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Carve Your Own F*cking Path

Carve Your Own F*cking Path

By Willow McDonough

A podcast made to inspire you to create a life and business on your own terms. You’ll hear candid interviews with people who boldly decided to blaze their own trail after a life changing event. Your host, Willow McDonough, is an on-camera coach and digital storyteller. 5 yrs ago Willow moved from San Francisco to Lisbon, Portugal taking a leap into the unknown. Today she helps elevate your personal brand's presence online. Tune in to pick up tidbits of actionable advice and feel inspired by stories of people walking an unconventional path.

IG @whereiswillow

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Soprano Opera Singer, "Divorce Ring" Creator and Living Life on the road with Sara Duchovnay

Carve Your Own F*cking PathJul 11, 2020

Hypnosis Unleashed: Create Kickass Self-Belief and Embrace Freedom with Christina Woods
Nov 30, 202350:37
Unlock Your Personality Superpowers with Eric Wen

Unlock Your Personality Superpowers with Eric Wen

Have you ever wondered why you prefer certain things over another? Or Googled 'introvert' to feel more understood? My next guest, Eric Wen, used his own personality superpower to create a business he loves and an impressive YouTube following.

After years of struggling to understand 'why' he couldn't stop analyzing people, he came across The Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). By learning his personality type, he turned what once felt like a curse - overthinking and analysis - into a gift to help others understand themselves better. Eric has since carved his own f*cking path as a Personality Type Analyst gaining over 4 million views on Youtube. His specialty is teaching people about their personality patterns by highlighting celebrities, lawyers, couples, and entrepreneurs in analysis videos. Eric's mission is to help you live a better life by embracing who you really are.

Find Eric here:

Aug 27, 202358:34
From Barely Surviving in Your Relationship to THRIVING with Christine Eartheart

From Barely Surviving in Your Relationship to THRIVING with Christine Eartheart

Christine Eartheart almost called it quits early on in her relationship with her husband of over 10 years. Ever since they made that crucial decision to commit to growth through relationship, everything transformed between them and set them on the path of exploring this space to eventually help others. Christine is the Founder of the Center for Thriving Relationships, along with her wonderful husband. They help couples transform conflict, deepen connection, and create the kind of love they have always wanted. Combining both the heart and science of relationships, they offer renowned weekend retreats, online courses, and private sessions to clients around the world. They also developed the Thriving Relationship Coach Certification program where they train others on 50+ signature and scientifically-backed tools and formulas to create powerful, repeatable, and predictable breakthroughs for couples. Christine is also the host of the Thriving Relationships Show, a TEDx speaker, and an enthusiastic believer in what’s possible in love. The Center for Thriving Relationships has been featured in Psychology Today, Happify, Thrive Global, NBC, ABC, and CBS.

In this episode we talk about:

- 5 Predictable stages of relationships

- The essential ingredients to create a thriving relationship

- How to transform struggles with sexual intimacy into a path of growth and connection

- The truth about attachment theory

Follow Christine


Jun 09, 202301:02:13
Stop Treating Yourself Like Shit with Kamini Wood

Stop Treating Yourself Like Shit with Kamini Wood

We are our worst enemy when it comes to how we treat ourselves. But how do we stop this vicious cycle of self-sabatoge and lean into more self-compassion? My next guest is Kamini Wood, certified life coach, shares her personal struggles with perfectionism, people pleasing, and self doubt. And then offer tips on how you can stop beating yourself up, so you can live a fulling professional and personal life.

Kamini is also a mother of 5. After witnessing her daughters people pleasing behaviour, she had a wake up call that made her realize it was a reflection of her own behaviour. Kamini now helps high-achievers heal their relationships with themselves. She helps people take courageous steps in identifying limiting beliefs, reasons for stagnation and overcoming self-doubt. Kamini is the creator of AuthenticMe® and CEO of Live Joy Your Way - a coaching company helping high performers and overachievers who have seen success through old-rooted, traditional metrics, reestablish their relational self-awareness.

In this episode we also talk about:

- How past traumas can lead to toxic relationships

- How you can heal the relationship to yourself and truly thrive

- How to create more self-acceptance, self-confidence, and self-leadership

Kamini is a best-selling author; holding certifications in various modalities including life, wellness, high-performance coaching, teen life, conscious uncoupling, calling in the one, new money story, breath work, meditation and diversity, equity inclusion, and belonging. She is also trained in conscious parenting and coaching for children.

Follow Kamini @itsauthenticme

May 15, 202349:32
Overweight and Unhealthy to an Outward and Inner Transformation with Jeff Lester
Mar 08, 202301:22:14
Sex in the City and Stop Playing Small with Myrthe Van Gameren

Sex in the City and Stop Playing Small with Myrthe Van Gameren

When life feels safe and comfortable, why would you leave it all behind for the unknown? My next guest, Myrthe Van Gameren, had what looked like a ‘perfect life’ in her home country of Holland. Until she decided to carve her own f*cking path, and ditch the comfort and safety of a 10 year relationship - for a bold move to Asia. 

Myrthe then went from working 70 hours a week, never stopping, suffering from adrenal fatigue, eczema and unhappy with her life…to eventually having freedom, filling her days with things she loves and a career that nourishes her soul. And all that while living a great life in Lisbon, Portugal. She now runs her own business in holistic life coaching and teaches yoga, meditation & breathwork. She dedicates her work to helping people reconnect to their bodies, ‘unstuck’ themselves and get what they want from life. She can talk for hours about anything healthy lifestyle and is super passionate about living life YOUR way, instead of following the path that society has set out for you.

Myrthe's life motto: if you can't beat the fear, then just do it scared.a

- How to stop keeping yourself small by taking bold leaps into the unknown

- The mind & body connection and how it shows up during stress and times of misalignment

- Navigating single life in Lisbon and dating after a long term relationship

- How to create balance with masculine / feminine in dating and business

Find Myrthe


Feb 12, 202301:07:18
How To Reinvent Yourself in Life and Business with Rocky Buckley

How To Reinvent Yourself in Life and Business with Rocky Buckley

Have you ever wanted to reinvent yourself, but thought 'I'm too old, it's too late, or 'how do I do start?' You're not alone, and in good hands. My next guest is Rocky Buckley, a reinvention specialist of sorts. Rocky reinvented himself a couple years ago to fullfill a long-standing dream of serving others realize their full potential.

Over the last 23 years, Rocky has helped his clients bring over $100 million dollars in training programs and information products to the market. He's consulted on over 3000 projects for clients ranging from billion-dollar brands like Wiley, Pearson and Macmillan, to experts, authors, thought leaders, influencers and entrepreneurs in 9 countries and over 100 different markets.

