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The Bryan Hyde Show

The Bryan Hyde Show

By Bryan Hyde

Truth isn't something that's handed to you by authority. We have to go after it ourselves. In a time of truth deficiency, the goal is to think as clearly and independently as possible and to question everything you hear.

This is why it is essential that we don't become hyper-focused on who and what we're against. Instead, we should be more certain about who we are, individually, and what we stand for.

Come find courage and camaraderie among your fellow wrongthinkers and claim your heritage as a free individual. Make the difference you were born to make.
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2024 May 20 The Bryan Hyde Show

The Bryan Hyde ShowMay 20, 2024

2024 May 24 The Bryan Hyde Show
May 24, 202422:34
2024 May 23 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 23 The Bryan Hyde Show

Remember how much the world changed with the advent of the internet? Doug Casey says, artificial intelligence will also radically transform the world.

Remember all the pandemic mandates that were weren't allowed to question just a few years ago? Ian Miller notes that the 'experts' fail to argue that those mandates worked. Why the silence?

As much as we might want to believe that unity is possible in our divided society, reality seems to say otherwise. Brandon Smith explains why our political divisions cannot be mended.

Article of the Day:

We read about the hardships that our grandparents and other ancestors endured and wonder how they did it. Jeffrey Folks says, the upcoming generations will likely learn how from firsthand experience.


May 23, 202442:40
2024 May 22 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 22 The Bryan Hyde Show

The ruling class likes to appear large and in charge but it's mostly a facade. Case in point, when they try to impose gun control, they inevitably encounter the two problems of prohibition.It's nearly impossible to avoid the ugly side of politics in an election year. Christopher Chantrill says, it all comes down to political formulas regarding friends, the enemy and power.If you're looking for shelter from the growing storm, family is likely your best bet. Aletheia Hitz has some time-tested (and affordable) ideas for for family fun and bonding.The backlash against NFL place-kicker Harrison Butker is as surprising as it is strident. Domenic Scarcella does a great job of putting Butker's comments on the higher calling of vocation into perspective.Article of the Day:We live in a time when the fundamental values of society are being openly rejected and the people who hold them are hated. David Bell takes us on a journey through an exposed America.Sponsors:

May 22, 202442:40
2024 May 21 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 21 The Bryan Hyde Show

Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos is my regular Tuesday guest. I guarantee you'll come away better informed and motivated to stay in the fight for freedom.

Are you a servant of tyranny or a servant of liberty? Barry Brownstein invites each of us to give some serious thought to this question.

Talk with someone who lived through the Great Depression and you'll understand that the ease and comfort we enjoy can quickly vanish. Michael Herman shares his thoughts on what's coming.

Article of the Day:

The thought of the rule of law breaking down is not a pleasant one. However, as Clark Barnes points out, we should be prepared mentally, physically and spiritually for that possibility.


May 21, 202442:40
2024 May 20 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 20 The Bryan Hyde Show

Politics makes everything become a power struggle over who gets to make the rules for everyone else. Paul Rosenberg has a marvelous take on rules versus righteousness and why rules aren't enough.

It's pretty common today to hear people use the word "democracy" as a catch-all for whatever they're promoting. Todd Hayen reminds us that democracy is not the same thing as freedom.

If you're waiting for WW III to officially start, here's something to consider: It's already started and it's psychological in nature. J.B. Shurk recounts lessons from covid totalitarianism.

It's no secret that some public schools are home to outrageous behavior that would shock prison inmates. Karl Streitel explains why disrespect is so common in our public schools.

Article of the Day:

Keeping your head straight in a chaotic world isn't exactly easy. Check out Russ Anderson's ideas on how to manage the expectation gap and find peace of mind.


May 20, 202442:40
2024 May 17 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 17 The Bryan Hyde Show

Ever notice how every official infringement upon our natural right to free speech is portrayed as a necessity? Judge Andrew Napolitano explains the perils of the Antisemitism Awareness Act.

The backlash against NFL star Harrison Butker for his commencement remarks about traditional family values has been enlightening. Speaking the truth isn't getting any easier.

How bad would things have to get before you packed up and left your state? Douglas French says California and New York are shaking down residents who are trying to flee.

The social justice rhetoric of the left has common threads with other historical examples of totalitarianism. Jon Miltimore describes why Hitler loved 'social justice.'

Article of the Day:

Music is so much more than simply a pleasant distraction. Michael DeSapio has a thoughtful take that will make you appreciate transcendence and the practice of music.


May 17, 202442:40
2024 May 16 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 16 The Bryan Hyde Show

There is power in prayer. Annie Holmquist checks in one year after taking Tucker Carlson's challenge to spend 10 minutes in prayer each day for our nation. She has some great insights.

