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Manifesting Success Stories A Law of Attraction Show

Manifesting Success Stories A Law of Attraction Show

By Cassie Parks

This is a positive reality podcast about the journey of growth using the law of attraction. Hosted by coaches at Enchanted Life U. If you’ve ever asked, “Does the Law of Attraction really work?” this show has the answer. Listen and start believing you too can manifest money, love and the life of your dreams.
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S5, Ep 425: Manifesting: From I Hate My Life To I Love My Life

Manifesting Success Stories A Law of Attraction ShowMay 15, 2024

S5, Ep 425: Manifesting: From I Hate My Life To I Love My Life

S5, Ep 425: Manifesting: From I Hate My Life To I Love My Life

In this captivating episode of the Manifesting Success Stories Podcast, host Cassie celebrates the remarkable five-year journey of personal growth and transformation that Annie has undertaken. This discussion delves into how dedication to oneself and the Law of Attraction can dramatically reshape one's life.

Commitment to Growth: The episode opens with Annie discussing her deep commitment over the last five years, involving significant financial investments, dedicated time, and the emotional labor of attending transformational events. Her efforts showcase a steadfast belief in the potential for personal evolution.

Early Days with the Law of Attraction: Annie reflects on her initial practices with the Law of Attraction, which included creating vision boards and engaging in yoga, despite financial struggles. These methods, while foundational, felt limited as her understanding and needs evolved.

Evolving Practices: The conversation shifts to the profound changes in how Annie now engages with the Law of Attraction. It's no longer just about material manifestations but deeply connecting her desires with her emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Annie explains how she has learned to align her activities with how she wants to feel, thereby attracting what she truly desires.

Manifestation and Reality: Cassie probes whether Annie’s current life mirrors the visions she had five years ago. Annie joyously confirms that her life now surpasses her past expectations. They explore the reasons behind this success, emphasizing the importance of emotional congruence with one's desires.

Learning from Mistakes: Annie candidly shares the missteps she initially made with the Law of Attraction, providing listeners with crucial insights into common pitfalls and how to avoid them.

Keys to Effective Manifestation: Annie offers three essential tips that have enabled her to successfully manifest her dreams, focusing on emotional alignment, clarity of intention, and persistence.

Surprising Insights: Perhaps the most striking revelation Annie shares is her personal discovery regarding anxiety and self-perception. She discusses how she realized that she doesn't have an anxiety disorder; instead, she has learned to manage her thoughts and emotions effectively, leading to a life filled with peace, abundance, and time.

Empowering Message: The episode concludes with Annie encouraging listeners who feel stuck or fearful about their life circumstances. She emphasizes the power of emotional resilience and personal belief in facilitating change, inspired by her own journey from discontent to fulfillment.

This episode is not only a testament to Annie's transformation but also serves as an inspiring guide for anyone looking to deeply engage with the Law of Attraction to change their life trajectory. Tune in to discover how to move from merely surviving to thriving through intentional manifestation.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

May 15, 202422:09
S5, Ep 424: From Just Enough To The Money Faucet Always Being On

S5, Ep 424: From Just Enough To The Money Faucet Always Being On

Join us on this enlightening episode of the Manifesting Success Stories Podcast, where host Cassie welcomes back Annie for a transformative conversation marking her second "graduation" interview. This episode, recorded on October 10, 2023, celebrates Annie's incredible journey over the past five years and explores the profound changes she's experienced through dedicated application of the Law of Attraction.

Celebration and Dedication: The episode kicks off with a celebration of Annie's commitment to her future self, highlighting her investments of time, money, and trust into transformative programs and events. Annie reflects on how her dedication has evolved from vision boards and yoga to a more emotionally connected practice of the Law of Attraction.

Financial Transformation: Annie shares her staggering Money Manifested total of $700,988.72, contrasting her former money story of "just enough" with her current experience of an "unending money faucet." She discusses the surprising ways money has shown up for her, including a realtor's contribution of $25,000 for property updates and a significant increase in her property value.

Shifts in Perception: Reflecting on her past views on money, Annie reveals how she has shifted from seeing money as a finite resource to understanding it as a dynamic tool that can work in her favor. This shift has allowed her to invest consciously and see her bank accounts replenish quickly.

Lessons Learned: Annie and Cassie delve into the biggest lessons Annie has learned about manifesting money, including the power of positive thoughts about money and overcoming judgments about wealth.

Emotional and Psychological Growth: Annie shares the most surprising revelation of her journey: discovering she does not have an anxiety disorder and now lives with an abundance of time, money, resources, and peace.

Encouragement for Listeners: Wrapping up the episode, Annie offers encouragement to listeners feeling stuck or fearful about their lives. She emphasizes the importance of feeling the emotion and knowing that change is possible, drawing on her own experience of moving from despair to a profound love for her life.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in personal growth, financial freedom, and the transformative power of the Law of Attraction. Tune in to witness how Annie's life has changed from "I hate my life" to "I love my life," and be inspired to embark on your own journey of manifestation.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

May 08, 202422:09
S5, Ep 423: How Annie Manifested A Retreat Center

S5, Ep 423: How Annie Manifested A Retreat Center

Experience the power of manifestation as Annie shares her inspiring journey from homelessness to manifesting her dream retreat center and house on the latest episode of the Manifesting Success Stories Podcast with host Cassie Parks.

Tune in as Annie discusses how she transformed her life, doubled and tripled her income, and ultimately co-owned a stunning property with her colleague. From unexpected opportunities to financial empowerment, Annie's story is a testament to the law of attraction and the guidance of Cassie's program.

Don't miss this uplifting episode filled with hope, gratitude, and the limitless possibilities of manifestation.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

May 01, 202420:54
S5, Ep 422: Programming Your Brain To Automatically Create More of What You Want

S5, Ep 422: Programming Your Brain To Automatically Create More of What You Want

Today’s episode begins with Annie sharing that "It's Automatic" is the title of this chapter of her Manifesting Success Story. She explains how her brain is automatically creating and choosing to do things that create more of what she wants. 

Annie shared an amazing experience in which she played her flute on vacation, attracted dolphins, and inspired fish to dance around her. Because of her magical powers, someone on the beach called her Moana.

Annie also shares how she took a two-week trip with her parents and enjoyed it!

"Then Annie and Cassie discuss how Annie has an increased “capacity for positive experiences and emotions." They talk about how Annie created that as well as how your brain works to help you create that capacity. 

Annie then shares that she performed a great deal of self-evaluation in the past, which stopped her from being herself and experiencing joy.

Annie then shares how the law of attraction technique she's been using most lately is connecting with her Future Self. She describes an assignment from Enchanted Life U where you walk around and do things as your Future Self. She shares how she does it routinely.

This episode finishes with Annie sharing how, in the past, when she had to take a sick day because she is self-employed, she would lay there and count up how much money she wasn't making. She contrasts this to now, when she just took two weeks completely off work to go on a vacation with her family. 

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Apr 24, 202423:58
S5, Ep 421: Increase Self-Worth To Manifest Money

S5, Ep 421: Increase Self-Worth To Manifest Money

What is Awesome? Taxes done, planning a vacation.

How much did you make in 2022: $161,200, which is $118,200 more than she made when she started.

Money used to be terrifying to Annie, and she shares how she thought she was bad with money. She just really wasn’t educated.

Annie shares what she thought it meant to be good with money meant she needed to gather, store, and save.

Cassie discusses with Annie how, by her own definition, she was “good” with money but didn’t see it that way.

Annie shares surprising ways money has shown up recently.

Now Annie loves learning about money and her relationship with money has grown. 

They talk about the need to tap back into self-worth when your money grows.

Annie shares that when she’s “stuck,” she’s either processing and becoming, or she needs to nurture herself and increase her self-worth.

They talk about how it sounds silly to have to be worthy of doing assignments, but that is going to lead to more money so it’s bigger than that. 

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Apr 17, 202420:16
S5, Ep 420: Manifesting a House and a Sweet Life

S5, Ep 420: Manifesting a House and a Sweet Life

In this episode, law of attraction coach Cassie Parks interviews Annie about manifesting love, money, and more using the law of attraction. They discuss how Annie has increased her income by 4x, manifesting more love, joy, and ease. 

The interview starts with Cassie asking Annie what’s awesome. Annie shares everything! Then, she shares about her engagement to her love. 

The two talk about Annie’s manifesting total. Instead of a total, they discuss how Annie’s income has increased from $45,000 a year to $180,000. Then Cassie shares that if Annie works for 20 more years that would be $3,600,000 instead of the $900,000 Annie would have made at her former salary. Annie shares how connected she is to money now. She has an IRA and other investments where her money is growing.

Annie shares this story about a house she looked at being the same one that is on her vision board, “We went to look at a house this weekend, and then this morning I looked at my manifesting poster board that I’ve been working on for my collage for the most recent assignment, and Leo said it’s our house! It’s the one we looked at this Saturday, and I looked at it, and it was exactly the one I had drawn.”

