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The Mass Disruption Podcast

The Mass Disruption Podcast

By Caleb Wun

The Mass Disruption Podcast brings you the best educational content that you just can’t learn in school. This podcast will provide you with the best tips and tricks regarding health, handling life experiences, social life, and overall happiness and what it means to live a fulfilled life.
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How To Market What You Sell in 2020 and Beyond With Michael Weglinski

The Mass Disruption PodcastDec 26, 2019

Stop Being So Prideful and Know Your Place

Stop Being So Prideful and Know Your Place

I've been talking a lot about confidence and narcissism and understanding the difference between the two forces. But there’s an even further level that we need to touch on. Some say it’s one of the worst sins imaginable, and that is having too much pride. Many people have the belief that pride is nothing more than evil, but is it always as bad as people say it is? In this episode, I want to share with you all, my take on pride and do a deep dive on its element to really see if it’s as bad as people think it is or is it an untapped resource that gets a bad rep?

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Nov 09, 202021:52
Understanding and Knowing Ignorance Part 2: Why Sometimes Being Ignorant is Bliss. The Paradox of Choice.

Understanding and Knowing Ignorance Part 2: Why Sometimes Being Ignorant is Bliss. The Paradox of Choice.

This is episode 2 of 2 in our series of understanding ignorance, in our last episode we mentioned how there’s really only three types of ignorance. In this episode I want to cover the idea of the saying ‘Ignorance is bliss.’ It’s a saying we hear all the time, and I want to dissect that quote and to really see if there’s any merit when people use it.

Go check Barry Schwartz’s book 'Paradox of Choice’ -

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Nov 02, 202016:15
Understanding and Knowing Ignorance Part 1: The 3 Types of Ignorance

Understanding and Knowing Ignorance Part 1: The 3 Types of Ignorance

I go on record a lot about how no one should ever take pride in ignorance. You don’t advertise to people that you have pink eye or bad breath, so why should people proclaim that they don’t know shit? While at the same time make themselves feel like an outcast and out of the loop in the process. A topics I want to dive deeper into understanding is ignorance. I believe there’s 3 types of ignorance that’s plaguing people. Either it’s them using the wrong one for the wrong occasion or it’s not realizing or knowing how destructive they can be. This episode will be part 1 of 2 of understanding ignorance. 

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Nov 02, 202012:52
How Confident Or Narcissistic Are You? Food To The Wise. Liquor To The Fool.

How Confident Or Narcissistic Are You? Food To The Wise. Liquor To The Fool.


Tai Lopez Life Compass Personality Quiz -

Recently I’ve been watching NBC’s ‘The Office’ particularly the episode titled ‘Dream Team.’ And one of the smaller characters of the show, a guy named Vickram was describing our protagonist, Michael Scott, as confident. Vickram followed up, by saying how “Confidence is the food of the wise man but the liquor of the fool.” With all of that in mind I figure I share my thoughts on confidence, is it a bad thing that people have it or is it a bad thing that people lack it. We’re going to answer that question and more in this episode. 

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Oct 26, 202020:52
Why You Should Stop Doing Some Things. Understanding Sunk Cost Fallacy.

Why You Should Stop Doing Some Things. Understanding Sunk Cost Fallacy.

If you’re listening to this episode in the future, you’re not going to notice anything but for the people who’s listening to this episode while it’s fresh. I’m posting this episode on a Saturday. What does that mean for this channel? I believe each and every point that I make on this podcast should be stand alone episodes diving deep and practical into each topic. Most of my content is usually between 20-25 minutes per episode. But there’s also a lot of other content that is smaller in scale that I still believe should be said. To combine smaller scale topics with heavy duty points in my opinion almost devalues the advice that’s in the smaller scale topics. I believe the topics I bring up on this channel are essential, and I want everyone to hear and understand that with my content. With that being said, every-now-and-then on a Saturday or weekend. I’ll be posting new episodes that are smaller productions between 5-10 minutes long. Don’t worry I’ll still be posting on Mondays and Thursdays. There’s just so much content I want to post and to just lump everything together in my opinion is lazy, disorganized, and serves no purpose to you guys listening. You can guarantee from me that each episode will be its own stand alone topic unless explicitly clear that it’s a start or a segway to another episode. 

