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unapologetically epic

unapologetically epic

By Cassie Clark-Ingram

Welcome to unapologetically epic a space where we explore the vastness of design. From the depths of personal branding and creating a design manifesto to finding your purpose to learning how to become an innovative disruptor and a rule breaker- this time is meant to inspire and create a sense of community.
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What is your favorite cartoon?

unapologetically epicJun 08, 2023

Being a Mother in the Design Industry.

Being a Mother in the Design Industry.

Happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful women raising the future. This week we look at my cheat codes for being a mother in the design industry- things I have learned that have impacted me as a designer; time management, becoming a kid again, perspective on what is important, leading with love, fighting through anxiety, and finally creative problem solving. Being a mother is an asset to my arsenal of mad ninja skills.

May 09, 202424:05
Authentic Brand Activations. Manifesting Dreams.

Authentic Brand Activations. Manifesting Dreams.

A review of the most effective brand activations at Coachella- Pinterest, and Camp Poosh- both had authentic elements in tune to their brands- let me know if you agree. 

Apr 26, 202412:54
Beyond the Creative Execution

Beyond the Creative Execution

Beyond the creative execution- how to create a memorable and emotive creative solution- A peek behind the curtain- as we examine the Experiential journey of the last season. Special thanks to Event Marketer for naming the Toyota space as one of the best in NYC.

Apr 19, 202422:06
Playground Dynamics and Agency Life

Playground Dynamics and Agency Life

Today, we dive into four types of playground personalities and see how they mirror our roles at the agency. We have the supporting player, the chorus, the human-casted inanimate props, and the main character. Which one resonates with you?

Apr 11, 202417:48
Creating a Legacy

Creating a Legacy

We honor Richard Serra who bent the boundaries of sculpture, space and environmental capabilities who passed away at 85 last month. He had such an impact on my work serving as an inspiration of expansion and contraction as it relates to space. We reflect on the body of work left and if creating for design will lend itself to a legacy like his. 

Apr 05, 202419:18
The Art of More.

The Art of More.

This week we are exploring the art of more and refinement, expanding upon the ask of the brief and knowing when we need to do this from a creative solution perspective, and finally trusting your gut as a creative. All three of these elements are intertwined but so critical in the fight for creative.

Mar 22, 202414:47
My Special Guest

My Special Guest

Auden has been asking for a long time to use the microphone and to be on the podcast- my fun interview with my incredible daughter- we talk about design, art and so much more :)

Mar 14, 202414:42
Be the change you want to see in this world.

Be the change you want to see in this world.

This is our first video episode so yay!

This week we talk about how you can use your creative powers to create more fantasy and more creativity into the world while fighting those who want to dim you including fighting against your own inner dialogue.

We also look at how becoming a parent impacts you as a human- and thus a designer as well- for me it has meant finding my new light- because none of this matters if you are not doing something interesting and striking.

So get out there and start making some fantastical creations.

Mar 01, 202412:11
The Role of a Creative Director

The Role of a Creative Director

What is the role of a Creative Director in 2024?
How do we as creatives navigate the new landscape making sense out of chaos to connect things into new solutions for our clients as we navigate new challenges? I think the path is still clear- focus on being great, have and maintain crazy high standards and expectations, be the light in this universe, focus on your creativity and have a clear vision.
What are your thoughts and expectations of a director?

Feb 15, 202414:28
Unapologetically Epic 2024

Unapologetically Epic 2024

I'm back baby! This is unapologetically epic- design exploration hosted by yours truly Cassie Clark-Ingram- to unleash the innovative disruptor inside of you- Let’s create something that changes everything. 

Join me as we explore the weirdness of being a designer, a creative director and also a human. 

This is the discovery process of 2024.  

Feb 08, 202408:14
The End.

The End.

unapologetically epic season one wrap up- we covered a lot of topics from creating your creative manifesto, you as a brand which I am and always will be an advocate of development and enhancement to- how to find your creative process- translate into a folio- what it means to have creative passion- how I predict trends- the process of concept to actualization- breaking rules and convention for authentic brand moments. Exercising design restrain fighting agains perfectionism, having creative discipline, getting out of your box, how to create fantasy, how to tell stories, defining my studios north story- the area of letting go, photography as inspiration, sharing my creative hacks, digital ideation and the importance of failure, brand blandness and the fight against vanilla, the art of disconnection- having project nightmares- and just being grateful for all the lessons learned. We even crossed into the scary question of why we are here. A call to creative revolution- to my biggest creative endeavor of raising my daughters- creatively. I can not wait for Season Two. 

