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Building and Scaling Online Courses w/ Davey Gravy

Building and Scaling Online Courses w/ Davey Gravy

By Davey Gravy

On the Building and Scaling Online Courses Podcast, I (David Young, aka Davey Gravy) talk about what I'm learning day to day as I continue to build my 7-figure online course business in the drone training niche.

This podcast is for anyone who wants to build an online business, is curious about what it's like to run a business in the "new economy" (aka - work from anywhere, do business online, etc), or just wants to spy on my day to day life and thoughts.

Listen in! And feel free to email questions to
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010 - How a Strange Partnership Almost Got Me to Buy a Pen Holder

Building and Scaling Online Courses w/ Davey GravyAug 30, 2019

Ep 52 - You Should Write a Book

Ep 52 - You Should Write a Book

I think you should write a book. I’m working on one and it’s been valuable experience in ways that I had not previously imagined. I’m gonna try to convince you to write a short one too with this episode.
Dec 14, 202308:09
Ep 51 - Tips for Creating Short Form Video Content

Ep 51 - Tips for Creating Short Form Video Content

In this episode I walk you through my exact process for coming up with ideas, scripting, shooting, and editing my short form video content. We’ve been doing it consistently for about six months and I’m here to share what I’ve learned so far.
Nov 14, 202315:05
Ep 50 - Recap of My First Live Event

Ep 50 - Recap of My First Live Event

Let’s talk about the first ever live event we’ve done for Drone Launch. What we did, how much it cost, was it a success or failure? I break it down in this episode.
Nov 09, 202311:12
Ep 49 - 4 Things to Focus on as an E-Learning Founder

Ep 49 - 4 Things to Focus on as an E-Learning Founder

Pulling some inspiration from Y Combinator, here are the four categories that I try to spend the most time in. Anything outside of these four categories is usually a waste of time and I need to get back to the core!
Oct 20, 202308:17
Ep 48 - The “TMI” Problem (and I’m not talking about “too much information”)

Ep 48 - The “TMI” Problem (and I’m not talking about “too much information”)

Do you suffer from the dreadful TMI that plagues many entrepreneurs? And I’m not talking about too much information. If you sit down to work in the morning and are not super clear on what you need to be doing that day, or you feel overwhelmed when you think about work, or you find yourself procrastinating when you know you should be doing important projects, you might suffer from TMI. Let’s talk about it on this podcast and what I’m trying to do to fix it in myself.
Aug 02, 202311:35
Ep 47 - Turned a $0 profit month into $23,000

Ep 47 - Turned a $0 profit month into $23,000

In the last episode I talked about how I basically had no extra cash to work with. In this episode I talk about what I did to change that and ended up generating around $20,000 in additional cash flow through one week of targeted marketing and advertising.
Jun 12, 202318:03
Ep 46 - Running low on cash!

Ep 46 - Running low on cash!

In this episode we talk about the cash crunch! I ended up spending a lot more money on the business this month than I had originally planned. In this episode I walk you through what I spent the money on and how I’m gonna handle the cash crunch.
May 30, 202307:28
Ep 45 - Formula of What to Focus On to Make Money

Ep 45 - Formula of What to Focus On to Make Money

In this episode of talk about how I figure out what to work on when I’m not sure what to do in a given day. I pull some money formula secrets from one of the marketing industry’s best minds, Frank Kern. If you’re trying to build an online course business and you’re not sure what your next move should be. Listen to this. Hope it helps.
May 17, 202316:11
Ep 44 - How We’re Using AI in our Business. Should you be afraid?

Ep 44 - How We’re Using AI in our Business. Should you be afraid?

In this episode I talk about AI. I talk about how we are using it in our business to help generate new ideas and fresh content. I also talk about three things you can do to make sure AI doesn’t replace your job as a creator.
May 05, 202315:36
Ep 43 - You Can Skyrocket Your Business with this One Right Decision

Ep 43 - You Can Skyrocket Your Business with this One Right Decision

In this episode, I talk about a meeting that I JUST had on the day I recorded this podcasts and how it was the result of an action I took a year prior. And this meeting isn't even going to result in any revenue until 15 months from now. But it will change the trajectory of my business.

May 03, 202313:55
Ep 42 - Course Instructors and Podcast Guests. How to get people to say yes.

Ep 42 - Course Instructors and Podcast Guests. How to get people to say yes.

In this episode I talk about how I have been able to partner with instructors to create online courses, get affiliates, and get people to say yes to coming on my podcasts.
Apr 28, 202320:29
Ep 41 - good, fast, cheap. Which ones to choose and when.

