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By Carole Graziano

The ramblings of Bionic Carole -

A little about me:

I have a mechanical heart valve and I smoke. I'm a Witch, Bitch, and Empath.

When I make mistakes I own them and then learn from them.

"As the clock ticks, so do I... Welcome to the ramblings of... BionicCarole."
Currently playing episode

Stigmas The Seven Letter Word

TheRamblingsOfBionicCaroleSep 03, 2019

The good and bad

The good and bad

Lost a friend but gained perspective. We continue on.
Apr 16, 202312:52
2023 Embracing Me

2023 Embracing Me

I am making this my year - not by changing me but by loving me.
Jan 29, 202315:57
Everyone is Lying

Everyone is Lying

**Warning. I'm loud AND vulgar in this one. No headphones or kids around**
Dec 11, 202206:25


Unfortunately many if not all of the left sided folk seem to suffer from some form of derangement syndrome.... those in my "circle" for the lack of a better term... have CDS - Carole Derangement Syndrome... now there is a cure and it is.... 🥁 GETTING A LIFE.
Oct 13, 202208:10
I Am

I Am

The most important part of taking care of the self is understanding what the self truly is.
Oct 12, 202222:46
Seldomly Efficient Public Transportation A**holes and more ramblings....

Seldomly Efficient Public Transportation A**holes and more ramblings....

Just some random complaints and a little "song" ....
Sep 15, 202221:29
What happens when I decide to shrug?

What happens when I decide to shrug?

A short rambling.....
Sep 11, 202203:48
Joan Dolores Wojdon My Heart, My Mom

Joan Dolores Wojdon My Heart, My Mom

Family is not always blood. Family are the ones that help make you the person you are.
Sep 05, 202226:39
Reintroducing the Ramblings of Bionic Carole

Reintroducing the Ramblings of Bionic Carole

Welcome back. Whether long time listener or new to this podcast, I invite you to join me in my ramblings on various topics.
Sep 04, 202207:56
Fb "live" ban for 50 more days....why?

Fb "live" ban for 50 more days....why?

Just a quick under 5 min post about this live ban and plugging my page on fb - buy some amateur art from me - Carole Graziano aka Bionic Carole!
May 15, 202003:14
Censored on fb and cutting the cord! Happy Mother's Day!

Censored on fb and cutting the cord! Happy Mother's Day!

31 hrs left on my fb like/comment/share sentence!
May 10, 202007:13
Shut it all DOWN

Shut it all DOWN

Have our government deliver our food and essential items via box trucks house to house every week!
Apr 17, 202031:12
Plandemic Day 29

Plandemic Day 29

Join me before my first cup of coffee...
Apr 10, 202022:01
Message to My Stalker

Message to My Stalker

Be gone twat.
Apr 04, 202009:60
Catching up with Carole

Catching up with Carole

Just me rambling about my day! Stay safe. Stay calm. Stay Thoughtful!
Apr 03, 202042:39
The bullshit needs to stop.

The bullshit needs to stop.

I didn't yell. I didn't scream. I did curse. We need to wake up. Put the koolaid down and listen and look at the world around us.
Apr 02, 202017:34
Calm after the storm

Calm after the storm

Today I will focus on reclaiming who I am.
Mar 30, 202021:42
What the fuck was that? Impromptu Dual Podcast Quarantine Cast

What the fuck was that? Impromptu Dual Podcast Quarantine Cast

Holy shit Trump just lied not only to the American People but the world! By Carole Graziano and Terry Wilkerson (Walking Tall)
Mar 30, 202049:21
Quarantine Podcast - Walking Tall & TheRamblingsOfBionicCarole

Quarantine Podcast - Walking Tall & TheRamblingsOfBionicCarole

Hosted by Terry Wilkerson and Carole Graziano - we discuss our views on Covid-19, Quarantine, Government overreach and more in this 2hr special.
Mar 28, 202001:59:41
Having money, power and the like doesn't mean you're an asshole.

Having money, power and the like doesn't mean you're an asshole.

Stereotypes are bullshit. Always.
Mar 28, 202053:33
There is no FREE ... I'm still shrugging.

There is no FREE ... I'm still shrugging.

