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Business Habitat with Sam Dean

Business Habitat with Sam Dean

By Sam Dean

In our expert professional services businesses, where the rules were written last century and the world keeps changing around do we as experts who have spent years, sometimes decades getting our technical skills to the ultimate level and proportionally little time learning the ones required to grow our businesses based on our own terms, re-write the rules for ourselves.

That’s the question and this show explores the answers.

Stay tuned and enjoy some brave conversations. Find out more at
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Introducing the Business Habitat

Business Habitat with Sam DeanJul 15, 2021

Growing Your Brand with Impact, with Angela Tsai + Cristina Castro

Growing Your Brand with Impact, with Angela Tsai + Cristina Castro

In Episode 124 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Angela Tsai, Chief Marketing Office and CEO, and Cristina Castro, Chief Commercial Advisor of GYBWI – Grow Your Brand with Impact (GYBWI). Together Sam, Angela and Cristina have a fascinating conversation about entrepreneurship, doing work that you love, and finding your identity outside the corporate framework.

With a long career in management consulting and on the fast track for the C-suite, Angela came to realise she’d lost her passion. Through a series of fortuitous events, Angela found herself working in her own business, but with the same time constraints and pressures that she’d aspired to escape. That’s where GYBWI came in.

Angela was joined by long-time friend Cristina, whose own background in big brands and professional services equipped her to work with the team and understand the challenges of shedding the ostensible security provided by big corporate.

Together they are passionate about helping clients find their purpose in a way that aligns with an enterprise that can also make money. In this conversation they discuss with Sam the statistics around business success and failure, and the practical reality of needing to create a business around products and services that are truly in demand.

Sam, Angela and Cristina consider the vulnerability required to understand and develop purpose and identity, and why it’s so important to align with your business model. Working with professionals and experts in their field, Angela and Cristina challenge the mindset of trading time for money, and seek to help their clients create better business models that are both self-sustaining and thriving.

This compelling episode is sure to resonate, as it explores the need for accountability and consistency in approaching any worthy goal. Angela and Cristina share their learnings and the evolution of their business, and provide tangible evidence of the importance of alignment and authenticity in creating an impactful brand.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Jan 25, 202301:04:14
Turbo-Charging Your Efficiency by Automating Your Client Data, with James Rose

Turbo-Charging Your Efficiency by Automating Your Client Data, with James Rose

In Episode 123 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by James Rose, Co-Founder of Content Snare, a company designed to help businesses overcome the endless back and forth emails with their clients, both when onboarding and throughout the relationship, and the inevitable data loss that ensues when inadequate processes are in place.

More than just another automation system, Content Snare was initially intended to work with web design clients but then found a high demand for their offering in the professional services, most notably accounting firms. There was wide recognition that accountants were spending far too much time tracking down client information, when their skills could be put to much better use.

In this conversation, James and Sam talk through the early start up days of the business, covering off topics such as funding, and the need for agility to meet client requirements and demand. James explains how Content Snare is designed to provide a single source of the truth, improving efficiency for his clients and improving the reliability of data.

James also explains why he’s not a fan of all-in-one software solutions and gives examples of how systems and processes that have a narrower focus tend to be more effective, particularly when working in with purpose built integration tools.

With practical examples and surprising statistics around how much efficiency is gained with the right programmes, James and Sam deliver a compelling conversation that will have you re-evaluating where you’re spending your time, and how much more effective your team might be with the right systems in place.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Dec 01, 202244:04
Why Your Pricing Should be Based on Your Value, Not Your Hours with Filip Fucic

Why Your Pricing Should be Based on Your Value, Not Your Hours with Filip Fucic

In Episode 122 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined once again by Filip Fucic, Founder of Lift-off, a business designed to work with professionals such as accountants, lawyers and expert freelancers to help them rise their prices closer to the value they provide to the client.

In this conversation, Sam and Filip explore the dollars for hours mindset and discuss whether there has been a shift in thinking in light of evolving work practices in the last few years. They delve into the conundrum presented as experts become more efficient and produce better work in fewer hours, resulting in lower revenue as billable hours decline, and consider the benefits of pricing based on value as opposed to input.

Filip provides great perspective by explaining the origins of dollar for hour pricing, and highlights why experts need to be factoring in their knowledge and experience, and the value they are delivering to their clients, when they determine their charge out rates.

Using his own experience of outsourcing his accounting, Filip talk to how we often underestimate what people are willing to pay, especially when it’s something they don’t want to, or don’t have the skills to do themselves. By using the analogy of a pirate captain searching for treasure, Filip emphasises the difference in being paid for your work, versus being paid for the risk that you take on.

This is a highly practical episode, filled with compelling examples set to challenge your thinking around your pricing model and the value that you are delivering in the work that you do. It’s an episode you won’t want to miss.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Nov 17, 202244:43
Leaving a Legacy and Leveraging Your Knowledge Into Recurring Revenue, with Harvee Pene

Leaving a Legacy and Leveraging Your Knowledge Into Recurring Revenue, with Harvee Pene

In Episode 121 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Founder of Life-Changing Accountants and The Greater Good Publishing Company, Harvee Pene, to talk about purpose-driven businesses, and leveraging your time and experience to generate recurring revenue, so your work can continue to do the work, for you.

Harvee Pene had bought an accounting firm, had just met his wife-to-be, and was halfway through writing his first book, when he was struck down by testicular cancer at the age of 30. Blindsided, and feeling like his world was crashing down, Harvee was faced with the real possibility that his life might end and he was confronted with the question of how happy he was with the legacy he might leave behind.

Harvee not only survived the operation and treatment, he went on to honour his epiphany, building a business designed to inspire and help other businesses stand out from the pack. Today he is a 15 times bestselling author, has spoken at Ted X twice, and encourages business professionals to create ongoing revenue by leveraging their knowledge into a book.

In this inspiring conversation, Sam and Harvee share their life-changing experiences and discuss the importance of creating purpose-driven businesses that attract like-minded and like-hearted people. Harvee describes real life examples of how his team has measured the impact they have on their clients, and how that recognition has motivated them to deliver even greater results.

Drawing on their own experience, Sam and Harvee delve into the many ways in which experts can leverage their own knowledge and intellectual property, whether it be by writing a book or creating a podcast, and how putting in the work upfront can pay huge dividends down the track.

If you think being an author is for other people, or don’t think you have enough to share to get in front of a microphone, (or even if you do), this podcast is for you. Jam-packed with heartening stories and valuable advice, you’re sure to gain inspiration by tuning in to this episode.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Nov 07, 202255:31
How Data Can Help You Build a Better Company and Workplace, with Maite Grisard

How Data Can Help You Build a Better Company and Workplace, with Maite Grisard

In Episode 120 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Maite Grisard, Founder of Marketrotters, a field consulting company that “goes in, shakes thing up, gives perspective, and gets out”.

Today Sam and Maite are talking about data, and how it can help you and your team steer your company in the right direction. More than just a conversation about numbers, this compelling discussion covers the disconnect between business leaders, teams, and the knowledge and information that are inherent in a company.