Dec 05, 202310:11


Just grateful for all of life.

Nov 28, 202310:06
Once Upon a Time

Once Upon a Time

Three years ago we embarked on an epic adventure to create an unforgettable experiential moment for Toyota as the world saw cancelations to live events. We opened in four markets LA, Chicago, New York and Miami. Dripping of holiday spirit- designed and activated for the consumer to have an intimate experience with the brand and amazing product. This week join me as I walk you through the high level creation of these amazing pop-ups. 

Tis the season for emotive brand connections. ❤️

What adventure will you take in your new Toyota?

Oh what fun it is to drive.

Let’s Go Places. 

Nov 14, 202316:42
Project Nightmares and Seeking Brilliant Creative.

Project Nightmares and Seeking Brilliant Creative.

Does anyone else suffer from project nightmares? We are talking full on reliving a project or trying to solve a project or living inside of a project. For me they started when I was in school- the act of solving project challenges during the duration of sleep was normal in fact if felt so real I would wake with the solution thinking I had solved it in real life. But lately project nightmares have been making a night time visit- they can be anything from unraveling the work that I have all ready done or a fear that I will not be able to solve for them. Cue the perfect storm of feeling like we are in a loop of sameness of not having enough unique creativity amongst the sea of too much garbage and noise. How can we try to create unique solutions of interestingness when right now I feel like in the world those solutions are scary and not celebrated.

Nov 09, 202318:29


Does anyone else have challenges with disconnecting? I think I am one of the worst offenders. I let my job take over my mind so many times- thinking about the next concept, the challenges, or the problems that need to be solved that I forget to breath- and so that is what this week is meant to do to remember to breath and disconnect so I can go back to being my whole creative self.

Nov 02, 202308:13


The joy of being able to share in the magic of make believe, of decorating and of course treat collecting.

Oct 31, 202308:15
Brand Blandness and the Fight against Vanilla

Brand Blandness and the Fight against Vanilla

Why has mediocrity and blandness taken over as brand truths? Join me as we talk about my thoughts on how to change the mindset work through the frustration and keep pushing brands to be their most authentic selfs.

Oct 24, 202315:26
Design Superstition.

Design Superstition.

Anyone else subscribe to superstitions? For me I have a few elements that I believe irrationally bring positivity or make me perform better. From my sage cleansing, red bracelet for warding off negative energy, or wearing or my favorite power necklace for presenting there are a few elements that have become part of my daily routine. What are your thoughts? Let's discuss.

Oct 18, 202311:17
Digital Ideation

Digital Ideation

Today we are exploring the awkward section of everyone's folio also know as the other section. It becomes a graveyard of ideas and in some cases has some of the most interesting pieces. Why do we do that to ourselves? And I am just as guilty- join me this week as I try to uncover the why. What should we do with these sections?

Oct 13, 202314:49
Why are we here?

Why are we here?

“Mommy why are we here?”

Unpacking the most profound question by my tiny human. I believe we are here to spread love and joy. What are your thoughts? 

Oct 03, 202307:44
My Six Creative Cheat Codes

My Six Creative Cheat Codes

I am sharing my six creative hacks that I have learned over the years and that have helped me become a well rounded designer and director.

1. Stay curious

2. Be a sponge

3. Never believe anything is below your title

4. Refine your craft

5. Learn to be a great story teller

6. Cross discipline pollination is vital

Sep 28, 202313:55
Photography as Inspiration.

Photography as Inspiration.

Today we are unpacking the importance of photography and how it can serve as an inspiration source. Photographers are able to capture emotive, beauty, and effective story telling often times in one photograph. As designers our ability to translate with the same power is so important whether we are trying to composite a rendering, a layout on a page or tell a powerful story within a presentation deck.

Sep 20, 202317:28
The Art of Letting Go and Celebration of a Launched Event.

The Art of Letting Go and Celebration of a Launched Event.

We are exploring my creative process of how an event is created, from the original concept, to creation with team, constructing and building it in my head and the many wonderful talented people it takes to make the dream become a reality- and of course letting it go.

Sep 14, 202316:02
Raising the Curious and unlocking problem solving.

Raising the Curious and unlocking problem solving.

Today we look at the untraditional approach of learning- as I break down the essence of Montessori- and my thoughts on independent learning as it relates back to design problem solving. 

Sep 08, 202319:56
How to handle the ever changing dynamic of a creative studio

How to handle the ever changing dynamic of a creative studio

Today we examine the depths of the awkward changes of a creative studio- how to handle elements beyond your control, how to embrace change in the team and how to inspire and mentor while building and answering the project briefs.

