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Choosing Love: Healing Betrayal Trauma Through Self-Compassion

Choosing Love: Healing Betrayal Trauma Through Self-Compassion

By Camille Scow

Is there unwanted porn use in your marriage? If so, have you ever thought that it is somehow your fault? Do you feel responsible for fixing it? Are you resistant to being kind to yourself and to your spouse because you worry that being kind would just make it worse? I used to believe ALL of these things. This podcast describes how self-compassion has the ability eliminate comparisons, rebuild trust, and love deeper. Incorporating self-compassion in your daily life will create lasting healing. Your future is bright!

Currently playing episode

97. Healing Unseen Wounds: Bandaids Can't Fix a Broken Arm

Choosing Love: Healing Betrayal Trauma Through Self-CompassionMay 08, 2024

99. The Healing Triangle: Resilience, Understanding Trauma, Knowing What You Want

99. The Healing Triangle: Resilience, Understanding Trauma, Knowing What You Want

One way to find healing while helping your husband overcome pornography is to find a balance between resilience, knowing what you want, and understanding how trauma effects you. I give descriptions and examples that make it so easy to describe this process.

Schedule a 15 minute conversation with me:

Get the Healing Triangle PDF:

Healing Trauma Podcast link:

May 22, 202420:46
98. Did you know that setting Boundaries is one of the most compassionate things you can do?

98. Did you know that setting Boundaries is one of the most compassionate things you can do?

On this episode I talk about two different kinds of boundaries. Internal and external. I give examples of each, and describe how each of them help build self-compassion.

Book: Real Self-Care by Pooja Lakshmin

Schedule your "Rethink Self-care" call:

May 18, 202423:31
97. Healing Unseen Wounds: Bandaids Can't Fix a Broken Arm

97. Healing Unseen Wounds: Bandaids Can't Fix a Broken Arm

It is possible to live life feeling like we deserve to be in pain so it can be a reminder of our weaknesses. We "want" this reminder because we think it will help us have the strength and courage to become better. Unfortunately that isn't what pain is meant to do. The pain is an indicator that something might be broken and to do what it takes to fix it as soon as possible.

This episode describes the similarities and differences of unseen physical pain and unseen emotional pain, and what healing can look like for both.

Healing from a broken bone usually requires an X-Ray, while healing from an emotional injury requires a different perspective of what our expectations are.

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May 08, 202423:20
96. What is Emotional Flooding and How to Handle it.

96. What is Emotional Flooding and How to Handle it.

This Episode has Brene Brown's definition of flooding, then Camille provides 5 steps you can take if emotional flooding is creating problems in your life.

Free Masterclass:

My website:

My facebook group:

Apr 29, 202414:40
95. Is it True When They Say Once an Addict, Always an Addict? With Guest Clinician Catherine Perry

95. Is it True When They Say Once an Addict, Always an Addict? With Guest Clinician Catherine Perry

On this episode Catherine Perri from Ripple Ranch Recovery Center and I discuss many topics:

-What recovery from addictions such as substance abuse can look like.

-Different types of self-care

-What boundaries can look like, and not look like.


- The difference between big 'T' Trauma, and little 't' trauma.

Ripple Ranch Recovery website:

Schedule a call with me to discover a limiting belief that has been holding you back from the life you want.

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Apr 24, 202448:18
94. You Gotta Listen to This Episode

94. You Gotta Listen to This Episode

This episode gives a snapshot of what went on in my brain recently. You'll hear how all the self-sabotaging thoughts I was having were making me feel. Then You'll hear about WHY I was having all of those thoughts, and what I chose to do with them. It was transformational for me, and it might be for you too.

Join my FB group:

Let me help you discover a limiting belief that YOU have so you can get rid of it once and for all! Talk to me!

My website:

Apr 09, 202417:29
93. Unseen Progress
Apr 01, 202415:21
92. How Pretending Undermines Confidence

92. How Pretending Undermines Confidence

Unfortunately I have spent a lot of my life pretending. I've pretended I thought something was funny when I had no idea what was SUPPOSED to be funny. I've pretended to know stuff I don't. I did all of this in the name of wanting to appear different than I am, and appear "confident" and not self-conscious. This episode talks about the potential harm of pretending, and what true confidence is.

Join my NEW fb group!!! its called: Already Enough.

Grab your 15 min Discovery call:

Mar 25, 202414:03
91. What Rules are YOU Playing By?