Sam and Maite delve into how this valuable property can be captured, and the importance of documenting and challenging process in a way that drives the business forward. Maite draws on her experience of consulting with a myriad of companies, and explains how a second and even third set of eyes can give a new perspective on a business, an objective or a new way of doing things.

Maite addresses the value she finds in collaborative tools, and how beginning with the simplest systems is often the most effective way to bring people together and build towards more complicated processes. Together Maite and Sam challenge the listener to be vulnerable and acknowledge the learning opportunity that comes from making mistakes, and understand that doing something is always better than doing nothing, even if it leads to a course correction.

This in-depth conversation is filled with practical insights and commentary on how to best use data and workplace tools in an effective and meaningful way. Challenging traditional metrics such as KPIs, this episode will have you seeking fresh perspective and collaborative input, no matter where you sit in the company structure.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Oct 28, 202251:27
The Role of Learning and Development in Driving Business Outcomes, with Sarah Stone

The Role of Learning and Development in Driving Business Outcomes, with Sarah Stone

In Episode 119 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Executive General Manager of Ab2 Institute of Accounting, Sarah Stone, to talk about the impact of education in the workplace and how the right training framework can boost business performance and attract the best talent to your organisation.

With close to twenty years’ experience in the education industry, Sarah draws on her background in the tourism and media sectors, where she worked for the likes of Foxtel and Austar in the learning and development space. This involvement stirred Sarah’s interest in understanding the role of education in setting employees apart from the rest. In this podcast she shares her fascination with producing and delivering superior business outcomes through people performance.

Sarah and Sam delve into the difference between education in the corporate sector compared to the professional services environment and why the necessity for CPD hours creates a focus on technical skills at the expense of broader business knowledge. Sarah explains the importance of a company’s learning and development culture in attracting and retaining great talent, and how that perspective is driven from the top.

Often referred to as “soft skills’, Sarah talks to the need for training in the right “success skills” and why organisations are increasingly driven to seek out leaders with demonstrated ability to bring people along for the journey and inspire and motivate them.  Sam reminds us that as we move towards heart-centred businesses with an emphasis on aligned goals and values, the importance of people focused skills becomes even more important, whether it’s dealing with staff, colleagues or clients.

By drawing on their own real life experiences and sharing their perspectives on ongoing learning and personal and professional development, Sam and Sarah deliver a compelling episode filled with practical examples and even some book references to further the conversation. As a critical component of continual improvement, the role of education and learning in business success cannot be denied. This conversation will help you reflect on where that focus is best placed.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Oct 19, 202252:32
Managing Time to Reduce Stress and Achieve What Matters, with Brad Aeon

Managing Time to Reduce Stress and Achieve What Matters, with Brad Aeon

In Episode 118 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by time management researcher and expert on time, Brad Aeon, to delve into the philosophy of time and how it can be better managed by aligning to your personal goals.

In his 2017 TEDx Talk, “The Philosophy of Time Management”, Brad urges the audience to reflect on their relationship with time and live more mindfully by focusing on what’s really important to them as individuals. In this conversation, Sam and Brad explore this concept further by considering what time management really means, and Brad explains that how we use our time is a reflection of our values, beliefs and philosophies.

Exploring beyond the impact on productivity, task management, and the need to “get things done”, Brad looks at time from the perspective of mental and physical well-being, and how poor time management leads to stress and ‘very clear markers of time pressure’.

In order to better understand the reasoning behind this, Sam and Brad discuss the evolution of time as a social construct, and the sense of structure that measuring and recording time lends into.  Brad explains the three major pillars of a meaningful life, and how effective time management plays a critical role in our ultimate well-being.

Recognising that time is a non-renewable resource and therefore one of the most precious gifts you can give somebody, we are grateful for the gift that Brad gives us in this episode and the practical advice he provides in how to better manage our time. We invite you to invest your own precious time in listening to Brad’s words of wisdom, and possibly gaining a new perspective on time.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Oct 06, 202239:05
Finding the Best Version of You, with International Best-Selling Author Hilary DeCesare

Finding the Best Version of You, with International Best-Selling Author Hilary DeCesare

In Episode 117 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by award-winning international business expert and executive coach, Hilary DeCesare to talk about the importance of treating yourself as one of the greatest assets in your business, and what that looks like in terms of managing your energy and getting out of your own way.

With reference to Hilary’s latest #1 International Best Seller & #1 New Release “Relaunch! Spark your Heart to Ignite your life”, Hilary and Sam talk about the prevalence of burnout in the corporate and professional spheres, and why the traditional business model isn’t working. With a stellar background in Silicon Valley, working for tech giants such as Oracle, and having raised millions in venture capital for successful start-ups, Hilary is an inspirational speaker well equipped to share her experience and thoughts on how we need to adapt our approach to business in order to flourish.

Hilary provides real life examples of how she has continuously adapted and ‘relaunched’ her life, including the lessons of tenacity and determination she learned early on from her Mum. Sam and Hilary talk to the reasons behind the Great Resignation, which Hilary reframes as the Great Realisation, and Hilary shares her perspective on pushing past the comfort zone and into what she terms the “G Zone”.

Hilary and Sam delve into how we give away our personal power and energy by worrying about what other people might be thinking, and how we can move past these forms of self-sabotage by focusing on consistency over intensity.

Hilary shares her model of the ‘Three HQ’ – the head, the heart and the higher self – and how this is the next evolution of IQ and EQ, which she explains in further detail in her book.

Finally Hilary and Sam touch on one of Sam’s favourite topics, the importance of loving your numbers, and Hilary’s version of ‘sexy spreadsheets’.

Whilst Hilary’s target audience is women in mid-life (defined as over 35) looking to unlock the potential of where they are going, there is so much content in this podcast that will be relevant to anyone looking to find more energy and spark in their work and in their life. This extraordinarily compelling podcast is one you won’t want to miss.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Sep 29, 202247:19
Bridging the Gap Between Business and Expert Knowledge, One Vet at a Time, with Chris Turner

Bridging the Gap Between Business and Expert Knowledge, One Vet at a Time, with Chris Turner

In Episode 116 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam takes a closer look at the topic of the expert paradox and the disparity between the knowledge and expertise needed to become a leader in a chosen field, and the specific set of management skills required to successfully run a thriving business. Sam is joined by Chris Turner, founder of Vet Services Australia, to discuss how his company is addressing this problem by providing much needed administration and management support to time poor professionals in the animal services space.

Chris took a non-linear path to the company he now runs, and it’s his diversity of experience and training which he attributes to his current success. While not for everyone, Chris adapted well to the demanding world of sales and cold calling, before progressing into the financial services industry. It was in these roles that Chris came to understand the importance of listening to people and genuinely aiming to understand his client’s primary needs.

Fortuitous circumstances led to Chris unwittingly adopting a dog from a relative, and slowly growing to embrace “Dudley” as an important member of the family. Through this experience, Chris began to recognise the overwhelming need for support for vets and veterinary services, and utilising his background and skills, the idea behind Vet Services Australia was born.

In this conversation, Sam and Chris explore the concept of the expert paradox, and the need for business support for many professionals, regardless of their field. Sam emphasises the consistency that Chris has applied to building his business and the value that is derived by freeing up a vet’s time to focus on their clients (both animals and people).