  • The power of reinventing yourself against all odds at any age 
  • The inner game of personal branding, reinvention and "conscious identity design." 
  • Tapping natural charisma to become a magnetic "power persona"

Find Rocky:

Jan 13, 202354:29
My Story: Your Host Willow McDonough
Dec 23, 202201:01:23
From Burnout and People Pleasing to a Magical Midlife with Amy Shearer

From Burnout and People Pleasing to a Magical Midlife with Amy Shearer

What happens when you make it to the height of your career, and you feel unfulfilled? Meet my next guest Amy Shearer, a former fashion retail executive who after suffering from burnout became an Emotional Wellness Facilitator & Embodiment Coach. Today she helps women transitioning into midlife who are ready to embrace their inner power to emotionally and spiritually recharge themselves so that they can have wholehearted relationships, ongoing wellness, fulfilling careers, and a connection to deeper meaning in their lives. She is a Master Life and Success Coach, Master and Trainer of NLP, EFT, TIME, Hypnosis, certified Breathwork Facilitator, and Somatic Stress Release Facilitator. Amy is a California girl at heart who currently resides in Kingston, New York, with her husband Brian and sweet rescue dog Brinkley.

We talk about:

- Amy's story of burnout to recovery and how you can heal yourself

- People pleasing, how it's a trauma response and setting boundaries 

- The process of 'letting go' of negative emotions

- How to calm your nervous system in emotional overwhelm 

Find Amy


Dec 14, 202201:19:17
Betrayal Trauma: How To Love And Trust Again with Jenni Rochelle

Betrayal Trauma: How To Love And Trust Again with Jenni Rochelle

What if everything you knew to be true was a lie? My next guest, Jenni Rochelle, had her entire life turned upside down after finding out her now ex-husband was a sex addict living a double life. Today, Jenni is a coach, mentor, and the go-to expert on love and relationships for women who don’t want to give up on love. Inspired by her clients and informed by her own journey, Jenni teaches women how to move through trauma and break old patterns so they can stop the cycle of toxic relationships and create the happiest and healthiest intimate connections of their lives. Empowering women to believe that there is always more love for them, Jenni’s approach to healing, dating, and love creates a hopeful, joyful, and safe space for women to land through her online communities, group programs, and private coaching sessions. Jenni is a thought leader specifically in the field of betrayal trauma. Her podcast, Beauty After Betrayal ™, has helped thousands of women heal with hope and rise up to become their best selves. Jenni is a poet, a wife, a boy mom, and a mystic who loves butter, coffee, bacon, traveling, and pugs. She is happily and healthfully married, and having the best sex of her life – in her 50s!

We talk about:

- What is Betrayal Trauma and how does it impact our relationships?

- How can we heal after feeling betrayed? 

- The 3 phases of healing, and how to strengthen your intuition.  

Connect with Jenni:


Nov 28, 202201:10:44
Selfishness: A Radical Approach to Creating Balance With Naketa Thigpen

Selfishness: A Radical Approach to Creating Balance With Naketa Thigpen

Can being selfish save your life? It did for my highly energetic next guest, Naketa Thigpen. Naketa's mission is to help you find and create balance in life and relationships, by learning how to be intentionally selfish, giving yourself permission to pause, and deepening intimacy (which goes beyond the bedroom). 

After a successful career as a Clinical Social Worker, Naketa added to her core professional skill set as a Psychotherapist, Trauma Specialist, Sexology and Relationship expert with blending a bit of metaphysics and coaching to set a new bar, and creating ripples inside the personal development industry.

Featured on the Lifestyle Channel, International Radio shows, Award Winning Podcasts, honored by the NAACP as one of 104 Most Influential Black Women in Philadelphia, recipient of the National Association for Professional Women of Excellence Award, Naketa is a woman who wears many hats without apology or explanation.

She has provided personal growth training, development, and advice for over 10,000 global professionals, ranging in ranks from CEOs of multi-billion-dollar corporations to ultra-high net worth entrepreneurs of fast-scaling start-ups.

Naketa is the host of the Balance Boldly Podcast & International Best Selling Author of the book 'Selfish: Permission to Pause, Live, Love, and Laugh Your Way to Joy.' A highly sought after Transformative Empowerment Speaker and CEO of ThigPro Balance (and) Relationship Management Institute, this brilliant beauty has revolutionized how to heal traumas while balancing work/life (and LOVE).

- How choosing to be selfish can change the course of your life (and maybe save it)

- Busyness and how it's a trauma response + how to break free

- How 'to divorce yourself' and start on a new path

- Intimacy + what how it applies to all areas of your life

Find Naketa: 

IG @askniketa

Nov 14, 202239:14
Don't Let Herpes Ruin Your Life. Own Your Story! With Alexandra Harbushka

Don't Let Herpes Ruin Your Life. Own Your Story! With Alexandra Harbushka

How can you turn a terrible experience into a mission driven purpose? It starts with being vulnerable and sharing your story. My guest Alexandra Harbushka’s life was sent into upheaval when she received a call from her doctor diagnosing her with herpes. Shaking, feeling like her life - her goals, happiness, and desires - had all just gone up in smoke, she was left scared shitless but with a new life path and mission. She founded Life With Herpes, an online community consisting of a podcast, a website, Youtube channel, wellness products to support the skin condition and an online community that provides support, all dedicated to shattering the stigma of living with herpes.

Before founding Life With Herpes and becoming a mother to her son Clinton and a wife to her husband Bill, Alexandra worked in corporate America. 

In this episode we talk about:

- Why is there a stigma around herpes? And where did it come from? 

- Sexual health and living with herpes

- How sharing your deepest secret can lead to your life's purpose.

- The power of vulnerability 

Find Alexandra here:


Oct 25, 202255:12
Divorce with Dignity and Reinvent Yourself with Karen McMahon

Divorce with Dignity and Reinvent Yourself with Karen McMahon

How do you navigate a divorce and become a better person in the process? Meet Karen McMahon, a Certified Relationship and Divorce Coach, and Founder of Journey Beyond Divorce. Karen's path to become a divorce coach started in 2010 after recognizing that the pain of her own divorce led her on a transformational journey into a fabulous new life. Today, Karen leads a national team of divorce coaches in supporting men and women around the world to become calm, clear and confident as they navigate high-conflict divorces. Karen is the host of the acclaimed Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast, co-author of ‘Stepping out of Chaos: Turning Pain to Possibility”, creator of JBD’s exclusive 12 Step Divorce Recovery Program and leads a nationwide team of JBD coaches.