Annie talks about her recent “ah-ha” using the Law of Attraction: "I can have it all!”

Then Annie shares about her recent vacation with her son, “Leo and I went on a vacation to California to visit friends that we haven’t seen in a long time and was wonderful. “

Cassie asks Annie if she contributed to the fact that she and Leo could take this amazing vacation. 

Next, they talk about some relationship coaching Annie received from Cassie and how, by following the coaching, Annie created a new healthy pattern in her relationship.

Annie shares that this is the title of her current chapter of her Manifesting Success Story, It’s All Coming Up Roses. How Sweet It Is 

Annie then asks this question, “Is it OK that I am going at a much slower pace now? In the past, I thought the drive to crank out the assignments, But now I spend a lot more time on each assignment. For example, the one I’m on right now is creating the vision board, and I think about it, it’s like I’m living the vision board is that OK?”

Cassie answers, talking about how the longer you do the manifestation work, the deeper it gets. 

Then Annie shares how her partner has completely changed. She shares how his income has increased 4x as well and he is happy and fulfilled in his job. He also feels valued.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Apr 10, 202432:11
S5, Ep 419: Manifesting Taxes Going From Fearful To Easy And Done

S5, Ep 419: Manifesting Taxes Going From Fearful To Easy And Done

In this episode, law of attraction coach Cassie Parks interviews Annie about manifesting love, money and more using the law of attraction. They discuss the following:

What manifested total (all time, since you started) will we be celebrating during your interview?


What is the coolest piece of evidence you have gathered since our last interview?

The cabin that we stayed at in Estes was built in the early nineteen hundreds and nestled in the trees. the detailed woodwork and decorations were right out of my script. 

What inspirations have popped up? Have you taken inspired action? How have you navigated inspiration/inspired action in the last 3 months?

Yesterday, I looked at my online subscriptions and canceled 521.40 that would have been charged this week. I was inspired by Leo's plane tickets for his birthday, and it came together easily. I have been putting all of my expenses on a credit card and paying it off each month, and I used the points to purchase our tickets.

How have you seen your Future Self show up over the past few months?

While visiting my parents, there were a few times I almost shifted to the old way of being with my dad (he cussed me out) about something very minor, and I didn't react quickly. I felt my feelings and was able to act in a way that I felt good.

What's the best manifestation you've had over the past few months?

New clients that fit my schedule and skill set, my engagement ring

How do you know "it's happening"?

Because it is :) 

What is something you have grown through (overcome) in the last few months?

Fear around Taxes. I have already done my taxes!

Thinking of your manifesting journey like a story, what would you title this chapter?

Peaceful Easy Feeling

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Apr 03, 202429:26
S5, Ep 418: Adding Feeling to Your Manifesting Gives it Fuel

S5, Ep 418: Adding Feeling to Your Manifesting Gives it Fuel

***The show notes are written from answers provided prior to recording. 

The show starts with a celebration of Annie’s manifested total, $327,118.92. She also shares how she had to Google how to say such a big number and that she is no longer embarrassed about not knowing some things when it comes to money.

She shares how she’s no longer experiencing shame around her taxes, her income or her manifested total.

This year it feels empowering to do her taxes.

Annie shares how she stopped feeding the scary tax story she was creating and started writing a new story.

She talks about what messages she was sending to the Universe.

She shares how she has been studying manifesting for 20 years, but how adding feeling to it gives it gasoline to go. 

How she’s saying no to clients. 

How she doesn’t have to worry when taking a day off because money is constantly flowing in. 

Opening up to large amounts of money without working so hard for them. 

To close out the show, Annie asks Cassie how she can manifest bigger amounts of money and more freedom without working so hard. 

We go in depth into creating this experience. 

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Mar 27, 202425:56
S5, Ep 417: How to Manifest a Luxury Vacation

S5, Ep 417: How to Manifest a Luxury Vacation

This episode continues last week’s show, in which we talked to Annie about this big vacation chapter in her manifesting journey. The biggest thing we talked about this week is using the law of attraction to manifest a luxury vacation and how Annie did it.

You won’t find a step by step guide to manifesting a luxury vacation in this show. What you will hear instead is the real-life journey of becoming someone who can experience a luxury vacation. You cannot manifest a luxury vacation until you become someone who can fully experience a luxury vacation.

For Annie, becoming someone who could experience a luxury vacation took about three years. It took three years of becoming her Future Self, growing in her worth as a person, and writing a new money story that allowed her the freedom to invest in such luxury.

The journey to a luxury vacation for Annie started with taking a Wednesday off in the middle of the work week to enjoy Future Self cocktails. It continued with a short trip to Arizona and then a three-day trip to the Redwoods she shared about in a previous episode. 

Listen to this episode to hear how Annie became the person who could experience a luxury vacation, and then she manifested the money for it. 

You’ll also hear how stepping into all this luxury came with its own work to do for Annie. 

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Mar 20, 202423:29
S5, Ep 416: The Journey to Immediate Manifestations

S5, Ep 416: The Journey to Immediate Manifestations

During this episode, Annie talks to money manifesting and the law of attraction coach Cassie Parks about the most recent chapter in her manifesting journey.

*** These notes were created based on answers shared prior to recording. 

At the beginning of the show, they take some time to dive into the process and evolution of Annie’s journey over the past three years using the law of attraction, manifesting money, and more. They talk about:

Year 1:

Being faithfully dedicated to doing the work

Thawing out from being frozen in fear

Year 2:

Continued dedication to the work

Expanding her vision of what’s possible

She is starting to own her power to create what she wants

Year 3:

Fruitful. Living the harvest of the first two years

Fun, easy, blissful

Immediate manifestations

Next, Annie talks about how differently she did her most recent vacation. 

Rather than max out her credit cards, she had everything paid for before she went.

She also experienced some growth.

She found herself giving airtime to worry, which led to the worst meal of her life. 

This trip highlighted how powerful she is and how important what she thinks about is. 

Listen to hear all the juicy details.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Mar 13, 202423:30
S5, Ep 415: Letting Go Of Guilt to Manifest More Money

S5, Ep 415: Letting Go Of Guilt to Manifest More Money

This episode continues last week's update from Annie about manifesting her dreams using the Law of Attraction. In this episode, we discuss:

***These notes are based on answers submitted before the interview. 

  • The lack of guilt Annie has for not having a manifesting total to share.
  • How her son manifested a piano three days after he said, "I want a piano."

What's the best manifestation you've had over the past few months?

Her son's piano and free dog training.

How her Future Self has shown up over the past few months:

In my sense of self, my intuition, my self-confidence. A deep knowing that all is well and the automatic alignment of my thoughts and intentions.

A big shift in the use of the law of attraction to manifest over the last few months has been:

  • Letting go and not standing in her son's way
  • Saying "yes" to the piano rather than saying no because we rent

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Mar 06, 202424:33
S5, Ep 414: How to Change Your Story To Manifest Anything You Want

S5, Ep 414: How to Change Your Story To Manifest Anything You Want

For this episode, Annie joins money manifesting coach Cassie Parks to continue the story of leveraging the law of attraction to manifest money and the life of her dreams. 

These show notes are based on answers prior to the show. Annie and Cassie discuss: "I am more gentle with myself and write daily."

What is a recent shift that you've experienced?

Just write. Having the conversations about writers and writing and saying yes to the nudge that my soul is giving me. I have felt a deep desire to write and paint for years, and my worries and self judgment limited me. It feels so good to turn towards that desire and say yes to my soul's desires.

How do you know "it's" happening?

I see it in big things and little things. Changing my narrative with money has shown me that I can rewrite any story that I am telling. For example my garden I had an old story that I did not have a green thumb, that I can not create a garden gardenspace. two years ago I heard myself think and almost say as I was looking at the space that is now my flower garden "I do not have a green thumb, everything I plant dies" and I thought, is this something my future self believes?

"No, my future self finds joy in gardening. She is surrounded by beauty."

"What do I want?"

"To grow beauty, joy and peace"

"To create a place where I see beauty and feel beauty"

"To create a healing space"

SO I did, I planted a bunch of beautiful plants last year, and of course, they all came back this year! Everything I plant thrive! I talked to a local farmer who told me the trick is investing in the soil, it's even more important than the plants! I now have a thriving herb and flower garden where beautiful butterflies and birds play. It is a place I love to sit.

Inspiration told me to offer the space to clients so they could write down their painful memories, hopes, and dreams, and we bury them and plant them in my garden (when it feels inspired), so I write off all of my gardening receipts.

What is the biggest way you have grown/changed/shifted over the past few months?

I have grown through judging my process harshly.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Feb 28, 202419:57
S5, Ep 413: How to Structure Your Life to Attract More Money

S5, Ep 413: How to Structure Your Life to Attract More Money

This episode is another chapter in Annie's manifesting journey using the law of attraction to create the life of her dreams. In this episode, we discuss in depth a recent trip (at the time of the interview) Annie took.