Sam and Chris discuss the emergence of heartfelt and community based businesses, whilst also recognising that wealth creation strategies play an important role in allowing business owners and professionals to build a valuable asset that can set them up for retirement.

Chris’s Vet Services Australia is a fantastic example of a business that’s arisen to solve an existing problem, and this discussion brings clarity to how we can better address the ongoing issue of overwhelm and burnout.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Sep 26, 202239:44
How Facial Profiling Leads to Better Relationships, with Alan Stevens

How Facial Profiling Leads to Better Relationships, with Alan Stevens

In Episode 115 of The Business Habitat podcast, Alan Stevens returns to the show once again, this time to talk with Sam on the topic of facial profiling and how learning to read a person’s face can give you an instant insight into their personality.

Following on from episode 109 where Alan and Sam discussed The Campfire Project and how first understanding the self is the fundamental foundation for leadership training, today’s conversation focuses in on Alan’s skill as an International Profiling and Communications Specialist.

Described as the Mentalist meets Dr Phil, Alan explains how he first became interested in profiling as a result of wanting to improve his relationships. With a couple of divorces behind him as well as business partnerships that went sour, Alan became determined to learn more about people by being able to recognize what their facial traits were giving away.

After working for a while with Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) and body language, Alan recognized the significance of micro-expressions and went on to study facial profiles as a way of recognizing someone’s personality with just a glance. In this conversation Alan explains that this skill enables him to understand how people prefer to be spoken to and thereby build rapport and strong relationships quickly.

In a work scenario, Sam and Alan discuss how being able to recognise a person’s traits from their presentation alone, negates the need for long questionnaires and becomes particularly important in this age of Zoom calls and digital communication.

Tune in to explore this fascinating topic, as Alan and Sam dive into the old adage that “opposites attract” and consider how once again, the clearest path to understanding another person’s traits is in first understanding our own.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Sep 08, 202232:21
Creating Businesses that Inspire and Thrive, with Steve Sandor

Creating Businesses that Inspire and Thrive, with Steve Sandor

In Episode 114 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Steve Sandor, Business Performance Strategist and CEO of Inspiring Business, to talk about the importance of intentionality when it comes to creating the type of businesses that help us grow, both in wealth and in ourselves.

With a background in the financial services industry, Steve shares his early career experiences and displaying real vulnerability, explains how making mistakes in his professional life ultimately led to his understanding of his strengths. With time spent in PNG and working with Australian businesses, Steve developed his passion for helping business leaders recognise their own strengths and create environments that are both empowering and safe for all involved.

Throughout this conversation Sam and Steve explore the power of mentoring and developing training methods within organisations that optimise individual learning needs. Steve explains why business leaders need to be in control, but not controlling, and the difference between the two. He also identifies that as employers, we are central to the business and it’s our knowledge of ourselves, our communication styles and finding our niche in our organisations that it is crucial to our success.

By sharing his own lived experience, Steve demonstrates that the key to developing within our businesses is in putting aside our own egos and recognising that we don’t know what we don’t know. It is only then that we can ask the right questions and find the right teacher, regardless of where we sit in the organisation.

This conversation goes to the core of developing robust, thriving enterprises. Sam and Steve bring candour and vulnerability to this compelling topic and provide practical advice that every business person can take on board.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Aug 25, 202259:19
Elevate Your Client Experience with Tech that Gets Personal, with Mike Liu

Elevate Your Client Experience with Tech that Gets Personal, with Mike Liu

Episode 113 of The Business Habitat podcast takes a bit of a different slant this week, as Sam is joined by Co-Founder and CEO of FreeFuse, Mike Liu. Headquartered in Los Angeles, FreeFuse is an interactive video platform which allows the user to build personalised digital communication, for a multitude of purposes such as corporate training and education, digital content and videography or sales and marketing activities and product demonstrations. In this conversation, Sam and Mike discuss the origins and inspiration behind FreeFuse, as well as the benefits of this type of technology in promoting both client and employee engagement.

With a background in Engineering, Mike explains how both his education and the inspiration for FreeFuse were founded in his early experience of Lego building blocks and “choose your own adventure” books. He pursued Engineering whilst always having an eye on entrepreneurial platforms such as the early days of Facebook.

Keen to make a direct impact on people’s lives, Mike explored a couple of business options before landing on the concept of FreeFuse and the idea of adaptive learning and education tools. Despite strong positive feedback from students, Mike and his partners struggled to gain a foothold in the education system and targeted their marketing towards business instead, recognising the need for ongoing learning in the corporate sector.

Mike explains his desire to create technology that people love and that solves a problem, and how FreeFuse enables businesses to develop immersive experiences for both internal and external stakeholders. Sam and Mike discuss the training opportunities brought about by allowing people to experience decision making in real time, as well as the potential for illustrating the complexities of professional services to clients.

You’re invited to “choose your own adventure” as you tune in to this podcast and gain a better understanding of how technology can help you in your business, and the myriad of possibilities that await.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Aug 18, 202245:03
Understanding Our People By First Understanding Loss and the Self, with Karen Chaston

Understanding Our People By First Understanding Loss and the Self, with Karen Chaston

In Episode 112 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by International best-selling author, speaker and Beyond Loss Expert, Karen Chaston, to talk about understanding loss, the self, and how we can benefit from looking after ourselves first. In this inspiring and through-provoking conversation, Karen shares how a family tragedy was the catalyst for her own journey of self-discovery and the realisation of how few people really understand loss and how to move forward with it. As CFO of a publicly listed company, Karen knew that she was outwardly successful. She had the great salary, the house, the car, the family, and to the casual observer she seemed to have it all. But she was dying inside. She wanted to create a life that she loved, that she felt excited to wake up to every morning. Like so many others, Karen pushed down her feelings of dissatisfaction and compensated with avoidance tactics - too much shopping, too much eating and drinking, too much working - until something happened that changed her life forever. In this deeply personal account, Karen shares how the tragic loss of her 27 year old son in 2011 sent her into a tailspin that challenged every aspect of her life, before leading her to an epiphany and the realisation of her true passion and purpose. Over the course of the last eight years, Karen has come to appreciate how few people truly understand loss and the impact it can have in our lives. In this conversation, Karen explains that the loss of a loved one is not the only type of loss that we are likely to experience in our lifetime. There are more than forty different types of loss, including separation, divorce, financial and perhaps the most debilitating of all, loss of our own identity. Sam and Karen explore how the lack of "loss intelligence" in our society causes flow-on effects in leadership effectiveness, whether it be leadership of our teams, or more importantly, leadership of ourselves. Karen has written multiple books on the topic, most notably the best-selling "Demystifying Loss", and through her business "The Chaston Centre" works with businesses to build stronger team dynamics through improved understanding of their people. Throughout this conversation, Sam and Karen encourage each of us to look deep within, so that we may move past the constant need to merely survive and find the way to thrive. Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Jul 01, 202238:19
Why Sustainable Learning is an Essential Element of Corporate Enterprise with Christian van den Bosch

Why Sustainable Learning is an Essential Element of Corporate Enterprise with Christian van den Bosch