There's no time like an election year to bring out the reality of how politics has become religion to a lot of folks. Thomas DiLorenzo deconstructs Christian worship of the false god of politics.

We're all working harder these days and we have less to show for it. Doug Casey breaks down the relentless rise of taxes, regulations and inflation and what we can do about it.

All the little miracles that make our lives easier can be taken for granted. Barry Brownstein explains what the campus protesters don't understand about civilization.

Article of the Day:

If you find yourself longing to simply be left alone to live your life in peace, you'll appreciate this article. Eric Hussey makes the case that the mundane, or ordinary, can protect us.


May 16, 202442:40
2024 May 15 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 15 The Bryan Hyde Show

Why is it worth the extra effort required to sift through the mainstream disinformation and misdirection? Michael Herman says, it's so you can see a healthier, clear-thinking person in the mirror.

I'm not a huge fan of musical theater but I would make an exception to go and see a performance of White Rose: The Musical. This is a story that more people should hear.

The Duke students who walked out on Jerry Seinfeld's commencement address missed hearing an important message. Domenic Scarcella shares some great insights on what Seinfeld actually said.

The doorman at a swanky building looks very important but he isn't the guy running the show. Jeff Thomas says, our political leaders have a lot in common with that all-important doorman.

Article of the Day:

It's hard not to notice how objectivity has been methodically driven out of the press. Tim Hartnett has a great explanation of why journalism relies on fuzzy ideas to camouflage an agenda.


May 15, 202442:40
2024 May 14 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 14 The Bryan Hyde Show

It's time for our weekly visit with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. If you're looking for rational analysis of the world around us and thoughtful solutions, Eric is the man.

Whoever coined the term "medical industrial complex" seems to have hit the nail on the head. Paul Rosenberg has an excellent take on the weaponization of medicine.

What has happened to the current generation of college kids? As Lenore Skenazy puts it, they seem to have arrived on campus undercooked. She says there's a stealth reason for their misery.

There aren't many topics today that won't lead directly to an argument. Check out this novel way to talk to an ideologue without inviting more contention or conflict.

Article(s) of the Day:

It's unnerving how personal and nasty the May 21st primary election is becoming in my home state of Idaho. Brian Almon has a great explanation of why it's so intense, and Brian Parsons explains how principled voters are finally challenging the political machine.



May 14, 202442:40
2024 May 13 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 13 The Bryan Hyde Show

Being prepared for the unexpected means having some cash on hand, just in case. Clark Barnes tackles the question of how much emergency cash you should keep at home.

Mothers Day may have been yesterday but it's impossible to overstate the crucial role moms play 24/7. J.B. Shurk reminds us that mothers make patriots.

The central planners are getting panicky as educational choice continues to advance. Kerry McDonald says as education decentralizes, those who like control are getting nervous.

Grocery shopping is getting noticeably more expensive but we still tend to take it for granted. Brandon Smith says most of American is mentally unprepared for the prospect of a famine.

Article of the Day:

The medical industrial complex is having to walk back its earlier stance that ivermectin has no value as a treatment for covid. David Gortler explains how the medical elites disgraced themselves.


May 13, 202442:40
2024 May 9 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 9 The Bryan Hyde Show

Our personal autonomy is rapidly disappearing as our basic necessities and taxes take every dime we earn. Jacob Hornberger calls for a return to the principles of economic liberty.

The perversion of language is a key component of tyranny. Case in point, states which have prohibited DEI are seeing its proponents simply creating new acronyms for institutional racism.

Are you in favor of smuggling or against it? Before you answer, take a look at this classic essay from Lawrence W. Reed on how he was a smuggler and makes no apologies for it.

You don't have to be a Trump fan to recognize the growing Uniparty desperation to prevent him from being re-elected. J.B. Shurk says, the good news is the deep state has exposed itself.

Article of the Day:

The thought that we are being deliberately steered into a major war is deeply unsettling to anyone with a conscience. Doug Casey welcomes us to the warfare state and talks about our options.


May 09, 202442:40
2024 May 8 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 8 The Bryan Hyde Show

For all the lofty talk about "our democracy" few people seem to understand that it's simply a fancy name for mob rule. Fred Reed vivisects the ignorance upon which democracy thrives.

You'd be hard-pressed to find more racially-obsessed people than the so-called "anti-racists." Wanjiru Njoya describes why this nasty variant of collectivism is so averse to what it calls "the radical right."

It seems like someone within every generation feels an overwhelming need to reinvent the wheel. Walker Larson explains why there's wisdom in tradition and new isn't always better.

To get a sense of how much our language has been perverted for the purpose of deceiving the masses, take a look an older dictionary. Randall Hoven says, half a century ago, dictionaries told the truth.

Article of the Day:

Why do so few people recognize the degree to which censorship is being implemented? Jeffrey A. Tucker says, it's because the proof of that censorship is censored.


