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Tactical Recovery

Tactical Recovery

By Brock M Bevell and Colin Morrison

"Tactical Recovery" stands out in the crowded landscape of recovery podcasts by focusing on the often-overlooked tactical elements of the journey. Brock and Colin guide listeners through a strategic roadmap, offering insights, tips, and personal stories that empower individuals on their quest for a sober life.
"Tactical Recovery" goes beyond theory, offering practical tips for navigating the challenges of daily life in recovery. Whether it's managing triggers, coping with stress, or building healthy habits, Brock and Colin break down the tactical steps to make recovery achievable.
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Overcoming Self-Sabotage in Recovery

Tactical Recovery May 19, 2024

Overcoming Self-Sabotage in Recovery

Overcoming Self-Sabotage in Recovery

Welcome to Episode #11 of the Tactical Recovery Podcast with Colin and Brock. Today, we dive into the challenging topic of self-sabotage in recovery.

Colin and Brock explore how most substance abuse users tend to be incredible self-sabotagers, often undermining their own progress and success.

Join us as we discuss the root causes of this behavior, share personal experiences, and provide practical strategies to break the cycle of self-sabotage and stay on the path to recovery.

Join us weekly on the Tactical Recovery Podcast. See you next week!

May 19, 202431:00
Unveiling the Myth: Your Unique Journey to Sobriety

Unveiling the Myth: Your Unique Journey to Sobriety

In this episode of Tactical Recovery, hosts Colin and Brock discuss the misconception surrounding the journey of recovery. Drawing parallels from tactics learned in law enforcement, motocross and life, they dismantle the myth that there's a one-size-fits-all approach to overcoming addiction.

Join Colin and Brock as they emphasize the importance of recognizing the individuality of each recovery journey. Through insightful discussions and personal anecdotes, they highlight the diverse paths to sobriety and the necessity of finding what works for each person.

By exploring the tactics used in law enforcement, motocross and life, listeners gain valuable insights into navigating the challenges of addiction recovery. Colin and Brock underscore that embracing the uniqueness of one's journey is not only empowering but also essential for achieving long-term sobriety.

Throughout the episode, they provide actionable advice and encouragement, urging listeners to embark on their personalized paths to recovery. Tune in to learn how embracing your uniqueness can lead to lasting sobriety and become the catalyst for positive change in your life.

Tune in next week for another episode of Tactical Recovery.

May 07, 202430:34
Can You Master The Ego?

Can You Master The Ego?

Hello, tactical thinkers, and welcome back to the Tactical Recovery Podcast Episode 8! We are your host, Colin, and Brock. Today, we're taking on a topic that affects us all: the power of the ego and its role in keeping us using.

The ego is a formidable force, often driving us to make decisions that aren't in our best interest, especially when it comes to recovery. It's like trying to navigate treacherous terrain blindfolded.

The ego can cloud our judgment, fueling denial and resistance to change. It's like a barrier that stands between us and our path to healing.

Think about it this way: when I'm faced with a challenging situation, my ego might convince me to take the easy way out, even if it means compromising my recovery. It's a constant battle between what's comfortable and what's necessary for growth.

So, listeners, as we delve into today's discussion, we encourage you to reflect on your own experiences with the ego. How has it influenced your journey towards recovery? Recognizing its power is the first step towards breaking free from its grip.

It's time to take back control and silence the ego's destructive voice once and for all.

We hope you found our discussion on the ego enlightening and empowering. Until next time, stay strong, stay resilient, and stay tactical.

Apr 22, 202434:07
Understanding The Addiction Cycle!

Understanding The Addiction Cycle!

Welcome back to another riveting episode of the Tactical Recovery Podcast. I'm your host, Brock, joined as always by the insightful Colin. Today, we're delving into a crucial aspect of recovery that often gets overlooked: understanding the addiction cycle.

It's easy to jump headfirst into recovery without fully comprehending the intricate workings of addiction. The addiction cycle is a powerful force, and without recognizing its patterns and triggers, attempting recovery can feel like jumping blindfolded. You might make it through, but the risks are just too great.

as we wrap up today's discussion, we urge you to take a moment to reflect on your own recovery journey. Are you equipped with the knowledge of the addiction cycle? If not, it's time to prioritize understanding it. It could be the difference between making that leap successfully or falling short.

That's all for today, folks. Thanks for tuning in to another enlightening episode of the Tactical Recovery Podcast. Until next time, stay tactical and stay resilient.

Till next time, contact on our social medias at:



Apr 15, 202427:21
Lead, Follow Or Get Out Of The Way!

Lead, Follow Or Get Out Of The Way!

In the sixth episode of the Tactical Recovery Podcast, Colin and Brock dive deep into the critical aspect of accountability within the journey of recovery. This episode shines a spotlight on the indispensable role of selecting the right individuals to support one's rehabilitation process.

Navigating the path to recovery is no easy feat, and having a solid support system can make all the difference. In this episode, listeners will gain invaluable insights into the significance of surrounding oneself with the right team of individuals who are committed to accountability, encouragement, and empowerment.

Listeners will also hear personal stories of triumph and resilience, underscoring the transformative power of accountability in overcoming addiction and reclaiming one's life.

Whether you're on your own recovery journey or seeking to support a loved one through theirs, this episode offers invaluable guidance on building a strong, supportive network of individuals who will walk alongside you every step of the way. Tune in to discover how accountability can be a game-changer in the pursuit of lasting sobriety and wellness.

Check us on on IG at Tactical-Recovery

Apr 05, 202428:01
Addicted To The Chaos

Addicted To The Chaos

Welcome back to Tactical Recovery, the podcast where we explore the intricacies of addiction and recovery, providing you with the tools and strategies to navigate through the chaos and find your path to healing. Today, we’re diving deep into the depths of addiction and discussing the powerful tools that can help shatter the chaos that often accompanies it.

Let’s start by acknowledging the complexity of addiction. It’s not just about the substance or behavior itself but often involves a tangled web of underlying issues, trauma, and mental health challenges One of the most powerful tools is self-awareness. This involves developing a deep understanding of one’s triggers, patterns, and underlying emotions. Colin personalises this by sharing the struggles he and his family experienced2 while attempting an intervention.

Addiction is real and attaches itself to many of us. Stay strong and fight on. Till next time, check us out on IG: Tactical_Recovery. See you next week!

Feb 26, 202436:39
Cunning, Baffling & Powerfully Insane!

Cunning, Baffling & Powerfully Insane!

Hello everyone, and welcome back to Episode #4, of "Tactical Recovery" with Colin and Brock. Today, we're delving into the harrowing reality of addiction and the lengths we'll go to satisfy it. Colin has bravely shared his experience of chasing that elusive high, even when it led him down a dangerous path.