We also talk about: 

- How to decide if it's time to end or mend the relationship

- How to navigate divorce with a high-conflict partner 

- How divorce affects men differently than woman and why it matters

- Difference between a therapist and a divorce coach and what are the benefits of each

Find Karen McMahon @journey_beyond_divorce

Oct 05, 202201:01:57
A Sh*t Storm is Coming. Are you Ready? With Eric Russell

A Sh*t Storm is Coming. Are you Ready? With Eric Russell

You will inevitably experience deep pain and suffering at some point in your life. But HOW you navigate through those times can make or break you. My next guest, Eric Russell, has been navigating people safely through these often destructive storms. Eric helps you develop a framework to integrate trouble as a regular and expected part of your life, and adopt strategies so you can respond effectively to difficulty. Eric's path that led him to this work 40+ years ago, was born from his own deep pains, sufferings, joys and successes. He says; "I have survived: childhood mental, physical and emotional abuse at home; bullying, harassment and ostracizing at school; relegation to the “stupid” learners group in elementary school; murder of a very close cousin; near drowning; poverty; death of parent; job loss; overt racism; almost being shot by police; spouse’s cancer; and much more including secondarily experiencing the troubles and traumas of my clients." 

In this episode we also talk about:

- How you can show up in life knowing that you’re going to be ok

- In a crisis how you start asking the right questions

- How our mind, heart, and gut all work together to make decisions 

Follow Eric: @ericowenrussellcoaching

Sep 05, 202201:09:14
Turn Your Break-up into a F*cking Breakthrough with Zara Franks

Turn Your Break-up into a F*cking Breakthrough with Zara Franks

Break-ups don't have to suck. My next guest is Zara Franks, coaches women during challenging breakups and turns them into personal breakthroughs. In her late twenties, Zara went through the worst, world shattering, breakup that would lead her on a path to her life's work. She noticed the unhealthy patterns and self abandonment that took place during her 'toxic relationship' that lasted 4 years. Zara used meditation, visualization exercises, and self-care rituals adopted early in life - to transform her devastation from the break up back to wholeness. Zara is a certified energy medicine practitioner, and addresses the mind, body, and soul. Her methodology combines ritual, guided visualization, somatic practices, and intuitive readings to guide women to greater clarity, confidence, and connection in love.

A breakthrough is possible in the face of a break-up, tune in to hear Zara's story and how you can too! 

In this episode we talk about: 

- Zara's story: A path from world shattering break-up to big breakthroughs

- Process of detoxing a toxic relationship

- How to find clarity on what you do want in a relationship

Follow @zaramarinfranks


Aug 10, 202247:31
Your Birth F*cking Matters with Kelly Brusch

Your Birth F*cking Matters with Kelly Brusch

How does your self-worth show up in your birth? My next guest is Kelly Brusch, a doula living in San Diego, California. She is a mama of two, has been a counselor, helped build a recruitment firm, is a yoga teacher, and only in recent years shifted gears to become a birth doula and educator. She has navigated this dynamic career path all the while raising a family, and moving across continents - living in California, Arizona, France, Oklahoma, and now California again. Balancing career, entrepreneurship, marriage, and motherhood has not always been easy, but with a strong self-care practice, she has been able to make it work!

In this episode we talk about: 

- Self-worth and how it reflects in your birth experience

- Identity shifts after having kids

- Have kids or not? How to understand your true desires vs. societies

- Power of communicating your needs no matter what 

- How having a birth plan is an act of self-love

Follow Kelly @doulakellyrae

Aug 01, 202201:05:07
Stop the Mind F*ck with Daniela Sulek

Stop the Mind F*ck with Daniela Sulek

What if you could live with ease and joy ALL the time? This is a reality for my guest Daniela Sulek, and it's her mission to help you experience the same. 

Juggling life for years led Daniela Sulek to hit a wall. Her entire way of life and being changed when what she now calls “humaning” led to her developing serious illnesses while pregnant with her third child, and almost cost her her life. With her “play your way through life” philosophy, she now helps renowned yet unfulfilled leaders move into the permanent state of ease, joy and passion. By transcending from the conditioned human to the consciousness of their true self, they shift into effortlessly creating by being, instead of creating by doing.

About 1% of the world’s population functions primarily at this level of consciousness. Daniela sees through the illusion of rigid physical reality and ridicule of human conditioning. Her thirst for truth naturally brought her on a journey of experiencing the self beyond the mind, body, and physical reality. She has brought a leading-edge concept of applied neurophysiology, energy medicine, quantum physics, metaphysics and higher logic into her daily life creating massive physical, mental, and emotional shifts for herself and her clients.

We also talk about:

- Why we need to attach ourselves to a label or identity

- How the mind is our biggest obstacle to happiness

- How you can 'lose the mind' and free yourself from problems, anxiety, stress, etc.

Jul 07, 202201:06:40
The Power of Believing in Yourself To Create Anything You Want: Michelle Wilson

The Power of Believing in Yourself To Create Anything You Want: Michelle Wilson

How would your life be different if you truly believed anything was possible? Meet Michelle Wilson, Creative Director of Ooh La Luxe the clothing brand she co-founded with her identical twin sister Cristina. Growing up around their dad's motorcycle shop and in a family of entrepreneurs, the twins learned early on how to sell and run a business from the ground up. On weekends they did extreme hikes and sports, further instilling the belief that you can do hard things. Today, the Ooh La Luxe brand may look like an overnight success - but it's been 14 years in the making. Michelle shares how giving up wasn't an option when you're passionate about what you're doing, even when faced with the really hard stuff. 

We also talk about:

- The *secret to creating anything you want. (*hint, it's your belief system).

- How to build your dreams even if you don't know what you're doing. 

- How you can juggle it all: motherhood, business, and wellness routines.




Jun 28, 202240:07
The Subtle Art of Giving a F*ck using EQ with Alex Resnick

The Subtle Art of Giving a F*ck using EQ with Alex Resnick

How emotionally intelligent are you?

My next guest Alex Resnick, President and Co-Founder of Evolve Leadership, LLC, felt stuck and unsure of what path to take early in his career. But when came across the concept of EQ (Emotional Intelligence) in a college class - something clicked.

He went on to experience success in sales roles, following the path he thought he should. But deep down he craved more creativity, feeling stuck and depressed. He asked himself regularly, "Is this it?"

After an almost fatal car accident, Alex realized it was time to truly start living. He immediately quit his soul sucking sales job, dove into entrepreneurship - and became obsessed with honing his communication skills, self-awareness, and EQ.