May 08, 202442:40
2024 May 7 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 7 The Bryan Hyde Show

It's my weekly visit with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. We talk about the downside of touchscreens, the economics of clinging to a clunker and the joy of keeping barnyard fowl.

One place that many of us are really feeling higher prices is in our car insurance. Josh Judd is The Insurance Ninja and he has a great take on what's happening.

Article of the Day:

Hearing a rational take on the Israel-Gaza conflict is nearly impossible right now since nearly everyone is reacting viscerally. Michael Herman is the exception here and his take is worth considering.


May 07, 202442:40
2024 May 6 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 6 The Bryan Hyde Show

I'm happy to see that Kent McManigal is still around and kicking. He's had some serious medical challenges of late. His latest column warns, don't let others' weakness control you.

Students of American history are well aware of the influence that Judeo-Christian values had on this nation during its formative years. Paul Rosenberg spells out what those values are.

Moving from a highly populated area to a rural community was like finding my way to the surface and drawing a much needed breath. Aletheia Hitz explains the virtues of country living.

Congress took a rather dangerous step toward criminalizing opinions last week with its Orwellian Antisemitism Awareness Act. Donald Jeffries tackles anti-semitism vs. free speech.

Article of the Day:

Free speech is under relentless attack these days and that calls for strong medicine. Check out this classic essay on Free Speech and Plain Language by Albert J. Nock. Very worthwhile reading.


May 06, 202442:40
2024 May 2 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 2 The Bryan Hyde Show

Mike Maharrey from the Tenth Amendment Center and Money Metals Exchange joins me to talk about what's happening to our monetary system. Mike is always good for a principled take on what's at stake.

Paul Rosenberg has many years worth of thought-provoking essays. Here is one of his finest. He perfectly describes the war against will and how we are punished for leaving the collective.

Today is the National Day of Prayer. If there was ever a time for prayer, Tom McAllister says, this is it.

Criticizing the U.S. government isn't attacking America. Nor is criticizing the Israeli government attacking Judaism. Jacob Hornberger explains how deliberately conflating the two is laying a foundation for censorship.

Article of the Day:

Nietzsche warned that the danger in fighting monsters is that we risk becoming one ourselves. C.J. Hopkins has some timely advice on the matter.


May 02, 202442:40
2024 May 1 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 May 1 The Bryan Hyde Show

One of the toughest questions we'll ever be asked is: "And who are you?" J.B. Shurk says its' essential that we become the kind of person who can answer that question with confidence.

Our habits will determine who we will become. Aletheia Hitz shares some sound advice on creating habits in an age of distraction.

Ready or not, we're all soon going to have to shoulder the primary responsibility for our own governance. Grant M. Dahl explains why we should not put our trust in political figures to save us.

Do you remember a time when air travel was fun and exciting? Jeffrey A. Tucker has an eye-opening and highly informative article on the ruination of plane travel and why it's happening.

Article of the Day:

The world's monetary systems are standing at the cusp of a major change and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) are the next big leap. Brandon Smith's article is a must read.


May 01, 202442:40
2024 Apr 30 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 30 The Bryan Hyde Show

I'm joined by Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos for our weekly chat. The world always seems to make a bit more sense after a visit with Eric.

Watching an empire fall from grace is a rare historical event. Yet here we are. Jeff Thomas has a marvelous breakdown of how it happens and why it's happening to the U.S. empire today.

The authoritarian quest to take control of our speech, our memes and our ability to create community is picking up speed. El Gato Malo reminds us that their victory is not set in stone.

Article of the Day:

As kids we were taught "don't talk to strangers." But what do we do about the strangers who are paid to talk to our kids? Here's a marvelous essay from Jen Downey on how to help your child forge a skepticism sword of their own.


Apr 30, 202442:40
2024 Apr 29 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 29 The Bryan Hyde Show

One of the biggest curiosities of our time is that so many people trust coercion over voluntary choice. Doug McCullough lays out why markets are better than mob rule.

It's an interesting thought exercise to consider what would your younger self might say if they were to meet you today. What would you tell them? Jon Miltimore shares 6 financial tips he'd give his 18 year old self.

One of the most frightening, yet liberating, realizations a person can have is that no one is riding to our rescue. Mike McDaniel says you're on your own--here's what to do about it.

Normal men sit at or near the bottom of the intersectional totem pole of politically correct privilege. Cadence McManimon says, it's time to start speaking well of men again.

Article of the Day:

When you find yourself feeling overwhelmed at the amount of official wickedness being imposed upon humanity, Bill Rice has a timely reminder that should give you hope: The numbers favor our side.


Apr 29, 202442:40
2024 Apr 26 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 26 The Bryan Hyde Show

As Summer of Rage 2.0 is rolled out to further destabilize our society, there's an important truth we must not forget. Barry Brownstein shares Viktor Frankl's thoughts on why there is no collective guilt.