Ep 41 - good, fast, cheap. Which ones to choose and when.

In this episode I dive into a dilemma I have faced in course creation. Do I spend time to make the course good? Do I spend a lot of money developing the course? Or do I try to get it done fast? i’ll walk-through what I’ve done in the past and which situations call for which combination.
Apr 26, 202312:14
Ep 40 - Stay ahead of change without going broke. The entrepreneur's challenge.

Ep 40 - Stay ahead of change without going broke. The entrepreneur's challenge.

In this episode, I give you a breakdown of how my paid workshop experiment went, what the revenue was, and how I am going to incorporate that strategy going forward. I also talk about where I am trying to take the future of Drone Launch, niching down on the focus of our customer base, and how to build for the future without going broke.

Apr 18, 202311:46
Ep. 39 - Testing out Paid Mini-Workshops. First Time Revenue Numbers.

Ep. 39 - Testing out Paid Mini-Workshops. First Time Revenue Numbers.

I’m trying out something new. Paid mini workshops as a lower priced entry point to our world of products. I’m walking you through how I’m doing it, why I’m doing it, what our revenue is so far, and my exact tech set up.
Apr 13, 202310:16
Ep. 38 - CCD: Kill Procrastination with 3 Letters

Ep. 38 - CCD: Kill Procrastination with 3 Letters

In this episode I dive into why I am procrastinating on work for a course that we are giving a makeover to. I’ve discovered three things that help me conquer procrastination and get a lot done. Introducing… CCD.
Oct 01, 202209:00
Ep. 37 - $5M in Revenue and My Current Growing Pains

Ep. 37 - $5M in Revenue and My Current Growing Pains

We crossed $5 million in total online course sales! In this episode I talk about some updates since my last episode and also two things I am struggling with right now as I go from being a solopreneur to building a real business that will be around for the long term.
Aug 11, 202213:28
Ep 36 - Day 5: $11k in 2 Hours and How to Get Someone to Buy Without Selling

Ep 36 - Day 5: $11k in 2 Hours and How to Get Someone to Buy Without Selling

It’s day five of trying to recover a bad profit month! Listen in as I dive into how we generated $11k of revenue in just a few hours. Also I dive into how we did that without really selling at all.
Mar 23, 202212:54
Ep 35 - Day 4: Goodwill and Scammy Marketers

Ep 35 - Day 4: Goodwill and Scammy Marketers

Day four of trying to recover a bad profit month. I’m diving into scammy marketing tactics, your “goodwill reservoir”, and biting off more than you can chew
Mar 21, 202209:39
Ep 34 - Day 3: Profit Sharing Ideas

Ep 34 - Day 3: Profit Sharing Ideas

Day three of trying to recover a bad money month. I’m sharing with you a profit sharing idea that we have for one of our offers. Also some thoughts on Selling 101.
Mar 17, 202209:35
Ep 33 - Day 2 of Trying to Save a Bad Profit Month

Ep 33 - Day 2 of Trying to Save a Bad Profit Month

Here are some updates on what I’ve been doing in an attempt to make some money this month and beat the projections that we were going to make little to no profit. Also I dive into my findings about the mental part of being an entrepreneur.
Mar 16, 202210:56
Ep 32 - Not Making Any Money This Month (And How I’m Going To Fix It)

Ep 32 - Not Making Any Money This Month (And How I’m Going To Fix It)

Just got some projections last night that showed we aren’t really going to make any profit this month. High ad costs are killing us. Here are three things that I am going to do in order to make sure that we have a profitable month. Will it work? I don’t know. But follow along as I try and you’ll find out.
Mar 15, 202211:51
Ep 31 - How Mentorship Changed my Business

Ep 31 - How Mentorship Changed my Business

Not growing as fast as you want to? Lacking motivation to get your stuff done? Feel like you have lack of clarity and direction? These are all things that I have dealt with. In this episode I’m gonna talk about WHY having a mentor/coach has been pivotal in my business growth and 2 reasons why you need one.
Mar 11, 202208:02
Ep. 30 - What You Should Be Doing Every Day if You Want to Make Money Online

Ep. 30 - What You Should Be Doing Every Day if You Want to Make Money Online

In this episode, David dives into two core things you need to be doing every day to build your online business.
Mar 03, 202211:15
Ep 29 - Fired my Bookkeeper. Here’s why.

Ep 29 - Fired my Bookkeeper. Here’s why.