Sep 06, 202313:47


We are exploring developing a mindset to help navigate challenges, setbacks, and changes within the design industry. Embrace continuous learning, develop problem-solving skills, how to seek constructive feedback and developing thick skin, cultivate adaptability, how to manage time and prioritize, failing forward, how to cultivate a growth mindset, build a support network, how to practice self-care, taking time to celebrate achievements, staying curious and experiment, the importance of developing effective communication skills, and most importantly staying passionate.

Aug 31, 202321:38
It's Creative Revolution Time.

It's Creative Revolution Time.

As creatives we need to ask why, we need to push because we are experts in our field. “This is the way we always do something” is not a good enough answer for me. Let’s have a creative revolution- questioning norms and traditions, break rules to create creative solutions that have never been done before. Who is with me? Let’s shake the tree-this week we explore how I try to live my life, inspire my team and as of late embracing my rebellious state. 

Aug 23, 202320:15
I know you are but what am I?

I know you are but what am I?

Pee Wee Herman. The Vision. The Character. The Set Design.

Aug 17, 202313:13
Defining our Creative Studio's North Star

Defining our Creative Studio's North Star

I struggled with this for a while- creating a north star for the creative team toying with if we needed one that was specific to our studio- but after a few years I decided that it was as long over due and as it fit within the companies holistic goals and the needs of my clients I needed to carve out a path. And so began the quest to define something that the team could work towards. This notion of creating memorable and immersive experiences- and how we were going to manifest and create within our disciplines and offerings.

Aug 15, 202315:59
You're beautiful." "I know." Living in a World of Pink.

You're beautiful." "I know." Living in a World of Pink.

My love for Barbie steams from my childhood- I have always loved her ability to convey the power to becoming anything you want.  She represents the manifestion of dreaming big. From an astronaut, artist, teacher, vet, doctor, to wearing a big ball gown and sit for years on my shelf in a box- Her latest craze of course has been the take over of the brilliant marketing campaign to paint the world pink. Let’s dive in as though we were an Olympic Swimmer- because "Humans only have one ending. Ideas live forever."

Aug 01, 202321:39
Telling stories across all mediums and thresholds.

Telling stories across all mediums and thresholds.

Today I share my first experience at a NHRA race was truly life changing- not sure my physical body has fully recovered from my baptism that I received on the strip.

Jul 26, 202311:11
dead malls.

dead malls.

Need I say more? Today we are talking about the history of malls in America, the lifespan of a mall from opening to decline and why I love them but hate malls. 

Jul 14, 202320:33
pure imagination and free association

pure imagination and free association

Inspired by my daughter's fearlessness to create- today we are looking into the call to action for all creatives to not let yourself fall victim to the self taught restrictions but rather to transport yourself into that childhood mentality where you can dream big. It has been my mission as of late to try to create something that has never been done before- to create something that changes everything.

Jul 11, 202313:46
Creating Fantasy.

Creating Fantasy.

Is it fantasy if it now exists in reality?

Inspired by Pharrell Williams debut as the Creative Director at Louis Vuitton  with his Spring-Summer 2024 this week in Paris.  We are breaking down the ability to tell whole sensory and emotive stories on the runway. Rooted in tradition but modernized. Fashion houses are perfect sources of inspiration. 

We are also talking about why marketing and campaigns are all feeling the same- brands continue to play to the unwritten rules or conventions of their categories. 

Jun 30, 202321:01
To the Moon Baby.

To the Moon Baby.

Celebrating our 500th plus stream on Spotify! Cake anyone?

Thank you to everyone who has listened, subscribed and commented. My goal when I started was to explore the depths of personal branding and creating a design manifesto to finding your purpose to learning how to become an innovative disruptor and a rule breaker- this time is meant to inspire and create a sense of community- and hopefully it has been just as fun for all of you as it has for me.

We are also talking about tools of the trade and how sometimes despite our best efforts our tools fail us- I share my latest example of my love and hate relationship with 3DS Max.

Jun 27, 202309:45
Creativity in the Making. Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

Creativity in the Making. Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

This is what excites me creating creative that is extraordinary. Every year advertisers and marketers converge in France to celebrate the best of creativity in brand communication, dicuss topics for the industry and of course network. A source of inspiration to see the best of the best being celebrated the disruptors that make emotive things. Today we dive into the essence of the Festival, how brands and disruptive agencies are showing up. Stay restless. Aim higher. Push forward. 