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Oct 10, 202017:28
The Truth Behind Evaluations and Tests. Are They Even Important?

The Truth Behind Evaluations and Tests. Are They Even Important?

You, me, your parents, your siblings and best friend all have a common denominator besides the fact that we’re all human. And it’s the fact that we’ve done tests in school. Now, if you’ve been following my content I speak up against a lot of these online marketers or gurus on the internet. And something that a lot of these gurus online talk a lot about are the flawed education that the school system provides its students. A lot of these gurus' arguments stem from the fact that they hated tests or they hated the teachers. They always say the shit, in that “Oh the school system would be perfect if there were no tests or evaluations.” Or learning to memorize meaningless facts is a waste of time. But I want to dissect this idea of tests even further, because you have one group of people support tests and evaluations. But on the other side are the people against the idea of tests and evaluations. Where I want to be is the middle ground in all of this and give you guys an objective perspective because it's a tug of war between these two forces that try to get the people who don’t know where to settle. To subscribe to one of these two entities. 

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Oct 08, 202021:06
How To Build Your Foundation. Comparing MrBeast Vs. MrBro

How To Build Your Foundation. Comparing MrBeast Vs. MrBro

Today’s topic is something that a lot of people talk about. It’s something internet gurus, parents and adults in all walks of life have in common, and rightfully so. That topic is building your foundation and doing the necessary start-up effort that’s needed to succeed or to pull off anything of magnitude. I want clear the air on this subject because a lot of people do touch on this element of life but never dive deep into it or if they do. Some points are being ignored and never acknowledged.

Recap and Notes on The 8 Foundational Tasks

1 Know how you learn best - EducationPlanner, 16 personality

2 Know your strengths - Ask for Feedback

3 Know your audience - Stereotype: Race, Age, Location, Interest, Pain

4 Know your craft - Becoming Unstoppable, Meaningful practice

5 Know your partners/contracts - Tai Lopez Quiz, FitSmallBusinesses, Valuetainment,

6 Experiment/Make mistakes small scale - What are the analytics saying, don’t add money, find proof of concept

7 Finding your consistency - Upload schedule, Finding your flow

8 Building your routine - Everything is summed up in your routine, You need to build patience. It takes time for others to catch on

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Oct 05, 202030:13
Why Some People Are Trippin’ On Delusion and How To Avoid it For Yourself

Why Some People Are Trippin’ On Delusion and How To Avoid it For Yourself

I posted an episode titled ‘You Need To Stop Arguing With Dumbasses. Here’s How.’ And in that episode I touched on at the very end about delusion and explaining really simply as to why people act that way. But in today's episode I want to keep my promise in that I’d make an episode covering delusion and how to deal with people who are going through it. If you haven’t already watched the episode I mentioned earlier if you’re just stumbling to this episode. I highly recommend that you guys give that first episode a listen because I’m going to reference some things mentioned before.

Delusional disorder | Mental health | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy - 

How to Deal With Delusional People - 

What is Delusional disorder? How Is It Different From Schizophrenia? - 

How to Reason with Someone Who is Delusional | Is Delusional Behavior on a Continuum? - 

Examples of Delusions | How are Delusions Treated? - 

Confronting a 19 yr old “Millionaire Visionary” on alleged scam - 

How to Get a Friend Out of an MLM - 

Oct 01, 202019:46
Why You Need To Know Your Surroundings and Who You’re With

Why You Need To Know Your Surroundings and Who You’re With

If you’ve been on the internet for longer than 30 seconds you’ve probably seen ads on youtube or insta, or facebook about some fuckwaud telling you that you need a mentor or some sort of guidance. And as much as I despised these cocksuckers, I do agree on the point in that you need some guidance when you’re new at anything. Taking initiative for yourself and asking questions is always the go to first step. But this begs a question, and that is when should we go against this idea and when should we speak up? That is the question I want to answer in this episode.

Sep 28, 202027:07
You Need To Stop Arguing With Dumbasses. Here's How.

You Need To Stop Arguing With Dumbasses. Here's How.