It was spontaneous.

  • She went to see the Redwoods, which she's always wanted to do
  • She openly received the support of friends and strangers for this amazing trip to become a reality
  • She followed inspiration
  • She saw beauty.
  • She connected with a friend she has known for 18 years who told her how different and more solid she is
  • She structured the trip around what felt good to her instead of thinking about whether she would be "losing money" by not working 
  • She shares how she makes way more money when she structures her life around what she wants rather than trying to make sure she makes the most money
  • She's making choices that are living into her Future Self and Future Life
  • She learned the power of a fast trip and knowing you can return
  • She shares how doing what fits her life now gives her the experiences she wants
  • She doesn't have to squeeze everything into a three-day trip. We talk about how people are taught to take two weeks of vacation and squeeze everything in
  • She shares some of the steps she had to take to love and live fully into a three-day vacation

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Feb 21, 202426:14
S5, Ep 412: Manifesting Easier Conversations About Money

S5, Ep 412: Manifesting Easier Conversations About Money

For this episode, Annie joins money manifesting coach Cassie Parks to continue the story of leveraging the law of attraction to manifest money and the life of her dreams. 

These show notes are based on answers before the show.  Annie and Cassie discuss:

  • Biggest “ah-ha” or growth since last interview-It is easier to have discussions about money. For example, my massage therapist charged me the wrong amount and I was easily able to discuss it with her
  • A big shift that happened in the last few months is when I was going through an unusual experience at work Cassie gave me the suggestion of thinking about how I want to think back on how I handled it.
  • Annie knows it’s happening because life feels easy and wonderful things and opportunities unfold naturally.
  • Great relationships, awesome job opportunities and an ever-expanding lecture series are the best manifestations Annie has created over the past few months. 
  • Annie shares how her Future Self has shown up confident and with peace of mind.
  • The biggest way she’s grown over the past few months is stepping into teaching others.

Then Annie turns the table on Cassie and asks this question:

If you wanted to increase your manifested amount what would you do?

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Feb 14, 202422:15
S5, Ep 411: How To Deepen Your Gratitude Practice For Better Manifesting

S5, Ep 411: How To Deepen Your Gratitude Practice For Better Manifesting

In this episode, money manifesting coach, Cassie Parks interviews Annie for another chapter in her journey of using the law of attraction to manifest her dream life. 

In this interview, we discuss:

  • How Annie has been traveling and living in freedom for the previous six weeks
  • How she has been on the path to creating her dreams for three years
  • The most significant difference is how her brain works
  • 95% of her energy goes toward creating an amazing life
  • Annie shares how she’s had a gratitude practice for over 20 years, but her practice has gotten much deeper and sunk in more in the last three years.
  • She feels a connection to her gratitude practice that she’s never felt before.
  • Annie shares how, in the past, she held her breath in worry most of the time.
  • Annie shares how she moved through feeling like a bad mom when she took a recent course.
  • How she trusted and knew everything would work out when she signed up for this training
  • We talk about neuroscience and the law of attraction
  • How having a lack of guilt makes living happier and easier

And so much more!

Listen for all the juicy details.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Feb 07, 202437:56
S5, Ep 410: How to Manifest Amazing Friends and Neighbors

S5, Ep 410: How to Manifest Amazing Friends and Neighbors

Annie is back with manifesting coach Cassie Parks to share another chapter in her story of using the law of attraction to manifest the life of her dreams. 

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How everything is awesome for Annie
  • How she manifested a fantastic neighbor and friend that she intended
  • How things are markedly different than they were two years ago
  • How she leverages asking, “I wonder how this is going to work out,” rather than going to the dark side of things
  • How she’s funny now @ 5:58
  • Experiencing stronger relationships with her family
  • Manifesting spontaneous traveling
  • Being good with days off instead of worrying about money lost
  • Having all credit cards paid off and multiple months of operating expenses in the bank
  • Every time she turns around, she has money
  • No longer feel guilt for having money
  • Breaking down old stories about not talking about money
  • How to grow and have amazing conversations
  • How she does her life’s work, helps people, makes money, and does not feel burnt out
  • Intending what kind of clients show up to work with her
  • Commitment makes magic happen

And so much more!

Listen to hear all the juicy details!

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Jan 31, 202434:54
S5, Ep 409: How to Be a Powerful, Peaceful Manifestor

S5, Ep 409: How to Be a Powerful, Peaceful Manifestor

This week, Annie is back to share the next chapter in her manifesting journey. She shares how she is using the law of attraction to create more of her dreams daily.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • How Annie’s future self is showing up as powerful and confident
  • How Annie feels comfortable in every moment
  • How Annie spent three and a half weeks at her parent’s house because she could work from anywhere
  • The experience of being at her parent’s house for so long after all the growth she has done
  • How she used only to be able to stay at her parent’s for four days, but made sure to take care of herself this time
  • Freedom of having a choice in your reactions
  • How she is cultivating a great relationship with her dad
  • Her dad didn’t have to change for her to change the relationship
  • How much energy she used to spend trying to make sure everything was okay
  • Putting energy and attention into what you want more of
  • Choosing to do billing
  • How she paid someone to help her mom
  • How she stopped blaming herself

And so much more!

Listen to hear all the juicy details.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Jan 24, 202422:15
S5, Ep 408: How To Manifest Weekly Massages and Other Good Stuff

S5, Ep 408: How To Manifest Weekly Massages and Other Good Stuff

Annie is back to share another chapter in her Manifesting Success Story. This interview takes place about 9 weeks into quarantine in 2020. This week, we are talking about the following things:

  • Transforming her practice due to COVID
  • Taking over her son’s education
  • How growth is not all sunshine and roses
  • All experiences matter as you grow
  • How confidence tells other people you can do it
  • The insight of realizng how perpetually in motion Annie was before COVID
  • Cooking three meals a day
  • Realizing she didn’t have to schedule eight things at once
  • See relaxation as an option
  • How having done money mindset work for a year and a half made Covid a completely different experience
  • How she had already been buying toilet paper in bulk, so she had more than enough
  • How she followed her intuition to buy lots of soap before the pandemic started
  • How she manifested a $2000 scholarship for a piece of medical equipment she’d been saving to get her son
  • Learning to wait for the time that feels right 
  • Feeling good having space on credit cards and money in her account
  • Buying a bike that was a significant investment in herself
  • Feeling good, without guilt, about investing a large amount of money in herself
  • How to respond to someone when they judge the amount of money you spend on massages
  • How Annie has more than doubled her income in a year and a half
  • Being worthy of self-care
  • How to manifest weekly massages
  • Having anxiety almost gone completely
  • Not being reactive when you respond to things
  • And so much more!

Listen to hear all the juicy details!

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlife

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Jan 17, 202431:59
S5, Ep 407: Law of Attraction Coaching Session On Not Fixing Yourself

S5, Ep 407: Law of Attraction Coaching Session On Not Fixing Yourself

In this episode, money manifesting coach, Cassie Parks does a live coaching session with Annie about money and getting her billing done for her business. 

The focus of this coaching session is about finding the thing that pulls you forward, like connecting to your Future Self, rather than trying to “fix” what’s wrong with you in order to get what you want. 

Listen to hear live coaching!

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Jan 10, 202442:57
S5, Ep 406: How to Manifest What You Want

S5, Ep 406: How to Manifest What You Want

In this episode, Cassie interviews Annie for another chapter in her story of manifesting money and the life of her dreams. 

One story they discuss is how Annie said she wanted a stand-up paddle board, and a few days later, her friend gave her one. 

Tune in to hear all the juicy details.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Jan 03, 202433:21
S5, Ep 405: Do You Have to Online Date to Manifest Love?

S5, Ep 405: Do You Have to Online Date to Manifest Love?

In this interview, Annie, who is leveraging the law of attraction to create the life of her dreams and manifest money, shares her most recent growth in the area of love with manifesting coach Cassie Parks. In this episode, we discuss:

  • Leveraging your future self to think new thoughts
  • Choosing to be abundant
  • How life is more fun, with way less worry
  • An increased capacity for seeing beauty, especially in sunsets
  • Excellent relationships with family, friends, and co-workers
  • Dating someone
  • Trusting herself
  • Deeper connections because she’s not worried 
  • Having an old friend recognize her growth
  • Celebrating with other people who speak your language
  • Seeing her glass ceiling for happiness and opening it up.
  • She wishes she had done a brain scan at the beginning to see the difference now
  • Seeing her son as an independent, thriving human
  • How when you show up holding the vision of a thriving you, you can’t mess up the details

Listen to hear all the juicy details.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Dec 27, 202337:58
S5, Ep 404: Trust Your Intuition When It Comes to Gift Giving

S5, Ep 404: Trust Your Intuition When It Comes to Gift Giving

In this interview, Annie, who is leveraging the law of attraction to create the life of her dreams and manifest money, shares her most recent growth and outcomes with money manifesting coach, Cassie Parks. In this episode we discuss:

  • How Annie taught her son to script, and they started getting to school on time
  • Self-Care Tuesday and how it includes billing
  • How Annie followed her intuition and gifted someone a bike shirt
  • Self worth- last year loving myself
  • “I love that I know what I want these days!”
  • No guilt for leaving party-used to be so concerned with how other people felt - it felt freeing

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Dec 20, 202333:49
S5, Ep 403: Parenting Through Possibility Instead of Guilt

S5, Ep 403: Parenting Through Possibility Instead of Guilt

During this interview, manifesting coach Cassie Parks interviews Annie about the growth and shifts she’s made using the law of attraction to manifest money and more over the last year. In this episode, we talk about:

  • Rescheduling rather than driving 4 hours in the snow
  • How her brain functions in a whole new way
  • She can function without guilt and shame
  • Everywhere I turn, there is beauty and abundance
  • How will it be 5 years from now, continuing the shifts?
  • Not parenting through a guilty lens
  • Parenting through possibility
  • Coming from confident instead of fear
  • Saying “Yes!”
  • Lots more money
  • Starting an annual scholarship
  • Getting comfortable with money being in her account
  • Self-worth is getting more air time in her life

And more on living as a new person and not being able to make the same mistakes of the past. 