The thought of another world war is daunting to anyone with a conscience. Rebekah Bills has a thoughtful take on how she's preparing her children for WW III.

Most of the people sentenced to the Soviet Gulag were sent there to "fix their thinking" rather than for actual crimes. J.B. Shurk says our own Marxist health officials want us committed for similar reasons.

The single biggest voting bloc that is supporting the hard left agenda in America today is single women. Andrea Widburg says, it's time to repeal the 19th Amendment.

Article of the Day:

Every election cycle, politics takes on a kind of religious fervor that brings out the worst in the true believers. Lawrence W. Reed explains how C.S. Lewis saw government as a poor substitute for God.


Apr 26, 202442:40
2024 Apr 25 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 25 The Bryan Hyde Show

Have you ever tracked the amount of time you spend complaining about one thing or another? Barry Brownstein offers some excellent observations about how complaining makes us miserable.

It appears that the Gaza Floyd riots are here, right on cue to usher in the election season. James Mullin has a simple but relevant question that no one seems to ask those rioting protestors.

There comes a time where we each must decide where our line in the sand is drawn. Michael Boldin reminds us that it was gun control that started the War for Independence.

Every day it seems that our justice system is further twisted to serve only the goals of the state. Doug Casey has a solid explanation of the failures of the justice system and a viable solution.

Article of the Day:

The president's plan to raise the capital gains tax to its highest rate ever is destructive on a whole new level. To better understand how taxing unrealized gains will obliterate our economy, check out the latest from Quoth the Raven.


Apr 25, 202442:40
2024 Apr 24 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 24 The Bryan Hyde Show

Visualizing a trillion dollars isn't easy. And most of us would rather not think about how that amount is being added to the national debt every 100 days. Jeff Thomas breaks down the problem of "Give me liberty or give me debt."

The dangers of unsound money are becoming more apparent by the day. Mike Maharrey describes how the founding fathers predicted the economic problems of today.

Here's a follow-up to an article I shared yesterday from Nate Rudquist on discipline being the key to masculinity. Here, Nate explains the importance of male mentorship in raising healthy boys.

The ongoing inversion of reality makes it very difficult to know what is real anymore. Rob Jenkins urges us to be truth-tellers and to believe our lyin' eyes when the narrative managers insist we believe them.

Article of the Day:

The military tit-for-tat between Israel and Iran is raising a number of questions about where the world is headed. Brandon Smith has a take that's worth considering as the stakes continue to rise.


Apr 24, 202442:40
2024 Apr 23 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 23 The Bryan Hyde Show

It's my weekly conversation with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. I'm not saying we have all the answers but after listening to this, your teeth will be pearly white and your breath will be minty fresh.

If you want to hear one of the best interviews ever, find the time to listen to all 3 hours of Joe Rogan's interview with Tucker Carlson from last week. Pay close attention to Tucker's take on the nature of evil.

Being a young man today can be challenging in a world that is actively opposing all things masculine. Nate Rudquist explains why discipline is the way to become a man.

Article of the Day:

Historically significant events can be difficult to discern, especially when you're right in the middle of them. Jeffrey A. Tucker suggests that rather than waiting for historians to tell us what happened we should be able to tell the story as we see it, in real time.


Apr 23, 202442:40
2024 Apr 19 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 19 The Bryan Hyde Show

The recent drama at NPR is one of the best illustrations of how hard some people are working to keep us from the truth. Steve Hall wonders if National Public Radio is an outlier.

The difference between societies that prosper and those that languish is determined by whether they are a culture of creation or one of consumption. Cadence McManimon has four suggestions for becoming creators.

If you're serious about pursuing virtue and truth, you must become skilled at recognizing and avoiding rhetorical sleight of hand. Kurt Mahlburg has sound advice for treading in semantic quicksand.

Would it surprise you to learn why Americans throw away millions of U.S. coins each year? Mike Maharrey explains why coins are as good as junk for many of us.

Article of the Day:

This should be your weekend reading assignment. El Gato Malo has a brilliant article on how the road back from serfdom is the road that leads away from state-controlled money.


Apr 19, 202442:40
2024 Apr 18 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 18 The Bryan Hyde Show

If you want to know peace of mind in volatile times, food storage is a must. Brandon Smith explains how food is now an investment and inflation isn't going away anytime soon.

The silver lining of the past four years is that a large number of people have finally seen the state's mask of benevolence slip. Paul Rosenberg reminds us that 2020 was the year the system showed its real face.

If you want to be happy, regardless of outside circumstances, there are two things you must remember. Russell Anderson says, owning stuff is fun but it won't make you happy like serving others and building lasting relationships will.