In Episode 111 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Christian van den Bosch, Organisational Leadership Coach and Change and Efficiency Advisor, to talk about the need for sustainable learning in the work environment and the difference between a service mentality and a peer mindset. In this compelling conversation, Christian relates his background as an officer in both the Netherlands and Australian Armies, comparing the two and noting how the Netherlands Army was run similar to a commercial operation, particularly in its approach to people, organisation, productivity and performance. In contrast the Australian Army is much more bureaucratic in nature with less emphasis on career development pathways. It was in witnessing these two different styles of organisations and having led soldiers and officers in the field, that Christian identified what he terms 'sustainable learning', the concept of ongoing learning, both from a personal perspective and also an organisational one. Christian left the military in 2016 having achieved his goals and moved into the corporate world, where his military background has informed his beliefs around leadership and productivity. In this conversation, Christian shares what he has learned around building strong client relationships through creating parity, and gives practical examples of how he utilises a peer mindset to better engage with his clients. Negating the popular concept that a leaders' role is to serve their people, Christian puts forward his view that leaders are not servers, which talks to a submissive approach. Rather he notes that they are responsible for the learning of their people and working with their people to generate a healthy culture within the workforce. Sam and Christian round out the conversation by discussing how the workforce has changed in recent years and why the concept of sustainable learning is a critical one. In this era of staff shortages and retention issues, Christian emphasises the next generations' desire to learn and grow, and work in a way which promotes balance and avoids burnout. Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Jun 24, 202254:48
Creating a Magnetic Brand through Authentic Communication with Irene Emily

Creating a Magnetic Brand through Authentic Communication with Irene Emily

In Episode 110 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Irene Emily, Brand Consultant and Director of Branded and Demanded, a fast growing brand, design and marketing agency focused on inspiring and empowering purpose-driven businesses. In this conversation, Irene and Sam discuss the importance of congruency in marketing and why understanding yourself is fundamental to ensuring that your message and your purpose are aligned to your brand. With a previous background in graphic design and by her own admission "making things pretty", seven years in business has taught Irene to think more strategically about how to position people and businesses. She has drawn on her fascination for developmental psychology and communication in her work with her clients, and believes that the more we understand ourselves, the more we can create an authentic and magnetic brand. Sam and Irene talk to the shifting priorities that have arisen from the challenges of the last couple of years, and talk to the incongruency of many traditional corporations between the values they espouse in their marketing and what really happens on a daily basis. Sam proposes that working in a market or business that's not aligned with your true values ultimately leads to burnout and discusses with Irene the rising sense of staff dissatisfaction and emerging trend of "the Great Resignation". Irene provides her tips for aligning key messaging and branding, and talks to the best way to target customers in an often over-crowded market. Irene also shares her thoughts on personal versus corporate branding and when each is more effective, and talks to how to best manage client expectations when work is being delegated to team members. Recognising that branding is so much more than a fancy design and a static website, this conversation provides practical advice for developing a marketing strategy that will resonate with both your own internal values and your target audience. Whether you're ready to seek the help of a professional brand manager, or just after some tips to get your message more aligned, this episode is filled with great advice to take on board. Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to SHOW NOTES FOR THIS EPISODE:

Jun 18, 202233:25
True Leadership Training Starts with the Self, with Alan Stevens

True Leadership Training Starts with the Self, with Alan Stevens

In Episode 109 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Alan Stevens, International Profiling and Communications Specialist and Founder of the Campfire Project, a group dedicated to creating a safe space for people, and particularly men, to come together to support each other as they work to build stronger relationships, families and community. In this thought-provoking conversation, Sam and Alan delve into the silent epidemic of mental health disorders and how it connects into business. They discuss the evolution of the corporate world and recognise the importance of accepting that people are emotional beings, rejecting the traditional belief of leaving personal problems at the door. Alan talks to the frustration and confusion experienced by so many men today, as a result of changing roles. Alan's experience of this led to the creation of The Campfire Project, a closed group with invitations extended to both men and women. With members now covering seven continents, Alan focusses on the importance of safety and ensuring that participants grow into the space by starting with 1:1 interviews and evolving into more open group conversations. With suicide statistics showing a disproportionate number of men struggling with their mental health, Alan emphasises the need for better modelling for boys growing into manhood. Sam relates this to the current political climate in Australia and the continuing lack of leadership in the upper echelons of government. Offering practical solutions to real world problems, Sam and Alan discuss the need for better leadership training both in business and personal lives. They talk to the tendency for leadership training to be upside down, with an emphasis on corporate leadership, rather than commencing with working on the self. Promoting the idea that if we learn to lead ourselves first and then lead the team, then we can allow the team to lead the business, freeing up time to work on the business, rather than in it. This compelling conversation covers a lot of ground and speaks to topics prevalent in the world today. It is not to be missed. Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Jun 09, 202252:18
The Impact of Ignoring Unintentional Leadership

The Impact of Ignoring Unintentional Leadership

In Episode 108 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam identifies the issue facing so many businesses in the current climate, of attracting and retaining the right staff. She also looks at the question of leadership and emphasises the importance of tackling issues early and head on, for the benefit of all parties. As we emerge from the last couple of years overshadowed by the global pandemic, we are faced with a relatively new phenomenon of The Great Resignation. Sam considers what this really means for both the business and the individual, and why people are reassessing both their professional and personal lives. Drawing on real life examples, Sam proposes that how we work with our teams and our people really begins with how we lead ourselves. She recognises that every member of the team is a leader in some form, whether they want to be or not, and the problem arises for everyone when issues are not dealt with as they arise. Sam reflects on the early stages in her career and how receiving constructive feedback earlier would have helped her as well as those around her. She refers to an earlier podcast on difficult conversations (link below) and reminds us that avoiding these opportunities actually leads to a breakdown of trust. This reflective podcast is imperative listening for anyone confronted with the shortfall of available staff or wondering how to deal with issues within their team. With her usual transparent style, Sam shares her more challenging moments in a way that is sure to be beneficial to every business owner. Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

Jun 03, 202215:22
The Brutal Truth about Employee Engagement with Geoffrey Wade

The Brutal Truth about Employee Engagement with Geoffrey Wade

In Episode 107 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by business performance specialist Geoffrey Wade for a thought-provoking conversation around the importance of embracing emotions and the merits of employee engagement. From a background in engineering, robotics and computer science, Geoffrey became fascinated by people and in particular how they interacted in the workforce. Likening businesses to cybernetics, Geoffrey refers to the principles of complex systems, with multiple people and stakeholders, often with conflicting goals and drivers. In discussing the human factor, Sam and Geoffrey turn their attention to emotions and the growing understanding that employees cannot be expected to compartmentalise and leave their personal life at home when they come to work. Therefore they note it is necessary for both employees and employers to understand how to deal with emotions and all that they entail, and Geoffrey provides a real life example to clarify the point. The conversation turns to imposter syndrome with Sam and Geoffrey exploring what this means in a practical sense, and whether or not it can be outgrown. Sharing their own experiences, Sam and Geoffrey note that rather than being an uncommon feeling, the perception of feeling inadequate for a particular role is likely experienced by the majority of people as part of the human condition. With Geoffrey's professional focus on business performance and psychological safety, Sam and Geoffrey spend time discussing the merits and pitfalls on employee engagement metrics. Geoffrey quotes significant academic research which sheds light on the role that staff surveys play in the workplace and Sam and Geoffrey explore the drivers which have the most impact on employee satisfaction. Regardless of where you sit in the corporate arena, whether it's as a business owner, employee or senior executive, or are simply a keen observer of human interaction, this episode will provide compelling insight into team dynamics and the evolving nature of the world of work. Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to For episode shownotes:

May 28, 202250:34
Building Enduring Customer Loyalty by Focusing on the People with Aveline Clarke

Building Enduring Customer Loyalty by Focusing on the People with Aveline Clarke

In Episode 106 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Aveline Clarke, Customer Journey and Marketing Growth Architect, Founder of Journey Point and host of the 6 Star Business Podcast. Together they talk about the importance of building customer loyalty through alignment of values and authentic communication. With a background in marketing and human resources, Aveline realised there was a gap in the customer process, with businesses more focussed on lead generation and conversion without truly understanding who their customers are. Initially managing the Executive Resource function for Australia Post before moving onto roll out a best practice onboarding change management process at National Australia Bank, Aveline honed her people skills and developed her passion for employee and customer engagement. In this conversation, Aveline and Sam consider the importance of aligning your customers to your goals and values and deciding who it is you want to work with. So often in the corporate world it is encouraged to portray a professional image which is often disconnected to real people. Aveline notes that businesses forget about themselves and fail to take into account what it is they stand for and what they are ultimately trying to achieve beyond the bottom line. With the shared vision of aligning themselves with purpose-driven businesses, Sam and Aveline discuss the proposition that enterprises flourish and build customer loyalty when stakeholders are unafraid to share their true authentic selves. Tune into this episode for a deeper analysis and more thought-provoking conversation around the importance of heart-centred business. Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to For episode shownotes:

May 12, 202239:17
Enabling Growth Through Collaboration with Chris Bantock

Enabling Growth Through Collaboration with Chris Bantock

In Episode 105 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined from the UK by marketing expert and Founder of Agency Local, Chris Bantock, to talk about the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing by peers and industry colleagues. With a background in corporate sales and marketing in the technology sector, Chris initially set out to build a business in response to client demand for website design and support. He later collaborated with partners with complementary skillsets, resulting in the formulation of a full-service marketing agency. Fast forward twelve years to 2018 and Chris and his partners sold out of the company, leaving Chris free to pursue an opportunity to mentor and coach other agency owners in their quest to build and scale their businesses. In this conversation, Sam and Chris explore the expert deficit in the creative industries, discussing the gap between industry training and the need for business focused education. Chris believes that by bringing together like-minded agency owners in a social, non-competitive environment, the skills gap can be mitigated through shared learning and experience. Chris founded Agency Local to provide a forum for creative and marketing agencies across the Thames Valley outside of London. With a focus on business growth and development, members come together to collaborate and find new business opportunities, and also to find support and a sense of community. Through this conversation, Sam and Chris consider how this same model could apply to other industries and professional business owners, many of whom are less conditioned to collaboration than their creative counterparts. This discussion brings a wider perspective to the notion of networking for the sake of landing the next sale. With an emphasis on community and social engagement, Chris's business model is a roadmap for more humanistic collaboration and his conversation with Sam is sure to inspire. Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a 30 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to

May 05, 202243:01
Aligning Your Business to Drive Your Wealth Goals, with Wendy Brookhouse

Aligning Your Business to Drive Your Wealth Goals, with Wendy Brookhouse

In Episode 104 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined all the way from Canada by Wendy Brookhouse, Founder and CEO of Black Star Wealth. Sam and Wendy are united in their passion for knowing your numbers and catch up today to discuss the interconnection between business and wealth, and the obstacles that often stand in the way of growing both. Having created Black Star Wealth over 16 years ago, Wendy is on a mission to change lives by improving people's money consciousness and emboldening them with an holistic approach to numbers and growing wealth. In this conversation, Wendy breaks down the elements of a financial plan and looks beyond just investing, by delving into spending habits, insurance plans, debt reduction and more. Wendy shares the viewpoint that no matter how great an investment plan is, it cannot outweigh a spending problem, which is often the downfall of many individuals and businesses. Sam and Wendy consider the debate of whether we should we manage our own investments, and look at the benefits of employing a professional. In doing so, Sam and Wendy also explore the fears and limiting beliefs that drive us around money and ask the question - how much is enough? Linking back to Sam's mission for BlueprintHQ, this conversation explores the philosophy of planning your work around your life and considers what success looks like if the P&L is a lagging indicator of what's gone before. This podcast is essential listening for anyone seeking to grow a business on their own terms, and set themselves up to ensure they reap the rewards. Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Apr 14, 202248:32
Growing Your Business by Getting Clear on Your Story, with Kirin Kalia

Growing Your Business by Getting Clear on Your Story, with Kirin Kalia

In Episode 103 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by seasoned communications leader and start-up veteran Kirin Kalia to discuss Kirin's new venture, Grow Through Story, and her passion for helping founders attract capital whilst retaining more equity and control of their vision.

With a background in journalism and technology in the start-up world, Kirin launched her latest company in October 2021. She is especially passionate about supporting female and under-represented entrepreneurs in their business journey and is adept at coaching leaders to sell their story and elevate their pitch.

Sam and Kirin delve into the importance of being able to tell your story, both in building a customer base and also in attracting people for collaboration or investment. Together they explore how getting clarity around the story of your business leads to better focus and simplifies the everyday decision making process.

Kirin's commitment to helping her clients grow both their businesses and themselves is evident from the enthusiasm she brings to this conversation. She shares how she is inspired by working with driven, passionate people and helping them bring products and services to market that will contribute to the world in a positive way.

Through this discussion Kirin shares her advice for attracting the right investors by always knowing your desired outcome and asking yourself the right questions. Tune into this episode to ensure you're on the right path to getting the most out of your business.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Mar 31, 202236:41
The Power of Copywriting to Engage with Your Audience, with Adil Amarsi

The Power of Copywriting to Engage with Your Audience, with Adil Amarsi

Episode 102 - Naming his website the Greatest Copywriter Alive may be a bold claim but Adil Amarsi has the numbers to back it up. Generating over $821 million in sales for his clients between 2008 and 2021, Adil is living proof that loving your numbers is paramount when it comes to growing your business. You can't help but be impressed by Adil's grasp of his own metrics and how he employs them to promote his mastery. Adil joins Sam in episode 102 to talk about the magic of copywriting and how to better engage with your audience.

With over twenty years' experience as a copywriter, Adil began writing ads from the age of 12 in his home in East London. Driven by an obsession with human psychology, he is passionate about the ability to use words to convert readers into customers. Working with clients such as Tony Robbins, Adil has been nicknamed The Alchemist of Persuasion, The StorySeller and most notably The Michelangelo of Offer Creation.

In this conversation, Sam and Adil delve into the world of marketing, explaining what copywriting actually means and why it's so important in business. If numbers are critical to financials, they are just as important in tracking sales conversions and understanding which marketing methods are getting the biggest bang for your buck.