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Dec 13, 202331:38
S5, Ep 402: Manifest More: Stop Apologizing for Your Existence

S5, Ep 402: Manifest More: Stop Apologizing for Your Existence

In this episode, Cassie Parks, Money Manifesting Coach, interviews Annie about the following things and her journey of growth using the Law of Attraction:

  • How confident she is and how that makes her a better therapist.
  • She no longer apologizes for her existence
  • How she felt a “sluffing off.” 
  • How she joined The Enchanted Circle to work on her business but has been doing the personal work.
  • How she doesn’t feel scared without a compass
  • How her investment in the Enchanted Circle is an investment in herself
  • She pays her rent then the Enchanted Circle. 
  • It’s the best stock ever (it just keeps paying)

Listen to hear all the juicy details.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Dec 06, 202328:57
S5, Ep 401: Invest in Yourself to Manifest More Money

S5, Ep 401: Invest in Yourself to Manifest More Money

When Annie started Manifest $10K, she didn’t have a place of her own, and she was sleeping on a friend's couch. She had money in her bank account but was afraid to invest in a new place to live. She is a single, self-employed mom. 

After looking at her money story, she could see she held on tightly because it felt safe. As she worked through The Enchanted Circle, she started to change her story by seeing investing in rent as an investment in herself and her quality of life. The house she chose has become so much more than a place to live. It truly is an investment in herself. For that investment, she gets an office at no additional charge. She also gets to practice being her Future Self a lot in this house. One example is getting to choose design colors for some renovations. When you consciously invest in yourself, the return is always fabulous. 

Annie has also adopted the saying, “I wonder how this is going to work out,” when something unexpected or undesired pops up. Most recently, her sitter canceled after she purchased her tickets to the Enchanted Circle Future Self Event. Once she asked the question, the solution magically appeared. 

Time is another place Annie is investing in herself that is paying off. Six weeks ago, she took the day off (she doesn’t get paid when she does that) to attend Future Self Cocktails, and she got three new clients that very day. 

Since beginning The Enchanted Circle, Annie has created a lot of space in her head. It’s no longer full of worry because she has shifted her thinking to be more positive. Through scripting, she has also learned to be more present and feel a deeper level of happiness everyday.

Listen to this interview to hear all about it. 

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Nov 29, 202331:13
S5, Ep 400: Law of Attraction: Letting Go of Worry

S5, Ep 400: Law of Attraction: Letting Go of Worry

Annie is a therapist who took the leap and went into private practice. Three months before she joined The Enchanted Circle, she listened to three years worth of episodes in two months, and things started to shift and expand. So much amazing stuff happened while listening to the podcast that Annie decided to join The Enchanted Circle. 

Her former money story is Hold Tight, which had her considering sleeping on her friend’s floor for another year so she could hold onto all of her money. As she started through the process of Manifest $10K along with some coaching, she realized she was worth so much more. So, she signed a lease on a new house!

Since joining The Enchanted Circle, she has gained a huge sense of peace. A few months ago, that peace was a feeling of worry. Annie said, “I think all my energy used to go to worrying.” The shift was evident when, a couple days ago, a big contract ended, and she spent zero time worrying about that loss of income. Instead, she immediately said, “That leaves space for an opportunity closer to my home.” 

Listen to hear more!

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Nov 22, 202319:41
S5, Ep 399: Manifesting An Amazing Life When Your Child Has A Diagnosis

S5, Ep 399: Manifesting An Amazing Life When Your Child Has A Diagnosis

Annie has been manifesting money and an amazing life for a little over 5 years. Prior to that, she used her manifesting magic to support her son, who at the age of 4 was given multiple heavy diagnoses.

In this episode, Annie and Cassie introduce Leo, Annie’s son, so that as you listen to her five year manifesting journey, you know who she is referencing when she talks about Leo. 

During this episode, Annie shares how she was able to manifest a child who makes eye contact, when doctors told her it would never happen. 

She shares what she has learned about nutrition, healing, and using the law of attraction to give her and her son the most amazing life.

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Nov 15, 202333:36
S4, Ep 398: Manifest the Best Fit Job for You

S4, Ep 398: Manifest the Best Fit Job for You

Why do you say “best fit of a job” and not “perfect job”?

Well for me personally I already had that perfect job, being an Abundance Facilitator. So really, what I needed was a job that was the best fit for me at that time. Because training to be an abundance facilitator takes time, I knew I needed something to support me during that period of time.

How did you figure out what would be the best fit?

I got clear. I learned how much money I needed to make, which was easy because I had been doing that so consistently since starting Manifest $10K 5 years ago. Then, I decided what my priorities were. I knew I’d be planning and doing my wedding and honeymoon, so I needed a very flexible job. Also, I wanted something fun, and I wanted a break from kids (a.k.a. nannying).

Getting clear about how much money you needed to make wasn’t always easy. How did you start that journey?

I started Manifest $10K. In the course, you learn how to get awareness of money. For me, I also needed to get awareness of how I was spending it and where I was spending it. There are tons of small lessons and steps you take throughout Manifest $10K that really amp up your money vibe, and it’s so fun because, in the end, you look back and see you’ve manifested $10,000! That’s a great way to  

Earlier you said you’d be willing to wait. For those listeners who might be thinking they can’t wait, what would you tell them?

Well, I’d tell them to get clear about what that means. Do they need money? If you are down to your last $10 in your savings, of course, go out and get a job to tide you over

What would you tell someone who is looking for a new job?

I would tell them first to feel all your feelings about your previous job ending and having to get a new job. Then, get clear. Decide what you want in a job. Get really honest about how much money you need to make from that job, what kind of time commitment you want from it, and how you want it to feel. When you get clear about those things, the universe can line them up for you!


Instagram @vickinotvicky

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Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Nov 08, 202324:05
S4, Ep 397: Using Law of Attraction After Getting Fired

S4, Ep 397: Using Law of Attraction After Getting Fired

A few months ago, your nanny job ended. What happened?

I was nannying and had been kind of struggling with it for about a year at that point. It just got to a point where I couldn’t make it work. I did a lot of coaching with you about navigating and manifesting my way through those things, but none of it worked.

Why wasn’t it like “Let me get a new job?”

I had been force-telling myself that I could manifest it to be better. I could force a bad situation to be good instead of just exiting the situation into a better situation. And because a similar situation had happened in my last nanny job, I thought that I was the common denominator, so I should fix myself within the job. But really, I needed just to exit the field of nannying. 

There were parallels between your last relationship and your relationship with that boss, tell us about that.

My boss lacked compassion for me and my experiences within that job. Similar things happened with my ex-boyfriend all the time. He had no compassion or flexibility in any part of the world or his life, especially with me. So I experienced similar reactions from both my boss and my ex - when I asked for things I needed I would be met with resistance and anger. 

If I had coached you and told you, “Why don’t you just quit this job?” What would you have said?

I probably would have said, “No, I can fix this. This is a pattern and I’m determined to break this pattern where I am.” I felt the only way a pattern could be fixed was within the situation itself. But I had grown so much that I had become a square peg, so I was no longer going to fit into a round hole, no matter how much self-work I did.

I had become another person, and really she needed me to leave for her to break into the person she was becoming too. My leaving left her the space to step into that easier life she was creating too. 

Tell us about the break that happened.

I was on vacation with them, and things got difficult. She had a sit-down conversation with me and asked me right out, “Are you happy working for us anymore?” and there was no other answer I could’ve given her except the truth, “No.” It was a very uncomfortable and rocky experience, but I still felt a huge sense of relief that I no longer had to try to fix this situation. I was uncomfortable with how it ended, but I felt free for the first time in years.

What about the money?

