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Calling over Comfort with Francine Ivey

Calling over Comfort with Francine Ivey

By Francine Ivey

Calling Over Comfort is designed for the Kingdom Entrepreneur, Faith-based coach, Minister & Non-profit Leader. This is a place you will be empowered, encouraged and inspired to boldly pursue God’s call on your life. Live fearless, pursue Gods heart and have fun doing it!
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(52/100) 3 ways to overcome feeling paralyzed in your business!

Calling over Comfort with Francine IveyMar 06, 2023

Embrace your God Call and Quit Surrendering!

Embrace your God Call and Quit Surrendering!

In this compelling episode, we delve deep into the concept of moving beyond mere surrender and stepping boldly into our personal calling. Designed for Kingdom entrepreneurs—coaches, leaders, ministers, speakers, and authors—this discussion redefines how we perceive surrender within the church context. I challenge the traditional notion of surrender, urging you to build a resilient spiritual relationship with God that empowers you to say, "Here I am, Lord, send me," just like Isaiah. Tune in as we explore how a fortified spirit and unwavering faith can propel you into your God-given purpose with confidence and zeal. It's time to rise, volunteer, and take your place in the Kingdom with authority and purpose!
Jun 01, 202407:44
Personal Reflections on Faith and Entrepreneurship this Memorial Day Weekend

Personal Reflections on Faith and Entrepreneurship this Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day I invite you, Kingdom entrepreneur, to explore the spiritual and patriotic meaning behind the colors of the American flag. White symbolizing purity, red representing valor and bravery, and blue standing for Justice. Today we’re going to connect these colors to biblical scriptures that resonate deeply with our values and vision. As a Navy Brat, I share a personal perspective on why the flag’s symbolism is particularly important to me and how as an entrepreneur how these principles can guide us in our personal lives and business practices. Today as you celebrate, take a moment to honor the sacrifices that protect our freedoms.
May 27, 202413:25
Invest Wisely: Unveiling Truths in the Kingdom Entrepreneur’s Journey

Invest Wisely: Unveiling Truths in the Kingdom Entrepreneur’s Journey

In this episode of “Invest Wisely, we dive deep into the essential decisions that shape the success of Christian entrepreneurs. Drawing parallels between the timeless cautionary tale of “The Emperor’s New Clothes” and the profound biblical insights from James 3:13-18, we explore the often murky waters of business investments, and the allure of seemingly lucrative promises. Discover how to design true wisdom in our business decisions and invest in people and opportunities that genuinely align with your values and God‘s vision for your success. Whether you’re facing doubts or considering significant investments, this episode offers hope and guidance. Remember, at Consumed Coaching were here to encourage and support you, our door is always open, regardless of where you are in your entrepreneur journey. Don’t navigate these critical decisions alone; let’s ensure your investments are as sound as they are spiritually guided.
May 26, 202416:11
I just wanna make a difference in the world, how about you?

I just wanna make a difference in the world, how about you?

Hey Kingdom Entrepreneur! Sometimes when we scroll through our social feed or watch the news, we can get overwhelmed with how messy the world is getting right now. We can get so overwhelmed that we think we think we can’t really change anything. I hope this podcast encourages you that you truly are a difference maker.
May 24, 202407:15
How should we, as Kingdom Entrepreneurs, see wealth and blessing?

How should we, as Kingdom Entrepreneurs, see wealth and blessing?

In today’s podcast, Coach Francine talks about what the Bible tells us about wealth and success. As Kingdom Entrepreneurs, we need to know these things as God continues to bless our businesses.
Mar 25, 202411:28
Does your Faith take Gods Breath Away?

Does your Faith take Gods Breath Away?

There are a few stories in the Bible, Where the faith of someone seems to overwhelm the heart God! It is my prayer that my faith touches the heart of God!
Mar 16, 202412:23
Show me your passion!

Show me your passion!

God has a call on your life! What are you doing with it? What is holding you back? Here is the one mindset shift that might just get you unstuck if you take it seriously.
Mar 10, 202408:18
(87/100) WAIT?!? What…not again?!? God said do it again.

(87/100) WAIT?!? What…not again?!? God said do it again.