Colin recounted a particularly intense moment during his time in Oakland, where he found himself consumed by the relentless grip of addiction. In a desperate attempt to feed his craving, he ventured out of the safety of his surroundings and into the streets, ultimately encountering a drug dealer who offered him "black tar heroin." The mere fact that he would take such risks illustrates the depths of his addiction and the lengths he was willing to go to get high.

What's especially striking about Colin's story is the sheer insanity of it all. Dropping the heroin in a porta-potty, retrieving it, and still using it despite the obvious dangers highlights the powerlessness that addiction can hold over an individual. It's a stark reminder of how addiction can cloud judgment and drive individuals to make irrational decisions, all in the pursuit of temporary relief.

But Colin's story also serves as a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. Despite facing overwhelming challenges and navigating through dark times, he's here today, sharing his journey towards recovery. It's a reminder that no matter how dire the situation may seem, there's always hope for redemption and healing.

So, as we reflect on Colin's journey, let's also remember that recovery is possible. It may not be easy, and it may require immense courage and determination, but with support, perseverance, and a willingness to confront the realities of addiction, healing is within reach.

Thank you for joining us on this episode of Tactical Recovery. Remember, you're not alone, and there's always a way forward. Until next time, stay strong and stay resilient.

You can link up with us at @tactical_recovery on IG. Hit us up and let us provide you with some tips and tricks to your sobriety.

Feb 19, 202442:04
Wanna Break Free, Let Go Of The Ego!

Wanna Break Free, Let Go Of The Ego!

Episode #3: Wanna Break Free, Let Go Of The Ego.

Welcome back, everyone, to another episode of the Tactical Recovery Podcast. Today, we're diving deep into a topic that's fundamental to recovery: letting go of ego and allowing others to lead. This is crucial in our journey towards healing and growth.

The ego can often be a barrier to progress. It's that voice inside us that wants to control everything, that wants to be right all the time. But in recovery, we quickly learn that surrendering that ego is essential.

It's about recognizing that we don't have all the answers and that we can benefit from the wisdom and guidance of others who have walked similar paths.

And part of that is also acknowledging that everyone's journey is unique. What works for one person might not work for another. And that's okay. Recovery is not one-size-fits-all. It's about finding what resonates with you and what helps you stay on the path of healing.

That's why it's so important to stay open-minded and explore different modalities of recovery. Whether it's jumping 150 foot jumps, therapy, meditation, exercise, or creative outlets, there are countless ways to support our journey. The key is to focus on doing the next right thing, whatever that may be for you.

It's about trusting the process and trusting ourselves enough to know when to seek help and when to follow the guidance of others. And through that process, we can truly find freedom from the chains of addiction and reclaim our lives.

Thank you to our listeners. And remember, recovery is possible. Keep taking those small steps forward, and never lose hope. Stay strong, everyone.

Colin and Brock can be reached at tacticalrecovery on IG! DM us and let us know how we can help!

Feb 13, 202433:31
Recovery, Its An Action Sport!

Recovery, Its An Action Sport!

Welcome back, Tactical Recovery Nation! This is episode two of the Tactical Recovery Podcast. Today, we're diving into the heart of recovery, sharing tactical advantages that can be game-changers.

In this episode, we're breaking down the art of preparation, discussing the importance of creating a contingency plan before the unexpected 'BANG' occurs. It's about being one step ahead when life throws curveballs.

And, we can't stress enough how crucial trust is in the recovery journey. Trusting your leader and your team is not just a nice-to-have; it's a must-have. It's the glue that holds everything together.

We also shedding light on a powerful concept – the idea that fighting battles with others can be downright life-saving. It's about collective strength, unity, and facing challenges head-on, together.

Connect with us on Instagram @tacticalrecovery. Send us a DM or drop a comment. Your experiences might just be the beacon of hope someone out there needs."

And for those hungry for more exclusive content, behind-the-scenes action, and community engagement, head over to our Instagram page @tacticalrecovery.

So, gear up, because in this episode, we're arming you with the tactical advantages you need for a successful recovery. Ready to take charge? Let's dive into episode two of the Tactical Recovery Podcast.

Feb 05, 202451:50
Tactical Recovery Tips and Tricks with Colin and Brock

Tactical Recovery Tips and Tricks with Colin and Brock

Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Tactical Recovery Podcast! With Colin Morrison, motocross enthusiast, and with me Brock Bevell, retired undercover police officer. Today, we're diving headfirst into the tactical approach to real recovery.

We are thrilled to kick off this podcast. We're here to bring you real talk, real results, and most importantly, tactical tips to help you stay sober.

In this episode, we talk about securing sobriety in a way that echoes military precision and strategy. You've got to approach recovery like a mission – with clear objectives and a tactical mindset.

We know that recovery is not a walk in the park; it's a battlefield. And today, we're focusing on protecting ourselves from the pitfalls of relapse.

We're not just navigating recovery; we're executing a mission. Let's start with the first objective – understanding your enemy, the triggers that can lead to relapse.

Relapse is like a hidden landmine. You've got to identify them, map them out, and have a strategy for disarmament. It's all about situational awareness.

That's a wrap for our first mission on Tactical Recovery. Stay tuned for more episodes where we'll continue to bring you tactical strategies for real recovery.

Signing off for now. Stay strong, stay tactical, and until next time, ride the waves of recovery with purpose.

Check us out:



Jan 29, 202437:27
Sightless and unstoppable with Mike Armstrong

Sightless and unstoppable with Mike Armstrong

Welcome to another episode of the Chase The Vase Podcast, where we discuss how to become an overcomer. On this episode, I am blessed to share the microphone with a world class mountaineer, professional drummer, 8th degree black belt all while being blind.

At the age of 26 Shihan Mike who was already a martial arts instructor, lost his eyesight due to a hereditary disease. Before losing his sight Sensei Mike was warned by his doctors to STOP practicing martial arts, but Sensei Mike’s passion for the martial arts would never let him stop.

Shihan Mike continued to teach and practice martial arts, and eventually he lost his eyesight completely. It is not known whether or not the Martial Arts was a contributing factor but Sensei Mike has no regrets. The discipline and determination that Sensei Mike has formed through his practice of Martial Arts has helped him not only adjust to the loss of his sight, but also overcome challenges any sighted man would have difficulty with.

Sensei Mike and his sighted guides on top of Mt. Kilimanjaro

Outside of teaching martial arts Sensei Mike Armstrong is a professional drummer and adventurer. In the recent years he has summited Mt. Kilimanjaro the tallest mountain in Africa, participated in the World Team Sports Adventure Challenge, and has become the only Blind man to hike the Arizona trail a 807 mile trail that took 57 days to complete.

