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Pastor Bryan Swinford New Lexington Bible Church

Pastor Bryan Swinford New Lexington Bible Church

By Bryan Swinford

Devotionals and Messages from New Lexington Bible Church - Pastor Bryan Swinford. - "I will say of the LORD, He is my Refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust." (Psalm 91:2 KJV)
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Weekly Devotional - 2 Peter 2:15-22

Pastor Bryan Swinford New Lexington Bible ChurchJan 01, 2024

Wednesday Evening - Acts 5:1-11

Wednesday Evening - Acts 5:1-11

I. Biblical proof that a saved person may have their vulnerability exploited and used by Satan.
II. The Lord sees and knows everything, we cannot lie or keep secrets from Him.
III. Sin comes with Consequences - sometimes they are severe.
IV. Ananias and Saphira "conspired" together.
V. "Where there is conspiracy there is complicity. "
May 30, 202427:01
Sunday School - Romans 8:21-39

Sunday School - Romans 8:21-39

I. All Creation waits in anticipation of the future redemption and glorification.
II. Our New Help - The Holy Spirit.
III. How the Holy Spirit helps us pray.
IV. A New Knowledge - We are more than conquerors.
V. The Inseperable love of God in Christ Jesus.
May 28, 202439:35
Wednesday Evening - Acts 4:23-37

Wednesday Evening - Acts 4:23-37

I. The Apostles now released from custody seek fellowship with their "own company."
II. The Assembling of the Saints became a Praise and Prayer Service.
III. The Church prayed on one accord, had all things in common, loved one another, and took care of each other.
IV. The prayer for boldness.
V. The results of the meeting - the power of God shook the building, The Spirit of God filled believers, and the brotherhood was supplied by the grace of God.
May 23, 202427:43
Sunday School - Romans 8:1-17

Sunday School - Romans 8:1-17

I. No condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus.
II. A New Position, A New Walk, and New Protections.
III. "Sin condemned in the flesh."
IV. A new guide - The Holy Spirit.
V. A new family - Adopted by the Father into God's family - joint heirs with Christ.
May 15, 202439:07
Wednesday Evening - Acts 4:1-22

Wednesday Evening - Acts 4:1-22

I. Peter, John, and the healed man in the temple draw a crowd and use the attention as an occasion to the Gospel.
II. 5000 believed - all this good was coming from their ministry so why were they hated by the religious rulers.
III. Jesus warned the disciples that because they hated Him, they would also hate them.
IV. Truth exposes sin, and the rulers had lost influence and control.
V. Instead of repentance the proud try to silence the message.
VI. The conclusion - it is right to obey God even if man persecutes us for it. We have our reward in Heaven.
May 09, 202434:58
Sunday School - Romans 7

Sunday School - Romans 7

I. In Romans 6 "we are not under the law" , now in Romans 7 "we are delivered from the law."
II. The motions of sin, how the law provokes sin.
III. The four laws of Romans 7 - law of God, of sin, of mind, and another law in our members.
IV. The battle within all of us.
V. Our new nature does not sin, but a remnant of indwelling corruption remains in our flesh.
VI. Our first marriage was to the Law, our second is to Christ.
VII. Because of Christ's substitutionary sacrifice death cancels the laws power, furthermore - because both Christ and the believer have Everlasting Life the new marriage contract is binding for eternity.
May 06, 202430:36
Wednesday Evening - Acts 3:13-26

Wednesday Evening - Acts 3:13-26

I. Prophecy of the Cross
II. The change in Peter after the Cross
III. The Power of the Cross
IV. The Program of the Cross
V. The Plea of the Cross
May 02, 202423:41
Sunday School - Romans 6:11-23

Sunday School - Romans 6:11-23

I. The body of sin is made powerless, but the believer must reside in the body until death or rapture.
II. We put off the old man (crucified) we put on the new man (resurrection)
III. After salvation - sanctification.
IV. We are to yield as servants of righteousness and as servants to God.
V. First we saw the benefits of justification now we see the fruits of justification.
May 01, 202438:15
Wednesday Evening - Acts 3:11-19

