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Why Didn't They Teach Me This In School - Money and life management

Why Didn't They Teach Me This In School - Money and life management

By Cary Siegel

This podcast focuses on learning how to effectively manage both your money and your life. Importantly, it is done simply with real-life memorable examples rather than theory, numbers and lecture. It is built off of Cary Siegel's best selling books "Why didn't they teach me this in school? 99 personal money management principles to live by” and “Why didn’t they teach me this in school too? 99 life management principles to live by”. The goal is to motivate you to take control of both your finances and your life.
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92 - Choose to care

Why Didn't They Teach Me This In School - Money and life managementJul 07, 2021

119 - It's all up to you (my last episode)

119 - It's all up to you (my last episode)

This is Cary's last podcast episode. In the episode he reinforces the thought that he has tried to drive home during the last 2 years - money management and life management is all up to you (and no-one else)!
Jan 12, 202204:26
118 - "Don't let life come to you...come to life"

118 - "Don't let life come to you...come to life"

In this episode, Cary discusses the meaning of his self-invented quote and how it can help you live a more fulfilling life.
Jan 05, 202203:14
117 - Some quick year-end thoughts

117 - Some quick year-end thoughts

As the year is coming to a close, Cary is providing you with 7 quick thoughts that hopefully will help you live a better life in 2022.
Dec 29, 202108:02
116 - Learn one thing...

116 - Learn one thing...

One of Cary's quickest and most important episodes. Important because if you listen to this one and take it to heart, you will change your approach to how you live your life.
Dec 22, 202102:46
115 - Right place, right time. Wrong place, wrong time

115 - Right place, right time. Wrong place, wrong time

There is no doubt you have found yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. And, other times you have found yourself in the right place at the right time. In this episode, Cary explains why the majority of time you are making choices that put you in these positions.
Dec 15, 202104:13
114 - People: the good and bad

114 - People: the good and bad

Your entire life you will be meeting new people and developing relationships with them. You will also be making decisions based on your relationships with people. In this episode, Cary gives you 3 important insights about people that will effect you throughout your life.
Dec 08, 202107:13
113 - Relationships: you get what you put into them

113 - Relationships: you get what you put into them

Relationships are important and sometimes very difficult to understand. In this episode, Cary discusses an approach to making relationships work for you.
Dec 01, 202107:50
112 - Make your home family and friend-friendly

112 - Make your home family and friend-friendly

Your life can be greatly enhance by developing strong relationships with both friends and family. In this episode, Cary talks about making your home family and friend-friendly.
Nov 24, 202106:35
111 - Marriage isn't a life requirement

111 - Marriage isn't a life requirement

In this episode Cary shifts his focus to relationships and family. He talks about a unique perspective on making the decision to marry and whether or not you should live with someone prior to marriage. The focus over the next few episodes will continue to be on relationships and family.
Nov 17, 202104:30
110 - Develop your emotional intelligence

110 - Develop your emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is more important to your success than your IQ. In this episode, Cary defines and discusses what is emotional intelligence and why its so important.
Nov 10, 202104:52
109 - Learn effective social skills

109 - Learn effective social skills

Whether you are an introvert or extrovert, you will be in social situations just about every day of your life. In this episode, Cary gives you some important tips on how to improve your social skills regardless of your affinity for social situations.
Nov 03, 202107:10
108 - Learn how to effectively communicate

108 - Learn how to effectively communicate

Effective communication skills are essential in any job you have. While it's impossible to develop them thru just a 5 minute discussion, Cary highlights the 4 different means of communication you need to become adept at.
Oct 27, 202106:19
107 - Learning from bad behavior

107 - Learning from bad behavior

There is good and bad in everyone. In this episode, Cary talks about learning as much from people who exhibit bad behavior as you learn from those who exhibit good behavior.
Oct 20, 202104:04
106 - Listening tips that will change what you hear

106 - Listening tips that will change what you hear

Listening is a skill. And, its a skill that very few people fully develop. In this episode Cary gives you some little known tips that will definitely make you a more effective listener.
Oct 13, 202107:43
105 - Street smarts are more important than book smarts