We’ve all heard the saying “It’s difficult to argue with a genius but it’s impossible to argue with an idiot.” This quote is one of the most powerful examples to show human behaviour. It's a quote that I agree with only if you understand the context of when it’s being used. The problem is when people who are just having a conversation start using this quote to label other people or friends that disagree on a point. And used in that form hurts people. 

 PERSPECTIVE. What is war to one group might be liberation to another. What is junk to one man or woman is treasure to another. It’s experiences, feelings, habits, and beliefs, even upbringings that have an influence on our view and I want you all to remember that. Never put others down for how they felt regarding something, the habits they need to work on, the upbringing they received, or their overall beliefs and convictions. Everyone comes from a different background and no one should be put on the spot for how they were molded and raised.

But there's another layer to this quote, so let's dissect it further.

Coffeezilla’s Channel - 

Confronting a 19 yr old “Millionaire Visionary” on alleged scam - 

Sep 24, 202024:28
Should You Leave Your Social Life Behind For Success?

Should You Leave Your Social Life Behind For Success?

In the online self-help world we live in, you’ve probably heard the saying ‘You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with’ or ‘Your income is the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.’ Which there is some merit to it in that osmosis does play a role. If you’re surrounded by pig shit all day, by the time the sun sets, you’ll probably be smelling like pig shit. Gurus online almost go to the extreme with this and tells their followers to just drop everyone, the issue is that no one is an island. And when a human ever goes down that route, their DNA wouldn’t be in the gene pool. I show you guys how you can still have a social life and feel bad for hanging around other people.

The Good Life | Robert Waldinger | TEDxBeaconStreet - 

How to Read People Using Dark Triad - 

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Sep 24, 202012:07
What They Should Have Told You Before Striving For Greatness

What They Should Have Told You Before Striving For Greatness

If you look at some of the greatest athletes of all time, Michael Jordan for example. He wanted to become the living embodiment of basketball greatness. And he didn’t care what it took to get there. He just wanted to be the best and be the undisputed goat. And if you ask some people, they’d give him that title. But it’s almost like a side effect that when an individual goes down this path of excellence they become cold when it comes to people’s beliefs or emotions. It's people like Jordan that become consumed about becoming the best that they themselves become hostile towards themselves and others because they demand greatness from everyone. But in today's episode, I'm going to share how you can still go down this path of becoming the best just not becoming an asshole villain in the process.

Jordan Punch -

Whiplash Dump -

Whiplash Car Crash -

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Sep 21, 202022:31
This Business Model is So Simple It's Dangerous. Here's Why.

This Business Model is So Simple It's Dangerous. Here's Why.

If you follow my content you’re probably interested in business or studying business or trying to start up a business. If you ever try to search up best beginner businesses to start or anything along those lines, you’ll always find consulting or coaching to be at the top of the list as the best go to business model. Which isn’t wrong due to so many advantages it brings for the entrepreneur. Here’s a few advantages:

  • Low Start up cost
  • Low Maintenance cost
  • Service is just information so no need to build physical product or hold inventory
  • Can connect to customers using the internet and facetime
  • Different methods of distributing service. Courses, Coaching, books, worksheets, Live streams, affiliate marketing, Youtube videos, and podcasts
  • All that is needed is experience in the field and a way to record content 
  • If you’re content is on Youtube you can collect ad revenue from your videos
  • You can also pick your own hours of operation 
  • Different industries of consulting

But there’s a dark side to all of this that most people don’t bring up. And that is results. The challenge in getting others to take action on your advice is near impossible and when they take action and shit goes south. You as the "Consultant" are to blame and rightfully so. I breakdown 30 of what I believe to be as the best beginner businesses to shoot for

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Sep 17, 202023:49
What You Should Know About Hard Work and Being Productive

What You Should Know About Hard Work and Being Productive

I did an episode discussing why hard work isn’t enough on August 13, 2019 and I mentioned how hard work is part of what’s called Conscientiousness which measures 4 elements that all people who had an impact on the world or all people who have accomplished their goals have or whatever they wanted to achieve. But I want to state that there's  a big discrepancy between working hard in the short term and in the long term. If you need immediate results (which is the short term), this is where hard work thrives. If you need money to live off of and feed yourself for the month, you’re better off grinding trying to get the paycheck then try and invest in a stock that you have no control over when it explodes or sinks. This issue of hard work is when you just try to work hard long term. Any long term plans require smart work. And in today's episode I want to dissect further on how to use both hard work and smart work.