The American Dream is being rewritten and it's doubtful that many of us will like the ending. Doug Casey weighs in on the new American Dream.

Article of the Day:

The Overton Window can best be understood as a way of mapping sayable opinions. Check out Jeffrey A. Tucker's latest essay which examines whether the Overton Window is real, imagined or constructed.


Apr 18, 202442:40
2024 Apr 17 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 17 The Bryan Hyde Show

The thought of $7/gallon gasoline is not a pleasant one. Take a look at Michael Snyder's analysis on why this may be a reality sooner than later and plan accordingly.

There's something very satisfying about having a hand in producing the food that you eat. George Ford Smith says, savor the tast of independence, grow your own!

The "divide and conquer" strategy has been used against us for quite some time now. J.B. Shurk points out a silver lining some may have missed: It's finally beginning to enrage and unite us.

C.S. Lewis did the world a huge favor when he wrote "The Screwtape Letters." Daniel Klein builds upon Lewis' efforts with "A Devil's New American Lexicon."

Article of the Day:

This may be the best thing you read all week. Domenic Scarcella uses the example of Christ's earthly father to illustrate the virtue of disobedience. (I highly recommend subscribing to the Good Neighbor, Bad Citizen substack)


Apr 17, 202442:40
2024 Apr 16 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 16 The Bryan Hyde Show

Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins me for another thoughtful conversation about current events.

Need proof that the political class is not looking out for your interests? Last week's FISA renewal vote in Congress is strong evidence. Ron Paul explains how FISA exchanges real liberty for phantom security.

Few things strike more fear into the hearts of the ruling class than the concept of popular nullification. J.B. Shurk spells out how withdrawing our consent is the preferable way to distance ourselves from the authoritarians.

Article of the Day:

When "W" was president, government officials cleverly described torture as "enhanced interrogation." James Bovard says, in our day, "content moderation" is simply a clever way to describe censorship.


Apr 16, 202442:40
2024 Apr 15 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 15 The Bryan Hyde Show

If you've had or are having an off day, here's a message you need to hear. Barry Brownstein beautifully describes how making meaning is the antidote to troubled feelings.

It's common to hear of the traditional wife (tradwife) portrayed as a submissive slave. Molly Slag begs to differ and says the happy tradwife is an essential, civilizing influence in our culture.

No one knows for sure if WWIII kicked off over the weekend but there's a lot of effort being put forth to convince us it did. Fred Reed says, enlisting in the military right now is very very bad idea.

It's not hard to find authoritarians of many political stripes. Brandon Smith says the political left has proven beyond a doubt that they are, by far, the most dedicated when it comes to seizing power.

Article of the Day:

The push for more expansive "hate speech" laws has never been about punishing an actual crime. As Lew Rockwell explains, "hate speech" is the road to tyranny by seeking to control our thinking.


Apr 15, 202442:40
2024 Apr 12 The Bryan Hyde Show
Apr 12, 202442:40
2024 Apr 11 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 11 The Bryan Hyde Show

Every official narrative that we encounter in our daily lives has an economic or political motive behind it. J.B. Shurk has some great advice on popular nullification of the state's propaganda.

Every so often, a story comes up which perfectly illustrates how far off the rails our systems of governance have gone. If you thought you live in the land of the free, think again.

When making a list of desirable character traits, competence is one that rarely gets a mention. Patrick Carroll explains why getting good at something is an act of virtue.

Why have so many of our institutions (academia, business, government, media & clergy) been turned into enforcers of wokeness? Paul Rosenberg says, it's because the barbarians have taken them.

Article of the Day:

If you're needing some encouragement, this may be just the thing. Jeffrey A. Tucker's latest for the Brownstone Institute examines the question: Did lockdowns set a global revolt in motion?


Apr 11, 202442:40
2024 Apr 10 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 10 The Bryan Hyde Show

This isn't just a red pill, it's an 800mg horse pill sized reminder of what is required to be free. Gary Barnett reminds us, if any out there want freedom, you will have to take it.

Keeping in mind that it's an election year, politicians will be making many promises they don't intend to keep. Jacob Hornberger lays out the difference between serfdom reform vs. liberty.

If you're skeptical about whether it makes a difference where you get your information, you need to see this. NPR veteran Uri Berliner explains how the network lost America's trust and became an echo chamber.

What can be done to help heal the growing divisions in our society and culture? Kelly Gregg and Conrad Kickert say that happier, more connected neighborhoods start right in the front yard.

Article of the Day:

This is your regular reminder that the people who foisted a souped up coronavirus on us and locked down the world in a naked power grab are still in power. Michael Herman reviews the facts for anyone interested.


Apr 10, 202442:40
2024 Apr 9 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 9 The Bryan Hyde Show

It's my weekly chat with Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. Among other things, we discuss the future of transportation and how to navigate our dystopian society.