Wow, what a journey!

Check us out at @victoryrecoveryaz and @fentanylprojectaz.

Jan 10, 202433:53
A Night To Prevail with June Days!

A Night To Prevail with June Days!

We are back and excited to jump on season 3 of the Chase The Vase Podcast.

We are sorry for the sabbatical, the end of 2023 was a little difficult to manage.

Thank you for tuning in to the "Chase the Vase" podcast! I'm thrilled to have the lead singer of June Days (Mike Giovando) here with us today to share his music and personal journey. It's truly inspiring to see artists using their platform to address important issues like substance abuse, mental health, and overdose.

In anticipation of "A Night To Prevail," it's wonderful to have someone with such a powerful and relatable story as "Frontman" for the event. It adds a meaningful and authentic layer to the movement, encouraging others to come out, connect, and be part of this exciting initiative.

This event promises not only great music and entertainment but also a chance for the community to come together, share experiences, and raise awareness about crucial issues. We encourage everyone to join us and support this movement for a night of connection, understanding, and positive change.

Let's dive into the conversation with the Mike and explore the intersections of music, life, and the impactful journey that has led him to become a spokesperson for such an important cause.

Keep Chasing The Vase!

Contact us on social media at victoryrecoveryaz and fentanylprojectaz.

Jan 02, 202433:52
"Relentless Courage" with Michael Sugrue!

"Relentless Courage" with Michael Sugrue!

My guest today is a decorated retired police sergeant and friend. He is a former USAF Security Force Captain and a national speaker. He advocates for awareness and education on Post Traumatic Stress Injury for military and first responders. 

Michael has released his first book titled, "Relentless Courage Winning The Battle Against Frontline Trauma. This country continues to battle through a mental health crisis and trauma is an underlining factor. So many of us who have been on the front lines refuse to seek help. We are not stubborn or old school, we are afraid of what lies beneath. In our minds, we believe that as long as we continue to feed the monster, it will remain pacified and constrained. Unfortunately, this is a fallacy!

Relentless Courage, changes the mindset. It flips the script on our "old school thinking." We are trained warriors and we place ourselves in the thick of it, but bravery extends into reaching out to another. Michael has done that! Thank you Michael for the bravery to tell the story of us on the margin. 

You can secure Michaels book on Amazon. I highly recommend it!

Please like, share and comment on this podcast. We are working to bring you the most up to date intel to save lives! We thank you and appreciate your friendship!

Mar 15, 202334:22
Guess What? Our Daughters Look At Porn Too; With Madi

Guess What? Our Daughters Look At Porn Too; With Madi

I am so excited to release this episode of the Chase The Vase Podcast. On this episode, I'm blessed to have Madi. She is an 18-year-old girl and freshman at BYU, who is passionate about sharing her story to spread awareness and solutions for LDS women struggling with pornography. She is a pre-business student hoping to go into entrepreneurial management. She is also a presidency member of the Unalone Club at BYU, a club dedicated to providing a space where those struggling with pornography/those supporting one who is struggling can come to share their burdens and feel “Unalone.”

If you or a loved one is struggling with pornography, this episode is a "DO NOT MISS." Madi is absolutely honest about her addiction to pornography and how she prepares herself for daily battle. 

I am proud of the episode and invite you to share it with others. 

You can reach us @victoryrecoveryaz. 

Feb 16, 202333:30
Live Unconquered With Adam Davis

Live Unconquered With Adam Davis

My guest Adam Davis with Live Unconquered and I dive into what it means to live with battle field trauma.  Adam is a husband, father, brother, distinguished author, coach, and speaker who serves the men and women in Law Enforcement. Adam has presented his story of conquering demons and battling some of life's most smothering battles to the combat ready men and women. 

Adam is an unrelenting force of inspiration. He believes we all have a unique purpose and we must be good stewards of the time we are given in this life. On this podcast, Adam sheds light on the individual battles we all face. He provides some tools on how to cope with real life trauma. As men and women of courage, we have to be willing to talk about our stressors. That may include a battle buddy, a clergy member or a therapist. Secrets keep us sick. 

This podcast will empower you to Live Unconquered and to be courageous enough to begin a conversation about your mental health. Please share this with your friends and family members, It is time to heal. 

Check out the Victory Vision Reset beginning November 28-Dec 2 at:

Learn more about Adam at:

Nov 22, 202234:06
Time To Raise Our Kids In Combat With Smith Alley.

Time To Raise Our Kids In Combat With Smith Alley.

Live-Life-Louder founder Smith Alley is changing the script right in front of our eyes! He is "Protect Strong" which is creating resources for parents. Parents today deserve more hype! We are an anomaly! Imagine this....Parents, we are the only generation who grew up without technology,  raising children who only know technology. 

Parents today are behind the technology curve, while our children are expert technologist. Our kids have never experienced a buzzy signal. They've never been placed on hold. The never had to unplug the house phone and plug it into a computer to get on the internet. This is evolution at it's finest. 

We all understand that our children can be directly influenced by information gathered from the internet. They are also learning at an alarming rate and need guidance. With the enormous amount of information passing through our brains on a daily basis, we need to be sure our children are safe and are not engaging in harmful behaviors. 

The daily news provides grim reminders of what can occur when our children go unprotected. From exploitation of children, child trafficking, overt drug transactions, sextortion and pornography, usually gain the most attention. While suicide, mental health issues and bullying are minimized.

Smith is taking charge of his recovery by sharing his story openly. I invite you to check out his program at "Raising Kids In Combat" and use the code: Smith25 for a substantial discount. 

Smith can also be contacted on IG @protechstrong and 

Check out the 5 day Victory Vision Reset at: to get enrolled today. 

Nov 15, 202233:40
Are We Just Addicted To The Chaos, With Tim Ryan

Are We Just Addicted To The Chaos, With Tim Ryan

Tim Ryan is a recovering heroin addict and A&E's "Dope Man." Tim is a National Thought Leader on the current Opioid Epidemic, Addiction, Mental Health and Suicide. 

Tim is no stranger to falling prey to the grips of mental health, addiction and the opioid epidemic. During Tim's addiction, he was arrested and sentenced to 7 years in prison for drug-related charges. Tim was one of the lucky ones and found sobriety behind bars. 

Tim travels the U.S. promoting sobriety and hope. His current focus is to shed light on the opioid/fentanyl epidemic. Tim and I discuss the need for education in the home and schools. We discuss ways to protect your tribe through communication and connection, 

We ask one another why Narcan is not in every school and home. We share personal stories into our struggles with addiction and mental health. This episode exposes the lack of initiative our government has taken to curtail the opioid epidemic in our country. 

