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Be Still and Grow

Be Still and Grow

By BSAG GCC Ladies Podcast

Welcome to Be Still and Grow, the GCC Ladies Podcast.

We love Jesus, the Word, and friendship. Join hosts Katherine, Heather and Nicole, for a good time and biblically sound discussion as they talk through real-life issues and theological topics. Come, sit at the table with us.
Currently playing episode

Living Through Addiction and Trauma- Part One

Be Still and GrowOct 25, 2022

Be Killing Pride

Be Killing Pride

We all struggle with pride in one way or another. There is no life on this Earth that does not have some form of issue with pride. Our flesh opposes us to God. We know better, we plan better, we are in control....all things we feel that are absolutely untrue. Join us at the table this week as we talk about pride.

Jun 04, 202458:24


What is idol worship? Sure, we may not have physical statues we bow down to or golden calves in our homes...but is that really all that idolatry is? Join us as we unpack just how easy it is to fall into idolatry and hold on so tightly to things above Christ.

May 21, 202456:30
Island Getaway

Island Getaway

Has your sin or situation ever made you feel like you were on an island? Does the desire to isolate and getaway come on strong? Well... you are in fact not alone. We all struggle with feeling like we are alone in the struggle but the Word clearly tells us the truth. Join the hosts this week as we get vulnerable and share our own struggles.

May 07, 202458:20
To Forgive, or not to Forgive?

To Forgive, or not to Forgive?

Join the hosts as they sit down and talk about what forgiveness is and what we are called to as Christians. Put your boots on and take a seat, as all of our toes get stepped on.

Apr 23, 202401:01:14
Overcoming Depression: Ana's Story

Overcoming Depression: Ana's Story

Depression is real. It may not look the same or present the same for each of us, but many Christians struggle deeply with depression and anxiety. This week we were joined by an incredibly special guest to tell their testimony of how the Lord saved them out of the depth of despair. Grab a seat and maybe a tissue or two and join us at the table.

Meet the Guest:

Ana Nambo's walk with the Lord has not always been easy, but it is such a beautiful journey! She is full of encouragement, laughter, and hope. It is such a joy to get to do life with her.

Apr 09, 202401:05:04
Retrain Your Brain
Mar 26, 202401:16:31


This week we sat down and talked about a constant struggle issue in our lives, and probably all of our lives...control. Why do we desire so much control? Why do we think we know better than God? Why is it so hard to just trust? Join us at the table for a gut punch and a hug.

Mar 12, 202401:02:05


This week we sat down to discuss a topic near and dear to most women's hearts- comparison. Is it healthy to compare ourselves to others? What does the Bible tell us about comparison? Join us this week as we break down the break-down of comparison.

Meet the Guest:

Casey Byrd is the wife of Charles Byrd, GCC Community Group Director, and mom to four creative and energetic children. Casey loves deeply, is not afraid to go deep, and is a friend to all. She serves in Gospel Kids and on the GCC Worship Team. Casey is a talented singer and always brightens the room she is in. 

Feb 27, 202457:41
Love & Marriage

Love & Marriage

Marriage is not for the faint of heart. It takes hard work and effort; and it is guaranteed to push you to the cross. This week we sat down with two incredibly wise and knowledgeable people. Join us as we talk through some key marriage issues. Meet the Guests:Kirk and Chelsea McDonald are no strangers to the podcast. Kirk, elder of Gospel Community Church, and Chelsea are skilled in marriage coaching and deeply in love with Christ.

Feb 13, 202401:08:53
Counter Culture

Counter Culture

The complexities of being a Christian in our modern culture never seem to let up. The constant bombardment of what is "accepted" by the world vs. what is required by God are always at odds. Join us this week as we dive into a few hot button issues on Christian living and choices in the midst the constant culture war.

