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Caffeine with Kunaan

Caffeine with Kunaan

By Kunaan Panik

Kunaan, as a queer, neurodivergent, atheist Iñupiaq, discusses a wide variety of topics from her viewpoint and shares how it has impacted her life. Topics range from politics to religion to colonization and more.
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B is for Behavior

Caffeine with KunaanJun 17, 2021

Land Acknowledgements Part 2

Land Acknowledgements Part 2

We are back!!!! The semester was over weeks ago, and we finally finished moving, but it turns out that not logging into various websites and programs meant updating a lot of things and figuring out once again how to make my equipment work. I finished one episode that I promised a while ago and look forward to starting recording new topics for y'all.

This is a continuation of the two discussions in our Fairbanks City Government regarding Land Acknowledgements. One discussion was happening at the Fairbanks City Council and the other was happening at the Fairbanks Diversity Council. One conversation may make you angry as it did me, but the other won't.

Here are the links to listen to the original meetings yourselves that were in either the first Land Acknowledgement episode or this one:

Jun 12, 202301:39:45
Abortion Access in Alaska with Rose O'Hara-Jolley

Abortion Access in Alaska with Rose O'Hara-Jolley

In this episode, we are joined by Rose O'Hara-Jolley from Planned Parenthood Advocates Alliance to discuss where abortion access is in Alaska, where it could go, myths around abortions, and what we can do to not only protect but ensure Abortion Access for every Alaskan.

Planned Parenthood Advocates Alliance Alaska has a website to volunteer in this election, see what candidates they have endorsed, and other information just for Alaskans. Don't forget to sign up for their emails to learn about local actions, bills or other laws that would impact Alaskans and our abortion access, and other information that's useful as a community advocate. You can still do last minute canvassing or phone banking to remind people that the election is just around the corner. One of PPAA's amazing employees will make sure you have supplies and know how to get their attention if you do end up having questions.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th, this year. Please make a plan to vote and bring a friend who usually forgets. This is not the year to assume that everyone else will vote. Your voice will make a difference.

Rose mentioned Sister Song, which is an organization that focuses on reproductive justice for Black community members as well as other people of color. We highly recommend that you check them out, learn more about reproductive justice and how you can ensure equitable abortion access in your community, and how to advocate for those who aren't privileged within Alaska.

To learn more about domestic violence and healthy relationships, which was briefly mentioned in the podcast at least twice, please go to Interior Alaska Center for Non-Violent Living.

If you are able to donate and you liked listening to the show, please go to our website and consider giving a one time donation or setting up a monthly donation so our podcast can continue and grow.

KWRK is an amazing, local, volunteer run organization that airs out podcasts including Caffeine with Kunaan.

Nov 06, 202201:24:14
Constitutional Convention with Luke Hopkins

Constitutional Convention with Luke Hopkins

In this episode, we learn what a Constitutional Convention is, what to expect, who is part of Defend Alaska Constitution, and what we can do.

To learn more about this topic or volunteer, go to and look around the website. Luke Hopkins shared his email,, if you want to email him with additional questions.

To look at Alaska's Constitution, go to the Lt. Governor's website. You can also look up the Constitutional Convention at, which I hyperlinked for you.

We mentioned one of NAACP's Candidate Forums in the episode. It's the one for District 31, 32, and Senate P; but you can look at the other Districts they have on their YouTube as well.

Please talk with your friends and family about the upcoming election, what will be on their ballot, and make a plan to vote and bring a friend who usually forgets. Election Day is November 8th. Early Voting starts October 24th for those who know they are busy on Tuesdays.

Vote No on 1.

Oct 21, 202201:08:28
Fairbanks City Council and Land Acknowledgements Part 1

Fairbanks City Council and Land Acknowledgements Part 1

In this episode, Kunaan shares two different conversations around Resolution 4981. This Resolution would have added a Land Acknowledgement to the beginnign of Fairbanks City Council Meetings to be read the same time the Council gives a Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation (or prayer). One conversation we follow is from Fairbanks City Council itself and the other is from Fairbanks Diversity Council. This is only the beginning of the conversations, so there will be more episodes covering these conversations.

We do apologize for taking so long to publish this episode. Kunaan struggled to record this several months ago. She kept putting this episode off until summer hit; this is when she decided to slow down and take a different tactic. They listened to over 9 different meetings, editing out clips while doing this. Then once again, they struggled to record before deciding to record when they could and editing along the way.

She will be back to finish the rest of this conversation, but plans to release one or two more episodes before releasing a part two for this episode.

You can look at the agendas for the different meetings in this episode if you like: the first Fairbanks City Council Meeting, the second City Council Meeting, and the first Fairbanks Diversity Council Meeting.