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Sep 14, 202026:56
The Myth of Leaving the 9-5 “Grind”

The Myth of Leaving the 9-5 “Grind”

I know I talk a lot about entrepreneurship and the majority of you guys who watch my shit are entrepreneurs or young inspiring individuals who want to get into this field of being in business and finance. But there’s a problem in this circle jerk world pool, but before we get to it. If you haven’t been living under a rock for these past 5 or so years you’ve probably been hit with the “Quit your 9-5 job” type youtube, instagram, facebook ads. And I really want to clear the air about this issue. We see in these ads of a guy standing in front of some car, or fancy mansions, or chilling with some babes, preaching at us to quit our jobs and get into entrepreneurship so we can be free. And this is where I want to stop people.

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Sep 11, 202024:16
What is "Flow" and Why You Should Give a Fuck About it

What is "Flow" and Why You Should Give a Fuck About it

I’m back, no I’m not dead. This is the first episode I’m posting in almost 6 months. A lot has happened beyond coronavirus but in today’s episode I want to talk about flow. What is it and why should you care. But, I want to let you guys know firstly I do this podcast as a hobby of mine, if you guys didn’t know since I’m outta high school now. I’m a video editor and that role takes up a lot of time and energy but now that we’ve got our groove where we have a routine. This opens up time where I can get back into podcasting and give you guys the nuggets of advice I want to share. The Second reason I haven’t been posting was because I thought I said everything I needed to say. I saw my content was this was it. Give my information to a young buck and as long as they followed my advice and my message they’d be set on a good path to life. But as I quickly realized, life has a lot of twists and turns and I still think it’s my responsibility to at least acknowledge these points and give my perspective on them.

As always like what Bruce Lee says, "Absorb what you like, discard what you don’t and add what is your own" should be your motto when taking in information whether it’s my content or some else's. Don’t just blindly take in everything. Question it for yourself and if it's applicable to you. 

New Episodes Drop Mondays and Thursdays.

The Good Life | Robert Waldinger - 

Why You Can't Do The Work - 

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Sep 11, 202028:59
Why Living a "Boss Lifestyle" is a Lie.

Why Living a "Boss Lifestyle" is a Lie.

I want to expose a lie. A lie you and me and many others have fallen for and at the end of the day is nothing more than a facade. I’ve broken down and exposed the contrepreuners out there in the world and sharing with you all some of their nasty tactics, so you don’t fall for them yourself. And in this episode I want to rant and expose the “Boss Lifestyle.” It’s interesting how this all started with Tai Lopez, with his infamous here in my garage video and now cut to 5 years later and everyone is doing this to get attention for their course they want to sell that make bullshit promises of success.

When you begin to live a life of simplicity you begin to live in the realm of abundance mindset where you can decide what you'd want and don't want. And can make these decisions by not being anchored down by heavy unnecessary expenses. 

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Apr 13, 202023:55
Watch Out For These 8 Subtle "Fake Guru" Tactics.

Watch Out For These 8 Subtle "Fake Guru" Tactics.

Scoring For a Fake Guru Here

0-1 Probably not a fake guru but watch for trends and habits

2-8 Run away and never let your friends and family members speak of this person

Coffeezilla's Content

Kevin David Doesn't Want You To See This Video - 


Real Amazon Seller $8M+ Gets Honest About Kevin David - 

Mike Winnet's Contrepreneur Formula -

This is a follow up episode to a past episode titled ‘How to Identify Fake Guru’s and Who They Really Are’ and in that episode I share my take on the Top Red flags that someone is a Fake Guru. Inspired by Coffeezilla's Fake Guru Checklist. Again shout out to my boy Coffeezilla for giving me the idea for these episodes, if you haven’t heard of the former episode, go check that out first then comeback to listen to these subtle tactics internet marketers say and use.