Today’s podcast Coach Francine talks about her word for the year! And the surprising definition that God gave her! You might want to hear this one
Dec 29, 202310:54
(86/100) I feel this deep in my spirit and I feel it’s a prophetic word for someone. Is it you?

(86/100) I feel this deep in my spirit and I feel it’s a prophetic word for someone. Is it you?

Today, Coach Francine talks about 2024 and the word that God has for us as Christian entrepreneurs l, yes kingdom business builders as we move forward into this new year!
Dec 28, 202313:37
(85:100) One of the biggest lies Christians are believing today

(85:100) One of the biggest lies Christians are believing today

Today, Coach Francine discusses one of the biggest lies Christians are believing today that is stealing their joy and their motivation. She also tells of super cute story about her niece, and how she loved to receive gifts! Join us on today’s podcast.
Dec 24, 202311:10
(84/100). Do you feel overwhelmed? Good! It means you’re following the call of God!

(84/100). Do you feel overwhelmed? Good! It means you’re following the call of God!

Following God is not for the faint of heart! You immediately have an enemy who wants to stop you! As a faith based entrepreneur, you not only are in that learning curve, and dealing with all the mental mess and limiting mindset, but you also have an enemy who’s fighting you! Today’s podcast will encourage you! Take a moment, press the button and let’s go!
Dec 15, 202308:49
(83/100) My day blew up this morning —and here is what I did.

(83/100) My day blew up this morning —and here is what I did.

Have you ever had just one of those days! Yes, this morning blew up in a crazy way! In this podcast, I share what I did and what I do when things get a little crazy in my life. I get a little vulnerable and a little silly but I think you’ll get it.
Dec 07, 202308:44
(82/100) If God Can Use a Worm…He’s Got You

(82/100) If God Can Use a Worm…He’s Got You

In today’s episode, Coach Francine uses a small scripture out of the book of Jonah to encourage those that may feel a little overwhelmed about the massive call that God has on their life! Take a moment to listen, and share it with a who, you know God has called to do mighty things in the Kingdom.
Nov 07, 202307:34
(81/100) What Kind of Faith Draws the Heart of God?

(81/100) What Kind of Faith Draws the Heart of God?

It’s not the size of our faith that affects the outcome of our prayers but there is a kind of faith that draws the heart of God. Coach Francine talks about this faith and the story in the Bible that always challenges her.
Oct 31, 202308:12
(80/100) UNSHAKABLE!! We are called to an UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM!!

(80/100) UNSHAKABLE!! We are called to an UNSHAKABLE KINGDOM!!

God has given us an unshakable kingdom! And today’s episode, we talk about how to truly tap into that kingdom! When the whole world is shaking, as a child of God, we have a foundation that keeps us —FIRM!
Oct 29, 202312:06
(79/100) Sometimes God Will Interrupt Your Day!

(79/100) Sometimes God Will Interrupt Your Day!

I was about to create this piece of content that many of my clients really needed, and I found myself being interrupted by the voice of God! Have you ever had a time when God just stepped in? Yeah, that’s what happened to me and what was going to be a normal evening became what I would call holy moment.
Oct 11, 202310:27
(78/100) I AM sent me! What did God mean?

(78/100) I AM sent me! What did God mean?

Moses was standing in a burning bush, and God was calling him to deliver the Israelite people! Moses asked God a vulnerable question. Who do I tell the Israelite people sent me? And God uses such a peculiar name in this moment. Let’s talk about it.
Sep 24, 202309:27
(77/100) Yeah I said it!! I don’t want another secret ingredient or special potion!!

(77/100) Yeah I said it!! I don’t want another secret ingredient or special potion!!

In today’s episode, Francine talks about how mentally tiring it is to see all the ads scrolling through her social media with the big secret that everyone needs to know! Sometimes it just seems like there’s all this information being offered but very little answers. Who’s tired of all the gurus! Who is tired of all the unsolicited DM‘s. Yeah that’s me, I am raising my hand! 🙋🏻‍♀️
Sep 19, 202305:23
(76/100) Can discontentment be a good thing?

(76/100) Can discontentment be a good thing?