Jan 30, 202401:09:34
Young Christians Vs. Culture

Young Christians Vs. Culture

Sometimes when you look at our culture and the climate of today, it is easy to get discouraged for the next generation. False teaching is rampant, deconstruction of faith is on the rise, and living for Christ is increasingly unpopular. Is there hope? The answer is a resounding, YES! The Lord is at work in this world and in every generation. This week we sat down with two incredibly wise young people to talk about living the Christian life against the cultural pressures.

Meet the Guests:

Kyle and Rebekah Sappelsa, hailing from New York, are fairly new to Gospel Community Church and Georgia. Still in their early twenties, raising a family, and living away from family- Kyle and Rebekah are full of wisdom and joy.

Jan 16, 202401:05:21


First things first...Happy New Year! We are so grateful for each and every one of you!

This week the hosts reflect on 2023 and the highs and lows of the year. Join us as we talk through the importance of self-discipline as a tool for successful change.

Jan 02, 202401:04:07
Christmas Time is Here!

Christmas Time is Here!

This week the trio sits down to talk about it...the hippopotamus in the room...Christmas. Why do we celebrate Christmas and what is the Lord calling us to this year? Snag a hot cocoa and join us at the table for a thoughtful conversation on the holiday at hand.

Merry Christmas everyone! Deepest wishes of peace, joy, and love to you and yours this holiday season. May Jesus be lifted high and shine bright over all of us.

Dec 19, 202348:14


Have you ever felt alone? As Christians, is it normal to feel alone? How can we be encouraged by in this season? How do we encourage others? Join us at the table this week as we share our experiences and talk through the complexities of loneliness and some practical ways to combat it.

Meet the Guest:

Devin Howell is married to Michael Howell and mother of Claire. Devin works in aerospace technology and is exceptionally smart. She is an avid crafter, diligent note taker, and one of the most generous people you could know. Laid back and kind, Devin is one of a kind. 

Dec 05, 202301:04:11


Thanksgiving may be a national holiday and come once a year, but thankfulness of the Christian heart is a perpetual reality. What do we do when it is hard to be thankful? How do we turn our hearts in gratitude? Join us at the table for some laughs and deep thoughts on thankfulness.

Meet the Guests:

Brett Howell. husband to Heather, is a deacon candidate of Gospel Community Church. He is a dedicated father and talented craftsmen. Brett is a true friend to all and lays his life down for the gospel.

George Jones, husband to Nicole, is a deacon of Gospel Community Church. Christian recording artist and talented performer, George is a lover of God's word and his life shines the light of the gospel.

Nov 21, 202301:10:48
Love Your Neighbor

Love Your Neighbor

In this day and age, do you actually know your neighbors? What does it mean to love your neighbor? How, as Christians, do we walk out loving our neighbors as ourselves? This week we sat down and gleaned from a couple well versed in sacrificial love.

Meet the Guests:

Daniel and Lauren Trevorrow are long time members of GCC. They are parents of twin girls and some of the most loving people you will ever meet. Talented dancers and lovers of Christ, the Trevorrow family is a beautiful display of intentional Christian living and yes...Daniel is the true brit.

Nov 07, 202301:07:27
Hardships of Eldership
Oct 24, 202301:06:17
Everyday Good Works

Everyday Good Works

What works does the Bible call us to as Christians? Are we saved by works? This week we sat down with two incredible people who have made an intentional decision to walk out everyday good works.

Meet the Guests:

Nathan and Leah Burdette are founding members of Gospel Community Church. They are parents of two energetic and joyful children and love to serve the body of Christ. Nathan leads the Training Day Podcast ministry at GCC. Leah serves in Gospel Kids and as the leader over the current women's book study. Full of love, joy and laughter, the Burdette's enrich our community with their love for Christ and His church.

Oct 10, 202358:15


This week the hosts sit down and talk about gratitude. It feels easy to be thankful when seasons are happy, but what about when they are hard? How do you remain full of gratitude in the midst of pain? Join us at the table for a thoughtful discussion on being thankful.