Check out Tim's IG at: timryandopeman and his website at

also, don't forget about the Reset Challenge beginning November 28th at 0900 PST. Sign up at

Nov 07, 202236:10
Fentanyl Solutions Start In The Home With Flindt Andersen

Fentanyl Solutions Start In The Home With Flindt Andersen

As the Opioid and Fentanyl crisis continues to have a grip on our communities, there are sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, moms and dads, whose lives are cut short because of accidental overdoses. Flindt is on the forefront of the epidemic. He is on a mission to communicate this reality and create change in a multitude of ways.

Flindt started drinking at age 13. His habit progressed to harder drugs through high school and college, which paved the way to a 23 year battle with Opioids. He was taking 70-80 Vicodin pills daily until his best friend admitted him into the Betty Ford treatment center in 2001. He’s been in recovery since.

Flindt and I hope that parents understand that kids will experiment with substances. The key is education. We need parents and kids to understand that fentanyl is not an experiment.  Today, experimenting with fentanyl can and will kill them! Kids do not tell us everything! "While your at home ordering a pizza, you child is on Snapchat ordering drugs." 

Do not miss this episode of the Chase The Vase Podcast. This information is life saving and will save lives. Fentanyl is death! 

Check out the Victory Vision challenge at coming this week. We are super excited to see you invested in your future sobriety!

Oct 24, 202228:42
"No One Is Coming To Save You" With James Yount

"No One Is Coming To Save You" With James Yount

My friend James Yount and I talk recovery. James is living the life of recovery. James finds solace in his Faith, Family, Fellowship and Fitness. James is working on his third year of sobriety through the mantra of "start small."

His goal of sobriety was to fix his mindset first. When he started the journey, he felt spiritually, physical and mentally lost. Through hard work and doing the small things right, he has lost over #155 pounds and has 13% body fat. Recovery is allot like building a fire. You have to build it from the ground up. You collect the wood and secure some tinder and create a spark. 

Recovery is created by the spark! Rest assure, no one is coming to save us! Were on our own! Thank you James for sharing you story and for showing the world  your strength. 

Check out the Victory Vision Reset at for additional details on how to get sober.  

Oct 18, 202230:58
Is Social Media Fueling The Fentanyl Epidemic?...with Scott Silverman

Is Social Media Fueling The Fentanyl Epidemic?...with Scott Silverman

Scott Silverman, author of The Opioid Epidemic, joined me on the podcast to discuss the growing concerns of the fentanyl epidemic. Currently, 80% of illicit drugs coming into Arizona and California is laced with fentanyl. 

Scott and I open up about what families can do to make sure young people are aware of the dangers of fentanyl. Fentanyl has found its way into every street drug out there. The traffickers are doing everything they can to get it safely into the U.S. 

Currently, Social Media is the greatest tools used by traffickers to get fentanyl into the hands of our youth. Apps are used to identify, sell, deliver and promote deadly fentanyl. 

Traffickers spend time and money making sure they are branding fentanyl to target the youth. With so much attention being placed on the traffickers and slowing the flow of fentanyl into our country, when do we begin to focus on the mental health of our youth?

We hope this episode provided you with with information and education. Please follow us on @victoryrecoveryaz and reach out to us. We would love to hear from you!

Also check out the Victory Vision Reset at:

Oct 13, 202239:26
Self-Love & Stinking Thinking With Dani

Self-Love & Stinking Thinking With Dani

On this episode, I shared the microphone with Dani. Dani is in lifelong recovery with two years of sobriety under her belt. We had a wonderful conversation about change and finding who we are sober!

The challenge to find ourselves is a process. Dani helps the listeners understand the process she went through to find her "I AM." Abuse, addiction and finding herself was all part of her process. The goal is to find who we are without the substance. 

Her first experience with trauma was at age 6 when her "abuser" water boarded her. The abuse continued and her escape  became the use of substances. Please take a ride with Dani and I as we explore the difference between sobriety and recovery, who she was without alcohol and how to eliminate stinking thinking from your life. 

Be sure and follow Dani on The Sober App and on Instagram @sober_Socially

Check out the upcoming Victory Vision Reset at for more information on how to register.  

Oct 04, 202231:10
The Lies, The Truths & The Insanity Of Addiction.

The Lies, The Truths & The Insanity Of Addiction.

On this episode of the Chase The Vase/Victory Recovery Podcast, I speak with Laura Palmer about the insanity of addiction.  Laura was spending over $300.00 a day and consuming "10 perc 30's on a good day." Laura's addiction began to spin out of control and when she needed to cover a drug debt, Laura made the decision to steal money from a family member. The insanity of addiction supports our poor decision making!

Laura was arrested and charged with theft. She was subsequently arrested and sentenced. After being released, she immediately used pills to control the pain of detox. Being sentenced did not scare her into stopping her drug usage. Laura's addiction was spinning out of control and the need to use pushed her into making poor decisions.  Ultimately, her actions while under the influence led her to prison.  

Laura quickly realized that prison offered her a pivot point. "Being sent to prison long enough for my brain to heal was what I needed." While in Tent City, she worked with the MASH Unit which allowed her to work with the K-9 population. 

While in prison, Laura realized that she needed time for her brain to heal. After "About three months, I stopped craving the drugs and realized that I have a chance not to go deeper into this mess, but to fix it!"

This is all she needed. Listen to the rest of the podcast to find out how Laura is living a life of recovery! 

Thanks for checking out the episode. Please share it, like it and leave a comment. We listen and appreciate your feedback. 

Check out the "Victory Recovery Reset" at for upcoming recovery challenges. 

Feel free to email me at

Sep 29, 202237:52
When Connection Is The Cure & The Take 10 Movement Collide!
Jul 01, 202233:38
"I Am Who I Am!"

"I Am Who I Am!"

"Why did you embark on the 75 hard when you look no different", or you know your going to fall right back into old behaviors," so why do it?  These are rationalizations for other people. I need to remember that my journey, is not your journey. My effort is not your effort, and my success is not attached to your success!

But we listen to what others bark at us. Many times in life, I have been fueled by the ignorance of other. Like the time I started the Keto diet. I was dropping pounds and looking good and an individual had the edacity to tell me I would fail over the holidays. If I had listened, I would have believed his weakness.

Why do you do what you do and who has access to your effort and Why?

Stop giving your power away. Take it back and own your shit!

Check out the #take10movement for details on how to help one another recover from drugs and alcohol. It takes 10 minutes a day!

Jun 28, 202222:41
Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance with Brock Bevell

Proper Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance with Brock Bevell

I started the 75 hard and refused to go backwards. Creating the right mindset to accomplish all the tasks had to be set at day one. But, as you know, there are so many justifiable reasons to quit. 