In today’s episode, Coach Francine talks about how God uses discontentment in our lives. Can you really have a holy discontentment?
Sep 16, 202310:25
(75/100) Keeping the Important things Important

(75/100) Keeping the Important things Important

In today’s episode, we delve into a topic that resonates with every Christian entrpreneur coach and professional: keeping the important things in life at the forefront. We often find ourselves in trapped in the cycle of comparison, forgetting that are true measure comes not from worldly achievements, but from the aligning with God’s divine expectations for us. Francine takes this challenge head on providing not only spiritual insights, but also practical advice on how to prioritize what truly matters. Learn how to ensure your family doesn’t play second fiddle to your career, all while aligning your actions with God’s ultimate purpose in your life. Be encouraged, empowered, and challenged to grow, live fearlessly, and keep the main thing the main thing.
Sep 05, 202310:25
(74/100) No More Pretending!!

(74/100) No More Pretending!!

God will not anoint or consecrate who your pretending to be. it’s time to conquer imposter syndrome, and start living, who God created you to be!
Aug 09, 202306:49
(73/100) I am so sick of Imposter Syndrome!!

(73/100) I am so sick of Imposter Syndrome!!

In this episode, Coach Francine talks about how imposter syndrome is not a really new thing! She talks about how to overcome it by actually leaning into it!
Jul 11, 202309:28
(72/100) Setting a deadline could be detrimental to your kingdom business.

(72/100) Setting a deadline could be detrimental to your kingdom business.

In this episode, Coach Francine discusses setting deadlines and the calling of God on your life! Are you still stewarding what God has given you?! Are you keeping it about the kingdom or is it so easy slip into selfish ambition?
Jun 29, 202313:24
(71/100) From Quitter to Overcomer: Embracing Faith and Defying Expectations

(71/100) From Quitter to Overcomer: Embracing Faith and Defying Expectations

From quitting to reaching the top 0.1% of leadership, this story will take you on an emotional journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. But just when you think the victory is final, a shocking turn of events will leave you wondering what's next. Are you ready for this rollercoaster ride of determination and perseverance?

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Pursue your divinely-inspired mission, ceaselessly, even in the face of criticism.

  • Realize the need for spiritual guidance along with the support from wise counselors.

  • Delve into the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone and never giving up.

  • Identify the dangers of chasing validation and the effectiveness of proper self-care.

  • Absorb the inspiring account of Coach Francine's transformation from a quitter to a conqueror.

    If you want to be a winner, if you want to live in victory, if you want to know what the sweet taste of victory is, you've got to get on the other side where all of your flesh wants to quit. - Coach Francine Ivey

    Final Words of Encouragement
    In conclusion, pursuing our God-given calling is a journey that demands focus, persistence, and self-belief. By guarding our purpose and staying true to our convictions, we become better equipped to face challenges, push past our limits, and persevere in the face of adversity. Coach Francine Ivey urges listeners to continue seeking wise counsel from those connected to the Holy Spirit and to never give up on their dreams. By caring enough about ourselves and fighting for our aspirations, we can achieve the victory and success that aligns with our divine calling. In doing so, we honor our path and remain true to the person we are meant to become.

May 30, 202312:42
(70/100) Running to Win

(70/100) Running to Win

Podcast Description: Have you ever felt like you're just going through the motions in your walk with Christ? Like you're just a runner in a race, going nowhere and achieving nothing? In this episode of Running to Win, Coach Francine takes us through the powerful message of 1 Corinthians 9:24, reminding us that while we may all run the race, only one wins the prize. It's time to stop being complacent and start living passionately for the kingdom of God. Whether you're a seasoned runner or just starting out, Coach Francine's wisdom and encouragement will inspire you to run your best and win the prize. So lace up your shoes, hit play, and start running to win!
May 28, 202312:14
(69/100) Navigating Naysayers: Overcoming Family Resistance to Your God Calling

(69/100) Navigating Naysayers: Overcoming Family Resistance to Your God Calling

When pursuing a vision that aligns with God's plan, Kingdom entrepreneurs may face negativity or doubt from family members or close friends who may not understand their God call. Understandably, this can be disheartening for individuals pursuing their purpose. Nonetheless, it is crucial to remember that these people may be genuinely concerned about protecting their loved one. Kingdom entrepreneurs must learn to navigate through such feedback with patience and wisdom, discerning if the critique comes from a place of love or fear. In this episode of Calling Over Comfort, host Coach Francine Ivey highlights her own experience in dealing with negative feedback from her father. She emphasizes the importance of distinguishing between the protective nature of a family member's perspective and the guidance that stems from a faith-based worldview. By requesting her father to pray and speak from Godly direction as her father, Francine successfully set boundaries and fostered a fruitful discussion about her path as a Kingdom entrepreneur.