Elections for a new Mayor and two City Council seats will happen on October 4th, but early voting begins September 19th (this upcoming Monday). You will also be able to vote for FNSB Borough Assembly, FNSB School Board, and North Pole City Council. The two city councils are only available to vote on if you live in the city limits for the city council you want to vote in.

Sep 16, 202253:23
Local Music with Wasabi

Local Music with Wasabi

Hey peoples! How is your summer starting out?

In this episode, we are interviewing Wasabi, who is a friend of mine, about her music and goals. We picked out four songs to share, but she has plenty more you can listen to. All of the songs we shared are available on Wasabi's YouTube, but she has even more songs than what's available there.

Here is the link to Wasabi's YouTube Channel:

Here is the link to Wasabi's Soundcloud:

Here is a link to a song Wasabi did for Sovereignty Stories:

Here is a link for information to go with Sovereignty Stories song:

Here is a link to KWRK:

Please share out local artists and support them. Quyanaqpak for listening.

May 20, 202234:39
What Is the Bread Line with Hannah Hill
Apr 29, 202258:51
Police Reform Bills in the State with Representative Geran Tarr

Police Reform Bills in the State with Representative Geran Tarr

In this episode, Kunaan has a conversation with Rep. Geran Tarr about bills she's introduced in the House. These bills would make changes to how police are allowed to interact with the public, create data for law makers to work with, and create public safety.

The House Bills introduced by Rep. Tarr are HB253, HB254, HB255, HB256, HB269, and HB270. She suggested that you call her office and talk to David (907-465-3424} or email her.

Rep. Tarr mentioned that these bills she introduced are the Sister Bills to ones Sen. Elvi Gray-Jackson introduced in the Senate. The Senate Bills are SB1, SB2, SB3, SB4, SB7 and SB46. These are the bills that will have a tab for documents where you can find information that supports the bills.

When you go to the main page, at the bottom, you will find 3 pieces of information. The first one Rep. Tarr mentioned was texting the bill (for example, HB253) you want information on to 559-245-2529 to enroll for text messages about the bill. The second thing she mentioned was Bill Tracking Management Facility which you sign up to get emailed updates. The third thing wasn't mentioned, but you can put in your address to find your legislators.

Kunaan brought up an event that will be held in Anchorage on April 1st, Justice for Bishar Hassan. My condolences to Bishar's family. They are not the only people grieving because of Police Violence in our state.

We also mentioned donating to your local soup kitchen, which is Stone Soup Cafe in Fairbanks. You can also donate to KRWK. If none of these links work or you would like to donate to Kunaan so she can continue this work, go to

Mar 08, 202234:37
Executive Order 121 with Andrée and Robin

Executive Order 121 with Andrée and Robin

In this episode, Andrée McLeod and Robin O'Donoghue, both from AKPIRG,  join Kunaan to help explain Governor Dunleavy's Executive Order 121, what is known and unknown about how this will impact Alaskans, a House Special Concurrent Resolution (HSCR2) that was introduced, and what we as Alaskans can do.

They didn't mention this form AKPIRG created that you can fill out and edit to be sent to your legislators, but I'm adding it here.

They did mention that we can testify to House Health & Social Services Committee meeting on Tuesday, March 1st, at 3 pm. The phone number to call is 907-465-4648 and the email address is

They also recommended communicating with your Senators and Representatives as well as reaching out to your LIO for more information.

You can also reach out to AKPIRG for more information.

We would like to thank our donors and KWRK for the help they give me. If you would like to support this podcast, please donate at the website.

If the platform you are using to listen to this program doesn't hyperlink everything in this text box, then go to and look for links there.

Feb 26, 202233:55
A Lack of Medically Necessary Resources in Alaska with Natasha Aġnaŋuluuraq Gamache

A Lack of Medically Necessary Resources in Alaska with Natasha Aġnaŋuluuraq Gamache

In this episode, Kunaan interviews Natasha Aġnaŋuluuraq Gamache. Natasha Aġnaŋuluuraq shares her personal story about the struggles in finding adequate medical care for her son in Alaska, gives advice on what everyone can do to make changes, gives advice to others in similar situations, and shares what gives her hope when everything seems to be working against her. Better bring some tissues and be prepared to cry and laugh.

Natasha Aġnaŋuluuraq mentioned Stand Up Alaska and has since created a Facebook group called Alaska Coalition for Equitable Access to Care.

Don't forgt to write emails to Sen. Lisa Murkowski, Sen. Dan Sullivan, and Rep. Don Young. If you click on their names, you should find the phone numbers to their offices where you can ask their staff questions or leave short messages as well. We mentioned Build Back Better as a possible conversation piece.

We also mentioned contacting Gov. Mike Dunleavy, your State Senators, and your State Representatives. We mentioned the Governor's proposed budget and the President's Infrastructure Law as possible points of conversation.