105 - Street smarts are more important than book smarts

Let's face it - street smarts beat book smarts every time. In this episode, Cary discusses the importance of developing your street smarts.
Oct 06, 202104:23
104 -Starting your career - ask lots of questions and take all the training offered

104 -Starting your career - ask lots of questions and take all the training offered

In this episode, Cary discusses the importance of asking lots of questions and taking advantage of all the training opportunities offered when you start a new job.
Sep 29, 202104:11
103 - Follow-up quickly

103 - Follow-up quickly

In this episode, Cary discusses the importance of following up quickly and how it can help you succeed in life and at work.
Sep 22, 202102:50
102 - Take notes

102 - Take notes

Some people think it makes them look smarter by not taking notes. Cary discusses the importance of taking notes in both personal and professional situations.
Sep 15, 202104:19
101 - A unique networking strategy

101 - A unique networking strategy

In this episode Cary lets you in on a unique and effective networking strategy. If used properly, this strategy will benefit both you and others you come in contact with.
Sep 08, 202104:17
100 - Interview techniques guaranteed to get you a job

100 - Interview techniques guaranteed to get you a job

If you listen to this episode, there is absolutely no doubt that you will develop the interview skills needed to get any job!
Sep 01, 202113:31
99 - First impressions matter BIG TIME

99 - First impressions matter BIG TIME

People often get nervous meeting someone the first time. And, rightfully so. They want to leave a good first impression. In this episode, Cary discusses the importance of making a good first impression and some tips on doing so.
Aug 25, 202105:06
98 - Show up...ALL THE TIME

98 - Show up...ALL THE TIME

Even though you may not think so, it's very clear to those around you when you "skip" work or school. In this episode, Cary offers his perspective on this thought.
Aug 18, 202104:50
97 - Be a chameleon

97 - Be a chameleon

When working with people, be a chameleon and adapt to their work style. In this episode Cary talks about how doing this will benefit you both in the work place and at home.
Aug 11, 202104:40
96 - Treat everyone like they are your customer

96 - Treat everyone like they are your customer

Why would you treat everyone like they are your customer? Cary discusses the rationale and importance of doing so in the latest episode of "Why didn't they teach me this in school"?
Aug 04, 202104:40
95 - Take pride in your work

95 - Take pride in your work

Unfortunately, not everyone takes pride in their work. In this episode, Cary discusses the importance in taking pride in work and everything you do.
Jul 28, 202104:08
94 - Unique thoughts about "hard work"

94 - Unique thoughts about "hard work"

This episode focuses on 2 unique thoughts about "hard work" - it's worth a listen!
Jul 21, 202106:42
93 - You are your own best advocate

93 - You are your own best advocate

There are so many instances in life where you need to speak up to make whatever is important to you happen. In this episode, Cary uses a couple of interesting examples to drive that point home.
Jul 14, 202105:16
92 - Choose to care

92 - Choose to care

Yes - I know it seems obvious that you should "choose to care". But please take a few minutes to listen to how choosing to care can help others but also help you develop as a person.
Jul 07, 202105:31
91 - Stress: smart ways to deal with it

91 - Stress: smart ways to deal with it

We all have stress in our lives. And, we all are trying to find ways to effectively deal with it. In this episode, Cary discusses 6 ways to positively deal with stress.
Jun 30, 202106:56
90 - Sweat the small stuff

90 - Sweat the small stuff

Contrary to what others have told you (and you may have advised others), Cary believes in sweating the small stuff. He explains his thought process in this episode.
Jun 23, 202104:26
89 - Be confident (and humble) not cocky

89 - Be confident (and humble) not cocky

There is a distinct difference between confidence and cockiness. This quick episode helps you realize where you are on the confidence/cockiness spectrum.
Jun 16, 202103:21
88 - Actions speak louder than words – so take responsibility for your actions

88 - Actions speak louder than words – so take responsibility for your actions

No doubt you've met many people with a "do as I say, not as I do" attitude. In this episode, Cary discusses how you can make sure you are not one of those people and back your words with the proper actions.
Jun 09, 202106:06
87 - Laugh...a lot!

87 - Laugh...a lot!