When you're a Kingdom entrepreneur, we've given God the permission to lead us and guide us in a different way, right? We've given Him permission to be the CEO of our companies, be the CEO of our business, that He is our provider, that we seek first the kingdom of God. - Coach Francine Ivey

May 21, 202309:46
(68/100) Unlock Greater Opportunities: Faithfulness is the Key!

(68/100) Unlock Greater Opportunities: Faithfulness is the Key!

Just when I thought my entrepreneurial journey was going as planned, a powerful realization hit me like a ton of bricks. The twist? It wasn't about reaching for the stars, but focusing on the small things. And that's when everything changed...

Are you waiting for your big, scary, God-given vision to come to fruition? Stop. In this podcast, you'll learn why being faithful in the small things is the key to achieving your ultimate goals. But what happens if you don't listen? Find out now.

If your goals for the next five years don't scare you, you're probably insulting God. - Coach Francine Ivey

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Embrace the power of setting bold and challenging goals for personal growth.

  • Understand the importance of faithfulness in unlocking new opportunities in life.

  • Discover the essentiality of proactive action to seize chances for success.

  • Recognize the significance of personal responsibility in being a faithful steward.

  • Learn the value of unwavering commitment to God's calling for long-lasting achievement.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:00 - Dreaming Big,
00:01:08 - Faithfulness over a Little,
00:02:39 - Get Faithful Now,
00:03:25 - Start Sharing Your Message,

May 18, 202311:05
(67/100) Conquering Giants: Overcoming Fears in Faith and Coaching

(67/100) Conquering Giants: Overcoming Fears in Faith and Coaching

As a Christian who wants to pursue coaching, have you heard these myths about the importance of stepping out of your comfort zone in order to achieve success? Let's debunk these three common misconceptions and discover the truth together.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Unearth the benefits of breaking free from your comfort zone for a prosperous outcome.

  • Delve into the essential elements of opposition, failure, and tenacity in the life of a coach.

  • Commit to putting clients' successes first, rather than just amassing more customers.

  • Promote the unique perspective of Christian coaches within the industry.

  • Access valuable resources to initiate or strengthen your path as a Christian coaching professional.

The key moments in this episode are:
00:00:01 - Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone,
00:03:31 - Life is Messy,
00:07:40 - Learning by Doing,
00:10:29 - Empowering Christian Coaches,
00:12:05 - What to do next?

May 07, 202312:45
(66/100) Plundering the Enemy's Camp!
Apr 22, 202310:41
(65/100) Yes, you can! This podcast is for you!
Apr 15, 202309:22
(64/100) I am challenged and overwhelmed by this Easter Weekend!

(64/100) I am challenged and overwhelmed by this Easter Weekend!

Coach Francine shares her thoughts on this Easter weekend! Are we truly living in the fullness of gift that Jesus gave us?
Apr 08, 202313:08
(63/100) This one’s a hard one, but it’s a good one! Let’s get unstuck

(63/100) This one’s a hard one, but it’s a good one! Let’s get unstuck

Coach Francine shares today about getting unstuck! Have you ever felt there’s an invisible ceiling above you and you can’t seem to get past it! There’s a way to tap in to the supernatural power of God, but it may challenge you! Jump in!!
Apr 06, 202313:08
(62/100) What do you do when you have a God call in your life and you’re just plain tired?

(62/100) What do you do when you have a God call in your life and you’re just plain tired?