Evolve Leadership, LLC is his third business, focusing on helping people become better leaders by learning the human skills necessary to be successful in today’s modern world.

Tune in to hear Alex's story, and how you can start improving all areas of your life simply by asking yourself important questions.

We also talk about:

- What is EQ? Why it's the most important skill

- The path to self-awareness and how it can improve your life and business

- How sales is like dating, and how you can get better at both

Connect with Alex Resnick here: 


Jun 10, 202201:15:34
The Bikini Business Coach Who Burned it All Down with Vanessa Simpkins

The Bikini Business Coach Who Burned it All Down with Vanessa Simpkins

Vanessa Simpkins went from bankruptcy to creating a 7 figure women's empowerment coaching company, and author of "Take Your Power Back." The book became a #1 best seller and started a global movement featured on FOX ABC CBS and NBC television sharing her story about healing from a toxic relationship. But before she moved to Hawaii to become the Spiritual 'Bikini Business Coach' and internet sensation, she made a living selling mops. Her insatiable drive to keep earning more money led to financial success and recognition in her industry - but after nearly a decade of hustling she called it quits on her business and shut it all down. Vanessa talks candidly about what it takes to build an empire, what really matters beyond the outward success, and how she's carving a path to clarity and wholeness. 

We also talk about:

- Connection between love and money

- What it takes to build an empire and when to let go

- How to break through visibility blocks

Find Vanessa here:

May 17, 202201:00:20
Not Your Average Crypto Bro with Constantin Schmid

Not Your Average Crypto Bro with Constantin Schmid

Do you roll your eyes every time someone mentions crypto or the Metaverse? My next guest is here to break it all down, and maybe even inspire you to get involved. Originally from Germany, Constantin Schmid isn't your typical 27 year old working his way up the corporate ladder. After ditching his dreams of becoming a pro tennis player, and then dropping out of college knowing full well his parents would cut him off - he chose an unconventional life traveling the world working for an online poker coaching company. When he met up with a close friend having massive success in the world of crypto, he couldn't ignore the potential and hasn't looked back ever since. Constantin's drive to be the best in everything he does, has led him to create multiple business's within the blockchain and the growing Metaverse. Tune in to hear how he's been carving his own f**king path in this digital space and how you can to. 

We also talk about:

- Cryptocurrency explained and what you should invest in

- What is the Metaverse and why would you want in

- The future of crypto, and how it's based on community 

Follow Constantin @contentconsti 

Apr 30, 202255:58
Put Your Money Where Your Values Are with Dale Wannen
Apr 06, 202250:32
Be Authentic AF by Saying it Out Loud with Vasavi Kumar
Mar 23, 202201:12:44
How She Built This w/ Skincare Founder Sarah Muir
Mar 02, 202253:41
Do Less and Make More Money with Master Business Coach Kat Arapis

Do Less and Make More Money with Master Business Coach Kat Arapis

Kat Arapis is a Master Business Coach who helps her clients grow to six figures + beyond in just 20 hours/week. Originally from Canada, Kat lives in Mexico where she stumbled into online entrepreneurship and has never looked back. Kat shares how you can carve your path to $10K months and beyond. *Hint it doesn't have anything to do with doing all the things you have been focusing on. It starts with figuring out your # 1 PRIORITY and only do that. The belief in yourself hitting your goal is your best business strategy. Slow your brain down, that's 90% of the work and 10% your strategy. 

If you want financial liberation you have to do mental, emotional liberation. It is a healing modality. 

We also talked about: 

  • How being selfish about reaching your highest potential is the most self-less thing you can do. 
  • The worst thing you can do when you start your business.  
  • 3 simple shifts to consistent $10K/ months
  • Figure out what your top priority is in your business - and focus on that. 

Find Kat: @katarapis 

Jan 19, 202201:08:29
Let's Talk About Sex with Dr. Claudia Six

Let's Talk About Sex with Dr. Claudia Six

Imagine you knew as a teenager that your life purpose was to give sex and relationship advice?

Meet Dr. Claudia Six, who's been carving her own path as Sex Therapist ever since she knew it was her calling, way back when.

With over 30 years experience as Clinical Sexologist, a best selling book, Ted Talk, and a vibrant private practice - Dr. Six's message is clear.

"Sexuality is about the bigger picture of how you live your life," she said, "I'm on a mission to heal the world one bedroom at a time."

In the field of Sexology, you have to blaze your own trail. Tune in to hear Dr. Six's compelling story of being a young trailblazer with a passion for helping people live their best sex life.

We also talked about:

- Being a new mom later in life and how it evolved her practice

- 3 steps to feeling more confident in the bedroom and in life

- Top 3 questions she gets asked by clients and the answers!

Find Dr. Claudia Six here:

Dec 17, 202101:03:31
Brilliant Writer and Linkedin Celebrity, Jo Watson

Brilliant Writer and Linkedin Celebrity, Jo Watson

Jo Watson writes brilliant stuff that makes people look and sound really f**king epic. Jo is a freelance writer, contributor and trainer hired by people who want personality in their project. Jo has made quite a name for herself online - holding the self-proclaimed prestigious title of Linkedin celebrity. She's currently writing her first book.

Despite having fancy letters after her name as a Chartered Manager, she remains a lover of swearing, sarcasm and puns. She also makes a lot of inappropriate jokes, which is one of the many reasons she "left a stable career in teaching" (her mother's words). Jo has an infant daughter, Lily, and is starting to feel the immense downside of raising a confident, independent female…

Find Jo here: 

Nov 29, 202101:06:15
Know Your Worth with Carl Gould: Leading Authority on Biz and Entrepreneurship

Know Your Worth with Carl Gould: Leading Authority on Biz and Entrepreneurship

Meet Carl Gould. Known worldwide as a leading authority on all things business and entrepreneurship, he's also a keynote speaker, best-selling author (11 books), and podcaster. A claim to fame in his entrepreneurial journey, Carl built 3 multi-million dollar businesses by age 40. His company, 7 Stage Advisors helps organizations grow to the next level. A 'day with Carl' will cost you $20K, and comes with a guarantee your business will increase at least 5 x that in revenue. We dive into how Carl started his first business at 18 years old, when he was broke and had a broken leg. Then how his interest in personal growth propelled him to become one of the top Life & Business Coaches, trained under Tony Robins and eventually created his own certification program certifying over 7000 coaches worldwide.  In this episode Carl shares his practical and impactful knowledge of how to do business successfully with real-world a larger than life fashion! 