The concept of sound money has never been more important than today. J.P. Cortez has some excellent questions for Idaho's governor who just vetoed legislation that would have allowed the state to acquire gold and silver for certain state funds.

The word "hate" has been weaponized in such a way that none of us knows for sure what we may safely say, think or believe. Rev. John F. Naugle has a gentle reminder that it's possible to hate the bad and love the good and still be a decent person.

Article of the Day:

You've likely noticed that it's becoming difficult to have productive discussions because of our current highly polarized culture. Russell Roberts says the answer is to check our ideological blind spots and to have a bit of empathy.


Apr 09, 202442:40
2024 April 8 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 April 8 The Bryan Hyde Show

Hating on your boss may seem cliché but most of us can relate to it (even if we're self-employed). Jon Miltimore shares the psychological explanation for why incompetent people cannot recognize their incompetence.

The more that establishment politicians insist that our elections are above reproach, the more my skepticism grows. Sasha Stone has a great essay on how to spot an election denier.

Free speech is under attack in Scotland with a new hate crime law that could land anyone with an opinion in trouble. J.K. Rowling is daring authorities there to arrest her to illustrate the absurdity of the law.

On the subject of free speech. Eric Utter has a timely reminder for us about the language of liberty.

Article of the Day:

What is the ultimate crime of our time? Paul Rosenberg makes a convincing case that the biggest crimes in our time are the ones that are done right out in the open, starting with the restraint of human life and goodness.



Apr 08, 202442:40
2024 Apr 2 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Apr 2 The Bryan Hyde Show

Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos joins me to analyze the events of the past week and to discuss the way forward for those of us working to break free of the Matrix.

Is there a connection between our politics and our happiness? Walker Larson breaks down a fascinating study by The Scandinavian Journal of Psychology


Apr 02, 202420:50
2024 Feb 29 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Feb 29 The Bryan Hyde Show

Passing along the principles and practices of liberty to the next generation isn't getting easier. Doug Casey shares some great ideas on raising free-thinking children amid social madness.

Changing things from within the system is a lot harder than most of us think. Isaac Morehouse has a great take on how not to change the world.

The supply chain to our grocery stores is more vulnerable than we'd like to believe. Brandon Smith explains how a long term food storage plan is the only one way to survive a food crisis.

None of us likes turmoil, yet it's an unavoidable part of living in this world. J.B. Shurk urges us to remember that there are benefits to hardship.

Article of the Day:

Some of the richest people you know are those who have chosen to desire little rather than acquiring much. Jeff Minnick shares his thoughs on wants, wealth and contentment.


Mar 29, 202442:40
2024 Mar 29 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 29 The Bryan Hyde Show

Ready to meet a true American hero? Caleb Franz from Young Voices joins me to discuss his new book "The Conductor" which chronicles the story of the Rev. John Raskin to bring an end to the practice of slavery in America.

With so much artificiality around us, is it any wonder that we struggle to know what's real? Walker Larson  explains how our culture of artificiality is is destroying objective reality.

Article of the Day:

We hear the phrase "toxic masculinity" a lot these days. Brandon Smith sets the record straight and reminds us that the delusional feminist power fantasy relies on male charity and tolerance.

Mar 29, 202442:40
2024 Mar 28 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 28 The Bryan Hyde Show

The only lie that's become more threadbare than, "Of course I'll respect you in the morning" is the one that assures us, "Nobody wants to take your guns away." D. Parker's latest essay is pure gold.

The main reason that vax mandates were morally and legally wrong was because they denied our informed consent. Olivia Murray warns that this crucial ethical boundary is being quietly erased.

Homeschooling is likely the most successful parallel institution most of us have seen so far. Heather Carson addresses the side of homeschooling we don't talk about enough.

Ever get the impression that someone doesn't want us to eat beef any longer? Matthew Lysiak says the recently passed omnibus funding bill contains a cattle tracking provision that may limit the beef supply.

Article of the Day:

Plato's Allegory of the Cave should be required reading for any serious study of philosophy. Bert Olivier says it's time to resurrect this classic and apply its insights to the manufactured shadows that govern our world.


Mar 28, 202442:40
2024 Mar 27 The Bryan Hyde Show
Mar 27, 202442:40
2024 Mar 26 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 26 The Bryan Hyde Show

There's so much happening all at once that it's hard to keep up. Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos stops by to help make sense of of it all.

We only have as many rights as we're willing to claim, use and defend. However, Paul Rosenberg warns that our growing societal ignorance of what authentic rights are is destroying us.

Remember how the FDA and the medical establishment went full Orwell on ivermectin and anyone who used it to treat covid? Daisy Luther reports on last week's court ruling that stopped the FDA's war on the drug.