Have you ever had a time when you’re just tired. Yeah me too. I was talking to God about it but I’ll be honest, for the girl who loves to go go go I never really knew how to rest. Let’s talk.
Apr 06, 202308:31
(61/100) The Unexpected Season : when life turns upside down.
Apr 01, 202334:31
(60/100) Are ready for this? God has plans for you and your business are you tapping into them?

(60/100) Are ready for this? God has plans for you and your business are you tapping into them?

God is the wisest person on your business board! Are you listening to him?! Coach Francine drops a powerful podcast on this. Don’t miss it!
Mar 27, 202312:49
(59/100) What Did God Call Not Good?

(59/100) What Did God Call Not Good?

I was challenged the other day with the question. When was the first time that God said, “That is not good?” Do you know? Jump into the podcast and let’s talk about it. I know you’re gonna like this one!
Mar 26, 202314:45
(58/100) God blew me away with this revelation this morning! Stop and click this podcast

(58/100) God blew me away with this revelation this morning! Stop and click this podcast

I felt this morning that God wanted me to tell you something. I hope you’ll stop and listen to this podcast.
Mar 23, 202308:12
(57/100) What’s the number one thing that will guarantee an entrepreneur to fail every time?
Mar 15, 202308:36
(56/100) What would happen if we radically amd audaciouly trusted God?
Mar 15, 202308:48
(55/100) How to get motivated when nothing is happening!!!
Mar 14, 202311:11
(54/100) When it seems like everything is going wrong at the same time!

(54/100) When it seems like everything is going wrong at the same time!

Have you ever had a day when it seems like everything is going wrong! You actually dare to think to yourself -- could another thing go wrong? Coach Francine talks today about the truth in the middle of trials and What the Bible says about struggling? Want to know more about becoming a certified Kingdom Coach click here...
Mar 08, 202308:36
(53/100) Choosing to be a little radical and bold! Are you?

(53/100) Choosing to be a little radical and bold! Are you?

In today’s podcast, Francine talks about being a little radical! Being bold for Jesus, as a Kingdom entrpreneur or a Kingdom coach! What are you holding back on? What do you just need to step up and get radical about?
Mar 06, 202310:24
(52/100) 3 ways to overcome feeling paralyzed in your business!

(52/100) 3 ways to overcome feeling paralyzed in your business!

Today, Coach Francine talks about how to get unstuck! When we find ourselves paralyze by the thoughts of failure, or the opinions of others! When we find ourselves, not moving forward, like we know, we could!
Mar 06, 202309:11
(51/100) You can thrive in your strengths, or drown in your weaknesses.

(51/100) You can thrive in your strengths, or drown in your weaknesses.

Are you thriving by working in your strengths or are you drowning I working in your weaknesses? This is a question you should be asking yourself if you want to see real success. Coach Francine unpacks this on today’s podcast.
Feb 27, 202312:07
(50/100) Have you ever wondered? What does God want from me?

(50/100) Have you ever wondered? What does God want from me?

In today’s podcast, Francine addresses how she began to unpack what it was that God really wanted from her. Tune in and hear from her heart on what it is that God truly wants from his kids.
Feb 26, 202312:43
(49/100) The Worst Advice I Ever Got

(49/100) The Worst Advice I Ever Got

In today’s podcast, Coach Francine talks about the worst advice she ever got! And believe it or not, it’s not just one time —she got this advice over and over and over again and she is so thankful she never listened! At least not for long.
Feb 25, 202310:24
(48/100) Overflow is part of your inheritance.
Feb 22, 202311:17
(47/100) When God Pauses

(47/100) When God Pauses

in today’s podcast, Francine talks about a faith that stops God! A time when God pauses! She shares in three stories in the bible, where someone’s faith stops God in his tracks. She challenges us to have that kind of faith.
Feb 20, 202311:10
(46/100) Change your day with these 3 words!

(46/100) Change your day with these 3 words!

I changed 3 word and it changed my day and it changed my outlook on life. Do you wanna know what they are? Join me right now and let me tell you.
Feb 19, 202309:43
(45/100) Where do blessings come from anyway?!?

(45/100) Where do blessings come from anyway?!?

In today’s podcast, Francine talks about the blessings of God! God is a generous and faithful God! So where do blessings come from?
Feb 12, 202310:43