Here are the three most repeated reasons people quit in recovery, in the weight loss journey, at church, school or any other valuable goal. 

1. I don't have time.

2. I'm not motivated. 

3. I don't know where to start. 

There are solutions to each of these justification. Make a plan and script it. Stick to the plan one day at a time until you master your mind!

Thank you for Chasing The Vase and look forward to your comments and feedback to this podcast!

Check out the #take10challenge for details on how to take 10! Until next time, enjoy Chasing The Vase!

Jun 19, 202222:41
When Ownership Meets The "I Kinda Wanna Be....."

When Ownership Meets The "I Kinda Wanna Be....."

There are so many reasons to "kinda" do sobriety, or "kinda" develop a relationship with a Higher Power or "kinda" wanna be thin. There is an absolute commitment and ownership the accompanies all decisions. 

Four questions were posed to us this week, and all four teetered on taking ownership. It is too easy to shift blame on another or take 75% of the responsibility. 

The four questions were:

1. "I want to occasionally drink!" Response, then you want to be occasionally sober!

2. "How honest do I need to be with an employer about my addiction?" Response, Honesty is a lost commodity today! 

3. "I can't shake the shame, family keeps judging me for my past." When your ready to give it up, give it up! It's your to carry and yours to dump!"

4. "Do I really need a Higher Power?" Response, We tried all the "I Got This Crap." We can't do it alone!

Please, jump on and listen to this episode and share it with those who seek real recovery. I promise, once ownership is taken, sobriety becomes obtainable. Check out the #take10movement and share your connection with us. 

Jun 16, 202224:14
PTS(D) Is Not An Incurable Disease, It Is An Anxiety Disorder! With Brock Bevell

PTS(D) Is Not An Incurable Disease, It Is An Anxiety Disorder! With Brock Bevell

PTS is a highly discussed topic amongst first responders. We carry external and internal wounds that never seem to heal. It is my hope that this episode will help anyone suffering with PTS understand that it is an anxiety disorder and not an incurable disease. 

There are four common symptoms that accompany PST. They are:

1. Re-Experiencing the event.

2. Avoidance: Avoiding the people, places or situations that remind us of the event. 

3. Hyperarousal: Felling on edge on on Red all the time.

4. Negative thoughts and beliefs about yourself and others. 

We also discuss signs and symptoms that are directly associated with PTS. If you are a spouse, family member of friends to a first responder, this podcast is for you. It will help you understand emotions and feelings associated with PTS. 

I also discuss an amazing tool that can be used today to start the process of healing from this disorder. Let me know how it works for you by sending me an email to #take10movement. 

Jun 10, 202222:11
Sushi, The Dark Side And "The Secrets Of Success," With Russell Brunson.

Sushi, The Dark Side And "The Secrets Of Success," With Russell Brunson.

Absolute honor to share the microphone with Russell Brunson on this episode of the Chase The Vase Podcast. 

Here are some fun facts you may not know about Russell.

Did you know that Russell ate sushi two times a day for 5 years? 

Did you know that Russell can teach you how to lose 30 pounds in 3.5 days? (Not Recommended or approved by any medical professional?)

Did you know that Russell has created "hard stops" in his life in order not become overwhelmed? 

Did you know Russell has created a team of friends in his life that checks on his mental wellness while reminding his to remain balanced?

Did you know Russell set up a cot and tent in his office, so he didn't have to leave?

Did you know that Russell believes that understanding the hypnotic rhythm has allot to do with breaking the addiction process?

Did you know that Russell works out by wrestling his sons at their wrestling practices?

These are a few of the fun facts Russell and I shared during this episode. Please share this podcast with your tribe, like us and leave us a message. We appreciate your friendship. 

Please check out the #take10movement on Facebook and be a part of the change, 10 minutes at a time. 

Jun 03, 202231:32
"Train Above The Standards," With Officer Cummins.

"Train Above The Standards," With Officer Cummins.

Ashley "Smashley" Cummins. Ashley is a Police Officer of 12 years, DT Instructor, BJJ Brown Belt and a professional MMA fighter - ranked the #7 atom weight in the world. 

Her mantra is: "There is no second place in a fight for your life. Train accordingly." She believes there are no excuses. If you choose law enforcement as your profession then you don’t have a right to be lazy with your training. Firearms training, detac/combatives training, fitness, etc. Your family loves you and needs you to make it home every shift and to always remember your why. We need to "train above the standards."

Ashley is training first responders all over the world and you can learn more about her training at @jiujitsufive_o. For all of us, the goal is to stop being complacent and think the training you do is enough, it’s not.

Please, become more well rounded. Improve your training, defensive tactics training, medical, mental health/resiliency training and fitness. We all have a weakness, don't find out what is it when it counts the most!

Jun 02, 202234:05
"We're All In A Hurry To Be In A Hurry!"

"We're All In A Hurry To Be In A Hurry!"

May 29, 202222:10
Time Under Tension, What Is Your Breaking Point?
May 25, 202220:01
The Road To Redemption Is Always Open, With Christian Artist Ben Fuller!

The Road To Redemption Is Always Open, With Christian Artist Ben Fuller!

I am thrilled to have Christian Artist Ben Fuller on the show. This episode was unique and we openly talked about the redeeming power of a loving Savior. Ben has been deeply affected by childhood trauma and addiction. His life became unmanageable and out of control.

Due to generations of hurt in his family, Ben struggled with certain aspects of growing up and turned to cocaine and alcohol at a young age. In 2015, Ben got involved in a devastating drug-fueled relationship which led him to understand better, the other side of addiction. In addition, come 2017, he abruptly lost his best friend to a heroin overdose and his entire outlook on life shifted.

Ben knew he needed a change and the change happened when a family friend invited him to church. As he walked the halls into the auditorium filled with 3,000 people, he knew one day he would sing "that kind of music" for the rest of his life. Falling face first into his new-found relationship with Jesus, he began writing with a burning desire to share what God did to turn his life around. Today, Ben lives completely sober, while sharing his story filled with hope, mercy and grace. By turning his testimony into songs, he has been rejuvenated with a new passion and mission; to share his story with the world and all who are ready to listen.

Ben has excepted an invitation to come to Mesa Az on July 14th, 2022. We are excited to put on the invent in hopes we can connect with one another. That our hearts will begin to heal and find hope in the music and conversations. 

To secure a ticket, go to to secure a ticket to the event. 

May 22, 202251:36
Is Porn Harmful? The Truth, The Shame And The Unknowns?

Is Porn Harmful? The Truth, The Shame And The Unknowns?

Pornography is one click away, and is becoming ever more immersive and addicting. How is it changing people’s behavior, relationships and desire?