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Apr 09, 202028:53
Why You Can't Just Work For The By-Product and External Goals

Why You Can't Just Work For The By-Product and External Goals

I want to explain why you can’t do the work you want to do even though you desire the by-product of what it can bring. I’ve been told countless times and I know you have as well that you’re going to have to do things you don’t like. And we’ve been hardwired to think that if we desire the end goal badly enough that you’ll fight tooth and nail to get it. And I have to say, that is completely wrong for a couple of reasons.

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Apr 06, 202013:45
How to Identify Fake Gurus and Who They Really Are

How to Identify Fake Gurus and Who They Really Are

Top 10 Fake Guru RED FLAGS To Watch For!!! -

If you’ve been keeping up with my posting within these past few episodes before this I’ve been mentioning fake gurus, courses and scams. And I’d like to dedicate this episode to shed light on this controversial subject. I’m going to draw some ideas from my boy Coffeezilla who’s whole Youtube channel is about exposing fake gurus and giving victims a platform that they can provide their testimonial without being sued guru’s lawyers. 

Coffeezilla's Fake Guru Red Flags

1. Has a "Mastermind"

2. Luxury cars in the video

3. Disparages 9-5 jobs

4. Invites you to a "live webinar"

5. Paid course

6. Under 35 years of age

7. No verifiable financial history

8. Runs Youtube or Facebook ads

9. "Free book"

10. Can't stop talking about mentors (This is only a red flag if #5 is true as well)

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Apr 02, 202028:01
Coaches and Courses. Are They A Scam?

Coaches and Courses. Are They A Scam?

We are told constantly through school and throughout our lives to continuously learn and to never stop. I’m betting you’ve heard the saying by Warren Buffett that the ‘More you learn the more you earn.’ Now we all learn in different ways either, audio, visuals, reading/writing, or through kinesthetic/tactile. But courtesy of the internet, there’s now a new learning method through the form of consulting and packaged learning. And there’s something that people need to know and understand in regards to this new trend and wave of education.

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Mar 30, 202015:52
What Poker Has Taught Me About Reading People

What Poker Has Taught Me About Reading People

How To Read People Using Dark Triad -

We Constantly hear all the time on the internet to watch out for 'em snakes, rats, and back stabbers. But we're never given a tool to help us discover who they really are. Maybe it's a best friends, maybe a parent,  or maybe it's your business partner. We'll never know because it's nothing more than an opinion and a gut feeling. But now we have a tool that can help us in filtering out the wicked and sinister from the angels and gems. But a trait we all should be able to read in others (besides the dark side) is what I call 'The Polaris Star.' What is this person wants from me?

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Mar 26, 202013:07
When To You Push Yourself and When To Throw in The White Towel

When To You Push Yourself and When To Throw in The White Towel

If you're in the digital marketing space or just in the realm of entrepreneurship or just being in the atmosphere in general. You’ll probably get targeted by Youtube’s recommended algorithm with shit titled like “Best motivational video ever” or shit like “Keep grinding” or “winners don’t give up.” And it got me thinking, are there ever any moments where you should give up and find something else? We've all been there, you feel like your inches away from breaking through when really there's still more shit to be done. Or, you give up when you were no further away than a hair away from breaking through. I want to share how to identify whether or not to keep pushing or to relent and move on. Let's face it, it's a bitch to get wrong.

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Mar 23, 202019:33
Why Everything Starts With Being Intentional

Why Everything Starts With Being Intentional

Rarely do I ever post topics on this podcast that none of my role models have touched on or mentioned but today's topic is definitely something I've observed first hand and it's something that flies under the radar of most people. It has nothing to do with buying some guru's course, or some book you haven't read. What holds most people back is their lack of intention on taking action on a task they'd like to accomplish. And in this episode I want to share some tactics to help yourself get out of this venomous trap. 

Shout out to Sam Ovens on his video 'Why Your Mind is Full Of Weeds' for the inspiration for this episode. Go Check out his video -

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Mar 18, 202024:27
Why You Shouldn't Fail On Purpose. Why Failing FUCKING SUCKS.

Why You Shouldn't Fail On Purpose. Why Failing FUCKING SUCKS.