There are very few things that feel better than having a good laugh. In this episode, Cary discusses 4 ways to bring humor to your life.
Jun 02, 202103:22
86 - Use a pro/con list to make important decisions

86 - Use a pro/con list to make important decisions

Important decisions shouldn't be taken lightly. And, you need to be methodical in making those decisions. In this episode, Cary takes you thru a quick, effective way to make both professional and personal decisions.
May 26, 202102:59
85 - Find a hobby that interests you and pursue it throughout your life

85 - Find a hobby that interests you and pursue it throughout your life

At some point in your life, you've had a hobby. In this quick episode, Cary talks about sticking with it throughout your life.
May 19, 202102:39
84 - Find some type of exercise you like and do it every day

84 - Find some type of exercise you like and do it every day

Exercising is a positive addiction. In this episode, Cary provides an interesting perspective on the benefits of exercising.
May 12, 202106:51
83 - Have goals and write them down

83 - Have goals and write them down

In this episode Cary not only talks about the importance of having goals but also lays out 5 easy steps to effectively developing and managing them.
May 05, 202104:27
82 - Know your own strengths and weaknesses

82 - Know your own strengths and weaknesses

It's difficult to admit your weaknesses. But clearly you have them. And, of course you have strengths. In this episode, Cary discusses using your honest understanding of your strengths and weaknesses to make life and career decisions.
Apr 28, 202104:32
81 - You'll make lots of mistakes...just learn from them

81 - You'll make lots of mistakes...just learn from them

We all make mistakes. As long as you learn from them, you'll be OK. In this episode, Cary talks about rebounding from the errors you make in life.
Apr 21, 202104:24
80 - If you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards

80 - If you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards

It's up to you to make sure you don't rest on your laurels and move forward in your life. So many people and organizations get too content with what they've accomplished and where they are in life that they forget to do this. This episode should help you avoid this error.
Apr 14, 202106:04
79 - PARTY: celebrate your accomplishments

79 - PARTY: celebrate your accomplishments

For some reason, people forget to celebrate their successes in life. In this episode, Cary talks about taking the time to celebrate your successes.
Apr 07, 202104:28
78 - Develop strong people skills

78 - Develop strong people skills

There is no doubt that people with good people skills live a happier more successful life. In this episode, Cary details the 4 things that will enable you to develop your people skills.
Mar 31, 202105:60
77 - Politeness pays off

77 - Politeness pays off

We all know we need to be polite. But, are we polite to everybody, all the time? In this episode Cary not only talks about the importance of being polite but gives you 2 life examples where it really did pay off!
Mar 24, 202106:41
76 - Proofread everything you put your name on

76 - Proofread everything you put your name on

Proofreading is a forgotten step by many people when using written communication. In this episode, Cary makes some quick important points on the topic and ends with a humorous embarrassing mistake he made in life.
Mar 17, 202103:40
75 - Be punctual all the time

75 - Be punctual all the time

Being late shows a lack of respect for the people you are meeting. In this episode, Cary gives a couple of examples of how punctuality can both positively and negatively effect your life.

Mar 10, 202104:46
74 - Plan and prioritize your "to-do's”

74 - Plan and prioritize your "to-do's”

Planning and prioritizing is an essential part of effectively managing your life. In this episode, Cary tells you about a system that works for him and hopefully opens you eyes to developing a system that works for you.
Mar 03, 202105:34
73 - Be proactive and don't procrastinate

73 - Be proactive and don't procrastinate

Some people believe they can't change from their procrastinating ways to being more proactive. Today's discussion centers around examples of the differences between the two and how you can positively change your behavior.
Feb 24, 202105:38
72 - Persistence and perseverance gets you very far in life

72 - Persistence and perseverance gets you very far in life

There is no doubt that at some point in your life you have had to be extremely persistent to get something done. In today's episode, Cary brings up some real life examples for you to relate to.
Feb 17, 202105:14
71 - Be positive and passionate about everything you do

71 - Be positive and passionate about everything you do

After listening to this episode, it will be difficult to not exude passion and be positive as you approach life. Take the few minutes and see if you agree!
Feb 10, 202106:49
70 - Moving forward with "life management"

70 - Moving forward with "life management"

This episode moves the podcast into another important area that they don't teach you in school - life management. Cary discusses how he realized the importance of life management and how you can improve yours by taking action.
Feb 03, 202108:41