It was all ok. I had spent 5 years in ELU learning how to save and building up my savings, and thanks to that, I was able to continue living the same lifestyle I had before. I had enough savings to cover myself for the space I had between jobs. Thankfully, I have written such a great new money story that it supported me beautifully between jobs during a time when I wasn’t getting any direct income.

It was a little uncomfortable in all of that space. Cassie gave me coaching that getting comfortable in this space that I had created was what was going to manifest what I wanted. Sure enough, once I leaned into getting comfortable in that space, I started feeling better, and I manifested the perfect job for me at that time, and I started taking clients right after.

What does “holding the space for the best-fit job” mean?

For me, that meant not allowing myself to spend hours scrolling Indeed for jobs. To stay out of the panic and worry that comes with those hours of rabbit hole job searching. If I had filled up the space between jobs with that hyper fixation on getting a new job, that would not have gotten me the best-fit job for me. And it wouldn’t have felt good; it would have felt yucky. So I did a lot of consciously choosing “I am not going to fill up my space right now. I am choosing to be present in my house. What do I want to do right now?” 

Next episode, we’re going to talk about “Best fit” vs. “Perfect” job. We’ll give you some more concrete tips. 


Instagram @vickinotvicky

TikTok @vickinotvicky10k

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Nov 01, 202323:13
S4, Ep 396: Manifesting An Amazing Birthday

S4, Ep 396: Manifesting An Amazing Birthday

Vicki tells us about her most recent birthday and how it compares to her previous birthday experiences.

Her previous birthday experiences ranged from bad to downright horrible. She tells us about a couple of those, how she approached them as the time came closer, and why it was always so bad.

Then we get to hear about and celebrate her most recent birthday and how amazing it was! She tells us why it was so amazing and how she created that experience for herself. Vicki then gives 3 keys to manifesting an amazing birthday for yourself!

Check back next week for another Manifesting Success Story in Vicki’s amazing life!


Instagram @vickinotvicky

TikTok @vickinotvicky10k

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Oct 25, 202328:35
S4, Ep 395: Manifesting the Life You Want

S4, Ep 395: Manifesting the Life You Want

Cassie asks if Vicki's life looks exactly the way she wanted it to 5 years ago.

Vicki shares,

  • NO - this life I am living was kind of an inspired ah-ha about 2 or 3 years ago. I realized kind of all at once, that the life I was pushing to create was no longer feeling good. I no longer felt the pull toward being a movie or Broadway star. I wanted something totally different and foreign to me.

They talk about why there is a difference…

  • There’s a difference because this is true to me. The dream I tried to force to create was the one that I wanted when I was 17, and I just kept clinging to and pushing it until I turned 30. I started working with you a few years before this epiphany, and I think it’s through the work I did with you in ELU that taught me how to open up to what I truly, deeply, and honestly wanted.

  • I learned how to become the person who was worthy of getting everything she ever wanted, and by learning that worthiness, I was open and available for the truth to come in. The truth is, “You want something else.”

  • It was by getting general, not more specific, that opened me up to the ah-ha. By owning that what I REALLY wanted was a loving, fun, abundant life and letting go of the specifics of what I thought SHOULD make that up, my brain was available to accept the new life I am living now. How fun to think I spent the first 2.5 years with you opening up to more, and it only took another 2.5 years to get everything I decided I wanted.

What were three LOA mistakes you were making 5 years ago?

  • Micromanaging my manifesting. AKA Not trusting and working in the “How”

  • Using money to numb, instead of feeling my feelings

  • Not applying my manifesting techniques to my everyday life

What are three keys you would tell listeners today that you know makes the law of attraction work to manifest money and your dreams?

  • Celebrate everything you can

    • What you focus on, you get more of. Well, celebration is like a BIG focus. So find more stuff to celebrate! Especially when you see or hear about someone else getting what you want or 

  • Awareness is key to change

    • By bringing your awareness to your everyday thoughts, actions, and words, you automatically bring control and power to them. You can notice a thought or a story and stop it immediately or decide after that you are writing a new story.

  • Feel your feelings

    • Learn how to feel your feelings without words and judgment. Setting a scheduled time to feel them has been so helpful for me. Back when I was leaving a nanny job, I knew I’d need lots of space to feel my feelings, so I had a standing daily appointment with myself to feel my feelings after work.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned over the last 5 years?

  • How powerful I truly am

    • Seeing things magically appear for me when I want or need them

Anything else you want to share?

  • I have more money now unemployed than I did when I first started with you, and I had over 3 jobs.


Instagram @vickinotvicky

TikTok @vickinotvicky10k

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Oct 18, 202324:56
S4, Ep 394: Blame and Law of Attraction

S4, Ep 394: Blame and Law of Attraction

The interview starts with a celebration of the dedication Vicki has made to herself and her Future Self over the past 5 years. 

Cassie asks, what did that dedication look like for you?

Vicki shares,

  • Consistency and showing up even when I didn't want to. 20 minutes a day, 5 days a week, showing up. Not only that, I showed up the rest of every day the way I wanted to.

Cassie asks What did using the law of attraction look like for you 5-6 years ago?

Vicki shares,

  • Lots of “To-Do’s”

    • Mantras

    • Vision boards

    • Journaling

    • Specifics

    • Meditating

    • Stress

    • Self-blame

Cassie asks: you used to struggle with depression in the past. How much of that do you think came from the forcing of “good” feelings and forcing all of your “to-do’s”?

Vicki shares

  • Because I was pushing so much of the “good” feelings, I was pushing away the sadness and anger that would come up throughout my life. Then the bubble would burst, and I would have to feel ALL of those big “bad” feelings all at once. That would take me down, totally incapacitated. I would allow the big, sad feelings to take over my life for however long it was. A week, a month, whatever it was. It affected every aspect of my life for that period of time. Because I hadn’t been allowing myself to feel them - those little doses throughout my life, I’d just push them down. Then they’d come out like one big ugly monster.

  • When you feel it all the time, it doesn’t grow into a monster. When you push it down, it gains momentum and power to become this huge monster. Rather than just feeling it in those smaller, more frequent doses and not giving it the juice to become that big monster.

Cassie asks Vicki if she used to do a lot of self-blame when she did LoA. What did that look like, how was that, and how did that play into depression?

Vicki tells us

  • I’d constantly look at my life and say, “You weren’t able to manifest xyz. It’s your fault because you tried to manifest it, and it didn’t work. And the only reason you don’t get something when you’re manifesting is because you’re not doing it right. Or because you did something wrong.” I spent 6 years thinking that.

  • It’s sad that some people come into LoA with this mindset, trying to make their lives better when in actuality, it’s making their lives worse.

  • I believed it and saw it work a couple of times, so when something went “wrong,” or I didn’t get what I wanted, I looked back and saw that the common denominator was me. So I was the problem. 

  • Now it’s so freeing finding ELU and discovering you could just turn the page and start new. Go from exactly where you are and move forward without having to look back and analyze and accuse yourself of things you did in the past. You can just choose to move forward.

Cassie asks is the biggest difference in using the law of attraction now vs. then?

Vicki shares,

  • I feel confident and calm using LoA

  • I spend less time “doing” and more time living the life of my dreams

  • I am successful at it

They wrap up by telling us what next week’s episode will be about. Why is LoA working now when it wasn’t working before? When on paper, it seemed like Vicki was doing “all” of the things that should’ve worked and had worked for other people before. They will also discuss if the life she’s living now is the one she wanted back then. Also how she has more money now without a job compared to when she was working 3+ jobs and had LESS money.


Instagram @vickinotvicky

TikTok @vickinotvicky10k

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Oct 11, 202314:16
S4, Ep 393: Relationship With Money And Manifesting Money

S4, Ep 393: Relationship With Money And Manifesting Money

Cassie asks 5 years ago, what did you do to try and manifest money?

Vicki shares

  • Hours a day of visualizations

  • Meditating for one hour a day

  • Mantras

  • Overnight hypnosis (just made me lose sleep)

  • Making and re-making vision boards of yachts, red carpets, multi-million dollar mansions

  • Always looking for the next manifesting technique on message boards

Cassie asks, knowing what you know now, why wasn’t it working 5-6 years ago?

Vicki shares

  • I was doing too much - there wasn’t enough space for the “stuff” to show up

  • I wasn’t feeling my feelings

  • I was pushing (I was doing too many BS things I didn’t believe and pushing myself to feel ONLY the “good” feelings)

  • I was focused on the “How” (how to do the right manifesting practice, how to make more money, how to get where I want to go, etc.)

  • I wasn’t engaging in the work outside of the work

Cassie asks, “How is that different now?”

Vicki shares…

  • I do less manifesting work a day than I used to

  • I feel my feelings

  • I trust the universe, but more importantly, I trust the ball I’ve started rolling.

  • I do what feels good

Cassie asks what it means to “chill” or, in this case, “trust”?

Vicki shares

  • It means to let go and go live. Not just sit and do nothing, but let it go entirely and live your life how you want to!

  • It also means to be present.

