can we have eyes to see and focus back on our target or in other words, making sure our vision and center is focused on our Savior, Jesus Christ! 

In this episode, we will talk about when we miss certain targets in our lives and how we can refocus our center back on our Savior, Jesus Christ and some daily things we can do to help simply the process. 

Happy Listening! 


Jun 29, 202122:56
Hold On

Hold On

How do we HOLD ON and WHO can we HOLD on too, when we face our own life's challenges? In this Episode, I will share a couple of experiences about holding on during balance beams 50ft in the air and white water rapids and what I learned during the process. :)

We will each have our own challenges, temptations and difficulties in this life, but as we learn and grow by holding on and overcoming them with FAITH and PERSISTENCE we can make it! 

"I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you to bear you up." 

Happy Listening! 


Jun 03, 202128:04
Is Balance possible?

Is Balance possible?

Sometimes keeping up with the many different demands on your time can feel like trying to maintain your footing on a balance beam... In a hurricane!
So! How do you keep home life, work life and family life in balance? David A. Bednar answers this question in the most unexpected way," YOU CAN'T. so DON'T WORRY about it!"
In this short episode, we will chat about how our daily life may look like we are an acrobat spinning mulitple plates on the end of sticks. What does this look like? Maybe you have 17 plates you are trying to spin and you need to let go of some... With the right help, you too can accomplish amazing feats of skill and daring!
Happy Listening!
May 18, 202112:39


I teach early morning seminary to kids that are 14-18 years of age, they come and learn about Jesus Christ and his teachings at 6 A.M. They are truly amazing! Yesterday, we got to talking about life/challenges. We were missing half our class due to another school quarantine, and you could just feel a sense of frustration… Everyone is done with COVID. You could almost feel a sense that hope was a little dim. I felt it too.

Same morning, I got a text from my middle school daughter, telling me that in her whole 7th grade there was only 17 kids at school. Again, I could feel her frustration. She misses her friends, her routine and schedule.

As I walked in the door, I then had a tear filled 9 year old that had been hoping the last part of her 3rd grade year she wouldn’t have to wear a mask anymore. I think she woke up that morning and realized that her “HOPE” wasn’t there anymore. After all this had happened with in a space of 30 minutes, I felt I had found my topic. 

So ,this episode is dedicated to HOPE! How do we find it when we are in despair? And how do we nurture it until it becomes part of who we are and who we become?

We will discuss ways to practice hope, find our faith and rely on our Savior. 

Happy Listening! 


Apr 28, 202121:37
Sleeping Tigers

Sleeping Tigers

Do you remember the last time you were in a place where it was silent. No phone, distractions, tv, no noise…. And sleeping doesn’t count! LOL

I think we ALL could agree it might have been some time. What has changed in our lives that has cause us to be soooo busy? Or feel stressed! I can tell you from personal experience and you can probably relate.. How stress can effect your sleep, emotions, physical health, and relationships.

In this Episode, we are going to talk about different things you can do to find a place of stillness in your every day life's! It is possible, it will just take some discipline. Russell M. Nelson said,” As commotion in the world continues to increase, so does the need ot seek quiet, sacred time ot hear the voice of the lord whisper” his guidance, comfort and peace.” Discipline yourself to have time alone, and with your loved ones. Open your heart to god in prayer..”

Please reach out if you would like a "FREE" code to Refill my Soul app for one month of ALL ACCESS! 

Happy Listening! 


Apr 15, 202133:31


Many, Many, Years Ago, Mary was there at the tomb of our Savior, Jesus Christ. As she arrived, she saw the empty tomb and thought the world was one way--then all of a sudden everything was different. She finds out it isn't the end of the story. Death and tragedy and the unfair do not get the last word . The first Easter morning said: The way things are right now is not the way things always have to be... because of Him. Our Savior, LIVES! This episode is short and sweet, but ends with a POWERFUL song about our Savior, Jesus Christ!
I know that my Redeemer lives.
What comfort this sweet sentence gives!
He lives, he lives, who once was dead.
He lives, my ever-living Head.
He lives to bless me with his love.
He lives to plead for me above.
He lives my hungry soul to feed.
He lives to bless in time of need.
Happy Easter and Happy Listening!
Apr 04, 202117:36
115 Days

115 Days

Are you good with Change? How do you handle change? Does it make your heart happy or does it make you itchy?