Article of the Day:

Hindsight always offers a better perspective of what we've been through. Jeffrey A. Tucker has an excellent overview of what we know, four years later about the covid pandemic.


Mar 26, 202442:40
2024 Mar 25 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 25 The Bryan Hyde Show

It's a good thing that U.S. military enlistments are way down for the past two years. J.B. Shurk says, we should first fight for the Bill of Rights before defending the corrupt Washington D.C. cabal.

Now that it seems clear that a Trump vs. Biden rematch is likely this November, the election year frenzy is building. Richard Lim says we shouldn't be this invested in a presidential election.

Through various licenses and tracking schemes, our individual identity is being transformed into a state-granted privilege. Radio Far Side has an eye-opening take on why it's happening and why we shouldn't play along.

It's easy to think of the growing division around us as the product of political strife. Bruce W. Davidson says, it's more a product of the rejection of objective truth and rational thought.

Article of the Day:

It's not hard to see that psychopaths and sociopaths are drawn to high government positions. Karen Kwiatkowski explains how their proxy wars are finally coming home.


Mar 25, 202442:40
2024 Mar 22 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 22 The Bryan Hyde Show

If you're sensing that you have less room in which to move, think or speak, it's not just your imagination. Check out this essay on the Restoring Truth substack, it's called "A Quiet Walk To the Gulag."

Liberal and conservative are now meaningless labels. James Howard Kunstler shares a wake-up call about how we must now distinguish between the sane and insane.

To hear the climate crisis people tell it, climate change will people at an unprecedented rate, unless we give them more power and money. Jon Miltimore shares the truth about climate-related mortality.

Our arrival in Bizarro World was confirmed last week as a sitting Supreme Court Justice worried about the First Amendment "hamstringing the federal government." Here's a great rebuttal to SCOTUS's latest diversity hire.

Article of the Day:

The political prosecution of Donald Trump may be backfiring on those engaged in trying to sink the Orange Man for good. Sasha Stone says they may have inadvertently made Trump too black to fail.


Mar 22, 202442:40
2024 Mar 21 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 21 The Bryan Hyde Show

The public's love affair with electric vehicles is beginning to wear off. Doug Casey explains the boom to bust and why the enthusiasm for EVs is fading.

If you're not on the front lines of the war for free speech, it's easy to get complacent. Matt Taibbi explains why government is always the most dangerous source of misinformation.

The push to censor or outlaw speech or ideas is a dead-end road. J.B. Shurk warns that free speech is the last offramp before political violence is the only remaining option.

The divisions in America are deep and real. Kurt Mahburg examines the question of who is dividing Americans and what can we do about it?

Article of the Day:

You may not be familiar with C.J. Hopkins but we all owe this man a debt of gratitude. After being acquitted once, Hopkins is being retried by the German government for his dissent over that county's handling of covid.


Mar 21, 202442:40
2024 Mar 20 The Bryan Hyde Show
Mar 20, 202442:40
2024 Mar 19 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 19 The Bryan Hyde Show

Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos is my guest for the first half of today's show. We talk about free speech, why Eric passed on becoming a member of the Big Club and why freedom matters.

What's the difference between the freedom brand and the freedom philosophy? Patrick Carroll breaks it down for us.

It's a double dose of Cadence McManimon today. She covers the reasons why dressing traditionally matters and offers some sound advice on gracefully dealing with the ideologically possessed.

Article of the Day:

Longtime listeners know that I'm keeping an eye on earth's magnetic pole shift with a bit of help from my friends at Suspicious Observers. Here's a great article on the social pole shift the world experienced over the past 4 years.


Mar 19, 202442:40
2024 Mar 18 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 18 The Bryan Hyde Show

The push to ban TikTok isn't just a threat to the young people who use that social media platform. As Daniel McAdams explains, it's an attack on free speech and arguably worse than the PATRIOT Act.

Irresponsible spending is the norm for most of the Beltway crowd. Don't be surprised when D.C. politicians start raiding American's retirement accounts in order to keep spending.

Shrinkflation is getting more noticeable when grocery shopping. Brandon Smith says it's cereal for the peasants as the elite use Skimpflation to control our eating habits.

Do you struggle to get enough sleep at night? John Leake has some worthwhile suggestions for getting control of our sleep cycle and why it's one of the best things we can do for our health.

Article of the Day:

Machiavelli's name is synonymous with political pragmatism which focuses on what works versus focusing on what's right and wrong. Travis Scott has a fascinating take on Machiavelli and his book "The Prince."


Mar 18, 202442:40
2024 Mar 14 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 14 The Bryan Hyde Show

If you believe that your natural rights come from a source other than the state, congratulations. You are what some are calling a "Christian nationalist" and you're considered a threat.

Since most elections have become contests over who will control whom, it's not surprising that gun control is a regular political talking point. Tim Hsiao reminds us that our rights don't depend on statistics.