My thoughts on entitlement in a world where the only thing we are given "free" is oxygen.
Mar 25, 202046:59
Covid 19/Atlas Shrugged/U.S. govt

Covid 19/Atlas Shrugged/U.S. govt

I'm not yelling ;) this time
Mar 22, 202037:36


You're going to get pissed. I guarantee it.
Mar 18, 202020:58
Freedom? Humans? Bull____

Freedom? Humans? Bull____

Listen. Don't.
Nov 10, 201933:53
It's been awhile...

It's been awhile...

Topics (so many): relationships, alimony, halloween to name a few!
Nov 10, 201922:38
Freedom Isn't Free

Freedom Isn't Free

Listen. Or. Don't.
Oct 12, 201924:46
We are the people of the present!

We are the people of the present!

We can not and should not take credit for actions of our ancestors nor should we feel their guilt. We should learn and grow, yes. We should make sure we do not repeat their mistakes. Yes. We should honor them, yes.
Oct 10, 201917:25
Stolen Underwear got me my first "official" job....

Stolen Underwear got me my first "official" job....

A look back on how I got where I am today...
Oct 05, 201919:43
Rambling Ramble about friends, dictionaries, differing opinions and more

Rambling Ramble about friends, dictionaries, differing opinions and more

See title....
Oct 01, 201920:50
Fb Ban Lifted

Fb Ban Lifted

A brief psa/statement of fact re: my release from Fb jail and what this means going forward.
Sep 29, 201907:25
Fb Jail/Censorship

Fb Jail/Censorship

Who makes the decision to place some1 in fb jail? Clearly someone/thing that doesn't have reading comprehension... I get loud so I suggest no headphones. Also. I curse A LOT.
Sep 28, 201912:59
Sodium Menu Labeling Bill - More Government Intrusion

Sodium Menu Labeling Bill - More Government Intrusion

Today I ramble about the Sodium Labeling Bill, sports, individual choice, and more.
Sep 28, 201932:49
What if god is just a tool we created to absolve ourselves from responsibility... An excuse?

What if god is just a tool we created to absolve ourselves from responsibility... An excuse?

Home work assignment 9/25-10/2 ... Join us in our fb public group - 1975 Productions.
Sep 25, 201921:03
Individuality in a Nation of bullies - unedited

Individuality in a Nation of bullies - unedited

Opinions are like assholes... Everyone has one and yes I include myself. We are a nation run by bullies. We need to rely on ourselves more and the government less. I am going to say a lot of shit that you probably won't agree with. Do or don't. Leave some feedback. *I do not condone blanket statements. I do not condone the hate of anyone including but not limited to our police. I do not condone abuse of power. I do not believe in following the crowd. I believe in individual self over the collective.
Sep 18, 201929:25
The "WilkEnd" - *Why is homosexuality a "sin"? And why it shouldn't be!

The "WilkEnd" - *Why is homosexuality a "sin"? And why it shouldn't be!

The WilkEnd - guest starring Major Malfunction's host, Terry Wilkerson. Don't forget to join our public facebook group 1975 Productions. There you will have access to ALL podcast episodes, our fb live videos and be able to comment your thoughts and criticisms. You will also be able to suggest topics for future episodes of Major Malfunction & TheRamblingsOfBionicCarole
Sep 15, 201901:15:22
9/13/19 - The good... The bad and the unlucky!

9/13/19 - The good... The bad and the unlucky!

Here I give shout outs to the gentleman who recommended Living Buddha, Living Christ and a shout out to the inspiring podcast I found a few days ago - Poets Lunchbox... And I rant about our shitty Friday the 13th.
Sep 14, 201940:10
I'm not trying to piss you off... No really.

I'm not trying to piss you off... No really.

I say what I say because it's MY TRUTH. I won't water down my opinion - I have too much respect for you and myself to give you a lesser version of me.
Sep 08, 201907:23
Masculinity, Femininity? Who Cares and What The f*** happened?! - Part II

Masculinity, Femininity? Who Cares and What The f*** happened?! - Part II

Part II of a slecial episode on masculinity and feminism (classic and modern). Part I can be found on Major Malfunction with your host - Terry Wilkerson
Sep 08, 201901:16:22
Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! *Special thanks to Terry for my background music! Tune in to Major Malfunction! *
Sep 07, 201915:45


We have all been put down at one point or another for being ourselves. Fuck them. Be yourself!
Sep 03, 201925:26
Stigmas The Seven Letter Word

Stigmas The Seven Letter Word

Lets stop spreading stigmas, lies, and blanket statements. They're bullshit!
Sep 03, 201919:18