Day by day, minute by minute, second by second we went from where we were to where we are now. The lives of all of us, of course, go through similar alterations and changes. The difference between the changes in my life and the changes in yours is only in the details. Time never stands still; it must steadily march on, and with the marching come the changes.

This is our one and only chance at mortal life—here and now. The longer we live, the greater is our realization that it is brief. Opportunities come, and then they are gone. I believe that among the greatest lessons we are to learn in this short sojourn upon the earth are lessons that help us distinguish between what is important and what is not. I plead with you not to let those most important things pass you by as you plan for that illusive and nonexistent future when you will have time to do all that you want to do. Instead, find joy in the journey—now.

Happy Listening! 

Mar 25, 202129:04
The 9th Inning

The 9th Inning

Have you ever played or watched a baseball game? To win the game, you must outscore your opposition through the 9 innings played. Sometimes, when we are needing an answer to a pray, help during a trial, you see the LORD step in the last possible moment. 

In this Episode, you will learn how to look for the Savior in your life and how showing effort will bring about great rewards. You will see that he was always there to help you along your path and even in your 9th Inning. 

Happy Listening!


Mar 18, 202124:23
Feeling Lucky?

Feeling Lucky?

Have you ever heard someone say to you, “ YOU ARE SO LUCKY”! Or maybe you have even said it to yourself?

Do you have a LUCKY CHARM? Many people associate the rainbow, a shamrock, a pot of gold or even the leprechaun as good luck symbols.

For most people, luck is seen as a force that makes good things happen to people without any real rhyme or reason. BUT because we know about Heavenly Father and HISs love for us, we know that luck is actually blessings from God.

In this Episode, we will talk about how Heavenly Father and our Savior know us and what we need when we need it. They give us those special blessings aka LUCKY CHARMS to help remind us how BLESSED we truly are! 

Happy Listening, 


Mar 10, 202122:03
There's no place like Home

There's no place like Home

Do you remember the Scarecrow, Tin man, the Cowardly Lion and Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz? Can you relate with any of these characters? 

Are you like the Scarecrow? Do you hope for knowledge or are seeking for help and understand of something in your life?

How about the Tin Man? Do you need to know you are loved or maybe do you need to do better about showing love to others?

Maybe the Lion speaks to your heart. Are you struggling with being brave or courageous in you life or a trial? You could be having a hard time with something in your life, an illness, financial problems, COVID, work or school. 

Or Dorothy? All she wanted was to return home to her family in Kansas. Nothing else mattered. I think we all want to return back to our Heavenly Home, to be with our Heavenly Father and Savior. Dorothy was willing to do whatever it takes to get back home... are you? 

In this episode we will talk about each of us are on our own personal yellow brick road and how we come to realize just how knowledgeable, loved, brave we can be! 

Happy Listening! 


Feb 25, 202118:23
Hugs from Heaven Part 2

Hugs from Heaven Part 2

On November 3rd, 2020, my uncle, Stuart Larson and 2 friends set out on a hike up Mt. Olympus in Salt Lake, Utah. After making their destination, they headed back down the mountain. Little did Stuart know what was about to unfold. He unfortunately lost his footing on a ledge and fell 100 feet down a screen field(a slope with loose pebbles or rock).
In this Episode, Stuart will join us and tell about his miraculous story that unfolded that evening. He will also share his perspectives on the tender mercies he received that evening and after his fall. Stuart said during the interview, “Some people may ask, if God loved me so much, why did he let me fall? And I like to think he loved me so much, THAT is WHY he let me fall."
You will soon see that he truly is a walking miracle and that his words will help lift you up, where you are, in this moment of your life. You will hopefully be able to see the many “HUGS" that are sent from heaven that are in his story and your own.
Happy Listening!
Feb 18, 202154:06
Hugs from Heaven Part 1