Sep 26, 202301:00:01
Joy Abounds

Joy Abounds

This week the hosts sit down and talk about joy. What is joy really? How do we get it and how do we keep it? For anyone struggling to feel joyful in this season, join us at the table.

Sep 12, 202301:08:38
Stewarding Your Finances

Stewarding Your Finances

What does it mean to steward our money? How as Christians should we spend our money? What does financial wisdom look like? Join us as we tackle the hot topic of Finances. This week we are joined by David and Lindsay Patton. With much experience and wisdom on the topic, the Pattons bring their best to the table.

Meet the Guests:

David and Lindsay Patton are parents to three spectacular daughters and serve Gospel Community Church well. David is an elder at GCC; handling church finances as well as other responsibilities. David and Lindsay have counseled many families and individuals in the principles of Kingdom Finance, and we are beyond grateful for their wisdom!

Aug 29, 202301:00:09


This week we sat down with some special friends to talk about evangelism. What is it? Are we all called to evangelize? What if we are scared? or shy? Join us as we unpack some helpful truths about evangelism that just may encourage you in sharing the Gospel.

Meet the Guests:

Peter and Maddie Walker are full of life and laughter. They are incredible parents to three fierce children and both in active service at GCC. Pete is a current elder candidate of GCC and a sound teacher of the Word. Maddie, our local zoology expert, is wise and loving and fantastic with a crochet hook.

Aug 15, 202301:07:36
Enduring in Ministry

Enduring in Ministry

This week we had the joy of speaking with two of the wisest people we know...Greg and Pat Reed have been in active ministry for decades. They joined us at the table to talk about longevity in ministry. How do you endure? How do you raise a family while serving? Where does your passion come from? So many good nuggets, so much wisdom, and many laughs were shared.

Meet the Guests:

Greg and Pat Reed are faithful. Greg, or cowboy as he is affectionately called, has travelled the country as a minister of the gospel and a builder of homes. Pat is a talented teacher, has served in numerous ministries, and shares her wisdom with the women of GCC. If you have not met this couple, do not wait- run. A beautiful example of faithful Christians, the Reed's are beloved by GCC and prove it is possible to endure in ministry.

Aug 01, 202301:06:03
My Brother's Keeper

My Brother's Keeper

Is your tendency to hide your sin? To want to avoid confronting other's sin at any and all costs? As believers, we are called to live accountable lives; but what does accountability look like? How do I know if I am being discipled or discipling someone else? When do I need help? This week join us as we talk about the necessity of accountability in our lives and the model Christ has set before us for discipleship.

Meet the Guest:
Brett Howell is a man of many talents. Husband to Heather and father to two rambunctious girls, Brett has years of ministry experience in campus outreach at his alma mater, North Georgia University. Brett is a dedicated follower of Christ and leads those around him with courage and authenticity. With their joy-filled smiles and adventurous hearts, Brett and Heather lead their community group and serve GCC well.

Jul 18, 202301:13:23
What do I do when I'm crushed?

What do I do when I'm crushed?

This week the hosts sit down and get real. Have you ever been disappointed? Resoundingly, the answer is yes. Join us as we talk through the pain of disappointment and the reality of just how little control we have.

Jul 04, 202301:05:53
Fear Not Little Flock

Fear Not Little Flock

Have you ever been afraid? Overwhelmingly, the answer is yes. We know the Bible tells us not to worry and not to fear, but what do we do when we are afraid? Is it okay to experience fear? Does struggling with fear mean I am struggling with my faith? Fear is unavoidable in our culture. Join us at the table as we talk through the deep nuances of dealing with fear as Christians and where to run for refuge.

Meet the Guests:

Jack and Larisa Halton are business owners, parents, and lovers of Christ. Hailing from Florida, the Halton family has called GCC home for the last 5 years. Faithful members and dear friends to all, Jack and Larisa are shining examples of the Lord's keeping power and of His faithfulness through every trial.

Jun 20, 202301:16:25
What do you do with church hurt?