Find Carl here:

Nov 08, 202147:19
BigLaw Dropout to A Life That's Lit 🔥with Ryan Spence

BigLaw Dropout to A Life That's Lit 🔥with Ryan Spence

Ryan Spence is a Life Coach, Certified High-Performance Coach™️ & Yoga Teacher who helps lawyers & corporate professionals gain greater clarity, confidence, and courage in their lives and careers.

A Christmas holiday in Bali was the trigger that sent Ryan on a personal development quest that ultimately took him from BigLaw lawyer to BigLaw dropout.

Driven by his own experience of corporate life, Ryan’s mission is to encourage and inspire his clients to take action to push beyond fear and embrace the unknown so that they can move from a life of lethargy to a life that’s Lit!

After seven years living in Singapore, Ryan now lives in Sheffield, England, with his wife and their two children

Connect with Ryan on IG @iam_ryanspence

Oct 12, 202151:50
Become an Agent of Calm w/ Coach and Hypnotherapist: Christian Burne

Become an Agent of Calm w/ Coach and Hypnotherapist: Christian Burne

On paper, Christian is a professional Transformation Coach and Clinical Hypnotherapist. Less formally, Christian loves to help purpose driven professionals and next Gen change-makers unlock the transformative power of inner-calm, and access their their highest levels of resilience, self-confidence and self-esteem. 

Prior to his current path, Christian lived in a deep chronic state of stress and urgency, in pursuit of success that was defined by what he had. But his life changed drastically when he was diagnosed with cancer. 

Also in this episode: 

  • --How cancer transformed Christian's perspective on life
  • --How to cultivate inner confidence
  • --The 7 Principles Of Inner-Calm 
  • --Morning routines and power of consistency  

“Calm is one of the most distinctive longings of the modern age.” 

Christian believes this is the best time in our post-pandemic world to carve your own path! Especially for brave, ambitious people prepared to break-free from those old, limiting paradigms, and take their hand-brake off in pursuit of the life and business they deserve. 

Find Christian's coaching programs and more here;

Sep 06, 202101:11:47
Start Before You Are Ready with Public Speaker - Asger Lindholdt

Start Before You Are Ready with Public Speaker - Asger Lindholdt

Asger Lindholdt followed an academic path that was paved for him from a young age, completing a Masters in chemical engineering and a Ph.D. within ship coating. When he hit 30, Asger was was fed up. He was sick and tired of looking at a computer screen all day, bored of corporate meetings, and felt like he wasn't making any real difference in people’s lives. For years he struggled to find his true passion. Until he found it - but was too afraid to go for it. He took all the courses and immersed himself in personal development, and finally acted on his dream. Only to discover his real joy lies in helping people shine and express their ideas on a stage, so they can make a bigger difference in the world. He understands first hand how daunting, and overwhelming it can be to take the stage while hundreds of people are looking at you. Today, Asger is proud to say he's helped dozens of individuals, organizations, high-profile speakers, entrepreneurs, academics and TEDx speakers.
He has created several systems that make it easy for speakers to implement, so they can in a short amount of time become much better public speakers. His approach is always to identify the root problems, then help you tap into your unique style and personality with frameworks rooted in science and backed by positive results in the REAL world. 

Listen to learn how you can master the art of sharing your message from any stage.

Connect with Asger here: 

Aug 12, 202101:06:47
Are You Waiting For Permission? with Meridith Grundei

Are You Waiting For Permission? with Meridith Grundei

Meridith is an award-winning Theatre Director, Producer, and former Second City improv teacher, who recognized the similarities between performing on stage every night and presenting to clients/colleagues every day. But the latter didn’t have the right tools to bring their stories to life. A decade later Meridith's business, Grundei Coaching, has helped thousands of individuals and corporations achieve career growth and success. Meridith specializes in presentation and public speaking consultation, individual training and development, and creative team solutions using improvisational theatre techniques to build trust, empathy, and out-of-the-box thinking. 

Connect with Meridith here: 

IG @meridithgrundeicoaching

Podcast: Are You Waiting For Permission?

**Don't forget to hit subscribe & leave a 5 star rating if you're feeling the love. Until next time, keep carving your own f*cking path! 

Jul 19, 202101:01:60
Reinvent Yourself With Intention w/ Founder, Mentor, and Coach Robb Gilbear

Reinvent Yourself With Intention w/ Founder, Mentor, and Coach Robb Gilbear

Robb Gilbear’s journey isn't your typical one. He started his first business as a teenager, did cubicle time in big multinationals, toured from coast to coast as a DJ, and spent half a decade as a People & Culture leader in award-winning tech companies. Through it all, Robb's been driven by the desire to understand what makes businesses thrive, regardless of the market conditions and what truly makes people more confident, happy, and impactful. Robb left a secure six-figure office job to pursue a passion for coaching and now is a six-figure coach. He mentors purpose-drive coaches in landing high-ticket dream clients so they can ditch their self-doubt and build a scalable business doing what they love.

If you're looking for a mentor who can guide you into a lucrative career as a purpose driven coach, connect with Robb below;

IG @robbgilbear

Jul 08, 202141:15
What REALLY Matters in Life with Mic Tee 'The Music Guy' (Part 2)

What REALLY Matters in Life with Mic Tee 'The Music Guy' (Part 2)

PART 2: Mic Tee asks himself big questions - the WHY behind all the pushing, grinding, hustling. And he shares the power of evaluating it all, to really see what matters most in life. 

"When I started chasing the life of no borders and limits, I found myself in a life of borders and limits."  Today's guest is Mic Tee, a Music Executive and Producer originally from Toronto, Canada but seen in studios all over the world. Mic Tee started carving his path in the music biz as a scrappy club DJ/MC in college to then ghost writing and producing submissions for huge named artists (Pharrell, Flo Rida, Pitbull, Lil Wayne – just to name a few). When Mic Tee's music career took off rather quickly, his lifestyle reflected a version of success many strive to achieve. Mic Tee most recently teamed up with a number of his industry colleagues to start an artist development and music education firm, Emtee Education. The company helps artists and labels in developing a strategy to build a long lasting career in music. With a strong focus on the emotional and mental aspect, Emtee Education's main goal is to bring the importance of career sustainability into the forefront.