Wednesday Evening - Acts 3:11-19

I. We should expect God to do marvelous works in our lives.
II. What God has done for you is your testimony to others.
III. Peter and John deflected attention for the miracle onto Jesus Christ, denying any and all personal merit.
IV. Only faith in Christ produces works that glorify God
V. The Jews again rebuked for unbelief and told to repent and accept Jesus as Messiah.
Apr 26, 202429:17
Sunday School - Romans 6:1-10

Sunday School - Romans 6:1-10

I. Shall we continue in sin now that we're saved?
II. The believer identifies with the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus Christ.
III. Our old man is crucified - we should not serve sin.
IV. Five Facts about sin.
V. The solution for all sin - Jesus Christ.
Apr 22, 202443:57
Weekly Devotional - Lessons from Life of Rahab

Weekly Devotional - Lessons from Life of Rahab

I. Known as the town harlot she had a bad reputation. (We can find faith in the least likely of places.)
II. She made a profession of faith believing in God and desired to leave her old life behind in exchange for deliverance and salvation.
III. Her delivery illustrates "justification by faith."
IV. Regardless of people thought of her she proves to us the extent of God's love. No one is worthless to God.
V. Finally, God gave her a new life, new future, new purpose, and new testimony.
Apr 18, 202419:49
Sunday School - Romans 5:9-21

Sunday School - Romans 5:9-21

I. The five "much more" statements of chapter 5.
II. Condemnation and Death brought to mankind through Adam.
III. Righteousness and Life brought by Christ.
IV. The repenting sinner receives much more in Christ than he ever lost in Adam.
Apr 16, 202440:51
Wednesday Evening - Acts 3:1-11

Wednesday Evening - Acts 3:1-11

I. Peter and John go to the temple to pray.
II. Do we pray throughout the day.
III. A beggar in desperate condition asking for alms outside the beautiful temple.
IV. How often does the church internalize its focus but fail to meet the Spiritual needs on the front porch.
V. Sometimes the religious crowd inside the church is comfortable keeping the weak and needy outside the church. They want to pay the alms and show off their good works without intentions of ever taking responsibility of bringing new believers into the church.
VI. People should be filled with wonder and amazement at the transformation in our lives.
Apr 11, 202417:18
Sunday School - Romans 5:1-9

Sunday School - Romans 5:1-9

I. Justification by Faith
II. Benefits of Justification.
III. Peace with God.
IV. Glory in God - even in Tribulation.
V. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us.
Apr 09, 202441:16
Weekly Devotional - Lessons from Life of Moses

Weekly Devotional - Lessons from Life of Moses

I. The tabernacle - it's design and construction.
II. The Word of God has to be followed for God to be glorified.
III. The rewarding feeling of watching God bless your labors for Him.
IV. When God puts you in an inconvenient situation.
V. Sometimes the Will of God avoids our own comfort but there's always a blessing in our obedience.
Apr 05, 202413:37
Sunday School - Romans 4:13-25

Sunday School - Romans 4:13-25

I. The promise was through "the righteousness of faith"
II. The promise to Abraham was an unconditional one (grace) given 430 years before the law.
III. The law brings wrath not justification.
IV. "Sure to (ALL) the seed"
V. Being not "weak in faith"
VI. "Staggered not at the promise of God"
VII. Being fully persuaded.
Nothing is hopeless when it comes to God's Word
Apr 01, 202435:25
Wednesday Evening - Acts 2:31-47

Wednesday Evening - Acts 2:31-47

I. Christ was crucified but didn't stay dead.
II. "What shall we do? under conviction "
III. Repentance and Baptism - are they required for salvation?
IV. Many gladly received the Word and were saved.
V. A beautiful picture of a Bible believing church.
Mar 31, 202431:21
Sunday School - Romans 4:1-12

Sunday School - Romans 4:1-12

I. Abraham - his faith counted for righteousness.
II. Abraham's faith tested.
III. Faith justifies man before God, works justifies man before his fellow man.
IV. Blessed is the man who the Lord will not impute sin.
V. The imputation of righteousness to the believer.
VI. What saith the Scripture?
VII. The rewards of faith are by the Grace of God.
Mar 26, 202440:56
Weekly Devotional - Lessons from Jacob in the Bible.