On this episode, I share the microphone with Bob Gardner. Bob and I break down and discuss ways to break the addiction cycle and ways to identify the addiction process. 

Many people we work with are told that they will struggle with their porn addiction for the rest of their life? The thought of repeating this viscous cycle makes them feel hopeless, stuck, and not worth even trying anymore?

I pray that this episode provides home. If this podcast is helpful, then share it with your friends and families. The battle to overcome pornography is not impossible. Let's get started. 

If you have question, reach out to me at

May 19, 202235:39
The Parable Of The Talents, What Is Your Ability?

The Parable Of The Talents, What Is Your Ability?

The parable of the talents was shared twice in the Bible. Why? Why would Jesus share it publicly then in private amongst His people?

Have you ever thought if Jesus was giving out the talents, would you have received a talent, two talents or even three? When Jesus gave out talents, He gave them out on ability, He trusted the three men with his money. The question is often asked, "do you trust them, are they reliable? I believe this was a test, and a change to demonstrate skills and gifts. 

We are all given gifts and it is up to us to qualify them. My greatest gift ever given was fatherhood. To be entrusted with His children! At some point, I will have to answer to my King about my effort. 

On the flipside, I was given a gift of addiction. That may sound crazy but my battle with it and through it strengthened my talents. It was a specific gift given to me and He provided me the skills to overcome it! 

So what talents are you working with? Where are you implementing your skills? I would love to hear all about them and to be able to share on an upcoming episode. Share your results at the #take10movement. 

Till next time, keep chasing the vase! 

May 15, 202221:54
It's Time To Change Your Cage

It's Time To Change Your Cage

The war on drugs has been waged, lost, waged and lost. Think about it this way, in 2018 there were 67,367 overdoses reported in the U.S In 2020, there were over 100,000 overdose deaths. We're not winning and no one is coming to save us. 

We all want to understand the root cause of addiction and most of us blame it on the substance. For those in active recovery, we understand that it is not the drug or the alcohol it is US. We come to the realization that it is all about our decisions, our environment and our behaviors. In order to find recovery, we must change our cage!

Take some time to listen to the podcast and learn how the Vietnam War and Rat Park changed our view of addiction. Would love to hear your opinion on approach to addiction. 

Please visit the #Take10Movement on Facebook and become a member. 

May 11, 202219:46
We Are Allowing Drug Dealers To Become Serial Killers, With Matt Capelouto

We Are Allowing Drug Dealers To Become Serial Killers, With Matt Capelouto

My next guest lost his daughter Alexandra to a fentanyl poisoning in 2019. Since that time, he has taken up the fight to keep others from becoming victims to this epidemic. Matt Capelouto has issued the warning that, "The spike in fentanyl-related deaths should be treated as a national security threat!"

His daughter was attending Arizona State University and battling with the stressors of college life and being on her own for the first time. During Christmas break, Alexandra reached out to an individual on Snapchat while seeking relief for insomnia and depression and was dealt a counterfeit drug that was laced with fentanyl. Matt said, "I want it to be clear, my daughter didn't die from an overdose. She was poisoned." 

This entire situation was just a tragedy of epic proportions. The man who sold the counterfeit pill is currently standing trial in the Federal Court System for murder. So many lives destroyed by this one careless act. 

Matt is working to pass the Alexandra's Law, and advance legislation to help mimic the current DUI laws in California. A dealer would be hit with a warning following the first offense. If a subsequence offense occurred and a person died from the distribution of fentanyl, that subject would be subjected to murder charges. 

Please follow Matt and his cause on Facebook and join the fight in your community and make sure you join the #take10movement on Facebook. 

Keep Chasing The Vase!

May 06, 202241:49
"When It's Time To Break Every Chain, Break Every Chain," With Jonathan Hickory.

"When It's Time To Break Every Chain, Break Every Chain," With Jonathan Hickory.

My next guest is an active duty Master Police Officer in Virginia and Author of the award-winning powerful book (turned movie releasing 2021), Break Every Chain. With 18 years of police work Jonathan has been to "all the calls." 

Jonathan indicated that the calls added up on his ability to cope with the demons. Before he knew knew it, he was overcome with darkness, PTS and alcoholism.  Jonathan and I discuss the roll of the police officer and the toll the job takes on our lives. The inability to get help played a vital role in his alcohol abuse, PTS and , suicidal ideations. Jonathan needed help and he needed it quickly. 

He found himself in the middle of the biggest fight of his life, it was the battle between light and darkness. The winner would retain his soul! After "allowing the enemy to destroy his life and his family for so long," Jonathan made the decision to cry out and get help from the One who saves!

Jonathan's battle was not easy or overnight. He was under attack and needed a lifeline.  Listen to this episode to learn more about Jonathan's recovery and his search for light. 

His story has also been told on the big screen. His movie, Break Every Chain is currently streaming on Prime Video. Thank you Jonathan for your resolve and courage!

Check out the #take10challenge for ways to help one another heal! Keep Chasing The Vase!

May 03, 202231:34
"Do You Self-Sabotage So You Can Relapse?"

"Do You Self-Sabotage So You Can Relapse?"

Have you ever walked into an interview drunk?

Have you ever said, "I got this", when you really didn't?

Promised yourself to get to the gym tomorrow but slept through those promises?

Picked a fight with your significant other so you could look at porn?

These of course are just some questions posed on the road to relapse. 

In this episode, I speak open and honestly about relapse and Self-Sabotage, while offering tools and support while seeking sobriety. This episode is full of relapse justifications and the top 10 reasons addicts relapse!

Please share this episode with those you love and leave me a comment and message. Thank you for the support. 

Check out the #take10movement and take ten today!

Apr 27, 202227:18
So, Do You Still Want To Be A Smokejumper? With Jason Ramos!

So, Do You Still Want To Be A Smokejumper? With Jason Ramos!

Let me start off by saying I am thankful we have men like Jason A. Ramos. Jason is a Smokejumper and firefighter. What is a Smokejumper you ask? They are America's most select elite airborne firefighters tasked with putting out fires before they are out of control They are the first line of defense. These men are willing to risk their lives to battle these deadly infernos. The only caveat is they do not arrive to the scene in a bright red firetruck, they halo into the fire!

Smokejumpers fight fires in the most remote and rugged terrain all over the U.S. I hope that this episode was able to describe a portion of bravery these men display on a daily basis. When Jason was told, he was too small and weak to become a Smokejumper, he did not buckle or walk away from his dream. Learn how to fought to become one of America's most elite!

Jason is the author of "Smokejumper A Memoir By One Of America's Most Select Airborne Firefighters." He is an advocate the first responders and has been on the TedX stage sharing his experiences. This podcast will highlight the remarkable story of my friend Jason Ramos and his will to overcome life's challenges. 