In this episode Willow and Mic Tee talk candidly about where his love of music began to what really matters in life now after achieving success in the music industry.  We tackle the topics like; the pressures of having to answer 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' and how it plays into the hustle culture, and eventual burnout, how not everything is what it seems behind the glossy images and flashy online personas, how asking yourself the big question; ‘Why am I doing this?’ leads to clarity, spirituality and the power of a higher purpose.  By re-evaluating his version of success, Mic Tee reignited the things that actually matter. Like being able to change the world, and making people's lives better.  Listen in to hear all of this and much more!  Follow Mic on IG: @itsmictee Check out his mentorship venture:

Jun 27, 202131:09
Nobody Knows Anything with Serial Entrepreneur Jeff Conlon
Jun 24, 202151:43
What REALLY Matters in Life with Mic Tee 'The Music Guy' (Part 1)

What REALLY Matters in Life with Mic Tee 'The Music Guy' (Part 1)

"When I started chasing the life of no borders and limits, I found myself in a life of borders and limits."

Today's guest is Mic Tee, a Music Executive and Producer originally from Toronto, Canada but seen in studios all over the world. Mic Tee started carving his path in the music biz as a scrappy club DJ/MC in college to then ghost writing and producing submissions for huge named artists (Pharrell, Flo Rida, Pitbull, Lil Wayne – just to name a few). When Mic Tee's music career took off rather quickly, his lifestyle reflected a version of success many strive to achieve. Mic Tee most recently teamed up with a number of his industry colleagues to start an artist development and music education firm, Emtee Education. The company helps artists and labels in developing a strategy to build a long lasting career in music. With a strong focus on the emotional and mental aspect, Emtee Education's main goal is to bring the importance of career sustainability into the forefront. 

In this episode Willow and Mic Tee talk candidly about where his love of music began to what really matters in life now after achieving success in the music industry.

We tackle the topics like; the pressures of having to answer 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' and how it plays into the hustle culture, and eventual burnout, how not everything is what it seems behind the glossy images and flashy online personas, how asking yourself the big question; ‘Why am I doing this?’ leads to clarity, spirituality and the power of a higher purpose.

By re-evaluating his version of success, Mic Tee reignited the things that actually matter. Like being able to change the world, and making people's lives better.

Listen in to hear all of this and much more!

Follow him on IG:
His new venture:

May 27, 202137:32
Running and Destruction to a Path of Self Love with Sam Morris

Running and Destruction to a Path of Self Love with Sam Morris

You know when you meet someone who exudes clarity and confidence in who they are? Sam Morris is that kinda guy. Sam guides men through the healing process and journey to self-love, so they can step into their purpose. His tagline is 'Be a warrior. Don't be at war.™' 

The path that led him to becoming the speaker, conscious leader, and coach he is today - was full of loss, pain, addiction, self-hatred, and depression. 

Sam spent most of his adult life living to the fullest - what he calls 'F*ck It Mode' - but in a very destructive sense. 

Up until Sam was 38 years old he was an alcoholic, in and out of rehab with several DUI’s under his belt, he'd lost his house, destroyed many romantic relationships, lost a lucrative career in real estate, and had cut family ties after he lied to his family to get money to fuel his drug and alcohol addiction. 

It all came to a head 8 years ago, as he sat by himself shaking with fear after a 4 day bender. He could no longer ignore the inner knowing that his life of running and destruction had to end. He called 911 and started his journey of sobriety. This time he was successful in staying sober, as he began to identify childhood traumas and unhelpful patterns that were at the root of the chaos. 

Sam changed his perspective to; 'F*ck It to the FEARS and do it anyways.' He has since worked as a recovery coach, mental health coach, and currently facilitates mens groups to talk about and process the trauma they’ve experienced. The bedrock of it all is aligning with other men who could hold space for him to show emotion and say “I see you.”

Sam is the founder of The Unbreakable Human Collective, an interactive web-based personal development program for men and women wanting to “slay their mental dragons” of depression, anxiety and addiction.

He's the Chief Culture Officer at Five To Flow, a wellness consulting agency designed to help every business find their flow. 

On May 1st Sam is giving his first TEDx Talk on the subject of "Why You Need to Stop Settling for Hope." 

Follow him on IG @samgibbsmorris for daily inspirational content & links to his men's coaching program & upcoming TEDx Talk! 


Apr 29, 202136:18
Michaela Guzy - Inspirational Global Storyteller and Fearless Beyond Reason

Michaela Guzy - Inspirational Global Storyteller and Fearless Beyond Reason

Michaela Guzy is an American media executive, entrepreneur, speaker and on-air show host. She appears regularly on morning TV shows across the US as the sustainable, transformative travel & authentic human connection expert. When the travel industry came to a screeching halt due to COVID-19 - Michaela pivoted, adapted, and has continued on her path and mission to tell a good story. 

  • In 2012, Michaela left Corporate America in NYC as a young 'hot shot' after climbing the ladder in the luxury travel industry. On a soul-driven trip to Africa, she founded OhThePeopleYouMeet (OTPYM) which documents stories of interesting people doing inspiring things. With Michaela now at the helm for 9 years, OTPYM has grown into a well-respected editorial content site and video series for socially conscious consumers, thought leaders and responsible travelers seeking authentic local connection. 
  • Michaela attributes her success to saying 'yes' and showing up consistently with a hard working attitude. Being on-camera came naturally to Michaela, and became a bit of an overnight sensation after an audition video for a travel hosting gig played in NYC taxis. Which led to a slew of travel show hosting opportunities around the world. 
  • Michaela grew up in the midwest in a busy and loud household, where airtime was brief. The 'quiet one' amongst her 3 sisters, she secretly wanted to be Johnny Carson, and would watch Nat Geo with awe and wonder. Dreams came full circle when she created a video series in Sierra Leon where she interviewed one of her childhood hero's, Jane Goodall. 
  • Michaela says, 'I'm living out my passion right now - I was the hardest of workers in my corporate job. Now as a leader, doing my own thing - it's a labor of love, I eat breathe, and sleep what I do. 
  • 'I'm not driven by money or power - I believe in the people, and I want to tell a good story. I will figure it [money] out, no one is going to stop me.' 

In response to COVID-19 Michaela created a daily LIVE at 5pm IGTV show on @MichaelaGuzy #InspirationStation which is a viral success.

Instagram: @MichaelaGuzy


Apr 01, 202101:07:13
Authenticity in Anxiety, Addiction, and Relationships with Megan Shaylor

Authenticity in Anxiety, Addiction, and Relationships with Megan Shaylor

Megan Shaylor AKA @entirely_koalaqueen, has built a loyal following on IG by showing up as herself - navigating life through battles with severe anxiety, addiction, single motherhood, codependency, and dating. Megan originally started her IG account to share all things related to her love of the keto diet. But after sharing a bit of her personal struggles with mental health, her audience appreciated the vulnerability and honesty in showing that side of her life. Looking back she realizes how promoting diet culture was a mask for her disordered eating. Megan then decided to start to showing up more authentically online, with a mission to break the stigma surrounding mental health, and having those hard conversations with ourselves that lead to self acceptance. 