91. What Rules are YOU Playing By?

I love games! So much about games is our mindset. I would HATE it whenever someone told me "It's just a game". The truth is, it isn't just a game. There are so many wonderful life lessons we can learn from our mindset around games. In this episode I also talk about how we think about games, can guide us to think differently about unwanted porn use so we can feel true ourselves and not feel terrible all the time.

Becoming Enough Masterclass:

Chat with me:

Mar 18, 202417:07
90. Do Things Because YOU Want to Do Them

90. Do Things Because YOU Want to Do Them

I share a section from Brene Brown's Book "The Gifts of Imperfection" about Compassion. I then share a moment I had where I gained a very important awareness. There was one behavior I was doing because of expectations I thought others had of me. Once I switched that to doing things because I want to do them, I felt FREE. Listen to the full story here.

Want my Free Masterclass called Becoming Enough?

Feeling Brave enough to tell me your story? Lets Chat.

Mar 11, 202408:28
89. The 3 Lies That Wives Tell Themselves About Their Husband's Unwanted Porn use

89. The 3 Lies That Wives Tell Themselves About Their Husband's Unwanted Porn use

This episode is the topic of the summit I presented to the Marriage Support Facebook group. Identifying some of my beliefs, and identifying them as lies has helped me find lasting healing. If you are still believing any of the lies that I talk about, I'd love to hear YOUR story.

Got a spare 15 min?

Join the facebook group called Marriage Support Group:

Mar 04, 202420:01
88. The Pros and Cons of Blaming

88. The Pros and Cons of Blaming

I almost gave advice to someone to not ever blame. Then I stopped myself. I started questioning if I really thought that. In this episode, I share wisdom from both Brene Brown and Kristin Neff to try to explain my complex thoughts. Blaming someone may not always be a bad thing. Listen to this episode to find out what I mean.

FREE Becoming Enough Masterclass:

Sign up for a 15 min call where you can tell me YOUR story.

Feb 27, 202425:43
87. Is Viewing Porn the Same as Cheating?

87. Is Viewing Porn the Same as Cheating?

This episode starts out with defining what is considered a pornography addiction. Then Camille reads from Brene Brown's Atlas of the Heart book from the section about connection. There is some pretty deep concepts discussed in this episode, so Camille asks that you listen with an open mind and an open heart. What does true connection look like for you? Can you assess how connected you feel to yourself? What would your life look like if you chose love because it felt true to you rather than having blame in your relationship.

If there are concepts in this episode that you don't agree with, or would like to discuss further, Camille would love to clarify anything.

Feb 19, 202424:06
86. Navigating the Shame of Desire
Feb 12, 202427:42
85. The Never-Enough Problem: From Daring Greatly By Brene Brown

85. The Never-Enough Problem: From Daring Greatly By Brene Brown

In this episode Camille shares WHY telling yourself you are enough over and over and over again doesn't really work. She talks about the brain and mind connection that needs to happen in order for the belief to match the words. Camille gives the example of loving her body, and how to expand that love, and it isn't by telling herself repeatedly that she loves her body. Listen this week for HOW to increase belief in ourselves.

Wanna talk to Camille about an area where you don't feel enough? Schedule a 15 min. call. No strings attached. She will help you learn how to feel enough in whatever area you are struggling in your life.

Feb 05, 202419:49
84. How the Betrayed Wife Can Be Supported- My Interview With Taylor Chambers Part 2: Developing Intimacy

84. How the Betrayed Wife Can Be Supported- My Interview With Taylor Chambers Part 2: Developing Intimacy

In this episode I stress the importance of how self-compassion plays a vital role in healing from shame. When we achieve that healing, we can then better connect with ourselves and with our loved ones.

Visit Taylor Chamber's website:

Book a time to chat with me:

Jan 29, 202435:27
83. How the Betrayed Wife can be Supported. My Interview With Taylor Chambers Part 1: Ensuring Safety

83. How the Betrayed Wife can be Supported. My Interview With Taylor Chambers Part 1: Ensuring Safety

Taylor Chambers is a Marriage and Family Therapist which amazing wisdom. We talk about the term unwanted pornography and how calling that can be a catalyst for change. We talk about what it looks like to behave in ways that are genuinely aligned with who we are. There is so much in this episode that I was beginning to feel overwhelmed by all the awesomeness, so I decided to break it up into two episodes so you could have more time to process.

Visit Taylors website:

Wanna tell me your story? Lets chat in my zoom room.