Adil knows just what to say to compel customers to act, and he proves it with an on-the-spot cold email composition, marketing a product selected at random off Sam's desk. It makes for impressive listening. Adil goes on to explain how the crux of good copywriting stems from understanding your audience and having the ability to put yourself in their shoes.

Whether you're looking to bolster your sales and get more from your marketing collateral, wondering what difference numbers really make, or are just looking for tips on composing a better marketing email, you cannot go past this episode.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Mar 27, 202251:33
Treating Yourself as Your Best Asset

Treating Yourself as Your Best Asset

Episode 101 of The Business Habitat Podcast, Sam pauses for a moment to reflect on how we should be treating ourselves as our biggest asset. Using the metaphor of our material assets to demonstrate the priorities we place on external factors, Sam illustrates how our attention is sometimes misplaced, often to the detriment of our values and boundaries.

In the current climate of volatility at both a domestic and international level, now more than ever it is important to be looking after ourselves and managing our time and energy to best serve our own needs and those around us. As leaders in business, whether as an employee or as business owners, the demands on our time can seem endless, and it is up to us to best manage our own resources and output.

Sam compares our management of self to the task of looking after our biggest material asset, whether that be our own home, an investment property, or some other financial investment. We research the purchase, we guard it closely, cognisant of who and what we let into the premises. Sam questions whether we are as vigilant when it comes to safeguarding own well-being, often letting ourselves be spread too thin and not doing enough to re-energise.

Now in the era of "The Great Resignation", experienced and senior people are succumbing to Leadership Fatigue Syndrome. One of the reasons for this is the lack of education around how to better manage and replenish our own energy. If our physical self is the only asset we can truly control, then isn't it time to start to rethink how we approach our daily work and consider the return on your biggest investment - the asset of you?

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Mar 17, 202220:34
Scaling Your Business Through Alignment and Support with Eleanor Beaton

Scaling Your Business Through Alignment and Support with Eleanor Beaton

Episode 100 - In this very special episode, Sam is joined by world-renowned Business Coach, Founder of Safi Media, and Host of top-rated podcast, Power + Presence + Position, Eleanor Beaton. Sam and Eleanor share an inspiring conversation centered around business scalability and the importance of support and lived experience in an often overwhelming world.

As Founder of Safi Media, Eleanor shares her mission to double the number of female founders who sustainably scale past $1M in annual revenue by 2030, through entrepreneurship, education, business coaching and story-telling. This dovetails nicely with Sam's own business goals which she shares with Eleanor and together they discuss the critical elements they consider essential to combat the fatigue and overwhelm so many entrepreneurs and business owners encounter as they build their businesses.

Eleanor goes on to explain the importance of understanding our own values and the ability to recognise when something is not in alignment. She emphasizes the critical skill of articulating a strong viewpoint and why this is important in building a leadership presence, particularly for women.

Sam and Eleanor agree on the necessity for lived experience, especially when it comes to coaching others, and discuss key elements crucial for building thriving enterprises.

Whether you've been following The Business Habitat from the beginning, or have only recently discovered it, you won't want to miss this 100th episode with two inspirational women as they share their secrets for business and life.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Feb 24, 202236:16
How Loving Her Numbers Took Nicole Barham From Bankruptcy to Multiple Six Figures

How Loving Her Numbers Took Nicole Barham From Bankruptcy to Multiple Six Figures

In Episode 99 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam continues her Love Your Number Series in conversation with Nicole Barham, CEO and Finance Coach with Design your Wealth, and creator of the 5 Minute Bookkeeper.

Nicole designed The 5 Minute Bookkeeper as a means to help small business people and entrepreneurs get on top of their finances. Recognising that numbers can sometimes be overwhelming, Nicole set out to bridge the gap in the start-up phase, when resources are stretched and a dedicated bookkeeper may not be justified. Nicole is passionate about building a community for entrepreneurs in particular, to create an environment which enhances productivity and removes procrastination.

In this podcast Nicole shares her story of financial challenges in her first business some 6 years ago, where she declared bankruptcy. Coming from a background in Affiliate Marketing, Nicole learned from her financial setback and discovered a niche in the market for people just starting out. In a world where most people would rather visit their dentist than their accountant, Nicole has found a way to help business owners overcome their hesitation with numbers and embrace their financial journey.

Having grown her business from zero in 2020 to now turning over multiple six figures, Nicole knows what she's talking about when it comes to knowing her numbers, finding her niche and making it work. With Sam's background in Accounting and helping businesses grow, together they have a compelling conversation about the benefits of loving your numbers that you won't want to miss.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Feb 20, 202230:13
Building Better Relationships with Yourself and Others by Aligning Your Body and Nervous System with Jay Fields

Building Better Relationships with Yourself and Others by Aligning Your Body and Nervous System with Jay Fields

Episode 98 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Jay Fields, Somatic Coach and LinkedIn Educator, dialing in all the way from California to discuss the mind/body connection and how being true to yourself and aligning your is fundamental to living a more fulfilling life. In her game-changing work, Jay helps people leverage their nervous system and body to shift their thinking, and have better relationships with themselves and others.

Kicking off this important conversation, Sam talks to why she is so passionate about this topic and how exploring this field has benefitted her personally in her own journey. Jay explains the meaning of Somatic Coaching, with Soma being the Greek word for body, where body encompasses all the parts of mind, body, heart, spirit, consciousness and the nervous system.

Jay's background as a Yoga instructor and rock-climber helped her to appreciate the clarity that came from being present in the moment. It led her to focus her studies on the mind/body connection. Developing her own major of Psycho-social health and human movement, Jay pursued how people can use the connection to our bodies as a preventative measure for psychological health in our culture.

Drawing on her own background, Sam makes the connection between Jay's work and the need for goal alignment as we move forward towards people-centric, heart-centred businesses. Recognising that people thrive when they can truly bring their whole selves to work, Sam and Jay examine the shift that needs to occur in traditional corporate culture and the role people play in their own transformative journey.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Feb 09, 202246:05
Getting Unstuck and Hitting Goals

Getting Unstuck and Hitting Goals

Jan 31, 202216:30
Creating Greater Impact and Breaking the Expert Paradox with Dr Karen Wilson

Creating Greater Impact and Breaking the Expert Paradox with Dr Karen Wilson

In Episode 96, Sam teams up with Dr Karen Wilson, Clinical Neuropsychologist and Director of West LA Neuropsychology. Amongst Dr Wilson's many accolades, most recently are the Forbes next 1000 and the Amex 100 for 100 Founders for Change. Dr Wilson is the Founder of ChildNEXUS, a web application that provides information to parents who have children struggling with neurodevelopmental or social-emotional issues.

Dr Wilson moved into Neuropsychology in graduate school when she realised she didn't like the sight of blood. She learned quickly that pivoting her interests and applying her knowledge and expertise to a broader range of activities was the best way for her to evolve and follow her passions. Frustrated by the linear nature of person to person consulting, Dr Wilson sought out more effective ways of disseminating information to the people who needed it, in this case, primarily teachers and parents.