If there's one thing that our increasingly fake society cannot abide, it's people who think clearly and independently about the issues of the hour. J.B. Shurk describes our fake, fake, fake world and what we can do about it.

When pundits tell us that the U.S. economy is healthy and getting better, it's hard to believe them. Brandon Smith says the U.S. economy may look good on paper but it's a disaster in progress.

Article of the Day:

The war between stupidity and knowledge is raging all around us. Bert Olivier says, it's up to us to tip the scales in favor of knowledge.


Mar 14, 202442:40
2024 Mar 13 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 13 The Bryan Hyde Show

Our current lack of economic stability has many of us wondering how to protect whatever money we have. Jeff Thomas tackles the question of how close your wealth should be.

The housing shortage across the U.S. is a literal shortage. Joshua Polk says tiny homes can be big problem-solvers, if regulators will get out of the way.

If gun control advocates wish to disarm the public, they'll have to ban the knowledge of how to make guns. Thomas L. Knapp says gun control is a call for returning to the Stone Age.

It's easy enough to spot what's wrong with society today. J.B. Shurk shares some important lessons for those who will rebuild the Republic.

Article of the Day:

Hard to believe it was 4 years ago this week that the world went off the rails. Domenic Scarcella has a terrific essay that charts his growing skepticism of the covid narrative from the time the lockdowns began.


Mar 13, 202442:40
2024 Mar 12 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 12 The Bryan Hyde Show

I'm joined by the one and only Eric Peters from Eric Peters Autos. If you want to be better informed without feeling overwhelmed, this is a conversation you should hear.

Sometimes, it's reassuring to remember that the current systems of control and plunder cannot continue on like this forever. As James Howard Kunstler explains, it's the twilight of the blobs.

It's hard to overstate the kind of moral clarity that Alexander Solzhenitsyn brought to the table. Joshua Hofford shares his thoughts on Solzhenitsyn and the economic lesson of Soviet gulags.

Article of the Day:

We are living in a time where trust in our public institutions is fading quickly. Charles Hugh Smith says a low-trust society is an impoverished society.


Mar 12, 202442:40
2024 Mar 11 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 11 The Bryan Hyde Show

Can you believe it was four years ago that the lockdowns began? Jeffrey A. Tucker reminds us how freedom was torched and what we must do to avoid further abuse.

You can't really appreciate the financial instability around us without first understanding how we got here over the last 100 years. Paul Rosenberg explains why we can't party like it's 1905.

Some of the trends that have taken hold are a clear indicator that our society is becoming more untethered from reality by the day. Todd Hayen has a great take on what has happened to societal self-regulation.

Sincerity and integrity are two things that are in short supply today. Michael Herman perfectly describes how we're learning the difference between statesmen and politicians.

Article of the Day:

The elite who foisted the covid lockdowns and mandates on us are still in charge. Jeffrey A. Tucker explains why we are seeing the end of the end of ideology.


Mar 11, 202442:40
2024 Mar 8 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 8 The Bryan Hyde Show

If you knew that more turbulent times were approaching, how might you prepare yourself? Doug Casey has solid advice for surviving and thriving in the coming crisis, even if your means are modest.

The racists of the past and the anti-racists of today both believe that a person's skin color tells them everything they need to know about how to treat that person. Paul Rosenberg explains the desperation of anti-white racism.

The online world is abuzz with discussion of last night's State of the Union address. Michael Herman reminds us that what was televised last night was nothing more than a show.

This is going to raise some ire but it's a topic worth exploring: Do traffic tickets make us drive more safely? Economist Peter Jacobsen has an answer worth considering.

Article of the Day:

Alexander Solzhenitsyn was a remarkable source of hard-won wisdom. Barry Brownstein has an enlightening essay on why Solzhenitsyn's line between good and evil matters.


Mar 08, 202442:40
2024 Mar 6 The Bryan Hyde Show

2024 Mar 6 The Bryan Hyde Show

It's hard to remember what life was like before the internet. Jeffrey A. Tucker has some marvelous advice on how to survive a world of instant feedback.

Dependency upon government is more than just an ideological choice, it's a disease that has done in many other civilizations throughout history. Jeff Thomas wonders, when will we learn?

It's strange how those of us in rural America who wish to be left unmolested by others are being portrayed as the primary threat to "democracy." J.B. Shurk explains why the totalitarian left sees us that way.

The most egregious aspects of the covid response have subsided but Dr. Clayton J. Baker says one injustice still remains: Health care students are still being subjected to force.

Article of the Day:

The election year hysteria is growing all around us and it's not getting easier to remain rational. Robert Ringer spells out what's at stake and ponders whether we are facing the final battle for liberty.


Mar 06, 202442:40