Hugs from Heaven Part 1

How does God show tender mercies in your life? I call "TENDER MERCIES", Hugs from Heaven and I believe it’s a simple reminder of God’s love for each of us. It can come by way of an answered prayer, a moment of gratitude or what some may consider to be stroke of luck. But instead of luck it’s a blessing – it's a HUG from our Heavenly Father and Savior to EACH OF US. This episode will help remind you that if you are really looking, those tender mercies pop up nearly every day, but there are days when they are extra special and extra tender "HUGS" from Heaven. 

Happy Listening! 


Episode Art by Eva Timothy

Feb 11, 202125:36
I see the LIGHT!

I see the LIGHT!

How do you find the the LIGHT on your dark days? This episode will hopefully help you to see the power that comes from LIGHT and how to find it in your life! Remember darkness can not dispel the light. When we have our dark days and we will, Remember that you were BORN with the LIGHT of our Savior, Jesus Christ! He is always with you. “There is light as long as we are brave enough to see it, there is light as long as we are enough to be it.”- Amanda Gorman

Happy Listening! 


Feb 05, 202123:41


Did you know that the Tiger starts its journey already uphill, the odds are stacked against it. BUT the TIGER fights hard to stay, be present, have courage and be resilient! This episode will help you find your INNER TIGER. You will realize that YOU are TRUE, YOU ARE IRREPLACEABLE, YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH and YOU are REMARKABLE!  Happy Listening!


Jan 28, 202120:60
I can see a RAINBOW!

I can see a RAINBOW!

Just as the weather is so unpredictable, so is our own life's storms. BUT, we have our Savior, Jesus Christ and our loving Heavenly Father who are the WORLDS BEST Meteorologists! This episode will help you find JOY in life's storms and help you to know that your own personal rainbow IS and WILL be waiting for you! Happy Listening! 


Jan 22, 202115:03


When you hear the word smile, what do you think of? What makes you smile? This episode will hopefully help you realize that," You’ll find that life is still worthwhile, If you’ll just Smile!" 


Jan 17, 202117:57
You must always remember this: Have Courage and Be Kind

You must always remember this: Have Courage and Be Kind

This is one of my favorite sayings, EVER! There is power in it.  In this Episode, I will explain how my sweet 7 year old daughter taught me many years ago about this wonderful and powerful lesson on having courage and being kind. 

I hope you enjoy his episode! 


Jan 12, 202125:49
There is a hole in my bucket!

There is a hole in my bucket!

Each of us has an invisible bucket. It is constantly emptied or filled, depending on what others say or do to us. When our bucket is full, we feel great. When it is empty, we feel terrible. Are YOU filling up others buckets or emptying them? 

Today's podcast is going to help you to make sure your are a bucket filler and your keeping YOUR bucket full at the same time! 


Jan 07, 202111:09
Don't Worry BE HAPPY!

Don't Worry BE HAPPY!

In every life we have some trouble But when you worry you make it double Don't worry, be happy Don't worry, be happy now

Listen today for 4 ways how to be a little happier!

Jan 07, 202117:20
Having "Eyes to SEE" through life's uncertanites!

Having "Eyes to SEE" through life's uncertanites!

Today's Episode will hopefully help you be able to answer the following questions confidently! 

How do we keep our focus on what’s important? How do we face life's uncertainties?  How can we see others deeply?


Jan 07, 202117:10
Introduction to EYES to SEE

Introduction to EYES to SEE

Take a few minutes to learn about me, my eye disease battle and my purpose and hope for this podcast! 

Jan 07, 202106:45