Cassie asks Vicki how her relationship with money got in the way of her manifesting success and how it impacts it now.

Vicki shares…

  • I would begin a manifesting practice and go 100mph so hard and fast that I’d burn out after a week or two.

Cassie asks Vicki to share the three biggest shifts/lessons/things Vicki has learned about manifesting money.

Vicki answers

  • Feel your feelings

  • Less is more i.e., trust

  • Internal guidance / budget

  • We are getting more general, not more specific. The specificities usually close doors. We want all awesome doors open at all times.

Cassie asks Vicki how money feels now.

Vicki shares,

  • Money feels easy and confident

Cassie asks, why do you think it took 5 years to get to this point? Does that feel fast or slow?

Vicki shares,

  • It feels fast for sure

  • It took 5 years because these are big lessons to learn. My brain physically wasn’t able to take in all of the big lessons all at once. They really need to be taught one small step at a time. By taking it one step at a time, once a day, I was able to fully engrain it into my brain and life. It’s like learning a new instrument. Your teacher can set a masterpiece of music in front of you and the brand new instrument, show you the fingerings, then say “Go” but you won’t be able to play the masterpiece as written. It takes daily practice to master an instrument. And now I feel like a master manifester because you handed me the tools and gave me daily assignments to learn how to master them one step at a time.

Cassie asks if there is anything else Vicki wants to celebrate or share that can teach our listeners about manifesting big money.

Vicki shares,

  • I would love to celebrate

    • By the time this comes out, I’ll for sure have $500,000!!

    • I have manifested my dream partner

    • I’m creating the wedding of my dreams

They wrap up celebrating Vicki’s commitment to being the person who manifests money and more!


Instagram @vickinotvicky

TikTok @vickinotvicky10k

Oct 04, 202324:06
S4, Ep 392: 5 Years of Manifesting Success

S4, Ep 392: 5 Years of Manifesting Success

The interview starts with a celebration. 

Cassie explains how she used to think of it as “graduation” but it’s more like continuation because the work keeps going. You never graduate from this work. (In the best way possible)

Cassie asks Vicki her thoughts on if she would just graduate and be done with the work?

Vicki shares,

  • Absolutely not, this is too fun and too juicy

  • Isn’t it human nature to always desire growth and depth further than what you’ve experienced?

Cassie asks Vicki her Money Manifested total

Vicki shares,

  • $473,302.88!

Cassie asks Vicki what her former Money Story was and to describe how it was playing out in her life.

Vicki shares,

  • Former story was Survival

  • Vicious cycle of Panic, Above water, Overspending/doing/giving, Panic, etc.

  • Money: having enough, overspending, overdrafting my account or getting a huge bill, absolute melt down / panic, back to square one of just enough, and repeat.

  • Not money related: performing in a million shows back to back to back, then burning out and hating it.

  • Relationships: being ok in a relationship, then big big drama, then ok just pushing through, then big big drama, over and over again.

Cassie asks Vicki what her current money story is and how that shows up in her life

Vicki shares,

  • Powerful Creator

  • When I say powerful, it means I am intentionally creating things, money as well as an amazing life.

  • Money: I have spent the last 5 years creating this powerful momentum of creation. I’m on a roll welcoming in more and more money, more and more easily

  • Relationships: I powerfully created and stepped into this relationship of my dreams! Powerfully, easily creating the wedding of my dreams too

  • Life: I created this life of ease, so less drama and bs

Cassie asks her to share the three ways money showed up that surprised her the most.

Vicki answers…

  1. Getting hired to direct Winnie the Pooh this winter. The job was good money, but they gave me a pay range and I was open to any of it, because it was all manifested, but when I sat down for our first meeting, the artistic director was very adamant about paying me the highest end of the range.

  2. First year with ELU - getting inspired to do my taxes, expecting to owe a BUNCH of money, but then getting PAID the amount I thought I would owe

  3. Huge tip - working at a serving job, I was going about my thing, someone pulled me aside to tell me I had the jackpot family at my table. They always tip BIG, and sure enough, they tipped HUGE. More from one table than the rest of the tips that night combined! This was my first week on the job, too!

Cassie asks: 5 years ago, what did you think it meant to “manifest money”?

Vicki shares

  • Checks in the mail

  • People handing me money

  • Lots of work and focus

  • Luck

Check back next week to hear more about Vicki’s 5 years of manifesting success with EnchantedLifeU and everything she’s learned over that time!


Instagram @vickinotvicky

TikTok @vickinotvicky10k

Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Sep 27, 202324:53
S4, Ep. 391: How to Manifest a Proposal

S4, Ep. 391: How to Manifest a Proposal

Vicki and Cassie go into detail about how Vicki manifested a proposal to be married! She shares how she never in a million years imagined herself married and how it feels now that it’s happening.

They briefly discuss Vicki and her fiance’s timeline and how judging your personal timeline or life against other people’s isn’t going to serve you.

It wasn’t just the proposal; Vicki also had a hand in curating the kind of proposal she wanted. They discuss how she clearly asked for what she wanted in a proposal and why.

Next week, they will discuss more about how to manifest your dream wedding!


Instagram @vickinotvicky

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Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

TikTok @enchantedlifeu

Sep 20, 202322:03
S4, Ep. 390: How to Manifest a Relationship

S4, Ep. 390: How to Manifest a Relationship

Vicki is engaged and planning her dream wedding!

VIcki tells us about how she thought about love and relationships as a kid. How she had an underlying fear of men and boys, but she also desperately wanted their attention - and how that played out and set the stage for the rest of her life and romantic relationships.

We hear about what her view of relationships was before she started this manifesting journey. She didn’t feel worthy of a relationship, and she’d have to diminish herself so much to be worthy of that relationship - so any relationship she would get, she would inevitably feel trapped in.

She tells us about how that view of relationships changed and how she created that shift. Vicki tells us how the Enchanted Life U program helped her take small steps every day toward feeling and being worthy of more money. Being worthy and learning how to be worthy is what taught her how to be worthy of a good relationship.

Vicki and Cassie then talk about how being worthy of money connects to being worthy of love. We hear how that impacted being in a less-than-desirable relationship and how it affects her current amazing relationship.

In ELU, after you’ve completed the Manifest $10K course, you can begin the Future Self work. Vicki had been scripting her future self and future self-life for 5 years at this point. She tells us how she shifted her scripting and how that played into manifesting her dream relationship.

Check back next week to hear about how Vicki manifested a proposal!


Instagram @vickinotvicky

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Enchanted Life U:

Instagram: @ enchantedlifeu

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Sep 13, 202323:24
S4, Ep. 389: Manifesting With Depression

S4, Ep. 389: Manifesting With Depression

What manifested total (all time, since you started) will we be celebrating during your interview?


What has been your biggest "ah-ha" or understanding/deepening of how the Law of Attraction and manifesting work?

Learning more and more that it's the other 23.5 hours of the day that creates her dream life. The four future self-questions are so simple.

What’s the difference between a choice and control?

Choice is stepping into trust, control is not trusting the universe.

What is the coolest piece of evidence you have gathered since our last interview?

During the workshop, her days were FULL of evidence. In one of her new scripts, her future kid says, "You're so great," and the kid she currently nannies has started saying that to her every day, without prompting, "You're so nice" or "I love you" or "You're so great."

What inspirations have popped up? Have you taken inspired action? How have you navigated inspiration/inspired action in the last 3 months?

She honored her "not a hell yes" for the NYC trip. It's funny because she was pushing going even though it wasn't a hell yes, mostly because she thought Nick really wanted to go. But when she finally accepted her "no," he said, "Yeah, it was never a hell yes for me either."

What's the best manifestation you've had over the past few months?

Her engagement ring! She manifested a free diamond ring that is worth about $5,000! It was totally inspired, and out of nowhere, to ask her mom for her old engagement ring. The entire process of asking for, receiving, and fixing the ring was so inspired and in flow.

How have you owned your power?

At her cousin’s wedding, she and another woman caught the bouquet at the bouquet toss. While they both caught it at the same time, Vicki laughed and let it go. In her head she thought, “I don’t need a bouquet to tell me where my life and relationship are going.” Which is so powerful in terms of LoA; it’s so full of trust and power. She knows she can live and create the life she wants, no matter what anyone else or any other things say

What is this chapter of your manifesting success story?

Fairy Tales Do Come True

What coaching has Cassie given you or someone else that really made something "click"?

Health things we might have going on in our lives aren't always just a story, but using this process to tell a NEW story about health has improved her mental health. She no longer considers herself as someone with depression.

Check back next week to hear more about Vicki’s manifesting successes!


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Sep 06, 202327:00
S4, Ep. 388: Manifest More Without a To-Do List

S4, Ep. 388: Manifest More Without a To-Do List

Vicki and Cassie do a deep dive in explaining “What is the how?” and why we don’t use it to manifest what we want - we follow inspiration instead. 