I’m here to rant and play devil's advocate against this shit. Because failing isn’t something to gloat about. You don’t see Steph Curry bragging about how his Golden State Warriors team blew and 3-1 lead in the NBA Finals. If anything people use that failing moment to insult and bash the Warrior team and Steph Curry. So I ask you and other content creators on Youtube or on Podcasts, why are you telling people to fail on purpose. 

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Mar 10, 202024:17
Why The 4 Hour Work Week is Wrong. Why Building Brings Happiness.

Why The 4 Hour Work Week is Wrong. Why Building Brings Happiness.

In the last episode titled ‘How Finding Balance in Your Life Brings Happiness and Fulfilment’ I bring up the point that happiness is a combination. A Combination of getting your health, wealth, and social life right. In this episode, I really want to go further in the pursuit of happiness diving deeper within the work environment. There’s a good book out there by an author named Tim Ferris and for those of you who don’t know who Tim Ferris is, he’s an entrepreneur, author, and Godfather of life hacks. And that’s the best way I can describe his book ‘The 4 Hour Work Week.’ I The Book gondered a lot of attention from the media and high level executives, questioning the substance in the book. The general consensus went along the lines of “What the hell does this 30 year old know?” The whole premise of the book is to tell readers how they can enjoy more of life doing less work. But is that right? Should we really be thinking like that?

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Feb 22, 202019:46
How Finding Balance in Your Life Can Bring Happiness and Fulfillment

How Finding Balance in Your Life Can Bring Happiness and Fulfillment

Happiness. It’s a subject that gets a lot of attention and a lot of people bring up points on what it means to be happy. If you ask 100 people what their definition of happiness and what they find that makes them happy, you’re going to get a variety of subjects being brought up from materialistic things like cars, sex, drugs. You’re going to get different things that make people give the answer of what happiness means to them. We all have different values, different possessions, and different upbringings and backgrounds. What makes one person happy may be laughed at by someone else, it’s all subjective at the end of the day. But is there some sort of determining factor that we call can apply in our own lives?

Happiness Hypothesis -

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Feb 19, 202020:45
How To Recover, Move Forward, and Take Advantage of The Opportunity. We Love You Kobe.

How To Recover, Move Forward, and Take Advantage of The Opportunity. We Love You Kobe.

This episode is in tribute to Kobe Bryant. On January 26, 2020 Kobe, his daughter and seven other passengers were killed in a helicopter accident on their way to Kobe’s daughter Gianna’s basketball game. My condolences to not only Kobe and his family but to the families and friends who lost their loved ones in that accident. One of the missed opportunities schools forgot to teach us should have been how we take in and handle hardship and how we grow from those experiences and traumas. Hearing news like this really puts life into perspective. A lot of the time we find ourselves complaining about how some things don’t turn out in our favour. But forget that we're not at the center of the universe. Lets get some perspective and be a little more grateful for what we have and make the most of it. 

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Feb 19, 202008:19
How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions 5/5. What To Make a Decision On. Part 3: Mindset and Overall Thinking.

How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions 5/5. What To Make a Decision On. Part 3: Mindset and Overall Thinking.

This is part 3 of 3 of the finale of the 'How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions' series.

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Feb 05, 202023:47
How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions 5/5. What To Make a Decision On Part 2: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.

How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions 5/5. What To Make a Decision On Part 2: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.

This is part 2 of 3 of the finale of the 'How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions' series. 

Principles. Ray Dalio - 

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Feb 03, 202017:16
How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions 5/5. What To Make a Decision On Part 1: Reduce, Subtract, Optimize.

How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions 5/5. What To Make a Decision On Part 1: Reduce, Subtract, Optimize.

This is part 1 of 3 of the finale of the 'How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions' series. Throughout this series we’ve talked a lot about the brain and developing habits that help us become efficient and effective and in this finale we’re gonna talk about how to determine what to make a decision on and how to make the most of it.

How To Make Decisions. Sam Ovens -

Remove YouTube Suggestions & Avoid Distractions - 

AdBlock Google Extension - 

Facebook News Feed Killer Google Extension - 

The One Thing. Gary Keller -

Got some topics you'd like me to talk about, or a guest you'd like me to bring on, or got a burning question you want answered. 