Megan says, "I know when I speak my truth, I’m helping another person through their pain - and I connect with them. We’re connecting over the fact that we've all got the same emotions, and feelings, and it’s OK to talk about them. My mission [for showing up online] is so people never have to to feel alone." In the world of influencers and the ideal of perfection, Megan is committed to never being 'unreal' again. Megan speaks about how she's no longer defined by her trauma or any other diagnosis, because it's only a story about her and it doesn't have to be her identity. Megan says, “Authenticity is allowing yourself to be imperfect. I want to be known for being myself. When you’ve lived your whole life not feeling allowed to be yourself - to be complemented for being yourself, is the biggest compliment!" 

Her advice for anyone struggling to show up authentically, is to start doing it because you won’t know what’s on the other side. Get out there and do it, imperfectly. 

Follow Megan @entirely_koalaqueen and listen to her podcast! 

The Entirely Koala Queen Podcast:

Dec 14, 202045:53
Sexless Marriage to Sexpert with Irene Fehr

Sexless Marriage to Sexpert with Irene Fehr

Irene Fehr is Sex and Intimacy Coach specializing in female libido, working with women & couples in a long term relationship. In this candid interview, Irene shares her journey as she navigated the unknown of female libido - which showed up in pain with sex and led to a sexless marriage in her late 20’s. After a painful divorce, Irene was left without answers to why she experienced pain and loss for sexual desire. She set out on a mission to heal herself and find answers both western medicine and traditional therapy left untouched. It was through this daunting exploration and emotional deep dive, she discovered the world of life coaching. For the first time she was asked  - what do YOU want? It was then she realized for years she tried to override messages from her body that screamed loud and clear - 'your needs are NOT being met.' 

Having shrunk from the shame and negative beliefs around sex and intimacy - Irene felt invisible in front of men. On a quest to untangle her wounds around intimacy, she then sought out a sex coach. Irene was given permission to paint a sex life she really wanted to create.  Within 6 months her life was overhauled, and she became 100% clear this is what she wanted to do with her life. Irene believes our sexuality as women isn’t just a ‘nice to have’ or for reproductive purposes - it is our POWER. Irene's mission is to help women, couples, and men understand what’s happening and to help them find each other again in the relationship, realize their dreams of love, connection, and support them in creating a future they really want - and then pass it on to their children!

What's also inside this episode:  

  • Women need these 8 things to feel connected and want sex (men LISTEN UP!)
  • Demystify and untangle the misconceptions around female sexuality, both as a single woman and in long term relationship.  
  • How a lot of couples fall out of love after the chemical love cocktail wears off, and how you can push past it when it does
  • “A well f*cked woman will change the world” - what's behind Irene's mission statement! 
  • Her free mini-course ‘how to want sex again’ -  covering topics like painful sex, demystify 3 myths re: female libido that destroy relationships, the truth about female libido and how to reconnect with your body so you want sex more and more naturally.
  • How to listen to your intuition and ask yourself regularly, what do YOU want?

You can find Irene here:

Free Course:

Irene is published regularly in HuffPost, Elite daily, Bustle, Refinery29, and more! 

Oct 26, 202001:09:06
Abundance Mindset and The Power of Possibility with Entrepreneur Pru Chapman

Abundance Mindset and The Power of Possibility with Entrepreneur Pru Chapman

Pru Chapman is Head Hustler at Owners Collective, a good business strategist, coach and mentor to over 15,000 start-ups based in Byron Bay, Australia. When Pru was asked if she could teach one thing to entrepreneurs that would make the BIGGEST difference in their businesses, she said shifting from scarcity to an abundance mindset.  Pru says most entrepreneurs (and people) she's come across have a scarcity mindset - the fear there's not enough money to go around. On a mission to rewrite her own scarcity story, having grown up with very little including running water, Pru spent upwards of a decade 'brainwashing' herself to radically shift out of scarcity to an abundance mindset. As a result, she attributes to her building a wildly successful business, and the abundant and fulfilling life she lives today. Pru is an inspiration, and living proof you can carve your own path and make your wildest dreams a reality when you believe anything is possible and listen to your intuition. 

 What's in this episode: 

  • Her guiding principle to 'follow the feeling' and tips for tapping into your intuition.
  • The one powerful belief that can wildly shift your reality so you can experience the flow of abundance.
  • Her path to success: not being afraid of the unknown or uncertainty, and willingness to take big risks.
  • How she finds clarity in stillness, and makes it a priority to do things every day that bring her joy.
  • How she plays to her strengths and never loses sight of her core values.
  • The one question she asks herself to set an intention and shift into a good mindset for the day. 

You can find Pru here:

For business tips, insight, and engaging founder stories - check out her two podcasts 'The Owners Collective' and 'One Wild Ride.'

IG @ownerscollective @onewildride 


Oct 12, 202046:46
Break From Buffering: Life without Weed and Alcohol with Simone Silverstein

Break From Buffering: Life without Weed and Alcohol with Simone Silverstein

Simone Silverstein is a friend and coaching client. Like most people as a result of Covid, Simone's life took some unexpected turns and major adjustments. As a long-time weed connoisseur, Simone ramped up her reliance on the nightly joint and one drink to manage tumultuous times. Let me preface by saying, her consumption of either would most likely not be considered 'problematic,' which is partly why taking a closer look at her behavior was never really on the table. She's a highly functioning mother of 2, with a proper job as Editorial Director, living outside San Francisco,  CA.  Plus, in a state where you can get designer weed delivered to your door with the click of a button - it's hardly a rebellious act. But the way she was starting to feel; a bit foggy, overly anxious, and then that niggling inner voice became loud enough to spark curiosity about taking a break from her deal-with-life-and-kids-decompression habits. BC (before Covid), we were working to fully unlock her creative potential. By reprogramming her thoughts, beliefs, and unhelpful stories on a deep subconscious level to achieve her goal of becoming a Creative Director. But the mental fog, lack of clarity and motivation coupled with the inconsistency to work on her own personal growth during Covid, slowed the process. 