I am proud to share this space with Jason, please listen to the episode and share your comments with us. It is not everyday that we get a glimpse into the lives of the men and women in uniform. From me to you, thank you my brother!

Please check out the #Take10Movement and become get involved in changing lives!

Apr 27, 202231:56
We Can't Just Pray Our Way Out Of Addiction with Brock Bevell

We Can't Just Pray Our Way Out Of Addiction with Brock Bevell

This podcast episode covers a very tender topic and I hope that I was able to express my viewpoint as a follower of Christ. Yesterday, I was called to do a wellfare check on a friend of mine who is actively struggling with alcohol. When I arrived, it was obvious that he was highly intoxicated and was in no position to carry on a conversation. As I got up to leave, he said, "Brock, how did you beat your addiction?" I realized that this was not the time or place to hold this conversation.

I, like many of you listening have struggled with addiction and I remember being angry with God for not removing the addiction from me. For some reason, I was under the assumption, that my faithfulness had something to do with Him not wanting to save me. I have since learned, that it is only through Him that I can be saved, but I first had to put in the work!

I pray you feel of the Light of Christ as you listen to this episode and are moved to share it with those who need this message. I challenge you to share this with one person who needs Christ today. This is an invitation to pursue Him!

Make sure you check out the Take10Movement Facebook Page.  

Keep Chasing The Vase. 

Apr 19, 202218:40
Emotional Regulation With A Life Hack, David Essel

Emotional Regulation With A Life Hack, David Essel

My next guest has been tagged as the Businessperson of the Year, The Master of Motivation, The Highest Rated Speaker of Our Convention and Mr. Motivation. David Essel is a Master Life Coach, motivated and grateful recovering addict. 

David talks about the difficulty of losing his father and the impact and legacy he left behind. David continues to want to make his father proud by continuing his legacy for life. His father taught him how to be resolute, to never quit and how to serve another. 

David spends his days in recovery by giving back to others and helping America Heal one person at a time. He believes the greatest superpower all of us possess is the ability to choose for ourselves. We discussed why we as a society are looking for "Easy Street." When success isn't immediately obtained, many buckle and shift focus. If immediate gratification doesn't arrive, most quit on their goals, dreams and sobriety too quickly. 

David's message to us is the same advise his father gave to him as a young man, "Never Give Up On Yourself," he never gave up on me!

If you have any questions for david, contact him at:

To learn more about the #Take10Movement find us on FB at #Take10Movement. Keep Chasing The Vase. 


Apr 15, 202248:30
Happiness Over Everything With Officer Autumn!

Happiness Over Everything With Officer Autumn!

So blessed to have Officer Autumn on the show to discuss resiliency amongst first responders. Autumn has found her niche working with female first responders who are seeking the path to finding their true self. We are not replicas and need to stand out and be who God created us to be. Be authentic, be real and be you is her message to those looking for inner peace. 

If you don't know who you are society will define you! We must be clear in who we are or others will tell you how to act. 

Note to self, never respond to a "hot tone" without your gun! It's a lot like going into war unarmed. Autumn shares ideas and tools that can be used on a daily basis that reduce stress and help with depression. 

Autumn speaks to all of us who are struggling to find ourselves. She uses humor and real life situations to empower those struggling with depression, stress and anxiety. You can find her on IG @officerautumn.

Please check out the new Take10movement on Facebook and get involved!  Thank you for Chasing The Vase and may God keep you safe!

Apr 09, 202232:16
What Is Pushing The Opioid Epidemic With Dr. Claudia Cotca.

What Is Pushing The Opioid Epidemic With Dr. Claudia Cotca.

I feel privileged to share the microphone with Dr. Claudia C. Cotca. She is a 3-times graduate of University of Michigan, where she received a Bachelor of Science with Chemistry Degree and Cellular Molecular Biology, Master of Public Health in Toxicology, and Doctor of Dental Surgery. Dr. Cotca is an international lecturer and aesthetic restorative dentist.

We sat down and discussed modern medicine in America and the fact that we use medicine to cover pain. Dr. Cotca has some amazing questions for the listeners and for those in control of the crisis. 

Opioids are prescribed for the purpose of blocking pain signals between the brain and the body. They are prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. So if you break your leg in an accident, you will more likely than not be prescribed opioids for the pain. 

So why are opioids being prescribed months after the injury has healed?  Are there any other options for pain? Is it ok to feel pain and how is it helpful?

Don't miss this episode! With the opioid epidemic taking so many lives, education is the key component to safety. The more we learn about the issue, the better we can protect our tribe!

If you are struggling with addiction and have a desire to stop, contact me at 

Apr 05, 202235:26
I Almost Wasn't Here To Become The Gametime Guru With Shane Larson.

I Almost Wasn't Here To Become The Gametime Guru With Shane Larson.

*Trigger Warning* Suicidal Ideations and God are discussed openly.*

My next guest is one of the legends in the podcast space. He is the founder, host and producer at The Gametime Guru. If you're looking for a unique perspective on sports, mental wellness and real life situations, check out this episode.

My friend Shane Larson and I discuss mental wellness. Why it is so difficult to reach out and ask for help. We highlight his road of peaks and valleys and ultimately, he coming to the decision to end his life. Shane is here today because of a loving Father In Heaven. The battle of life and death becomes real to many of us. Choosing to live takes absolute courage and fortitude and a HOPE that life will get better!

Shane's story will resonate with many. Today, Shane is a husband, a father, an innovator and hope dealer. I am proud to share the microphone with him and invite you to always Chase The Vase.

Check out Shane's podcast on all the normal podcast platforms at: The Gametime Guru.

Please check out the 30-day recovery challenge at for more details on where to start your recovery journey! 

Apr 01, 202240:22
"Quiet Confidence" With Jennifer Tracy

"Quiet Confidence" With Jennifer Tracy

*Trigger Warning and conversation about suicidal ideations.*

Imagine life as you know it, changed in the matter of moments. My next guest experienced her life turned upside down when she lost her husband and daughter in a violent traffic accident. 

When her husband and daughter were killed in 2004, Jennifer Tracy was diagnosed with PTSD. At the time,, Jennifer struggled with losing her identify and fell into depression. While fighting the quiet battle of depression, Jennifer learned that the man who killed her family had been waiting for five years to receive a mental health evaluation.

In open court, united hand in hand with her family, Jennifer forgave this man and became an advocate for him to receive mental health treatment. He received the much needed treatment and has since been released from custody.  

Within this episode, Jennifer will teach you about her "Quiet Confidence" It took years before Jennifer was able to talk about her battle with suicidal ideations with others. “Now, I talk about it all the time. I talk about the darkness because it takes away the power that it has over me & hopefully you. The suicidal mind is very convincing. It feeds shame, guilt, fear, & hopelessness.”