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Feb 01, 202019:57
How To Be Focus and Make Better Decision 4/5. Eliminating Sugar and Alcohol.

How To Be Focus and Make Better Decision 4/5. Eliminating Sugar and Alcohol.

Moving forward in our ‘How to focus and make better decisions’ series, We’ll be talking about intake. There’s a very common saying in the programming industry and in life in general and it’s ‘Garbage in. Garbage out.’ Pretty straight forward, if you eat shit you become shit. I remember when I was younger before getting into a productivity session, I would have some sort of candy. Either, M&Ms, skittles, smarties, rockets. And I would feel like I have a lot of energy and it’s because I did, for a bit. But what started with a lot of energy and motivation turned into laziness and poor judgment. 


Memoirs of an Addiction Brain - 

Postprandial glucose, insulin, and free fatty acid responses - 

What Happens When You Binge Sugar - 

You’re Brain on Alcohol - 

What happens when you drink alcohol on an empty stomach? -

Got some topics you'd like me to talk about, or a guest you'd like me to bring on, or got a burning question you want answered. 

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Jan 29, 202015:33
How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions 3/5. The Power of Sleep.

How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions 3/5. The Power of Sleep.

Moving forward in our series of focus and decision making we’re getting into an area that has a lot of people flailing their arms and make noise about it. Lot of gurus never really talk about focus and if they do they rarely or shallowly touch on sleep. I want to spend this episode on how to sleep, debunking some myths you may have heard and just overall fill in the void of sleep and it’s importance.

Further Readings

Sleep Research 

Swedish Sleep Study - 

What Happens To Your Body When You Don’t Sleep - 

Sleep Duration - 

Sleep Hygiene -

ChronoType Quiz - 

ASAPScience Videos on Sleep

We Stayed Awake For 36 Hours And It Changed Our Faces - 

What If You Stopped Sleeping? - 

How Much Sleep Do You Need - 

Sleep Tool

Swanwick - 

Oura Ring - 

Mattress - 

Weighted Blanket - 

Sleep Cycle App - 

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Jan 26, 202039:22
How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions 2/5. Fasting To Win.
Jan 12, 202028:19
How To Be Focus and Make Better Decisions 1/5. Why You Should Wear The Same Clothes Everyday.
Jan 07, 202032:10
How You Can Make 2020 Your Best Year

How You Can Make 2020 Your Best Year

 It’s crazy how years come and go.  Literally a year ago today, I was playing ‘Red Dead Redemption 2’ on my PS4 I could remember it so well. I really want to get this episode out there in preparation for myself and you guys as well because there’s a lot to look forward to in the future. In this episode, I  talk about New Year's Resolutions, business and technology, my predictions, and my closing remarks regarding 2019. 

Thank You and have an AMAZING 2020.

Dec 31, 201928:57
How To Market What You Sell in 2020 and Beyond With Michael Weglinski
Dec 26, 201901:04:46
How To Get An App With Over 100,000 Users With Abdou Sarr
Dec 20, 201901:00:23
How To Read a Book and What To Read

How To Read a Book and What To Read

I know you’re looking at the title of this episode and thinking to yourself and saying “Caleb, I already know how to fucking read.” Well, if you’re in the entrepreneurship space and are interested in business, you’ve probably been hit with a lot of people on the internet telling you to read. But there’s a lot of speculation and misconceptions of what to read and how to read and I want to get this episode out to you guys to explain the procedure to effectively and efficiently read. 

Go check out my episode titled 'Top 5 Books To Read Going Into 2020' to get a good understanding of what read and learn for the next decade and beyond.

Got some topics you'd like me to talk about, or a guest you'd like me to bring on, or got a burning question you want answered. 

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Dec 17, 201938:28
Are Participation Awards and is WE Day Helpful or Harmful

Are Participation Awards and is WE Day Helpful or Harmful

In this episode I bring along some of my closes friends on this podcast to give them a chance to speak out on a controversial topic of whether or not participation awards should be given out and whether or not WE Day is something kids and families should be involved in or not.

Got some topics you'd like me to talk about, or a guest you'd like me to bring on, or got a burning question you want answered. 