What do you do with church hurt?

Church hurt can be a taboo topic in the church. Let's face it, whenever people are involved hurt is bound to happen in a variety of ways. This week we talk through different experiences with church hurt and what we do in those moments. The Lord's plans are for our good and His glory, and as uncomfortable as it can be.... that includes church hurt experiences.

Meet the Guest:

Megan McIntyre is a wife, mother, and worshipper of Jesus. The McIntyres are newer additions to the GCC congregation but not strangers. A talented singer, loving friend, and joyful spirt, Megan is a long-time friend to many at Gospel Community Church. Her dedication to gospel-centered life is inspiring and a benefit to those with the honor of being in community with her.

Jun 06, 202301:27:23
The Benefit of Men's and Women's Ministry

The Benefit of Men's and Women's Ministry

This week we had the pleasure of sitting down with two incredibly wise ministry leaders. Rus Reed and, our dear host, Heather Howell each lead the Gospel Community Church men's and women's ministries. Why are these ministries important? How should they function in the church? Join us as we talk through church health through ministry.

Meet the Guests:

Rus and Melissa Reed are long-time faithful members of Gospel Community Church. The Reed family serves GCC in multiple ministries with the new addition of the GCC Men's Ministry. Farm loving, grill cooking, and full of wisdom, Rus and Melissa are two of the most down to Earth and loving people you could know.

May 23, 202301:12:58
GCC Ladies Retreat 2.0

GCC Ladies Retreat 2.0

This week we sat down with the wisdom packed trio of speakers from the 2023 GCC Ladies Retreat. Who were we created to be? This question pulls on us from our first days on Earth. Identity is a constant struggle in life and with the pressures of society and culture can feel overwhelming at times. Join us as we recap the deep conversations from the retreat and dive into new depths on our identity in Christ.

Meet the Guests:

Chelsea McDonald is our lead pastor's wife. She is married to Kirk McDonald, pastor of Gospel Community Church in Fayetteville, GA. She is a mother of two beautiful daughters, a talented hair stylist, full of wisdom and encouragement. She is kind, thoughtful and every positive word you can imagine. 

Lindsey Patton, beloved spouse of Elder David Patton. She and David have three loving and sassy daughters. She is a wise and trusted counselor, fearless, loves deeply and serves our body well. Lindsey is naturally nurturing and cares for her family, friends, and church body well.

Pat Reed, mother of Pastor Kirk McDonald and wife to Greg Reed, is a gifted intercessor. Pat's passion for prayer and for the Word of God show in everything she does. Wise, loving, faithful- Pat beautifully walks out the Gospel of Christ daily. 

May 09, 202359:20
It's okay to ask for help.

It's okay to ask for help.

How do you know when to ask for help? Do you sometimes feel like you are drowning? You are not alone. This week we talk through what counseling is and how it can benefit our mental health.

Meet the Guest:

Charles Byrd is a founding member of Gospel Community Church. He serves as Lead Deacon over Community Groups. Husband to Casey Byrd and a father of four, Charles has a passion for living a life full of the Gospel and health.

Apr 25, 202301:13:43
Trials in Parenting

Trials in Parenting

This week we were joined by two incredibly humble and wise people- Phil and Meliah Danford. The Danfords (and their kiddos) share their experiences, successes, and humorous moments in parenting. How do you protect your kids? How do you teach your kids the gospel? How do you lean into and trust the community around you to point you to the Jesus?

Parent or not, take a listen and learn from the invaluable lessons on how to steward what the Lord has given you.

Meet the Guests:

Phil Danford, talented guitarist and vocalist, serves Gospel Community Church in many ways. Though he is pursuing eldership, Phil serves as a lead deacon and Worship Director. He is an encourager, leader, and friend to many.

Meliah Danford serves in Gospel Kids sharing the good news of Christ with the next generation. She is authentic and such a unique soul. Her zest for life is infectious and her fierce love is inspiring.