Jan 22, 202434:58
82. Self-Compassion Makes Your Support Sustainable

82. Self-Compassion Makes Your Support Sustainable

Not only do I give an example of how I practiced self-compassion recently, but I also describe how important self-compassion is when wanting to support a loved one. Without self-compassion, we will burn out. With self-compassion we are taking care of ourselves, which then gives us the energy we need to support others if that is what we want.

Book: Fierce Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff

Jan 15, 202413:45
81. From Crisis to Connection: 5 Foundational Skills to Heal From Betrayal Trauma
Jan 08, 202420:58
80. Self-Compassion is Stronger Than Fear

80. Self-Compassion is Stronger Than Fear

I read parts of Kristin Neff's Fierce Self-Compassion book as well as Brene Brown's Atlas of the Heart to describe how Self-Compassion is more powerful than fear. It is true when we deal with weight loss, and when we think about mistakes we've made. Compassion allows us to move forward with love, rather than staying stuck in shame.

Books: Fierce Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff

Atlas of the Heart by Brene Brown

Id love to hear what's going on in your life. Schedule a 15 min time to chat.

Jan 01, 202419:53
79. How Fierce Self-Compassion Creates Safety

79. How Fierce Self-Compassion Creates Safety

Remember that your brain can't tell the difference between emotional pain and physical pain. Here is a definition of safety that works for both emotional pain and physical pain. Safety is being in a place where no one can hurt you.

I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

If you are struggling because your husband is viewing porn, fill out this questionnaire.

Also, take a look at my website:

Dec 25, 202323:02
78. Finding Your True Self in Relationships: An Interview with Dr. Don St John

78. Finding Your True Self in Relationships: An Interview with Dr. Don St John

Dr. Don St. John has an amazing story of love, loss and trauma. He willingly shares some of the struggles he has had in his life and his mission to help people heal.

Check out his website:

His book is called Healing the Wounds of Childhood and Culture
An Adventure of a Lifetime

Check it out!

Check out my website:

Also, please take this survey if you are struggling because you have a husband who views porn. You deserve to be seen.

Dec 18, 202354:55
77. Porn is NOT About Sex: How Amanda Louder BLEW MY MIND!

77. Porn is NOT About Sex: How Amanda Louder BLEW MY MIND!

I was a different person after recording this episode. In a good way. We talk about porn, sex, masturbation, religious values, types of connection, and so much more. I challenge you to be open to the things we talk about and invite you to explore the possibility that we could be right. With that said, I give you full permission, to believe we are wrong. :)

Amanda Louder's website:

Amanda Louder's resources page:

Boundaries worksheet:

Camille Scow's Website:

Dec 11, 202353:26
76. Beyond the Betrayal: Decoding Trauma Triggers for Healing

76. Beyond the Betrayal: Decoding Trauma Triggers for Healing

I share an experience in this episode where I lived a freeze trauma response. I didn't recognize it at the time, but through a series of events I realized I experienced a moment of dissociation. I then relate that to not judging my healing from surgery and talk about how I can focus on where I am RIGHT NOW in my healing journey. Knowing that gives me more power to move forward in my healing.


Atlas of the Heart By Brene Brown

Fierce Self-Compassion By Kristin Neff

Other Resources

Survey Link:

My website:

Dec 04, 202327:49
75. Rewiring Brain Filters: Changing Shame to Self-Compassion

75. Rewiring Brain Filters: Changing Shame to Self-Compassion

I'm reading from Kristin Neff's Fierce Self-Compassion, and discuss how important it is to understand that the human experience is to live through all human emotions. I also talk about how to replace shame with Self-Compassion.

Coach who talks about brain filters:

Kristen Neff's Book: Fierce self-compassion; How Women Can Harness Kindness to Speak Up, Claim Their Power, and Thrive.

Nov 27, 202322:24
74. Unseen Pain; How to Heal From Betrayal Trauma

74. Unseen Pain; How to Heal From Betrayal Trauma

In this episode I compare healing from betrayal trauma to healing from surgery. I do this by talking about 4 different things. The pain of surgery, the pain of betrayal trauma, then healing from surgery and finally, healing from betrayal trauma.

Its incredible how many similarities there are to healing from the unseen pain of surgery and healing from the unseen pain of betrayal trauma.

If you have some emotions and thoughts you want to work through, here a page of free journal prompts Here!