Numbers numbers! They make or break you. Here’s why I fired my bookkeeper and how I’m fixing things. Also… where have I been?
Jan 24, 202212:49
028 - “Don’t Waste the Heat”: Wisdom from a Surgeon

028 - “Don’t Waste the Heat”: Wisdom from a Surgeon

Ever feel like you work really hard on something (a course, lead magnet, content, funnel) but then lose focus and end up moving on to something else before you’ve gotten the full value of the thing you were originally working on? I think every entrepreneur has that problem. In this episode we’re going to talk about that issue and how to solve it. The principle of… “Don’t Waste the Heat.”
Feb 18, 202117:17
027 - $15,198 in 4 Days: Inside My Email Campaign

027 - $15,198 in 4 Days: Inside My Email Campaign

In this episode I take you behind the scenes and give you all of the dirty details and specific numbers behind how I generated about $15,000 in pure profit in only 4 days.
Jan 11, 202122:08
026 - Behind the Scenes of Upcoming Sales Funnels

026 - Behind the Scenes of Upcoming Sales Funnels

In this episode, I will be telling you about two different promotions and sales funnels we plan on running to our email list of drone pilots. I’m going to tell you my plan and then report back with the results. Listen to check it out.
Dec 27, 202010:16
025 - Speed Over Quality

025 - Speed Over Quality

In this episode I’m a tell you why speed is better than quality. Feels weird and almost sinful to say that, but in the world of online marketing it’s true. Let me tell you why…
Dec 25, 202007:22
024 - How to Make Your Course Stand Out, Even If Your Competitors Copy You

024 - How to Make Your Course Stand Out, Even If Your Competitors Copy You

In this episode, I’m diving into what I’ve done over the years to keep driving sales to my course, EVEN when people try to copy what I’m offering.
Dec 23, 202013:04
023 - The $300 Investment That Made Me $80k

023 - The $300 Investment That Made Me $80k

It’s all about which “lever” in your online course business you need to be pulling. What should you be focusing on each day? Today I am going to share with you the one thing I did that made me an easy $80,000 (and only cost me $300).
Dec 18, 202012:11
022 - Successful Course Lifecycle (plus new name and biz updates)

022 - Successful Course Lifecycle (plus new name and biz updates)

In this episode I talk about our new podcast name, the status of our flagship course launch, the cycle of a successful online course, and fun partnership I’m working on with my friend Dan.
Dec 14, 202010:03
021 - D1K Launch Results

021 - D1K Launch Results

Well, I fell off the horse with a Podcast streak. But I’m back today! Been building up on the podcast about launching a new course, Drone to 1K. Well I finally launched it. Here are the results of how the live webinar went and how I put it together.
Jun 26, 202011:12
020 - First Time Doing Live Webinar

020 - First Time Doing Live Webinar

Excited about all I’m learning about selling on live webinars. Also filling you in on my wife’s crazy plant-based diet that I’m trying to avoid eating.
Jun 16, 202005:22
019 - Anxiety and Uncertainty about Launching New Things

019 - Anxiety and Uncertainty about Launching New Things

One whole week of a podcast every day. Man, feels like I’m a real professional at this now ;). Talking today about some feelings of uncertainty and anxieties over launching new things.
Jun 14, 202007:34
018 - D$1K Update and Thoughts on Days that Suck

018 - D$1K Update and Thoughts on Days that Suck

Six days in a row. Killing it. Getting some updates on the bits of work I’m doing this Saturday for our new course lunch. Also a short riff on sucky days.
Jun 13, 202005:35
017 - Drone to $1K Course Launch Plan Update

017 - Drone to $1K Course Launch Plan Update

Five days in a row. Crazy. Talking today about an update on our Drone to 1K course launch plan. Lots of work involved but I’m excited about the possibilities. We’ve never done it this way before.
Jun 12, 202006:10
016 - No Such Thing as a Million Dollar Idea

016 - No Such Thing as a Million Dollar Idea

4 days in a row now.  I wonder what the Guinness world record is?

Today I'm chatting about something I've come to learn over the last 4 years.  There's no such thing as a million dollar idea... just million dollar execution.  Ideas are cheap.  Work is hard.

Jun 11, 202005:49
015 - Benefit of Sustained Focus

015 - Benefit of Sustained Focus

Back at it for the third day in a row!  It's almost like I'm a master of habits at this point.  A brief update on our Drone to 1K program launch and the major benefit of sustained focus on one goal.

Jun 10, 202005:25
014 - How We Plan To Launch Our Next Course

014 - How We Plan To Launch Our Next Course

Want to know how to launch a course before you ever make it?  That's what we're diving into on today's bitesize business episode.