If you need help either figuring out the best way to send anyone who represents you an email, email Kunaan. If you need help figuring out how to find out your rights, email Natasha Aġnaŋuluuraq Gamache.

We are grateful to our donor. You can donate at our website. Also consider donating to KWRK as they share my podcast along with other local voices.

Feb 04, 202201:15:51
Racism in Alaska Featuring Alyssa Quintyne

Racism in Alaska Featuring Alyssa Quintyne

Hey peoples! Racism still exists and Alaska is not exempt despite what people may say or believe. In this episode, Alyssa Quintyne joins me to talk about racism, how it impacts Alaskans, lateral violence, and oppression olympics.

We realized that we forgot to thank Alyssa for joining us for this important discussion while recording, and while this isn't the same, we wanted to make sure that we publicly thanks her for taking the time and labor to share her knowledge, personal stories, and information to help us work towards making Alaska more inclusive and equitable. She went above and beyond for all of us and we are grateful.

Here are the articles that Alyssa Quintyne mentioned in the episode:

The Danger of Oppression Olympics

The Intersectionality Wars

White Supremacy Culture

Here is the article Kunaan mentioned that discusses the Wampanoags, their version of the first Thanksgiving, and the regret that they feel for their actions.

Here are some podcasts that Kunaan recommends listening to:

Still Processing

Seeing White

Code Switch

Here to Slay

The Diversity Gap

The Red Nation

This Land

All My Relations

Local to Fairbanks Black and Indigenous led organizations are NAACP of Fairbanks, Native Movement, and SILA.

To donate to or volunteer with Bread Line, Inc., go to their website, call 452-1974 or email

Check out the website,, to donate or for updates. Please only donate if you have the funds. KWRK also airs our podcast, so consider donating to them as well.

Jan 16, 202201:46:16
Interview with new media artist Nathan Shafer
Jan 02, 202202:08:19
A Resolution and An Ordinance
Dec 02, 202157:45
Interview with Former Assembly Member Liz Lyke
Nov 24, 202151:51
Interview with Lisa McEnulty
Nov 12, 202120:51
Sept. 21, 2021 FNSB School Board Meeting

Sept. 21, 2021 FNSB School Board Meeting

This episode is about Fairbanks North Star Borough Board of Education Resolutions 2021-04, 2021-05, and 2021-06. These resolutions impact marginalized members of our community, focusing on females, Indigenous people, and members of the LGBT community. Some of the comments on these resolutions need to be talked about.

Content Warning for Episode: There is offensive language in one of the clips I used. I called out the offensive language.

I struggled to get this episode recorded, so I ended up writing a script for this episode and reading it. I also recorded while my toddler was awake, so let me know if the background noise is too distracting.

Link to hear the School Board General Meeting, read agendas, or find the resolutions:

Links to information about Day of the Girl Child:

Link to understand an offensive term:

Link to learn about Alaskan Native Discrimination happening today:

Link to information about LGBT history month:

Oct 31, 202143:51
E is for Emotional Control

E is for Emotional Control

In this episode, Kunaan finishes going over the BITE model and determining where on the spectrum her former church is.

Oct 10, 202130:14
I is for Information Control

I is for Information Control

In this episode, Kunaan goes over the Information Control from the BITE Model to discuss where on the spectrum her former church is as a cult.

Oct 02, 202134:04
T is for Thought Control

T is for Thought Control

Kunaan is an atheist, queer, Iñupiaq who was raised in a Fundamental Baptist Church in her hometown. Kunaan uses she/they pronouns. In this episode, they continue the using the BITE Model while discussing things about the church to show how they came to the realization that they were raised in a cult.

Oct 01, 202120:23
B is for Behavior

B is for Behavior

In this episode, Kunaan talks about how the church she grew up in is a cult. She uses Steven Hassan's BITE Model to show how she came to this conclusion. She only discusses Behavior Control, which is the B in BITE.

Content Warning: There is discussion about forms of abuse including sexual abuse. While Kunaan does not give examples, the topic is talked about.

To learn more about the BITE model, visit

Yes, we know that they said .org in the podcast, but it was a mistake and they are sorry. They will correct this information in the next episode.

Join us for the next episode as we discuss Information Control, which is the I in BITE.

Jun 17, 202128:38
Caffeine with Kunaan Preview

Caffeine with Kunaan Preview

Kunaan's pronouns are she/her/they/them. She is Iñupiat and her family is from the North Slope. They are also an atheist who has studied their way out of religion. She identifies as Bisexual and Sipiñiq, an Iñupiatun word for their third gender. They also have ADHD, so be prepared for a few rabbitholes as they discuss topics ranging from politics to religion to colonization and everything in between.

Listen to Kunaan's perspective as she talks about whatever she wants at least every other week.

Join us next episode as we discuss how some of the churches I have attended are cults.

Jun 16, 202100:46