In this conversation Sam and Dr Wilson explore the similarities that exist across expert businesses and note that irrespective of the discipline, whether it be medical, business or other professional fields, the obstacles to growth remain the same. Dr Wilson shares why it was important to her to reach more people and her views on overcoming the barriers to communication that exist across the board.

This podcast dovetails neatly into the discussion around moving towards a broader and more effective platform, and making the most of time and effort in the process. It is essential listening for any professional or business owner looking to have a greater impact in their field and build a business on their own terms.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Jan 23, 202230:12
Re-Release: Living your WHY in Life and Business, with Troy Morgan

Re-Release: Living your WHY in Life and Business, with Troy Morgan

Episode 95 - In this re-release, Troy Morgan shares his WHY around helping people engage with change, and the reason the internal personal work needs to come before any business change work that we do.

Troy is a wellbeing specialist, CEO of Willows Health Group, Director and Shareholder of health companies Well360 and SpringDay. He is also a sought after speaker in the areas of wellbeing, leadership and culture.

His corporate health work has seen him launch wellbeing and change strategies and initiatives, not only here in Australia, but New Zealand, Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia. Troy is also a professional touch football player and a long-time client and friend of Sam.

Sam and Troy discuss his background in Exercise Science and fitness/health businesses, the business model Troy is working on now and what we can learn from it.

Troy then explains the two types of coaching-with compliance and with compassion-and why more knowledge isn't always the answer.

Sam and Troy then discuss ways to embed technology by starting with WHY, the reality of client and customer expectations for small business changing, and the importance of personalising the customer journey by using data to give real value to your clients and customers.

Finally, Troy shares his top three tips on how to support your health and wellbeing.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Dec 22, 202133:50
Leveraging Your Social Capital to Monetize Your Network, with Ungenita Prevost

Leveraging Your Social Capital to Monetize Your Network, with Ungenita Prevost

Episode 94 - In this week's inspiring episode, Sam welcomes networker extraordinaire, Ungenita Prevost, host of podcast Billion Dollar Rolodex, and Founder of FEMME 500 Global Feminine Leadership Network and Networking in Stilettos. Calling in from London, Ungenita shares her passion for networking and explains how women are missing the mark when it comes to building their own social capital.

Success didn't come easy for Ungenita. A child of the foster care system in the US, Ungenita's natural ability for building rapport with people led to her first job in a real estate office at the age of 15. Sacrificing weekends in an effort to create opportunities for herself, Ungenita learned quickly how to leverage her social networking.

Sam and Ungenita discuss their mutual enthusiasm for monetising their strengths and explore the difference between a 'gig' network which dissipates when you change jobs, and social capital born of authenticity and an 'abundance' mindset. In this age of 'followers' and Insta-likes, Ungenita points out how few influencers really know how to extract value from this emerging media and draws the distinction between popularity and profitability.

Recognising that women's networks tend to fail when a masculine approach to building relationships is adopted, Sam and Ungenita consider the under-utilisation and importance of so-called 'soft' skills such as listening and asking questions.

If you've ever questioned the benefit of building your network or wondered why your attempts to expand your business via your social network are not achieving your desired results, you cannot afford to miss this conversation.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Dec 10, 202139:34
Simple Solutions to a Global Problem with Evannah Jayne

Simple Solutions to a Global Problem with Evannah Jayne

In Episode 93 of The Business Habitat podcast, Sam is joined by Evannah Jayne, Founder and CEO of Terran Industries, a business dedicated to helping companies and individuals reduce their environmental footprint in new and creative ways.

With a goal to tackle global sustainability, Evannah believes that every object can have a second life, and that with just a little bit of research, everyone can make better decisions with regard to the impact they leave on the world around them. Evannah explains the concept of 'green washing', comments on the 2050 Net Zero target and explains why time is running out for industry to get on board.

In this thought-provoking conversation, Sam and Evannah delve into the meaning of the Circular Economy and how one company's 'waste', or as Evannah calls it, excess materials, can be converted into resources for another company, thereby increasing efficiency and removing the requirement for landfill.

Spurred on by recent findings that 88% of consumers want businesses to help them live more sustainably, Evannah believes that companies that embrace sustainability will be the ones that will thrive. Keen to dispel the myth that green products are more expensive, Evannah and Sam discuss the concept of "buy well, buy once", and provide simple yet effective steps that each person can take in their daily lives.

If you've ever questioned how you can make a difference, or are wondering what your business can do to serve your clients better, this is a conversation you won't want to miss.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Dec 01, 202127:35
How Knowing Your Numbers Leads to Exponential Growth with Margy Feldhuhn

How Knowing Your Numbers Leads to Exponential Growth with Margy Feldhuhn

Episode 92 - If you've ever wondered how businesses scale up to $10m-plus turnover, this is a conversation you can't afford to miss. In this episode, Sam is joined by Margy Feldhuhn, CEO of the world's first podcast booking agency, Interview Connections, who's working on doing just that.

As the ultimate 21st century business, Interview Connections works with podcast hosts and entrepreneurs to build connections and help grow their personal brands. Margy shares her views on the importance of knowing and understanding her numbers, and her own personal journey of taking her business, in conjunction with her business partner, Jessica Rhodes, from 7 figure turnover to cracking the 8 figure mark.

Sharing the statistics on the number of women running businesses over $2 million turnover and beyond, Sam relays to Margy her own personal experience and the lessons she's learned along the way. They discuss their shared love of numbers and Margy imparts valuable insights on getting numbers to work for you.

With a business on the brink of $3million turnover and growing exponentially, Margy is well placed to guide other aspiring business owners on their path to scale. This inspiring, yet very relatable conversation, will give you a fresh perspective on what's truly possible.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Nov 25, 202139:31
Growing Your Business by Building Your Virtual Team, with Cheryl Leong

Growing Your Business by Building Your Virtual Team, with Cheryl Leong

In Episode 91, Sam caught up with Cheryl Leong of The Growth Hub, to share her compelling story of building the quintessential purpose-driven business. This conversation shows how one business meets a multitude of needs, but ultimately at its heart is a people-centric endeavour to make the world a better place.

Cheryl Leong built The Growth Hub out of a childhood desire to provide better opportunities for domestic workers in Singapore. Growing up, Cheryl was witness to the sacrifice that many of the "help" made by leaving their families behind in their home country to build a better life for their children. She was determined that they should have the ability to stay with their families, working from home, while still building and utilising their skills and achieving their goals.

Launching just prior to COVID shutdowns, Cheryl saw the opportunity to match corporate need for assistance and growth, with skilled, yet under-utilised labour, in countries such as the Phillipines, Malaysia and Indonesia. Sam and Cheryl explore the possibility for businesses to grow by outsourcing and building virtual teams, and what is required of business leaders in order to succeed in creating truly flexible business models.

Whether you're seeking more purpose in your business, or wanting to build on your already successful enterprise, or simply looking for a heart-warming story, this uplifting conversation will have you thinking about "virtual assistants" in a new way. This is one you won't want to miss.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Nov 21, 202134:25
Breaking the Taboo of Money Conversations with Tracey Bissett - Love your Numbers Series

Breaking the Taboo of Money Conversations with Tracey Bissett - Love your Numbers Series

In Episode 90, Sam embarks on a special "Love your Numbers" series with her first guest, Tracey Bissett, joining all the way from Toronto, Canada. This conversation focusses on a topic very close to Sam's heart, exploring the importance of financial literacy for business owners.