Weekly Devotional - Lessons from Jacob in the Bible.

I. A fight in the womb - proof of both consciousness and purpose before birth.
II. Jacob's questions character.
III. The damage of favoritism in a family.
IV. A divided family.
V. Jacob meets God - a turning point.
VI. Reconciliation in a relationship.
VII. Even if our character is questionable at the first, God can still use us in a powerful way.
Mar 21, 202428:13
Wednesday Evening - Acts 2:12-31

Wednesday Evening - Acts 2:12-31

I. Two kinds of witnesses to God's works - doubters that mock, and those that are amazed and seek meaning.
II. Peter reveals the pouring out of the Spirit at Pentecost was fulfillment of Joel 2:28.
III. The "last days " began with Christ, and will end with the day of the Lord.
IV. We are in the last days - during this Church Age whosoever calls on the name of the Lord is saved.
V. Christ resurrection also delivered the OT saints to paradise from Abraham's bosom.
Mar 21, 202430:55
Sunday School - Tyler Chandler

Sunday School - Tyler Chandler

The stewards of friendship. We are to love, forgive, and testify of Christ to the world in word and action.
Mar 17, 202436:50
Wednesday Evening - Acts 2:1-12

Wednesday Evening - Acts 2:1-12

I. Pentecost means 50 and was the third of six great feast for Israel.
II. The significance of the order of the six feasts.
III. O.T. Pentecost and N.T. Pentecost contrasted.
IV. A correct Biblical view on Tongues.
V. The main thing at Pentecost was: Souls saved, God glorified, Church founded, ministers equipped with Holy Spirit, and prophecy fulfilled.
Mar 14, 202423:48
Sunday School - Romans 3:21-31

Sunday School - Romans 3:21-31

I. "But now" [the righteousness of God] WITHOUT the law is manifested.
II. The righteousness of God is by the faith of Jesus Christ (unto all and upon) ALL that believe.
III. Two witnesses - Law and the Prophets.
IV. The cost of this righteousness.
V. The results of this righteousness.
VI. The scope of this righteousness.
Mar 10, 202435:30
Weekly Devotional - Titus 3

Weekly Devotional - Titus 3

I. Christian responsibility with government.
II. Christians and politics.
III. Christians and voting.
IV. Christians and military service.
V. The most important service - to the Lord as ministers of the Gospel.
Mar 09, 202426:33
Wednesday Evening - Acts 1:12-26

Wednesday Evening - Acts 1:12-26

I. The disciples go to the upper room - places of familiarity with Christ are places of comfort in our lives.
II. The disciples were in one accord in prayer.
III. God's people should be on one accord in: expectation, communication, consecration, separation, and cooperation.
IV. There is power in a church that's in agreement with one another.
Mar 09, 202420:40
Sunday School - Romans 3:1-20

Sunday School - Romans 3:1-20

I. We're the Jews advantaged - yes, but they were not better than anyone else, or more spiritual.
II. Did others unbelief make the faith "without effect" - God forbid.
III. Man has proven to be unreliable time and time again, yet God has always been faithful.
IV. The Jews asked "if their unrighteousness commends the righteousness of God (Jesus Christ) then why does God condemn them? Isn't that unfair?
V. God is always just if that were not so He could not be the Judge of the world.
VI. We are not to abuse grace and live in sin.
VII. The scope and purpose of the law is so the whole world will be guilty before God with the knowledge of their sin.
Mar 05, 202442:16
Weekly Devotional - Titus 2:11-15

Weekly Devotional - Titus 2:11-15

I. The Grace of God [that bringeth salvation]
II. God's Grace has appeared to (ALL) men.
III. The same grace that saves also teaches us repentance (to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts.)
IV. We are looking for a "blessed hope."
V. The responsibility to preach the truth, with authority, which is given to us by God.
Mar 02, 202418:56
Wednesday Evening - Acts 1:9-11

Wednesday Evening - Acts 1:9-11

I. Two ministries of the Holy Spirit - Old and New Testament.
II. Nine appearances of God's Glory Cloud
III. Ascension and Return of Christ Compared.
Feb 29, 202423:51
Sunday School - Romans 2:17-29