They give anecdotes and stories about why the how hasn’t worked for people in the past, also stories of how inspiration worked better and faster and it felt better, and they explain the 3 different levels of “the how”.

The how is closing doors to possibilities, waiting for inspiration is holding open all doors to possibility, and that’s how the easiest, sweetest paths show up. Paths to what you want to manifest, sometimes paths to things you didn’t know you wanted to manifest until you get there.

To-do lists are a “how” and we don’t use them in ELU. We practice inspiration so much that things that would’ve been on the to-do list end up getting done easily and naturally in perfect timing.


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Enchanted Life U:

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Aug 30, 202323:45
S4, Ep. 387: Follow Inspiration for Better Manifesting

S4, Ep. 387: Follow Inspiration for Better Manifesting

Follow up from last week’s episode. Last week we talked about owning your power and worth and what happens when you become very good at it and then you stop owning it and that whiplash and friction that comes from it.

This week we’re talking about inspiration, what's happening and what she’s been manifesting.

We discuss how doing less and trusting more will get you more. And how that was something Vicki couldn’t have done on her own, without the group.

Vicki shares a really awesome story about how she followed inspiration, and aligned to meet up with another fellow Enchanted Life U student on a work trip. This takes Vicki and Cassie to talking about what is inspiration actually, and why it’s so important in manifesting a better life and what we want. Also why opening up to trust is important because by trusting - you open up space in your brain for the inspiration to arrive.

She shares a few stories about how inspiration allowed her to manifest more money, a house, and an amazing experience she’s wanted for a long time. They discuss how if you don’t get comfortable in the space, you can't let these things manifest. This leads them to a discussion about how judgment can fill up the space needed for inspiration and for manifestations to show up.

Check back next week to hear more about how Vicki is always manifesting a bigger, better life for herself!


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Enchanted Life U:

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Aug 23, 202329:12
S4, Ep. 386: Giving Away Your Power and Manifesting

S4, Ep. 386: Giving Away Your Power and Manifesting

Vicki and Cassie are back to dive deep into the idea of power and worthiness, and how to step in and own those things.

Vicki’s birthday happened recently and she had a lot of experiences around that with giving away her power and not owning her worthiness to celebrate. She made choices along the way that manifested something she didn’t want, and they discuss how choices matter when you make a decision.

No matter how powerful a manifester you are, if you give away your power, you’re not going to manifest what you want.

When Vicki gives away her power, she's no longer being her current or future self. If she’s not being her current or future self, the only other option is her past self. When she’s not owning her power, she isn't powerful anymore - which is her old self.

Check back next week for the next step in Vicki’s journey!


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Enchanted Life U

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Aug 16, 202322:01
S4, Ep. 385: Feeling Worthy To Manifest More

S4, Ep. 385: Feeling Worthy To Manifest More

Vicki tells us all about how she’s opening up to a new level of worthiness, when it comes to her manifesting. She’s created a beautiful new life for herself, and she was surprised when she discovered she had to uplevel her worthiness parallel to her life getting upleveled.

We think when we get the life we want, that it’ll be easy to say yes to it all. But we still need to uplevel every part of ourselves along the way.

She shares how her level of worthiness was reflected back to her in her previous relationship, and how it’s reflected differently now in a new relationship. She’s with an amazing great person now, because she now views herself as amazing and great. 

Check back next week for another step in Vicki’s journey!


Instagram @vickinotvicky

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Enchanted Life U

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Aug 09, 202322:57
S4, Ep. 384: Manifesting and Feeling Guilty

S4, Ep. 384: Manifesting and Feeling Guilty

We are back with Vicki and she is celebrating manifesting $135,469.57! She and Cassie joke about how she had to look up how to say out loud such a big number.

Vicki tells us her experience with having to put down her beloved dog, Otis.

She felt guilty about him dying because it was the last piece of her former relationship. Her and her ex had been co-parenting the dog, and it didn’t feel great to continue on communication with him. Vicki worried she manifested Otis’ decline in health so she could get out of communication with her ex faster. She asked Cassie, “Did I manifest Otis' passing in order to complete my past relationship?” Cassie asked her, “What if Otis manifested you?” Meaning what if Otis was always on this path with his health, no matter what, so he manifested Vicki to have the best final years he could possibly have? This coaching allowed Vicki a lot of space for healing and closure.

We also hear about how she was supporting and helping her boyfriend find his next home. She’s gotten practice in the past when she needs to switch jobs or auditions or what kids theater camp to teach each summer. She’s learned how to trust her instincts along the way to accomplish what needed to get done, when it needed to get done. All experiences lead to her being able to flow through house hunting.

Vicki had to learn how to trust her boyfriend’s inspirations, and trust his way of leveraging Law of Attraction. She’s learning to trust and let go and trust the person she loves - she’s learning on a new level how to allow other people to live their own lives. She’s stopping herself from telling others how to live and how to “Do it right”.

She’s starting her 5th year in Enchanted Life University and Vicki feels so great to be a part of something that’s grown and that is so important to her and who she is. She realizes she’s stuck with it for 4 whole years so far. She celebrates how consistent she’s been and the growth she’s experienced.

We hear Vicki tell us about how the money showed up every month for her to pay her monthly investment to ELU, how that constant stepping into trust was so helpful for her whole journey.

She’s most excited about the bigger and bigger growth that’s coming. So much has shifted and she’s made so much space for bigger things that she’s excited for even bigger coming in.

Check out next week to hear where Vicki’s abundance journey is taking her!


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Enchanted Life U

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Aug 02, 202322:55
S4, Ep. 383: How Survival Money Story Affects Manifesting Money

S4, Ep. 383: How Survival Money Story Affects Manifesting Money

We’re back with Vicki for another step in her life’s journey!

What has been your biggest growth as a coach and stepping into that?

Owning her worthiness. Trusting and owning that she is worthy of being there, and worthy of being a coach, and accepting of the life she is creating. Her life is becoming what she always wanted it to be but it is also so different than she’s always wanted, and it’s perfect.

What was her old money story?

Survival. She is so happy she hasn’t needed support or guidance around money from her coach in a very long time. But she’s seeing her survival money story coming up in other areas of her life that don’t have to do with money. 

Her life before joining ELU was full of drama. She was working so many hours and not getting paid enough. She’d sometimes get a big tip or paycheck and just go spend it on something right away. She’d have ants in her pants because she was uncomfortable with seeing and having all of that money in her accounts. She’d overdraft her account or realize she’d be short on her bills that month and she’d have a full on panic attack / melt down, and not look at her accounts for a couple weeks. Vicki would take a couple days off of work to be depressed at home, and lose out on all that money from those shifts, and get even deeper in the hole. She was stuck. Making money, spending it, running out of it, panicking, getting more money, and repeating the cycle.

Now, she loves money and feels good when she thinks about it! She feels good and easy while keeping track of her money. Vicki has not one, not two, but three savings accounts!! Now she has more than enough money to invest in the things that she wants.

How has owning where you came from contributed to your growth?

It’s helped her realize the ink is dry, and all there is to do now is go forward. Owning the level that I’m at now is also owning her worthiness to support other people.


Instagram @vickinotvicky

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Enchanted Life U

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Jul 26, 202320:02
S4, Ep. 382: Manifesting in a Time Crunch

S4, Ep. 382: Manifesting in a Time Crunch

Some of the questions Vicki answers in this episode:

What is the biggest way you have grown/changed/shifted over the past few months?

Deeper and deeper trust. She’s approaching scripting in a new way. She’s learning how to tap into her future self on a richer, more complex, yet simpler level. The FS questions are making sense to her and clicking really easily. Also money?! Like she’s awesome with it. She doesn’t even remember the last time she’s asked for coaching support around money.

What's the best manifestation you've had over the past few months?

Her bedroom furniture and her living situation in general. She manifested the exact house she intended. It’s a dream location and home. She did literally nothing, someone else reached out to HER to offer her the living space.

The day she went to move, she had no furniture. That morning, she was inspired to open up Facebook marketplace and found the perfect matching bedroom set!

What is coaching Cassie gave you or someone else that really made something "click"?

The future self questions. After the most recent coaching, she started doing it again and it finally worked.

What is something you have grown through (overcome) in the last few months?

A couple things, Vicki has had some growth lately around her body image, her migraines, and work life. Her self image growth journey is not complete. She’s learning what loving herself looks like now, at this juncture in her journey. Learning how to set boundaries around other people’s feelings and thoughts. Looking back, she sees the lack of boundaries she had in the past, and now with these new boundaries, things are manifesting faster. 

Come see us next week for more about where Vicki is on her life’s journey to success and money!


Instagram @vickinotvicky

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Enchanted Life U

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Jul 19, 202324:08
S4, Ep. 381: How Feelings Affect Your Manifesting

S4, Ep. 381: How Feelings Affect Your Manifesting

Vicki interviews Cassie in this bonus episode! She steps into being a host and asks her Law of Attraction coach questions about her process and where these things came from.

Here are the questions she asked:

When was the first moment you realized the type of scripting you created is the most powerful? 