Tracey Bissett is a Canadian based Financial Coach, and President of Bissett Financial Fitness, a company focused on educating and empowering individuals, and in particular, young adults and business owners, to take control of their financial lives. A former banking executive at TD Bank, one of Canada's Big 5 Banks, Tracey is well placed to dispel the mystery surrounding money.

Having just celebrated the fourth anniversary of her podcast, Young Money, Tracey is no stranger to discussing financial habits. Taught to discuss money from an early age, Tracey has always been a fan of money and how it can be used to accomplish her goals.

In Episode 90, Tracey and Sam explore their mutual love of numbers and break down some of the barriers which often prohibit people from gaining greater financial clarity. They consider the reluctance amongst business owners to further their financial education and compare it to the willingness to focus on sales and marketing as a more acceptable developmental need.

Whether you're feeling at a bit of loss about money or your business financials, or consider yourself a financial whiz-kid, you're sure to gain a fresh perspective from Sam and Tracey's conversation.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Nov 11, 202129:23
Re-Release: The Art of Difficult Conversations
Nov 04, 202126:29
Avoiding the Emotional and Financial Pitfalls of Ineffective Networking and Technology

Avoiding the Emotional and Financial Pitfalls of Ineffective Networking and Technology

Oct 21, 202126:10
Creating Customers for Life with the Help of a CRM, with Avon Collis

Creating Customers for Life with the Help of a CRM, with Avon Collis

In Episode 87, Sam talks with Relevate Consulting's Avon Collis about the value of retaining customer information through the use of a solid Client Relationship Management (CRM) System.

As a CRM and Marketing Automation Specialist, Avon is focussed on helping organisations build stronger relationships with their clients, by making it easier to improve the customer experience. Whether it's knowing what type of coffee they drink, or remembering their children's names, or understanding their business goals, the ability to retain information about a client is invaluable. The benefit of having that data available at each touchpoint cannot be underestimated in terms of gaining trust and creating rapport in customer interactions.

In this podcast Sam and Avon delve into the variety of ways a CRM can add value to a business. As Avon explains, clients are looking for a seamless experience. Whilst it might take time and discipline to build the habit of entering data into a CRM, it will be paid back exponentially when a primary contact leaves the business or the time comes to sell.

If you're looking for ways to streamline your customer service experience, or you're a business owner with too much information in your head, this podcast is essential listening.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Oct 15, 202129:38
The Mindset Shift Towards Value Pricing, with Filip Fucic

The Mindset Shift Towards Value Pricing, with Filip Fucic

In Episode 86, Sam digs deeper into value pricing, a topic close to the heart of anyone in business. She is joined in this discussion by Filip Fucic, a value pricing expert based in Croatia, who has helped business leaders around the world improve their pricing by 15 to 50% within a two month timeframe, by shifting how they think about the value they provide. In this follow up episode to Episode #58, Sam and Filip explore further the Expert Paradox and why pricing on a dollar per hour basis does not always reflect the expertise and value provided to clients. Recognising the need for a value pricing revolution, Sam & Filip explore the challenges in resetting the traditional pricing model and reiterate Sam's earlier proposition that re-educating the market takes time, effort, thought and skill. Filip underscores the need to be able to communicate the value and talks to the inelasticity of pricing adjustments, particularly when the service offering provides benefit to the client. Using clear examples and straightforward logic to emphasise the merits of this mindset shift, this podcast is essential listening for any business leader looking to optimise their bottom line and demonstrate the intrinsic value they provide to their clients. Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Sep 30, 202130:55
People Centred Success Metrics are Key to Getting Results
Sep 16, 202110:57
Why You Need to Fall in Love with Your Numbers

Why You Need to Fall in Love with Your Numbers

Sep 14, 202118:10
We All Do Better Together with Matt Kreis
Sep 01, 202137:56
Alignment is the Key to Resolving Leadership Fatigue
Aug 27, 202126:34
Addressing Leadership Fatigue Syndrome is an Internal Process

Addressing Leadership Fatigue Syndrome is an Internal Process

In Episode 81, Sam highlights the epidemic of leadership burnout that has been prevalent for decades and now with COVID is increasing exponentially. Sam draws on her own experience to discuss this important topic with compassion and honesty.

While there appears to be widespread recognition that burnout is real and impacting both individuals and businesses at an alarming rate, there is little agreement on how to reverse this trend beyond corporate training and better technology. Quoting a recent Forbes article, Sam notes the statistics are clearly on the rise and yet the proposed solutions fall far short of addressing the real problem.

These methods overlook the critical fact that leadership programmes typically deal with leading other people, not ourselves. With over 20 years of leadership training, Sam is well placed to talk to both the virtues and pitfalls of traditional courses and why we need something more intrinsic to deal with this escalating predicament.

In this podcast Sam shares her experience of dealing with burnout and describes the clear steps she took to move forward and get honest about what she wanted and how to get there. With the view that all these problems are solveable, Sam opens the conversation that will be increasingly important as we navigate the months and years ahead.

Here at BlueprintHQ, we are here to help. We are super passionate about the professional services industry and supporting you with what you need. We are offering a short, sharp 15 minute consultation call to help you with this process. Go to
Aug 19, 202114:53
Working Smarter to Build Your Business, in Conversation with Paul Jansz
Aug 12, 202126:55
Bridging the Expert to Business Mindset Gap
Aug 05, 202124:37
Building Business Freedom with Joshua Lewis
Jul 26, 202132:16
Introducing the Business Habitat
Jul 15, 202107:07
Professional and Personal Fulfillment is Not Mutually Exclusive

Professional and Personal Fulfillment is Not Mutually Exclusive

IDA Episode 76 - In this raw and authentic account, Sam shares the journey that led her to walk away from a successful leadership position in a multi-million dollar accounting practice, and regain control of her professional life in a way that resonated with her own personal goals.

In 2014, feeling depressed, unfit and burnt out, Sam made the brave decision to turn her back on her corporate career and instead seek out a future on her own terms. Despite achieving success by societal standards, Sam found herself disenchanted with the typical business model and felt in her heart there had to be a better way.

Having invested so much time gaining knowledge and skills in the accounting industry, Sam knew she didn't want to just discard her experience and start again, but rather build on her foundation in a space that allowed both professional and personal satisfaction.

In this inspiring podcast, Sam delves into the common theme of career dissatisfaction and the ways in which companies often fail their employees, often without meaning to. Sam draws a picture of a better way of working, with a framework that places the individual firmly at the centre, while simultaneously delivering economic performance.

Sam wraps up this podcast with an invitation to join her one-day Success Retreat on Thursday 5 August in Brisbane (with other cities opening up soon), where you will gain the tools you need to rethink your own career or business, and set yourself on the path to true fulfillment. Spots are by application only, register your interest here:
Jul 07, 202117:45
The Unique Role of Women in Family Business with Susanne Bransgrove
Jun 24, 202128:50