Sunday School - Romans 2:17-29

I. God now makes His case to the Jew - that his Jewish heritage and administration of the Law of Moses does not save them.
II. The Law is not designed to give rest and confidence but rather to awaken the conscience to a sense of sinfulness.
III. The things the Jew put confidence in did not transform his life.
IV. The big talk but inconsistent walk of the Jews caused Gentiles to blasphemy the name of the Lord.
V. If the world's only view of Jesus is what they see of Him in us, what do they see?
Feb 27, 202440:11
Wednesday Evening - Acts 1

Wednesday Evening - Acts 1

I. Luke the author his former treatise (the Gospel of Luke)
II. The second part (Acts) that which occurred after the resurrection and ascension of Christ.
III. Foundation of the Church
IV. Beginning of a New Dispensation (Grace)
V. The real power of the Holy Ghost is manifested in our ability to be witnesses for Him throughout the world.
Feb 24, 202428:03
Weekly Devotional - Titus 2:1-10

Weekly Devotional - Titus 2:1-10

I. Importance of Sound Doctrine
II. Spiritually mature men
III. Spiritually mature women
IV. The significance of a woman's role in everyday life.
V. A charge to young men seeking spiritual maturity.
VI. Our lives reflect how seriously we take the Doctrine of Christ.
Feb 20, 202423:30
Sunday School - Romans 2:1-17

Sunday School - Romans 2:1-17

I. Man has no excuses with God.
II. God's case against the selfrighteous.
III. The knowledge of God.
IV. The goodness and forbearance of God.
V. 4 ways man attempts to escape punishment.
Feb 20, 202442:21
Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 33:20-24

Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 33:20-24

I. A look at future Jerusalem (post tribulation)
II. The Glorious Lord
III. The glory of God impacts the believer at the moment of salvation and throughout our lives as believers.
IV. The incredible privilege of being a Christian.
V. Christ is seen as Saviour, Protector,
Provider, Judge, Lawgiver, King, Strength, and Redeemer.
VI. A prepared place of highest dignity for those who believe on Jesus.
Feb 15, 202424:45
Sunday School - Romans 1:18-32 part 2

Sunday School - Romans 1:18-32 part 2

I. The attack on Creation
II. The Creation of God is foundational to the Redemption of God.
III. Both physical creation and Redemption testify to the Sovereignty of our Almighty God.
IV. There is no defense to rejecting the evidence of God's existence.
Feb 14, 202439:58
Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 33:7-19

Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 33:7-19

I. The valiant ones and peace seekers made to weep.
II. The ones they were reasoning with were insolent.
III. The results of the spoiler (Sennacherib) total control.
IV. The Lord declared "I will be exalted. "
V. Sin in God's camp - the hypocrite who enjoyed Zion's privilege, involved in the religious practice, served there, had responsibility there, held a position there but their heart wasn't right with God.
VI. Who among us will pass through the fire?
VII. He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly.
VIII. Thine eyes shall see the king in his beauty.
Feb 08, 202430:30
Sunday School - Romans 1:18-32

Sunday School - Romans 1:18-32

I. Man's indictment
II. Unrighteousness and ungodliness
III. The wrath of God revealed
IV. The specific charges against mankind
Feb 06, 202441:34
Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 33:5-6

Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 33:5-6

I. The Lord is exalted.
II. He dwelleth on high.
III. Judgment and Righteousness gives assurance to God's people.
IV. Wisdom [and] Knowledge - we must have both and apply both.
V. The strength of salvation.
Feb 01, 202414:49
Weekly Devotional - Titus 1:10-16

Weekly Devotional - Titus 1:10-16

I. Qualifications for church leadership
II. Paul's warning to Titus about problematic teachings, doctrines, and teachers in the churches.
III. What to look our for between problematic teachers and Spirit led teachers of God.
Jan 29, 202419:48
Sunday School - Romans 1:1-17

Sunday School - Romans 1:1-17

I. Introduction to Romans
II. The servant of Christ - saved, separated, serving.
III. Indebted to the Gospel.
IV. Revelations concerning Christ - humanity and Deity.
V. The redeemed in Christ are beloved, and called.
VI. Peace with God, and the Peace of God.
VII. The Gospel is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.
Jan 29, 202443:22
Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 33:1-4

Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 33:1-4

I. God tells the spoiler, "You're getting a dose of your own medicine. "
II. "Whatsoever a man something, that shall he also reap."
III. The praying people of God.
IV. We need God's Grace.
V. Deliverance was the answer to their prayer.
Jan 25, 202421:40
Weekly Devotional - Titus 1:1-5

Weekly Devotional - Titus 1:1-5

I. Serving the Lord is more important than titles.
II. Those promoted to spiritual leadership need faith.
III. Faith is manifested through acknowledgment of the truth, and godliness in conduct.
IV. The Word of God is manifested through preaching.
V. Relationships in the faith.
VI. The responsibility of ordination given to Titus.
Jan 22, 202425:24
Sunday School - Daniel 12

Sunday School - Daniel 12

I. A Time of Trouble
II. Thy people shall be delivered.
III. Lamb's book of Life.
IV. The "book(s)" opened at the Great White Throne Judgment.
V. The two Resurrections.
VI. Those that are wise.
VI. "Until the time of the end."
Jan 22, 202441:11
Weekly Devotional - 2 Peter 3:10-18

Weekly Devotional - 2 Peter 3:10-18

I. God's pleasure and longing for all men to be saved.
II. The Lord's return will be at a time we don't expect it.
III. The difference between anticipation and expectation.
IV. Knowing the coming judgment of God how should we live?
Jan 15, 202421:08
Sunday School - Daniel 11:21-45

Sunday School - Daniel 11:21-45

I. A second look at King Antiochus who took the kingdom by flattery and peace treatise.
II. The danger of flattery.
III. God's warning to us about flatterers and instructions to us not to use flattery.
IV. Jesus did not use flattery.
V. God's appointed times.
VI. "but the people that do know their God shall be strong. "
Jan 15, 202444:31
Weekly Devotional - 2 Peter 3:1-9

Weekly Devotional - 2 Peter 3:1-9

I. "Pure Minds"
II. Stay mindful of the Word of God.
III. The Second Coming of Christ has been revealed to us, but is the subject of much criticism by the world.
IV. How did the world respond to Noah?
V. The patience of our Lord is for the benefit of those who are not saved - He desires everyone to have opportunity to repent.
Jan 11, 202423:40
Sunday School - Daniel 11

Sunday School - Daniel 11

I. God's people should strengthen leadership.
II. Biblical instructions for supporting leaders.
III. Four kings of Persia.
IV. Alexander the Great and 2 kingdoms that were offshoots of his. (Egypt and Syria)
Jan 09, 202438:07
Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 31

Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 31

I. God again reiterates the line Israel crossed when going to Egypt for help instead of to Him.
II. We would greatly benefit from seeking the Lord first.
III. God promises to defend, deliver, and protect His people.
IV. The invitation to turn to God.
V. Repentance is rewarded with Victory.
Jan 04, 202422:41
Weekly Devotional - 2 Peter 2:15-22

Weekly Devotional - 2 Peter 2:15-22

I. Forsaking the right way.
II. Wages of unrighteousness.
III. Wells without water.
IV. The difference between sinning a sin you were delivered out of at salvation and feeling repentant versus someone who learned the right way, compared it to the wrong way, and decided the life in sin was better.
Jan 01, 202424:12
Sunday School - Daniel 10

Sunday School - Daniel 10

I. Daniel has seen a lot by this time in Babylon.
II. Daniel went on a 21 day fast.
III. Daniel meets Christ.
IV. Christ reveals that even in all the conflicts going on in the world, He is at work fighting the battles we cannot see.
Jan 01, 202443:56
Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 30:20-33

Wednesday Evening - Isaiah 30:20-33

I. God has already promised Judah blessing and restoration but they must go through adversity and affliction first.
II. The ministers they once put away they now listen to, the guidance they once forsook now leads them.
III. The Word of God brought so much conviction in their lives they thrusted away their idols and sins.
IV. The Glorious voice of the Lord is heard.
V. Christ gets righteous vengeance on His enemies and the Antichrist.
Dec 28, 202328:11