Buffering is a destructive habit - Either consciously or subconsciously escaping uncomfortable or painful feelings & emotions by: Over-Drinking, Over-Eating, Over-Smoking, Over-Netflixing, Over-Shopping, Over-Consuming Social Media, Over-Busying, etc. and you experience a negative consequence once the temporary pleasure is gone.⁠ But most of the time those feelings you're trying to avoid, come back harder or worse than before - once the buffering haze has worn off. ⁠

At the time of recording this, Simone was two weeks into her 40 days of taking a break from buffering. Within a relatively short timeframe, she had lots to share about her newfound soberness alongside many insights. "I feel more peaceful, happier, more sustained energy, and I do 'nothing' better," says Simone. "The joy is around the PRIDE and CONFIDENCE around that I’m doing something good for myself." If I show up and do this, I am telling myself I can have more trust in myself." 

Buffering can be so habitual much like brushing your teeth, it's hardly noticeable. Which is why awareness starts by asking yourself if you're choosing to over-do this thing, why are you choosing that? The power is in the conscious choice, and to be able to experience who you are with and without the buffering, and the decide to add it in. 

The truth is, we all buffer. There's no shame in the game, and I'm on a mission to bring awareness, help people take a break from buffering, and break any stigma or shame around it. The question really is, what would be possible for you if you took a break from buffering? Who would you be? 

Sep 18, 202001:07:32
Finding Your Path through Emotional Eating, Digestive Issues and Self Healing with Amber Romaniuk
Aug 10, 202001:00:58
Soprano Opera Singer, "Divorce Ring" Creator and Living Life on the road with Sara Duchovnay

Soprano Opera Singer, "Divorce Ring" Creator and Living Life on the road with Sara Duchovnay

Sara dove into opera singing at 16, after her singing teacher recognized her talent. Following her lifelong dreams of performing on the big stage, she bucked the traditional route of "Juliard" and chose to go to a performing arts conservatory in Connecticut to study opera full time. 

Life as a professional opera singer is never straight-forward, or a straight-forward income - especially now as her entire industry is on hold indefinitely. As a multi-passionate person, Sara began to seriously pursue her obsession with antique diamonds, vintage and estate jewelry and turn it into a viable company. What started as a small side hustle is now becoming one of her two dual incomes, and has fortunately been able to employ a few fellow opera singers throughout the pandemic. 

Traveling back and forth across the US since 2017, alongside with her opera singing husband in their RV, has allowed Sara to source beautiful pieces of jewelry from estate sales and other rare finds.  

Songbird Sara (her jewelry company) is most known for "Divorce Rings" -- the concept of wearing a ring to honor of strength, empowerment, and a symbol of a bright future. The idea sparked after she left her own emotionally abusive marriage, and started wearing a ring to commemorate her new path. In addition to running her business and seeking her next opera performance -- she is both an ambassador and educational facilitator for One Love Foundation. This non-profit organization aims to teach young people about what is a healthy vs. un-healthy relationships. Sara incorporates opera storylines into her teaching material, as they represent unhealthy relationships and typically display 'bad' behavior examples. 

Sara and her husband Clay now travel around the US and Europe when they can, living their dream life and flirting with vintage hairstyles! 

Where to find more about her: 

IG:  @songbirdsarajewelry



Jul 11, 202001:05:06
Unlock Your Potential: Human Design with Felicia Baird
May 25, 202058:33
How to Survive and Thrive Being Hit by a Truck with Katie McKenna

How to Survive and Thrive Being Hit by a Truck with Katie McKenna

Apr 20, 202043:43
Actress, Producer, Stand-up Comic, and C+ Mom with Monika Casey

Actress, Producer, Stand-up Comic, and C+ Mom with Monika Casey

Monika and I went to High School together; she was that hot theater girl who took her passion for drama straight to Hollywood. Well, sorta. After barely making it through college, Monika couldn't wait to head for the bright lights and waiting tables in Los Angeles. Ever since then, for the past two decades Monika's been committed to blazing her path in LA - doing stand up at famous comedy clubs, appearing on several TV shows, producing feature films, and creating ‘momedy’ sketches since she became a mom in 2014. She’s currently developing a series based on her own life after divorce, starring Margaret Cho. You can find Monika on most of her mornings co-hosting on the hit radio show ‘Jeff Lewis Live’ on SiriusXM radio.⁠ She also recently launched an online course, ‘Fresh Off The Boat,’ for people who are new to LA and want insider tips on how to survive and thrive in the acting biz. ⁠

⁠Monika is also a Manifestation Powerhouse, and shares some of her mindset tips like meditation, vision boards, and sticky note affirmations that have kept her grounded, focused, and believing in herself no matter what. ⁠

⁠Thanks to Monika, I now put crystals in my bra for that extra superpower! ⁠⁠

⁠You can find her on IG @themonikacasey ⁠

Radio: Jeff Lewis @radioandysxm  ⁠

Online Course -  ⁠

PROMO code: WILLOW for 20% off ⁠

Mar 30, 202001:00:24
Carve Your Own f*cking Spiritual Path with Meghan Hart The Medium

Carve Your Own f*cking Spiritual Path with Meghan Hart The Medium

Whether you’re a believer in the occult or not, listen in to my eye opening conversation with Meghan Hart who’s recently come out of the ‘Medium Closet.’ From a young age Meghan was drawn to astrology and exposed to the supernatural. It wasn’t until her fathers passing 7 years ago when ‘Spirit visited her,’ that her path into Mediumship began. Since then, Meghan has connected with several spirits ‘on the other side’ and says ‘all of our loved ones are with us every step of the way, once you open your heart to the idea and ask for the signs, they’ll start flooding in.’ While Meghan is  100% committed to her path as a Medium, it's taken a lot of courage stepping into this new identity from her own self-doubt about her abilities to fears of being judged by friends and family. 

Meghan is generously offering donation-based readings. You can find her on IG @mediummeghanhart

Mar 10, 202054:56
Jill Callan - A story of Coming Out and On Top in the Game of Love

Jill Callan - A story of Coming Out and On Top in the Game of Love

Do you ever feel like you’ve got it all goin’ on except one thing - finding true LOVE? Meet Jill Callan, Marketing Maven in San Francisco, who candidly shares her story about rising to the top of her industry all the while navigating her sexuality and dating disappointments. As Jill was approaching 50, she’d surrendered to a love life that looked more like a mini-series rather than the feature film with a happy ending. Until one blind date changed her life forever. Listen in to hear Jill’s full length roller coaster ride of a love story, one that’ll surely inspire anyone who might be thinking, “this love thing isn’t part of my path.” Think again, friends.

Feb 19, 202044:20
Serial Side Hustler Turned Successful Life and Business Coach with Amanda Bybel

Serial Side Hustler Turned Successful Life and Business Coach with Amanda Bybel

Feb 12, 202029:19