Last year this also sparked my love for a compelling documentary that I encourage all of you to watch Kill your Darlings ( - where I found agencies that are shaking up the industry and creating Mischief and Mojo Supermarket.

Creativity in the Making 2023 Cannes Lions

Jun 23, 202315:19
get out of your box.

get out of your box.

In order to be the most creative it means we need to break out of the routine- get out of the boxes that restrain us and get back to nature and being spontaneous. Sharing my perspective on conscious living.

Jun 21, 202311:42
The Art of Creative Discipline

The Art of Creative Discipline

Being Creatively disciplined means walking the tightrope between imagination and disciplined execution. A splash of madness while trying to balance some sense of structure. This week we dive into the elements vital to becoming a creatively disciplined human- setting goals, time management, establishing rituals and spaces, embracing constraints, practicing your technical skills, seeking feedback, failing forward and cultivating inspiration are important elements that make up the art of being creatively disciplined. 

Jun 15, 202322:34
What is your favorite cartoon?

What is your favorite cartoon?

Let me explain- you do not have to grow up- and I would argue in order to be a great designer you shouldn’t. You need to be able to tap into your inner child in order to create fearlessly. Children have an innate sense of curiosity- and so in order to create fearlessly you have to feed your childhood soul and remember what it meant to be a kid.  Question everything, ask why, don’t accept things for face value- oh yeah and be silly and have some fun.

Jun 08, 202317:22
Vision Pro. The Era of Spatial Computing.

Vision Pro. The Era of Spatial Computing.

It’s here. The long awaited Vision Pro from Apple-the era of spatial computing. It’s revolutionary. Pulling from familiar elements that we know and love and taking them to new depths- I am so excited as a story teller to push the boundaries now that the technology and the right platform is here. Hybrid living between the digital and the physical is now reality- or will be reality. The ability to break down the fourth wall- into the depths of storytelling. Happy WWDC23. 

Jun 06, 202322:08
Perfectionism is the Enemy.

Perfectionism is the Enemy.

Perfectionism is the enemy- the kiss of death. Today I share my challenge with growth and perfectionism and how I broke free. Here is to more rapid ideation, and more creation. 

Jun 02, 202317:39
Design Restraint.

Design Restraint.

Design Restraint a negative or a positive? Join me as I break down a few overall objectives to the methodically of working within guard rails or discipline- simplicity, functionality, clarity, timeliness, harmony and finally materiality. True creative lies in finding simplicity in the solution to answer the brief.

May 31, 202320:14
Age is only but a number

Age is only but a number

A tribute for my grandmother- who is celebrating her 91st birthday today. Life lessons from a fearless force.

May 25, 202318:16
Who are you uninterrupted?

Who are you uninterrupted?

Seeking an answer to a thought provoking question-

May 19, 202312:43
Sparkles, Confetti and Creativity.

Sparkles, Confetti and Creativity.

Process. Collaboration. Is there a perfect process to output the perfect creative solution? How can we create the ultimate solution that may be temporary in nature but lives on forever in someone’s memory. That is the power of what we are doing. Obsessively creating for purpose. Who’s with me?

May 17, 202323:42
Death is promised now what do you do with your life?

Death is promised now what do you do with your life?

Creative poison of procrastination. Impulsive Inaction. Seeking inspiration. This week we are reaching deep.

May 11, 202320:07
Raising the Future.

Raising the Future.

A little nod to current events- but mostly navigating the challenging landscape of being a working mother and fighting against societal norms and comments.

Raising my daughter is the most important thing I will ever do- A celebration of mother's every where.

May 09, 202323:27
Aesthetics as an Art Form.

Aesthetics as an Art Form.

Deconstructing our online presence on social media and how it shapes the way you are perceived. I use social media as a means of self-expression and inspiration but it also leaves a digital footprint. Are you consuming or creating?

May 05, 202321:17
Unfiltered Thoughts and Disruption.

Unfiltered Thoughts and Disruption.

This week we take a deeper dive into two things that have been on my mind lately- the freedom to say what you are thinking and feeling and expressing that without a filter and disruption as it relates to design. Disruption is one of my favorite words but without careful understanding of how it works or the power it holds- it can just quickly become a buzz word rather than a powerful brand jolt. 

May 03, 202316:46
The First Monday of May

The First Monday of May

We are talking about one of my favorite events the Met Gala. The theming, the exhibition, the fashion- how Vogue and the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum of Art has created a cultural phenomenon that keeps me at the edge of my seat and inspires my day to day work.

Apr 28, 202319:49