Phil and Meliah are parents to Judah and Lily- two of the coolest kids around.

Apr 11, 202301:03:31
Living with Anxiety

Living with Anxiety

The weight of anxiety can be a crushing pressure. It can hold you hostage to fear, on the edges of panic, and on a roller coaster of emotions. What does the Bible tell us about anxiety? As Christians, what do we do when we are anxious? This week we sat down to talk about real life anxiety and some practical ways to work through it with the principles of the gospel.

Meet the Guest:

Chelsea McDonald is the wife of Kirk McDonald, teaching pastor of Gospel Community Church. She is a loving mother, talented hair stylist, and wealth of wisdom. There really are not enough words to describe the wonderfulness that is Chelsea. She is such a treasure to our church, and we are so grateful to have her join us at the table once more!

Mar 28, 202357:39
Working Through Depression

Working Through Depression

This week we sat down to talk about the heavy. Depression effects many people and Christians are not excluded. Join the hosts as we discuss our personal experiences with depression and lean into the Word for help navigating how to work through it.

Mar 14, 202301:10:23
The Importance of Prayer

The Importance of Prayer

This week we had the pleasure of sitting down with two incredibly wise women to discuss prayer. Prayer is an integral part of the Chrisitan life, but so often we struggle to pray. Why should we pray? What even is prayer? Why is it important? Join us as we talk through the joys and struggles of a fruitful prayer life.

Meet the guests:

Pat Reed, mother of Pastor Kirk McDonald and wife to Greg Reed, is a gifted intercessor. Pat's passion for prayer and for the Word of God show in everything she does. Wise, loving, faithful- Pat beautifully walks out the Gospel of Christ daily. 

Dovie Vejarano is a loving mother and wife. She is a corporate leader and brilliant project manager. Dovie is the head of the Gospel Community Church prayer ministry and serves on the Lead Deacon board. Dovie's love for worship is infections and she spurs others into a deeper relationship with Christ. 

Feb 28, 202301:10:25
Married or Single: How We Fit Together

Married or Single: How We Fit Together

Many churches tend to create groups around certain phases of life. This can be helpful in certain seasons, but there is such a strength and beauty that unfolds when you live in a diverse community including all walks of life. This week we talk through the need for community on a deeper level. 

Meet the Guest:

Chelsae Knight is a talented violinist, middle school teacher, pet mama, and dear friend to so many. Chelsae is a long-time member of Gospel Community Church and is the Outreach Ministry director. 

Feb 14, 202301:10:20
Working Through Self-Image and Self-Hate

Working Through Self-Image and Self-Hate

This week we sat down with a special guest to talk through struggling with self-esteem. How do we love ourselves? How do we stop the self-hate and work through the lies? Join us as we tackle this tough topic through love and grace.

Meet the Guest: 

Sarah Helton serves alongside her husband, Joe, in Guest Services. She is a faithful member of Gospel Community Church and a talented photographer. She serves her forever family in many ways and is a wealth of wisdom on the Gospel.

Jan 31, 202358:30
Failures and Resolutions

Failures and Resolutions

Have you ever failed at a New Year's resolution? Same...

This week the hosts sit down and discuss failure and resolution. Join as at the table as we discuss healthy resolutions and the ultimate goal, bringing God glory.

Jan 17, 202301:02:34
Sabbath and Rest

Sabbath and Rest

This week we sat down with GCC's lead pastor and wife to talk about rest. What is rest and why is it so hard? Join us at the table as we are all served a challenging and encouraging talk about slowing down in service to the Lord.

Meet the guests:

Kirk and Chelsea McDonald established Gospel Community Church in Fayetteville, GA. Kirk, the lead teaching pastor, is a talented wood worker and Chelsea operates her own hair salon. They are parents to two rambunctious girls who love Jesus and farm life. The McDonald family is a shining example of Christ's love and lead our church well.