Nov 20, 202324:55
73. My Takeaways From UCAP's 4th Annual Rally For Hope and Healing with Brad Wilcox
Nov 14, 202318:52
72. Everyone Else is Worthy But Me: Uncovering the Truth About Divine Worth

72. Everyone Else is Worthy But Me: Uncovering the Truth About Divine Worth

This week I'm talking about recurring thoughts that might come up for you your entire life. I talk about what they might be, and how to handle them. I read from Brene Brown, and from a book called "I Believe" By Bruce R. McConkie.

Information about brain filters:

Nov 12, 202323:11
71. When Anger Moves us Forward: My Moment of Fierce Self-Compassion
Oct 30, 202328:16
70. How Saying No can Build Trust

70. How Saying No can Build Trust

When people say no to me when I ask them to do something, I know that when they say yes, chances are much less that they will secretly build resentment. Brene Brown provides a great definition for resentment and how it relates to envy. Sometimes I get envious of people who say no easily. Now I see how saying no can build trust, not destroy it like I once thought.

Get my Healing From Betrayal Trauma PDF:

Oct 25, 202318:60
69. Why Not Trust Yourself Now?

69. Why Not Trust Yourself Now?

What if you stopped waiting to feel like you can trust yourself? Noticing your progress is great, but when will you know if you've arrived? What if you believed you could trust yourself exactly as you are now? In this episode I describe the importance of feeling calm, and how that relates to trusting yourself. Being able to fully trust yourself now will help you expand your life in ways you could never imagine. Let yourself explore what is possible!

Get Some FREE betrayal Trauma resources Here:

Oct 16, 202320:27
68. How to Heal from Trauma with Lindsay Poelman

68. How to Heal from Trauma with Lindsay Poelman

In this episode we give examples of what a trauma response looks like, what to do once we have awareness of it in our lives, how to heal from it, and how to recognize progress. If you have gone through anything difficult in your life, you probably have experienced trauma. Some traumatic experiences in my life are dealing with infertility, my husband's porn use, unexpectedly being replaced in my job, and constantly feeling like I shouldn't get what I want.

If you are experiencing trauma, you are not alone. It may look different than you think, so take the time to recognize it so you can heal from it. Find ways to love yourself.

Oct 09, 202334:55
67. Self-Vulnerability: The Path to Self-Discovery

67. Self-Vulnerability: The Path to Self-Discovery

So may times in my life I stopped myself from wanting something because I was afraid of disappointment. In this episode I talk about the difference between self-vulnerability and vulnerability and what that has to do with wanting. If you listen to this episode, you will know how to better connect with yourself and you will gain freedom to want things in life.

Schedule your FREE Clarify a boundary call here:

Get your Boundaries Hierarcy PDF Here:

Oct 02, 202322:40
66. Unmasking Self-Gaslighting: Navigating the Maze of Self-Doubt
Sep 25, 202327:24
65. The Story of Helen Keller and the Power of Naming Emotions
Sep 18, 202320:26
64. From Self-Betrayal to Self-Compassion

64. From Self-Betrayal to Self-Compassion

There are likely moments of self-betrayal in our daily lives. The good news is that there are also daily opportunities for self-compassion. It might be difficult to gain awareness of how harmful we might be treating ourselves and the potential lasting effects of those actions. However, self-compassion has just as much power, if not more, to help us experience joy and love.

Connect with me:

My Website:

Sep 11, 202320:19
63. God Loves You

63. God Loves You

I've made a few changes that I know you will love. This episode explains it all. It talks about being able to access God's love can help us stop believing the thoughts that make us believe that we aren't good enough. It helps explain how beating ourselves up doesn't actually get us the results we hope it will. It's God's love that will help us get the results in life that we want. EVERY TIME.

You deserve to feel God's love!

Chat with me about what is stopping you from feeling God's Love.

Sep 04, 202322:13
62. Workshop #5 When Someone Breaks Your Boundary
Aug 28, 202329:36
61. What is Trust?

61. What is Trust?

It could be possible to stop waiting for someone's behavior to change in order for you to trust them. Maybe what you need to do is to intentionally mistrust them first. Doing that helps you get closer to the truth, which is your level of trust is only determined by how you choose to think about someone. Confused? Listen to this week's episode.

Lets Chat:

Aug 21, 202317:42
60. Six Pillars of Self-Compassion

60. Six Pillars of Self-Compassion

My six pillars of self-compassion are: curiosity, forgiveness, grace, empathy, trust and love. These are foundational in being able to cultivate self-compassion that creates lasting healing. Come chat with me if you have ANY questions!