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Dec 11, 201937:06
The Issue With Motivation. How Motivation is NOT Entrepreneurship

The Issue With Motivation. How Motivation is NOT Entrepreneurship

It's fucking impossible to not be recommended motivational content if you are in entrepreneurship or interested in it. There is so much wrong with personal development and self help especially when it's mixed in a cocktail of business. If you have something you'd like to ask or would like some clarification on what I say in this episode or in past episodes, remember that you can leave your thoughts in the survey show notes. 

Got some topics you'd like me to talk about, or a guest you'd like me to bring on, or got a burning question you want answered. 

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Dec 08, 201916:59
Why a Marketing Agency is The WORST Business Model to Follow and Why You Shouldn't Pursue it

Why a Marketing Agency is The WORST Business Model to Follow and Why You Shouldn't Pursue it

There are so many online course out there in the world teaching people how to start their own marketing agency as a starter business model. But I'm here to preach to you that this model is flawed and if followed will lead to to misery, headache, and burnout. In this episode I provide eight reasons why this business model just doesn't work and will just leave you poor and stuck. 

All these gurus claim that what they got started with was marketing but what they don't tell you is that they really only grew when they change their business model to education. Now let me be clear when I say this, there's nothing wrong with the education industry but don't say you're in the marketing industry and you grew being in that sector. This is the concluding episode on the marketing/course series, if you want to relisten, the first episode is 'The Truth About Online Courses. Tai Lopez, Grant Cardone, Dan Lok.' Followed by 'My Honest Opinion on Tai Lopez's Social Media Marketing Agency Course. SCAM?'

Got some topics you'd like me to talk about, or a guest you'd like me to bring on, or got a burning question you want answered. 

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Dec 05, 201944:59
My Honest Opinion On Tai Lopez's Social Media Marketing Agency Course. SCAM?

My Honest Opinion On Tai Lopez's Social Media Marketing Agency Course. SCAM?

This episode is a follow up to a previous episodes titled 'The Truth About Online Courses. Tai Lopez. Grant Cardone. Dan Lok.' There's a lot to say about Tai Lopez, is he a scam artist or is he a genius? Well in the episode I want to break down and analyze his most famous course that really jump started the trend of courses, 'Social Media Marketing Agency' and spread some insight that surprisingly has not made much attention to the masses.

Got some topics you'd like me to talk about, or a guest you'd like me to bring on, or got a burning question you want answered. 

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Dec 03, 201952:49
The Truth About Online Courses. Tai Lopez. Grant Cardone. Dan Lok.

The Truth About Online Courses. Tai Lopez. Grant Cardone. Dan Lok.

It's impossible to not go on social media and not have an advertisement of someone trying to sell you their course. Well I'm here to tell you everything there is to know about online courses and to answer some frequently asked questions regarding the authenticity of said course. Are they scams? Are they worth it? Do you even fucking need it? All that will be answered in this episode.

Got some topics you'd like me to talk about, or a guest you'd like me to bring on, or got a burning question you want answered. 

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Dec 01, 201932:11
Why You Should Stand Up to Bullies and When to Be Confrontational
Nov 27, 201926:55
What Breaking Bad Taught Me. A Lesson From Gus Fring.
Nov 26, 201913:56
Will Elon Musk Get Humans to Mars With Meteora Brand
Nov 24, 201946:01
Why You Should NOT Fake it to Make it
Nov 24, 201909:09
3 Ways The School System Can Improve and What Students Can Do With Hana Kandar

3 Ways The School System Can Improve and What Students Can Do With Hana Kandar

School is like anything, it has it's light side and dark side and in this episode I bring someone who has a lot to say when it comes to the school system. Hana and I discuss three ways the school system and improve and what students, parents, teachers, and school boards can do to make this a safe and educational ecosystem for everyone alike.

Follow on Hana:

Instagram: Y' Girl Suzzy

Snapchat: hanabana_2002

Got some topics you'd like me to talk about, or a guest you'd like me to bring on, or got a burning question you want answered. 

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Nov 20, 201946:31
Beware of The Wishing Well Curse. How To Not Curse Yourself and Others
Nov 19, 201914:45