Jun 09, 202006:08
013 - I'm Back! (After 9 Months...Oops)

013 - I'm Back! (After 9 Months...Oops)

I'm back with another episode of bitesize biz after 9 months off!  A lot has happened and I'll try to get things back up to date ASAP.  For now, one of my favorite books... Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson.

Jun 08, 202006:38
012 - How I Trick Myself Into Getting Things Done (Especially When I Want To Avoid the Task)

012 - How I Trick Myself Into Getting Things Done (Especially When I Want To Avoid the Task)

In this episode, we dive into what to do when you’ve identified an important task that needs to get done in order to move the needle in your business or to make more money, but you just can’t seem to conjure up the motivation or the discipline to get going. Sometimes the most important tasks are the hardest and take the longest. In this episode we talk about a few tricks David has learned to get those things done.
Oct 04, 201906:28
011 - How Much Money We Made from Our Most Recent Course Launch

011 - How Much Money We Made from Our Most Recent Course Launch

Do you ever wonder how much money people make when they launch of course? In this episode, David breaks down how he went about creating a new drone course on roof inspections by partnering with someone already doing it. He gets into the details as to how much he made and the profit splits. If you ever wanted to get some behind the scenes on the money side, this is your episode.
Sep 06, 201906:42
010 - How a Strange Partnership Almost Got Me to Buy a Pen Holder

010 - How a Strange Partnership Almost Got Me to Buy a Pen Holder

What’s the strangest collaboration or partnership you’ve ever seen? In this episode, David talks about one surprising partnership that got him to go into a store he’s never been in before and almost got him to buy something, even though he knew the trap he was walking into. Let’s analyze this and see how it can be applied to get more customers to walk into your own store (or click on your website).
Aug 30, 201907:14
009 - What NOT to Do When Launching an Online Course

009 - What NOT to Do When Launching an Online Course

How do you know if you have a good idea for an online course? How do you know if people will buy it? Should you waste your time and money and months of your life creating one? In this episode I give you a few handy insider secrets to answer all these questions.
Aug 29, 201904:58
008 - When You Have Too Many Business Ideas

008 - When You Have Too Many Business Ideas

Do you constantly get ideas for new businesses or new projects? If you have an entrepreneurial brain, the answer is usually yes. It’s great to be creative and idea driven, but sometimes that can be an Achilles’ heel. In this episode, David shares what he learned at a mastermind retreat with some top business people on what to do about this.
Aug 27, 201906:03
007 - Should I Hire A Copywriter? (When to Hire One and When to Do It Yourself)

007 - Should I Hire A Copywriter? (When to Hire One and When to Do It Yourself)

Have you ever wondered how people can make you want to buy something so badly when you did not care about in the first place? That’s copywriting my friends. Today’s question is: should I hire a copywriter or do it in-house? And what resources are out there to help me learn the skill. Let’s dive in and find out!
Aug 26, 201908:34
006 - How to Make a Video Ad That People Will Watch and That Gets Sales (think Squatty Potty)

006 - How to Make a Video Ad That People Will Watch and That Gets Sales (think Squatty Potty)

Have you ever wondered why certain product videos go viral? Think squatty potty, dollar shave club, poopurie, etc. David shares some lessons he learned when sitting in a session with the Harmon Brothers (the brains behind many of those campaigns) and also from testing out his own video ads on Facebook and Instagram. If you want to know how to create a video ad that brings you sales and makes people laugh at the same time, this episode is for you!
Aug 22, 201907:14
005 - You Quit Your Job. What Do You Do Next?

005 - You Quit Your Job. What Do You Do Next?

In this episode, David talks about the wall he hit after quitting his job and trying to figure out how to manage his time, priorities, projects, and to do lists. It’s easy to feel busy but be getting nowhere. In this episode we talk about how to solve that problem.
Aug 21, 201907:22
004 - The Best Way to Instantly Increase Your Profit (Hint: Add an Upsell)

004 - The Best Way to Instantly Increase Your Profit (Hint: Add an Upsell)

In this episode, David walks you through how he implemented a one time offer upsell that was beneficial to his customers but also increased his bottom line profit by $2,000 to $3,000 per month. (And how you can too.)
Aug 20, 201905:57
003 - When to Keep Pushing and When to Quit

003 - When to Keep Pushing and When to Quit

In this episode, we talk about pushing through bad times (or times with no results) in order to get to the other side when things FINALLY start taking off. David tells the story of how he started Drone Launch Academy and how it was a TOTAL FLOP in the beginning. How did it finally start working? Listen to find out!
Aug 19, 201907:02