Jan 03, 202301:17:03


This episode we sat down with the one, the only, Erica Robinson to talk consumerism in the church. What is consumerism and how do we guard ourselves against it? Join us at the table to learn with us. 

Meet the guest:

Erica Robinson is the mom of the most awesome Sandra and Family Ministries Director at Gospel Community church. Erica has built the Gospel Kids ministry within Gospel Community Church and is a shining example of the gospel on display. She is kind, patient, and funny. Her love of Jesus and comedy shines through as she creates TikToks to encourage other moms and church leaders and as she leads the kids in our church. 

Dec 20, 202201:08:00
Health of the Body

Health of the Body

Come sit at the table with us as we spend time discussing health in the body of Christ. What is a healthy church? How do we as Christians stay healthy in our relationship with Christ? With other Christians? The Lord has graciously given each of us a gift in the body of Christ and we hope you enjoy today's episode! 

Dec 06, 202201:11:29


This week we sat down and talked about gratefulness. Sometimes when we go through difficult times it is hard to recognize in the moment that God is good. The week of Thanksgiving gives us an opportunity to reflect on what we are thankful for and through this conversation we realized, those difficult times birth some of the deepest gratitude in our hearts. 

Nov 22, 202244:49
God in a Box

God in a Box

Have you ever experienced legalism in the church? What about a church that is out-of-control? This episode we discuss the contrast of balance and putting God-in-a-box. Our guests this week, Hannah and Philip, bring their experiences to the table as we talk about balance of legalism and freedom in church and in marriage.

Meet the Guests:

To quote Katherine, "meeting Philip and Hannah Shell, is like meeting a puppy..." They are full of life and adventure and such a joy to know! The Shells serve in Gospel Kids and as Community Group Leaders at GCC. They are incredible parents and experts in their career fields. Philip describes himself as a rule follower while Hannah is a rebel. Listen in as we unpack what that looks like in a healthy marriage. 

Nov 08, 202201:01:30
Living Through Addiction and Trauma- Part Two

Living Through Addiction and Trauma- Part Two

This episode we continue the discussion on living through addiction and the trauma that comes with it. George Jones shares his testimony and the highs and lows of walking through opioid addiction. The Lord's faithful hand is the foundation of this story. Pull up a chair and sit with us as we recount just how faithful God is and was through this season.

Meet the Guest:

George Jones, a.k.a. Rezurrection, is a successful, award-winning independent Christian hip-hop artist. George has a passion for the Word and right living. He is husband to Nicole Jones and a friend to all. George serves on the GCC Worship Team and hosts a radio show, RezNation, on God's House of Hip-Hop on the Dash Radio app.

Oct 25, 202201:15:25
Living Through Addiction and Trauma- Part One

Living Through Addiction and Trauma- Part One

This episode we sit down and discuss the realities of living through addiction and the trauma that comes with it. George Jones shares his testimony and the highs and lows of walking through opioid addiction. The Lord's faithful hand is the foundation of this story. Pull up a chair and sit with us as we recount just how faithful God is and was through this season. 

Meet the Guest:

George Jones, a.k.a. Rezurrection, is a successful, award-winning independent Christian hip-hop artist. George has a passion for the Word and right living. He is husband to Nicole Jones and a friend to all. George serves on the GCC Worship Team and hosts a radio show, RezNation, on God's House of Hip-Hop on the Dash Radio app.

Oct 25, 202201:15:39
The Beauty of Waiting

The Beauty of Waiting

This episode we sit down with two amazing mothers- Lauren Trevorrow and Kaycee Owens. These women graciously share their amazing stories and experiences with us on how they walked through tough seasons of waiting. 

Meets the Guests:

Lauren Trevorrow, married to Daniel Trevorrow, is a faithful follower of Christ and a wealth of wisdom in the Word. She is a talented dancer and instructor, incredible mother to two amazing girls, and full of love for others. 

Kaycee Owens, wife of Kellen Owens, is a lover of God, song writer/musician, and mother of four precious children. Kaycee has a heart for international missions, serves as a Community Group Leader, and is such an example of gentleness and joy. 