She practiced with one way of scripting, and all of it manifested so quickly! From there, she created the formula based on the high success she got. Prompts don’t have enough legs, scripting one day in the future life is so powerful and overall general and powerful.

How did you realize feeling your feelings is so important?

There was a process to move energy to get it out the way of your manifesting that Cassie used to utilize. She realized you could just feel the feelings instead of doing all of these things to move the energy (a.k.a. Skip over the feelings). She realized that you can’t move through anything until they’ve felt through it. When you look at kids, they are so good at feeling their feelings and moving on with their life. We get un-taught that while growing up.

You need space inside and out for the things you want to manifest to show up, and the way to create the internal space is by feeling your feelings. If we are holding on to un-felt feelings, that’s taking up valuable real estate for manifesting the things that you want.

Check back next week for more of Vicki’s life and where she is on her journey.


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Enchanted Life U

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Jul 12, 202314:58
S4,Ep. 380: Change Your Money Story for Better Manifesting

S4,Ep. 380: Change Your Money Story for Better Manifesting

Where they are now: Why does this keep happening? I thought I had enough money to pay my utility bill. Why isn’t Law of Attraction working for me? (not alone)

Through the process of Vicki’s move out of her ex-partners home, she’s discovered her old money story popping up. Her old money story was Survival.

Survival is the most stressful money story, it’s categorized by stress. Just “surviving” is what someone with Survival’s brain is used to (i.e. feels good). Your brain knows you can live in the panic of “Oh my God, how am I gonna make it?” The only way to stay in that “Oh my god” place, is to always not have enough money. It becomes a pattern of being able to survive in that place. It’s where the adrenaline rushes come from, even when they don’t feel good.

Vicki tells us some things she used to do in her old Survival money story, before joining Enchanted Life U. How she would “Hot-Potato” money. She’d receive money and even before it hit her bank account, she’d go out and spend it immediately. Then she’d realize she didn’t have enough money to pay her bills and she’d have a panic attack. There was lot’s of panic and stress, then the problem was resolved, then time would go on and it’s almost as if nothing happened. Because she never actually learned anything, it just keeps happening and resolving itself.

Someone with Survival as their money story is most effective at writing a new money story once they create a budget and learn to stick to it. Vicki invested a lot of learning and energy in her budget and understanding her money. By having that clarity around her money and her budget, she was aware much faster when she started slipping in to Survival and spending more than she wanted to save.

Having a budget with Survival is essential in keeping her honest and aware of her old money story. It’s bumpers on the gutter to keep her from falling into the gutter of Survival again. By learning to use a budget as a tool, she gained clarity on what money was coming in and what money was coming out. This made it possible for her to be aware of when she did have more than enough money, and what she wanted to do with it. She would choose consciously, rather than “hot-potato” the money. She was able to set aside the extra money coming in and get comfortable seeing those bigger numbers in her checking and savings accounts.

Now, Vicki has learned how to Love money, how to get comfortable with more than enough of it, and how to keep herself on track toward even more money.

Check out next week's episode when Vicki interviews Cassie!


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Enchanted Life U

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Jul 05, 202323:59
S4, Ep. 379: Manifesting Something, Then Wanting Something Different

S4, Ep. 379: Manifesting Something, Then Wanting Something Different

Where they are now: This life is not what I want. What have I done? I don't know what to do.

We are celebrating $113, 658.94 manifested!! Vicki tells us that she never imagined that she would cross the $100,000 manifested mark.

She has just ended her relationship, opening up space in her life for more growth. She had manifested an amazing home, property, and family and realized she didn't want it anymore. Vicki asked herself, why did I create all this when all of a sudden I don't want it?

The response she received was: "You are growing past what you created."

Vicki manifested a fantastic life and house, and now she's outgrown it in the best way possible. She realized she needed the space to grow into her next bigger life. Her desires and future have grown and expanded past what her current life was able to give her. There was no more growth to be had within the life she had manifested.

It's ok to continue to grow and want more.

Vicki tells us the tools she learned in her 3 years of Enchanted Life U that she's relying on to guide her through.

This is her second time through Manifest $10K, and she's manifested $80,000! She's showing up with a clearer head this time around. The first time she did Manifest $10K, there was a lot of "noise" in her head. Now with less noise, she has a clearer, more open space available to grow better.

"Noise" are reasons to keep you in your old space / patterns; it's when your brain starts to try to hold you back. When you step into learning, growing, and creating a new life, your brain will come up with reasons / problems (i.e., "noise") to keep you back in its old patterns. Noise can come in the form of technical difficulties, questions about how to do the assignment perfectly, lots of doubts, dragging your feet, and things like that. Those questions and "noise" are so your brain can focus on the noise instead of opening up to the new neural pathways we are building.

Be open for growth instead of being focused on doing it right.

At the point when the noise starts to become an issue, if you don't have a coach, this is where most people start to try to figure it out and inevitably end up giving up the work.

If you don't have a coach, that's where you stop doing the work and start trying to figure out how to do the work. With a coach, you have someone to keep you on track, instead of allowing you to figure it out or spiral (read another book, watch another how-to video, pick a new program, etc.)


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Enchanted Life U

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Jun 28, 202322:58
S4, Ep. 378: Why You Should Trust Your Lack of Inspiration

S4, Ep. 378: Why You Should Trust Your Lack of Inspiration

Where they are now: I have this really great idea, but every time I sit down to follow through with it, I get anxious and stressed and worried. So I never actually get anything done with it.

Vicki talks about how her life is getting easier and easier and how excited she is for even more ease in her future.

She tells us about how she knew becoming a coach was for her. How she got the "call" and answered it. That she was presented with this opportunity, and she knew on a deep level that that was what she had been moving toward all along. A few times on her journey, she had gotten a feeling / thought that being a coach would be fun. But every time it came up, she never felt inspired to take action. So, she enjoyed the fun feeling of thinking about it and moved on with the other parts of her life. 

What is she most looking forward to in becoming a coach? Seeing people's lives grow and expand.

Why would Vicki tell somebody to join Manifest $10K? Because the path is laid out so clearly, staying on track and getting support is easy. Not only that, but it's a proven system that's had so much success. All you have to do is show up and do the work, and you'll manifest more money and a better life!

The episode shifts into Vicki asking Cassie questions! Some of the questions she asks: Did you know from the start that Vicki was meant to be one of your coaches? Where did the name Enchanted Circle come from? What is your (or your family's) favorite card or board game currently?


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Enchanted Life U

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Jun 21, 202321:44
S4, Ep. 377: How Having More Fun Can Help You Manifest Faster

S4, Ep. 377: How Having More Fun Can Help You Manifest Faster

The interview starts with Vicki sharing how she manifested $105,128.59!

She shares the biggest growth she's experienced since her last interview, and that is that there is more depth for her to grow into.

One really fun piece of evidence Vicki experienced was walking into the bathroom at the house she nanny's and saw the foam bath letters on the tub had the numbers together of "10". This came right after deciding she would see the number 10 that day.

We talk about a big way she's grown and how her future self has shown up in the last few months - deeper into trusting, confident, calm, and present. 

Vicki expands on a great "ah-ha" she's experienced since we last heard from her. It's the fun score that got her results, not the action. She's growing through something in her life right now that used to feel fun, but no longer feels fun.

For Vicki, so much money is showing up for her, and her life is getting easier and easier. She just spent some really fun quality time with her family and will be spending MORE time with them soon. Her relationships are blossoming, she's good with money, and she loves her fantastic life!

We go into how Vicki is owning her time and space, i.e., her worthiness, through owning and stepping into an easier job.


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Enchanted Life U

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Jun 14, 202317:26
S4, Ep. 376: How Saying "No" Manifests More

S4, Ep. 376: How Saying "No" Manifests More

We’re back with Vicki, who just said yes to becoming a coach with Enchanted Life U!

After we hear about her awesome new manifested total, Vicki goes on to tell us about how she is trusting the process on a deeper level. She is owning the idea that the skills she learned while she manifested over $80,000 can be applied to every area of her life. She manifested that much money, why can’t she manifest anything else? 

Vicki tells us about her process for changing her thoughts, especially how she had to learn to not judge the number of times she caught herself in unwanted thoughts. 

She auditioned for a part in a musical production, with the understanding that she no longer would be accepting roles she didn’t love. This is a new level of growth for her! We hear how new and exciting that is for her to only be accepting roles that feel good moving forward. Learning how to get comfortable shutting doors, i.e. saying “no.” By shutting certain doors (saying no to roles that don’t feel good) Vicki allowed the space needed to receive this offer to become a coach!

When she trusted inspiration in learning and memorizing things lines, music, etc, she ended up being more prepared than everyone else in the group! Trusting the amount of work she was putting in to it was uncomfortable, but inevitably, gave her more awesome for LESS work!

Check back next week to see where Vicki’s manifesting is leading her!


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Enchanted Life U

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Jun 07, 202335:00