Schedule an appointment:

Get my Healing From Betrayal Trauma Resources:

Aug 14, 202320:15
59. How to Interrupt Shame

59. How to Interrupt Shame

Shame will always be a part of your life, but it doesn't always have to drive your behavior. Did you know this? The reason for this is because shame is optional. Shame does not do what we often think it will, which is to drive us to be better. In fact, it does the opposite. Listen in to learn how to interrupt that shame so you can behave more in ways that you want. Love you!

Healing from betrayal Trauma PDF:

Schedule a meeting with me:

Aug 07, 202322:03
58. Loneliness
Jul 31, 202318:06
57. How the Thought "I am Capable" Can Interfere With Setting Boundaries

57. How the Thought "I am Capable" Can Interfere With Setting Boundaries

Okay people! This episode is amazing! I am sharing an insight I had about WHY it has been so hard for me to delegate and why I am sometimes terrible at setting boundaries. The answer is NOT what I thought it was going to me. The reason isn't because I am bad at things. The reason is actually because I am very good at a lot of things, and it is still sometimes better for me to NOT be the one to do some of them.

Get my FREEBIE here!

Jul 24, 202315:20
56 Perfectionism, Porn, and Progress

56 Perfectionism, Porn, and Progress

Have you noticed that there is a gap between what you know and what you do? Did you know that that gap is supposed to be there? What if it is the best thing for you to love yourself on THIS side of the gap? What if it is the best thing for you to love yourself even if you don't always DO what you know to do? That is what I talk about in this episode.

Also, remember that if you haven't gotten my Healing from betrayal trauma resources, get yours here!

Jul 17, 202313:12
55. Shame Resilience
Jul 10, 202320:14
54. Transitioning from NEEDING your husband to change to WANTING your husband to change

54. Transitioning from NEEDING your husband to change to WANTING your husband to change

I had a thought the other day about how different it feels to NEED our husbands to change and what it feels to WANT our husbands to change. At first I thought it wouldn't be that different because needs and wants are fairly similar. However, as I got deeper with this concept they almost became opposites. Needing change is very disempowering while wanting change is actually very empowering. Listen to this week's episode to hear more about what I mean by all of that.

Boundaries workshop:

Work with me:

My website: OR

Andelin's Website:

Jul 03, 202315:41
53. The Four Stages of Love with Stephanie Hibbert

53. The Four Stages of Love with Stephanie Hibbert

Stephanie is always a joy to listen to! She has so much energy for life! I know you will experience that for yourself as you listen to her describe 4 stages of love. We may be in one stage in one situation, and a different stage in another situation. Love is kind of like that.

Contact Stephanie:

Healing From Betrayal Trauma Resources:

Jun 26, 202335:01
52. Self-Kindness

52. Self-Kindness

In this episode I connect the idea of 4 different child development attachment styles to better understand how you connect with yourself. Do you avoid yourself after you make a mistake? Do you get anxious with yourself after you have a disconnecting moment? All of this awareness can be used to transform criticism into kindness. How kind to yourself are you really?

Books: The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Ban Der Kolk

Self-Compassion by Kristin Neff

The Developing Person: Through Childhood and Adolescence 8th Edition by Kathleen Stassen Berger

My website:

Jun 19, 202322:01
51. Forgiving With Faith

51. Forgiving With Faith

Sometimes forgiving isn't as easy or as simple as people make it sound. As much work as I have done to forgive others, it requires even more work to be able to forgive myself. I describe how believing in a God of your understanding can help you find the strength to let things go in order to fully forgive. Knowing it is possible to forgive yourself is the first step.

Website with information about forgiving:,might%20always%20be%20with%20you. Chat with me:

My Website:

Jun 12, 202323:45
50. Why Self-Compassion is Necessary for Complete Self-Acceptance

50. Why Self-Compassion is Necessary for Complete Self-Acceptance

Seeing ourselves for who we really are can be challenging, especially when it comes to our short comings. That, however, is where true change occurs. Seeing our most vulnerable and weak selves is where we can become the strongest version of ourselves as long as we allow self-compassion to be part of the process. Love yourself fully-mistakes and all. Generate the compassion that will allow complete self-acceptance. Help the world shine brighter.

Resources freebie:

Work with me:

My Website:

Quotes from:

Jun 05, 202319:43