Oct 11, 202201:09:21
God's Sovereignty

God's Sovereignty

This week the hosts sit down to talk about just how good the sovereignty of God is. In every situation, circumstance, celebration- God is faithful and in control. Join us at the table as we share personal stories that the Lord used to reveal His sovereignty to us.

Sep 27, 202201:06:27


This episode we sit down with two GCC Community Group Leaders. Community Groups are the life blood of our church and are a mechanism in which the body can walk out the "one anothers" we are called to. Join us as we discuss the benefits of community groups in churches and our lives with Casey Byrd and Devin Howell.

Meets the Guests:

Casey Byrd is the wife of Charles Byrd, GCC Community Group Director, and mom to four creative and energetic children. Casey loves deeply, is not afraid to go deep, and is a friend to all. She serves in Gospel Kids and on the GCC Worship Team. Casey is a talented singer and always brightens the room she is in. 

Devin Howell is married to Michael Howell and mother of Claire. Devin works in aerospace technology and is exceptionally smart. She is an avid crafter, diligent note taker, and one of the most generous people you could know. Laid back and kind, Devin is one of a kind. 

Sep 13, 202201:07:16
Really, Real Relationships

Really, Real Relationships

This episode we sit down with they dynamic duo- Leah Burdette and Meliah Danford. Avid gardeners, amazing mothers, dedicated wives, and incredible friends are just some of the titles these ladies have in common. Join us as we discuss the complexities of friendship, how to be vulnerable and how to cultivate and foster really, real relationships. Laugh, cry, and laugh some more with us!

Meets the Guests:

Leah Burdette is married to Nathan Burdette- lead deacon over the GCC Podcast Ministry- and is an incredible mother of two sweet children. Leah works as a dental hygienist and is an amazing resource of gardening prowess. Bearing much fruit from her natural garden, the fruit of the Spirit also abound in her life. 

Meliah Danford, wife of Phil Danford elder candidate and Worship Director at Gospel Community Church, is a tender-hearted mother of two rambunctious kids, and always down for an adventure. Meliah is authentic and such a unique soul. Her zest for life is infectious and her fierce love is inspiring

Aug 30, 202201:02:27
GCC Ladies Retreat Recap

GCC Ladies Retreat Recap

This episode we sit down with the speakers from the 2022 GCC Ladies Retreat- Chelsea McDonald, Lindsey Patton, and Meliah Danford. This was the event that started the whole idea of the Be Still and Grow podcast. Join us as we discuss the making of the retreat and recap the deep, meaningful teachings brought these ladies.

Meets the Guests: 

Chelsea McDonald is our lead pastor's wife. She is married to Kirk McDonald, pastor of Gospel Community Church in Fayetteville, GA. She is a mother of two beautiful daughters, a talented hair stylist, full of wisdom and encouragement. She is kind, thoughtful and every positive word you can imagine. 

Lindsey Patton, beloved spouse of Elder David Patton, works in the medical field as a nurse. She and David have three loving and sassy daughters. She is a wise and trusted counselor, fearless, loves deeply and serves our body well. Lindsey is naturally nurturing and cares for her family, friends, and church body well.

Meliah Danford, wife of Phil Danford elder candidate and Worship Director at Gospel Community Church, is an avid gardener, tender-hearted mother of two rambunctious kids, and always down for an adventure. Meliah is authentic and such a unique soul. Her zest for life is infectious and her fierce love is inspiring.

Aug 16, 202255:40


Welcome to the Be Still and Grow podcast, where we dive into deep theological topics through the art of conversation. We are based out of Gospel Community Church in Fayetteville, GA and excited to be on this journey with you. So come, join us at the table.

We are here! This episode we launch the GCC Ladies- Be Still and Grow podcast, talk about the show format and goals. Meet your hosts and laugh with us! 

Aug 06, 202224:47