You are not alone in your silent struggle! Please share this episode with your tribe. Jennifer is a powerful speaker, an author and life coach. Her life experiences will take you on a journey and fill your cup. Jennifer is a survivor and an advocate for anyone struggling with mental health challenges. 

Reach out to her at www, or on LinkedIn @Jennifertracyinspire.

Please like, share and comment on this episode. I would love to hear your feedback and comment. 

Mar 30, 202241:36
Why Won't Some In Active Addiction Leave Me Alone, With Brock Bevell

Why Won't Some In Active Addiction Leave Me Alone, With Brock Bevell

There is a phenomenon that has slithered it's way into the recovery space that plagues many. This topic of conversation is not popular but needs to be discussed.
It occurs when those in active addiction begin to marginalize, justify or minimize the need for active recovery. These folks take up a charge to destroy those in recovery, because they themselves cannot reach it. You see these individuals on social media blasting those who share their recovery story or daily progress.
They create the vibe that being "kinda sober" or "cutting back" is a viable recovery solution. Don't confuse my energy with those who promote harm reduction. I am talking about those who want to destroy or downplaying the need to get sober.
Those in recovery see these folks on a daily basis. We have unfriended them because of the toxicity they create in our lives. Remember, If it does not build me, improve me or make me smile, it is not needed.
Hope you enjoy the free content. DM me your topics of discussion to BROCKBEVELL on FB. Keep Chasing The Vase and let me know your thoughts and feelings on this episode.
Mar 25, 202219:30
 Recovering Workaholic To CEO Of Your Life, With Entrepreneur Yvonne Dam

Recovering Workaholic To CEO Of Your Life, With Entrepreneur Yvonne Dam

Yvonne Dam is a top notch coach who works with ambitious professionals to create more time for your personal life. Yvonne talks about how she evaluates her clients personally and shows them how to get better results, create more free time and enjoy life! Life is not all about the job! 

Yvonne breaks down the entrepreneurship of running a business. She understands that work is not all about making the money but we (humans) place value based on the price tag. 

  • She coaches us up about her time matrix. What an amazing process and tool that can be used in our lives. I invite you to check out her website at for specific details and application of the matrix. She asks some thought provoking questions like,  "When is enough, enough! There is always more to do, "So, when does your real life priorities take over work priorities?" Here is a breakdown of Yvonne's time matrix.  





This one is geared to help anyone of us who lack the concept of time. If you are like me, you will always put work first and family second. This episode gave me an amazing insight into working with time caps!

After listening to the podcast, leave us a comment and tell us what you liked about it. Please share it with anyone who struggles with maintaining the work-family balance.  Thank you for being a loyal listener and keep Chasing The Vase.  

Mar 23, 202232:36
I Was Addicted, Arrested, Beaten, But Not Out! One Cops Journey To Recovery!

I Was Addicted, Arrested, Beaten, But Not Out! One Cops Journey To Recovery!

A mugshot should not define who my next guest is. Nor, should it define those in recovery! It was my honor to create this episode with my friend Travis Sackett. Travis is the epitome of recovery in action. 

This episode is best described as, one man's personal journey through the struggle of addiction, pain, injury and loss of employment.  At the root of Travis's story is compassion, resiliency, and faith. This episode has something for each one of us. 

Travis shares how as a police officer, he became addicted to pills and anything that would calm the voices in his head. The addiction took over his life and he began to steal credit card information until he was arrested. Imagine sitting inside the police station and being called into the Lieutenants office. While inside, he was met by two City Police Officer's and one plain clothes Detective. He was arrested inside of his Lieutenants office and paraded through the police station in handcuffs. 

This episode is about losing everything and finding your way back. It is never an easy process, but it is worth it. Please like, listen and share this podcast with those struggling to find the road to recovery!

Check out the for additional recovery support! 

Mar 18, 202232:22
Alcoholism Is An Equal Opportunity Destroyer, Even For The FBI

Alcoholism Is An Equal Opportunity Destroyer, Even For The FBI

My next guest is Retired FBI Agent Michael Van Meter. As an Agent, Michael became an instructor at the FBI Academy. As an instructor,  he created a course titled “Leading At-Risk Employees” geared toward Police Executives to help them understand alcoholism, prescription drug abuse, PTSD, suicide, and domestic violence as it relates to investigation work. 

Michael comes onto the podcast with first-hand knowledge of the devastating effects of addiction on the public, himself, and his profession. Michael has spent the majority of his career as a sheepdog. He was a helicopter pilot in the U.S. Navy, a Corrections Officer, a Washington DC Police Officer, and then an Agent. 

Years, and years of trauma led Michael to drinking and trying to escape his past. Interestingly enough, the "Internal Conflict" with other employees at work a an Agent fueled his addiction. He found it difficult navigating the good and bad within the Agency. 

Michaels redemption story is his to be shared. Sharing our stories becomes our therapy session. Today, Michael is sober and spreading the good news anywhere he can. 

I invite you to listen to the podcast and share it with one person who will benefit from the message! 

Keep Chasing The Vase and check out the 30 sobriety day sobriety challenge at

Mar 15, 202238:40
I Thought "The Badder I Could Be, The Better I Could Be!"

I Thought "The Badder I Could Be, The Better I Could Be!"

*Trigger Warning-Discussion of suicidal ideations and drug addiction.* 

My next guest shares how childhood traumas play a vital role in our mental wellness. Amanda Acker's lived her life "just wanting to be accepted." When a divorced forced her to live with her dad, Amanda's life took a turn for the worst. She watched as her mom prepared the pills for her first suicide attempt. By the grace of God, she did not go through with the attempt but left Amanda with deep scar. 

Amanda began to self-medicate with Benzodiazepines, Vicodin, and Marijuana in order to mask her ongoing traumas. At one point, Amanda overdosed and even this, did not change her desire for change. 

Amanda made of the most life changing decisions when she agreed to commit a felony with her friends. As the crime was committed, she was stopped, arrested and spent time in jail for the crime. 

Amanda made the decision to take her power back three years ago. Just when she felt like her life was back in order, she was fired from her job. She immediately found herself desperate, sad. alone sitting in her closet contemplating taking her own life, when she "had a spiritual awaking" while sitting at her rock bottom. At that moment, she realized she needed to pivot. 

First, Amanda decided to fix her marriage.

Second, She started journaling.

Third, She disassociated herself from people, places and things!

I invite you to listen, share and comment on this comment. If you have someone in your life struggling with addiction and or suicidal ideations, please reach out to your closest medical provider or contact us at

Mar 09, 202234:24